tv 19th Amendment Legacies CSPAN July 13, 2019 7:15pm-7:36pm EDT
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headed over to our fearless leader, and he will tell us what to do next. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> learn more about the people and events that shaped the civil war and reconstruction every saturday only on american history tv, here on c-span3. penn state professor leeann reflects on the 100th anniversary of women suffrage and talked about the tactics women used to get the night at the moment passed and ratified. this took place at the historians meeting in philadelphia. szak, when wasa that women tried to get the vote, and what was it that triggered the movement? f. banaszak: that is a great question.
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it started in seneca falls, but in truth, it started earlier than that with women who were interested in the abolitionist movement but were excluded in london and elsewhere. they thought it was important for women to talk about their own rights, and in fact, the question of the rights to vote , of thewas probably many items on the agenda was the most controversial, and it was a very close vote. people or women at the convention were more focused on other aspects of women's rights at the time, but that really is the date that we highlight as the start of the women's suffrage movement. what is happening in other countries at this time? are women in other countries able to vote? prof. banaszak: to start, i would say that women in new jersey voted from 1176 to about 1807, so women and at least part
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of the united states have the right to vote, and then it is taken away at the constitution is revived. the first country to give women the right to vote was new zealand, and that was in 1893, so much earlier than in the united states, although 1890 is the first state in the united women the right to vote kind of permanently, and that is wyoming in 1890. so the u.s. was not the earliest of the countries to give women the right to vote, but it was also not particularly late. in addition to new zealand, finland was early in 1906. at the other end, you have other countries which are surprisingly late. switzerland, for example, did not give women the right to vote until 1971. greta: what are the tactics
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women are using over the decades to get the 19th amendment passed and ratified? dr. banaszak: so there are a myriad of tactics used. probably the most important to mention, though, is the use of really the exclusion, segregation, african-american women from the suffrage movement and kind of ignoring the aspect of african-american women's right to vote, because that was an important thing in convincing congress to pass the 19th amendment, but what it did mean is that when the 19th amendment came to pass lonely and franchise a portion of women. only ands, would enfranchise a portion of women. the 19thk at what
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amendment did and did not do and look at racism in terms o as a n terms of getting the right to vote. there are other things that were important. one of the interesting things from my perspective is women also were some of the first groups to lobby effectively in the way that we think of lobbying today, so that the national women's party kept a very extensive card catalog of every member of congress, that recorded who they were, what their interests were, when they were visited. they would be resident regularly -- visited regularly by constituents. they would be lobbying extensively. , theytime a vote came up would go to the catalog and revisit the congressperson. thing worth talking
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about is the use of making sure that you publicized the importance of women getting the vote, and that really happened in a series of suffrage parades, picketing the white house, the sorts of tactics we see social movements use today were also used by women of the time. one of the most famous stories is the story of the 1913 suffers around which occurred the inauguration of woodrow wilson, and it occurred the day before, as woodrow wilson was arriving in washington, d.c. and in point of fact, it was ageh a large suffered fo parade, and also there was a lot of violence by bystanders, so that actually overshadowed woodrow wilson's inauguration. greta: the interaction between the women marching and the parade goers is what makes headlines. does it help their cause?
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dr. banaszak: certainly alice paul, the head of the national women's party, thought it does. one thing it does is raising the consciousness of all citizens the fact that this is a concern of women. the other aspect of it is certainly the violence that occurred in that parade. people think about women and the protections they needed, in the sense of -- that happen to a set of women walking peacefully through the streets, that really raised consciousness. youa: another tactic -- mentioned picketing outside the white house, but the arrest of these women, and some of them go on hunger strike. dr. banaszak: that is correct. greta: and then they are force-fed.
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what you think the impact of learning that was on the american conscious? dr. banaszak: is certainly -- certainly brought the public to a position of opposition against not only the local leaders, who had arrested women, but also really put pressure on woodrow wilson in terms of supporting the right to vote. i mean, the necklace i am wearing today actually is a commemoration of the. when women came out of prison, they were given a pin that had this jail door on it to commemorate the fact that they had been in jail, had been force-fed. greta: who came up with that, the idea for the pins buttigie? dr. banaszak: that was the national woman's party. most of the women arrested were part of the national woman's party. greta: once the united them and
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is ratified, what is the expectation on women, female voters? dr. banaszak: there were a lot of debates about what female voters would do in two ways. the first question is whether they would even bother to register and turn out to vote. so certainly there were people who argued they would be uninformed voters, that they would not be interested in politics, that they would simply follow their husbands in terms of voting. on the other hand, early on in 1920, others noted a real interest in women voting, so the st. paul newspaper, for example, in 1920 wrote a whole article on how women were really going out to register to vote and how important that was. the second question was how they would vote, right? so what would they do when they walked in the voting booth? and there was an expectation early on, one expectation was
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they would follow the progressive movement, because they were prominent women activists -- jane addams, florence kelley -- who were part of that active movement. political parties were very much hoping that they could incorporate women and that women would vote the same way that their husbands did. women's, they organized divisions and really tried to bring women into the party in a separate way. greta: and what was the outcome? dr. banaszak: well, it is hard to say, because we do not really know what women did in the voting booth -- obviously, we have a secret ballot. there are some political scientists who tried to estimate what the women's vote was based on some statistical analysis. mostly what they have uncovered is really not much different from men in those early
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elections, that women were not the progressive voters that many politicians thought they would be, but they did vote kind of with the regular party. women goen, then, do from being voters to participating in politics and then running for politics themselves? um, women -- io, would argue women were participating in politics from the very beginning, but not necessarily in the electoral politics that we think of. women ran for office really early. ran forh cady stanton congress. she only got 12 votes, but she was out there. run fort woman to wrot president was in 1882. what you do see is the number of
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women in political office grows very slowly after the 19th amendment, so if you look at where women were in state legislatures or where they serve as late of theen of0's, you only have 1.5% most state legislatures and 1.5% of congress being women. so what that averages out to is in your local, state legislature, would be three women, and that is both houses, right? it is really not until 1970 that you see the first jump in women serving in political office. womenthe 1970's, you see entering state legislatures in bigger numbers for the first time, and it is really not until 1990 on the national level that you see the first real jump in women entering into congress. numbers,en with those you are talking about not that
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large of a percent. worldwide, the u.s. really does not look very good, in terms of women's representation on the national or local level. we've ranked 78th out of all countries in terms of women's representatio. greta: what do you think the legacy of the 19th amendment is for different ethnic groups, and who were the leaders of women's rights for those different groups? dr. banaszak: yeah. 19the legacy of the unitll, so amendment for african-american women as they still had the right to vote, so you see white women saying, we are done, we have the vote, now we are going to focus on other issues, but for african-american women,
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that was not true. so for the 1930's, 1940's, and 1950's, african-american women are still fighting for the right to vote, and many of them had been active in the women's suffrage movement, ida b wells. i was talking with a colleague before he can hear about local women in pennsylvania, and one of the things we tend to focus people fighting for the right to vote. there was debris elizabeth adams , who formed the new neighbor women franchise federation a continued to fight for the right to vote through the 1920's, the 1930's, and the 1940's, all the way into the modern civil rights movement. and all around the country, there are stories like that of women who really have not seen, been recognized in our history
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books because they have either not been part of the traditional story we tell, or were fighting on the local level, and one of that this i hope is 100 anniversary allows us to really celebrate them. greta: and begin to those who were part of the movement, wherever you live, wherever you live. i mean, there are many opportunities as the celebration occurs for local and state groups to really explore their own history and see those women have been written into their history books but were nonetheless really important in the right to vote. greta: >> there are a lot of lasting legacies. i certainly think we need to recognize that much of our thetics today feeds back to
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way the suffrage movement worked , and the battles fought then. i do think the importance of race continually in our politics. out in theplays current women's movement, looks back to that legacy of what happened in the suffrage movement. probably the one that i would stick with. that is most important. >> back on your research of these women, what do you think there reaction would be to the amount of women that ran and won in the 2018 election cycle, having a female speaker of the house for the second time, and as we talk, 4 women running for
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president? hand, they would say this is what they had fought so hard for. a word of 100 years is a long time. the battle suffrage was 70 years. even at this point, to know that women still are underrepresented in those venues would be notable. >> thank you. >> my pleasure. >> this weekend on american history tv, leading up to the 50th anniversary of the apollo moon landing, watch nasa's apollo 11 relaunch interviews. featuring astronauts neil armstrong, and buzz aldrin, and michael collins. charged equally with
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the lunar module pilot in the operation of the lunar systems. that controls the vehicle during descent and assent. >> we will go through the manned excursion on the surface with us in the spacecraft first. he goes down the ladder, i will be taking pictures of him with a camera through the window. television camera will be recording his activities. should difficulties arise, my job is to rescue, then i find myself becoming the active partner in charge of a very complex vehicle with a complex job. >> watch tonight on american history tv on c-span3. >> the house will be in order.
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>> for 40 years, c-span has provided america unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court, and public policy events from washington, d.c., and around the country, so you can make up your own mind. in 1979, c-span is brought to you by your local cable or satellite provider. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. sunday on american history tv from purdue university, historians examine the early years of the new federal government and the politics of the 1790's. here's a preview. 1790's, a see the real debate emerges over what it means to have government based on the notion of popular sovereignty. and when the people and how the people have a right to speak. on one side, we have federalists who argue the, constitution
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established is the only legitimate expression of the public will. citizens were expected to defer to their elected officials. they could have forced petitions, but representatives were free to ignore this advice. federalists believed by casting a ballot, it seceded there sovereignty. there was an opportunity for the public to symbolically participate in their governing .rocess parades, festivals, celebrations. these rituals were inherently differential and i merrily designed to promote a sense of nationalism and reverence for the federal government. in contrast to this deferential version of republicanism in the earlys, the 90's, -- 1790's, regardless of whether they cast a ballot, citizens always retained the right to assert there will directly.
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ese americans, drawing inspiration from the french and american revolutions, did mobilization. town meetings, public rallies, voluntary societies, engaging the public more directly and giving them a voice. some residents even went so far as to reject the legitimacy of the constitutional government and turned to violence to assert individual sovereignty. >> you can watch the entire panel on the early years of the new federal government and the politics of the 1790's, sunday at 1:00 p.m. eastern, here on american history tv on c-span3. ♪
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