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tv   Senator Richard Pettigrew  CSPAN  November 4, 2017 5:50pm-6:01pm EDT

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with author michael lewis from noon to 3 p.m. eastern sunday on c-span2. >> behind me is richard flank and pettigrew. he came to view territory in 1869 as a surveyor. come with us to his home to learn more about his contribution to the city of sioux falls. >> we are in the pettigrew home and museum, the home of u.s. senator richard franklin pettigrew who served in the u.s. senate from 1889 until 1901. --lived in the home from 90 1911 until his death in 1926. indoorradiators, plumbing, gas and electric lights, even telephones, which
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is really interesting because just a few miles away from here, a farm, the people were living without windows and doors. so, this home was top-notch for sioux falls and the dakota territory at the time. pettigrew was born in ludlow, vermont in 1848. moved to souths wisconsin in 1852. attends lloyd reed's law at the university of wisconsin and at a law firm in madison. in 1869, he finds himself looking for a summer job and he comes west as part of a government surveying party.
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in 1869, it is actually an army called for dakota and it was garrisoned by a single company of the 22nd u.s. infantry. he spent the summer working as a surveyor learning the business, and in september they passed back through what would be sioux falls on their way to wisconsin. and the dakotas had been abandoned by the army and mr. pettigrew takes the opportunity to claim a section of land in the preemption act and stands in the middle of it. is elected to the 1873tory legislature in just before his 24th birthday. he claims that the reason he got elected was he knew all of the
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farmers. they saw his name on the ballot. they knew him. so, he goes to the territorial legislature. he has some very colorful stories about that. memberber shot another in the middle of session. pettigrew was in a fist fight on legislature.the not really the way we think about the legislative process today. 1879 he went to the new city in the black hills. he attributes that to getting the black hills vote and in
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1880, he became the territory's congress.tive to and the territorial representative did not get to vote. and returned to the dakota was returned to the territorial legislature for another term. pettigrew was one of two men and elected in 1889. to determine who got a two-year term and who got a six-year term, they drew straws. pettigrew drew these six-year term. realgrew seems like a packrat. we do have a number of artifacts.
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vase. a large there are also things that he picked up that probably have more personal meeting. mostly it is just travel souvenirs. that isthe problem with they came and it was presented last ruler, y and ruler of the hawaiian islands, -- sheep resented it to him and she presented it to him and recognition of the work he had done. pettigrew was described as an , having analist
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interest, particularly in japan, hawaii.ut also pettigrew is just one of those i think, wanted everybody to be treated fairly. u.s. tooky that the may the hawaiian islands not have exactly been ideal. really took the case and actually opposed the treaty of acquisition, the treaty for the u.s. annexing in 1897 -- this was something that did not in dear him to member -- him to members of his party at the time. when he begins his career in the , he is aal legislature
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strong republican and he remains with the republic and party through the economic crash of 1893. at that time, he moves along with a lot of people from the midwest into the populist camp, and the nationalist party, the populist party, if it survives in some form today, but in this part of the world -- he became a populist. and he suggested william jennings bryan run for the presidency. he was defeated. in 1900, pettigrew was involved in a bid for another term. in his years after the senate, he became a democrat. , he really moved through the eriodical spectrum over a p
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of about 30 years, 30 five years. >> we hope when visitors come to visit, they get a little taste of what life was like, and the tremendous changes that pettigrew went through in his lifetime. tour staffes recently traveled to sioux falls, south dakota to learn more about its history. learn more about sioux falls and other stops on our tour on other on the c-span cities tour. you are watching american history tv, all weekend, every weekend, on c-span3. ago, the united states was at war in vietnam. american history tv looks back with 48 hours of coverage,
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starting saturday, november 11. we are live from the national archives. we talk with veterans who flew helicopters. then we are taking your phone calls and tweets live, with , talking about the war in 1967. washington, d c's -- washington, d.c.'s veterans memorial, a speech. then the vietnam war special report. >> whether it is due to the enemy's clever tactics or the bad fighting conditions, the weather or the terrain, it seems clear the american military offensive has bogged and like the marines in the mud. >> than 6:00 on "american archives," which were the national archives exhibit
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"remembering vietnam." and then on "the presidency," president lyndon johnson making a statement. president johnson: we told the world what we would do if we had communist in that part of the world a 1954. we said we would stand with those people in the face of common danger. had toe came where we put up or shut up. and we put up, and we are there. >> on american history tv on c-span3. next, a panel of historians explore the idea of civil war defenses on a variety of angles. they talk about military defenses but also generals who defended the reputation. -- their reputations, as well as the inability of soldiers to defend themselves against germs and infections. this hour and 15 minute talk was art of a symposium hosted by the


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