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tv   Open Phones  CSPAN  May 11, 2023 12:59pm-2:07pm EDT

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c-span 3. c-span now. our free mobile video app. or, online, at saturday on c-span, florida governor ron desantis is the featured guest aicnic fundair hosted by iowa republican representative randy feenstra. that is live at noon eastern. later in the evening ou campaign 2024 coverage continues with former president, donald trump, headlining a rally in des moines. live at 8:00 is done. you can also watch on c-span now. our free mobile video app. or at c-span dot org. >> c-span's campaign 2024 coverage is your front row seat to the presidential election. watch our coverage of the candidate on the campaign trail with announcements, meet and greets, speeches, and events.
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campaign 2024 on the c-span networks c-span now our free mobile video app or, online anytime, at c-span your unfiltered view of politics. >>. yeah we will start with that 70 minute town hall from cnn last night with the former president. around 7:30 am eastern town, we will then turn our attention to title 42. the pandemic era emergency health policy that is ending at midnight tonight. at the same time house republicans are putting their border security proposal on the floor for a vote. at that point we will turn to that policy debate. first, from cnn's town hall, let's begin with a question from one of the participants in new hampshire. this was a friendly audience of republican and independent
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voters. here's a question to be former president. will you pardon the january six rioters who were convicted of federal offenses? >> i am inclined to pardon many of them. i can't say for every single one. a couple of them, probably, they got out of control. when you look at antifa what they have done to portland. look at what they have done to minneapolis. so many other places, look at what they did to seattle. blm. many people were killed. these people, i'm not trying to justify anything, but you have two standards of justice in this country. what they have done -- i love that question because what they have done to so many people is nothing, nothing! and what they have done to these people, they have persecuted people. my answer is i am most likely, if i get in, it will be a large portion of them. you know?
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[applause] >> and, there will be very early on. they are living in how right now -- they are policemen, firemen, soldiers. the carpenters, electricians. they are great people. many of them are just great people. >> mister president, one of the people who was convicted is a former policeman. he was convicted of attacking a police officer, i should know. when you say you are considering pardoning a large portion of those charged with crimes in january six, does that include the four proud boys members who were charged and convicted of seditious conspiracy? >> i do not know. i would have to look at their case. i can't say that in washington d.c. you cannot get a fair trial. just like in new york city and can't get a fair trial either. >> from cnn's town hall the former president, it is noted in many reports today, that he called january 6th a beautiful day. the current president tweeting out after cnn's town hall, it is simple, folks, do you want
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four more years of that? if you don't, pinch in to our campaign. cnn's kaitlan collins is getting credit for trying to fact check the former president in realtime. cnn's being criticized for even having last night's town hall. eric windfall from the washington post saying, collins knows better than saying what she said in the midst of cnn's went in a town hall with trump. the election was not rigged, mister president. she said after yet another trump lie about his loss to 2020. you cannot keep saying that, all night long. sure he can. he can live a president of documents. he can lie about his impeachments. he collided his record in office. and there is nothing and impeccably prepared interviewer can do to prevent any of it. she can rebut him, correct him, interrupt, him another wife battle with him over every point, but that's no match for csis mendacity. of the town
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jerry into michigan, democratic collar. what did you think of the town hall? >> i think it was -- let's just say they are making a big mistake by letting trump on. greetings from motown, by the way. i wanted address, if i could, a bunch of the line of the donald trump was telling, much of the false equivalency. first, he tells the lie that he requested the national guard and nancy pelosi turned it down. pelosi was not in charge of, nor had any authority over security at the capital. second of all, if i may, greta, he tries to make these false equivalency's between what those wightman did at the capitol, beating police with flagpoles and spraying bear mace in their face. he is trying to compare that to
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members of black lives matter's. i'm here to tell anyone who is listening, especially any trump supporters on the republican side, black lives matter never, ever, committed acts of violence. they have no proof that it was them. i hate to try to compare that to what happened on january 6th. i think it is a total false equivalency on their part. i think a lot of the republicans calling it in trying to make that apples and oranges comparison. >> jerry, i heard your point. i want to get in richard who is in utica, new york. independent. richard, what did you think of the town hall in what you heard from the former president? >> good morning greta. and good morning to the listeners. first of all i thought it was a disgrace. i am a conservative. but it was a disgrace. it is a disgrace --
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donald trump called one of the capital police officers a thug. the man who was there at the glass trying to protect the members of congress. he called him a thug. cnn should be sued. they should be sued by the capitol police. heeney despair old e. jean carroll. donald trump had a chance to go to court and face e jean carroll, right? he did not. he hid behind social media. the judge in the case said we could not release the names of the jurors because their lives would be in danger because of that man. cnn irresponsibly, they did a horrible job. he steamrolled her. lies after lies of two lives. she couldn't handle that. one other thing that was so important, he said he was going
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to learn to january 6th offenders out. you know he is going to do it if he is allowed in! this is why he was banned on the old twitter. why he was kicked off of facebook. the man is a danger. my one final point, millions of his supporters have now been embolden after the. that audience was packed with nothing with his supporters. it was a setup. it turned into a trump rally. they are now emboldened. >> okay. >> that is what cnn did -- >> richard, thank you. you aren't cindy from norwich, connecticut. republican. hi, cindy. >> look, i don't think it is a bad thing what cnn did. let the american people hear what the man has to say. this is the thing. and, no one wants to hear what donald trump has to say.
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but we have to listen to everything the other side has to say about everything. we have to take it as absolute truth. we are living in an era of my truth, my truth. that is all we hear, right? who is to say what is true and not anymore? we want to talk about trump and his lies. you know what? look at low -- i'm not saying what about him but you can't call out one without calling out the other. i really think, you know? your program would be will served to talk about the discovery of what is going on with the biden crime family. you know? that was big news. but it was covered up, conveniently, by george santos -- >> there was a lot of news yesterday. we cover the news conference that you are talking about, led by congressman, james comer.
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chair of the oversight committee. he held a news conference with other members of that oversight committee to talk about their investigation into members of the biden family. what they have discovered. you can read about it and the papers today. you can go to our website, you will find there the entire news conference, with the questions from reporters. again, c-span dot org. those are some key moments highlighted on the side from that news conference. you can watch it there. eric. cedar town, georgia. democratic. all are high, eric. >> hi greta. greta! you have it wrong. the media has it wrong. trump is not the enemy. it is the american people, the majority of white people in this country, they are the ones who are supporting trump. trump is just a reflection of them. the average person doesn't realize that a lot of people,
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there are preachers, ministers, all throughout society, intelligence agency, all of this has come out -- we must look at, greta, even you hear why you probably have some of the same trump supporters in your family. elizabeth warren came out and said that these people are supporting them. just think, hillary clinton said they are deplorable, now they are worse than that. they are racist. they support crime. that is what they want. to maintain the white privilege in the united states, which they have always had. if it weren't for black people during the civil rights era fighting through slavery for this a lot of the immigrants coming over here, greta. a lot of them would even have those rights. with what black people went through, we are always looked at and look down on. what they want, they want the
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laws, they want to support it but they don't want to supporting on them. they want to be able to do whatever they want. treat people how they want and get away with it. we, are still affected by this every day. we are dealing -- eric >> can i jump in and ask you did you watch the cnn town hall? >> yes i watched it. you can look at, what i'm saying, greta. it speaks for itself. they are not actually for law enforcement. they are for disloyal enforcement if it is equally applied to everyone. i got a point, so, why did cnn do this town hall? eric when full of the cnn -- trump is the front runner for the 2024 when domination. as collins noted when she introduced the form president. for another, this is what cnn does. tom house, debates, live coverage on location. cnn is a breaking news glosses
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that love nothing more than making it on breaking news. greg in corning, ohio. independent. greg, we'll hear from you next. what did you think of the cnn town hall with former president donald trump? >> i wouldn't watch cnn to save my life. you people kill me. all this stuff going on with the biden family. what do you do? you jump on here with this trump stuff. trump, trump, trump. that's all we're gonna hear until next week. that or abortion. i am lost. you let biden get away with murder. this is just crazy. you people must be competing with a mess -- or something. this is insane. >> greg, as we noted, we cover the news conference with oversight chair james comer and the rest of the members republican members of that oversight committee. again, you can find it on our website. c-span dot org. a little bit more from last nights cnn town hall.
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the president was asked about the debt ceiling debate and the way forward. here is what he had to say. >> when we had our economy rocking and rolling just prior to covid coming in. literally, we were making a fortune. oil, we were gonna make so much money from oil. we were gonna start paying off debt. with covid coming in we had to do other. things we had to keep this country alive because it was so serious. we have got to get the country. back we have to lower energy prices. we have to lower interest. rates interest rates are through the roof. anna diaz to come down. it all has to come down. we have to start paying off debt. . when we have a debt limit, they use that very seriously. they cam, and schumer came in with nancy pelosi. they were using, it will violate. it we will do whatever. they talk to holland difference and they are doing right now. i say to the republicans out there, congressman, senators, if they don't give you massive cuts you're gonna have to do a default. i don't believe that they are going to do a default. i think the democrats will
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absolutely cave. you don't want to have that happen. it is better than what we are doing right now. we are spending money like drunken sailors -- >> to be clear mister president you think the u.s. should default if the white house does not agree to spending cuts? >> my devote do it now because you will do it later. we have to save this country. the country is dying, the country is being destroyed by stupid people, very stupid people. >> you want said that using the debt ceiling as a negotiating wedge could not happen. he said that when you are in the oval office. >> one president. >> why is it different now that you're out of office? >> because now i'm not president. >> it cnn town hall last night we are getting your reaction to it this morning before we turn our attention to the expiration of title 42. a border security debate that will happen in the house today. new york times, five takeaways from last night cnn town hall. one of them is republicans cheered but so did democrats looking to the general
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election. mr. trump defended january six at the beautiful day. he hailed the overturning of roe v. wade as a great victory. he wouldn't say if he hoped ukraine would win the war against russia. he talked again about how the rich and famous get their way. women let you, he said. he refused to rule out reimposing one of the most incendiary and divisive policies of his term in office. purposefully separating families at the border. mr. trump's answers played well in the hall. but they also find their way into democratic messaging in the next 18 months. late wednesday the biden campaign was already figuring out what segments could be turned quickly into digital ads. before the town hall, after last night's town hall, a new pack created by the former congresswoman, republican wyoming liz cheney the great task pack aired this ad. again, before and after cnn's town hall.
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>> donald trump is the only president in american history who has refused to guarantee the peaceful transfer of power. he lost the election, and he knew it. he betrayed millions of american by telling them the election was stolen. he ignored the rules of dozens of courts. rather than accept his defeat he mobilized a mob to come to washington in march on the capital. then he watched on television as the mob attacked law enforcement invaded the capital and hunted the vice president. he refused for three hours to tell the mom to leave. there has never been a greater dereliction of duty by any president. trump was warned repeatedly for -- his plans for january six were illegal. he didn't care. today he celebrates those who attacked our capital. donald prompt proven he is unfit for office. donald trump is a risk america can never take again. >> the great task is responsible for the content of this advertisement.
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>> back to your calls. mike, vesper city, north carolina. republican. hi mike. >> good morning. i sacrificed watched cnn last night. mr. trump is my president. he is going to be our president again. let me ask you this here, mr. trump knows he was going into enemy territory. he knew he was gonna get roughed up a cnn. has mr. biden been anywhere besides his basement and his home in delaware? he maloney and take questions unless he knows who the reporter is and what the question is and perhaps for the answer is. all the democrats up here talking about how mr. trump's maga and racist and all that, that is complete garbage. when mr. trump was president a black unemployment is low, hispanic unemployment with. the women's unemployment with
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the. everything was good until the china virus came in. they made a mistake and listen to that little dwarf og. he is the one that behind all of this garbage. the trillions of dollars in debt. one of the thing, why would mr. biden he won't do press conferences. trump answer questions every time he comes out of the white house. he was answering questions for 2030 minutes. but an answer is one or two questions before his handlers get him into a helicopter her plane. he is stupid, incompetent. i hate to say blue diane feinstein and have more sense than he does. one of the thing before i leave. talking about title 42, our country is going to see a mass invasion. wini knee aide to close the border this is going to be a mass invasion -- >> mike, we are gonna talk
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about that coming up. can i ask you, do you think it was a mistake or was it smart that president trump, the former president, went on the cnn town hall last night? >> it was smart. you have to go to the opposite side to talk to people. biden won't do it because he's scared. his handler just cared. obama won't let him. >> okay. >> you have to go into other territory. >> sam, richmond, new york. democratic. collar >> i watched the town hall meeting. i don't think cnn did a good enough job to let him explain what he really means about some of the issues. one of the issues is guns. the illegal guns. he said that he stands for the second amendment. but he didn't say what he is going to do about all of these shootings. the guns that are getting into the hands of criminals. people who are irresponsible,
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you know? i don't understand why they didn't make him explain that. that is one of the biggest issues right now. >> okay. ridge in hickory hills illinois. independent. what was your reaction to last night cnn town hall? >> my reaction is i don't understand, giving this man, this convicted -- he has been convicted. he filed for bankruptcy. this is the guy that you want to put in charge of the economy? >> i don't like the man. when i see me what people are doing to follow this guy it is, i don't understand why you would want somebody. like we talked about, donald trump is a criminal. if you think joe biden is a criminal, you charge them. and you pursue the charges.
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if he is convicted, he lock him up. if you are not gonna do that this is adolf hitler. he gets into power, and where it is gonna go from there, this is what scares me. we are going to allow this kind of person to rule our country. i do not understand people who can't see, you know, talking about the default on the debt ceiling. the interpretation of what he's gonna do to our economy. what is gonna do to the rest of us? i don't want to go that way. i don't want to give this man the time to try to convince me otherwise. >> landon the republican in point pleasant beach new jersey. lynn, go ahead. >> hi, how are you? >> you know what? i am heartbroken with everything. i just am so over all of this
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vitriol and ugliness. when i listen to everybody speaking about how much information they watch and where they get it, most people don't understand what the situation is with the debt ceiling. they think you have a magic wand and you can choose to add to it or subtract -- >> land, what did you think? what do you think of the former presidents response to that question? >> well, like everything, he talks in circles. he tries to play to the people who were there for his standup tour, as i call it. you can tell by the applause, when it happens, where peoples thoughts are with everything that he says. if he can just accuse people of doing things that never happen and get half a country to
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believe him, how are we going to get real information to people, when all they are listening to is a couple of radio stations and podcast? >> who is your candidate in 2024? >> i'm sorry? >> who is your candidate in 2024? >> so far it is not a republican, i will tell you that much. >> but you are calling on the republican line. >> i am. i don't know where else the call from. i really -- i voted democrat, i voted republican. but since i was calling from my desk integrates go, hiding from the cuban bombs, haven't been this nervous for our country. this is after watching the civil rights, stonewall, you name him. nobody is trying to take the republicans guns away -- >> then, you can call on the independent line if you want to the next time. ricky, in philadelphia.
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democratic collar. >> good morning, greta. watching the town hall meeting with donald trump is just like jim jones. all the republicans drink that kool-aid. i don't want to vote for a man who has been impeached twice. who is to convicted for sexual assault. more likely to be convicted for the january 6th. the insurrection. they don't want to believe and how. -- yes ma'am. >> all right, rickie. i want to play one more moment from last night cnn town hall for those who have supported the president, and evangelicals.
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if you are watching today and you are in queue to talk to you want to call in and out remaining minutes here, we would like to hear your reaction to what the former president said when he was asked if he would sign a federal abortion ban law into law. here's what he had to say. >> i want to do what's right. we are looking. we want to do what's right for everybody -- >> but what is right? >> now, for the first time, the people who are pro-life have negotiating capability. you didn't have a before. they could kill the baby in the ninth month, or after the baby the born -- >> i think this is the right important question for you to answer. this is something every republican, including those who are running against you for the nomination is being asked about. would you sign a federal abortion ban into law? >> many of them are gonna give you the same answer i am. first of all, i am honored to have done what they did. a lot of people said, in 150 years, he is now the most consequential president. he saved so many lives. i am honored to have done it.
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because of what i've done, we now have a great negotiating ability. that's what i do in my life, i'm negotiate. we have a great negotiating ability -- >> what do you mean negotiating ability? the question that republicans have, some of your allies on capitol hill say they want to introduce legislation when it comes to banning abortion. if they send it to your desk, would you sign it? >> some people are at six weeks, some people about three weeks. >> where is president trump? >> president trump is going to make a determination what he thinks is great for the country. what is fair for the country. the fact that i was able to terminate roe v. wade after 50 years of trying, they worked for 50 years. i've never seen anything like it. i was so honored to have done a. we are in a very good negotiating position right now only because of what i was able to do. >> the former president on whether or not he would sign that abortion ban, a federal one. it was noted that he didn't
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answer the question. kaitlan collins asked again, at the end, about whether or not, yes or no, what he signed a federal portion ban? i want to get your thoughts on that this morning, as well. mike in somerville, massachusetts. independent. hi, mike. >> good morning. i don't even know the trump thing with happening on cnn. i don't know why we are still talking about this guy. he is a disgraceful excuse for human being. he deserves no legitimacy whatsoever. when i see the maga stickers. the blue live stickers i call it out in public. these people need to be called a. they need to be, we need to let them know that they are not welcome, you know? their ideology is not welcome in this society. this is getting so bad i don't know what to do. these guys are actual nazi's, enabler, they are traitors.
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i don't -- kind of like a virus of humanity that needs to be excised, politically. i don't know why we are talking about. these midwesterners and the southerners live in a bubble. it's funny, everything is like projection with them -- >> okay. >> every one of their little topics. >> all right, mike. i want to hear from gary. cleveland ohio. republican. gary? >> good morning. how are we doing this morning? >> good morning. >> i'll tell you what, that last call or -- i don't think he understands america. we are divided nation at this time. the division, he has to recognize the other 50% of the country. however, getting back to the conversation on what i thought on the town hall i think trump did a great job. in regards to the abortion, he wants to see what the
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legislation might come up with in regards abortion, to see how the country feels about it. at that point he will decide whether or not he will sign it or not sign. interviewer last night, with trump, the interruptions. i thought that was disgraceful. he never gave a chance to trump to respond to some of the questions. in my opinion, 2017 till 2020 we had a great economy. we were cook in. now i look at the economy, what a disgrace. the person in charge of the country right now has done a terrible job. i feel sorry for my grandchildren and my children. for what the children might hold for them. -- >> gary, we will leave it at that for now. we are going to take a break. when we come back we are going to terms or tension to title 42. the emergency public ward are
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put in place during the pandemic in the trump administration. allowing border patrol agents to turn migrants back at the border. it is ending at midnight tonight. we will get your reaction to that. the republican border security proposal slated for a vote today. we will be right back. book tv, every sunday, on c-span two features leading author discussing their latest nonfiction books. at 9 pm eastern, a former ceo of the b.e.t. network, deborah lee, recounts or career in the entertainment industry with her memoir, i am debra lee. at 10 pm on afterwards, investigative reporter alexandra robbins provides a behind the scenes look on the issues that teachers are facing in the classroom today with her book, the teacher. she's planted education week staff writer, madeleine will. want to book tv every sunday on c-span two, and find a full schedule on a program guide, or
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watch online, anytime, and put tv dot org. if you are enjoying book tv sign up for our newsletter using the qr code on screen to receive the schedule of upcoming programs, author discussions, book festivals, and. more book tv, every sunday on c-span two, or anytime online book tv dot org. television for serious readers. washington journal continues. >> we are back this morning for the next two and a half hours of today's washington journal we are talking about title 42 ending. let's listen to the homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas, talking about what this means for this emergency health order to be ending. >> we are building lawful pathways that will provide a safe and orderly way for
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individuals who qualify for relief under united states law to reach the united states safely. we are building on the success of our parole processes that we announced on january 5th for cubans, haitians, nicaraguans, and venezuelans. we saw a 95% drop in the number of encounters of those individuals at 1000 border because we build lawful pathways for them to access. that is the model that we are building upon. last thursday, secretary of state tony blinken and i announced the development of regional processing centers in different parts of south and central america. to enable individuals to access lawful pathways from those regional processing centers whether they qualify for refugee processing. whether they qualify for their existing and expanding family reunification programs.
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whether they present acute vulnerabilities that may qualify them for humanitarian parole on a case by case basis. we are reaching the people where they are. not only our security obligation, it is our humanitarian responsibility to cut the smugglers out. that is, indeed, what we are doing. we are building pathways. at the same time we will deliver consequences for individuals who arrive at our thousand border irregularly. that is our commitment, and our obligation, as a way of cutting the smugglers out and taking care of the safety and needs of individuals who qualify for relief. in a post title 42 environment we will be using our expedited removal authority under title eight of the united states code that allows us to remove individuals very quickly.
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>> homeland security secretary in brownsville, texas, last week talking about title 42 ending at midnight tonight. the headlines and the papers this morning talked about what they are expecting at the border. this is from the wall street journal. the u.s. races to handle the surge of migrants. they know that the border patrol is averaging 8000 daily arrests over recent days. that is up from 4000 to 5000. this morning, your reaction, your thoughts on title 42, an immigration policy. democrats to 0274 8000. republicans 202-748-2002 text us with your thoughts city and states main thousand three we will get to the cons in just a minute joining us now this morning is suzanne monarch she is the immigration reporter with roll call to talk about
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today's floor proceedings in the house suzanne what are republicans proposing in this border security bill? >> house republicans are planning to vote today on a pretty sprawling borders pretty tack in which would tackle quite a few areas of immigration system. it would restart border wall construction. it would reinstate family migrant detention. it would put more money in personnel towards the border and border security technology. they would also mandate employers to verify, electronically, that employees have authorization to work in the country. high in penalties for visa over days. and other provisions aimed at increasing immigration enforcement. >> it seemed to have hit a snag yesterday. it did not have enough support. who were the holdouts? what did they want added? were they successful? >> there were two issues that caused some disagreement, internally, within the republicans yesterday out of the vote on the rule to move forward to debate today. one of those issues was related
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to provisions designating foreign cartels as terrorist organizations. that was something that was very important to texas republican tony gonzalez. he wanted to see stronger language there. other republicans were concerned that this language might actually make it easier for migrants fleeing current of iran's to qualify for asylum. another provision that caused problems with republicans from agricultural districts was the one requiring electronic verification work authorization, or system known as e verify. they were concerned that this would essentially decimate the agricultural industry that relies very heavily on migrant workers who are undocumented. what we have there are two issues. leadership met for hours in the afternoon with members we have these concerns. ultimately they were resolved. the language on foreign cartels was weak unsightly. tony gonzales described it as having been watered down. the language on either a fight, while they did not shield agricultural from the provision as was initially discussed,
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they did offer nine binding language showing that congress, or the biden immigration, i should, say would consider the fact of the either of my mandate on the agricultural made if the bill would become law. they did vote to move forward with debate today. looks like they are on track to pass this bill. >> they have the votes today when it comes to the floor? >> it would appear that way. of course, we can never completely bar last-minute problems, like we saw yesterday. they had the votes to move to debate. it seems like, i will tentatively say, it seems like the issues that people have raised have been resolved. >> we were to showing our viewers what the homeland security secretary had to say about the expiration of title 42. but that is coming to an end. the homeland security announced a new asylum policy yesterday. what is it? this republican vote, the fact that it is today, is not an accident. today at 11:59 pm we will see the lifting of title 42.
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clearly, a very symbolic the. the biden administration has been doing a lot to try to prepare. they are expecting quite a few thousand arrivals each day once title 42 lives. that is just because of all the pent-up demand, really. because this policy has been in place, restricting asylum for more than three years at this point. the biden ministration is tackling this from two fronts. they are trying to expand legal pathways to encourage people to apply legally to come to the country. they are trying to discourage people for making a trip to the border. the asylum policy released yesterday get that letter point. it would essentially be harder to qualify for assembly if you did not try to foresee protection in another country and then crossed the border in between ports of entry in and trying to make or asylum claim. instead, it would encourage people to use one of the legal pathways that they have set out. or, make an appointment on the government app known as c p b
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one. make an asylum claim at a schedule time at the border. >> what do you expect next from homeland security? can you repeat that number that he said. what are they expecting? what is the number they are expecting at the border when title 42 ends? >> no one is exactly sure what to expect. the department of homeland security had predicted we could see as many as 13,000 migrants crossing the border day. as you mentioned at the front of this, it is a significant increase from what we are seeing currently. it may not be that high, ultimately, it could be higher. when we speak to people at the border there is a lot of uncertainty about what this is going to mean, this expulsion policy, title 42, you have been in place since march, 2020. it has been so long since we've had regular asylum processing. it is new for a lot of people. >> suzanne monument, ration reporter -- you can follow her reporting today if you go to at roll call. or roll >> thank you for having me. >> let's get to calls. robert in fayetteville,
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pennsylvania. democratic. colorado, good morning to you. what do you think about this immigration debate? title 42 ending? >> i don't understand what biden is talking about. he's waiting for the funds to be ready to be -- kids are asking him, you know? questions he couldn't answer. he is pushing things back, and pushing things back. talking about title 42 there. we have plenty of things to use against this invasion. this is about this is. we are being invaded. now there are reasons for us to treat it like any more desperate invasion. only if people across the border trying to come in. >> robert, why -- explain why you see it as an
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invasion? that sounds like a threat. can you explain the? do you have, do you share -- >> a threat? open your eyes! >> i'm wondering if you share concerns that others have that these people are fleeing gangs, violence, crime? in some cases environmental disasters. >> they are not willing to come here legally. knock on the door, to go to the embassies. to get proper paperwork. to go to the legal points of entry. that is how you go and you enter country legally. they are going there in the middle of the night and trying to sneak in. if this was any other country in the world, we would not condemn them -- every citizen in that country would show up at the border, show up with a pitch for whatever implement they had, to resist this invasion.
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you know? pick up trucks with a rock in the back of it. whatever they had to resist this invasion. we have plenty of those, ma'am. >> eric in chesapeake, virginia. republican. eric? >> good morning. how are you? >> good morning. >> i have a question for you. i have been a republican my whole life. what is biden doing differently from what trump did? as i understand it, the immigration policy has been exactly the same. i don't understand what all these people are saying. that there is a flood of immigrants coming over. when i looked into it, the policy is exactly the same. am i wrong there? >> and what way? what do you mean? what policy? >> as far as i understand, joe bud and has had the exact same policy that trump had.
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when i talk to my other conservative friends they act like there is a flood of immigrants coming in. the border is wide open. is that actually true or not? >> this might answer this. this is from the new york times. >> sergeant border attest to overwhelmed, outdated, system. the most recent major u.s. loss for refugees, asylum seekers, an immigration enforcement day to the 19 80s and 90s. none have been significantly updated to adapt to modern challenges. for instance, the limits on visas allowing people to work in the united states were based on the side with economy in the 1990s. the summit of largely remain the same, even though the economy isn't grow more than twice as large. in addition, the facilities build on the border were originally designed all mexican men who crossed illegally in search of work. they resemble gel-like settings where people are crammed into a single space. the government has acknowledged that these facilities are not safe to hold children and other vulnerable populations.
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over the past decade, the united states had set up additional temporary spaces to accommodate the needs of families and children, but it is still not enough to address the large number of people entering the country. enforcement measures at the border were likely devised for migrants who are trying to evade being calm by the authorities, not for thousands of people fleeing humanitarian crises who turned themselves in to the authorities once they reach the border, many hoping to seek asylum. democrat take -- congress cannot agree on how to revive these laws. the new york time continues. democratic and republican lawmakers have failed to reach a compromise on how to update the outdated laws. on who should be allowed to enter and stay in the united states and for how long? let's hear from diana from
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huntsville, alabama. what are your thoughts on the debate this morning? >> i don't know that i have much thought. i'm in these old and i live in huntsville, alabama. i am an american. okay? first and foremost, i am an american. i don't know exactly to whom us begin. they have another lady on the washington journal name greta. to whom am i speaking? >> janet, i am gonna -- diana i'm gonna leave it there. i'm going to remind you that after turn down the television. that is what is causing the confusion. all of the u hanging on the line. please just mute the television listen and talk to your phone so you to get the confusion you hear that feedback. this morning on the washington journal throughout today's program we're talking to all of you we are also talking to lawmakers on capitol hill. we will be joined by six of them this morning throughout today's program. first up, congressman luke herrera, democratic california. member of the homeland security
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subcommittee on border security and enforcement. he is the top democrat on that committee. congressman, let's begin with title 42 ending at midnight tonight. is the country prepared? >> greta, first of all, let me say what the problem is. we have a worldwide refugee movement and we haven't seen since world war ii. as you can remember, world war ii we had 60 million people on the move. today, after covid, the world is economically devastated. the only country left that is actually operating on all a cylinders is the united states of america. you have people starving around the world. china, india, latin america. you have america our manufacturers, businesses are saying, we need workers. we need people to come in every time i have a group from my district, from around the country the number one thing they asked for is more workers.
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more people at the store. more people to take care of all the people. all you talk about title 42, remember, title 42 is a health care measure. my republican colleagues voted to end the health care crisis brought by covid. why won't you have to hug -- the biden station is preparing for. i've been down on the border for the past four months. 1500 more troops. california national guard. texas national guard nonetheless the challenges there, greta. refugees the jobs open in the united states, every time you have the refugees coming across the border they disappear into america they get a job. they blend in on top of that don't forget we have the refugees on top of the fact that for 35 years we have ignored immigration.
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we have 11 million workers or more in this country that are part of the economy who don't have a front door. 20 or 30 years in the united states and they still can't work legally but they are working the challenge here today greta's congress have to sit down. oh sides, republicans. they need to come up with a solution. my colleagues talk about aboard wall. greta, we have been building a border wall since bill clinton was president. everyone talks about, let's secure the border before we talk immigration reform. what we are going to vote on tomorrow is a package of goods that includes eve verify mandatory. let me tell you what he verify is. it is a dagger, a sharp dagger, that goes after the employers in this country. farmers, small businesses, big
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businesses! they employ these people now they are criminal. these are honest business folks. workers who are doing nothing but working. >> congressman, the republicans do have a proposal that is coming to the floor today, we understand, is there anything in the proposal that you like or could agree to? >> there is very little that i like. the thing that i would say about my colleagues is i do want to work with them. i have a lot of democrats who also would not be working with interest in -- i think common sense, common minds, americans coming together for the best interest of america we can come up with solutions colleagues from around the country, alabama, georgia, or they need farmworkers. california needs manufacturing hands. we can do this. we have to put politics aside and do what is best for america.
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immigration reform, there is nothing there, usually, that says i have a person in my district. they deny 25 years. they still can't get. and we have new people who want to come in for high tech. we need the best scientists, the best computer scientists, engineers. we still cannot get them into this country. let's think about our children. let's think about the world we are leaving for them. we have to make sure america continues to be the strongest economy. by the way, that is why these people are coming. the jobs are here. every time there is a refugee from another part of the world, they get a phone call from a relative in america. you know what? i have a job for you. so and so says we will hire you as soon as you come. that is what really happens on mainstream. >> congressman who that is showing up at the southern border? what type of margin are we seeing? >> traditionally it has been mexican and central americans. today they are not the
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majority. the majority now are from china, india, other parts of the world. of course, latin america. it is not only our problem, greta. columbia right now is dealing with 2.5 million venezuelan refugees. i got a phone call from the president of guatemala on friday. he said, lou, i need your help. we are being overwhelmed. overwhelmed by refugees from latin america. we don't know what to do. of course mexico also has a massive problem. this is not america's problem. this is the america's problem. we have to change the way we think, greta. we have to think about working with the north american, central, and south american continent. these are our neighbors. in my opinion, may have ignored them. >> congressman, lou correa. democratic california.
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the top democrat on the homeland security subcommittee and border security and enforcement. sir, we thank you for sharing some time with us on this busy morning on capitol hill. we will go back to your calls this morning. you heard from the congressman. his perspective on what needs to be done with immigration policy. kyle in brunswick, maryland. democrat collar. kyle, good morning. go ahead. share with washington in those lawmakers who are watching behind us. in congress, but you think they should do. >> good morning, credit. first of all i wanted to acknowledge you and the team do a fantastic job managing the variety of viewpoints. kudos to you guys. i think, most importantly, it is interesting to hear the debates going on yesterday. the conservative hypocrisy. such a great example of it is the height that they can't come together. the hunter percent agreement on
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the e verify component. that is the lie of immigrants taking jobs. as he represented mentioned, there is to millions of jobs here where we need workers. the simplicity of it all is expand the worker visa program, make it all work. conservatives are unwilling to do that. >> kyle, can you talk about this even refined obey that you are listening to yesterday? >> while, it's just that. they are saying as the representative just mentioned on the democratic side that it is going to be a dagger to the business owners, farmers, and large corporations. more specifically where the concern is. that is contradictory to the republican message. saying that we need to keep these immigrants out. yet, we still need them to work for cheap. >> what do you think should be done, could be done, if the two sides came together? >> certainly expanding the worker visa program.
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making it known that jobs that are available, and the dedication to it within our society. getting our kids the direction to be prepared for these jobs. and to take these jobs. >> kyle's thoughts there, and democratic collar. maryland. robin is a republican old forge, pennsylvania. robin, your turn. >> hi. some of these democrats calling are saying about the policy change, there was a policy change. president biden took office, he dropped the whole thing that trump had in where they stay in mexico. we are building the border wall. there is still some border wall that has to be bill. when biden took office, he was supposed to uphold the laws of the united states. we have a border. he has let it go to the
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cartels. we don't know who is coming in here. i feel sorry for people. but you just can't let people come in hair from 100 and some other countries. you don't know who they are. why isn't mayorkas impeached? he gets on tv every day in line. the border is closed. it's the cartel spreading rumors. give me a break. these democrats better get on board. we are going to be in big trouble after tonight. anybody who don't like my opinion, that's too bad. >> doreen in texas, democratic collar. hi, doreen. >> i -- i wanted to say the border down south, but we forget we have a border. north warren we focusing in the south? maybe because their latino and people of color. second of law, putting them in cages, that is a fascist
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policy. i don't think it's something that should happen in the first place. we shouldn't keep doing. it they should be able to come over. here we are all descendants of immigrants. we all need a plan. i don't think that we need to be saying you can't go or when we came over and stole land. we have border the north and south. all people talk about it down south. guess what? illegal they're gonna find a way to get in from the north. >> dorian is a democratic collar in -- this morning on the washington journal as we approach 8 am eastern time we are talking about title 42 expiring and how through publicans planning to put a border security proposal on the floor today for a vote. let's listen to the majority leader, yves scalise republican louisiana on fox talking about the proposal. this is something that anyone in serious about securing the border will support.
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secretary mayorkas is paying lip service telling everybody the border is not open. of course, everybody knows the borders open people around the country, not just south and central america. we are seeing 140 countries represented coming in illegally to our border it is only gonna get worse with the end of title 42 the bill that we brought forward are things that president biden could do today. and catch and release. give a border patrol agents more tool to actually secure the border, not to process people coming in illegally. reinstate the remain-in protocol. and the northern triangle agreements those are all things that president biden got rid of white when he became president he also can halt construction on the wall the money there he could start building a wall again. he can do all the things unknown. but he won't because president biden wants an open border this build the cure the border act that we will vote on this thursday shows the country how we can get security on the border. i hope that the secretary finally wakes up and says,
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let's go do. it i'm not holding my breath. we are going to act. we are not gonna sit on the sidelines while the crisis, it's already our. control can get much worse republican leader steve scalise, the majority leader in the house for the republicans on fox explaining what republicans want to put on the floor today and put forth a vote as well. conrad in philadelphia, republican. what do you think about what your party is proposing here in the house? >> i like the metoo comet -- >> can you please mute your television first? >> okay. i'm a lifelong republican. i just don't understand -- i watched that debate last night. the church people vote to be christians, they are christians from 9 to 5, and night they put their hoods on. there is no way in the world -- >> conrad, we are talking about title 42 now. you have some thoughts on that? >> listen. you want to get that border under control?
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immigrants are not cutting democrats and republicans checks. they need to go to general motors, walmart, k mark, let them do the legislation. and they get everything they want. the immigrants are not cutting those checks and you are not getting nothing out of washington, d.c., unless you cut checks. until somebody starts cutting checks with immigrants, we will always have this problem. money talks and -- washington, d.c.. republicans, democrats, they are not doing nothing unless somebody gets donations from somebody. other than that, immigrants are poor. they can't forget it. we can send people to the moon. we send drones over there in russia but we can't get our own crisis. we've got this military sitting here. the baddest military in the country. we can control our own borders. they don't want to. >> all right, brian, phoenix, arizona, independent. what do you think, ryan? >> i agree a lot with that last
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guy on there. a few things, and the border situation is crazy. stop and think, you know. we've got lots of people, lots of good people, but a lot of these people, the countries are letting people out of jail, the prisons. people are coming from crime rates, moderates, venezuela, mexico. that cracks me up that democrats want to talk about -- all this. how did that work out for mexico? gun control down there, she prevent crime. anyway, that's the best and brightest over, a huge mess. it all ties together. the majority of the population is ignorant. the guy earlier calling said republicans are like a virus. i think the liberals are just brained ed. this president blew up the pipeline.
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it pollutes the water. texas letting in all these people. divisions. the border issues. it's bad. we need to close the border, like the last caller said. go after corporations employing these people. give a past to citizenship for some, of course. we've got to get this under control. can't sustain this. this country will fall, i think it's by design, whoever is voting for the biden administration is supporting it. you need to change. absolutely a better option. >> all right, ryan. let me hear from vivian, in tennessee, democratic color. vivian? >> good morning. >> morning. >> >> i was trying to call in but i didn't get it. the man lied through everything last night. right here with this water situation, the united states needs to -- i'm a democrat and i'm a black woman. they need to close that border. quit letting these people
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coming here. these people coming in with all kinds of diseases and some doing crime. some people really coming here to work. here's the number one problem -- >> vivian, can you see your television? let me show you the picture of the folks at the southern border. this is on the front page of usa today. show you some of the images of the people that are in line, border patrol put them in line. a couple children there in the front. what do you make of children trying to escape with their parents that have either sent them with a smuggler or they are with their parents to come to the border? >> yes, i see that. but this is what i'm seeing. i remember when i was a little girl, a long time ago, my grandmother used to go to different states and pick vegetables and fruits and stuff. they paid them to do that. but they found they could get cheap labor, they cut that job
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for them. the number one thing a i'm going to talk about this morning is these big companies. they don't want to raise the salaries for people to work here. but the immigrants are working for them with cheap money. i found out they are getting an income tax money from them people. those people don't get that income tax money. they giving them i.d.s, social security cards, everything. quite naturally, they are going to come. but i think, right now, close the border, take care of our people here. >> all right, vivian, you are seeing a picture in the new york times, a family from columbia, removes their shoelaces as they prepare to be processed and by border patrol in el paso, texas. michael in palm beach, florida, a republican. michael, what do you say on this border security debate, title 42 ending at midnight tonight? >> i hope we act as a country instead of acting infections
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here. my grandfather came from italy and was allowed to come through ellis island. to have an open border is really a disgrace for all america. i think joe biden is really the king of disgrace in this country. i've always been a democrat most my life when trump came in, i kind of switched. he did go a little crazy at the end. i give you that. if we are an economy, i think, if you are a family, economic issues first, save the country economically, then we will take care of the social issues. oney, yes, we will take care of every social issue. but without money, without a good economy, where doomed to not be able to help these issues. >> all right, michael, as you were talking, viewers were seeing migrants at a shelter in
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mexico featured in the new york times where title 42 is set to expire on thursday requires them to wait. title 42 put into place under the trump administration required them to wait in mexico if they were seeking asylum. title 42 ending at midnight tonight. border patrol have been increased, numbers ireased, personnel, national guard sent to the border. as we heard this morning, they are expecting a rge of what could be 13,000 a day. the wall street journal notes that the arrests have gone from 4000 to 5002 lately, in recent days, around 8000 a day. edward in paris, ohio, independent. edward, your turn! >> thank you for taking my call. >> you bet! >> when you stop and think about the hundred 40 countries
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migrating to this country a lot of them are coming through the northern border. you build a wall along that canadian border, it's absurd. >> what should be done, edward? what can be done? >> the united states is a great nation. we've been a world power since before the civil war. during the world war's, ellis island was very, very busy. you had but loads of people coming into new york, italians, germans from all over europe and the world. we as a nation should set an example on how we handle immigration. i look at these people coming across the border and desperation. most of them are going to be taxpayers. these are future taxpayers. politicians need to understand this. this is future growth for the country. they need to get the bad ones back out.
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our penal system, our prison system is archaic. we need to upgrade that, along with our judicial system. especially the supreme court. that's a different topic. what we really need to do is welcome these people and vet them, make sure everybody is honorable. they can be part of a tax structure, the school system. and they should recite their pledge of allegiance in english to be able to work with the united states. we shouldn't be changing our national tongue to spanish. i love spanish, but we are icans and we have english speaking and it should be requir hear from john, chantilly,i virginia, aticcollar. we are taking yostio on the ending of title 42, the vote today in the house on a board of security package good morning. >> good morning. i'm an immigrant who came such


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