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tv   Cable TV Pioneers Induction  CSPAN  December 4, 2020 9:00pm-9:51pm EST

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hello i'm chairman of the cable
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tv pioneers. i'm day fellows. and i'm yvette kenneth. so dave tell me, how did we end up in jacksonville wyoming. >> this year we took a bit of a detour, where here enjoying the hospitality of the gateway to yellowstone national park. it's a spectacular setting for a spectacular class. >> that it is, it is the first time that we are televising and streaming the induction, and the first time we're here. i'm glad we've stepped up the attire more of our local attire >> me too. let's get started with a warm welcome for our first group of new pioneers. >> the cable tv pioneers proudly introduced these outstanding inductees. frank levy -- is a highly respected
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journalist, analyst and publisher with 35 years covering electronic media. the join as associate editor, covering major regulatory affairs in washington d.c.. in october 1983, craig moved to electronic media for washington bureau chief. he managed the magazines budget and staff and increased -- for in-depth analysis. in 1985, his israel as a historian -- craig volunteers time and money to enter -- right food for the poor and charitable foundation for the fight for pancreatic cancer. he is sponsored tonight by leni and howard hollow it's. >> as my career most from being
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a journalist to analyst, and today an industry educator. there are so many people help me along the way, family friends and colleagues and supporters in my sponsors. you know who you are and i am internally grateful to each of you. let's all keep spreading the spirit of camaraderie, and innovation which made this industry such a success. thank you. >> louise moon he is ceo of jail and partners. or 45 industry career began as a publicist for hbo where she promoted the networks original programming to media journalists. in 1982 she moved to chief executive officer. in 1984 she joined and cta as vice president for industry communications. she was instrumental in launching cable in the classroom, becoming ceo in 1988. after ten years with ceic, she
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cofounded jail on partners to service partners in the broadband, wireless consumer electronics and digital media. blue eases been a trusted invalid source for business, entertainment and tech writers in the trade press. she has been consistent behind the scenes promoter in the cable industry throughout her career. she is little passionate about voting rights, she is a frequent volunteer for many get out the vote initiatives. louise is sponsored tonight by shower bottles and decker handsome. >> may have noticed there's a theme tonight, gratitude. gratitude to this election committee, gratitude to all of our sponsors and my colleagues who worked side by side of when we were introducing satellites, and the hbo and mtv. we really didn't know where it was going.
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but look where we ended up. together, i am so grateful that this was the way i spent my life and my career. thank you. >> jeff bernstein is owner of itv partners llc. he got to start in the industry, producing and editing i school sports videos for cable vision in new york. by 1980 he was network services consultant for digital corporation. he became director of professional services for spyglass open tv. in this role, he directed top projects throughout the u.s., asia and the middle east. on his return to the u.s., he became vice president of engineering. since finding itv partners, jazz consulting clients has been comcast, charter bright house, time warner and operators throughout the asia pacific region. he is a guest lecturer on the cable industry at harvard in this university.
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jan cares of boys and girls club of new hampshire where he is active in fund-raising and mentoring in his hometown. jeff sponsors this evening is william thomas and bob guess near. >> like to thank the cable partners organization, my family friends and a special my wife sharon for making my career such an interesting journey. i travel around the world, met with cable operators, and vendors and i really enjoyed the ability to see us all achieve a common goal. thank you again i wish all my fellow inductees a great time. >> dick rahm is works for cable rahm. we started 1973 with cable vision in illinois, where you produce programming for the local cable channels. while there, he completed a degree in applied science electronics. 1979 he join communications in mount pulaski illinois as chief
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technician for nine newly constructed systems. one it was acquired in 1982, he added general manager duties to his role as chief technician. star cable vision acquired ccc in 1985, and moved dick to a corporate engineering post responsible for their four state midwest region. he supports unison, the wounded warriors organization, and the special olympics. he also supports the prevention of child abuse initiative at the i was the chapter of the cap a delta foundation. he is sponsored by andy healy and john patterson. >> first i'd like to thank my sponsors. also a couple people that have helped shape my career for the last 46 years. robert shepard, vice president of engineering four star cable vision, and tommy hill who brought me to cable won almost 24 years ago.
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and to all the team members i have had the honor to serve, work with and lead over my 46 year career. and to all my family, especially my two daughters jessica nationally, who have always been an inspiration to me. >> richard production leads the engineering for design and testing for comcast. 1990 to 1999, he was senior vice president chief technical officer at cable labs. he joined terry on communications as senior vice president scientist. he led the group that developed upstream layer technology. he served the next 14 years as vp and chief technical officer of the broadband communications group. he has been actively involved in the sec's --
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electronically engineers the international telecommunications union, and the multi media overkill axle alliance. holding 76 patents, here in the ph.d. from columbia and bachelors and masters degrees from city college of new york, all in electrical engineering. he is sponsor tonight by around her neck and disagreeing. >> aloha from hawaii, it is a profound privilege to be invited into this group of industry experts. i will strive to uphold an advance the positions of this distinguished group of distributors, to make success of the cable industry. i gratefully accept this honor, with thanks to all prospects. >> steve kaplan has been ceo a multi linking since 1983. he started as a subcontractor teleprompter in 1977, supporting their ohio
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franchising. multi link is recognized for working with customers to jointly develop products to satisfy customer needs. company had grown from fewer than ten employees in 1983, to more than 300 today. multi line has been granted 40 patents for the companies innovative product lines. steve is a strong supporter of as cte and sponsored membership for many deserving associates. he served on the alaska chapter for the past 12 years, outsider industry has support a number of his ohio hometown clubs and associations. i'm -- he constructed a new little league and concession building for the lead, and park swings for a local park and the school. steven sponsor tonight by joe van loan, and likes porter. >> i'd like to thank the cable pioneers for this award. and also retro, --
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for the many years of happiness have had in the index tree and all is done for myself and my family. >> then grinders directives sales for fourth wave technology. you gotta start as project manager in upstate new york in 1991. in 1990, for the move to gis communications as director of operations, overseeing construction, he chose the launches and capital budgeting. before joining fourth wave-y service -- in 2016 move to comcast with virginia market, he managed voice and data departments. he has held multiple leadership positions, from president to treasurer at various as cte chapters. he's been actively fund-raising in volunteer work with little, he boy scouts and veterans homeless shelter. while volunteering with the little, lead the assisted with an annual event for charity for
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disabilities were children. >> thank you pioneers, this is a true honor integrate privilege to be part of this organization. thanks for the sponsorship, and i really look forward to seeing everyone soon. >> from the 2020 in that piece of the first ever class 1966. a year that would influence decades to come. the beatles and beach boys rocked the charts, mustang some of the best selling car, star trek launched on nbc, and ed sullivan anchored sunday night. 1966 was a defining moment for cable to. they're more than 1 million cable tv subscribers, over 22 cable channels, and the fcc expanded its role in cable. at the 1966 national cable tv association in miami, 21 cable entrepreneurs meant to recognize the leadership and achievements they accomplished. he's received a plaque and pin to commemorate the event.
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they became the first cable pioneers class. most of those pioneers are responsible for building the foundations of today's cable broadband industry. that dinner over half a century ago as set the standards the pioneers continue to follow. induction into the pioneers is based on nominations by current pioneer members, leadership in the industry and community. and a proven track record of going the extra mile to make a difference. >> those first 21 pioneers outgrown for more than 700 members over the past 54 years. tonight, how ranks are expanding again with a class of 2020. let's continue to heat it up, and introduce more of our new membership. >> jim a tone or is a leader -- she created tone networks, a learning and development platform. she answered the cable industry in 1987 in at sales. in 2000, she joined cable
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vision systems corporation. rising to the senior vice president, business insights and strategy. she held roles and marketing, business development and product management. tone are served as seat times chairperson and is a board member at with. she was selected as a wonder woman and tammy recipient. she was awarded a patent for top box viewing data. she said in the board of directors for several companies including sand vine, which is a leading provider of intelligent broadband network solutions. she is on the board of concern worldwide, an international humanitarian organization helping to serve the world's most vulnerable. jima sponsored by and carlson and brigitte baker. please welcome her to the cable tv pioneers. >> thank you cable pioneers into my sponsors, two women who truly lived lift other women up.
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and of course my husband. this industry is like no other. fearless, innovative and filled with extraordinary people. at cable vision amc networks, we probably created firsts. and what a rush it is. it's what continues to drive me into networks as we create new ways for companies to develop female leaders. i must also think another cable pioneer, charles stolen for his vision in belief that we actually can accelerate change for women. i treasure the friendships that i have had as a result of this industry, i look forward to all of us using our pioneering spirit to further advance diversity and inclusion. i'm so grateful for this honor, thank you very much. >> john williams is vice president of engineering for trotter communications. john started in the trenches as an installer. and running surface calls for
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falcon cable tv in 1982. promotions in the ranks at falcons followed, he became a contractor in 1989. supervisor of construction and installation crews. 2006, they named john as their director of engineering. for the california region. he moved to denver in 2013, was named vice president of engineering. he's been active with as see tv. he's been a frequent panelists with a ctv, and speaking on current trends. away from work, he enjoyed spending time with his family. skiing camping and fishing. he is has coached baseball, and donated time to a number of causes that benefit the homeless. he is sponsored tonight, but tim cook and chris huffman. >> this is a long ways from my
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first job in the industry, a built this thing called cable tv. i have to work with some of the greatest leaders and innovators who guided me throughout my career i want to thank my wife mimi and my two kids clara and charlotte for all their love. i would like to thank tim cook, and huffman, and the board. thank you. >> zak rarely, his senior vice president with and than all corporation. he is with times fiber communication. zak relocated to japan, and open a sales office. in april of 1999 he returned to the united states and added sales responsibility for all of europe. he was the vice president of sales with global responsibility for and funnel
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domestic, and international sales and management. he was responsible for five co-axle cable manufacturing plants. two years later he was named president and ceo for the corporation. frequent presence, at a ctv, and cta and broadband trade chose for more than 20 years, he has been a cable ambassador throughout the world. he supports to non profits, tenders craig hospital, and the rocky mountain academy. . >> i would like to extend my thanks to my sponsors, to my company and then all, and to all of my team. for the many years of support if you. from a and lasting my family of course my thanks to them for
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allowing me to do the crazy things and travel all the crazy places i've have. many years and thank you very much it's an honor to be part of this. here is looking forward to a very good 2021. >> since 21 did since 2020 wealth, bob foot has been with kgb company. he entered our industry in -- he had a small company, later acquired by cable systems. he moved to supply is operations manager. for you to either joined iris as a communications. he joined try net and became a vice president. during 30 years of service, he served as chapter president, from 1996 to 1999.
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he served on the national ctv board for 12 years, including chairman vice chairman at secretary. a hall of fame inductee he was a member of the year in 2005. outside of he, he is co-owner and treasure of a marine charity service. bob is sponsored this evening, by terry court over, and dan knox. >> hello and thank you to the cable television pioneers for this honor, i'm humbled for this recognition, as i know there are great many industry icons, and have more accomplishments than i do. i would like to thank terry court over, and -- i would like to thank my life janet my wife janet for her
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support. thank you. >> shane portfolio, is senior operations for comcast. he joined pcr in 1997. as a call center trainer. then he moved to network operations. he held vice president in engineering roles, and in california and west coast regions. he has a commitment to teamwork, a product of his career. considering his every day responsibilities, he is pursuing a ph.d. at north central university. his thesis is focused on women and people of color in the technology industry. he deserved as region one director, and vice president of messy tvs engineering group. he has contributed considerable time in the rocky mann mountain and california chapter for a
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ctv, and keynote events. he serves on big brothers and big sisters of america metropolitan state university and the denver foundation united way in the raid red cross and autism speaks. he is sponsored by leslie ellis and anita henderson. >> spent most of the career on the high speed internet type of side of things, and decided to be a part of this group, i want to be clear that there's no way i'm here, without my colleagues and my family and the sport that i've received through the years and all of the support of everybody, that's been a big part of my journey. i am incredibly grateful to each and every one of you. thank you very much. >> hi everyone, i am so honored to help celebrate this year's class of cable tv's pioneers.
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with all the 2020 has brought us we need to look for right spots in the surely is one of them was congratulations to each of you on your honors and i'm excited about two names shane portfolio. who continues to perform at the highest level, throughout the spent epic and one of the exciting technologist who will one day take our networks to the next level that's dave. huge thanks to both of you, for everything you've accomplished. >> this is indeed, been a trying year, for the entire nation and the world. i'm proud enemies to watch how much our industry has stepped up. covid-19 has shown an even
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brighter spotlight, on the importance of products and services that comcast delivers. and our industry delivers, whether is the internet, enabling students to continue virtual education and, parents to do the work. we are the heart and soul of their entertainment offerings, especially as movie theaters and other gathering places are temporarily closed. so we are truly helping the world stay connected, and showing up for customers and when they need is the most where the needs most in the most sought for way. this is the strength of our industry, and of all the talented people that continue to shape its ever a vaulting future. each of you has made a significant contribution to the gross advancement of media and technology and are deserving of your recognition tonight. i have great respect for this organization, it reminds you have my dad and julian brodsky,
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and people who have helped built comcast. where proud member, and so my. my dad was a true pioneer, every sense of the word, and amazing to see the adaptability and power carried on by all of you. so it's great to see the group expand, congratulations again to the class of 2020, enjoy this moment and keep up the great work. >> thank you so much brian, and now it's time to recognize cable television pioneers, who joined our ranks 25 years ago as members of the class of 1995. >> the 1990s, was an error of an era of pay-per-view presentations,. the cost of 1995, richard rex wrote, susan green, roger williams, jerry land, robert
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loft, h. w. buzz good all the third, stephen irons, james old i'm, terry rich roberts tingle, and hugh carly. the class of 1995 included the best programming operations, and technology executives. all making outstanding contributions to the industries growth and success. >> now for more of our 2020 inductees. >> and montgomery is area vice president, sex central texas field office at charlie communications. her cable career began with the billing services company. 1990, she joined comp you link as an insulation specialist. her next move to denver to join tce. where she led her production and studio teams. and she is our groups.
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1992, she launched the olympic video on demand to the industry. and became executive vice president, in 1991, and she proved the customer service experience, while she transitioned the company brand at&t broadband. she took a sabbatical, to care for two children and her ailing mother. she joined liberty global in amsterdam, under liberty global, she managed the integrations of 14 cable operations across europe and scandinavia. she spent more than 30 years, serving his chair and vice premier chair and secretary xi. now serves weeks board in greater texas. >> achieving this milestone, of contribution and tenure, would not be possible that the many people who develop me along the way. with that i would like to say
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thank janet from the cable center, jon cohen from charter communication, and the wicked, greater texas chapter, for all of your support. lastly i would like to thank, the thousands of technicians and engineers, who have known no bounds during this pandemic. delivering our services and products to customers across the united states. they are the real heroes, and i'm proud to represent them in central texas. >> dan o'brien is the chief executive officer, for media shift technologies. his cable career began with jones inter cable in 1982, as general manager in the chicago suburbs. in 1988 he moved to warner cable, as vice president of the company. in 1993, two president of time warner satellite services.
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1997, they recruited dan to become president and chief operating officer. here castrated a merger of six and missiles prime star holding, into a single public company. when the new unit was sold to directv two years later, he was named president and ceo of high speed access court. leader required acquired by charter. he is served on a number of committees. he was a director of the wick foundation, and is a leader of mid size companies, and he was offered the national chapter of the red cross in washington d.c., focusing on disaster relief efforts. dan sponsored stephen-ing our check morris, and kevin lady. >> american engineers, i've had some success and actually more failures. but i would really like to thank my sponsors, chuck morris
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and kevin levy. my family my wife teresa, and my sons matthew and griffin, who are both in the industry. >> peter reuben is president of pm the resources. a sales consulting firm. his cable adventure began in the early eighties as an inter for warner and mix headlight embodiment after earning a degree in economics from wonders university, he joined water cables metro division as a marketing coordinator. for the new builds in milwaukee and st. louis. in 1994 he joined a senior vice president for national council which included responsibility for the sale team. following the sale of u.s. network, see he was asked to fill the affiliate sales operation for cohen he just signed. as executive vice president for affiliate relations. he is a founding member of the
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sea tamp educational foundation and received awards. he was active with wicked, and the cable facts all of. aim is sponsored by david and doug holloway. >> house fortunate to work with my two sponsors. my parents always said to me whatever you do with your carrier, make sure something a love. i'm so fortunate to work in a great industry with great people. i learned from some of the best, how fortunate might today had a career that allowed me to travel and meet new people every day, to see this country in the world i hope i was able to contribute something to the cable industry the same time. thank you so much for this
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honor. >> ron wolf -- a charter he updated guidelines and focused -- his game adventures began in 1978 as a field engineer with warner cable. in 1987 he worked as an engineer for time warner. a joint leading technical standards, network engineering affiliate -- for that high-speed data provider. well without home, he was responsible for completing agreements from major a missile deployments of internet launches. after six years with at home, he move to aurora networks as director of product management. whereas many contributions, and his dedication to training future technical leaders, he
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received a member of the year award in 1992. he remains a member of the board, and serves on the governance committee. a sponsor this evening by todd and steve. >> i'd like to thank the cable tv financial designer. as well as my sponsors. and my supporters. thank you. i'm here tonight because i've been privilege over the course of my career to work with so many great leaders and mentors. people who care enough to teach me how to fly. but i wise enough to know when it's time to take you out of the nest and see that you could prove it yourself. -- thank you. my gratitude to my family, my son danny, my partner lisa i love you all.
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>> brought hearst is a chief -- you consulted for british satellite broadcasting, later be sky be. he holds more than 1000 patents related to the use actual cable. throughout his career, he has been an active supporter of sec. and being a platinum donor. -- father he supports the chestnut tree house, children's hospital.
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sponsors are mike freeze and markswoman. >> like to thank all the team for the support over the years i'd also like to thank my wife and my children james alex emily and catherine for all their support over the years. and finally, i'd like to thank mark freeze -- good evening. >> a live backwards elaboration is normally sold out. this year with the help of our friends at c-span, or able to devise and stream the induction of the class of 2020. so everyone can join in on the fun. >> it's very true. dave and our organization so thankful and honored to collaborate with c-span on this induction celebration. >> he spent created by the
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cable industry as a gift to the american people. thanks to the support of so many cable tv pioneers that c-span has thrived. many have served on c-span border directors, others committed to had -- with three television networks, radio station streaming video and large social media presence. it's no surprise that in addition to c-span founder bryan lam, c-span ceo along with executives -- are all cable tv pioneers. how pioneers can take pride in c-span, and their role in building and maintaining this public service. >> let's meet our final group of 2020 inductees. joe quaint is with edge connects. his principal and cofounder of interim solutions group providing consulting services to the cable vendor community. a former high school teacher basketball coach, he joined
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scientific atlanta in 1983 as a commercial account manager. in 1987, he was named to the national council team to manage relationships with the cia, united artists, united and jones into cable. subsequent essay promotions followed first from western regional manager and ultimately vice president leading the national council team from 1998 2007. while leading the team for time warner, he was part of many industry first including digital cable, high speed data, d.o.d. and switch the. he's a long member of siti and women and cable telecommunications. he supported catholic charities of denver and the children's home of florida. he's been active in youth baseball basketball and serves as vice president of the home association. >> there is a great big thank you to ken claire and steve,
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and my 35 plus years in cable industry, it's been a real thrill to watch us grow from adolescence to the undisputed world leader of telecommunications. three big quick thankyous to migrate sales team scientific plan for ten plus years we covered time warner cable, and for the past seven years my partners, -- and finally the most important to my lovely wife, our sons adamant matthew, and my daughter in law caroline. thank you. >> rick symone is vice president for external in state affairs at the internet and television association. a position he has held for rs. he works with state is
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passed force we directed the whole bryant foundation's leadership seminars for eye school students -- >> early on in my cable career, i would tell people which was
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synonymous forming in the world a better place. i believe that then and i believe that now. . to many thanks to my friends and colleagues. -- my our tired longtime boss and cable point here john -- >> chiles seekers is the ceo of ovation, the only multi platform service dedicated to the arts. he leads all strategic programming, marketing and sales operations and piano as best rotation. it is a senior executive a dream works television. he moved vice president of prime time specials and late night programming at cbsn entertainment, it is a key member of the team for launching primetime after prime time in the latetm david letter. man, he currently pursued a
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career in screenwriting. propelled by his law for history politics and adventure, he was inspired to create national treasure and subsequently, national treasure too. it is a member of the wta, pga and is a professor for carney melons masters of entertainment industry management programs. he support americans for the arts, and women in telecommunications. it is a member of the board of trustees for the ford cedar society in washington d.c.. he has sponsored this evening by ellen and then. >> jeff ross is president of armstrong utilities, opposition has held since 2003. his cable career began when he was recruited by time warner as director of operations for the rally durham division. he was born with the vice president national operations with responsibility for all operations of the joint venture with u.s. was. in 1998, he joined the united
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global comms european company the predecessor liberty global. -- jeff lead the effort launch residential telephone service on you pcs networks in the netherlands, france norway and austria. after five years in europe, he returned to the u.s. and join armstrong as president. he continues to lead armstrong to the challenges of the ever-changing broadband and video businesses. he has served on the fancy tc board for 14 years, and as a member of the executive community. -- it is also served on the pennsylvania cable tv association board. just as devoted his time and resources to a number of charitable organizations, including is known creation armstrong, healing heroes. his sponsor this evening by
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david keefe and at hollering. >> moderate to join the special group. i have known many pioneers, i hope i can help others as they have help me. i want to thank -- for nominating me and i wish i had time to thank others. richard i want to thank my colleagues backing armstrong, they are strong senior team and all the hardworking dedicated employees their exemplify service. i want to thank my wife sylvia and my four kids. well supported me throughout this journey. i love them so much. thank you. >> elaine partridge is vice president of special projects for vast broadband. in 1995, she joined galaxy cable vision as executive assistant to the ceo. callously promoted her a year later to the position of programming coordinator. elaine was named director of programming and marketing in 2002, to manage contract negotiations, prepare budgets and supervise in-house and contract marketing personnel.
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in 2006 galaxy's successor new wave communication named her director programming. she made an integral role in developing a program for the newly formed company, and negotiated vendor contracts. her nice promotion with new wave was to vice president programming charged with consolidation efforts. elena served as a director of the national cable cooperative since 2013 and is the current vice chairman. in 2017, she received the pathfinder word. she has passport member of cable women cable telecommunications, and board member of the missouri cable association. she has sponsored this evening by can understand and frank hughes. >> a moment such as this makes you think of life's journey. never did i imagine my journey would take me down this wonderful path, i'm humbled in forever grateful to my sponsors frank hughes in can anderson. my journey took a fork in the
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road when my husband took a job in a small town called 16 missouri. at a great opportunity to work for a top notch, family run business and work for some amazing mentors and industry leaders. it tim and -- encouraged me and showed me the path. i would not be standing here today without them. i have been blessed to be with great industry -- their commitment to the small and mid side operator is truly remarkable. but as this journey started with my family, that's where it will end. jeff brook mac and ryan. i love you more than you know. and i share this honor with you. >> well a cool and accomplished class we have this year. speaking of cool, it got a bit chilly outside. it's nice to be in the warmth of spring creek ranch. >> this is a celebration of the
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accomplishments of our new pioneers. it is time to pause, remember the pioneers of past since our last gathering. all of the pioneers that have passed. >> let's not forget the behind
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the scenes efforts from all of the volunteers. thanks to you too and the board of directors. jim fair claw, yvette kenneth, susan bitter smith, frank randall. david fellows, pack evil. jean gay, jim glisten michael plan zig, shawn mug rail, patty mccaskill, john pastor, matthew polka, and lisa showing dollar. >> when we give a toast to our pioneer class. >> i just happen to have a bottle of shuttle and funnel.
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>> what a classy year. and thank you to broadband solutions. >> for all of you watching, please join us in welcoming our 54th class to cable pioneers. >> cheers. >> cheers everyone >> cable tv's cable tv pioneers is non profit organization. with financial contributions of our sponsors like come scope, and our other partners we will celebrate the class of 2020 in style. thank you to us to you all. that brings you to the end of our first televised ceremony, 54 years in the making. >> to all of our partners sponsors donors and members, thank you again for your general support, and we could
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not have done it without you. >> by the way, you are all invited to join us next year, for our 55th annual cable pioneer banquet. fingers crossed dave. to be held next year in atlanta, as part of the 2021, a seat expo. >> see you next year. >> part of the sec tea-y expo. >> hey yvette, about you gift. >> well the mountains are nice here, so we get some peaches in georgia. >> okay.
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