tv Ku Klux Klan CSPAN September 4, 2017 9:59pm-10:49pm EDT
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travel would never say they're from detroit. now people are saying i'm from detroit. i want to be from detroit. they are saying ooip from detroit. and coming into lt city and people are moving into the city. it's all races that's doing this. that's very important. >> we have been joined by form e place chief. former deputy mayor. and the university of michigan. both talking about this 50th year anniversary of what happened in 1967. to both of you gentlemen, thank you very much. >> university of deer born by the way. >> university of detroit mercy. that's where i teach. >> we thank the detroit free press for using their facility. we want to thank the detroit historical society for their input and help on this project. as well. this is all taking place today on this 50th year anniversary. we thank you for watching. particularly as you're watching american history tv on c-span 3.
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we have a facebook question from peter. he saz are there any historical resources on the poem who died in destroit? >> there's one in particular. the detroit free press did a piece. >> you could be featured during our next live program. join the conversation on facebook. at history. and on twitter. next on real america. klu klux klan the invisible empire. september, 1965 document tear produced by cbs reports. it traces the history of the kkk from its resurgence in 1915. inspired by the silent film birth of a nation. through the post world war ii years. the film includes scenes of klu klux klan ceremonies and interviews with members which viewers might find disturbing.
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this 45 minute film earned cbs reports and producer david low a 1965 pea body award. the driver of this car was mrs. mother of five children. 20 miles from sell ma, alabama on route 80. a red and white sedan over took her car. several shots were fired. the driverless car veered off the highway and came to a stop at a cattle fence. she was dead. a arrested kp charged with murder were three alleged members of the klu klux klan. one was tried. and the jury was unable to reach a verdict. this is the temporary grave of three civil rights workers. two white and one negro. beaten and shot to death. among those indicted for the triple slaying were six men identified as members of the klu klux klan. none has been brought to trial.
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in this automobile reserved lieutenant pen was killed by a shotgun blast while riding through georgia. arrested for this crime were four nooilgt knights of the klu klux klan. two klan men were tried and acquitted. five members, 13 alleged members of the klu klux klan said to be involved in the killings. >> when such an order like this moves in. you are at their mercy. and there are atrocities and violence can be vised on anybody that disagrees with them on any given situation. >> what started as a joke a hundred years ago when a group of men donned bed sheets for a romp. has attracted to it persons charged with acts of harassment, intimidation, and violence throughout the south. the nation has been out raged for many years, the klu klux klan persists with its bizarre ritual and trappings.
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100 years is a long time for a joke. cbs reports presents the klu klux klan the invisible empire. good evening. the klu klux klan is a secret organization which for 100 years has been allowed to exist in the country. virtually every president of the united states in the past century has said the klan has little regard for constituted authority. president johnson following the murder in alabama defined lt klu klux klan as a hooded society of big gots. and warned clans men to get out and return to a decent society. before it is too late. after the president's warning the house on american activity committee started a full scale investigation of the klan. and open hearings are scheduled
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for next month. the hearings will present witnesses, not only klans men but victims of klan activity. however, the committee will not attempt to show the klan in action. for the next hour, we will take a close look at the klu klux klan from the inside out. examine its leadership, ritual, secr secret and record of violence. let's look at klans men without their robes. >> it's sunday the morning of a klu klux klan meeting in north carolina. these men are mens of the united klans of the america. knights of the klu klux klan. one of the most prominent. -- and anyone else who according to to the klu klux klan is not 100% pure american. >> i don't hate.
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>> this is the grand dragon of the north carolina realm of the united klan. jay robert jones. former sailor, bricklayer lightning rod sales man. he rules over more than 50 chapters and 7,000 dues paying members. >> i think the nigger has rights in the country. equal but separate rights. it will work now. if ufs the nicest fellow in the world and johnson said i had to associate with you. i'd tell him to go straight to hell. i would not associate with you. >> until his recent death of the chief legal counsel of the united klan. his famous targets were negro, jews, and international bankers. >> i had. and they were the only organization that ever went on record after i had talked for
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two solid hours on the viciousness of a federal reserve corporation and how it built the taxpayers and citizens of all the money. and that great britain has removed the bank from international bankers and the bank is back under the crown. >> this is a knight hawk of the united klan in north carolina. a night hawk is responsible for the security of a klan. >> i have a wife, five kids. i think that's enough reason. i want them to be have a country to raise to be raised up in like i was. i wasn't forced to go to school with know grees and i wasn't forced to eat with them. >> this is mr. out law. where ever jones goes, he is at his side. in the group are the three defendants indicted for the
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killing of. thomas, william eaten, and will kins. these men had little to say. they prefer listening to their counsel, mat murray jr. >> i read in my history book there's a man, the negro race was inferior. that was the history taught to me in school. that wasn't too long ago. >> always have been. always will be. >> where do you think the money is coming from behind the civil rights movement. >> i say christ killing jews because they haven't been affluent since they crucified christ. and their relatives can be traced back to the ones running streets today. >> what about the role of the catholics? >> his first alean jens is not to the united states of the america. their allegiance is to the pope. there's a bunch of people that are wrong. let me say this, we have never had a drop of blood spilled
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between a white man and black one in any town in north carolina. we have the klan organized. we are doing our best to keep down trouble. my people are -- everybody in the country is organized. negros have the naacp in court along with the sorry white trash. you have for your juish people. knights of columbus which is a secret fraternal order. nobody investigates that which they should. but the white the only hope and the only salvation they have left in the united states is the united klans of america. >> one important klu klux klan official was not at this meeting. the klan clud. or chaplain. there was a clud in action the night before. >> you have a bunch of people standing over here with cameras.
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and they're backbone to get him a job and go to work. there might be trouble. i want to tell you, i'm telling you. right over here. they ain't got enough backbone to tell the truth. anybody lie with the devil you'll go to hell without god. that's all the fbi agents want to investigate the klan. i'm not ashamed to be a klans men. amen. >> this is the klan clud in action. the preacher. the held fire speaker the the rebel riser. a mixture of comedy and christianity. above all he preaches racial hatred. >> to mix the black and white together. do you know your horse mix with
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a cow. dog won't mix with hog. tell me white people has got to -- listen friend. we need to turn to god. we need to wake up with god. we had four fathers die to give us die. forefathers walked barefoot in the snow and fought and died to give us freedom. and now here we set back because we got a dictator in the white house. and the you're sending your money down. and willing to stand up and be counted. take a man to stand. anybody can go down and commit adultery with a nigger. it takes a chris chab chan a man to stand for god. you raised hogs, and she'll try to protect them. the dog has a gang of pups they try to protect them. you have a gang of white children running arpd in your
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yard and you're going to standby and see them sold out to a bunch of negros. wake up and try to do what god will have you do. act like a decent person. and then if you don't want to do that, don't be a hypocrite. forget about it. the klan was born 100 years ago in tennessee. as a six member social club. but six years later the klan had half a million members. and the burning cross the klan trademark became a symbol of the violence it used to keep the newly freed negros in their place. in 1915, dw griffith produced and directed the first great feature length motion picture the birth of a nation. who subject was the klu klux klan. today thise fil 50 years ago is still shown to klans men as the classic example of what southerners did to protect white supremacy. these are some scenes from birth
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of a nation. >> a chance witnessing of two white children under a bed sheet scaring a group of negro children. the birth of the idea of the klan. the idea is successful. robed and masked clans men frighten the negros. in a fight, the negro scaring a white girl and causing a girl to jump from a cliff to her death. kills a white man. captured the killer taken into the woods and put on trial. the klan passes judgment.
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the culprit is killed. and his body deposited at the door of the lieutenant governor. in the same year the birth of a nation was first released a new leader rose to head the klan. william joseph. one time sales man of lady garters. leads his followers up stone mountain in georgia for the first initiation ceremony o. reincarnated klan. he added something new to the uniform. a stylized face mask. which he alone could wear. he also insisted the clan operate in total secrecy. the klan sinister power grew as new recruits joined. some through coercion. and the activities increased. in the first 14 months after world war i, 70 negros were lynched. 14 burned. in 1922, he couldn't over come intra-klan difficulty and was
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replaced by a dentist from dallas. who inherited a depleted treasury. as well as his title of the imperial wizard. in 1923, he established headquarters in washington. to be closer to congress. the klan next target. the klan was so powerful in oregon in 1923 it was able to elect the president of the state senate and speaker of the house. in ohio klan supported candidates became mayors. at the national democrat ilk convention in new york in 1924, it is estimated that at least 350 delegates were klans men. and responsible for the defeat of governor smith as the democratic nominee. by 1925, the klu klux klan was big business. almost 6 million americans now belong to the klan. and the organization was grossing $75 million a year. some 40,000 klans men and women
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crowded into washington on august 8, 1925, to parade down pennsylvania avenue. to help the klan a flag was used to catch money thrown in by spectators. in the 1920s the imperial wizard of indiana was indicted on charges of assault and battery. rape, mayhem, kidnapping and murder. and found guilty. the scandal caused a sharp drop in klan membership. in 1940, there was a mild flirtation between the german american the believers in the masters race. and the klu klux klan. the believers in the supremacy of the white race. they joined up in rally at camp new jersey. >> 25 years later, there's evidence that klan nazi friendship is being revived. this year in houston, texas, claiming membership in the united klan knight of the klu klux klan. was interviewed be radio station. and was paid by check for hids
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appearance. when the cancel check was returned to the radio station. it had been endorsed by lincoln rock well. head of the american nazi party. with a swats ka beneath his signature. received a bill from the irs. for $685,000. for the klan back taxes. unable to pay, he disbanded the klan. but four years later, his former partner dr. green reactivated the klan and many new were initiated into clan dem. motivated by keeping the negro in his place. imperial wizard green defended the klan. >> we don't hate the negro. god made him black and made us white. you will find out laid out in the event chapter of genesis. in which he segregated the races and.
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renewing for 5,000 years the white man has been the supreme race. we the knights intend to keep it the white race. >> today the organization differs from the past. in that klans men are willing to appear in robes and hoods in daylight. the advent of the civil rights struggle the klan has become more militant. some groups have military units such as this one in north carolina. grand dragon jones security guards are hired to take care of anything that will happen in klan rallies. the klan also sponsors softball teams. since they can't be played in robes. kkk appear on the uniform. this team is made up of 100% pure white ballplayers. sometimes klans men engage in bizarre sport. kkk carved with a penknife of the chest and stomach of this
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man. after he had been hanged from his knees from an oak free. and flogged with a chain. toad us. >> the clan to me, is a group primarily of thugs, that would use the civil rights issue to foster an organization or a klan as they are, and will take the law into their own hands. they have been become more or less their own police power. they are a police group within themselves. dedicated to defiance of law. violence. they are as i have expressed before they are a hooded bunch of killers and knight riders and floggers. that this nation and this state has no use for whatsoever. >> the strength of the klu klux klan is difficult to estimate. among its many secrets is the
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actual membership total. students of klan affairs say there are at least 30 to 50,000 active members. but there are probably as many as a million or more americans who are strongly sympathetic to the klan. and who if pushed to a decision could join the klan. 100% pure white american citizen aplies for membership his application is carefully checked. if accepted he can then leave what the klan calls the alien world. and become a member of the invisible empire. for the first time in klan history. cbs news cameras filmed part of a initiation ceremony. filming had to be done with available light. and the only parts of the ritual we could not film were the secret handshake. and the secret oath of alean jans to the imperial authority of the klan. this is the ceremony we filmed.
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the secrecy and ritual which seem almost laughable to the outsider have a grim purpose. because of secrecy the klan can hold sway over a community. when men are initiated into klan and ritualing. their neighbors will not know they have become klans men. if some are police or sheriffs deputy. their fellow officers will not know. if they are jurors their fellow jurors will not know. under the cloak of this secrecy, the klan can take over positions of influence and power. >> present your body a living sacrifice. transform by the renewing of your mind. that you may prove what is that good and acceptable in perfect will of god.
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now on behalf. welcome you to citizen ship in the invisible empire. the klu klux klan. >> the five new klans men are no longer part of the alien world. they are members of the invisible empire. entitled to wear the uniform and hood. proud possessors of the handshake and secret password. they can attend meetings such as this one in north carolina. a klan rally has many elements of a carnival. outing for the family. children start attending these out door meetings at an early age. robes for the youngsters are made by mothers and follow the pattern of adult robes. rallies always have entertainers and material is plan tailored for the audience. this entertainer recites a poem.
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>>. >> sins appear on her wedding gear. three days and nights he felt blackness press against her own. her soul let out a frightening groan. until now i know no black man lives can take a white mans place. thank you. >> the featured speaker is usually a well known personality. at this rally it was the late mat mur jr. imperial or chief legal counsel of the legal klan.
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klan members accuse offend crime must be. attorneys must be paid. in addition, money is required for operating e pences and leaders salaries which run as high as $1,500 a month. the invisible empire needs a treasury. where the money comes from and how much is a secret. what's known is initiation fees are between 10 and $25 and yearly dues for assessment range from 3 to $15. a con sesh tifr estimate it the klan is a million dollar a year enterprise. the money comes from initiation fees, dues. robe and hood sales. individual contributions, and from what can be raised by a klan clud at a rally.
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>> klan leaders are sensitive about the reputation the klan has for intimidation and violence. in an attempt to erase this image they adopted a new policy which in effect says look at us we are a fraternal organization. we have nothing to hide. imperiod wizards and grand dragons no longer avoid the press. they sport well tailored suits. the most publicized and best organized chan leader is imperiod wizard of the united klan knights of the kkk. he spends much time had in his alabama office. con santly listening to tape recordings of mlk jr. examining pictures of civil rights demonstrators. those he can identify are circled and filed. >> we have a division organization called tbi. klan investigation. i might add it was effective. we're able to uncover a lot of
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evidence that departments miss. >> the klan says it doesn't advocate intimidation, harassment or violence. it's a peaceful organization. let us take a look at proven klan activity. in the small community of michigan. the only movie theater in town permitted negros to silt in a balcony. every friday night 50 carloads of klans men circled the theater. tonight the movie house is closed. a victory for the klan. further examples of intimidation were uncovered in an injunction lawsuit in the fifth sir kout court of appeals in new orleans. hearings reveal in louisiana, sometimes called klan town usa. some of the city's estimated 1d thousand klan members were policemen. the city attorney who is responsible for prosecuting charges gwen klans men arrested
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for violence against civil rights workers was himself identified as a klans men. the powerful klan moved this year against radio station wbox. whose owner was one of a group who invited former arkansas gov r november to make a speech on race relations. they made unanimous phone calls to the radio sponsor. the effect was immediate. 75% of the commercials were cancelled. that i are still broadcasting. but at a loss. although the klan says it has respect for law and order. there are records of countless crimes which some klan performed pr reasons they deem proper. judge duke who fought the klan tells how it administered its own kind of justice. >> they have the cloak hand committee the committee that administered the floggings. one would get on one side of the man who was doubled up.
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with his wrist. handcuffed to his ankle. he had been taken from his home by a legal warrant. and who had unknown to him been reported by someone to be a laborer organizer, and they equated that to communism. and they equated that to race mixing. and they would usually equate that to say some jewish person was back of it. and anything it appealed to hate, prejudice, they take this man and they would beat him unmercifully. >> klu klux klan does not stop at flogsings. a group. as a warning to civil rights leader. they abducted this man and castrated him. >> they hit me in the head. told me to lay down. they all grabbed me and
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stretched me out. one on this arm, one stood on this one. one caught my leg. and spread it apart. and got help from the other one and they spread my leg apart. the boss ordered him to do your weight. and they went to cutting on me. when they got through cutting me, they put on me. said i wasn't hollering. to make it hurt more. i don't believe they're human. >> but not only individuals suffer at the hands of klan. sometimes whole cities are victim. in one large city there's evidence that klan inspired violence touched off one of the most vicious racial riots in recent history. the place was florida. this klan was primarily responsible for what happened. reverend lynch is probably the most effective rebel rouser and preacher of bigotry the klan has to offer. >> most people would kill if you put a jersey along white face.
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they shoot you. to tell me i don't have a right to fight to protect the white race. let the blacks come in. they said it was going ton settled in the bedroom. i got news for them. it maybe some bedroom all right. from the smoke clears away there won't be no bedroom cases. >> little rock, oxford, louisiana. lynch was there. and when racial violence was predicted for florida. lynch went there, too. negros were trying to integrate the bathing beaches. and the florida advisory committee to the u.s. civil rights commission warned that the city was becoming a racial super-bomb. with a short fuse. >> when the police hit the white fellows standing on the corner. >> the temple of violence increased rapidly. the klan paraded in the streets.
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unmindful of the rain. >> i'll say this to the. we white people are going to rise up. 40 million strong. and -- >> on the night of june 25 lt, 1964, the fuse burned down. and the racial bomb exploded. the scene of a frightening riot. scores of people were injured. 19 hospitalized. lynch had done his work. >> i spoke for the white people, the white people rallied behind it. and we kicked the living hell out of the niggers. back to their own hometowns where they ought have been. and they got quiet ask went back to town where they belong. >> examples of klu klux klan activity are not unusual. for the past 100 years the
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invisible empire this self-proclaimed second national government, has reserved to itself police authority. and the right to correct what it considers wrong. although some clans men have been apprehended and tried for crimes. the fact remains the perpetrators of 225 bombings, and 1,000 acts of racial violence reprisal and intimidation in the last ten years have not been arrested. the problem is that law enforcement itself is often in the hands of authorities who belong to, or sympathize with the klu klux klan. the publisher of the atlanta constitution explains why citizens are powerless to protest in such situations. >> in the small community, too often find the sheriff is a member the deputy is a member. and the poor white man or more particularly the poor negro in a
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small community he well knows. the detective and the law isn't going to help him because the law is more often than not in the klan. or sympathetic with it in the small southern community. >> the klan is not a single strongly organized group. it is composed of splintder groups fighting each other for new members and new territory. on memorial day weekend. chief rival head of the national knights of the kk took his klan north to a site 25 miles from cincinnati. both believed the whites in the north worried about negro civil rights demands in their communities are ready to embrace the klan. this was the first open klan rally in ohio in more than 30 years. the fact that the klan is getting bolder was demonstrated by the site selected. alongside super highway 75. klan robes many of which had been stored away for years were put out. since the building of a cross
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for the klan richl chul requires skill. out of staters volunteers to hammer the pieces. wrap the burlap and soak their work with a mix of gas and oil. for every foot of the cross. the klan added a new touch to attract crowds. a sky diving show. with parachute jumpers releasing klan flags and then landing on klan blessed land. the northern most penetration of the klan took place last month near cleveland, ohio. all cars headed for the rally were searched for weapons. and police confiscated high powered rifles, shotgun ands pistols. the usual preparation including the raising of the cross. at a nearby restaurant, men lined up to get applications for membership.
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and imperial wizard knights of the klu klux klan. that evening, 25 men and women kept at a safe distance, picketed the meeting. the burning of the cross was the high point of the rally. only 21 miles from cleveland. does the invisible empire have a right to continue activities in north or the south? and our democracy freedom of speech must be accorded this organization. they have a right to meet and wear uniforms. if the klan is a fraternal order it should enjoy the privileges of other orders. the truth is among all such organizations only the klan has a history of violence. lawmakers have not ignored the klan. 22 states have passed laws prohibiting the wearing of masks in public. and 52 southern communities have out lawed masks and cross
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burning. but even these laws have been ineffective. klan can still legally wear masks and burn crosses on private property. they still intimidate and harass citizens. now the office of the attorney general is working on new antiklan legislation commissioned to congress. attorney general was asked what form the legislation might take. >> i think it could take a number of forms. one would be to follow the analogy with respect to the communist party. and to seek full disclosure of the membership. and a listing of the klan and the members. and its officers as a glare of publicity. another approach perhaps a better approach would be to follow the pattern of the existing laws. but to expand their scope of federal jurisdiction. under them meant to increase the
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penalty under them. so the federal government could get a more deep involvement. >> we put up the klan for 100 years in this country. how long is it going to take for us to see the end of the klan? >> i don't know when we'll see the oend of the klan. i think the end of the klan is any kind of an effective organization of any sort at all is within sight. i doubt that the klan is going to be a very effective force anywhere ten years from now. >> earlier in the program we showed reverend a klan clud in action. a few days ago, he quit the united klan incorporated. last week at his home near lexington north carolina. we asked him why. >> if people would check the record and see this, who is leading the klan and what are they and what do they stand for? that would be logical question.
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so take any individual in the klan or out, check the leadership. they for example we have people with painter contractors. as far as i know, failures. we have people who with insurance agencies. as far as i know, failures. we have people with concrete business. as far as i know, failures. and failed out and frung flunked. just lost out everything they had and they couldn't find nothing else to do it. it made him a klan leader. >> every klan meetd meeting. you collect money. what happens to the money. where does it go? >> it finds its way in the pocket of leaders. i don't myself as an individual. i just couldn't tell you. we know that the they do take up money every rally. we know that.
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the news knows it. everybody there knows it. they pass a bucket around and take up money. as far as we know, that's the end of it. we don't have no record of nothing else as far as i know. somebody else may something i don't know. all we know is people ride around, live in motels. drive cadillacs and eat steak and laugh at the poor people as they go by. >> whatever happens to the klu klux klan will not finally happen. in washington. it will happen in those small towns of the south whose natural spirit of generosity and justice have been damped and leaders have fallen silent. if the klan prospers it will draw strength from such communities. if the klan falls, it will be because one man and then another in such places have made up their own minds. that a free society cannot coexist with an invisible empire. this is charles.
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