tv Holocaust Victims Survivors CSPAN November 23, 2023 10:05am-10:55am EST
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museum's ha of remembrance, which is a special place in which we remember the victims of the holocaust and pay tribute to the survivors of the holocaust who have donso much not only to help this museum, but to educate the world about what happened during the holaust. we're doing this on international holocaust remembrance day. it's a special day, established in 2005. so 60 years after the end of world r two, established by a resolution of the general assembly of thunited nations, encouraging all countries to remember the holocaust and lrn from the holocaust. it's interesting that in tt u.n. resolution, based on references made to combating holocaust denial and today we live in an era in which people raise questions or misuse the history
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for uses that are not positive, causes. theylso make reference to her parts of the international system that developed as a result of learng from the holocaust. the internationaleclaration of human rights grew direct plea out of the dial of human rights in the holocaust era. the genocide convention of the united nations grew directly out of the eyewitness of the world to genocide of the --, of th-- of europe. today, the resolution also encouragesolocaust education, and of course, this is an area where this museum is active across the united states and across the entire world. the lessons, i think, speak for them selves. we need to combat rising anti-semitism.
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we neeto combat racism. we need to respect differences, have a and appreciate the diversity of peoples all acros the world, includin of course, all across the united states. one asct of today's activities here at the u.s. holocst memorial museum, or reading of the names of victims of the holoust, sometimes it's easy to say 6 million -- were murdered. it is much more difficult when you realize that everyone one of those people was an individual equal with hopes, with aspirations, with potential to contribute in a positive way to the world. and that all of that pertains was snuffed out. we also provide visitors to the museum today with special offer to cities to meet holocaust survivors.
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there are some 20 survivors here today placed at different locations in the museum, including here in the hall of remembrance. and and throughout the peanent exhibition of the museum on the history of the holocaust. so the activities today deal both with the very specific individuals story that only a survivor can really tell in the most powerful way. and also with an opportunity to learn the broader history of the holocaust by visiting the museum. permanent exhibition. we're also providing every visitoto the museum today with a special commemorative pin. the message on the pin is what you do matters. we need to encourage governments and institutions and international organizations to push back against prejudice and
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hate and anti-semitism. but we also have to take individual responsibility to pu back. one thing that the holocaust teachers for sure is that if you don't push bac in the early stages of a wave of hatred to be it anti-semitism or any other form of racial or religious prejudice, if you don't push back early, you can't guess what the conflict chances might be in the holocaust. consequenc were truly horrific. 6 million -- murdered, another 20 million people. just imagine 20 million people killed ia war of aggression where the purpose of that war in part was to destroy an entire people. so individual responsibility, if if we learn nothing else from
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today's activity, it should be that don't wait for someone else to solve the problem. you have a role in solving the problem of cour. ivana harris, not survivor, is is one half from hungary. i mean, knight from germany. oscar yaga perished at darko. yosef was krueger perished at bergen-belsen. here in the muum with a lot of visirs today. and we're in the part thatalks about the nighof the broken glass kristallnacht. and so i just want to tell you a ttle bit about that part of my story. my brother and i, we were sleeping in our bedroom and i
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was maybe eight, nine years old. and he was seven. and we were very excited because it was going to be our mother's birthday the next day. her birthday is on november the 10th and just arnd 11:00, some bricks and rocks were being thrown throughout window and my brother was younger than i am, but he's mu braver than i am. and he looked out and h saw that it was our neighbors that were throwing the bricks andhe rocks through the window. so we were very frightened. and so we ran across the hall to our parents bedroom and the bricks and rocks were coming through their bedroom window, too. and i had a by brother and his bassinet was right underneath the window. and one of the bricks fell on top of his hand. but was all right. and so while we were hovering in
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my parents bedroom and in the corner, trying to decide what to do, these neighbors had uprooted a lamp post and they carried it on their sulders and they smashed up from door and they they they they broke the door and the glass was strewn all over the floor. and then they went through our apartment and they took some things and they broke some things. but whatheir main obctive was was to go to the rabbi's apartment that was above ours. and so we were ally frighted. and my father said, well, let's go hide up in the attic. so we went up to the fourth floor where the attic was, and. there there was the rabbi's family was also hiding already, but the rabbi wasn't there. and i looked out this little
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window up in the attic, and th rabbi was standing on his veranda and the two ss men were holding him on. both of his arms and another came along and cut off his beard. and later i foundut that they put him in jail for the simple reason that he was the rabbi and that he was jewish. and then later on, i found out that theyidn't only do that to our apartment, but they did it to all theewish families in but that's not the town where i was born in gerny. and then i found out that they took all of the jewish men that lived in our town and they put them all in jail. and then i found out that they burned down our synagogue. and then i found out that they t only did this to the town
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of, but now, t they did. they did it in every city where they would where there was a jewish community a all of the men, jewish men that night were put in jail and picked up stores were t jewish stores were broken into. and everything was looted and so many synagogues burned on that night. and because so much glass was being broken and they called it kristallnacht, which means the night of the broken glass. and u ay there. yeah, well, that's a yes. did we stay there? well, that's a very good question, everybody. before that, the night of the broken glassmany --, you know, wanted to stay in germany because they figured maybe hitler's going to blow over and
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everything is going to be all right. but after the night of the broken glass, all of the -- wanted to get out. but it was very difficult to get out of germany because you had to. first of all, the germans wanted you to leave. the whole idea was for the -- to leave, but there was no place for them to go. so because all of the countries in the world were had a quota and they didn't, especially the united states, and in order to get a visa to the united states, you had to wait a long time and you had to have all kinds of papers and you had to have somebody here in the united states to vouch for you and to tell them the united states government, that these people are not going to be a burden to our economy and they're not going to take away the jobs of the american people. so my father in law, all of the other jewish people, had a very
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difficult time getting out. but we finally my father finally found a lady that would smuggle two children. my brother and i, into frae. and swe were safe in france for while. soma friedman, born i1938, just dd after 1944. the zuckerman tt born in 1934, in krakow. david pilcher. 1940 220. the the scientist i'm a survivor. asked me my story. what's your story out? i was born in the netherlands in the middle of the nazi occupation. november 1941. my parents had immigrated to the netherlands from eastern europe to escape anti-semitism.
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they had three children and two sisters born before the occupaon. and as i said, i was born inhe middle of the occupation. november 1941, when i wasbout eight months old. our family was forced to go into hiding and thiis actually a photogph of me with my sisters just about the time the new year separated and foed to go into hiding. my two sisters were placed with a very devout catholic family, and they also formed a new catholic identity. and this is my two sisters or participating in a catholic school procession and i was placed and so happens with a
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dutch indonesian family. indonesia was a dutch colony and there are a lot of indonesia and people living in the netherlands and this family happened to be close friends with my parents and that's the family where i ded up actually, this is my foster father or my first two foster sisters, and that is the nanny who took care of me. the nanny. this is another picture of the nanny holding me when i first came to e family a nine month old baby. and this woman spoke no dutch, only her native donesi language, which is now called bahasa. and she was ver taught to read write, but she had a heart of gold. and she's the one who really saved my life.
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i remained with her and with the family for the next three and a half years, and that's why i'm able to be here today. i'm told that i slept in her bed and that she kept a knife under hepillow, vowing to kill any nazi who might try to come and get me. oh. oh. there were some close calls periodically i would have to go toiding in a closet, but i thought that was just a game of hide and seek. so the memories that i have of my years with the mother family are all very good ones. sadly, the story of my sisrs isn't entirely a different one. oh, there. the husband denounced his wife to the nazis as hiding to jewish children. so his wife was immediately arrestedsent to concentration camp, but fortunately survived. lived. mywo sisters, however, were
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immediately taken to auschwitz, where they were killed, and they were only five and seven years old at the time. the train, the transport that took them to our auschwitz, a 215 unaccompanied children, one other one person who happened to be not same convoy that same transport or it was my father's youngest brother who happened to be reported at the same time, and he died along with my sisters of february 11th, 1944, in also killed in the gas chamber in auschwitz. both my parents were deported. my mother, fortunately survive a total of 12 concentration camps, including auschwitz. but my father went through an equal number of camps, but was
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so exhausted that he survived long enough to see liberation by the us army. but he died two months later and is buried in a concentration camp. former concentration camp called evans high in the austrian alps. so i never got to meet my father, never got to meet my sisters. and i tell the story, share it with students especially, but with law enforcement people. anyone who wants to learn the terrible consequences of hate. and sadly, that's a lesson that the world still hasn't learned. i'm especially concerned the fact that some forms of bigotry are now becoming states sponsored and that i think especially against lgbt people,
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for example, there's an extremely sad and worsening because that is really the next step in hate when it becomes state policy. u.s. epstein perished an account think men from the netherlands. you know liechtenstein. i'm from hungary. so the sign says i'm a survivor. ask me my story. at's your story? my story is that i am a child survivor of the holocaust. i waborn in. 1941 in budapest, hungary. i'm fortunate i losmy fher during the holocaust. i have only pictes of him, but not personal memory. my mom and i survived. i survived because of his brery and determination to
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survive no matter what the story is that until 1944, we were living in the apartmt where i was born, and when the nazi germany occupied hungary in march 1944, the le of the -- of budapest changed to complete me. we had to leave our apartment and. and we had to wear a yellow star of david. first we moved to far removed mily member's apartment. they were brave enough to hide us for a few short wks until sobody reported my mother to the hungarian police. the police came anarrested her. she was taketo the most infamo hungarian jail in dapest. she was there for three weeks
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unl they let her go and we had to move again. and we didn't move to e budapest ghetto. we had because my mother was afraid tt once they collect the -- at one place, it will be easier for them to ship them to the concentration camps in poland, we survived for a few eks because of the people from varis foreign embassies in bupest, mostly from new countries like sweden, spain, portugal and switzerland tried to do everything to save the maining --. what happened was that the american government recognized that there were still many -- alive in europe.
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in 1944. they set up the war refugee board and they sent diplomats or people in diplomacy. these guys in various european capitals, to savas many -- and possible role ofallenberg, whose picture is behind me, was one of them. he was swiss swedish diplomat. had no connection with hungary. he wasot jewish, never the last. he was brave enough to come to budapest. what he did and some of the other ambassadors in budapest did, was to givpapers proving that people were either citizens of their country or they were about to immigrate to those countries and those people saved people's lives for a while, only for a while. what they did was also they
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rented out apartment buildings in budapest and they put the flag of the embassy on those houses and what happened, according to the international law,hose houses and peopl inside their houses were protected from the local authoritie so those -- who were able to move in through those houses were protected forever. and this is where really in a house whicwas protected by the swiss embassy card, which was a swiss diplomat, is not as famous as rao wallenberg. nevertheless, he saved almost as many -- in hungary as raoul wallenberg did. we lived in this protected house until october. 1944, where the forgn right nazi party, the ad across, took over the government and they couldn't care about
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international laws anymore. and this nazi thugcame into the apartment building where we lived and took people away one by o. some of them were taken to the raily station and shipped to auschwitz and other ncentration camps. some of them we taken to the banks of the danube rer, where they had to disrobe, take off their shoes and clothes,nd they were shot into the river. we were lucky now that while we stayed in this protected house i befriended onof the young nazis, and he ew me by my fit name. so when it was our turn and ey came to our apartment, he told to hisomrades that, guys, let'go to the next one. i know a little bit over. and so they went the next apartment and they were not as
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lucky as we were. and that was the time we had to leave the protected has and moved into the budapest ghetto the last few weeks of the war anthe holocaust. we lived in the budapest ghetto in circumstances. it's veryard to describe. we spent four most of our time in the basement of the building becausthe allied forces alady attacked budapest and bomb relentlessly during the day. so we spent our time in the basement of the apartment building which had flo. was used to store wood and coal for heating the apartment in theinter. food and water was hardly available, no eltricity whatsoever in budapest was really destroyed during the last w months of the war, and tha's where we surviv until
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january 1945 with my mother. the soviet red army came into the ghetto and we were free to go back to our original aptment and we were lucky again because the apartment was occupied by a family. th moved in a year ago when we had leave and when we went back, they gladly gave us our apartment and all of our belongings because my mom was able to take on the few small object with her. we needed all of the fuiture, everything ee was intact. we moved back to our apartment anthe re of the stories. i grew up in hungary. in 1949, the comnist party tookver the government. grew up in budapest during the
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communist shame until 1980, when i defected to the united states and i have been living here since then. i got a good education. i worked with computers in all of my lives, and that's what i did when i came over here. i work for mostlyow, so great project. hubble space telescope. james webb space telescope and other smaller project. i started a family happy father of four girls and so three, five girls and i have five granddaughters and retired in 2014 and ever since then i have volunteered he in the use them where i really am proud to be a part of the volunteer team
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because there are very few survivors that age 81 i am the baby in thgroup and that will be one day when there will be no survors to tell our stories. anso every opportune to to talk to pele is an opportunity to educate people and make sure that the the holocaust will never happen again. so we'll ask born in 1933 and breast to died there at the a of seven. selah born in 1933 died at the age of eight. in 1941. revela l polsky, bn in 18, in vilna, dd in the killing fields of connery in 1943, at
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the age of five, signs say i'm a survivor. ask me my sty. what's what's your story? my story i survival. basically out oa town of about 3000 --, they e less than four, probably a dozen that survived. all the -- were execu rated and those that were i hiding with ny of them expose that, including my brother for four five kilo. ll, it'll the equivalent of £5 of sugar. so my story is invold. it was long we went through many phases. first escaping the russians, escaping the ghetto, the nazis.
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again, the russians. and eventually coming to th united states through italy. right? yes. my fends that aren't here day, what would you want them to know? i volunteer at the museum and speak about what happened in my town because i feel that's e only testimony there is and that's why commemorationf eir lives, because therare no pictures, no lis of names, no numrs. and the nazis gave out numbers. they didn't know the population by, but they didn't expect them to be called by na. they were the numbers. my town was eliminated in may. of 1942. to give you an idea how quickly
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they disposed of the -- in eastern europe. at first, many of the holocaust survivors did not talk about it. i was thrown into a situation where i started to talk about it because i was bullied in school. i came here, i was 15. i had no papers, had to start with elementary school. i went through a quickly then junior high and high school, and needless to say, my english was horrible. i did hardly knew any. i have been. sort of trying to incorporate all the language that i knew before because i started out with polish, belarus, hebrew and irish and went on to russian and german and eventually to two italian and then english and a
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smattering of languages on the way from below us, through poland, through all the countries that brought us into italy. d so i kind of. just adapted to languages as far as family, anybody that we met along the way became family. we had none. i sometimes think that i don't even remember all the names of my relatives. my mother was one of x or her siblings, with the exception of two, were married with families. i know how many children they had, but i hesitated to speak to my mother about relatives because it would break her up and the one broke her spirit completely was losing my
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brother, who was left with a family in hiding. and as i said, for the price of £5 of sugar, he was exposed by a neighbor. my mother must have been brilliant at some time tbe able to figure everything out. she was resource ful. she was resilient. my fathehappened to have died in 1937. she was left with aive year old and a two year old and she managed both businesses with the help of her pants. her father anmother and my father's mother, my other grandmother. her only desire wato save me. and she goshe got that wish. and she was looking for m brother. she i, i have letters tt she wrote to organization to the red cross and to other
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orgazations. if she couldn't believe that somebody killed him, that was e only thing my family always tried to shield y of the programs that used to come up on television about the holocaust because it would break her up. robert and i really perished and not silent. rivka lon right from poland. salomon lee tobias from poland. kurt linden felt perhed. how the money. both my pares were born and the eastern part of hungary. my mother was the oldest of 12 children and my fath was the youngest of seven and 1924. aboua year after world war one ended, my father and o of his older brothers decided to move
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from hungary to romania, where they established a dairy farm. befo long, they became very successful because one of thei biggest customer was the romanian army. my father was still a bachelor at the time, so in 1930 he went back to hungary to find a bride. he found a bride and brought it back to romania, where three chilen were born, two girls and a boy and that boy. we lived in peace an harmony with all the gentilearmers in the area. my father tried toelp them whenever possible. they neede help. my mother tried to help him. he grew up ia farm which was great. en air nature. it's great for for a child to grow up on a farm. it was a primitive life, but it was great life. i went to kindergten. i went to first grade. one of our neighbors was a priest. that priest used to come bour house once a week and ask father for a donation to the church. and some day he products for some of the congregants who
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could not afford it otherwise. in 18 years my father lived in that area and never was as he refused such a request. one day in november of 1942, the same priest showed up. however, this time he came with the police officer and two armed soldiers. we didn't know why they came, so we all came out of the house and tried to find out at wasoing on. when we came clo to the group, the priest pointed to us, looked at the police officer and said, as these you don, these ar - so we will turn in the authories because we were -- by a priest. the police officer told us that we have 4 hos to vacate the farm. my fatr tried to argue with my mother, try ttry to convince them. perhaps they're going to stay. she told them. look, this is our home. the childrenere born here. we don't know any other pla. he says. no, we have orders to transfer
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you, to relocate you to another part of the big city of yass. at that point, we pretty much knew where we were going because in 1941, a ghetto was established in the us. so after the 4 hou were over, we tried to figure out what can we take with us? you ow, you look around, you havell kinds of things in the house. what do you take when you have only 4 hou? so obviously we took whater cash we had in the house, some religious books, my mother's jewelry, andhen we tried to pack whatever we actually needed, blanket pillows, cooking utensils, eatingtensils was the food. i was erever we were transferred to the ghetto authority, we given over to t police of the ghetto where immediately they were given us a al star that they had to wear. i was left side pocket. you were given rations ofread and kerosene and offered a we gave in a one room in a house of
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the hoe for other family house. so that particular house had approximately or 26 indivials living in one place. the room that we were given at that completely empty was two beds, nothing else in there. there was no classes, there was no table, thing. so we had to store everything that we brought with us that we were allowed to brg with us underneath the every individual was betweethe ages of 18 and 50. we had different jobs. they had to perform primarily manual jobs. my father's job was to sweep the streets in the summertime, shovel the snow in the wintertime. and my mother's job was as an orderly and in a hospital where she had to scrub bullets and do cleaning and so on. so at this point things were pretty bad. same that we arrived there. many -- were rounded up from the surrounding villages, cities to brought into the ghetto.
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i as i mentioned, we were given ration car for bread and kerosene. the ration bread was a quarter of a loaf bread every two days pererson. and five liters of kerosene for a week which that service for heating and so for cooking five liters approximately point three gallons, which was not very much for one would be getting the rations that cut the bread rations. i had a systewhich was two years older than me. my father told her to go god go out and get the rations. until one day he found out that a lot of hooligans were taken and jewish girls from that point on. he said that from this. now you going to go out and get the rations beuse he were afraid of my sister, the same hooligans who picked the jewish girls also picked on jewish boys. many times. i would come home, but i was beaten up. bldy face. but that never hurt as much as when these hooligans stole my
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bread. which meant for the next two days we had nothing to eat. when my mother realized what happened, she also realized that this could happen again and from that day on she started thrashing us for moral rations. so when i got my first ration of bread, she removed one slice. two days later, she removed another slice and she accumulated entire loaf of bread. when these hooligans stole my bread again, at least we had someing to eat. things in the ghetto wasn't wasn't really. this was. it was a lot of problems. food was a problem. sicknesses was a problem. so people were suffering. pele were dying. one day when my mother was working at the hospital, scruing the floors and the children's ward, she heard a child wheezing. i couldn't breathe now. she was the oldest of 12 children, so she knew pretty much her mother passed when was the 10th child. but so when she realized what happened, she knew exactly that the child cannot breathe.
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so she went over to him and realized how he's already purple on his face. she called up the doctors to come quickly. they came and they saved this child's life. and so happened. and that child was the childf the chief of police, of yash, which later on who got a course of because of that goodwill that my mother performed, we were either later on he was able to we were able to able to get out of romania because of him. so while we were in the ghetto, things were pretty much pretty ba we one day when my father was working in the in the area wher he was cleaning from the farmers market, old farm, i came over to him and he said, i'm really sorry to see you in the condition you are here. you are always helping oth farmers. you were well-to-do people and here you are now cleaning up my house, which was really hurts me
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a lot. is anything i could do for you? so my father said yes, it must. a food could help us a lot. so from that point on, he said to my father, he says, i'm going to speak to other farmers in the community and see they can do to bring some extra food the next week. when he came back, he said to my father thathe farmers get together on a big field every night and they leave as a caravan to the market on thursday morning. why don't you wait between two and 3:00 in the morning? the certain spot outside the ghetto? i will try to give you some food. so that's what happened. so the next thursday, my father went out to be discovered. then between two and 3:00 in the morning to have somebody outside the ghetto between those hours only meant one thing. th individual try to flee and will be punished very severely. but my father thought it's a good escape, okay, to do that. and the risk is live per hour to
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make sure that we get some extra food. so that happened almost every every thursday. my father would go out and get this extra food from this farmer. one day that farmer didn't stop. so my father realized something is bad. and when he saw him again in the farmers market, the farmer came over and said to him, i'm sorry, i can no longer help you because as individuals told the police that some of the farmers are helping jewish people. i'm afraid for my part, for my family and i'm sorry, i can't help you anymore. my father realized that. he said, thank you very much for all the help that you ve us. i understand. and from that point on, we did not have any help from the farmers. and june of 1943, there was a post that signed in the ghetto stating that every individual male between the age of 18 and have to assemble for the next day and a day. a ghetto center and because it
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would be sent over to different place to work, they would not be coming home on a daily basis anymore. the night before that, my father was supposed to be assembled. we all cry. they couldn't sleep. we didn't know when we're going to see my father again. if you ever going to see him again the next day. when he walked out of thhouse, the room to go to the assembled area, i asked them, papa, can i walk with you to whe you're supposed to go? and he agreed. we were walking hand to hand. hand. we didn't speak at all. once we got to the assembled area, my father told me that it's time for you to go back. at that point, he turned to me, put both his hand on my shoulders, and he said that he said five words to me that i was remember the rest of my life. he said that take care of the girls. i was not yet and a half years old. you can imagine the weight of
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these five words that meant to me. i could have said, i'll try, do my best. but instead i said, i'll take care of the girls. i will see. once he left, he was shipped out to a camp on the border between and moldova and ukraine on a slave labor camp. all these years we were away before and together of having heard from him. we didn't know if he was alive. dead. finally, we were liberated by the russians in944, the summer of 1944, and eventually a few months later, my father actually showed up. he hitchhiked on convoy, russian convoys and farmer wagons, walked a lot and finally came back. so we were reunid. my father, in the spring of 1945, the entire family who remained in hungary athat point stayed in hungary. now we know from htory that
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rmany invaded hungary in march of 1944, between april of 1944 and july of 1944, 440,000 -- were expelled, were transferred to auschwitz. among these foreign, 40,000 -- were 33 mbers of my extended family, my grandparents my uncles, my aunts, my cousins. they all we shipped to auschwitz. the old ones and the young ones mediately put to death. and the gas chambers, those who were able workwere sent to auschwitz from auschwz, they were sent to various other camps where they died. we know when or how orhere. the only know the individuals, three individuals that we know for a fact were together was with my grandfather and two of my uncles were in auschwitz. my grandfather dd of starvation a month before he was liberated. two of my uncl survived a liberation. one was 21 years old. one was 22 years old.
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each one wghed £65. so you can imagine what they looked like. they look like walking skeletons when the red cross came into these cas. and so the condition that ese people were in, they put them on ships and shipped them to swen to recuperate. unfortunately one of these t uncles did not make it to sweden. he died on the way and he was buried at sea. and one individual did me it to sweden. he was there in a cemetery room, in a hospital fofour years to gain his weight and his held back. so from 33 members of my extended family, only one person survived. eventually he made it to th united states when i and then in 1947, my father realized there's no longer a future for jewish people in romania. so we tried to leave a at that point we couldn't leav we filed for et visa and he came back a few months later, denied the father another time again was denied. so finally my mother went over
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to the police station where that individual chieff police was. he said, i saved youson's life, save m children. and he had pity on her. d he actually gave us an exit visa and we left romania in may of 1951. we arrived in israel, which originally was palestine, arrived in iael. i stayed in israel for ten years. i served for three years in elite fighting unit and then came to united states to visit my uncle. i got married here. yes, i have five grand, five children and2 grandchildren. they all name after one of these inviduals who were murdered by the nazis during t holocaust. and that's in general what happened to us over a period of two years that we were in e ghet. it was.
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