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tv   The President June 1967  CSPAN  July 6, 2017 9:19am-9:49am EDT

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when really they were riddled with weak spots and places that would crunch in. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on cspan's q and a. >> announcer: 1979 cspan was created and is braulgt to you today by your cable or satellite provider. the white house naval photographic unit, up next on american history tv's reel america from 50 years ago the president june 1967. events depicted in this half hour film include the six day war, the nomination of thurgood
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marshal. the films are archived at the lbj presidential library and you can watch many on your you tube channel. ♪ ♪ on the 23nd of june the visit had been arangsed to discuss the urgent problems common to both governments
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however a crisis won with dramatic and startling suddenness would be given priority. the historically middle east situation. >> we come here today in another time of trouble when peace and justice are again in the ballots. it is occasions like this that the council of old and trusted friend is most welcomed. >> israel facing yet another climactic point in a struggle for survival sow mer time blockade. with united nations peace keeping force with drawn, all attempts failing solutions seemed increasingly remote. the time for talk was over. together great britain and the united states drafted a deck la
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area. principals were simple and basic. all in all it was a gamble against time and time is not on our side. in the situation room of the white house maps had been replaced with those of the mediterranean. now that diplomacy had given way to war his compelling task was
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to tamp it out. the team had been assembled, men whom which has been a way of life and for whom foreign crises have become the coin of daily living. false charges would be made attempting to brand the united states and great britain as active participants. and now with fighting in progress it was impairtive to calculate misunderstanding. they exchanged direct messages advising direct would not intervene with armed force. at that moment the world was apprised of the fact that the go powers could prevent conflict
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from spreading and engulfing others. directly following the initial conference in the situation room he asked secretary to brief senate and house leaders. the president returned to the oval office to monitor the initial exchange of statements on the floor of united nations security council. under the leadership a draft resolution would be drawn up on the following day. as in the agreement to contain and limit the conflict the key to the unconditional cease fire lay in the joint and parallel action of the united states and
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soviet union. it soon became apparent that the middle east power patterns were being changed in a matter of hours. military analysts called it a lightning war. although the fighting would continue for six days the verdict of the battlefield had been rendered burg the opening round. the road to a permanent peace in the middle east would be a long one. far more issues were raised by the fighting. to coordinate american policy on the problems the government would face in the aftermath president johnson established a commercial economy. he asked him to serve as executive secretary. it involved far more than governmental concern. [ crowd chanting ]
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[ crowd chanting ] >> by the 8th of june jordan decided to accept the cease fire resolution. word was passed to white house and nation alike that egypt too had agreed to the cease fire. ♪
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♪ >> the fighting was now stopped. at his 102nd news conference the president advised that the best action for the moment was to let things clear up and let the people of the area and the world realize just what had happened.
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the tensions were dissolved in old fashioned partisan politics. lyndon johnson was greet bid jake pickle. ♪ at least one seemed a little unsure a. lit it persuasion was all that was needed to bring him into the fold. the tab for techbing was $1,000
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per plate. there was a democratic poeaefrt party and a chance to relax in a down home atmosphere. >> after three weeks of wrestling with the middle east it's a real pleasure to come home tonight to the peace and quiet of texas politics. in case there should be in evidence tonight any differences of opinion i want to make my own position abundantly clear in the beginning. i am for peace, territorial integrity an the unrestricted navigation in the houston ship channel. >> the lt returned to the white house and among them some rewarding moments. he had often remarked that one
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of the most important jobs is attracting able and talented public servants. the month of june, first alexander and thurgood marshal. the president introduced mr. marshal to a group of 121 teenagers. each had demonstrated academic achievement and each was awarded a medallion in a white house ceremony. lyndon johnson is at his best when challenging the youth of the nation and he does it at every opportunity. >> if you're looking for energy and looking for enthuse yachl -- enthusiasm you can find it. i have seen it among the white house fellows and seen it several thousand we have brought here. i have seen it in the peace
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corp. and the teachers corp. >> to a graduation class of capital pages -- >> for the world that you enter very much needs your help today. our nation is called upon to maintain the blessings but to improve the world for all people and to prove it for generations yet to come. >>. >> in your lifetime you'll have to completely rebuild this country. you'll have to clean up and have to tear out the slum. you'll to rebuild the cities. >> he was not to only national figure making an appearance was a johnson favorite, dr. billy
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graham. the well known we van yellist reminded the group as they took inspiration he in turn needed their strength. billy graham asked everyone to pray that god would give the president strength and wisdom at this hour. on june 14th the middle east was the focal point of white house deliberations. a soviet resolution had been ejected by the united nations security council. the delegation due to arrive would be head bid noneless than the soviet premier president johnson made a short happen to greet prime minister.
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he had made a red carpet visit. he would be for a quiet weekend after camp david. with the informal atmosphere a backdrop for unhurried discussion they covered middle ooe east problems. would there be a meeting between the big two? if president made it clear he would be happy he showed while australia has over the years dominated the court.
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on the following day at the state department the president offered his formula for lasting peace mt. middle east. >> the middle east is rich in history, rich in its people and resources. it has no need it is one of the prosperous regions. if the nations in the middle east will turn towards the works of peace they can count with confidence upon the friendship and help of all of the people of the united states of america.
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our country is committed to a peace that is based on five principals. first, the recognized right of national life. second, justice for the refugees. third, innocent meretime passage. fourth, wastefulness on the arms race. fifth, political independence and territorial integrity for all. >> on june 22nd he invited george brown of denmark and from
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italy foreign minister. all four have been attending the emergency session at the united nations and each in private conferences during the day informed the president of the views held by the various delegations. the president discussed with each guest the five point peace proposal and reviewed developments during the cease fire. he brought each up to date on the troubled region. again, expressing the hope it should be recorded and publicly disclosed. as the president conferred with his guests secretary of state was finalizing arrangements for a summit meeting. a mod house suddenly became an important part of history books. he invited him to meet with him at 11:00 the next day at the home of glassboro state
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colleagcollege. he had accepted. it was near an early american farming settlement. both had sat in the company of kings and understood the language of the farmer and factory worker. they would face each other for nearly ten thours both becoming for a moment in history the toe kal point of a troubled worlds hopes and prayers.
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>> i was glad to meet with him this morning to talk throughout the day quietly and straightforward with him. i have found he came to our meeting in the same spirit. we talked about the problems of the middle east and we shall continue to talk about them. we talked about the problems of southeast asia. we talked about the arms race and about the need for new agreements there we reached no new agreements almost but not quite, but new agreements are not always reached in a single conversation.
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we'll eat lunch and spend sunday again together. for the president there was still much work to do. after assuriing thousands it ha been a good and useful one he bid a momentary good-bye to his historic guest. this was the 25 hour day. he had been on the go since 4:30 in the morning and he had thousand of miles to burn before there would be any rest. it would be difficult to pinpoint any moment as satisfying as this 23rd day of june 1967. he had fired the imagination of the public with sudden bold moves that lead to the face to face encounter. at a 500 p$500 a plate dinner h
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announced the $4 million debt had been paid. if it wasn't enough good news he could relish the news he received only 18 hours earlier. he was a grandfather. in a small room in austin, texas. >> i would like to help make a world for young patrick for a land that will be more prosperous than the world i have inhabited. so working together and reasoning together, planning together and being patient, understanding together i believe that we can achief such a world. >> on suv the president return today glass boro.
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. m 7878 -- ♪ ♪ and for the rest of the day she would be the special guest of
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lyndon. as the second day of talks continued heavy rainstorms lashed the campus. the thousands who would come to witness history stood their ground. they had talked for more than four hours delving deeper into the many question that is separated their two countries. at 6:20 in the evening they had finished. >> we have made further progress in an effort to improve our understanding of each other's thinking on a number of questions. i believe more strongly than ever that these have been very good and very useful thoughts.
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>> premier had been visibly touched by the enthusiasm. he personally thanked them and saluted friendship between the soviet and and american peoples. >> these meetings have not ended our troubles and dangers. i cannot promise you it will not happen again. the world remains a very small and very dangerous and all nations, even the greatest of them have very hard and very painful choices ahead of them. what i can tell you, and i have no doubt about it at all, is that it does help a lot to sit down and look a man in the eye all day long and try to reason with him, particularly if he is trying to reason with you. and that's why we went to holly bush this morning and reasoning together there today was the spirit of holly bush.
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on the 27th of june after a week of exhaustive effort president johnson turned his energies towards his domestic programs. at the junior chamber of commerce annual convention he spoke out for the things that were right with the country. he praised the doers, the builders but to the doubters the draft card burners and protesters. >> you say to them that it's not absolutely essential. it's not a prerequesti -- it's required you tear our country down and our flag down in order to lift them up. [ cheers and applause ] >> the month of june was
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virtually over on what one staper called a good news strip the continual strengthening of his own people. in philadelphia in the heart of an impoverished area the president visited industrialization center. he had heard about it for months. they were picking themselves up by their boot straps and learning a trade. >> i saw human beings that had pride in their eyes instead of fear. the federal government did not do this. the federal government did not build this scepter. what build this center is the spirit that's in the breath of every human that's part of it. the spirit that wants to say yes to life itself, that wants to affirm dignity of man whatever
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his race, whatever his rely johns. i would say to all of you, i believe we are going to make it. today join american history tv for a live tour of the american revolution in philadelphia. the museum's president and ceo michael quinn and vice president scott stevenson, will introduce artifacts includes george washington's war tent and from the battle of concord. hear stories about the american revolution. watch american history tv live from the museum of the american
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revolution today starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern on cspan3. this weekend saturday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on lectures in history. >> in world war ii and the atopic age. they were the optimistic children of the rising affluence of the post war consumer boom. >> at 10:00 eastern on real america 30 years ago oliver north appear bfrd toard. >> they are lead not to believe. we intentionally deceived the american people or had that intent to begin with. the effort to conduct these operations was made in such a
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way that our adversaries would not have knowledge of them or that we could deny american association with them for those activities. that is not wrong. >> and sunday at noon historians, authors and former congressmen explore the consequences of what they call america's post world war ii security state. >> people who like authoritarianism, they know it's illegal for an individual to go into your house and take what they want. fortunately that moral standard still exists. you can't purposefully hurt people and take from people but it's not illegal for the government to do it. >> for our complete schedule go to last month the leaders of securities and


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