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tv   Dallidet Adobe  CSPAN  April 6, 2019 10:30am-10:46am EDT

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98 reactors at 60 sites. in florida, i believe, there are three, but i would actually have to check. turkey point and st. there are two stations. two.y point has i am not sure about st. lucie. >> he is with the union of concerned scientists and is not there. thank you for being part of the discussion. >> thank you, it was a pleasure. >> watch the american story unfold on american history tv. histories,00 on oral with an interview of a world war ii navajo code talker. lookingt 4:00 eastern, back at nato's 10th anniversary. girls, the., rocket women of nasa's jet propulsion laboratory.
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this weekend on american history tv on c-span3. coming up, we will tour the dallidet adobe and hear about the family that once occupied this historic home. welcome to the dallidet adobe . this home was owned by a singular family. they lived in this house from 1860 until 1958. the patriarch of the family was pierre hypolite dallidet. he was born in france and 8023. in 1853, pierre hypolite dallidet came to california. he joined the gold mines and made his way through the gold mines. whether or not he was successful, we are not certain. downe time he made his way to san luis obispo in 1853, he came to the area in search of a new life. he heard there was more gold in
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the kern river area. after that, he found his way back to san luis obispo and that with a gentleman who was a mill owner. he had a daughter. when she was 17 years old and 1855 she married pierre hypolite dallidet. they were able to establish this home and 1860. the house was built out of adobe. large quantities of lumber for housebuilding. the walls are adobe. likeare two feet thick, many adobe homes, keeping the home cool in the summertime. this is the cellar.
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originally, we don't know the precise use of it. later on in his life, mr. dallidet became a wine at grauer and seller. and his wife began having children in 1857. over the next 18 years, ms. dallidet had a total of nine children. they also had three daughters. as they found this house was a
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little too small for their family. in search ofwas ways to expand his home. 1869, -- that wharf enabled larger sections of lumber to be brought into the area. build ae it possible to different section of the house at the dallidet adobe. it was added in the 1880's. we have proof it was added. someone wrote in a diary discussing how they added an extended the walls of the summerhouse, as he called it. this would have been a different section of the house that extended the reach for the family so they had more bedrooms.
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the bed has images of tahiti. from pierre hypolite dallidet's experiences into haiti during his time in the navy. -- are aadboard ra pair of holsters. san luis obispo was known as a rough town. it was known as tiger town. there were a number of lynchings, robberies, ride by shootings and much more. one needed to protect one's home and family, therefore the para -- should he be awoken in the middle of the night by a robber, you only need
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to reach behind your head and grab your pistol to protect yourself. 1893 affected members of the family seriously. 1893, which was similar to the bubble bursting of 2000 eight, housing prices lost and he lost a great deal of funds. for the next four years, he started acting strangely. his wife was not living with him at that point in time. she might have returned to brooklyn where her family was originally from. he started carrying around guns and acting strangely. and his vitality would change rapidly. at times he was very depressed and burrows and others he was agitated and verbally violent with his family.
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several times he got into altercations with his father, threatening his father and condemning his purchasing and shaming him and at one point in time, he came back to the house and he had been living here for 20 days. he spoke in a way that his younger brother could not appreciate. after jr. shocked him, he followed him out of the house with his double barrel shotgun and then shot his brother first in the shoulder and that after his brother turned, shot him again in the back. was brought back into the house and laid to rest on the bed. the doctor was called. he said the wounds are egregious and we do not expect you to live very long. he said to the doctor, dr. sheriff,d then to the
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, this was ajuan family altercation. i would have done this if he had not done it for me. , the jurypassing decided juan was innocent of all charges. ended, juan was an innocent man. announced there was a death and justice was done. juan chose not to stay in san luis obispo. he moved down to mexico and became a mining engineer. we have a photograph sitting on a throne built of silver. it says exactly how much money he had made, over $100,000 in
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silver. that is so much the throne was worth. juan got married and two children were born, -- they lived in mexico and the family still lives in mexico today. after the death in 1943, he became the sole inhabitant of the house. ofocal lawyer by the name watched him stealing food from a local grocery store. he said to the grocery store i will pay for this, tell me if he steals again. he contacted a number of local
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historians who were interested in the preservation of the dallidet home and san luis obispo history. the sanked to found luis obispo historical society and to make sure this house would be preserved for future generations. >> san luis obispo, california is one of the many cities we have toured to explore the american story. watch more about our visit to san luis obispo and other cities across the country, go to tour. you are watching american history tv on c-span3. ii, the u.s.war marine corps recruited navajo indians to create a code based on their unwritten language to help the military secretly communicate operational plans. today on oral histories, navajo smith.lker samuel jesse
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here is a preview. tradition at the time , hopefully it will continue, is that when i came home and told my mother i was drafted and right away she somehow sent word to my grandpa. came for a ceremony like they do -- everybody that goes into the service, goes to war. that was what happened. when my grandpa came, he felt my arm. when he was going through the youmony, he said grandson,
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are not old enough to go to war. i said i want to go to war. drafted by the united states government. navajoshat time, the were afraid of the government. uncle sam. said, that is all right, if you are drafted, you go, my son. she got my grandpa to do the ceremony and then told by grandpa the same thing. he said ok. i will make you a warrior. so you can fight the japanese. had to pray from about 11:00 until 4:00 in the morning. as he was praying, i was
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repeating after him. all night. to become a warrior. >> hear more from world war ii veteran and navajo code talker samuel jesse smith on american history tv. >> sunday on book tv. at noon eastern, in-depth and live with an author and financial journalist for an interactive discussion on her career and latest book, collusion, how central bankers rigged the world. join our live conversation with your phone calls, tweets and facebook questions. at 9:00 p.m. eastern on afterwards, an investigative reporter on the careers of jared kushner and i ivanka trump and their roles on the trump administration. interviewed by the former
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new york observer editor-in-chief. this isdonald trump, the other interesting dynamic, will they at some point become too much of an obstacle for him that he either has to let them go? he goes back and forth on this. he was free us with them when they misused emails because that is what he had gone after hillary clinton with. him to say to john kelly, can you just get rid of them? is itf course the irony is trump, the president, who cannot pull the trigger on his own daughter. tv, sunday on c-span2. next, purchase college history professor issa keller from the state university of new york system delivers an
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illustrated talk on women's roles during world war ii. she explains how the influx of women joining the workforce and military changed traditional roles and provided the initial spark for the women's movement. st. paul's church in mount vernon, new york posted this hour-long event. good afternoon, everybody, welcome to saint paul's church national historic site. thank you so much for coming out on this late winter saturday. i am david osborn, the site manager. here we are in march, women's history month. i think yesterday was international women's day. in that spirit and also reflecting some themes in a new exhibit we just opened here at st. paul's on the other side of the wall called a special role: st. paul's church and world war ii. we are pleased to have here today professor lisa keller, a professor of history at suny purchase here in westchester county. one of the great cultu


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