tv Reel America CSPAN January 22, 2024 3:12pm-3:34pm EST
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has her friends to. they want to know whether the story has a sad ending or they need our help with strange word. now and then. copyright. that's not very strange to him you'll find it in most any book you open it means that for 28 years no one but the book's author will publisher can copy anything from it. it means, well, let's see. have you ever heard of the library of congress? this book tells all it. it's the most important library in the country. and one of the things it does nowadays is keep records and proofs of all the copyright that are issued by the united states to copies of almost every book that is published or sent to the library at washington. and washington directly opposite the capitol, in which congress meets stands the grandiose
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building that is america's citadel of written word and arsenal. the battle against ignorance, a monument to the ideals of free expression and free thought. the library of congress was first established for the exclusive of a man who made america's laws, but it has since become nation's reading room opened every man surrounding the main reading room where the stacks of general reference books to which the reader can come directly for the volumes he wants. but in a library containing
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nearly 6 million books and pamphlets, only small proportion can be kept at arm's length length. the rest are stored in great stack rooms where modern air conditioning has eliminated the traditional must and just the housing of a great and diverse collection of the materials of scholarship presents many technical problems. the library of congress have files for its million and a half. portfolios must be provided for more than half a million prints and cases are needed. the changing display of selected groups pictures. the oriental division requires still other special facilities facilities. students come from all over the world use this collection is the largest of its kind outside of
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asia, but naturally the library is richest in the source materials of american history, a history that is unique in having been lived entirely within period for which there are written records a history is first told in many languages. the history of new indies, new france, new holland, new england. a history many races, including one that was nearly extinguished in the writing of the history for in the 16th century. it was a history conquest of new lands that were taken in the name of god, but plundered in the interests of men. it was to take another 200 years to bring forth a nation in this new world can conceived in strife and bloodshed it was born in the image of men's dreams. the library has, the words by which the dreams were made, realities. and pictures of the dreamers who were later called statesmen. jefferson, franklin, washington.
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these are the records of a nation in labor. its progenitors, its heroes, and this the fruit of their struggle are the articles of confederation was a blueprint for our republic. the bill of rights, a set rules by which the people of a new nation might live in peace and personal. a freedom enjoyed today by millions whose grandfathers were not even born when this ink was wet. the union was once attacked and had to be defended. men like abraham arose from the people to lead the fight with inspired courage and great they too were authors by their words deeds. they wrote the history preserved by the library. new methods of recording history brought new media to the library's collections. these are prints of the earliest
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newsreels. in this old sequence, we see a parade in north africa honoring. mr. roosevelt. but this roosevelt is theodore roosevelt. the occasion, his goodwill voyage 1910 here are preserved personalities of the men who have guided destiny of the nation and represented the united states in the councils, shaped the modern world. the mementos of leaders like will be of interest to students of all countries as long as history is written and read.
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and. but the library of congress is more than a mere treasure house, recognizing the fact the use of the books is more important than possession of them, it is sought to provide every facility that might ease the of a trained researcher or the ordinary reader. key to the entire system is the main a complete detail listing of the millions of books. in these trays. there are over 16 million signposts to help the reader framed exactly what he is looking for.
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in recent years, there have been many visitors from distant countries, where the right to read has been denied to men because of their politics, their religion, or their race. and in files they've been able to find the books that tyrants have tried to burn and bomb banish from the face of the earth. here, the heritage of our culture is available to anyone who would for it. assistant professor in the
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library prints the reference cards, not only for its own catalogs, but also to send to other cities and other countries where depository are located. but most take advantage of the system and a large numbers and their own cards back to washington. and so the work of the library is carried beyond its walls and the very process of knowledge. it functions a creative force, a strange treasure house whose guardians most successful when they are sharing the treasure with the whole world. consulting cards is the first step in the process of a particular book from the 414 miles of shelves. after the request form is filled out. the rest is almost automatic.
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in the rare book rooms, properly identified experts may touch and turn the pages of volumes lettered by hand. in the middle ages ages. or scrutinized in examples of the earliest printing. the gutenberg bible become a symbol of the technical developments eventually made reading possible for the man. five centuries later. other developments gave reading to those who so badly need the opening vistas of books, but who cannot see the printed page.
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i lost the world. the other day as anybody from you will know it, but a robust around its bones. a rich man might not notice it. to my frugal, i of mortals team. today the library provides talking books. the blind readers and the library puts sound recording to many other uses musicians and socially can now study american folk songs that have never been transcribed and otherwise be lost. if the library did not go into the field to record primitive singers. i was drawn to the can and tell my bill that a woman he love in show blog is well. i heard. my dad rumbling. and then i looked around. was another 9 to 7 times that of
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her blanket we are the gun in each hand said come all of. you cowboys fight for your life life what the roots of music in america go deep into the past and twist across oceans and continents. the music division of the can furnish the student with all kinds of materials, including priceless old manuscripts. this is the original score of a back. and this the mozart quintet. even the handwriting of a composer like beethoven is of interest to scholars. but more important to, the pen scratches by which he conveyed
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his immortal inspiration to the world. this is a manuscript of one of his string quartets. and it is what that cannot be heard is dead. the library, with the help of a few generous patrons gives life its music collections by presenting eminent artists and regular series of concerts. typical of such occasions as this sunday afternoon of a budapest string quartet playing on the library's collection, stradivarius instruments. and.
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these halls of learning had not been founded. this fact a special significance to the manuscript that americans prize above all others in library's collection. the declaration of independence enshrined in a wall where it can be seen by all enter this sanctuary of freedom is the earliest statement of american. these people know much of it by heart. we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. that among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. thomas jefferson, who wrote those phrases 169 years ago and who pledged his life to give them meaning, was one of the founders of the library of congress. he knew that democracy eventually be based on the foundation an enlightened people. that is why i placing within
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