tv Reel America CSPAN September 4, 2023 5:05pm-5:31pm EDT
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today's sunday school lesson is not very important and ancient subject. it is an old story older than the bible itself. boys and girls. our lesson this morning is, taken from the old testament, the prophet joel. joel as one of the minor prophets and their just read your chapters in this book, this book tells about grasshoppers. we want to study about grasshoppers this morning. how plague the land of israel
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here this give air all the inhabited mass of the land. tell your children of it and let your children tell their children what the carrying locusts. let the swarming locusts has eaten and what the swarming locusts left the hopping locusts has eaten and what the hopping locusts left there destroying locusts has eaten. what is a gene teacher? what is allowed guess locusts is a name? ancient writers gave the grasshopper and this is how the bible describes the infestation for our nation has come up against my land powerful and without number. its teeth are lions teeth. the veils are laid waste the ground mourns because the grain destroyed.
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be ashamed old tellers of the soil bore the weight and the barley because harvest of the field has perish under the old i cry for a fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness and flame has burned all the trees. the field, even the beast of the field cried today because the rivers of waters are dried up. the land is like the garden of eden them. but after them a desolate wilderness and nothing else gets them. the human of the soil. this is a familiar story you now in the hoppers get out of hand and outbreak and head today just like plague described in the bible, but not all farmers know that these plagues can be prevented. in american history in the
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so-called grasshopper states, outbreaks have come frequently with devastating impact on the nation's agricultural economy. when such a catastrophe occurs, everyone affected asks where, did all the hoppers come from the trouble? never just happened take the midwest. in the early 1930s. first one, then another species appeared and became active. as usual, the females one or two generations during that summer, most of the eggs from the oldest as the new females remained the ground all winter and hatched the next spring. every birth can be the beginning of an outbreak because in an average summer a grasshopper of one species lays approximately hundred eggs. if the adult hopper population were to remain the same, 198 eggs or hoppers had to die, but instead to six, eight, ten or
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perhaps 50 survived. the grasshopper population then multiplied accordingly. 1934 was an extremely favorable growing year for grasshoppers. a pyramid effect resulted a growth of staggering dimensions swarming over the land. grasshoppers destroyed 25 to 75% of all crops in many areas. eating thousands of acres, ruining the alfalfa, consuming small grains, stripping the trees, shrubs in shelter belts, devouring the vegetative cover from office land, laying it bare, thus grasshoppers in the throes set the stage for disaster without cover on the ground, life giving topsoil was blown away.
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ultimately, the nation struggled the dust bowl. today we look back on a record of staggering losses grasshoppers have accounted for hundreds of millions of dollars in crop damage. grasshopper damage is not limited to any single crop or area farmers. the country of all the grasshopper as a migrate a voracious feeder not too fussy about its diet. during severe outbreaks, they devour entire fields of small grains. they like cotton, particularly the young plants and corn, including the stalk and hay crops, especially alfalfa. they also sweet clover and
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grasses. after destroying the crops, they attack the trees. the plague follows a natural pattern set before biblical times. as this farmer is discovering, grasshoppers go for the most vulnerable parts of the plant. they bite off grain heads, flax and cotton balls. though the rest of the plant remains. sometimes the yield not worth the harvest. in addition, grasshopper fires have devastated range and pasture, making the insect responsible for tremendous dollar losses in feed and forced sales of unfastened animals. ever since. man to grow his food, he has competed with grasshoppers. he has faced miles of these swarming insects feeding on his
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crops from forenoon. the sundown grasshoppers behind rivers that are too thick to drink and too thin to plow and like compounded interest. as the farmers went, so did the merchants and american economy economy to an insect. you have to know it. take a good look at one of your most costly pests. he is famous for remarkable leaping and flying power for a ravenous appetite for existing and hundreds of different species. but in the united states, only five species account for 90% of all cultivated crop damage. they are the migratory grasshopper, the differential grasshopper but two striped
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hover, the red legged hover, the clear winged hopper to learn how to kill this ravenous insect, you must understand its lifecycle and become familiar with its favorite egg laying sights. suddenly eggs threw out grain and other. some in idle land grown the some in fields bordering row crops on which they feed others inside. some along roadsides ditch in canal bags and right. before weather sets in, the female when ready to lay eggs first probes the soil or side for the right spot. then she depositing an inch or two under the ground in tunnels, burrowed out for the egg ponds. because a single grasshopper
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from 5 to 15 pods, one hopper can average 200 to 400 eggs. weather conditions can determine how many baby hoppers will survive. cold, wet weather. long periods of high humidity are unfavorable. extreme drought conditions shrivel. the eggs low temperatures, reduction of plant growth and young hoppers starve. on a cool and moist spring, followed by a hot in april forward. then watch out baby hopper is called hatch about the time are planted. the image of its parent except for size and lack of wings, but equally voracious. those crops are susceptible to attack during the 40 to 60 day growing season.
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and with fully developed wings. final growth achieved how you know when control is necessary. excavating teams a federal state cooperative operation spot checks various regions in the grasshopper states, knowing where grasshoppers prefer to lay their eggs is highly important in making surveys and screening the soil reveals the quantity of egg pods and helps to determine the extent of the danger. from late summer and fall surveys of adult hoppers and the egg plot count maps are prepared. these maps, which show the degree expected grasshopper infestation are used by state federal grasshopper control officials. these maps help them plot impending trouble and plan the campaign. in the spring. a nymph survey has made.
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this is another spot check to determine the extent of the threat trained specialists. find out if an outbreak is threatened inside these nets is the basis for the grasshopper census. if the forecast is bad, the control men spread the word local community should heed such warnings and. individual farmers should be on the lookout for advance hopper information in newspapers or magazines on tv and radio. in. but an investor is expected farmers meetings spread the word here the control people urge farmers to check the hotspots
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the size of the situation. not in the meeting halls but on the farm. early action, less damage and less work if the infestation your farm appears to be larger than check with your county agent for aid in establishing more the degree of infestation based on the sampling of small grasshoppers, it should make definite plans for control. the federal government cooperates with the states in the west where grasshoppers frequently reach outbreak proportions and become regional rather than local problems. but a wait and see attitude coupled with hot dry weather allows the hoppers to multiply and. this of destruction could have been prevented before it had a chance to devour pasture. today, control is easier and more certain than ever before every day gained in getting the
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job done means less grasshopper or damage. the farmer who was on guard against this enemy will investigate the latest weapons created by modern his local supply store has them ready and waiting. the best weapons for fighting grasshoppers are insecticide and some of these new poisons so powerful that two ounces evenly distributed over an acre well kill almost all the grasshopper is present agricultural. researchers are constantly developing new insecticides. the new chemicals may be used as dust dust, but as sprays. they give higher kills and continue kill over a longer period when used as sprays, the farmer requires less insecticide
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acre sprays kill by contact and through the stomach. in this way, grasshopper, who migrates to your sprayed field, is killed by its first meal of poison food food. you can kill grasshoppers more easily by timely spraying with the recommended chemicals, especially when hatching is generally completed. but before the nymphs begin to migrate by spraying the baby hoppers in the hatching grounds. you will greatly reduce the acreage that otherwise might have to be treated later later to find the grasshopper hatching grounds. look for their egg ponds, search your margins. so your fence rose. search your weed patches and search your roadside roadside.
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search the idle lands bordering your cultivated fields. later go back and recheck these same spots for additional hatching. from and then after you've heated warnings and found that your land needs control pack the best tools the job, learn how by attending the demonstrations. join your neighbors and come out to examine the new equipment. grasshopper infestation, a community problem and neighbors get together they can anything including bugs. but the experts show you how by controlling grasshoppers on your own land, you help yourself, your neighbors and your community. not only for the current crop season, but for years to come. learn how to use the equipment or how to get the best out of
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your old machine controlling the grasshopper on. your land is your responsive, but your community behind you advising, encourage, teaching your community sure that enough insecticide is available, that the sprayer market is adequate, that there are demonstrations, that commercial spray operators are in the area. remember the grasshopper is on your farm, are your bugs to live with or to get rid of? it's up to you. experts agree spraying is the best method of. grasshopper control use hand equipment for fence rollers and weed patches use mounted sprayers along roadsides use power equipment for field margins. use an airplane if you operate a large tract from the air, you
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can kill more grasshoppers where they have suddenly infested large crop fields or extensive range acres treated in a few hours from the air, require days to cover by ground machines machines. dusting is a less effective of applying the poisons and so is baiting. but no matter what the method, the best way to control hopper's is to apply recommended insecticide to the plants they eat. today, there is no need for the gulf state farmers to complain about hoppers eating away their cotton. today. there is no reason for the new england truck farmers to lose part of every crop to the insect. today there is a way to limit
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hopper damage for the sugar beet and bean growers in the west. today hoppers can be stopped by the wheat farmers up north wherever there are cultivated crops. the secret is to control the hoppers before they do damage. to prevent damage. a crop like cotton spray, sources of infestation like nearby pastures cut severely infested field of alfalfa and spray to protect the next. spray. uncut strips of alfalfa where hoppers have concentrated and saved the truck farm. do not forget infested small green fields when the small grains begin to mature and before the grasshoppers move into the corn or the fallow stubblefield, which is really an undisturbed hatching area and protect the
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rest of your farm sprayed the borders of your crop, land and orchards orchards. complete coverage range areas is vital spray undisturbed range. that is where the hoppers. remember every time kill one hopper in the spring you lessen by hundreds the swarm that now plague you later in the year a complete up in one year costs than repeating halfway measures for several years. if all infestations of five or more grasshoppers to the square are reduced to one or less, they will remain harmless for several years. but remember the grasshopper is
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an enemy which, if given a chance, can become an agricultural. if you wait you will have to spread more insect, wider coverage and dosages cost more in money and effort effort. if you wait your grounds may damage the plants. your didn't no matter how tough he looks, this insect be controlled when grasshoppers menace the crops on your farm individual action with today's is sufficient small dosages of poisons and new methods of application are the answer where they begin to move from one farm to another. complete protection can be obtained only by individuals cooperating with their neighbors, their communities, their states and the federal.
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