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tv   Battle of Fallen Timbers  CSPAN  May 7, 2021 7:51pm-8:01pm EDT

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so the battle of fall and
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timbers it takes place on august 20th 1794. it's a convergence of the united states of america and the western confederacy of native americans who are here protecting their tribal homelands. the battle was the last battle in presidents washington's indian more. this stopped the native american, and the american settlers confrontations in the northwest territories. opening the area of four settlement. after the american revolution and a signing of a treating of paris in 1783, the i-states had gained a sovereignty from great britain. what we are standing in now, was the northwest territory and this is what the americas actually gained from the treaty of paris. unfortunately however, the native americans who had been living in this land were not in the negotiations. and they had been here farming, hunting, fishing for hundreds of years. when you have people who are
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moving into what you believe is your land, you are bound to have problems with what you see as invaders into your homeland. during this point in time, we do have treaties that are taking place through the ohio river and coming up towards where we are standing right now. the treaties were never properly enforced. nor were they ever properly negotiated. you are going to start to also have native americans who are not viewing the americans as just or really this bargaining appropriately. major general anthony wayne was an revolutionary war hero. after some debate he is chosen to lead the legion of the united states of america. we have trade routes established, and you follow the ohio river then come up to get to the -- river to get to the land which is a suitable homeland for folks to start moving into. it's important for anthony waiting to come up and provide
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the safety of the settlers who are living around these newly established forts as he pushes further into the northwest territory. it is really the goal. anthony weighing the gives his travels about 18 months after he was commissioned as the new major general of the united states legion. as he marches up it takes him a year basically from 1793, to 1794 to travel the length. he makes it to about fort recovery. and little turtle is watching. as he does so, they do attack anthony wayne's legion. as this unfolds, he realizes that this army is different than the other two armies that he had previously faced. he goes back to the grand council, and he says this army is different. he says i'm not sure the british are actually going to involve themselves in our fight. we really may need to consider
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negotiations. at this point in time the council votes, and they decide they do want to continue with military action. when they do decide that little turtle actually hands over the reins to blue jacket. blue jacket is from the shawnee and he is warrior minded. and he is ready to take this fight to the united states legion. the native americans have built their village right behind fort -- which is a fully constructed fort, garrisoned with the british at this point in time. under general campbell. anthony wane on august 17th has made it to -- as he gets there which is just outside of our battlefield, he is going to stage there. he is going to go to camp deposit. as he does that he send some volunteers out. these volunteers come to about this area where we are at right now. our fallen timbers better field.
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as they do that they are captured, they bring them back to their village and then they find out what's anthony wayne's battle plans are. and the weigh-in is marching with a line that is about two to four miles long. and he is going to come to this area which is basically the battle of fallen timbers and he is going to beat native american resistance. they are going to start to engage in the firefight that will eventually lead to the larger battle so as this starts to take place the native americans are engaging in this. giving enough time to the main body of the legion of the united states to deploy. that allows them to set up sustained firepower which will eventually help match the native americans. which will force them to retreat. although we cannot be sure, about two years before the battle of the fallen timbers there are records written by settlers, we talk about swirling rinse winds coming
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through here uprooting trees, and falling timbers. someone at the wayne right's home, to the secretary of war, he says we have fought the native americans at the location of the fallen timbers. as anthony wayne is marching to fort miami's, the native americans have meet at the on their first. he expects to be able to go into the fort, or have reinforcement sent out from the fort. campbell has been given specific instructions that he is not to intervene militarily. basically what that would be doing, is declaring war on the united states of america. at this point in time great britain had no intention to declare war unless they could win and really win big. they were not going to make the decision at fort -- to do that. so what ends up happening then, is the native americans now see that the british were not going
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to fight with them. they leave disheartened, and very betrayed. so this battle has then forced the native americans to reevaluate their alliances with the british, and how they are going to withstand the onslaught of the settlers who are going to continue to push into their lands. so the battle of fallen timbers lasted about two hours. with the heaviest loss is taking place within about 45 minutes. from what we can clean we are seeing that between 30 and 50 were lost on each side. although the losses were lower than we would expect to see when we say that the americans definitively won the battle of fallen timbers, what we are seeing happen is disillusionment taking place with the native americans with the british. so they are starting to see that the british aren't really going to step in and help them keep their homelands. so as they have now seen, the united states can fight. so the army is different. it is run by a different
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general. there are different people fighting. it is starting to look like to the native americans that they only have one option left. that often is to be able to negotiate as their own tribes with the united states government. 1795, the united states of america sense its delegates to meet with the representatives of every tribe who held lands in the mall me river valley. they signed the first treaty in american history that deals with the native americans who owned and lived on this land. every tribe does have a representative, and the appropriate representative design. what this does end up doing though, is they see that their land it does open up, which we will see removes the native americans all the way out west. but again it opens up the united states for manifest destiny and the push even further west than what the original treaty line was.
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has secretary of state worked to create what president george h.w. bush called a new world order as the soviet union collapsed and new international relationships emerged between 1989 and 1992 watch tonight beginning at 8pm eastern and watch american history tv every weekend on c-span 3 virginia state university up next on american
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history tv diana villiers negroponte talks about her book master negotiator the role of james a baker the third at the end of the cold war. it looks at how james baker as secretary of state worked to create what president george h.w. bush called a new world order as the soviet union collapsed a new international relationships emerged between 1989 and 1992. the wilson center hosted this event and provided the video. it is my great pleasure to introduce our two speakers first, of course our author dr. diana villiers negroponte with a global fellow at the wilson center's global europe program. where


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