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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2017 1:26pm-1:31pm EDT

1:26 pm
us on facebook at c-span history. tonight on "the communicators," tennessee representative marsha blackburn, the in you chair of the key house subcommittee on communications and technology, talks about the fcc vote to change internet regulation rules and congress' efforts to change internet privacy rules. miss blackburn is interviewed by event driven's tech and media telecom reporter, lydia beyoud. >> can you tell us a little bit about the bill and also what drove you to introduce it? >> people are ready to see something come forward from us on the issues of privacy and on data security. and certainly now we're beginning to have not only states but cities look at privacy regulation and they're doing it because the federal government, because congress,
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has not taken an action. and now that the privacy issue will not have two regulators, which is a good thing, we're going to have one. and the ftc has historically been the regulator of privacy in both the physical space and the virtual space. and we think it's important to have one set of rules for the entire ecosystem, and one regulator for the entire ecosystem. >> watch "the communicators" tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span2. each week american history tv's "american artifacts" visits museums, archives and historic places. located about two miles southeast of the u.s. capitol building, the washington navy yard was established in 1799.
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up next, a walking tour through the historic navy yard organized by the national museum of the united states navy. >> with admiral dahlgren, the commandant of the year here, he would experiment with cannons. you'll actually see some of the test plates in a little bit to see what he was shooting at to see if his guns would actually break through some of the steel from ironclads. president lincoln -- i don't know if you know this -- was an ordinanenance nut. he loved cannons. he was one of the only presidents ticketed by d.c. police for firing a rifle within city limits. it was on the lawn of the white house. it was a brand-new, newly designed rifle that, basically he was shooting at a log pile to see how this gun would work. so he was an ordnance nut. he knew that dahlgren was experimenting with cannons, so they would come down here, smoke
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zblars, drink champagne and fire cannons into the river. he was also -- dahlgren was also experimenting with rockets, too. and one of those experiments -- they were firing the rockets and lincoln wanted to set off one of the rockets. so dahlgren said, all right, here's how you do it. so lincoln goes up with the secretary of state, seward. they're standing by right it, they set it off and it explodes on the path. in dahlgren's own words, "i thought i killed the president because he disappeared into a cloud of smoke and fire." along with the secretary of state. a few seconds later, who should come out of the smoke, coughing and laughing? lincoln and seward. lincoln basically says something to the extent of, "i guess that didn't work. let's load up another." so again, it was something that happens right in this area here.
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all of this history happens here in the washington navy yard. and it is on lincoln's last day of life. he actually comes to the navy yard and visits dahlgren here in the offices but he also visits a ship that's actually at our next stop that we'll talk about. >> sir. >> yes. >> when was the first design that would penetrate an ironclad hull? >> during the civil war. next on american history tv, a panel of historians discusses president woodrow wilson's controversial legacy, his diplomatic skills, views on imperialism, and the tension between wilson's progressive ideas and his opposition to civil rights. the organization of american historians hosted this event at their annual meeting in new orleans. it is an hour and a half. good morning,


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