tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 8, 2022 11:33am-12:18pm EST
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because members of the house judiciary committee are voting on the house floor. the hearing coming seven months after the court's draft opinion to overturn abortion rights was leaked to the media. witnesses include a former antiabortion activist and legal professionals. again, expecting the hearing to gavel in shortly, live here on c-span three.
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supreme court. starting a little later than scheduled. members still on the house floor voting there. the hearing here, and on c-span 3, coming seven months after the court's draft opinion to over rule abortion rights was leaked to the media. we will hear from witnesses including a former antiabortion activist. while we wait for the hearing to get underway, we will take a look at some washington journal. >> nine term congresswoman, wisconsin democrat, when more. she is a member of the ways and means committee. congresswoman, good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> thanks for coming on. and that funding dylan's next friday. that is likely to be focused on the foreseeable future here. how do you think that this plays out? do you think that we will have the shutdown next friday at midnight? >> well -- i don't think anybody has the appetite for a shutdown. however, we have seen it done
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for political manipulation. we have to hope that better angels will win. >> the effort being worked out right now on capitol hill by negotiators, in your mind, what are the must-haves for getting funding to deal with that when it comes together? >> i think that there are things that really have to come together. the national defense authorization is something that i think republicans want, as well as democrats. they all want to see this authorization pass. we are hoping to get by as a simple senior. to really have -- including other provisions. including i would love to see the child tax credit extended. the child tax credit that we included during covid, during
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the pandemic, was found to be an extremely effective way to deal with child poverty. not only child poverty, but to provide benefits to 85% of parents. up to single people, up to $115,000 a year. married couples up to $150,000 a year which really helped offset some of the inflationary impact that we've experienced. especially, we think, that these benefits are in order. >> viewers might recall that expanded child tax credit boosted the child tax credit to $3,000 from $2,000. the monthly payments that are happening for six months at the end of the year in july of 2021 to bill december. the second half of that payment came after the father 2021 tax
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returns. you said, congresswoman, that that was extremely effective. how do we know that? >> we've had studies of the impact of the joint economic committee to really determined that we reduce poverty by 40%. especially affective to ameliorate poverty for african american and hispanic families. in addition to reducing poverty we saw that it buoyed families in particular. when we think about kids don't work but they are an expense. we found that people used to on school supplies, better nutrition for kids, childcare! we don't have a subsidy for that. and in the long term we have always recognize that this is a
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very effective investment. we are dealing with our future workforce studies have really demonstrated the efficacy of this policy. we think we ought to make it -- >> the expanded child tax credit was not expanded for 2022 because you do not have enough republican support. how do you supposed to get that support in this deal that will come together next eight days? what is something democrats can offer to bring on republicans to get this included in the bill? >> while, we cannot stop trying to do this. i think 70% of americans want this policy. i think we can lay that down and as a marker -- there are things that they want as well.
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we have until the end of the year the tax policy extending his. different things that they want. the child tax credit policy does come under tax in the ways and means committee. there are the things that republicans want and all these things will be on the table. as a ways and means committee x -- can explain what annexed under is. and what comes out of the end of every fiscal year? >> you know, people per they think the only spending that occurs is done with discretionary funding. in fact, there are many tax benefits that corporations, wealthier americans experience. there are tax provisions to benefit, for example electric vehicles. other kinds of innovation.
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sometimes they are put into law for only a short period of time. then we have to extend those provisions in order for them to carry over. we have bills that are related to health care. that are on extension. some are things that both parties really want to see extended. some things, well, they need to die. those are the things that will occur during the lame duck sessions. we will have something. something that republicans will want that we will be able to use as leverage. >> congresswoman more in with us at this half hour. we will get to your calls before she has to get to work this morning, here in the house. -- two to 748 8000 for democrats independents to go to seven for a 2000 into. already calls for you
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congresswoman. on the line for independence. this is michael, deerfield beach florida. >> hi. i wonder if the good representative is aware that on the rally on saturday, they announced that they would do a strike, a lock out, a law students. representatives respond to is money. the very next day -- that night, they got together and they got a bill together to completely block this and a new cycle. there's no mention of the fact that they did that are any news on the mainstream or crazy news channels -- >> might go, and what is the strike about? >> to ban assault weapons. they are threatening a mini, micro strength. a ten minute walk out on a daily basis for the next ten weeks if that isn't done. just the threat alone, you never got to hear about it.
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i was amazed at the mainstream media did not report about it. >> we talked about assault weapons in our first hour this morning. it was president biden again calling for a call for a ban on assault weapons. -- the bill did not include assault weapon ban when it was passed in june. what are your thoughts about a new push for an assault weapons banned? >> we've done in the past. we can do it again. i'm glad you mentioned, john, the safer act. a really modest step towards sensible gun regulation. i admire the children that walked out. how is that child some decades ago. it really has an impact down the line on what policies are -- we saw this past election cycle that the youth turnout was
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substantial. into the 339% in some areas of the country millennials are standing up and speaking up in a very powerful way out voting in many ways the baby boomer generation they are concerned their concerns are going to have to be addressed you are right, michael, and caller. there has been a turnaround in 24 hours. we elected our first z generation member of congress -- who came in, marching for our live, gun reform agenda. i think we are going to continue to see that trend on the issue of children, i wonder if you could touch, briefly, on what the mom
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omnibus act? a >> thank you so much for asking that. it is a package a bill designed to address the high maternal mortality in this country of all the so-called wealthy countries the united states is woefully neglecting in protecting women during pregnancy. it'll put together by representative dr. alma albums -- and a former nurse, the representative from illinois. it's a package of 12 bills, including things like protecting women who are incarcerated. providing promoting vaccinations. i have a particular piece in the bill, the dozen bills, dealing with increasingly parent data workforce.
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making sure there are physicians assistance, nurses, and that there is a pathway for people to pursue the occupations in a culturally sensitive way. to make sure that women who are at risk, african americans, native women, are steered into these professions of providing support. this is a very important bill that we really -- all those folks who say they believe in a right to life, we think that this is really a strategic way to make sure that women and babies and to the world safely. >> a question for you, congresswoman, from our social media pages, so to asking on the issue of the child tax credit that we just talked about. how will it be paid for? as for any type of government assistance, benefits need to be
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kept, is what she recommends. >> well, sue, we did look at, quote unquote, limiting the child tax credit. not making it refundable. it was a way -- it really didn't help the poorest, most braun or both children. we decided to make it refundable. that is to not require some sort of minimum amount of earnings in order to be eligible for the child tax credit. the benefits are distributed through the tax code. it is an expensive program, but it is very efficient spending. much more efficient than, say, providing money for corporations to do huge stock buybacks. those people who are concerned about the inflationary impact of the bill, this is an efficient way of dealing with our most precious commodity in
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this country. that is our children. you now, most so called wealthy countries do provide some sort of child subsidies. it is not a novel idea. the payoff is great. if we want to continue to have -- we have got to start early in standing up our future workforce. >> congresswoman, we have some breaking news for you just within the past couple of minutes. i just want to get your reaction. this is the nbc news story, wnba star, brittney griner, is free today after the biden administration negotiated her release from a russian penal colony in exchange for russian arms dealer, victor about. according to a senior administrator president biden signing off on that tree that took place in the uae, even though it meant leaving behind paul whelan, an american
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corporate security executive who remains in jail. the move, and bc writes, marks one of the most high-profile presidents velocity in moscow and washington since the cold war. >> hallelujah! she was wrongfully imprisoned. and it's our understanding that she was suffering tremendously in this penal colony and work camp. i am so delighted that the biden administration stuck with this. this is a promise kept to get her home. i think that -- you know? this is hopeful. getting our other whelan -- it is a shame about that. but i do think this is hopeful. >> can you give some background on how much you and your colleagues on capitol hill were involved here and pushing for this with the white house? the congress play any role here?
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>> you know what? i think that this is just another effort of the people. i think there was a great sentiment throughout the country that she was in appropriately imprisoned. we saw a groundswell of public support. this is something that was a purview of the executive branch. not necessarily the legislative branch. all of us, individually and collectively, as americans, i think created the atmosphere and encouragement for the president to continue this move. >> that news coming just within the past 15 20 minutes or so. >> hallelujah! >> the president expected to give remarks within the hour on that. we will keep you updated. in terms of what the congresses purview is, it is the power of the purse. democrats in full control of capitol hill, for now --
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less than four weeks. on january 3rd, the republicans will take over the house. when it comes to the war in ukraine, are we going to see more funding for ukraine here as part of this possible omnibus effort? or a special stand-alone bill? where does that stand right now? >> we need to do need to stand up our support to ukraine. this omnibus, that is one of the reasons why we need to do something besides a simple -- i think it is really important to demonstrate to all of our allies that we are serious about being in the fight for democracy. i am very concerned that if we allow the 117th congress to expire, republicans will not be a study with this support as democrats have been. we have heard stirrings within
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their conference that there are folks who don't necessarily want to continue funding this effort. i think whatever we can get done during this lame dark week we ought to take advantage of our majority. >> few minutes left with congresswoman glenn moore if you want to join democrats to 02 8007 for eight -- folks wanting to join on our social media pages as well on spending, specifically. mark stone writes to you, congresswoman. does the house plan to have another trillion dollar spending program before the republicans take over? when that just add to inflation? >> we are all concerned about inflation. that is why we passed the inflation reduction act. i think what most people don't recognize is while we got no republican votes for that, there were 300 billion dollars plus in paying down our debt
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within that bill. i want people to really understand that you've though we have inflation, you cannot stop supporting in standing up the functions of government. in order to say, oh, just reduce inflation. i do think it is an important priority, a hope that we don't pass and republicans with a turns without spending -- they don't provide another tax cut for the wealthiest americans without paying for it. that is something that i object. to when i talk about the child tax credit, for instance, that is a much more efficient way to spend money. if you're going to do any spending. i am hoping that the republicans don't take charge
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and muddle through with some of their threats to try to negotiate, bargain, by reducing social security benefits, medicare benefits, two americans. we have practically eliminated poverty among seniors. through social security and medicare. i think there are just stuck on stupid, to use the argument of inflation to plunge people into auto poverty. there are balances. i think making those millionaires, billionaires, really making them pay their fair share is a more measured way of reducing inflation. certainly all of the stock buybacks, low interest rates. these are the things that have contributed greatly to inflation. nobody ever mentions that. they only want to mention poor
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little four-year-old kids who received monies, and that's the cause for inflation. it is despicable. chatham, new jersey. this is mike. independent. mike, good morning. >> yeah, hi. i think it's great news that miss griner has been released from jail. given her high and the size of jails over there it's a what happened. without a stand, quite frankly in the prisoner exchange, paul whelan has been in prison far longer than britney griner. the question that i have, was there some preferential treatment that biden gave to a grinder because of her race? thank you if you can answer that, please? >> mike, we are still trying to find out the details of this release. the president expected to speak on the released within the hour. perhaps more from the president. congresswoman is anything that you want to add? >> you know, i don't know.
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i don't know what the negotiations have been. i do know that a russian prison is probably a hardship for anybody. you mention she is a six foot nine or something woman. i am really relieved that she has been released. again, i am hopeful paul whelan, something can be negotiated around getting him home. he has certainly serve the country well and i do not know i am going to be waiting eagerly to hear what president biden has to say about it. i don't know whether there were choices are not on if he had choices with prisoners, both of them or not could go home. whether president biden chose her over paul waiting. >> good morning, thank you for taking my call.
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thank you representative moore for being on the show. i appreciate it. i just wanted to take a couple of comments and then ask a question. the woman who is being released from the russian prison, i understand she was not very patriotic towards america. i'm sure she will be after this. i'm sure she will be very happy to be in american when she gets all because, it was my understanding that she would rail against our country. i'm. sure she will have a deeper appreciation for our country once we get. back i'm glad that she is being released. representative moore, i wonder if you could speak on this mauve recent statistic on 64% of the black community not having a father in the home? i think that is a bit troubling
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part of our society now. i think that was something that hurston watcher was trying to address. i'm wondering if you could address it? >> well, you know, i think it's really sad that marriages in america basically among all folks are breaking down. we do know that stable two parent homes are better positioned economically to support families. i do think that the dearth of fathers in the home has a lot to do with other sorts of policies in our country. you know, the willingness, for example, to incarcerate african american man at a higher rate. take our war on drug policies. i mean, americans use drugs, all races, of out the same.
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who is incarcerated for drug use more than anyone? african american. if you are incarcerated, you don't think much of it. i do think that as we look at the policies, the disadvantage, we ought to think about the kind of equities that are needed to encourage family formation. i don't think any child is better off in a family where we are breaking down. if women and men go in their separate directions, that sometimes makes a decision. i don't know what the data are in regard to other races.
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two parents into the family. i would say that we need more family friendly policies. one of the things that i remember about our so-called welfare policies is that we would deny women money to provide for their children if the man, for example, or not working and he was still in the home. a lot of our policies promote family breakdown. there is no reason to run a man away from a family if that family finds itself in financial need. i do thank you for a lifting this up. >> sauna city center, florida, a democrat, good morning. >> good morning. can you hear me? >> i can hear you will. >> i want to ask you about the debt. i don't understand why democrats don't talk about this. there were two presidents who got -- it was just like what we have
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now. one was truman. the other was eisenhower. they both got us out of world war ii in korea, which is about the same size as what it is today. they got us out of the debt by capping people at 91%. they tasked the risk at 91%. no one talks about that. i think it's because we live in an oligarch where the rich tell the democrats what to say and the republicans do the same thing with -- of course, republicans are more pro-rich. they passed a tax bill in 2017 that relieved tax on the rich when it should be the other way around. >> let me stop you there just because we are running short on time. i want to give the congresswoman a chance to respond. >> i don't think anyone has the appetite for 91% tax rates anymore. that really would increase the
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revenue that we have. you know, you talk about the two presidents that completely obliterated our debt, but i just want to talk about a presidents that increased the debt. we have had wars, continuous wars, that were not paid for. i can remember my parents, god rest their soul, talking about how they -- other kinds of things to pay for the cost of course. we had policies under relic in presidents we are not only did they have unpaid wars, but they provided tax cuts to the rich. that, if you increase that foundation for an unsustainable budget, you just can't give money. i agree with the collar on this. you can't just provide tax cuts to the rich and not pay for it
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and expect to have a balanced budget. >> congresswoman, we have to end it there for now. we will look for you down the road. gwen moore weighs in. we appreciate the time. >> thank, you jen. >> starting shortly here on c-span 3, a hearing on the politics influencing the supreme court. we are just waiting for members on the committee to wrap up vote on the floor. the hearing a starting later than scheduled. it's been held seven months after the leak of the course drop to paint overturn abortion rights. witnesses today include a former antiabortion activist and legal professionals. we do see some of the committee members coming into the room. we are expecting the hearing to gavel in shortly live here on c-span 3. >> congressman tom mcclintock is back with us. he is a senior member of the
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judiciary and budget committee. i want to get to some of those congressional issues, congressman. let me start with that news from half an hour ago. wnba star brittney griner was released from a russian custody in that high profile prisoner swap which has now already happened between the u.s. and moscow. what is your quick reaction? >> my first reaction is that it is great. my second is, who is this arms dealer? was that in the interest of the united states? i don't know the answer to that question. >> we might get some more answers from president biden who is expected to speak in the next 15 minutes or so. we might be getting a little bit of that. congressman, let me move back to capitol hill. there's a lot of work to do in the 117th congress. let me jump to the 118th congress. on january 3rd are you, going to be voting for kevin mccarthy for speaker of the house? >> do you think you will have enough votes to be speaker of the house? he has a majority, given to the
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congress by the american people. whether that majority acts like a majority is yet to be seen. -- >> he will have 218 votes? he met with republicans at the conference to talk about rules for how republicans will run the conference in the 118th congress and it was a place where you made some rules and suggestions for changes. what did you suggest? >> i actually introduced a motion to ban the practice of members of congress directing public money to their local pet projects over their favorite supporters. that was a practice i created. it created widespread corruption in congress in the 1990s and 2000s -- but we did away with it when we
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were -- it was not gone for two years. it was brought back in the last session. i was very disappointed that my republican colleagues did not vote to ban the practice in the future. >> why was it brought back? >> because it was -- members were directing money to their favorite supporters. a local company makes a project at the pentagon either wants or needs. what do you do? well, you get him to write a bill. you tell the pentagon they're going to buy the product they don't want and don't need. you repeat the process. that is the source of the corruption. worse than that, deterrents in the federal budget into a grab bag for a local pet projects, literally robbing saint petersburg to pay st. paul. traditionally, these projects benefit local communities. they are paid for by those
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local communities. went out local community comes to a congressman and says, hey, we want this, what they are really saying, is this project is so low on our priority list that we don't dare use our own taxpayer money to find it. if you can find other taxpayers, we are -- >> members of congress who support here -- they will say that your remarks help get things done on capitol hill and put skin in the game for members. >> no question about that. you put a few locally remarks on a bill that a member, by his own judgment, would never think of support. suddenly, this very bad legislations becomes a local -- how is that a good thing? that distorts the judgment of congress. it promotes the kind of -- it's not at the expense of the earmarks, it's these massive spending bills.
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the difference is that things get down through a competitive process, not by a congressman dulling out money to his favor of supporters and groups. that is the whole point. were the problems don't require earmarks. worthy -- it is the unworthy projects that need the earmarks. >> in terms of what is going to get down here in congress in the next eight days or so before a potential government shutdowns, how do you see this playing out? >> i can't read minds i. can't tell fortunes. i don't. no i would like to see a short sea are. as expressed in the last election -- that is going to be critically important, given the enormous deficits. the amount of debt that is questioned --
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the worst inflation in 40 years. that is going to require a very serious and immediate attention. they are going to learn to pronounce the word no. >> the column in today's wall street journal, former chairman of the senate banking committee phil graham, one of the co-authors on that column, the republican house can restrain spending. a slender majority is the only century at the gate. what is being -- keeping this majority from restraining the spending? >> earmarks are a big concern. i think we have to get very stubborn grants. grants are not consuming half a trillion dollars a year of federal money. to put that in perspective, it's consuming $4,000 of the average family's taxes. these are not tracks contracts for good and services. we are basically throwing money at people, telling them to go out and do good things.
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there is very little follow-up, very little accountability. in my experience, a lot of the money simply goes into the salaries of these different organizations and agencies. they can say glowing things about the work that they are doing and apply for more grants. this is now the largest expenditure in the federal budget behind social security and national defense. we have to address that. if the government needs a service the government itself should put out a rfb and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. that is the way needs to be done. this is throwing money all over the country. it's killing us. when >> -- congressman tom mcclintock with us until the house gavels in.
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that is expected at 9 am this morning. carrie is in new berlin, wisconsin. you are up first. >> hi, good morning. first, a quick comment. that is great that brittney griner has been set free, but i guess i wonder, what about -- there's a man who also has been held prisoner there for a number of years. i think there are several others as well. my only concern is, why, just because she is an nba star, does she get priority over others? that doesn't seem fair. again, i'm glad she was set free. the question for the representatives, though, i know that -- let me start by saying i feel horrible for the millions and millions of people who live in poor countries and what to come here for better economic opportunity. that said, i understand that we are required by international law to accept as many people that come here and claim to
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need asylum, even though they can't prove it right away. my first question is, is every other country in the world also required to take an unlimited number of people seeking asylum? what is the difference between asylum and refugees? i think we do have a limit on the number of refugees. >> well, first of all, the promises wrong. there is no international authority that requires the united states to do anything, let alone accept refugees. we have set caps on refugees. we additionally have presided -- asylum is supposed to be limited to those who are fleeing a government that has targeted them for oppression because of their membership in specific herbs, religious groups, political groups, ethnic groups. that is what asylum is supposed to be. once you have crossed your first international boundary, you have now separated yourself
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from the government that is oppressing you. you only have the right to claim asylum in that country. what we are seeing today is aided and vetted by the administration. it's completely unprecedented. we have essentially collapsed our borders and allowed -- we have seen 4.1 million illegal border crossings since the administration took office. well that was going on, we had people evading capture as the border patrol was overwhelmed changing diapers and arranging travel. we know that 1.4 million of these illegal immigrants have been deliberately allowed into our country. that is having repercussions in every community in america. i asked mayorkas, explain to me how we improve our schools by packing our schools with non english speaking students, how we improve access to health care by packing emergency rooms with illegals demanding care.
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how do we help working families by flooding the labor market with cheap illegal labor? how do we help americans by consuming our social services on of this unprecedented mass illegal migration? he had no answers. >> let me take you home to the golden state. this is jim in bakersfield. good morning. >> good morning, john. good morning, congressman mcclintock. congratulations on being reelected and a member of the 118th congress. i think you're going to have the reputation of being the first congress in the united states history to default on the national debt. the reason why i think that's going to happen is because i don't think congressman mccarthy has the votes to pull off raising the debt ceiling. i think there is going to be
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way too much overreach. i think you folks are going to use it as a boundary when you should not. i think you have members of your own party who will not support it. i just wanted to bring forth the fact that i think you're going to have that with you. thank you for the opportunity. you're my hero. >> thank you for the warning. the warning is well taken. when the republicans had a majority, we've got a bill through -- there is an impasse on the bill. it allowed interest on the national debt to continue to be paid, notwithstanding the debt limit. unfortunately, the democrats killed in the usa. >> coach, will pennsylvania, david, democrat. >> thank you for taking my call. i appreciate it. i have a few questions.
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one is about -- why does it make it so hard for people who get flooded out and everything -- we can't get our money. we have to go through so much paperwork. another country has a mudslide or an earthquake, they send money right away, no questions. we still haven't gotten money from ida that was due to us that we are fighting for. also, with social security, you guys only got to do one term and you can retire and get a pension. we have to work 60 years just to make a few dollars and you want to cut that away from us. it's a shame. i don't know why you can't give us the cost of living every are just like you get one. >> first of, all the promises completely wrong. congress has not had a raise in 14 years. as far as
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