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tv   Open Phones  CSPAN  February 3, 2021 1:51pm-2:05pm EST

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and not only will we review these carefully, we'll also be in discussion with the folks at the agency and our partners out in the field to learn more and make sure we're doing everything to make sewer our learning environments are safe for students not only physically but also where they can go there free of harassment or discrimination. >> thank you. >> michael regan, the president's epa administrator nominee testifies at his confirmation hearing this afternoon before the senate environment and public works committee. watch live at 2:00 p.m. eastern on c-span 3. >> good wednesday morning to you. you can go ahead and start calling in now on this question. president biden what he had to say just after signing his latest slew of executive orders that were focused on the issue
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of immigration. >> my grandfather say the grace of god and goodwill of neighbors will reunite these children and re-establish our reputation as being -- >> president biden last night from the white house, from the oval office saying those words wanting america to be a haven for people in need. that's what we're asking you about this morning. do you think america is or should be a haven for people in need? by the way, three more executive orders last night from president biden. a run-down of them, president biden signed executive actions ordering review and potential reversal of the administration's deterrent policies along the mexico border and the barriers they created and also created an interagency task force to reunite families separated by president trump's zero-tolerance
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at the border. the washington times today notes that the latest moves come on top of inauguration day changes including a halt in construction on the southern border wall and a 100 day pause on almost all deportations. although that deportation clause is before a federal judge now. the rash of orders underscores the focus mr. biden is placing on that issue and the amount of work it will take to unwind mr. trump's signature policies. and one of the key players in that work now will be alejandro mayorkas, the new secretary of the homeland security. he was confirmed last night and sworn in last night. this is the story on his confirmation vote yesterday in the senate. he was actually in the oval office yesterday when president biden was making those
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statements. usa today noting he'll become the first immigrant and latino despite opposition from republicans. it was a 56-43 vote, the closest vote so far for any of president biden's nominees. mayorkas arrived in the united states from cuba in 1960s as refugees from fidel castro's regime. he's been deputy secretary of the department of homeland security and headed its citizenship agency. we'll show you some of the debate over his confirmation that happened yesterday in the senate for that vote as we go forward this morning in this first hour of the washington journal. but the question we're asking simply is america or should it be a haven for people in need from around the world? rob out of marion, louisiana, on that question. >> caller: how are you doing
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today? >> what do you think about this question. you say yes why? >> because in the beginning of this country it was a haven for the pilgrims. the pilgrims came here, made a good life for theyself. and then black people were slaves we were brought over here without our will. and now we live in a country now like inside the soviet union. >> have we been that beacon you're talking about over the past four years? >> it's bip the history of this country since its beginning. it's been a haven for people of all races since the beginning of the existence of the united
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states. robert to john in georgia. good morning. >> caller: good morning. america has always been i think a haven for people in need. it was established as such as your first caller said. but isn't it up to congress from time to time depending upon the times to legislatively determine and set forth what need is? it's such a nebulous term. it's just like -- it's constantly changing and it's a delicate balance. >> john, do you think we've struck that balance in recent
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years? >> over the past four years as you asked the previous question -- or caller. the answer in my way of thinking is no. but it's up to the congress to determine and define statutorily what need is and then let the courts see if that is a constitutionally correct interpretation. but it's up to the congress to define that. president biden has asked congress to define the immigration issue and who should be coming into this country through a new u.s. citizenship act. the usa today with a wrap up of that act unveiled by the biden administration the opening days of his term in office.
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under the proposal agricultural workers, people who arrived illegal as children and immigrants with what is known as temporary protected status would immediately qualify for green cards giving them legal status and the right to work. other undocumented immigrants in the united states as of january 1st would receive temporary legal status for five years with a path to citizenship if they passed background checks and paid taxes. senator chuck grassly of iowa, the republican who supported bipartisan legislation in the past ripped that plan calling it mass amnesty. that's a wrap up from usa today. with a wrap up of the u.s. citizenship act as among its many provisions, more border initiatives, more technology to expedite screening, funding for border agents, safety improved agent
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professionalism is what they're calling it, increased efforts to prosecute those involved in smuggling and trafficking as well. and increased assistance to el salvador, guatemala and honduras. eliminates the one year deadly for filing asylum claims. just some of the provisions that the white house would like to see in their so-called u.s. citizenship act, what they are pushing in the opening days of the biden administration. but asking you as we talk about the issue of immigration, do you think the united states is a haven for people in need from around the world? joe says no. joe mccutchen, is that you on the line? >> caller: john, love c-span. you had a great screener. she was so nice. >> you probably know all the screeners at this point, so i appreciate you saying that. >> caller: yes, she's really
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nice. but anyway my answer is no, i teach a leadership class at pools barbecue and all these immigrants coming in particularly the illegal ones that biden wants to bring in $11 million, we've got a $27 trillion debts, we've got to say no to that, john. because we could be bankrupted with all the spending particularly by biden. he scares me to death. so i'm totally opposed to that right now. >> so, joe, what would you say to those first two callers that said america's always been a beacon for those people in need? >> well, i think legal immigration, yes, but illegal, no. i think biden wants to bring in a birch of illegals. but we've got to be careful with it. let's digest it first. let's take down some of the debt and get it under control because we don't control it. i'm teaching these young people and trying to educate them the
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importance as electing taxpayer champion. so we need to i think cut back on it for a while. >> how much do you think we can pay down what is currently a 27.886. we're here with a conifer haitian hearing for michael regan. the senate environment and public works committee was the host this afternoon. this was supposed to start at 2:00 p.m. eastern, but obviously committee running a little bit behind. live coverage here on c-span 3.
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we have an exciting day today anytime we're considering one of the president's nominees to an extremely important cabinet position it bears our not just great attention but also our gratitude to folks who have put their names in for public service. so we will get a lot into that today. in finality this is our chairman, chairman barasso's final meeting, final showing in epw. he'll be moving over to energy in a


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