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tv   Open Phones  CSPAN  January 11, 2024 12:34pm-1:36pm EST

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eastern on cspan. or online at a look at the state capital building in des moines iowa, you can watch the campaign of 2024 live coverage as the candidates make their final pitches to voters. campaign analysis with iowa reporters and experts. we will take your calls and get your reaction on social media. the live iowa campaign coverage begins tomorrow evening at 8:00 eastern. cspan now, the free mobile app or you can watch now on the campaign, 2024. cspan is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more. including spark life .
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welcome to today's washington journal. let's start with that debate last night. winners and welcome to today's washington journal. let's start with to nights debate. the winners and losers of the gop debate before iowa. the article says this, the debate was a critical encounter for the former u.n. ambassador indicating they are locked in a tight battle for second place in the hawkeye state. former president trump debated as he has avoided the four prior clashes. he took part in a fox news town hall elsewhere in des moines. he leads the poll in iowa by 36 points.
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based on the decision desk headquarters. 54% support ahead of healy at 18%. in his recently overtaken desantis and the florida governor is only one point behind. let's hear from the candidates from last nights debate talking about abortion. >> governor, yesterday in iowa you criticized governor haley on the issue of abortion, she has indulged in left-wing tropes and chastised pro- lifers. do you believe that governor haley is pro-life? >> i think she is confused on the issue and is trying to speak to different groups on different. when she says that pro-lifers need to stop talking about throwing women in jail. god is a trope, nobody thinks that is something that is appropriate. these women are in vulnerable situations. they don't get any help from these fathers without don't
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want to be supportive. they don't have resources themselves. it's a very difficult to chew asian. we have to have compassion for those situations. that is using the language of the left to try and attack pro- lifers. i think that is wrong. at the end of the day, i do agree with her on this, donald trump should be on this stage. he owes it to you, here in iowa to explain the change she has had in this positioning and why he has a tough time saying if a man can become a woman or not explain why he wants to build a billion-dollar new fbi building in the heart of the swamp in washington, d.c. and he needs to explain why he did not build the wall and why he added $7.8 trillion to the debt. every candidate needs to earn your vote. nobody is entitled to your vote and he comes in here now and then and does his spiel. i have shown up to all 99 counties. you are a servant of the
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people. you are not a ruler over the people and that is the type of president that i will be. >> your response? >> i did not hear the criticism for me being pro-life, i'm not surprised. it's something that he does all day every day. i am pro-life, not because the republican party tells me to be but because my husband is a doctor and i have two sweet children sitting in front of me and i had trouble having both of them. these fellows don't know how to talk about abortion. the democrat party puts fear in women. this is too personal of an issue to put fear or judgment. our goal should be how can we save as many babies as possible once a word as many moms as possible. that's what we will focus on doing. we will not demonize this issue anymore and we will not play politics with this issue anymore and we will treated like the respectful issue that it is. the tropes that you want to talk about, where is anyone
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talking about putting a woman in jail, south carolina. legislation right now that will put a woman in jail she got an abortion. >> that is from the debate last night between nikki haley and ron desantis. we are taking your calls and your reaction to that to the townhall that former president trump held also in des moines. also this issue with the votes and the hearing about hunter biden being held in contempt, here is a picture on the front page of the wall street journal. here he is in the front row of that hearing between his two lawyers. we will take a look at what the chair of the oversight committee said yesterday, laying out his case against hunter biden. >> the house committee of oversight and accountable you
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will consider a report with the house of representative finding hunter biden in contempt of congress with his refusal to comply to the subpoena issued by the committee. the house committees on judiciary issued subpoenas for a deposition to be conducted on december 13th of 2023. hunter biden failed to comply with the deposition subpoena is relevant to the impeachment inquiry and the committee oversight investigations. hunter biden appeared on the grounds of the u.s. capital without taking any questions from the media. the investigation has produced evidence that president biden knew of, and participated in his family's cashing in on the biden name. based on witness testimony, joe biden was the brand by his family sold around the world to
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enrich the biden family. they ranked in over $24 million from 2014 to 2019 from countries like china, russia, romania, and has extent. when his testimony confirms that president biden met, spoke by phone, dined and had coffee with his family's former business associate. president biden has laid -- lied to speaking with his sons associates. we have found money from public schemes in joe biden's personal bank account. we plan to question hunter biden about this evidence during the deposition but he defied two lawful subpoenas. the willful refusal to comply with subpoenas is a criminal act. eight constitutes contempt of congress and warrants referral to the attorney's office for prosecution as described by the law. we will not provide him special treatment because of his last name. all americans must be treated equally under the law and that
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includes the biden's. >> that was the gop chair, james comber of the oversight committee of the house. we will go to your calls. craig, in pennsylvania. good morning >> good morning, how are you? >> good. >> there's a few things. cspan is supposed to be unfiltered. they never play the whole clip where hunter biden walked out of the hearing and marjorie taylor greene had a few words and did not even talk to her. you did not play the whole thing unfiltered. >> the whole thing was on cspan, we are limited on where we can put the cameras. you might not of been able to see hunter biden walk out of the room. >> asked . i got home from work in the stopped at the last guy. and then they cut it. other channels played in.
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of course, very limited. another thing, with the january insurrection, you never played the clip where trump asked the protesters to peacefully protest. the guys failed to ever play it. >> craig, you know that all of our videos are on our website. if you go to you can search for whatever you are looking for and you can find everything online and you can find hearings and speeches in their entirety. >> janice, in florida, republican, good morning? >> good morning, how are you? >> doing great. >> all right. what i have to say to hunter biden is that he is a total disgrace. a son like that brings shame even though his father is
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shameful himself. how the democrat voters find a way to excuse anything that the democrats do. if trumps son or daughter would have walked out of there disrespecting the law the way that hunter has, flipping his finger and telling everybody. at the end of the day, what this guy has been allowed to get away with, you want to talk about white privilege, i thought democrats especially hated white privilege. this is the epitome of white privilege. if trumps kids would've done that they would've been locked up, right now, today. i'm sick and tired of hearing about the republicans every time something comes out on them, they go right back to the rump central. i'm sick of it.
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they cannot do one thing without bringing up trumps name. i don't care what it is. hunter biden walked out of the war room like he knew nothing was going to happen to him. >> all right. monique in washington, d.c. democrat. >> all right, you just got venom and fire coming out of these individuals. everything that congressman just said broke down donald trump and his kids. the thing that the democrats did not do, they did not go after the kids of the president. they try and keep it separate. and let it go. the reason that i am going to vote for biden is because of how they are treating his son. they are treating his son just like america treats black
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african-american men. in the judicial system. and you know, i am just so sick of the majority -- not the majority of them. just about 60% of republicans, they don't do research and they don't go into cspan and listen to the hearings. you guys are giving them the information from the hearings. when they come out of congress and they stand at the podium and they have that information. these people are the generation that are calling in. they are the ones that got us in this situation in the first place. i am jen x and i am a political junkie. when i say here and i hear these people voice so much uncommon sense, it is ridiculous. especially those that call in. my mom always told me, just
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because you have a cause do disagree does not mean you have common sense. and also, this is my last thing. all the seniors who are calling in that are collecting social security and medicaid, you need to pump your brakes. we are the ones that are ensuring that you are getting that social security and that medicaid because we are paying into it. i am so sick and tired of it. this is america. white privilege only exists because of the system that was created from jim crow through slavery. a lot of african-americans are getting over it, were making sure that we empower our kids with education and everything else. we don't use the race card, especially in my family. we pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and we get out there
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to work. a majority of black families, we don't even use the privilege. my son doesn't even know discrimination and he is 17. he has all kinds of friends. okay? stop. you all need to fix yourselves and the seniors that are calling in that are uneducated, go to cspan, listen to the hearing and be honest. if i was biden's son i would've walked out the same way. the problem was the republicans were not prepared for it. if i was biden's son, i would say i want to do it. you will not take me behind those doors the way that you want to. do it publicly. i don't see nothing wrong with it. >> okay, let's hear from the ranking member democrat from the hearing yesterday talking about those issues. >> in any event, for the last 11 months, the chairman has recused offers from hunter biden on his attorney to me with the chairman and his staff and with members of this
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committee. on february 9th, one day after the chairman's first letter to hunter biden, his lawyer responded and offered him to sit with you and your staff including the ranking member of staff to see if he has information that may inform the legislative purpose and be helpful to the committee. the chairman never responded. on september 13th, mr. biden's lawyer wrote after a news review where the chairman falsely claimed that he never got a response back to his original letter. the attorney explained the chairman never responded to his offer to sit down and discuss the committee request and stated that he remained available to have the discussion but the chairman again completely failed to respond. two months later, issuing
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subpoenas to mr. biden requiring his appearance for a deposition on december 13. the cover letter, the chairman noted giving your clients willingness to address this investigation publicly up to this point, we would expect him to testify before congress. throughout the fall, the chairman urged mr. biden to come up here in a public committee hearing in december and the chairman stated that hunter biden is more than welcome to come in front of the committee. if he wants to clear his good name and come and say that there were not 20 show companies, he is invited today, we will drop everything. >> that was democrat jamie raskin and ed is calling from ocean city new jersey, independent. hello. >> yes. all rhetoric, 100% by elected officials to be 100% positive, specific solutions about problems and inspiration urging
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the public to treat everybody with love and kindness. the larger issue, we need to have a constitutional convention to start e whole government over again. 100% new people can govern us >> all right. lauren says this on facebook. the debate was terrible. i don't know why they think that people want to see that kind of stuff you want to see issues being debated not a shouting match. as for hunter biden, it shows the double standard in the justice department. joe, in new york, republican, good morning. >> i just think that this is such a show in d.c. to be honest with you. political witchhunt and just politicians as usual. trumps new slogan.
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mega is makers grade again. make earth great again federation of the united nations. because without mega you can't have a mega. >> all right. diane in michigan. democrat. good morning. are you in ann arbor? arbor? >> yes. i opened the li, doesn't matter. three choices for the lines? ve there is democrat publicans and independents and nine times of 10 they are trump surs. i think that sounds pretty
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committed to the puican party. my point is that there e two opportunities, two lines the trump supporters to use and one for democrats. it isnorepresentative. it's not fair. it overemphasizes trump supporters all morning long and it getsvery tiresome. and it is not an even set up. i don't know why if someone is independent. sure, they are independent. i would call myself independent. i vote republican or democrat. that does not necessarily make me independent. i'm just choosing one or the other. democrat or republican. >> diane, did you watch the debate last night. >> i did not. i was going to catch up on it.
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no, i do not want to be riled up at night before bedtime. i wait and get it off the video. i did watch the biden arguments and it was ugly. just terrible. i just wait and when i begin my day so i don't have to live with it when i sleep. >> let's hear a torsion of the debate from last night. nikki haley and ron desantis was asked about chris christie's comment on the moral comments to leave the u.s. again. >> do you believe that donald trump has the character to be president again? >> the next president has to have moral clarity to understand that it is taxpayer money, not your own money. you need a moral 30 to understand when you're dealing with dictators in the world
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that we have to fight for democracy and human rights and protecting americans and preventing more and when you look at donald trump, he was the right president at the right time, i agree with a lot of his policies. his way is not my way. i don't have engines or vendettas and i do not take things personally. it's about no drama and getting results and getting them done. it's time for a new leader that will go and make america proud again. >> governor desantis, what is your response, do believe that donald trump has the character to be president again? >> i am running because i will be able to engineer a come back for this country. i appreciate what president trump did. he said he was going to build a wall and he did not deliver that. he said he was going to drain the swamp, and hold hillary accountable. he was going to eliminate that
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any added $7.8 trillion. we need to deliver and get this stuff done. the difference between nikki haley and me, i debated the governor of california. i thought he lied a lot. nikki haley gives him a run for her money. we are in a situation here as republicans, you need somebody who is going to be in there and fight for you. nikki haley, anytime the going gets tough and people come down , she caves. when you need someone standing to fight for you, do not look for late nikki haley, you will not be able to find her if you have a search warrant. >> i dealt with russia, china, north korea, every day, i never caved and i fought for america. i will also say this, this is not a time when you have to have cunning this area and i wish that donald trump was on
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the stage. i wish he would be here. he needs to be defending his record. right now he's not defending the fact that he allowed us to have $1 trillion in debt over four years so that our kids are never going to forgive us or. the fact he did not deal with china when it came to stealing intellectual property they gave us covid and they have gone and they have put up chinese police stations and friend our military. he did not do enough to make sure we were really standing with her friends and doing some other things. we need a leader th is not looking at four years and eight years, 20 and 30 years. i want my kids to have a good future. >> that was from the debate last night. here is a text we got from christopher, he says that i was a chris christie supporter but i will now vote for nikki haley. next up is joey in denver, colorado, independent. >> good morning my lady, how are you. >> good, how are you, joey? >> i'm doing right well.
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it's ra. , every time republicans bring up hunter biden we have to see pictures of his we always have to show pictures of what hunter biden has going on downstairs. i would like to bring up with the republican debate, we are watching two losers go at it. they are not really relevant. they will not be relevant in the next year. it's funny watching cnn not press these people. more liberal news broadcasting. not actually to press these people and things like the border. and protecting the border just
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fine. with more deportations than trump or obama. we're doing just fine in that fashion. thank you, have a great day. >> will, in massachusetts, republican, good morning. >> all right then, first it is the all right then. the people that are coming in over the border, that every other president like that guy who just spoke, 10 times more coming over are taking all of the rights because they will get all the jobs and all the benefits and all that. number two, we talk about how every time trump did this and trumpeted that. how can a man sleep, shower, with his own daughter who is 14 years old, that makes him the scum of the earth. number three, number three, we
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the people tell the government what to do. the government tells us who we can vote for and what we should say and we can't have a gas stove and we are not allowed to burn wood, that will be next. >> when the government says you have to vote for. who are you going to vote for? >> donald j. trump. ! host: asked about his plans to lower the national debt. [video clip] >> they hit you again and again on this figure. they called you a fake republican. >> simply, we were going to pay down debt. when covid came along, if i did
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not inject this country with money, he would have had a depression the likes of which you have never seen. you had to inject money. we gave businesses that are going bankrupt. they needed money. we help the businesses. if i didn't do that, you would have had a depression in this country. that was a very good investment. now, what they should be doing, this is the debt that they are building at record levels. they should go into the energy business. instead of this scam business that they are in. >> what about the future and cutting spending? $34 trillion in debt. let's look at what you would do in terms of getting that number down. what would you get rid of? >> we have a lot of cutting and income. we have liquid gold under our feet. more than any other country in the world. when i came in, we were number four. when i left, not that long of a
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period of time, we were number one by a lot. we were going to double up saudi arabia and russia combined. we were going to make a lot of money. we have a lot of potential income. social media and medicare, we want to cut social security even. nikki haley, wants to raise the age from 65 to 75 . it >> only for young people in their 20s. is going to run out. at some point, someone has to address it. >> that is what it says when it starts. it is only for young people. it doesn't work for young people. it they end up getting to the age where it matters. no good. >> that was from yesterday. taking your calls on debates and the town halls. we have hearings from the oversight committee.
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>> hello. good morning. just wanted to say thank you. i want to thank my friends for introducing me to the show. i appreciate how the host will sit there, and listen to all of these points of view, no matter how crazy they are. we were looking at how barack obama was not born in america. we have continued this conspiracy theory. it has really galvanized the right wing. with the internet, there is a right wing action. this extends to the hunter biden thing. the amount of conspiracy that has surrounded all of that. there are very little options
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going around. i feel sorry for hunter biden. he was addicted to drugs. he got over it. he made some mistakes. they really hate him because of how cool he is. he's a diamond ring where. he's wheeling and dealing. he's flying jets. i have a hard time holding these allegations down. i think it is all smoke and mirrors. he needs to be that. the families were off limits. he's part of president joe biden's family. there is just no evidence that he influence the president. i just want to say thank you for this show again. have a good time.
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>> you agree withhim on x. this is a different joke. he wants to keep r behind doors. i didn't watch the debate. i would never vote for that. stockton, new york, jane, a democrat. >> hello. i think hunter biden, should be treated like any other person. for donald trump running, so we had a couple of good years. it just scares me. i'm 76 years old. i can't. i don't watch it at all. i wish everybody good luck. i know who i am voting for, even though i am a democrat. >> john, in orville, ohio.
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republican supporting. >> good morning. donald trump, he knows what we need. >> you are cutting in and out. give us a call back on a better line. minnesota guest, good morning. >> someone was complaining about the independent line. we had too many republicans. is that how democracy is supposed to work?
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anyone can come on the independent line and speak their mind. i guess she doesn't like democracy. what i'm really calling about, looking at hunter biden's hearing. it is really that simple. you can draw anything else that you want to about the other family members. we are trying to testify. >> they were appearing before the committee. >> this is part of the deposition. why should he get any of the
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treatment that any other person would have? this is really surprising. this is just one private citizen. why are so many politicians sticking up for them so much? we have all of things he has done. >> this is a portion. he's a democrat from maryland. we are looking at these other members since january 6th. >> hunter biden or jim jordan, they were right here. they were shooting in good faith compliance.
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they had all of these subpoenas. the chairman has bizarrely decided to obstruct his own investigation. this is after he accepted the chairman. we are trying to look at these republican members of congress. we have clear information. >> the cameras cannot be in the well. >> cameras cannot be in the well. >> thank you.
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i was just making the point. our colleagues are raining mr. hunter biden today. he has not rendered 100% compliant. this is allegedly with a subpoena. they have rendered 0% compliance with their business. this is including mr. jordan. they have material information about the violent attack on the capitol. this is from the congress and the vice president of the united states on january 6, 2021. >> democrat. what do you think? >> i just told hunter biden, this is them being responsible for part of the republicans.
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they have lots of money again. we are trying to force this impeachment inquiry on hunter biden. trying to give donald trump a break so that he can recuperate in this election campaign. he's going to be removed from the ballot. they are so ignorant, but they don't realize that their own party is in such a disarray. johnson, doesn't realize that republicans have 18 vote majority. president joe biden, is going to have a landslide victory. democrats are going to retake the house. they already have the senate. the republican party is going to be gone. that is all i have to say. >> ron, sacramento, california, independent. good morning. >> thank you, c-span, for taking my call. i would like to thank the gentleman from minnesota.
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they spoke up for us independent parties. i am undecided. when this debate happened, i intentionally taped it so that it would give me the opportunity to rewind it, and to hear the questions clearly, and to hear both candidates answer them. when i looked at both of them, it seemed like ron desantis was quite unnerved. he was nervous at times. i watched his body language. he seemed very uneasy. when the lady candidate spoke, she seemed more sure of herself. she seemed more confident in herself. again, as i looked at ron desantis's body language , he doesn't give me that leadership. i am undecided.
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on speaking to neighbors and family. this is the only choice that we have to pick up our democratic party with president joe biden. the only choice we have is to decide to vote republican. ron desantis, nikki haley, donald trump? i told my family members not long ago, that i just might take my ballot, and put a great big x on it. i might send it in. i'm a retired law enforcement officer. my family are military veterans. i don't know where i'm going on this. i will be watching every debate. i will be taping every single one. i don't want to miss a thing. i voted president joe biden, when i was a democrat. he promised to take care of the
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border. now, it is a disaster. i'm thankful to c-span for letting me carry my voice. thank you for being my voice in this critical time. >> that is what i have to say. >> thank you. >> they are independent. hi there. >> hello. i claim to be independent. i'm more libertarian. with that, i would like to say, with your questions, i have been watching for years. the topic today is more open form. these are two totally opposite different things. they are all about it. the only thing i'm going to
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say, about hunter biden, is that crew was right here for a document drama that he would like to make. as far as the debate, i did watch the debate. from the beginning, i have been a nikki haley supporter. she has supported many of the policies that were in effect. a lot of the policies, this takes me back. this is what they talk about. these have been implemented in florida. i don't know that they work on a national basis. he tried that. we know we did. all of this in massachusetts. i'm going to take it national. we can see where that went. >> what do you think you like
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about nikki haley policy wise? >> one, her economic policies. number one. that will work. she is correct. the money with the gas tax is supposed to go to the federal highway club. will people forget, this system used to be funded by the federal highway funds. it is no longer funded by the federal highways. money is supposed to be sent to the states to take care of it. we are responsible for how that money gets used. we are taking the money from here. as you said, taking the green projects.
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sidewalks and bike lanes, we know which ones are good. we are using these supreme spaces. i would like to look at the social security issue that everyone talks about. i have yet one politician that is going to keep the solvents right here. taking off the cap after you pay in so many quarters. some people might only pay into social security for three months, but because of their income, they no longer have to pay anymore for the rest of the year. they need to take the cap off. many people to matter, no matter what their income is. pay all your long. thank you. >> on the republican line.
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reporting. >> how are you doing? >> calling. >> i guess we lost him. >> good morning. >> how are you guys doing? thanks for taking my call. >> go right ahead. >> i really had to say that we are missing it. he should be embarrassed. if i didn't show up for what hunter biden had to, i would be in jail. >> evidently, that is not the law. how long did he know that he was going to do this? how many of the democrats knew he was going to do that yesterday? >> is unreal what happened. this is for our country. this is what it is. it is embarrassing.
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>> this is a text that we got interesting, should be in ja for not showing up before congress. he is the presidson. this is simply an american citizen. this is going to lead ckto president joe biden. >> first of all, i would like to agree with the last two colors. this includ e social security cap. i'm trying toreond to the first person i called abt social security. did anyone know that esent joe biden, is the one that actually kept social security? this was the same when hunter biden walked in.
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what about these documents? president joe biden, went to jeffrey epstein's island. it is on the list. >> okay. let's look regarding hunter biden, and his attorney. they have gathered at the capitol behind his appearance at that hearing. >> this is on six different communities. >> we have offered to do all of this within the house committee. we are looking at relevant information. really, we are providing this. >> this is our first time
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offer. >> within november, we are looking at this issue. >> behind closed doors. >> they are looking at all of this. we are selectively meeting this. we are mischaracterizing what they are seeing. >> let's go to massachusetts. democrat, richard, good morning.
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>> it would be nice to know, because i have always voted, my son was in the marines. >> tell me what you prefer williamson. >> i have followed her over the last couple of years. one thing that i have found in her writing, is that we are going for it. this is part of that respect. we are looking at the environment. i didn't see the debate. this is what i will be voting for. i'm very concerned that i don't know who is voting. looking at 50 years, we have no questions from these politics. >> we actually got that for you.
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local nbc and boston businesses are right here. we are looking at chris christie, coming out on top. >> it is perfect. >> thank you so much. >> how are you? >> good. >> looking at questions from the government. donald trump junior, was subpoenaed five times. one of them is right here. we had good efforts that set
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the rule for congress. we are looking at this committee. this is part of the information. this is the lawsuit in georgia. the january 6th committee destroyed his record. this is all possible. it is all about the evidence. new hampshire is trying to get it all on the ballot. this is all about the
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republicans. this is on and on. this is everything they do. >> who are you supporting? >> is a different country. more than he has done. >> we were trying to say something. i say this, there are no labels. they are running for senator. they have no labels. >> you have to start getting it.
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>> good morning. this has started with obama. not donald trump. democrats, got that? hunter biden, is bringing in a camera crew. we have another thing. twice, they went to the floor. >> we are looking at these
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conspiracy theorists. president joe biden, the chips are out. the infrastructure is right here. this is everywhere. donald trump, are you listening? he has the right to assassinate his opponent. donald trump, said that he has the lowest iq in america. unemployment has been the lowest ever. republicans, they are trying to run it on. he has nothing to do with
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moving this country forward. what is wrong? wake up. >> let's go to los angeles, california. good morning. >> last collar, one of the people that said that president joe biden, is definitely taking advantage of it. hunter biden, has one of those things. they told me who was playing. it's very important. he was high on crack. he lied on his application. using the white privilege.
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>> north carolina, democrat. >> let me tell you, the deal with hunter biden, he is superman. republicans are kryptonite. they are so afraid of hunter biden. i watched this debate. donald trump he was just putting that all over the place. i'm proud of nikki haley running. she is going to be a strong candidate. let me remind americans, the checkbook is right here. $2.6 trillion and a 20 year war, this is under donald
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trump. 1.5 million dollars for tax cuts. we are looking at these donald trump stimulants. 19 million americans went on medicare. that's not my word. that is nikki haley's. >> roanoke, north carolina. good morning. >> good morning. i have always been republican. this was another story. >> you don't have a very good connection. try again. >> look at the weather donald trump has destroyed this country. he has tried.
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that's really the limit for me right now. i'm looking at hunter biden. this guy has nothing to do. we need to get back. even if we don't disagree, what else can we say? >> arizona, independent. hi there. >> how are you? >> i have a quick question. how do you feel the level of ignorance that our government has gone to now? where are we headed? it was painful.
1:32 pm
>> we are seeing the lack of accountability. complete ignorance is back. it's frustrating to watch. hopefully, i would vote for a respectable republican. this is on the other side. democrats can put anyone else in president joe biden demonstration. this is kind of frightening. >> you don't want to support him again? you want an alternative? >> i will if donald trump is his opponent. >> let's talk to stephen.
1:33 pm
wilmington, illinois. >> hello. how are you? >> i want to compliment you. >> thank you. >> i talked to hunter biden. this was just hilarious. republicans proved that they didn't do anything. they don't know how to run a committee. that doesn't happen. he argued that he could kill somebody and not be arrested for it. hunter biden, president joe biden, could have donald trump, then leave office. >> anyways, thank you. >> this is the last call for this segment. >> we are looking at the u.s. policy towards afghanistan.
1:34 pm
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>> american history tv. 7:00 p.m. eastern. free to choose. originally aired on public tv in 1985 by a nobel prize- winning economist. this university history professor, is looking at the debate over this element. 9:30 p.m.. we are going to look at lyndon johnson's record on race and domestic policy. presidential scholars at 10:30 p.m. new historic campaign. american history tv, look past these campaigns to hear from presidential candidates. this is iowa caucus. it was back in 2007.
1:36 pm
oprah winfrey, looking at this stage. this is another program guide. watch online. "washington journa. host: "washington journaljourna. welcome back to." welcome back to washington journal.


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