tv Mapping Disease Medical Geography CSPAN May 10, 2020 11:14am-12:01pm EDT
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diagnosed among our fleet in rhode island. wouldn't it have been comparatively simple to have isolated these cases and prevented the spreading of them? >> unfortunately, not so simple. quarantineson that against influenza is not effective. had it been possible for all of the cases on board the ships to have been isolated, it would have had little effect on the actual spread of the disease because, undoubtedly there were many more people on board these who, by reason of a more recently acquired infection, would have shown no ver and therefore could not have been readily identified if they were passing through a quarantine station. announcer: the national council for history education moved their conference online due to the coronavirus outbreak. the session next features albemarle high school teacher
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chris bunin. he shows how geographic information systems can be used to trace the source and map the spread of diseases throughout history, including cholera, smallpox, and aids. he co-authored the book " jamestown to appomattox: mapping u.s. history with gis." >> i am so excited to be here with you. i am joining you from nelson county, virginia just outside of our albemarle county this is my school campus where i teach geography, oral history, and geospatial technologies a stones throw away from the border of charlottesville, virginia. if you would like to follow along with some of the links i am sharing today, if you go to this bitly, it is not a perfect alignment to this keynote. i had all the intentions for it to line up perfectly and my children running upstairs had different ideas. i was asked to give this
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keynote. i said, let's see, i wonder if anyone in this audience knows what gis is. part one will be a crash course on gis and the power of the geographic inquiry model. two, we look at how we can use gis and geographic inquiry to teach medical geography historically and can -- can temporarily we will then discuss how we can use gis to support your students and communities moving forward from this moment. then if there are any questions from the audience. when i think of gis and i think of the power of geography, i think of the power of maps. the first time we had a conversation on using gis in history classroom, a doctor made a presentation. he started off right away with
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every event has both a temporal and spatial tag. and then he talked about how we emphasize the temporal chronology in history. so often when teaching history we know when something happens with a high degree of certainty. we have often less precise knowledge of where it happened. that is where the power of maps come into understanding time and place. the images on top of this powerpoint share with you trenches in vietnam. i had the benefit to travel with the national humanities center there a few years ago. if i just showed my students pictures of the trenches, they would say it may look like trenches from the western front. vietnam was french indochina at the time and they carried a lot of their military strategies with them. while we were there, i pulled
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out my gps unit. i happened to capture a picture. i thought this was too cool, i've got to get a picture. when i started sharing this experience, the picture did not raise the questions, the map raised the questions and curiosity. my students started to ask me, where were you? why were you there? why is that point significant? to speak to the significance of this point, it is where french indochina fell to vietnam. if you study world history, you know the ripple effects of this fall. while we were there with the national humanities center, we went to the same site. now they commemorate this place as if you were visiting the fall of yorktown. and cornwallis's surrender.
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we were there to use few spatial technologies to -- use geospatial technologies to develop mobile apps. it just so happened we got there and there was a group of students using geospatial technology to interview visitors about our experience. you can imagine we were outsiders at the time. they hover around us and they are asking questions. in the background you will see someone listening in. as i'm listening, they say can we take a picture of you? next thing you know i am on snapchat. they have taken a picture of me, they are i am realizing this is sending a picture out and i am realizing why this technology matters. this is why it is relevant to our student. you don't teach on an island. if you do, you will not do so well.
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you have got friends to help get you there. when we talk about using maps to teach things, we use it to improve the signal and reduce the noise. courtesy of paul rittenhouse, a colleague of mine who teaches with me. layers makes maps, maps make apps. keep that one in mind. that one is courtesy of georgeanne rebar my , co-geospatial chairperson. whenever she does a workshop, she hammers at home. it is a great way to think about how these maps work. the last is a quote shared with me 10 years ago from one of our fellow board members, culture is the history we inherit. let's start out with what is gis? it is an abbreviation. the g stands for geographic. that is the map, the visual we can see when we look at an interactive map.
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information stands for a table of data. it can be an excel spreadsheet, a google sheet. if you are familiar with excel, you are one third of the way to doing gis. if you can read a map, you are two thirds of the way to doing gis. the system is how the data and the map interact. if you can click on your computer buttons, you can now do gis. that is the three pieces that make a gis work. another powerful element to gis maps is we can layer information. how do we improve the signal and reduce the noise? many maps we use in classrooms are very messy. the nice thing about gis maps is we can separate map features out into separate layers and choose what we see and don't see. that helps comprehension and communication. we see these maps in our
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everyday lives. they are ubiquitous. these are my directions i was supposed to take this past wednesday and head up to cleveland. when we wake up in the morning, we often check out what our weather is going to be like. the maps i am showing you so far are professionally made maps, but students can make these maps. this is a map a student of mine made in the primaries. the student will have elections for his government class project. he was creating a campaign for elizabeth warren. he was using gis to make the pitch where she should campaign in virginia. he is using gis to show the relationship between level of education and the way in which people tend to vote in virginia. they are used by our communities to make decisions and inform us
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on making our governments more efficient. this is a heat map the city of raleigh made to track in live time where trash are. people fill out an app, i would like to tell you where the garbage is. they take this heat map to decide where to do street sweeping. it makes it more efficient. there are certain areas they won't go to every day. this is the map -- a -- this is the map that gets most students to take my gis class. there was a professional started working out in environmental gis and started mapping nba shots. he is now an nba executive. he worked for espn. he is using the same technology of this map. rather than showing trash, he is showing where does lebron james make this shot. how can we make decisions based on that? the idea is the technology we will talk about to map diseases we are using to map so many other everyday elements in our
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lives. one of my favorite examples is how creative students can be with this. similar techniques we saw with the trash and nba maps, i have a student set up a twitter feed and say where is our hall monitor? i saw him here, i saw him there. she created a heat map. during the date, this is where you can find the hall monitor. in the bottom right-hand corner, chelsea, who became a gis professional, she wanted students to have the disclaimer that this does not encourage students skipping school. she had a really clean school. she had to go to the hall monitor assignment. there are so many different levels of this technology being used.
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to teach you about the power of gis, i want to look at this historic event, the fate of the titanic. site. i'm going to be toggling back and forth. do not judge me by my screen. all right. there is a link to a titanic table. you click on that and open it up. it will bring you to a 47 page list of all the passengers that were on the titanic.
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the heart of gis is location. if we were doing this in a workshop, i would say scroll through these 47 pages and share any spatial or social patterns on the map. as you work through, you will notice there were a lot of people in first class, from montreal and new york. he will ask what is the difference - -you will ask -- you will ask what is the difference between a blue and light row. blue means they survived. this is the table. this is the "i" in gis. we have locations we can map. we have where they are from, where they boarded, and where they were heading. a team working with gis online took this list from wikipedia and said let's make a map and improve the signal and reduce the noise. if you look on, the second link is the fate of the titanic link.
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this is that data mapped. 47 pages. i want you to notice as i work with this how much more interactive and powerful the story is because it is mapped. the distribution of passengers first class to second class to 3rd class. i can zoom in on a map. i can say, i wonder what was going on in ireland. i can go from 3rd class to second class to first class. we noticed there was one passenger from dublin, ireland. mr. edward coley. when i click on the map and i click on his name, it shows me those locational points. it also shows you his information that is sitting right here in the table. so that is the power of gis.
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what i want to share with you is when we are talking about gis maps, we are linking maps to tables. driving a lot of the maps we make that we look at in our schools, we are following the inquiry process. a scientific inquiry process. asking questions, acquiring resources, exploring data, but analyzing that information, and then acting on that, whether you make a map or movie or so forth. the heart of historical geography is where, why there, and why should we care? if you embarq on using -- embark on using gis in the classroom, are you using it to enhance your presentations and classwork assignments, or are you teaching
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gis. you can strike a balance but there are two different things. the bottom right image is a student of mine creating an equity map looking at affordable housing. a nonprofit needed a map. their professional was too busy. reached out to me and my student had an opportunity. we want to move into gis epidemiology and look at what is considered the first true gis. if you would like to interact, click on the power of data link on the site. this was produced by a journalist in london during the cholera outbreak. he was tried to figure out why are so many people getting sick.
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the link takes you to this learn gis mapping cholera activity. we will share the links with you at the end. it is a great site to learn how to use gis from an armchair gis professional. click the link that opens up the map. you may get a warning that says hey, can't load the john snow base map. click okay. we're cool. if you click on this item, this little blue square, this shows you the contents of the map. i love when i start to do historical gis maps. one student said to me, what does this mean? i said i don't know. i had a fact checker in the room. it is similar to "pardon the interruption" on espn.
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i said i don't know. she said soho means living south of houston street. i want you to turn on the layer for cholera cases. john snow was investigating london and trying to figure out who was sick. i want you to click on any of these red dots. i want you to notice the information he is collecting. he was writing down their address, recording the number of cases. the sid is what gis needs to collect to make an additional feature. it is called feature id. at this point, if i showed you this map, i would say where do we go to figure out what the source is?
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you may have an idea. you may not. the nice thing about gis mapping is it makes it efficient. tables make maps. i hover over the cholera cases by address and click on show table, it shows all of the information he was collecting. if we were talking through this in a workshop, i would ask have you seen any strategies in the titanic map that we can employ here to make the visual and story better? on the titanic map, there were larger circles for cities with a lot of people that traveled. new york city was large and paris was large. with information we can change the signal and reduce the noise. i will cover my layer. i want to change the style based on the number of cases.
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wait a second, do you notice what is going on here? at this point you see a map that shows you the number of cases. it is told as a different story. you might want to go to the circle in the middle and see what is going on. the other nice thing is i could not just look at values by number and location, i want a heat map. i want to see the hotspots. i just went from style change, from graduated symbols to show me a heat map. at this point we have to check out that hot spot. john snow went to that hotspot and noticed something. he saw that in the middle of the area where a lot of people were sick were public wells.
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he told the city take -- close the well down and see if people get better. people started to get better. today, if you travel to london, you get to go see john snow's pump. they put it out as a commemoration for him finding out that cholera was a waterborne illness. i use this in both my world history class and ap human geography class when i start my school year. i want them to think about that geographic inquiry process, trying to show them history and geography is cool. some of them don't know that. can i do this now? sure, take my gis class. where are we with cholera today when we look at gis?
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a research study was done a couple years ago where nasa is using remote imagery to predict where they will seek gis risk. -- where they see cholera risk. nasa worked with west virginia university on this. they are now using satellite imagery to predict where they can predict the cholera attack outbreak. this was in the country of yemen. another virus that shows up in our history textbook, smallpox. who is the person who developed the smallpox vaccine? by now i've got to believe we have at least one edward jenner in the room. i thought we would use primary sources. here is the cartoon. they were using the cowpox
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vaccine. it is the first vaccine. notice the cartoon is saying people are going to become pigs -- not pigs, but cows because we are inoculating them with the cow virus. where does smallpox show up in the teaching of u.s. and world history? for that, i want you to go back to the site. there is all of that stuff. i want you to click on the gallery for geo inquiries. you can see the geo inquiry landing page. geo inquiries are 50 minute mapping activities designed by the gis software company. they have collections for a lot of different categories. up to 15 different subjects. if you click on u.s. history you will see there are level 1 and level 2 geo inquiries.
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these were written by teachers. the maps themselves were designed by you can scroll down and look for the 1 -- i think it is number 15 -- the grading exchange. it will bring you to this map. the geo inquiries are two pages pdf, follows the geographic inquiry model. you are given a teacher's script to follow along how to navigate the map. this looks at the exchange of goods during the age of european exploration. to access the map, click on the url in the middle of the page. that is going to bring you to this map. similar to the last map. you can click on the contents tab and it shows you a lot of
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different layers. the first activity asks the students, where is the potato farm? when i tell you the top two answers starts with the letter i, they will get it wrong the first two times. they will say ireland or idaho. but notice in this layer i can turn on crop origins. i can turn on the legend. i can say, where is the hearth of these three common ingredients we use today? the potato is from the incan empire. corn is from central mexico. bananas are from southeast asia. students start to think about the movement of ideas and movement of things. go ahead and turn on present day potato production.
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we show cultural diffusion. you ask them questions about what do you notice and which direction did they travel, what does this tell us about agriculture? i am skipping through a number of steps. this lesson is leading to students taking a moment to explore the great exchange, the goods and items exchanged between the old world and new world. students fill out a worksheet and look at all of the new world plants. they look at the old world plants. then they look at the new world animals. the old world animals. i want you to notice this old world animal, horses, which we will come back to when we talk about smallpox. then we go to the americas and learn they had syphilis. then we look at the old world. they had smallpox, measles, chickenpox, malaria, influenza,
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the common cold. when i asked the students at the end of all of this, my number one question was, to do learn something new and did something surprising? this list is the number one surprise students had. i knew europeans brought disease to the new world, i did not know how many. question number two, isn't syphilis sexually-transmitted? my answer is yes, it is. and we leave it at that. they can google it. the idea is to show you that this is a simple gis map we can use in the classroom that is showing the movement of disease. this is six map notes, plants, animals, diseases. students spatially see it as europeans brought diseases over there.
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i want to go back to the powerpoint and give credit to dr. west, who was going to speak last evening about the role of transportation on the central plains when it came to smallpox. back to my powerpoint. where does that play into our history? it plays into it with the ripple effects of european exploration. dr. elliott west is a historian of the american west. a few years ago i had an opportunity to hear him speak about the grass revolution. he talked about the role of horses in transforming culture on the great plains. he talked about how spanish explorers caused a revolution because they brought horses home. horses are native to north america but they had come extinct. the spanish brought them back. in 1680, the pueblo revolt
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released horses out of spanish control. the horse influenced food, trade, military, travel. when it came to providing you power, it revolutionized power. it gave natives 10 times the power they had before. it's been up transportation. when smallpox did break out prior to the horse, stay -- make and fizzle out -- it would stay -- >> now the disease did not have a chance to die out, it was transferred from one location to another. when we think about how we can bring in medical geography, it is right here. we don't need to squeeze it in. , one ofngs us to today the most popular dash boards with coronavirus. apps.s make
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what you are seeing here is a board that is far more than just a map. there are widgets connected to that data. they are keeping up with rates by location. rates by recovery. rates by mortality. raised by specific location. there are also showing the curve. and we are trying to flatten that. so this is the gis dashboard. at the end of the workshop, i will share a link if you would like to make your own coronavirus dashboard. you could have one made in one hour. tables of data, the gis, this is the information johns hopkins was collecting. a student of mine was making one in class, so i took his data set, but he collected the data on february 14, kind of a weekday, valentine's day and he is mapping the virus. it was just kind of weird, but a good map.
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just to show you, this table is feeding this map, these info graphs. when i think about coronavirus, i'm going to step away from gis for a while and think about how does understanding coronavirus -- caller: how does understanding coronavirus fit in to our curriculum when we look at past events. that was back to the quote, "culture is the history we inherit," because so many things are coming up in the news where we go, wait a minute, we have seen this before. the first was the idea of entomology, the importance of naming the coronavirus. we have seen headlines about the naming of coronavirus, recent headlines from the bbc, coronavirus, trump grilled on use of "chinese virus." congressman mccarthy of
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california knocking the democrats after they claimed "chinese coronavirus" is racist. and this might have been yesterday, "mercury news" in san jose, coronavirus attacks against asian americans reported in the san francisco bay area. i started thinking back to my medical geography class and my teaching in ap human geography and history, and i was thinking we have seen this before. this is a primary source from 1981 from the cdc, reporting on five young men, all active homosexuals, have a serious virus. we know it as hiv. it didn't start out being called hiv. here is a timeline of events taken from "the new york times" called it a rare cancer, homosexual, and then it started to be called gay cancer.
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august 11, 1981, dr. friedman-kien of new york was looking for research, the government wasn't funding it, the government was slow to respond. he raised $6635 in private donations to support research. for the first time, the mention of grid, gay-related immunodeficiency disease. which researchers were using in their report about the academic it increased the perception that aids affected gay men. 1982, representative philip burton and representative ted -- thad fife joined together to introduce the first legislation. it does not get out of committee so we see parallels, even though it is coronavirus or covid-19 as a faster moving vibes, these
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-- a faster moving virus, these themes are there. what we name it matters. people get stigmatized. we have seen the news that we should have been developing a test earlier. then it becomes mainstream. and with hiv, it became mainstream when heterosexuals got it, popular people got it. think about what triggered the shut down of all sports. rudy gobert tested positive, nba player, nba season is over. the cdc and government was throwing money at hiv when regular, everyday people within our society at the time of the 1980's started to get it. then the media campaign starts, and i remember growing up a 1980's get, if i could, i would get a bright pink and green and
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orange shirt, maybe get out some shorts, and i remember seeing this advertisement in sports illustrated and other magazines, trying to teach people about this information out there about who can get aids and who can't get aids. we are witnessing that today on the internet, websites saying, this is misinformation, this isn't true. we are seeing where gis is helping us understand hiv today. that is my historical moment. now, let's come back to how gis is helping us understand this. one great thing about gis is scalability, because when you generalize things in order areas, you tend to stereotype certain areas. this is a map where 50% of hiv diagnoses occurred in 2016-2017.
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it is very different map when i show it to you aggregated by state. that is nice thing about a gis map when it comes to getting answers, we change the scale. you can go to live web map down to the county level providing education about how to get help, who is at risk, and so on. they have infographics helping inform different regions, letting you know that of the 48 highest-burdened county targeted with hiv, 48% are in the south. they made the map using gis. when we think about sub-saharan africa, we think of it is the global hotspot for hiv. but the truth is, to clump an
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entire geographic area it doesn't tell the whole story. this is a story from npr just under a year ago, where they are using high-level gis to aggregate points down to a heat map, to find out where hot incident spots are in africa. as quotes say in the article, there is appreciation this epidemic is less homogenous than imagined. the story is changing. you can see the number of people in need of treatment and where most people are concentrated, and it is shifting over time. folks, that is our story. the only thing that is constant is change we talk about how things change over time. gis is helping us better grasp of those things. i don't want to go to gissy on you, what i will, because i love gis. think of our phones, we have gps
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locations, track friends, parents, watch pizza deliveries come to our house, they are using gps coordinates to tag addresses that they don't have addresses for. they are collecting reports from health centers and geo-tagging those and mapping the data. there is a fascinating story on the dustbowl where they mapped out the growth of the dustbowl by mapping out newspaper stories. it is not just information, you can map stuff as long as you know where it happens. another recent headline, study, 17 9% of people with covid-19 have no symptoms. i thought to myself, hmmmm, i've seen that before. it made me think of this woman. i'm about to ask who is this woman? there is a comment in the chatterbox.
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this is the infamous typhoid mary. typhoid mary story. she was an irish immigrant to new york, an ace up medicare your of typhoid. typhoid is a waterborne and airborne illness. she worked as a cook for seven different families from 1900 to 1907. and one family, after 10 of 11 family members were hospitalized with typhoid, hired a researcher, who said you need to find out where this is coming from. auntie pinpointed that mary mallon was the person carrying this virus. they believe it was spread, she worked in a restaurant where they served ice cream and cake one day a week. and that was the day that people got mostly sick, there was a large investigation, a large trial, it lasted a number of years. she went into quarantine, she
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was released, they found her guilty a second time and she spent the last 20 years of her life in quarantine. let me go back to how we are seeing gis being used today for typhoid, then i will talk about quarantine. what some are calling the 21st century equivalent of john snow, scientists are using google earth to map out cholera outbreaks, and are using gene sequencing and global positioning to localized where typhoid is spreading from its source. that brings me to my connection to today. quarantine the venetian word , meaning 40 days, if you look on the news and google things on quarantine,, some good, some bad. i went with a safe one from "the new yorker," stealth kids' movies for the era of
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quarantine. the word quarantine comes from, in 1377, a city state in croatia said newcomers had to wait for 30 days on an island outside the city before they could come in. 1448, they shifted it to 40 days, which gave birth to the term quarantine. the bubonic plague had a 37 day death,from incubation to and so that is why the quarantine became a successful time period. this is a picture of a quarantine boat off the coast of the united kingdom. when we think of quarantine boats today, we have seen that in our local current events with the cruise ships. we sent a medical book to new
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-- we sent a medical note to new york, naval medical boat, to help care for people. these are the ways we can being in medical geography in a seamless, natural way. another recent headline, then and now, how ithaca responded to the spanish influenza epidemic of 1918. i talk about influenza when i talk about world war i. a shout out to the library of congress for this year's conference. here is a primary source saying, here are the things you can do to prevent the spread of the 1918 influenza. looks very familiar in terms of what we are asking people to do on a national and international level now. so my classroom, when i get here, i bring up a gis map, and it shows the contagion of the virus, of the flu of 1918.
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there is a great website at the institute for health metrics and evaluation, produced by the university of washington. they have map present a dynamics in the u.s. i'm going to show you that map. this is a live map that can show all sorts of different data in real-time. when we want to show risk factors, i can show smoking daily. this shows a map of where people smoke, but i want to show you what happens when i bring this time slider to 1996 and push play. think about what is going on in our own society when we think
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about social history, and what smoking was like in the united states from 1996 until today, and i want you to see how the map changes. the red areas show you where more people are smoking, and the blue areas are where more people are smoking less. there are historical stories behind this map. in addition, we can change the map to life expectancy. so when i go with life expectancy, we see areas where left expectancy ranges. down here in southwestern virginia, life expectancy in this county is 73 years. northern virginia outside of d.c., one of the most affluent
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areas of our country, life expectancy is 84 years. that is development. that raises a lot of questions in virginia. what is going on in d.c., were life expectancy is 11 years more than just a 5 hour drive away? and a lot of students say, what is going on in the dakotas? i connect that to native american reservations and other things that contribute to life expectancy. what i like about gis is that it dispels myths and allows us to get to the heart of learning, and when you shift the lens, you shift the perspective, you get different answers. that brings me to one another way we can use gis, and that is access to medical care. i want to shout out to heather, one of my students who has been
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doing a lot of projects this year. i was on an airplane a few months ago and i sat down and talked to a woman from the university of virginia who works at the women's center, and i talked about how i worked with gis, and she worked with the epa and said she knew a little bit about gis. and she said, i have a project, i work in the women's center at we have patients who need care off campus, but for a variety of reasons, they don't want to leave campus. i would love to have some maps that would reduce the friction of distance for them. i would like a map that lets them know how close care is and how close transportation is. so i shared with heather a bunch of tables and she has been making maps for them, where she is went to be able to show uva students and patients, here is where your care is, here is the bus you need, here is how you
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will get there and how you will dust -- she provides an app that somebody fills out a survey and will return back to them where they can go for care. i want to think about, as we go through the versatility i have shown you with gis, i have shown you a historical diffusion map, down to it mattering to a personal matter for people. i bring this back -- this dashboard, the dashboard is , googlepported by esri earth is another form of gis you can use. i like the gis online platform. you will ceilings at the bottom for how you can get a free license for your school, having your students make data-rich maps from the ground up. the hope wit
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