tv Reel America Unwelcome Affection CSPAN December 9, 2017 10:00pm-10:15pm EST
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you what a moment it was when i went to take the oath of citizenship. i wish every american would at least read the oath of citizenship. it means so much and speaks to dignities enshrined in our constitution and bill of rights. night at: watch sunday --0 p.m. eastern on to send on c-span2's book tv. next on "reel "unwelcome affection," showing examples of inappropriate workplace behavior. this is about 12 minutes. >> the human resources directorate equal opportunity
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division of walter reed army medical center presents "unwelcome affection." and now, here is the chief of staff of walter reed, colonel gerald allgood. >> sexual-harassment is a matter of deep and personal concern to both the secretary of the army and the army chief of staff. our concern has been expressed on several occasions in the past. it is important to reiterate the army's policy on this issue. the army is fully committed to a policy that demands respect for the human dignity of its members. cannot succeed where sexual harassment exists. it is the responsibility of every soldier and every army leader, civilian and military, to ensure that any instances of sexual harassment are dealt with swiftly and fairly, and to promote the climate within the army that will not tolerate such conduct.
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allegations of sexual harassment will be treated at all levels of command with the seriousness they deserve. each person, male or female, must be treated and evaluated solely on how well tasks are carried out. the scenes you are about to see demonstrate some of the many forms that make up sexual harassment. we ask you to view each situation as if you are actually involved and respond to the questions posed at the end of each scene. >> good morning sarge. how are you doing? >> just fine. i was meaning to call you and and welcome you to the staff. you've been here for five weeks
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now and i haven't had a chance to talk to you. i'd like to tell you you are doing a terrific job, getting along well with other murders of the staff, and learning your job real well. this area is a very promising area. a lot of people are assigned here and stay quite a while. how you like being stationed here? >> i love it. i heard so much about d.c. when i was in germany about the nightlife, parties, the city, the sightseeing. i just can't wait to see it all. >> that's good. we are glad you are happy with your assignment. one thing people have problems with when they first arrive here is the processing. they say everything is so far away, they don't know where anything is, and they have a hard time getting processed in. do you have all your finance and personal admittance taken care of? >> i am having problems with finance. i haven't been paid for two months.
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i have about six dollars left to last me until they pay me, whenever they pay me. i have in a bind right now as far as money. >> ok. i will call over and talk to the commander and see if i can give finance a call to get your pay out right away. another problem is housing and living conditions. have you found a place to stay? >> right now i am staying in the barracks. i am having problems there because of my roommates. my roommate loves loud music and i have a problem getting my rest because of that music. >> what i would suggest that you do with the roommate is asked her to turn the stereo down because you are trying to sleep. if it doesn't work, just give a call to make sure all stereos are turned down to a reasonable level at a certain time of night. i have your records here. it indicates that you are married, and you're living in the barracks?
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>> i am married, but my husband is not with me right now. he will be joining me several months from now. >> oh, your husband is not here now? ok, well that is really unfortunate. i'm sorry to hear that. here you are in this big city all by yourself and your husband is away, and not having any money and your roommate was all this loud noise. i'll tell you what i am going to do. you haven't been paid in a long time. but you let me give you something to tide you over until we can get the commander to straighten out your pay. >> well, i really appreciate that. it would help out a lot. like i said, i don't have that much money with me. but as soon as my paycheck is ok, i will pay you back. >> oh no, don't worry about paying it back. just say this was the sergeant looking out for the troops.
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tell you what we will do. this weekend, why don't i come by and pick you up and i can show you d.c.? let me be the first one to show you around the city. >> i would like that, but i can't. i'm afraid i can't do that ,ecause i have to wash clothes i have to get my uniform together, and most important thing, i have to make a phone call to my husband. >> now wait just a minute. you are new here on the staff. staff, i make the a lot of decisions. i am the one that makes up evaluation deports -- evaluation reports. a word of advice, if you want to get along on this staff, it would be beneficial to you to be a little nicer to me.
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>> good morning. >> good morning sir. we would just like to thank you for all the work you have done. there's one allegation we feel is going to be a good move for all of us. >> it was like pulling teeth. i was able to squeeze one opening for one applicant from this area. we are just going to have to really bite the bullet. the frustrating thing is, both of you are deserving applicants. >> one of us could go this year, and if the budget cuts don't cancel the program, one could go next year. >> that's true, and i hope it
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works out. the economic situation across the board is bad. we may run into a problem even next year. i am going to have to kind of make a tough decision. i am going to look at both of your records and see which of you would qualify more than the other for the program. i will make it on monday morning. >> thank you sir. >> have a good weekend. >> book cap income i need to see you for a moment, please. >> did you want to see me about my application? >> yes, and some other things. you know debbie, how are you doing? >> fine, how are you? >> i've been thinking about you the last couple of weeks. about what i have been asking you to do the last couple of months. >> larry -- not that again please.
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>> i would like to spend some time with you. why not? >> i've given you a thousand reasons before why not. can't we just drop it at that? ?> drop it at that, huh let's put it this way. if you select me this weekend, i will select you for the course. it is up to you. >> are you having problems with that report? >> yes ma'am. this new job is really taking some getting used to come up but i think i can work it out sooner or later. >> you can drop that ma'am and
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call me amelia. i see what you are doing wrong. >> i sure hope you can see it because i have been working this for the last two hours and can't make any headway. >> it is way past quitting time. let's get some dinner and maybe some dessert. i'll explain an easier way to get these reports done. >> i'd really like to, but i have a lot of work to do. i think i'll just finish up, stay here and get these reports done. >> ok. since you didn't have time to go forinner with me, i'd like you to find some time to complete these reports before tomorrow.
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training film on sexual harassment. this 20 minute film is an early minute attempt -- is an early attempt to address sexual harassment when more women were entering the united states workforce. whistle] >> come on, baby. you don't even fill out that shirt. hey baby, wait up? we want to give you a squeeze. >> come over here. >> yes? >> would you come in please? i would like to go over some details on the cramer account. >> yes.
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