tv [untitled] April 13, 2017 12:52pm-12:57pm EDT
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increasing and we don't know why. so, thank you. >> thank you, anita. you're the best. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> so please enjoy lunch, everyone. thank you. here are some of the programs this holiday weekend on c-span. saturday at 8:00 p.m. eastern, a nasa briefing on the discovery of earth-like planets orbiting a nearby star. >> we're currently using the hubble space telescope to study the planets to see if they have hydrogen dominated atmospheres. >> followed by a discussion on the pros and cons of genetically modified foods hosted by zocalo public square in los angeles. >> those of us who do this think
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that all plants are gmos and nothing that you buy in any of the grocery stores, conventional or organic, that's not modified. >> easter sunday, white house egg roll events from the last four presidents. then a visit to the african-american history museum in washington. >> you know, i knew that the nation was thirsting for this museum but i have to confess. i didn't know that the reaction would be this positive and this strong. >> and at 1:35 p.m., a panel of federal judges discussing the history of the bill of rights. >> what the bill of rights is part of a whole constitution and a hugely important designation of fences, division of power. >> followed by a conversation with the smithsonian institution's cue or the and the ark vis of the united states. >> 156 million objects including
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2 million books and 154 million other things. >> and at 6:30 p.m. eastern, presidential historians, edna medford, douglas brinkley and richard norton smith discuss presidential leadership. >> it is interesting that the greatest american president, abraham lincoln is bracketed by arguably the least successful american presidents. >> this holiday weekend on c-span. this weekend, c-span cities tour along with the help of our comcast cable partners will explore the literary scene and history of charlottesville, virginia. saturday noon eastern on book tv, we visit the university of virginia to see their exhibit on william faulkner, nobel prize winner and uva's first writer in residence. >> we have wonderful artifacts, of course. many from uva sources. among other things, the typewriter issued by the
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university even with the university property stamp on the back. we have a jacket that he wore. he as you can see when you look at the jacket, it's pretty torn up and ratty. he liked to keep the clothes for a long time and left the jacket hanging in the office going on the last trip to oxford, mississippi, when he passed away. >> on sunday at 12:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv, we'll travel to thomas jefferson's mont chel lo. >> if you visited, say, 20 years ago, you would have come up the mountain and you would have just seen jefferson's beautiful neoclassical villa but we wanted to change that, restore the landscape of slavery because if you mad come up this mountain top in jefferson's time, the first thing you would have seen most likely would be enslaved people. there would have been no place on this mountaintop that slavery was not visible. and we want to restore that, make that known to visitors who
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come here today. >> we'll also visit the mill ir center at the university of virginia to learn about the first-year project exploring challenges u.s. presidents face in the first year on the job. >> as lyndon johnson said when he became president, no matter how big your majority is, you get one year before they, the congress, stops thinking about you, the president, and starts thinking about themselves, their own re-election and about january of your second year after you've done your first year, all the members of congress are thinking about their midterm election. and they're really cautious about taking any risk to help you get your mandate and your agenda through. >> watch c-span's cities tour of charlottesville, virginia, saturday noon eastern on c-pan span2 and american history tv on c-span3. working with our cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country.
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