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tv   Open Phones  CSPAN  May 12, 2020 2:42pm-3:03pm EDT

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privately. thank you so much. i think i got to all of you and we'll be back soon. you can house speaker nancy pelosi will introduce the next coronavirus economic stimulus bill. >> the gallup organization releasing a poll yesterdaying can people what they'd like to see as far as elements of a returning to normal before they themselveses can resume normal activities. 80% of those who participated said the one thing they wanted to see was a mandatory quarantine for anyone testing positive with covid-19, that
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followed by improved medical therapies to treat covid-19. that was upon 7%. 73% of those participating said in order to return to normal they had to see a significant reduction in the number of new cases or deaths, and that's followed by 68% saying the availability of a vaccine to prevent covid-19, and then 61% saying they needed to see widespread testing to identify and monitor coronavirus infectionses. again, that was from gallup. it was released yesterday and there's more information when it comes to the topic of reopening states and top officials it's anthony fauci who is going to testify today before the senate at 10:00. he was quoted as saying in news reports leading up to this by "the new york times," the major message that i wish to convey to the senate committee tomorrow is the danger of trying to open the
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country prematurely, if we skip over the checkpoints in the guideline, it will not only result in needless suffering and death and will set us back in the quest to return to normal. that was in the interview he conducted with them. you can see more of that at that hearing if you want to follow along. again, it's c-span3 if you want to do that, or follow along at and you saw the poll results when it comes to the topic of testing that came up at the white house with the president talking about efforts, financial efforts to states to deal with their testing capacity. >> to further expand our nation's testing capabilities this afternoon, i am announcing that my administration and we've got this all approved. it's all done, is sending $1 billion to america's states, territories and tribes. this has all been approved. we've got it done, completed and the money is going out. this major investment will ensure that america continues to
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conduct more tests than any other country on earth by far. i said from the beginning that the federal government would back up the states and help them build their testing capablity and capacities and that's exactly what's happened. this partnership has truly flourished. we have really had a very good relationship with the states and the governors and other representatives within the states, a relationship like i think i can honestly say has not been seen in this country for many, many years. >> so if testing is one of those things you need to see before normal activity continues and maybe you are conducting a normal activity, you can let us know, again for you in the central and eastern time zones it's 202-748-8000 and if it's 202-748-8001 and efforts in congress for another package of
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relief or financial relief and what's being done about it between the house and the senate. joining us on the phone to walk us through it is erik wasson from congress. good morning to you, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> we've heard of fits and starts and as of today where are we in negotiations with the white house and the senate. >> actual negotiations haven't started yet and what we are looking at is the producing the opening offer and that is a bill looking to exceed $2 trillion, and maybe approaching $3 trillion when it is drafted and released. steny hoyer told democrats they wouldn't vote on it before friday and we're looking to see if it gets released from house leaders today in order to give members some time to review it and 72 hours to travel back to d.c. to vote on it by friday. the core of the bill would be 82 state and local governments which are suffering from a massive revenue losses that depend on sales tax for most of
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their revenue and most stores are closed. that amount for state and local governments could approach $1 trillion and they're also looking significantly at a new round of cash payments of individuals and that would be another round of the $1200 checks and we are not clear on the amount and whether it would be recurring and they're calling for them to be quarterly below unemployment crops. >> what's the comfort level amongst republicans? >> republicans are starting to resurrect some of the earlier deficit concerns. already the national debt is looking to -- i mean, the national budget deficit is looking to approach $5 trillion this year. so a massive increase and there is some concern. the key issue, though, is whether states and localities should be bailed out. we have members like mitt romney saying there's no way around it. if we don't do this states will
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lay off their local employees and essential workers like firefighters and police at the local level will lose their job and it will prolong the recession and ultimately backfire and cause a loss of tax revenue down the line. others like rick scott of florida are saying some of the states have mismanaged their pension and mismanaged their finances and we can't allow them to take advantage of the crisis to try to back fill these unrealistic lifetime pension guarantees and their state employees, and i think at the end of the day we might see a compromise where there are guardrails and limits on how states would spend any money but again, we only know the total proposals in the senate like bill cassidy other ands for 500 billion and the democrats in the house are talking double that. >> what's the white house comfortable with this effort? >> the white house has been all over the place. the president has talked about the need for another package, but he has specific demand including a payroll tax cut
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which is very expensive and could also be less targeted than others' efforts. this would be going to people who still have their jobs as opposed to those who have lost it or are struggling and there's resistance even among republicans and the president called for a $2 trillion infrastructure package and we're not seeing an appetite for that in either party, and democrats are talking about broadband and water buildout. but then once, you know, freedom caucus and other members consulted with president trump on friday, he came out and said there's no rush to do a bill. he's adopted this kind of position that there's no rush to do another bill and we're not really sure that's a negotiating tactic or if he really means it. >> this is erik wasson reporting for bloomberg. if this was to happen friday, what needs it happen between now and then? >> we need to see the bill released and scored by the cbo,
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the congressional budget office. i think it would come down to today. if it is not released today i really don't think they'll be in a position to vote on it on friday, and there is also some concern from members who are just flying town for a day and going back. it may make more sense to come back the following tuesday which is the other option. hoyer also told members they'll be voting on potential rules changes both to allow committees to perform their duties remotely and to allow proxy voting on the floor. this is an issue for vulnerable members, sick members, members caring for sick loved ones, ability to cast vote by proxy. another lawmaker would be able to go into the house chamber with preauthorization from the member and cast the vote. >> we thank you for your time. >> thanks so much. >> again, where are you as far as your comfort level in those quote/unquote normal activities
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in this pandemic? you can call us on the line to let us know. "the wall street journal" highlights illinois saying states including that state are allowing more businesses to open in limited fashion such as curb side pick up as governments assemble teams of contact tracers. our first call this morning comes from granite city, illinois. this is ken. thanks for waiting government ahead. >> caller: hi, to the question am i comfortable going out? no, i'm 75 years old. i've got some health problems. i live at home. i'm retired. thank god i don't have to get out and go to work someplace. but no, i'm not comfortable at all. >> did you go out normally even before this pandemic hit? was that part of your lifestyle to leave your home and do various things? >> caller: yes, i go to restaurants and places. there's another factor that is problematic for me. my son lives with me.
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he's 25. he's a college student. and he goes to a nearby four-year university and they switched and went to online classes, okay? they're not holding classes. but in august, classes are going to start back up. and we're scratching our head over how they're going to do that. will he be sitting in classes with 30 people every day? it's a college of 12,000 students, and then he will come home at night. so, we're a little unnerved about that, about that kind of connection. i would feel better -- now, i am comfortable going to our local walmart. it's about two miles away from me, and they require that you wear a mask. you can't get in the front door unless you have a mask. and they also are counting in and counting out people to control how many people are in there. typically on a busy day, there are probably 40 or 50 people in
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line out front waiting with their masks on to go inside, six feet apart. >> that's -- oh, go ahead and finish. that's ken in illinois giving us his perfective on a lot of different fronts when it comes to comfort levels. this is from north carolina in raleigh. noah, go ahead. >> caller: good evening. i feel mostly safe doing normal activities now as long as you're wearing masks, keeping that 6 foot distance. i feel mostly safe in shopping center stores. in places where you're making contact, nail salons, dentists, orthodontists, pretty risky there. i feel kind of safe with that, but anyway, i hope you guys have a great day. stay safe. >> from james in west virginia, go ahead.
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>> caller: first of all i want to thank you for taking my call. i'm not worried about this virus even when it started. i know we have social distancing and things like that in place. but reopening -- if we're going to walmart or places like that and we have to keep a distance and wear a mask and stuff, what's the difference in opening up the country and going to a chain. if you want to go to a restaurant and eat, it's okay. if you don't feel safe, then do what you're supposed to do and stay home. i believe in what we're doing and our president, i believe he's doing a great job. people that haven't got their relief money yet, let's be patient. it's coming. and we've got to get our country
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back, get it back working. and everybody's done a great job so far. we're on top of this thing. and it's just any other flu or virus, whatever, people dying every day of suicide and things like that. and, you know, you don't hear much about that but maybe some agree and some disagree. reopening the country today or reopening the country next month, people are not going to be satisfied. they're going to blame our president. >> okay. that's james in west virginia giving us his perspective. one of the local news stations out of the commonwealth of
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virginia saying the governor ralph northam saying most of the commonwealth set to reopen friday. there are exceptions being made saying that those exceptions are the population-dense washington suburbs in northern virginia. we'll hear from olivia, next. you're up. >> caller: yes, i do feel safe. and i just want to say i think wearing those masks and standing, we're lowering our immune systems and we're not even going to be able to survive a cold, a common cold, if we don't stop this nonsense. but let me say this one thing about c-span if i can -- >> house speaker nancy pelosi -- >> caller: you all never talk about biden. that's how i know you all are fake. you never bring him up. >> that's not -- that's not absolutely true. just a couple of weeks ago -- wait, wait, wait, wait. even a couple of weeks ago we brought up the issue of joe biden when the allegation from
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tara reade came out. i know that because i was sitting here doing the questions. >> caller: you bring up trump all the time and biden is running for president. you need to have him on. you all are fake. >> if mr. biden wants to come on this program, he's more than welcome to do so and take questions. that's olivia in virginia. one of the people commenting about reopening of states was new york's governor andrew cuomo. a daily press briefing he gives, you can see those on c-span, one of the comments he made was the lessons learned, that from other states opening up. >> new york, the cases are now on the decline. you look at the rest of the nation outside of new york, the cases are still on the incline. we took the worst situation in the nation and changed the trajectory so now we're on the decline. the rest of the nation, the cases are still on the incline.
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that is because of what the people in this state did. if you had said when we started this yes we have more cases than anyone else, yes we had this european virus attack us and nobody expected it, but we're not only going to change our trajectory, we're going to change the trajectory more dramatically than any place else in the nation. and when you look at the nation compared to new york, you're going to see us on the decline the rest of the nation on the incline. people would have said it was impossible, but we did it. but we have to stay smart. on this next phase, we have to learn from the mistakes that others have made. and we're not the first to reopen. and that's a good thing because you can look around and learn. other countries reopened too fast, they didn't have controls in place, and they reopened and
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then they had to slow down or they had to stop. we don't want to do that. we want to monitor our reopening so if there's any change we can immediately calibrate it. >> more of that available at by the way, if there's a recent poll -- another poll taking a look at guidelines and the concerns by some expressed about the lifting of those guidelines, this is in the "usa today" this morning saying three out of four americans say they are more concerned about the government lifting social distancing restrictions too quickly. that's according to ucla nation scape project. that's more than double the 29% that say they're worried restrictions are not being lifted quickly enough. as far as your safety, your comfort level, whatever you want to phrase it as as far as normal activities, mark in north carolina, hi, you're next up.
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>> caller: yeah i just want to say i've been out going to stores and things intermittently trying to space those visits fairly far apart. my wife went to trader joe's and said she was probably one of about five people that was wearing a mask. she felt very intimidated. she said the people that were waiting in line to get into the store were snickering at her which was kind of disturbing. i would go to the walmart when they hope to go to the store, and i have to admit it's probably 70% of the people wearing the mask. yesterday i wanted to go to home depot. i've been trying to start getting the yard work done so i thought what the heck, i'll pick up some mulch. it's sitting outside. i'll wear my mask. so, i went there, kind of drove through the parking lot -- this was about 2:00 in the afternoon. i out of about 30 people i saw probably, one person wearing a mask. then i thought i'm not even
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going to bother going into the store. this doesn't look like a safe place to visit. i thought i'll get up in the morning. so, i went this morning at 6:00 in the morning to go there. none of the employees are wearing masks at all. i went to load my mulch in my car. i respectfully asked the person that met me out there, i said i'll load my own trying to indicate that i wanted to social distance while i was wearing a mask. that person was not wearing a mask. they insisted on helping me load the car, did not respect my social distancing at all. now, a caveat, in addition to that whole thing is i happen to work in the hospital where we have covid patients. and the thing that i do see this -- and this is what's kind of the part that's so frustrating to me -- is that people don't seem to understand that i'm wearing the mask for
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you. i'm not wearing the mask for me. i'm trying to prevent the amount of people that are coming in the hospital with covid by not possibly infecting you because i work in the hospital and i occasionally take care of covid patients. but it is so frustrating to me when i go into public and people seem to be wanting to make a political statement about not wearing masks, snickering at my family members. i'm not the only one in my family that works in the hospital. i've got four other family members that work there. it is unnerving to me that people seem to be so selfish that they cannot find themselves to social distance and wear a mask. it is beyond the pail. >> okay. in north carolina, that was mark. marlene is up next in minnesota in alexandria. >> caller: good morning. thank you for taking


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