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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2017 5:56pm-6:01pm EDT

5:56 pm
[applause] they will both be here answering some brief question and signing books. thank you so much for joining us this evening. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] you're watching "american history tv," all weekend, every weekend on c-span3. to join the conversation, like us on facebook at c-span history. tonight on "q and a," the foundations of american liberalism. author bradth schneider on his book about a group of intellectuals. they met regularly in the 1900s to debate politics and the future of the country.
5:57 pm
race wasn't a salient issue for them. they cared about the rights of workers. it took holmes junior in some of his opinions, including a 1923 see --own as more vegan dempsey, the first time the supreme court struck down a state criminal conviction under the due process clause. that was a huge moment in putting fair criminal tries in the liberal agenda. and linking the idea of fair criminal trials with race. announcer: this weekend on the presidency, we hear a presidencies discussing first ladies. here's a preview. one thing we should talk
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about would be nancy reagan and barbara bush. 1980, and george h.w. bush and ronald reagan run against each other. this of course, often happens, reconciliation. vice president george h.w. bush and president ronald reagan. puttings constantly barbara and -- barbara in her place and being disrespectful to her. there's a story where barbara shows up to the white house in a similarly colored dress to nancy, and the event will start until she goes home and changes. >> there is a similar feud between julia grant and married had lincoln -- and mary todd lincoln. they are going to get in a boat to go into richmond to lord over
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the defeated south, and julia gets in the boat and sits down in the seat. mary todd lincoln gets in and says, you are sitting in my seat. get up. and julia got up. she never forgot this, and then when they had a carriage to her around washington to see all of the lights to celebrate the victory of the north, retitling -- maryes her heart todd lincoln invites ulysses s. grant to join her in the carriage and leaves julia sitting there. she did not forget this, and when they were invited to the theater the evening that lincoln was killed, julia says to her husband, i'm not going to be with that woman. and thank goodness she didn't, because her husband might have been killed as well. there is a feud that turned out well for somebody. >> and holding a grudge, too.
6:00 pm
announcer: you can watch the entire program tonight. this is american history tv only on c-span3. >> restoration at thomas jefferson's monticello is uncovering the story of sally hemmings and other slaves who live, work, and died at the third president's plantation. next on american history tv's american artifacts: a behind the scenes look at the restoration work. we hear some of the stories that have been revealed. >> if you had visited monticello 20 years ago, you would have just seen jeffersons beautiful new classical villa, but what we wanted to do was


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