tv Tina Descovich CSPAN September 28, 2023 4:36am-5:18am EDT
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continues. host: returning to our program, tina descovrich of the group moms for liberty, their cofounder, joining us from florida. thank you for giving us your time. guest: thanks for having me this morning. host: could you remind viewers about the goal or what i see is your goal for moms for liberty? guest: moms for liberty is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization, parents working to unify educate and empower each other to defend parental rights at all levels of government. my cofounder and i are both former school board members from florida, we work to help parents navigate to the public education system. host: what was the driving impulse for the group? guest: tiffany and i served from 2016 to 2020 on different school boards. we did not even know each other but what we found was we had kind of the same experience of witnessing parents coming forward, concerned about public education, and school districts not addressing them. we feel all of america got to see that front and center in 2020.
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january 1, 2021, we launched moms for liberty to help communities and parents organize vocally in their own chapters to work to better public education and defend their parental rights. host: from launching in 2021, how any members and chapters of the organization are there and how are you funded? guest: that's the exciting news, we launched january 1, 2021 with two chapters in florida, my and tiffany county -- mine and tiffany's county. we are two and a half years out and now at 300 chapters in 45 states with 120,000 active moms on the ground. host: as far as the funding, where does it primarily come from? guest: for our first year, the 990 is out and publicly assessable. we reached about $500,000 in revenue, 150,000 of it was t-shirt sales. small donors made up most of that. one little larger donor the first year. the second year which our 990 is worked on now, we will put out soon, you will find bigger
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donors have come forward to help support us. host: are the donors republicans, democrats, conservative groups? how would you define it? guest: they are individuals, not organizations. i do not know what they are registered at. they believe in our mission and believe parents have the right to direct the upbringing of the education, medical care, and religious upbringing. host: you came into news recently because you were included in news of extremist groups. this is whath wrote about your group. they wrotemo for liberty activitie it clear the primary goal is fuel right wing hysteria and make school -- a tennessee chapter mom for liberty claims the statend grade curriculum which includes a book about martin luther king ananher by ruby bridges was antiwhite and other chapters tacked gender queer and memoir
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adolescence by a non-binary author and others export sexuality and gender identity. the group has showed up alongside proud boys at multiple protests including florida and texas. that is the claim from the southern poverty law center. what do you think about your addition to the group to the list? guest: we reject being put on the list. what they labeled us as is and antigovernment extremist group which is remarkably untrue. last year our chapter endorsed 500's go board races across the country and we won 275 of the seats and we are actively working with in our system. the way it was set up to get people to share their ideas and get elected. there is nothing antigovernment about it. we are bracing our true form of government. as far as other accusations, we reject all of those axes i -- those accusations. i'm happy to address some of them. some of those books, all boys in blue was found in elementary school in pennsylvania by one of our moms. her daughters all metro school library. the author said the book was written for adults.
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these books do not belong in elementary schools. the ones our parents are concerned about. all of the accusations the southern poverty law center has thrown our way are just untrue. host: perceptions that you go after books about martin luther king, about ruby bridges. what you think the perception is and is it correct? guest: it is not correct. that specific instance they keep pointing to in williamson county, tennessee, a mother of a biracial child came forward because her son was in the back of a car, second-grade son, and he was upset because he wanted the white part of him out, he wanted to wash the white part of them off of his skin. the mother went to our chapter chair and said i don't understand where he is learning this and where this is coming from. they went in and found out it was a six week curriculum called wit and wisdom that was a social justice curriculum for second graders. it had no place in second grade. the book ruby bridges is a wonderful book. no one has tried to get the book removed.
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our chapter had a complaint that the teacher's manual that went along with the book pointed out things to the young second graders. they taught them the n-word in that class. they taught them about racism. this child who was a biracial child was so confused by that. he hated half of him and was embarrassed of one of his parents. these are issues in america that need to be discussed. these are not things that should be squashed by calling people racists because you don't want to discuss the heart issues. have biracial children in this country and they are beautiful, they are perfect the way they are and we need to address these issues so they don't have to feel that way when they are in the class. host: the local chapter decides to look after the books and raise concerns and how much is driven by local chapters and how much is driven by the top, people in leadership? guest: i appreciate that question because we are a grassroots organization through and through. we do not pick issues nationally and push them into our chapters. each chapter meet on a monthly
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chapter meetings and look at what is going on in the school district and discuss the issues and bring them to their local school board. often times those will elevate to state board of education or state representatives and escalate to that level when they are not addressed at their school board. at the national level, we do not pick issues for our chapters to fight. host: our guest is with us to the end of the program. if you and ask about questions about their organization and what they do, (202) 748-8000 free democrats, (202) 748-8001 -- four democrats, (202) 748-8001 four republicans, and (202) 748-8002 for independence. you can text us your questions at (202) 748-8003. your organization also came into news recently because of a local chapter. in a newsletter including a quote from hitler's. can we explain exact what happened? guest: people need to understand our moms are not political people. many moms have never voted before, never voted in a primary absolutely.
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they are organizing around issues concerning them, organizing around the fact they feel like their right to raise their child is being infringed upon. that mom put a quote from hitler on her newsletter as a warning to a government can do, what government can potentially do if they are not kept in check. unfortunately local media picked it up and national media picked it up. they clipped it in a way that it looked like she was promoting hiller. that is nonsense. this mother does not appreciate -- this mother does not look toward hitler for doing anything other than the horrible, atrocious atrocities he put on the jewish people and those in the countries around him through the holocaust and world war ii. there is not a member of moms for liberty that encourages or supports anything that has to do with that ideology. host: how much came directly from you and your co-founder? guest: say that again. host: how much reprimand for the local chapter leader who did
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this came from you and your co-founder directly? guest: there was no reprimanding . she did it in earnest to try to warn people. we had a discussion with her about how things can be twisted and perceived. she apologized because she felt horrible for the way it represented moms for liberty and what it is doing in the media and she still feels terrible but there is no reprimanding a mom who is trying to stand up to a country where parental rights are being attacked. host: was the statement released by moms for liberty leadership about the incident? what did the statement say? guest: she released a statement immediately apologizing for putting it on the newsletter. tiffany and i came out and put out a statement again just saying this is not who we are, this is not how it was meant to be taken. people make mistakes and she does not -- she did not really understand the implications of sending out a newsletter to her local people in her community with a warning and how nasty
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people can be to twist and the media to pick that up and run with it in a way that was never meant to be. host: our guest is tina descovrich of moms for liberty joining us for this conversation. you talked about your growth, what do you attribute that considering recent start, where you attribute the growth? guest: it's remarkable because we have not invested any money in promoting or trying to recruit or grow in that fashion. it has been authentic grassroots growth. it is exactly -- i will tell you exactly what it is, the media and national news comes out and says this is not happening in public schools, that is not happening in public schools. then he mom opens the backpack of her child and sees the curriculum, see the problems. so she googles who can she go to for help and it turns out it is moms for liberty is the only organization i will stand with parents. parents are really starting to see the educational failure in america. let's lay out what happened. we have the lowest map scores in recorded history of the united
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states, the lowest reading scores it's the 1980's. two thirds of american fourth-graders are not reading on grade level. parents are starting to wake up to the sand question who has been in charge for public education, who is making these decisions, and wire my children not learning? host: if local chapters are involved in these things, what exact lay are they asking school ivories to do with books they have questions about? guest: it varies like we just discussed, from chapter to chapter. often times they are moved from an elementary school to middle school or middle school to a high school. it is interesting because a lot of national stories will say the book has been banned but the heritage foundation when in to the less pan-american put out that everybody ran with last year and they went into each of the school district spend america identified a book's band and what they found was a majority of books were sitting on the shelves. maybe they had been moved to a restricted area or moved to middle school or high school from elementary school but they were still sitting on the shelves. in my definition of banned, it is not about sitting on a shelf
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still accessible in public schools. host: we have cause lined up. our first call is from david, democrat. you are on with our guest, go ahead. caller: good morning, tina. earlier you claimed -- i've a few questions. earlier you claimed you were nonpartisan but all three of your founders are republican. that is kind of weird. also you so you are grounded in conservative values, that sounds right wing. you often are seen at events with proud boys, 3% or's, christian nationalists, that is right wing. i'm just confused why you -- you also don't know who any of your donors are? how do not know where your money is coming from? that seems disingenuous. i think you guys are a bunch of nazis and afraid to say it. host: go ahead and comment on what you wish. guest: i will try to address a couple issues. i do not know a proud boy, never
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known a proud boy, i don't affiliate with that organization, neither does my co-founder. we do not know anybody in that organization. i'm not sure where that came from, where the accusation comes from. i would love someone to point to a time where i've had a conversation or talk to anyone from that organization i don't know what a 3%er is. he would have took play that to me. these accusations hurled at us are complete nonsense. yes i'm a registered republican but our members are not always registered republicans. 63% of our members are republicans. that means the rest of our members are democrats or independents. we are a nonpartisan organization. we do not pick sides. as many school board races are nonpartisan. do we lean conservative? yes. we have traditional values and support those? absolutely. that does not make as a right-wing anything. host: from our republican line in columbus, ohio. john. caller: hey, pedro.
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love c-span. could be questionable about what is going on here. as a longtime republican and veteran of the marine corps, this is completely antithetical to what is going on. this seems just wrong to any type of democracy. this lady is refusing to say where she is getting these big donations and is pushing her own agenda on other people. the fact instead of saying your group and organization has been meeting with proud boys, your organization has been quoting hitler. don't just turn it to you, you are a spokesperson for people who are engaged -- host: john from ohio, are you there? caller: students are allowed to do and that is not ok. host: ok, john from ohio. go ahead. guest: i'm sorry about that.
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he cut out a little bit. i'm not deflecting responsibility. i would like someone to point to anyone in our organization that is meeting with the proud boys. these accusations that come our way -- i cannot refute something you can't even .2. so we did not refute the quote from hitler on a newsletter, we said it was a mom sounding an alarm to america. i will take responsibility for my organization every day, all day. our members sign a document that says they will fight as joyful warriors. when they don't, we remove them from the organization. i cannot argue with lies and false information all day long because i need you to point to facts and truth. host: when you say they don't you will remove them, have any been removed? what is the standard for removal? guest: we have had to remove a few people from our organization. it is usually handled at the cap at her level. each chapter has a chair, vice
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chair, treasurer, secretary, and additional executive board members. when there is a concern brought forward by its members or executive board, they discuss it and vote for removal and they have done that on a few occasions. and honestly it is up to the chapter. if they feel like the person is harming their reputation or made bad decisions or is not fighting in a joyful way, but we are moms. we understand what the media is doing t us. we are upsetting the balance of power in america and public education so we are being slandered, being lied about, being added to the hate map. we have to work extra hard to be joyful. if someone is fighting in a negative way and that is what they plan on continuing to do, we remove them from our organization. host: for the efforts you are making as far as school boards and elections, how do you gauge success in what you are doing? guest: we gauge success in a lot of ways. obvious the last years when up
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275 seats as a win. school board turn out is three times higher than it has been. our goal is to get all eyes on the education system. it is a failing system. republicans traditionally either point at always to school choice and get rid of public education. so many republicans said public education is a failure and we need to abandon it. this is why we are more nonpartisan than anything. that is not what we believe. tiffany and i served four years on a public school board because we love public education. all five of my children have gone to public education, tiffany's children are public education -- in public education. we want to say public education but you cannot do that by sweeping everything under the rug. guest: our next caller in florida, independent line, cynthia, hi. caller: good morning. tina, first of all, do you know
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the civil rights leaders henrietta moore? they were schoolteachers here in brevard county. they were civil rights leaders. they were killed, do you know why? guest: yes i'm very familiar with the entire story that happened there in my county in brevard. caller: ok, do you know why they were fired as schoolteachers? guest: yes, ma'am, but you might have to remind me. caller: ok. they were fired from brevard county schools district because they were registering black people to register to vote. [indiscernible] i did not realize that they have
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a place you can go visit where the home was blown up and so forth. i'm a former teacher and i wish i would've known during seventh grade. i could have at least taken my students on a trip, school trip there. even though it was rule culture -- rural culture. you know how any children today to talk to weick is about feeling bad about being taught black history where they are made to feel bad? host: that is cynthia in florida. guest: i missed the last part of her question but i would like to address the moore's in brevard county. that was the county i was raised in and i love. it is horrible. i do not understand why anyone thinks moms for liberty would be opposed to teaching the true
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history of what is happened -- has happened to african-americans and the black community in the united states. horrible atrocities happened from slavery through the civil rights movement but we have made a lot of progress and we also want to focus on celebrating the progress that has been made. host: as far as the issue of slavery, how should it be taught? what is the ideal age it should be taught at? guest: the truth should be taught, absolutely, but there are things appropriate for second graders that are not appropriate -- things appropriate for high schoolers that are not appropriate for second graders. i think that discussion needs to be had. our moms like to bring the discussions to the table. a gentleman earlier on the call accuse me of trying to put what my beliefs are on others and that is not the case, nor is that the case for our organization. we want all voices in the discussion at the table about what children in each community will be taught. the beautiful thing about the american public education system is it was designed to do that. in other countries, it is
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top-down to the bottom ranks, all across the country. in the united states, it is communities, the voters, the sit incidents, parents, teachers, that come together -- citizens, parents, teachers, that come together. it is put out in the open and you have to present it at a public meeting and ask if anybody wants to comment on it. it is set up that way so parents will get involved. historically, parents have not. when i served on the school board, no one showed up to the meetings or reviewed the book. now everyone is either on people having concerns and discussions are had. there is nothing wrong with that. host: in hollywood, florida, richard, democrats line. caller: how are you doing? i am a pastor and a veteran. i am amazed, not all white people, but this one i'm looking at on the television, it is amazing how, for years, white people have told us as black
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people we need to stop blaming people for our failures, we need to stop looking at the past, we need to stop being responsible for our actions. as a pastor, i know this woman would probably say she is a christian but she is a disgrace. because god created all of us the same. just because your skin is white does not mean that you get to decide what other races of people get to listen to or read, regardless of what you do. black folks are going to continue to teach children what happened, what some of your people did to us. you can do whatever you want to do, you can continue to pretend like donald trump. it is everybody's fault but -- i saw on the television the other day and i think it was you that got up and defended -- you said
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i agree with what you said. i sawed with my own eyes on the tv. host: that is richer there. -- richard there. guest: i'm not sure what he is referencing in the end but i will address the beginning i want my children and all children to learn about the history of this country. just as you want your children to learn about the history of this country. the true, factual history. if someone is saying otherwise, that is an untrue statement. i do not want to say and take away what you teach your children and what your children should learn. i think your community should come together and have a discussion about what is age appropriate and when things should be taught. that is it, plain and simple. anything you have heard about my organization or me is false. host: from kathy, delaware, republican line. caller: hello. there was a little animosity toward why people from the previous caller, but we will get past that.
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the problem i'm having this morning is that, pedro, you weren't interviewing this lady, you were interrogating her. you brought up the most negative things you could find at the very beginning of the interview. i caution you that you are setting the tone for the people that come on the show. whether they are conservatives or -- but it seems to me that you would be a little more open-minded. host: part of the reason we invited her, so she knew that going into it, but go ahead with your comment. caller: i think i've made my point. he picked up a very negative thing, then insisted the person you are talking about needed to be reprimanded. reprimanded for what? she simply was saying -- and this lady was trying to explain how that situation came about.
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if you're going to start an interview with a conservative with so much negativity, it sets the tone. i think that is inappropriate. host: i will take your comments and move on to rhoda in minneapolis. you can respond to all of that if you wish, go ahead. guest: no. i just want to thank her for her comments but i'm a big girl, i represent 100 when he thousand moms across the country who are dealing with this daily from the neighbors and community. it is important i come on national television and let people say what they want to say so i have an opportunity to set the record straight. many people will not believe what i'm saying, they will believe what they have seen an heard or what they think they have seen and heard but i'm taking this opportunity to share truth about myself, our organization, and moms. i hope there are people that will take the time to research we are. host: this is our guest appearance on this program, rhoda in minneapolis, go ahead. caller: good morning.
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how are you all doing? i want to say words have meaning , liberty has meeting, and wears have meeting. when you have a person who is quoting hitler, and yes she did apologize or whatever, you have people on twitter, on other places applauding that and saying she should not have apologized. so your words have meaning, number one. number two, you will need to understand that i am gay so i am not going to set the record straight with you, i'm going to say it how i want to say it. we are going to teach our kids what we need to teach our kids and you will teach them what you need to teach them but you will not to send the true history because you have an agenda like i have an agenda. if you want to bring everyone into the conversation, you have to bring the gays, trans, socialists, everyone at the table and not just what you think should be at the table. you guys don't want people like
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us. you try to ban and get rid of us and try to hide us but say we have to have a conversation. let's have a conversation. bring these people to the table and let them speak. please. host: thanks, caller. guest: i appreciate your comments. i do not want to ban or get rid of anybody. i need to make that clear. our organization at the national level has members of the lgbtq community. we have chapter chairs part of the lgbtq community. we have plan members that have children that are gay or lesbians or part of the lgbtq community. this is about children and what our children are taught in public school spirit at the national summit in philadelphia, we had the president and founder of gays against rumors speak because she supports our organization and work we are doing. she is a lesbian. she also understands small children should not be exposed to the things they are exposed to right in schools. host: thank you for bringing up
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your conference. you also had a lot of presidential contenders to the conference. what do you attribute that to as who showed up and what do you attribute that to? guest: there's a couple things it i want to put on the record that yes we had five presidential candidates and yes they were all republicans before your callers point out again they were all republicans. we invited all of the presidential candidates including president biden and robert f. kennedy, jr.. president biden did not respond, robert kennedy junior committed to come. they sent us his bio, his headshot, we put out the press release he would be attending anti-canceled. he said due to a family engagement a few days out. we wanted to hear from all candidates, our summit was about our issues. we are worried about education and the future of america because of the failure of education. we are worried about parental rights and a parents right to direct the upbringing of their child -- children in america. we said that you all the candidates and that is what we wanted to hear about. most of them stop close -- stuck
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close to that when they came. most of them threw in the campaign speeches too but we had the opportunity to dig into the candidates. also on the main stage we had a panel with education leaders from four different states. we really dug in about education failure and what they will do in their states for education. i know c-span streams some stuff from our summit and we are thankful for that. host: it is available online at our website, what is the philosophy of moms for liberty when it comes to endorsements? guest: we will not endorse an presidential primary. our chapters and organization only endorse an school board races. we believe that is where we can have the most impact. there are all kind of organizations with issues getting involved in presidential campaigns. we brought them to our summit to speak to also on our issues only and we are only endorsing in school board races. host: from richard in georgia, republican line, you are next up. hi. caller: i just wanted to call in
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-- i was sitting here watching and i was tired of you getting attacked. i want you to know that there are people out here that love what you are doing to protect the children. obviously this is a good versus evil situation where you have people on the left who are upset with the sound of freedom when it is to protect children. then we have a white house that celebrates the drag queens, etc. , naked dancing and other stuff, cocaine, whatever. we love you and thank you. i think this is god versus say 10, good versus evil, and i'm on your side. you are a beautiful woman and thank you. host: thank you. i appreciate your support. host: you talked about your conference and i want to push forward to 2024. we saw, particularly in governor races, the issue of parental rights being an issue of that. how much do you think that will be in the next election cycle? guest: i think it will be the
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number one domestic issue in america and it should be. for many years i watched presidential debates on both sides and education was barely mentioned. sometimes not at all. the goal of our organization or one of the many goals is to make sure education is front and center for the 2024 election. i think we are doing a good job. recently, we did national polling and found 70% of americans do not like the direction of education right now. they think it is in the wrong direction. 70% of americans think parents that the number one say in what their children are taught in public school. we saw that in virginia and i think you will see that across america and it will impact the 22 any for presidential election for sure. host: in south carolina, democrats on, suzanne's next up. hello. caller: thank you for this opportunity. i have four questions or statements. my understanding from a lot of reading -- and i have been following moms for liberty for a while -- is that your guest
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started this organization when she lost i think a school board seat. i would like to know if that is true. second, i agree with your guest about our abysmal scores in math and reading. also i've done lots of research and i do not see anywhere where moms for liberty is making recommendations on how to improve our children's math and reading skills. what i see them doing his fear mongering. and my understanding, and i wanted to correct it -- want it corrected if i am wrong, that this is a pretty right wing republican, political organization masked under the name of moms for liberty, which sounds wonderful. i don't know a mom that is not for liberty. but i think it is sparse.
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-- i think it is a farce. i think it is a republican organization trying to make our parents afraid of the other. it is not bringing us together, it is othering, it is dangerous, and i will conclude by saying that, if you are an engaged parent as i am, you can go online and you can access the daily teachers plan for every subject here in south carolina anyway. for the past eight years i have looked to my children's curriculum monthly, not daily. we all know what they are being taught. host: have to leave it there for the sake of time you made your three points. go ahead. guest: the first question was did i lose my reelection in florida? i absolutely did. that is affirmative, but to your
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other two comments, one, i am so think and grateful here you can access your child's curriculum. what a blessing that is. but there are parents across this country who cannot. when they do a records request or foia request, they get slapped with $10,000 bills. those are the things we are fighting. not every parent has the access to their child's curriculum or what they're being taught in books. you opened the window for me to explain that exactly. as far as what are we doing to improve reading or math scores in this country, we are doing a variety of things. if you're in south carolina, it is our second or third largest state as far as moms for liberty membership. reach out to your local chapter and ask what they are doing. i think you will be pleasantly surprised. they are volunteering, donating books, doing a variety of things. the number one indicator of student success, and everyone agrees, is parental involvement. we are getting parents involved. our chapters are doing fundraisers and drives, supply
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drives for students, but not just that. at the national level, we are working with multiple organizations on getting reading -- if you would go back to our youtube channel and look at the panel on the education leaders in the four states we brought in, there was a great discussion about treating and how we have been teaching reading wrong for quite some time in america. and what needs to be done, research-based studies have been done on how reading needs to be taught. what you are about to see from moms for liberty is us to unroll a campaign on helping our chapters bring that to their local school district. host: the house comes in at 10:00 and we will hear from anna in missouri, independent line. guest: good morning. -- caller: good morning. first of all, i would like to say thank you, tina, for your dedication. i'm a teacher, i have been a principal, vice principal, worked in curriculum constructed -- construction and
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assessment and i think it is interesting how people want to judge based on republican, democrat, independent, and it is sad. we are talking about children, little bitty kids. let me tell you, even though you might be able to look online at your curriculum, you don't know what is going on in the classroom until you are there. last year or two, i have been appalled by how many of our children are exposed to things that are inappropriate, sexual things, them talking about mia boy or mia girl. i think it is sad how we want to judge someone on the colors of skin or what they do or do not do. i think we should step back and realize we are talking about children. pedro, you are biased. tina, god bless you. don't let these people -- don't let people stop you from what
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you are doing. host: thank you. guest: i appreciate your support and you are right, our organization is working on many things but one is protect the innocence of children. when it comes to these controversial issues of gender ideology or when to teach the details of things like the holocaust or slavery and things of that nature, they need to be taught. we 100% agree, all the truth needs to be taught, but young children need to be protected. what we have also learned through polling is 67% of americans think gender ideology should not be taught in the youngest grades yet we have whole states that have adopted curriculum to teach four-year-olds they can be a boy or girl or neither or both. that is or neither or both. that is concerning in america to most parents today. host: from jason in florida, republican line, you are next. caller: hey, tina. good morning and thank you for what you are doing to protect our children.
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i would also like to ask you, can you talk a little bit about the concerns that the majority of american parents have about the standards of education and the fact that the scores, the graduation and sat scores, have dropped the last several decades and what you and your organization are doing to help improve the quality of classical education in our school systems. thanks again, tina. guest: thank you for your question. what is going on in america is graduation rates, as far as we can tell, are not decreasing, they are increasing. we like to call that graduation inflation. someone needs to explain to us, and i thing that should be the department of education, on how that is happening when two
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thirds of american fourth-graders are not reading on grade level, when overall through eighth grade, the math and reading scores we already went over, are at dismal lows. how are graduates graduation rates increasing? there are a lot of things that need to happen but the number one thing i think our organization can do and anyone can do is shine light on what is going on. none of this is going to get fixed or better. we will not be competitive with our education system in america unless we shine light on the problems and address problems at the most local level. host: tina descovrich on the moms for liberty twitter feed recently there was this tweet, i want to read it and then you can set a context. it says "let's debate to randi weingarten and says enough with the closed reply, show up with your best argument, defend your failure, we dare you." can you tell us what the tweet is about? guest: so my co-founder runs our twitter account, that is a tweet from her. she has called on randy several
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times and asked her to debate in public about education issues and failure and that is what that tweet it -- tweet was about. she is asking her to come out. randi terms off comments on her twitter account very often so she will not be criticized. we keep our comments on -- open and we let the attacks role. we believe people need to be able to be open and honest and share how they feel about these issues. the education issues are so important. she is a leader of the education movement in this country and i will call out now and ask her to debate on a live stage with tiffany justice, my co-founder. host: has there been a response? guest: no response yet. but maybe now she will see this on c-span and reach out. host: our guest, the website and tina descovrich is the co-founder joining us for this conversation. thanks for comin
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