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tv   Larry Schweikart Dragonslayers  CSPAN  May 23, 2022 2:24pm-3:50pm EDT

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presidency of lyndon johnson. you hear about the 1964 civil rights act, the 1964 presidential campaign, the gulf of tonkin incident, the march on salma, and the war in vietnam. let everyone knew they were being recorded. >> so in the johnson's secretaries knew, because they were tasked with transcribing many of those conversations, and they were the ones who made sure the conversations were taped, as johnson would signal to them through an open door between his office and theirs. >> you will also hear some blunt talk. >> i want a report of the number of people that signed to kennedy on the day he died, and the number assigned to me now. and if mine are not less, i want them less right quick. >> yes sir. >> and if i can't ever go to them, i'll stay right behind these black gates. >> presidential recordings. find him on the c-span now mobile app.
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>> and now larry schweikert, history professor at the university of dayton, talked about his book dragon slayer,'s on six presidents who confronted the washington swamp after taking office. it is hosted by the hard-line institute, this is an hour and 20 minutes. >> this is my first time at one of these events in quite some time since i became president. that puts me on the road quite a bit, and that's a good thing, but it keeps me away oftentimes from events like this. tomorrow i fighter omaha nebraska and i will be meeting with the governor, meeting with members of congress, it's going to be great. the best part is that i will be able to fly without a face mask in the first time in two years. so, in recent months, i figured out the best way to deal with
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that is to bring a few lollipops, that's a deep of can last you a good 20 minutes. face mask, off, but it's great to see, i haven't been here at one of these meetings for a while, i've been here for more than 20 years, and so many familiar faces, some new faces. looking around here, to see a full house. and when people are here on an evening where you could be home doing whatever else, it tells us that we are having an impact. thank you for being here. it was wonderful to, ceos able to talk with most of you personally here before it started. that really lifted my spirits. and if you weren't very familiar with, this we are non profit organization, were non partisan organization, and we believe in free markets. we are lobbyist for freedom. people are saying that we are
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lobbyist for freedom. we fight for freedom wherever we can. our mission statement is to develop, discover, and promote free market solutions to the problems of society. were mostly known for our work and global warming, fighting against alarmism, fighting for sound science and real-ism. we address a large number of issues. a core issues over the years, have been education, financial budget issues, school issues. school choice in particular. of, late we've been particularly active fighting big tech censorship, fighting the great reset of capitalism that is being sought to be imposed upon us. and lately esg. environmental social governance agenda. we have our governance relations team out in the state legislatures. we have presented testimony in more than 50 occasions here in the first quarter of 2022. that includes 20 in-person
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testimonies. where most of those times we have been invited by the legislators themselves to advocate in support of free market solutions. we do that because of the support of people like you. thank you once again for all of your support here in person, for those of you donate, we are putting in money to good use. johnny moore, and with that in, mind i will turn it over to introduce our speaker. i want to say one thing, i'm a student, history i love history. as much as our sessions here discuss policies, and sometimes politics in today's world, i have been especially fired up for this talk for sometime. our speaker just wrote a book, dragons, layers and has a bunch of history, policy, and governance. i've purchased a, book i'm not quite through with it yet, and it is a compelling narrative that a quarter of the speaker
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tonight. i'm now turn this over to you for more formal introduction, but it's wonderful to see you all. >> a, that works. fantastic. i swear we tested all of the stuff dozens of times today. and it always goes wrong, but i want to welcome you, you may have noticed a big hammer and the back and these are our friends from c-span. they are here to record this for posterity. it's also on hardly into, but welcome everybody who's watching and let's get right to it here introduce our fantastic speaker tonight. it's the second time that a presentation has been given here at the institute. he's a native arizonian any graduated from arizona state university with a b.a. in political science. and then he put that degree use by going on the road with several different rock bands, opening for acts such a step
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and wealth. he switched gears again in 1976 and got his ph.d. from the university of california china barbara. it was also taught at the university of dayton for almost 20 years and is tight every single grade from seventh through college. . he's the co-author of the number one bestseller patriots, history of the united states which is now in its 31st printing and ordered half 1 million copies in print. that book actually remains the best selling home school history textbook in america. as you might know from the title it is an antidote to that book by harden, a curriculum of u.s. history available for grades eight through 12 providing through
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lessons with video by larry himself. his other bestselling books include you can see them handsomely displayed on the table all of these variously pulled from the mazer library of freedom here at the heartland institute. how trump won which he offered before the election, with joe pollack before the 2016 election. a patriots history of the modern world, in two volumes. again right here. the last time he was here he presented on his book, reagan the american president from 2018. he is here today to talk to us about his latest bestseller. dragonslayers: six presidents and their war with the swamp. please welcome to the stage, larry schweikart. >> thanks. all right, great to be back here, especially in a room dedicated to breitbart. i only had a few occasions to
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meet andrew, but one of the occasions was he went way out of his way to introduce me to the hollywood community. he brought me out, hosted a nice wonderful steak dinner for such people as actor adam baldwin, benji pirro, many other people. it was really nice of him to do that. i am always grateful to andrew for kind of leading the way. it's interesting that you mentioned the raccoons. in ohio, in our home, we had a nice big yard with a picket fence. one day the dog was out there just going crazy. there was a raccoon with its had stuck between the sense slats. so i used to tell my students, i walk back to the garage and i got my big shovel and i walked out and i smacked that slap in the fence and free that raccoon so he could run out. the kids are, don't tell me crest a little raccoon.
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[laughs] anyway, for those of you who don't know me, everything jim said is more or less true. i ended up teaching at the university of dayton in 1985. i wrote a number of books that are not here tonight because they're boring! their academic books, they make for good footnotes and so forth but they don't make for grave reading. i wanted to write books that people would read. so around 1999 or so mike allen and i started work on a textbook. we just wanted a book that we could use in our classes that wasn't horribly biased. we ended up writing a book which would become a patriots history of the united states. we never thought we would sell it to a publisher. in fact, it we sold out of the back of the van like the plastic straws like in california. plastic straws, hey buddy, patriots to the united states.
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but the publisher did pick it up. it did very well in 2004. i went on to write three other books after that. in 2010 i was on the glen beck show, you may remember this. this is when glen beck had an audience of 3.5 million a night. seven times that of cnn. it's just staggering how many people going back reached. i gave him a copy of pages history. his response was, i know this book. do i know this book? anyone who has read the book knows it's a great book. the proper response is, this is a great book! i knew he hadn't read the book. so i get a call for days later from glenn at home. he says, larry. when you are on the show i haven't read the book. no that's okay i understand. no, i always read the. i read it over the weekend. >> it's 1000 pages. this is a great book! his endorsement, he put it on his desk every night of the show. talked about it three or four
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or five times a night. little post notes in the. it immediately went to the top of amazon. the following week i got a call from the publisher, hey larry your book is gonna be on the new york times list this week. yeah, a way to go. and then i get a call a week later, year book is gonna be on the top ten of the new york times. and i said way to go. i get the call i can hear them in the background, they can hear the champagne cork popping and i know it's going on back there, right? the layer your book is gonna be number one in the near times left. that's a, that's good. way to go. love it. >> you don't get it's gonna be number one in the near times! i said, that's great. it's gonna be in target. it's gonna be in costco, it's gonna be a walmart. i said walmart? our book is gonna be in walmart? thank you jesus! it meant that i was writing books that everybody can read, which was about my goal was. over the years have gone on to
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write a number of these books. most recently i started about the swamp. obviously in the context of donald trump and what he went through. not just in 2020 but what he went through during his whole administration. in terms of people undercutting him, subverting him, working against him, from his own attorney general down. i thought, you know trump is not the only one. there have been other presidents who had swamp problems. when i started the book at thought i was looking at six different presidents with six different stories. as i began to put it together, i realize we are talking about the same thing. all of these swamps were inter related. even though i start with lincoln and the slave swamp, really the story start a little bit before him. the most important american that you probably never heard of and that's martin van buren. martin van buren created the modern-day two party system.
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prior to that we only had one party it was called the democratic republicans. i'm sure some of you think, that we have today. but no it really was, the democratic republicans! actually, you know what's, the period was called? it was called the era of good feelings. there was so little animosity. andrew jackson runs for the presidency in 1824, loses in the corrupt bargain. martin van buren decides he's gonna get jackson into the presidency. story is a lot deeper! you see what van buren was really trying to do was create a political party that would prevent a civil war from happening. he would do this by making sure that slavery could not be attacked, even as the northern and midwestern states began to have more and more free soil senators to congress. sooner or later they would act on slavery. how do we keep this from happening van buren asked?
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his answer was, money! we will buy these people off. okay? even if you are an anti slavery from pennsylvania, we will give you a government job if you just shut up and follow along with the system. we called the spoils system, or patronage. and the result, then buren did not get this, his goal was to keep the federal government small in the states stronger. what he had done, inadvertently, was create a system in which the federal government began to grow with every single election you had to give away jobs in order to get elected by the way the most powerful job this is gonna shock you in 1830 was a postmaster general of the united states i mean what kid today says mommy mommy, i want to be postmaster general! back then, everyone wanted to be postmaster general. you had 800 --
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jobs you had to give away. whoever the president appointed as postmaster general, that i had a lot of power! here come the wigs, the weak party they are now on the same playing field africa to tell you the name of van buren's party with the democrats -- they come along they're on the same playing field the only way they can compete is to give away more jobs in every election they promised of napalm us more jobs. and the government starts to grow every single election you know what's, no one notices it? until 1860 part a van buren strategy was to make sure that the presidency remained in the hands of someone who was not hostile to slavery. a northern man of southern principles was the way it was worded, or a? you either get a democrat, or a northern man of southern principles, a whig in office
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from 1828 until 1860. and then in 1860 you've got a big problem! you have a northern man, of northern principles, who does not approve of slavery in office. even though lincoln says, i will not act on slavery he can't help it. he is going to act on slavery. he's going to appoint federal marshals, he's going to appoint federal judges who will rule in runaway slave cases. he is going to appoint custom commissioners who may allow free blacks off the ships that are docking in southern ports. he is going to appoint postmasters who are going to allow in abolitionists material. lincoln's election caused the civil war that van buren had hoped to avoid because of van buren's own system. lincoln comes in one of the first things he notices he has an army of job seekers lining up down the street.
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at the time, he ran the government are you ready for this? with two secretaries. lincoln ran the whole government with two secretaries. literally people could come inside the white house, they were just in there and form a long line all the way down the block waiting to talk to the president about jobs. when he wasn't busy fighting a war, you know? lincoln could not deal with the spoils swamp. his first job was to deal with the slave swamp. he cannot needed the spoils want to defeat the slave swamp. which he did. he was the only of the six presidents to be completely successful and have school. he did defeat the slave swamp. but the spoils swamp was still around, and it continued to grow. it actually got worse. after the civil war, you had all of these veterans who are now claiming benefits by riding the congressman. i was in the civil war! i need all these benefits. you would think that within ten years of the civil war the number of veterans claiming benefits from the civil war
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would decline because like, they would die. that didn't happen it grew as more and more people suddenly had magic memory restoration. they remember they were in the civil war they got injured and wounded whatnot. so the roles began to grow crazy you literally have thousands and thousands of job seekers descending on washington with each new administration. one author of the day said the trains going out of d.c. would be full, and the incoming trains would be full of different people. all seeking to take the job of those who just left, right? grant did not do a whole lot about this. and neither did hayes but the next guy, a guy named james garfield ran on a program of defeating the spoils swamp. he was going to do it just one small problem, he got killed. do you know who killed him? a spoils swamp or.
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giles koto shot him, he said i am a stalwart -- a guy who favored the swamp. i killed him, and now arthur's president. chester arthur thought he would be very favorable to the spoils swamp. he is one of those rare people in washington that when he gets in office he has a change of heart to do the right thing! he actually begins to attack the spoils slump. arthur had another problem, writes disease. bryce disease kept him from serving it second term. he's out and the mantle falls to the second of my presidents, grover cleveland i love tree he looks -- the first guy to win an election lose an election and then win an election, right? he won the popular vote all three times. he comes in and he takes on the spoils swamp just hammer in tongue. he is in their staying up late at night at the white house, reviewing all these claims were veteran benefits from people who weren't benefits throwing
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them out, vetoing them! kicking out thousands and thousands of these. finally he worked with congress to create something called a pendleton civil service act. this supposedly re-formed the spoil system. you know what happens in washington when they reform anything? it gets worse! they reform it, they took about 10% of the total federal employees away from the president, put it in the hands of a civil service commission. take a test and how you do on a would indicate what job you are eligible to serve in. the unseen ramification of this is now presidents had so many fewer jobs to personally give away, now they had to give away groups of jobs to lobbyists. two different industries, right? in our time you'll hear a candidate going out to
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patterson air force base in ohio saying i believe in this joint offense everyone cheers and all the gas from raytheon, lockheed, you know? he'll go out to colorado to the environmental protection fund and say i believe in protecting the environment been they'll cheer because they know it means money coming into their coffers. wet pendleton really did was it moved giving way german jobs and a very small level into a very gigantic level that government growth that i talked about, all the sudden it starts to increase exponentially. meanwhile, there is another swamp raising its ugly head and that was a trust swamp. the trust want consisted a big business combinations. very much like twitter, google, these kinds of giants today. facebook. teddy roosevelt was determined to do something about this. you will know that, but you may not know that one of the main reasons for wanting to do something about it was that he feared the media. he feared the yellow press
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would create such a firestorm not just against the big businesses but against all businesses. he thought he believed this in his heart he was protecting all business from this mob that would be raised to radicalism by the yellow press. i like teddy in a lot of ways and i don't like him and a lot of ways. you can't help a like a guy who is in a cushy government job, assistant secretary of the navy. war breaks out and he resigns and goes to raise a volunteer cavalry unit that wants to get into action and wants to see combat! not only does he do that, but he fights. and not only does the fight, to the win. not only did he win but he is awarded the medal of honor. then as president he negotiates a peace between japan and russia. he is awarded a real nobel peace prize. can you imagine any modern president receiving both a
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medal of honor and a nobel peace prize? i can't. roosevelt one big failure, he never ran a business. i am convinced that had teddy roosevelt, because he succeeded in everything else and he did if, he had just run a business. i'm not talking about his cattle ranch, that was a fantasy land. a playground for him. he had other people running. he didn't meet payroll is, he didn't worry about laying people off. i'm convinced iffy and run a business is antitrust activity would've been different. i'm not sure how but i think it would've been different. the one trust of course he does not take on is the media trust. at the time it wasn't that big. of course overtime, in our time, it has gotten to be monstrous! government continued to grow. agencies continue to grow, new agencies such as the fbi and cia were added. but john kennedy's time in office he is confronting a cia
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swamp. kennedy's problem, his task is that he needs to get rid of the cia swamp, but he needs the cia two months to get rid of it. he needs it for cuba! he needs it for a laos, he needs it for vietnam! or as lyndon johnson would say, vietnam. one time when kennedy comes into the office there is 600 americans and soften of. when he was assassinated there were 16,000 americans and soften of. i do not buy the notion that kennedy was gonna get us out of vietnam! funny trend line you have us from 616,000. that is not the trend line of getting out. kennedy did not press the cia, he feels betrayed by them, yet he still needs to use them on many occasions. that is why i consider him the first failure in our group of six. he doesn't do anything to bring the cia to heal.
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ronald reagan of course runs on a three-way pledge. to defeat the soviet union, to build back the american economy, and to reduce the power inside the government. unfortunately for reagan he needs the government. he needs the military, he needs big business in order to accomplish the other two. so almost like kennedy, he finds that he needs the agencies that he wants to get rid of too much to get rid of them. i will share one anecdote from my book, rage in the american president. david stockman was a true believer and reducing the size of government. they were sending out memos to all of the departments, how are you coming on reducing the size of your department? how are you coming out reducing your budget? he gets one letter, one mama back i found in the archives. well, this is a guy that reagan appointed who believed in reagan's agenda. well, we already spent all of
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this year's budget. and we spent part in next year's budget to. i really don't think we're gonna get around to cutting anything anytime soon. it was really an amazing admission that once you are in the swamp, it is darn ear impossible to rollback the swamp, right? so by 1984 reagan had pretty much given up on the third plank of his platform. which was to reduce the size of government. he succeeded in the other two, your body pretty much had to give up on the third one of reducing the bureaucracy. one very important thing happened between kennedy and reagan, congress had been appointing and creating these committees, the bureau's, these administrative agencies and empowering them. once they got in place, hundreds to let them go. basically a skewed any oversight over any of these
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administrations -- what's fuchs banning coliseum instead of state, at all. he just let them go! and then fell to the courts to try to handle these. unfortunately what's started to happen was the court said, well, congress set up this agency. congress gave these powers, who are we to say that congress is wrong? they basically let the agencies define their own missions and even set up their own private police forces. epa, and such other organizations have. that was a major change in the bureaucracy between kennedy and reagan. finally we get to trump. trump came in and he basically gets all four of the other swabs. the spoils slump, the media swamp, he gets the cia, swampy phase one. trump's appointees don't help him a whole lot, jeff sessions especially. probably the worst thing go appointee in american history. i had to go back a long way to
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find someone worse than jeff sessions. trump finds himself undercut at every point. he orders documents to be declassified, nothing happens. amanda millions, she was very good on this. she was an appointee to the trump state department. she said they would send out memos to the embassies and they were get responses from the embassies, well you now, we are not gonna do this for this reason or that reason. you could never follow up and firing to these people. in the end i have lincoln, cleveland, and roosevelt as successes or partial successes and draining their swamps and i have kennedy, reagan, and trump as either failures or partial failures and draining their swamps. so was that, this is always the best part of the night. you do the q&a. i go back to rock and roll larry. i go back to the unhinged
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every. this is the flaming drug so low, i almost burned down the cleveland convention center. let's just go ahead and open this up to questions. i will take another go from there. we have a microphone circulating -- >> you're not on. >> there you go, you're on! i. i. we know that this deep state is a behemoth. >> huge. >> we know that person out of power. >> right. >> we know that the top levels, the political appointees are going to do or not do what is required of them from the president. but i would like you to comment on, below -- starting at the high levels of civil service and going down there is a certain culture of people who are hired and the
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fact that they are rewarded for finding new ways to add a little bit of power. find new things to regulate and control. how does that work? and how bad is it? >> it's horrible. you know why reagan said, the closest thing he had seen to eternal life on this planet is a government agency, right? you're absolutely right. you can change out the had of these agencies, but how much does that really do to affect the culture? now we saw this with the fbi, did we not? we kept hearing people like sean hannity tell us it's only a few bad apples at the top. rank and file fbi, they are fine. no folks, they are corrupt down to the studs. i mean, all the way through! if any of them were not corrupt they would have stood up and said, i'm blowing the whistle. this is wrong, this is not according to a manual, this is
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not according to our regulation. i'm gonna call out jim comey, mccabe, all these other guys. but now, that did not happen. there is a total culture change that is required in addition to changing up personnel. i have some suggestions at the end as to how we met accomplishment. a hold them back for a minute. >> over here yesterday. >> thank you larry, the thing that amazes me during the four years of the trump presidency is that every single day there was a scandal to deal with. they would call him nazi, communist, the head of everything else. russia, russia, russia. everything else! what was the basic premise of these republicans and democrats who hated trump. hating him, because he didn't pay his dues? he just went from tycoon to president? was it some people who i talked to her a liberals, they can't tell me why they hate trump. it always comes down to tweets.
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>> mean tweets. >> yeah, so that is a great question. trump represented, i think steve bannon is the best single analyst on this entire thing. other people -- delay angela covina. i don't know if you know him? the guy was a phenomenal writer. he represented a clash of the country class versus the ruling class. that is to say, the elites inside d.c., there is a book by charles marie after losing ground, it is called coming apart. have any vaccine coming apart? it's a phenomenal book. in it marie shows that based on wealth, income, and based on iq -- he used school of graduation as a proxy for iq, you can go through suburbs of washington d.c. and if you didn't have somebody picking up your
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laundry for you or getting you your starbucks coffee, you would never interact with a single person who wasn't in your income and iq school level. on a single block, every single person on that block would come out of an ivy league school. that has got to change. i mean, no a issue is a great shape. university of montana is nothing fantastic. but gosh, ten people from those schools would be better than the idiots we have up to now, right? you have this deep culture that is a problem. trump hit other buttons. this button i love to talk about. this is why goldberg, david french is, chris hayes is, these guys are all so -- so trump haters. my theory is this. they never were conservatives.
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they never were conservatives! what happened was, they would assume a conservative position at cocktail parties, and first peaches for the heartland institute, or young americans, wherever they would go. they would make these conservative sounding speeches, up until trump. because they knew that nothing is going to change. at the end of the night they could go back to their liberal buddies at the cocktail parties, well you know it would be nice if roe v. wade would overturn but we know that's never gonna happen. [laughs] they would clink glasses and they would walk off, right? here comes trump. he said no, we are actually gonna do the things that i campaigned on. that hit him like a brick wall. all of a sudden the threat was, policies were actually going to change. they could no longer go in front of these people and pretend to be supporting conservative positions if it actually meant they were going to have to defend real conservative change. i think that was the issue to.
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you know, there was a really surprising, to me, decision in florida. they had ruled against the cdc and the mandates. if you think about how far the swamp is going, i think cdc is now part of it. who knew? but it seems as though this is a significant decision against -- >> massive. >> against the state, what were your thoughts on the significance? >> you know, today is hitler's birthday. but we really need to celebrate yesterday, which is freedom day in america. mask free. so here is what i would say about that. i would urge you to watch the podcast of a guy named robert barnes, who is a local. viva barnes. he has been predicting the
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outcomes of these legal cases almost exactly as they turn out. he said the osha case would be ruled against biden but he said the military vaccination would not because for so long there was a precedent. if you go into the military you go overseas you get all the shots. that's why would be so hard to overturn that. we have all the liberals out there screaming today, but judge in a florida overturn the will of the people. you mean kind of like roe v. wade? see, it was a massive, massive, shift. the ground is shifting. not just there but across the board. desantis today. this guy is a tornado! he is taking on disney. you know what? you guys have existed for 67 68 which would disney world was founded. guys have existed on the four largest of florida taxpayers who don't pay all the taxes you should be. you have total autonomy in your creepy little development
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place. we are gonna change all that! boy the heads are exploding here i don't think we are going to see 100 see turnover but i do believe that we are on the verge of a groundswell. i just treated out walls of walls other. it's a play on my movie, other walls to fall. look me up, walls other. i tweeted out and afternoon about this groundswell. it's not just here, folks! it is going on across the world. look at what is happening in hungary. they won by over 90%. these are saddam hussein level numbers. the ballot says saddam hussein, kill me in torture my family. 90%! these are like his numbers. this is occurring everywhere across the world. i know it's a catchphrase but people are rising up. isn't this fabulous.
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the international rise of all of these people is turning marks on its head. they are arriving out for free markets, freedom, against their communist overseers. it's astounding! >> please identify yourself, and don't take too long. >> mark wire, hello. >> that's too long, i'm sorry you're done. [laughs] >> i often hold the microphone -- and i want to give the microphone to a crazy person like me. first of all you have a new trailer follower, i'm following you if you wanna follow me back. quickly i was in springfield this morning, i spoke for three minutes and the illinois state board of education. i told them that they should get rid of them because it's a wasteful group. >> exactly. >> i was hoping donald trump would have eliminated the federal department of education. instead he hired betsy devos and nothing really happened. when you say nothing way when you say nothing happened,
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that's a win for us. a strange as it sounds, that's a win. if you put in a whole bunch of bureaucrats and at the end of four years and at the end of four years, i think we want that for years. okay, go ahead. >> i'm a trump supporter. i think he's coming back. i was hoping he would get rid of the department of education. why didn't he get rid of the department of education? >> why didn't he get rid of half a dozen departments? he was hamstrung from the beginning. you come in, amanda milley is said that she estimated there were 60 maga people in the entire administration. a president alone appoints 3000. and out of those 3000, you've only got 60 maga dedicated people, it's gonna be hard to change things. to actually get rid of a department you would have to have a department head who was committed to getting rid of that department. that is very hard to do, you know? you have to set up a ceo of
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ford committed to getting rid of fort automobiles. that is the equivalent. i think that would've been even a bridge too far to get trump getting rid of a cabinet level agency. reagan could've done it, but he didn't have a political clout to do all three of those things. when trump comes in again, he's gonna have to come in with a flame thrower. a flame thrower! and i mean, with an exterminator right behind. i'm chairman acts, right? they are only gonna get one more shot at this. if we do it wrong next time, we probably aren't getting get another shot in any of our lifetimes. >> thank you larry for tracking through 200 years of history. how about present day? how would you describe the power structure in washington. who is running the place? >> i do not believe that biden is running anything. by the way on my twitter i have all of these nicknames. biden is the rutabaga, the
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demented pervert, and nancy pelosi's botox sick. [laughs] mitch mcconnell's urinal. so anyway, so i don't think that biden is running anything. i don't think obama is running anything, because he's too lazy. i don't think he has the energy, time, he just wants to play video games and swim, you know? i think it's a curveball. ron klain is the head of one cabin group. there are some green whack a doodle's out there who are in charge of another cabal group. you go through each interest group. education, crtc, they are all biting for biden's mine. the last thing that goes out the door is what he mumbles as he repeats his words out of nonsense. that is who is running washington. you have a whole bunch of rhino republicans who are committed to keeping the swamp in place. they are all bought off by
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somebody, most of them are big pharma. if you want to know why we have the vaccines for four doses it was because we have people in washington who are getting a ton of money off a big pharma. everyone stood they want to mention ivermectin or any of the other things that might mediate the disease. you have the rhinos in their, that is why i think the next two elections are absolutely critical. if the seven trump endorsed senate candidates, all win. it'll be a stretch but they could do it. if they all win that would retrain -- 14% of the republican makeup. that one election, 14%. if you bring those seven in, they are committed and they do what they say they're going to do. no guarantees there with doctor oz or with fans, but they are better than the other guys! if they actually do what they say, they come in then you could see the next echelon of
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the ted cruz is. rick scott's, marshall blackburn's, moving over hard-core on their side. it is an opportune window that starts to pull the whole senate back to the right. then in 2024, now you have a shot! now you have seven or eight seats and if the wave is big enough, folks, there is not a seat in this world that is safe. the democrats are just now figuring this out. there is a piece, or the hill they kind of alternate the bad news for the democrats. basically, we are looking at a white bow! we are looking at potentially 24 a veto proof majority in both houses! this is the lefty saying this. i personally think we will get somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 seats. but biden's decline is sure, it is not going to change. he is going to keep going down. he is in the 30s and at least three polls now. i think he will be in the high
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20th by election time, 2024, maybe even lower. that should be sufficient to wipe him out, just question. >> you said ivermectin, and i thought oh my god this video would be banned from youtube. and then i remembered, everything you say makes this ban from youtube. >> that's. right >> we have a question over here. we'll start with you, dan. >> good evening, thank you. my name is dan robyn. i was wondering how you might have considered the history of jimmy carter, who i think -- i consider him to be one of the great d regulators of our time. >> it wasn't carter that deregulated. all that deregulation had been put in place actually back in the late part of the nixon administration. look at airlines, trucking, gas, in my book the reagan american president i have a chapter on carter called the worst president ever, with an asterisk. the bottom of the page i said
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until barack obama and now i have to revise it and say we talk about a in joe biden. my nickname for him is jesus carter. he is so pompous, so perfect, you know? i don't consider him to be a very good president at all. i think he was a disaster. whatever deregulation that was there was not his doing, he inherited it from others. >> hello, i have a question. do you know anybody who tried to reduce bureaucracies, reducing human resources by paying top bureaucrats and paying them to keep the bureaucracy smaller. >> this is actually a suggestion by steve bannon, which is very good. i said i would give you three mans for hope here. first, what do we do about the small? this is one thing you can do this is bannon suggestion. you buy these people out. buy out their contracts. you say, i will pay you 20%
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more of your remaining salary to get out, retire now. this is going to cost a lot of money but it is a onetime advancement. once that person is out of that job, what do you do? closed the job! it's no longer open for business. you no longer staff that job again. believe me, you can get rid of a lot of washington if you were to get up and buy out these jobs. that is suggestion number one. you have to get the bureaucracy out of d.c.. you have to get the administrative state out of d.c.. trump actually started to do this. he began started moving the bureau of land management and interior offices out to omaha, nebraska. farmington -- i say put them all in farmington, in mexico. you'll never hear from then again, right? anybody been to farmington? look, it is a uranium mine, all right? that is all you need to know. farmington is a uranium mine. anyway, move these offices out.
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get them into the interior of america. at the very least what that will do is get them around more ordinary americans so they see the impact of their policies. they see nothing back in d.c.! they are totally insulated in a complete echo chamber. the third thing we have to do is vote. vote in maga oriented people that are actually going to change the system. we can only do what we do. only vote for the people who are in front of us at the time, right? but do what you can do to replace these people with maga candidates. >> i have a question -- though, i'm sorry go ahead first. >> not that trump nixon and trump are equivalent but, can you give any insight into modern gay? you certainly seem like you have a deep state operation, fbi ran the whole thing against nixon. but was at all about and with respect to what we know now, with what happened with trump? >> that's a great question, on
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watergate. i am going to give you an answer that very few historian would give you, we don't know. the best guess i have is the kehlani get been explanation. it says that john dean found out that the democrats had an address book of a call girl in their possession. it was his then girlfriend, soon to be wife, maureen jean. her name was in this book. it was dean who authorized the break in. it was dean who told them what to look for. which is why they are nowhere near the chairman of the democratic party's office. they are over in the back part which happen to have that diary that they needed. they knew exactly where to go. dean then lied to nixon about it, saying this is a national security issue. nixon said, law we gotta cover it up then, right? they went on and got the cia to
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intervene with the fbi, said this was national security. and it completely fell apart from their. nixon is not innocent, he obstructed justice. he should've gone to jail, but he was not guilty of the original crime that everyone thinks he is guilty of, which is ordering the breakdown, i don't think. that's my take on it. >> [inaudible] >> i've seen pick a doulas, some of them can be pretty big. i would watch out for those big picketed a. [laughs] >> that's the second break in, not the first. >> that's right, that's right. he, apparently, had directed both of them. >> well he was the go-to guy but he didn't put together the package. the first one he did -- hunt. >> it was hunt that put it together. >> yeah, hunt. >> if you have another question, please raise your hand.
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your book larry is called dragonslayers: six presidents and their war with the swamp, i'm gonna ask you about the 2020 election. in 2016, nobody thought trump would win. >> i did, well i'm not sure trump did [laughs] >> that is debated, it depends on who you talk to you in the inner circle on who is going to win, my point being, hillary was going to be the third obama term the swamp was excited, they already had all their plans. everything they were gonna do and then trump wins. trump is going to oppose the swamp. he does think as you outlined just a minute ago, moving bureaucracies out to the hinterland so they're quick hopefully. and things like that. so my personal feeling, it's gonna be shared and get a battery to for sure. i wanna make sure headset all. >> well, i could saying and that would guarantee it.
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>> the 2020 election was a little unusual. >> i would say. >> after all that i started to think to myself, legal of people thought there is no way they're gonna allow trump to win. the media was against, and they didn't report on hunter biden. the time magazine article about how they fortified in election. the save the country, these people think they save the country. >> there, greetings a fortified. if trump had a second term than really they could be drained. they're holding him, off giving him title for the russia collusion stuff. two impeachments for crying out loud. all of the stuff. i was not myself -- they weren't going to take the chance that he would get reelected. now, is that a conspiracy theory? is that crazy talk? >> time again said so. they laid out exactly what they were doing. i wrote in how trump won, i finish the book, my part of the
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book in about october of 2016. there are 306 electoral votes. the finals was, 3:20? 300? i was off by six. he won 306, that's what it was. i was sure based on voter registration numbers. anna sherr was gonna win. i really didn't think they could steal it. i thought trump was gonna get at least 10 million more votes in europe for. and guess what, we got 30 million more votes than before. so, what happened? well, i'm from arizona and they didn't audit. nobody wants to talk about in terms of the findings. i just give you one data point, 17,000 duplicate. i guarantee you all 70,000 of those are for biden.
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we can't prove because you can't violate this. can't call someone and say, how did you vote? when you have 70,000 duke look at some biden wins by 11, 000, that is just one project. there were dozens of other metrics totaling at least 57,000 votes in maricopa county. and we know that the county stop simultaneously in five big cities. how does that happen? i would say it went even further. there is a conspiracy really on if you want to use that term, i think mike pence was involved in this. i think he convinced trump, i'm a big supporter of federalism. trump was the most federalist president we've had since washington. his first response to ever single issue is, this is congress's job. second time, this is congress's job.
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pierre if they don't fix, it i will. he always tried to get the right department, the right agency to do their job. he hosted as much as he cut off on to the states to get them to do their job. so, here comes the china virus. i refused to call covid. hansen's chief of staff go to mr. trump and say, you know mister president is a big rate opportunity to fact -- why don't you put control of the administration of the china virus in the hands of the states. and physically nation. trump said that's a good idea. unfortunately, you know the sifted? no state had the wherewithal to compete with the cdc the nih. so, what happened? all the state medical officer started looking back to the cdc.
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they said, what do you say? the doctor was right there to tell him exactly what to think. and so i think pence plan this. it turned out the power was handed over pierre from playing on trump's federalism. -- this is baloney, this is hogwash. we're gonna open the country back up. issuing the executive orders to that effect, but they've been overridden? i don't know. legislator, but they pass the laws? i don't know. this is not above all the way they did, therefore out of that layer and all the other thing that you mention jim. i think this is the thing that really sunk him, the downed economy of the result of the china virus. i think even as a fraud, he would beat it if not for the china virus. >> every republican is gonna be asked by a current media, do
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you think the 2020 election was on the open up? one, do you think it was on the up in a? and to, say ron desantis answered that question. >> no, i do not believe it was on the up and up. we don't know who this benefited, but the chances are overwhelming that benefited joe biden i don't believe he got 81 million votes in here, rwanda or the soviet union. he didn't get that many votes, i'm sorry. that would be my answer. >> yeah, i think you're going to be surprised with how many times if you just stand up, trump taught everybody. fight back, desantis internalizes this. you gotta see this woman on the media. she destroys the media. they will back down. you have to stand up first
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pierre no rock and roll questions. >> i was gonna ask this question before you went into all of this, an illinois and crook charity is a lot of potential for election fraud. how do we fight this? i think we need more conservative judges to be involved. what else can we do? it's really very frustrating? >> and a state like illinois you're behind enemy lines. we have to fight it out one foxhole at a time. every foxhole is important. there's many people in the election boards as you can. when you work back in the coal county, before you know they're gonna have the immediate suburbs. then you're gonna have some of the interior of the city. and folks, hispanics are coming over to the republican party like you cannot believe. it is one of the most amazing
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boomerangs in political history. the democrats who encourage all of these illegals that are coming in, including the polling driver trending conservative. they come from countries like el salvador, guatemala that are held holes in one part of american life. we can take these back. we are already winning all where the hispanic vote. we are very slowly making inroads into the black vote. we can do it, but it's a slog. >> question right here. >> who are you again? >> okay, i'm james taylor president of the heartland institute. the president fired rain right? >> that's right. getting back to the question, you touched on this in one of your comments. three considered successes and three considered failures. sequentially the first three
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you examined war successes. the last three were failures. if you flip them around, how successful do you think those first three would've been in the drainage of the last three? how successful with the last three be if they have the circumstances of the first three? well where the circumstances? was it more circumstances or was it more tactics and battlefield brilliance? >> that isn't a historical question. you give that confederates ar-15s, to they win the civil war? so lincoln was going to be a great president and then the ag put him in. he had the courage to make the right decisions, the steadfastness to fight for them. i think if you put them in a war against the swamp i think he probably would've done better than even cleveland. i think cleveland was a much narrower man, not a big thinker. but he was absolutely focused on the task. he is the man you want fixing your plumbing, grover cleveland. tr was very much a man of whatever
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struck him at the time if the swamp, that trump had faced had struck teddy roosevelt he would've fought back probably even harder than trump. he would've gotten very, very bloody. he might have gotten impeached and then taken out, just removed. they would've thought him in a different way. reagan style was such that he would've tried conciliation as much as possible with the south, but he would've ended up doing the same thing. we are not gonna back down on these essential ports of american freedom. so, you know, you get into these historical questions. i feel like they announced with the time ring, jumping back and forth through time. that is my best shot on the a historic system. >> any more questions, raise your hand? got one right here. >> one of my concerns is that
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people are so clueless today. i have to church during the coffee hour i talk to these friends, very successful people, they don't want to talk about anything other than their golf game. we live in a retirement village right now, people who are successful -- they don't want to talk about anything serious. so i'm really concerned. as we know universities today, only 4% of the faculty are republicans. >> meaning only 2% are conservatives. >> the people who do run the newspapers, the chicago tribune has turned left of left. i am concerned about how clueless people are. i think the republicans are going to do well, but the only one reason is because when they get gas, inflation! that is the key issue. >> that's good! >> that is what is going to defeat democrats. it's not because people are informed it's the price they pay.
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>> no they are informed. the pain at the gas pump is a form of information. a very powerful form. let me take a question this way. you are familiar with the declaration of independence, you're familiar with the line that jefferson said that as long -- i can't quote exactly but as long as these evils are tolerable, men will tolerate these evils. in other words, people will not rise out of their comfort level until it gets extremely uncomfortable. which is why, i want biden to stay in office for two more years. i want it to be so uncomfortable that these people will say, we will never put another democrat in office in our entire lives. in terms of retirement village and whatnot, don't forget that in 2010 it was the retirees that stormed into the tea party. this is one of the problems, the tea party was an older movement. it didn't have a lot of use in it to kind of take over. you know, i'm no spring chicken. [laughs]
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>> i'm very concerned again. i thought trump would win, and get back into the race. he has such poor advisers when he was in the white house. people around him just betrayed him. has he improved? is it any better now down in florida? he seems to be surrounded, again, who might be informing him to do the wrong things. he is endorsing some candidates for senate that are really bad. >> well, i push back on that. i was not a vance fan when he first came out, the more i looked at mandel the more i realize he's to corrupt. you can't let him -- he is part of the swamp. the same thing with higgins. doctor oz was far from my favorite candidate but, you know, it's what they said about democracy and how democracies the worst government in the world except for all the
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others. doctor oz is the best candidate, given the others, right? i am more impressed with people who used to walk the wrong path, like carey lake who voted for obama. now is consistently not only saying the right thing but pushing back. not just saying the right thing so you can impress donors, but it's are you saying the right thing in front of the tv cameras! i hope, i think, you're going to see vance and aunts and some of these other guys. i hope it's blake masters in arizona. forwarding a maga center that will be very powerful. there are a lot of things about a lot of these people that i don't like. the thing in tennessee with what's your name, morgan ortega's? that was a bad pit. people who supported robbie starr back, he had a whole lot of issues. a lot of issues. he was a non voter in the district. you're always -- it's always a crapshoot. i can ask anyone of
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you, some of you run companies. how many people do you know that you can appoint to positions that you can absolutely trust? who will carry out your goals and objectives? most of us can't point to more than three or four people, right? how many of those are competent? one, right? if it's my friends maybe one or two, right? so you are stuck relying on people's advice who you don't know all that much but hey, they are in the republican party. supposedly to have your best interest at heart. who is he getting advice from now? i don't know but i have a feeling when we get close to the election there will be two people. johnny and eric. those are the only ones i want him taking advice from, other than maybe steve bannon if steve can behave. [laughs] that's all i'll say about that. >> question over here?
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>> roman go lash, the question i have, larry, is if trump were president do you think putin would have invaded ukraine? >> no, not a chance. not a chance. but here is another interesting thought question. maybe and i know that we are enduring some horrible stuff. i know what biden is doing is just terrible. maybe it's better that trump wasn't in with a lukewarm senate and a lukewarm house. maybe we need to refine these people for another four years. you know the story about gideon in the bible. he was sent down to fight an army and he had 30,000 men. god said, that's too many. you need to get rid of some because they aren't committed. they gave him a test if they -- if they lap it up, this day. i forget the story. if they put it in their hands, i forget. he gets rid of 27,000 of them. god says, he still have too many.
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you have 3000! you need to get rid of those. the point is, an army of lambs led by a lion is far more powerful than army of lions led by lamb, right? so if we could just -- lenin took the soviet union with 20,000 devote followers. a nation of 160 million people. only one third of americans believed in the cause of the american revolution, look what they did, right? it's not numbers, it is dedication and willingness to go fight and engage the enemy. we have the right people in their. it's doable. i'm not saying it's going to happen, i'm saying it's doable. >> i don't like the question i'm gonna ask next. >> i don't like the answer. [laughs] >> a lot of people who i know who are sort of hidden in this area, who voted for trump and
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who supported his positions feel that his ability to be elected has diminished by his personality. they are turned off by his nastiness, is the way they put it, and worse. my question is, what are his prospects? or, is someone like desantis or someone who is trump follower -- >> trump light. >> yeah, who's telegenic. who can tell you, you know, you don't want to throw tomatoes at him because he said microphone nasty things. >> there is an old saying. you can't have falstaff and have
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him thin. you can't have jim brown and have him have sprinter speed. every great person, every person who achieve something great, usually does so in spite of a handicap. not because of their personal -- i mean moses had a speech impediment. this is the guy you're going to choose to lead the jews? really? so, i don't think that that aspect of trump's that big a deal -- i think it's an excuse for a lot of people. i don't, this is why i want the pain to continue folks. i want biden to continue in office and ratchet up to -- a hate saying that from my fellow americans. but you're alcoholics, you need to get to the bottom before you are going to say, i'm a drunk and i need to reform. [inaudible] as important as it was to kennedy? will the democrats put somebody in there who will be a nice guy or gal, will win votes on that basis? >> it won't work. it won't work because they are now two
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saddled with inflation. they are the party of war. they are the party of covid, masks, and vaccines. look at barrese's polling trump is beating desantis in some polls by 50 points! 50! it's not even close. he's beating biden badly sometimes by eight or nine points. now, what is it going to be like in 24? folks, they know this they know that they are teetering on the brink. why don't they remove biden? harris. because nobody, even the democrats, nobody wants harris in there. mark my words, if you see harris go watch out, the 25th amendment is coming for old joe. until harris goes, he's safe. some people think he appointed her just for that reason. but remember this, the next vip has to be concerned -- with the senate and the house. it has to be done quickly if we get rid of her and put in
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someone like mayor pete. you know, that's the guy they want. that's to get they want! because gay trumps black now. if you're black, get back. if you're gay, okay. yes! oh yes. gay now trumps black. mayor pete is next in line. he doesn't have a chance against trump! they are increasingly painting themselves into this narrower and narrower corner, and as you see with this disneyland stuff. they are willing to go to the mat for pedophiles! they need to just rename splash mountain, groomer mountain, or something like that. >> something you said triggered him to say something which triggered much more questions. >> i'm here all night, i get paid by the hour. >> my name is vetus, let's go eight time zones to the east? what do you think putin's swamps are?
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>> that's a great question. putin is not stupid. he may be a murderer, but he's like a mafia boss. he's very smart and who he kills. he i think legitimately saw donbas and some of those other regions in ukraine as threats. especially as the drumbeat was coming to bring ukraine into nato. that was simply not tolerable for him. does he have people who want to take him out? oh, absolutely. is he going to take them out first? if he can. if he can find them, he will. now xi has other problems that the american media does not want to talk about it all. they have huge environmental issues to have a declining birth weight we all think about china's just growing and growing but no, they have a declining birth rate. one person mentioned this to me, how eager do you think they are to send young men off
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to war when they have spent a generation building up their only son's? really? you're gonna send them off to be slaughtered. they can take taiwan anytime they want to, but it will not be pleasant. it will cost millions to take taiwan. there is a very narrow landing area. i have read very thorough analysis of war between taiwan and china, it would not be pleasant. they don't have nearly the semiconductors -- we were talking about this was due today, that taiwan has. taiwan is a semiconductor chip giant in the world! then what happens if japan, the philippines, other countries decided ship in and store would link down china's military? i always apply to china but was always applied to russia, china is never a stronger she looks. china is never as weak as she looks, right? those two both have serious, serious, issues. right now we are actually helping the russians by making their oil more valuable. i mean, putin's oil -- the equivalent of cryptocurrency. i mean, it's
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amazing! >> couple more questions. one here, one here, go ahead sir. >> hi i'm commander brown of the united states navy, retired. i just have a question -- i watched, for example, the ketanji brown confirmation on tv. 53-47, i've seen a few elections in my life. we all know it's a ways 49%, 51%. what is it going to take from this country to have elections where half of the people are off at the end? when are we going to get to this point. >> you know, look at the civil war. my gosh, lincoln wins with just around 40% of the vote. the greatest president next to washington in american history,
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he only gets 40% of the vote. it is the nature of democracy, i think, especially our democracy which is a constitutional republic. madison said it. he said, you can't get rid of this. he called them factions. you need to have factions. of course washington hated parties, but you need to have parties! one faction checking another. this is the way that people get their ideas out into the republic. yes it has become significantly corrupted in a lot of ways overtime but still, i like conflict. you only get pros when you get the chafing, right? steel sharpens steel. i do not think we were all meant to stand around in a circle and sing kumbaya i think we were meant to get out there can test our ideas, always be respectful when the other side wins, which is not what has happened over the last 20 years. ever since reagan they really gave up
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being respectful if we won. ketanji brown, she doesn't know what a biological woman is so that's great. >> do you have a question sir? >> yes i do. my name is frank. >> helicopter. >> well, that's sort of why. minds polish. anyway, i want to thank you for writing your book, only because i am an old man. i've got a young son and daughter. you know, i've been pretty depressed. knowing that we have gone through crap like this before makes me feel that we can go through this crap once again. >> absolutely. >> that's the one thing. the second thing, are you going to work for trump? a guy with your knowledge has got to work for trump. >> if he'd ask me, i would work for him in a minute. i really thought he benefited from bannon, even though the personalities were very much in conflict, and you had some leak problems there. but, you need people like that around. you need people who can tell you know, and you need people who
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can, you know, stand up to you. i would love to work for trump. and, i came this close to meeting him two times. one time was right after the election, but before the inauguration. i was at trump tower to meet with bannon about this book. and, trump had just left maybe 30 minutes before. the next time, was in 2017 it just before bannon retired, and i said, is the boss here today? he goes, no, he just had it off for new jersey. so, i missed him twice, and i missed shaking hands with ronald reagan with his distance. i was doing an event for ronald reagan at the western white house, but it was over the hill. have any we've been to the ranch? who's been to the ranch? okay. small, really, really, the whole house is about the size of this room. it's a really small house. you can't hold public events there because they just don't have the facilities for it. so, they were holding an event at another guys ranch over the hill. it's called in concert at the white house. it would have
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beverley sills of the metropolitan opera. she was the hostess. she would host, once a month, a different musical or entertainment act, and he would have the beach boys, and you have the debris rubric quartet. this, time it was merle haggard and the outlaws. they asked the college republicans who were volunteers. i volunteered, of course. being an older student at the time because i had spent so much time in rock and roll, while i was older than most of the students. they said, we will give you a special job. we want you to drive the celebrities after they've been screened up to the venue. so, i was in a van with beverly hills and merle haggard. that was
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pretty wild. so, i get up there. i'm sitting on a table right about here waiting for my next incomes, on an anti with no secret service. i start to get, up and i just froze. because, they had said, no, it's not too long after the assassination attempt. they said, we have snipers on all these hills. i thought, if i jump up, they will think i'm trying to shoot, and he was gone in a flash, and i missed my chance to see trump twice and reagan once, but i did it get into the white house with president bush. he invited me into talk about the iraq war and history for an hour and a half, so that was kind of cool. >> does that qualify as a rock and also that we are going to get before the end? >> no. >> good. then, we have one more question and a rock and roll story. >> i hate to follow up frank because he ended up on a good note. but, to follow up on, you know, a question about the 2024 election and trump, you know, i've talked to a number of people, trump supporters. to tell you the truth, i flipped over when he came out with the drain the swamp. >> by which he meant the -- he never met the fbi. >> he didn't know how deep it was. so, that was the switch. i was a little bit disappointed, you know, that that didn't occur, but there is a number of reasons. but, you know, i've
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talked to people. i thought about myself. the 2024, and a lot of people that i know there were trump supporters, or converted trump supporters were disappointed in the 2020 election, and the way he handled it. i can point to a couple things. one is, i thought the first debate between him and biden, i thought he did a horrible job. i thought his tactics were just horrible. it turned off a lot of people who might have been, you know, thinking about, you know, this guy in a basement you can't think, or give trump another chance. he just bullied them. and then, there was that january 6th, his delayed response. but, one of the criticisms is, why didn't he anticipate was happening after >> why weren't their lawyers the election? i mean, all of these -- all the things. all around the country, and why
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did the republican party -- trump is one guy. you know, we do have this thing called the republican national committee, and they could've been hiring lawyers. everybody saw this coming. people were talking. why weren't they talking to lawyers, starting lawsuits back in january? why is it always on trump? i mean, you know, he is not superhuman. i think, far too often, people blame him when in fact we ought to be looking at the rest of the organization. what did you do? what would've happened of every single republican senator and congressman on january 6th had stood up and said, we think the election was a fraud. we want to vet this before we swear in a president. and if it's okay, we will be happy to swear him in. we will swear him in unanimously, but we want to see,
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check out the fraud first. and, what we've had is a lack of support, especially on the part of the congressional and senate democrats, who have just been cowardly, just cowardly throughout this. i call it patriot day, by the way, january 6th is patriot day, not january 6th, patriot day. because, a bunch of patriots did where we all should've done, which is demand a, retake demand these things to be checked out. now, let me give you another measure of hope here.. the judges. well, trump didn't do this, trump didn't do that. trump did more in four years than any president in history has done in four years, not even close. one of the things he did was appoint all these judges, which you can think for not having masks on the airplane yesterday. it was a trump judge. would ban him told me, was that gorsuch, amy coney barrett, and kavanaugh were not necessarily selected for a social conservative views. their litmus test was
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their approach to that deep state and the administrative state, and will they help rollback the administrative state? and, they asked them specifically about the exxon case, and how that was handled. so, sometimes if you think cabinet is unfolding in the right way, remember when he is up there to do is to deconstruct the deep state, at least in terms of what trump thought he was bringing them in to do. so, i want to -- >> is it time for another question? >> no. >> please? >> no concourse. >> did you mean a chevron, case not exxon? >> chevron, yeah. let me leave you with us. you mentioned this. this is very important. do not hang your hat. folks, we are on the precipice of a massive, earth shattering victory, and what they want you to do, is think it's not possible to think. nothing is going to happen, soothing mean tweets, to think this, that, or the other. i'm telling you. we are on the verge of an earth shattering event. and if we just stand, up as jordan peterson would say, stick your chest out. walk with your shoulders back. we lobsters are
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going to retake the world in january 2024. [applause] >> thank, you larry. thank you everyone for being with us tonight. if you are inspired by the fantastic speech by larry schweikart, you are free to purchase not just his later book, but he has his archives there on the table at the side of the room. thank you all for being here. we will be in touch soon for future advance coming up in the spring and summer here at the heartland institute. thank, you and drive safe. from the halls of congress to daily press president. scan the qr code at the right bottom to sign up for this email, and stay up to date on everything happening in washington each day. subscribe today using the qr code, or visit c-span. org slash connect to subscribe anytime. weekends on c-span two are an intellectual feast. every
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