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tv   Reel America  CSPAN  January 22, 2024 11:53pm-12:07am EST

11:53 pm
essential, so seminal and america's history was not exciting enough to compel to overcome those barriers to political action that i talked about. so i totally agree with you that that's that's an important and understudied thing. it just so happens that it's kind of difficult to to study people not doing, you know what i mean. all great points. well, let's give a round of applause to dr.i.
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hail to the navy, that great bulwark of democracy, hail to the ships and men who fight america's battles. the seven seas, hail to the and pilots to who carry fight to our enemies over land and sea carrier deck and naval base. the fleet afloat. and the wing is the result of tradition of fighting tradition instilled in its core of officers at the us naval academy at annapolis annapolis, aboard
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here at the navy's greatest shrine, the future officers learn, the ideals of john paul jones of the american navy, whose famous i have not yet begun fight when his ship bottom richard was sinking in battle gave. new impetus to the american revolution. here they see and hear the story of american valor in the barbary wars and the battle of tripoli and are steeped in the traditions of. trucks that preble and decatur. that grand old flagship constitution old ironsides famous battle wagon of the early days the nation. come. commodore oliver h. perry is the regional flag is here which he flew on his flagship the lawrence at the victorious battle of lake erie. reminders of that great civil, a naval fight between the monitor and the at hampton roads,
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virginia the first ironclad which changed all naval history. admiral dewey is in this naval hall of fame. but our future naval officers can, in his exploits aboard his flagship the olympia at the battle of manila bay. you may fire when you are ready gridley. another battle cry that has become history and that annapolis today as an inspiration to new ranks of mit is dewey's own signal flags call again for freedom. the philippines yes rank after rank these fine young men and thousands of others from civil life are consecrated to the ideals of fighting navy and to the defense of our country. but all is not. and drills or classroom work in the making of a naval officer and the navy starting young. these youngsters are sons of officers stationed at the naval academy as instructors, and they
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are out to become commandos or air from the ground up, as it were. for certain superstitions are a tradition of the sea. here the minis on their way to exams or before army-navy games from at all to comes a statue. good luck, good clean sport is an important part in the naval officers training. it fosters fairness and vigorous exercise, but no competition. quite so keen as the navy's annual clash with the army. half the world, the brass hats in washington to blue jackets doughboys, the marines and america's far flung frontlines. listen in these cries the navy today is a far cry from the wooden hulls of the days of john paul jones.
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the navy's air service has ever a leader in the science of aviation. it was our navy that taught the the terrific possibilities of dive bombing. or flying schools are turning out thousands of trained pilots, many of whom from the broad decks of our aircraft carriers have already written their names on the pages of history and fame counting death to our enemies, the pacific of africa and elsewhere. in the submarine service, to brave officers and courageous men are accomplishing wonders in this. the most nerve wracking confining of all services. it men of steel before they never know when the hatches closed whether they will ever see daylight again. every hand is against them, even friendly hands, until their
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identity is certain. into the cold depths of the sea, cramped amid a maze of machinery, the men of the submarine service carry death for the enemy at their fingertips, but they themselves face constant disaster. even in times of peace. danger lurks in every dive of submarine. the great submarines sailors went down on a practice dive, stayed frantic rescue by expert navy divers with the navy's newly developed diving belts and down to the stricken sub. save the part of the crew. but for the remainder, they live in history underwater collisions have thus taken occasional toll of men. the submarine service for days sometimes men trapped in submarine tap, eager messages in
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code on inert hulls of their craft as. rescue work goes on. as result of the navy's efficient salvage. the squealer finally was brought the surface. through to the traditional the navy, the reconditioned skillets. now the sailfish has in her crew most of those rescued. the crime of the century. japan shows her cloven in a sneak attack that transforms the uss arizona into a blazing and
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other navy ships and shore installations to ruins undeclared war against a friendly nation in its worst for. so it's war they want and throw the nation young recruits burning with patriotism rush to enlist a newer and bigger navy in the making girls and women headed by the widows of pearl harbor asked for jobs in plane and munitions. america's great war machine began to turn over more and more swiftly speeded by women with will to win. from the first shot fired, the first bomb dropped. american officers and men showed the that heroes are made of. and to many of them admiral nimitz prove their nation's gratitude in the form of medals for gallantry.
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the pacific soon became a one way street taking soldiers marines to the threatened areas in the southwest pacific. american fighting men and navy convoy with only one idea in mind, give a chance to strike the -- --. meanwhile, america became a nation of shipbuilders, cargo ships, liberty ships to span the oceans with supplies of munitions for our fighting forces and, our allies and warships to from subs to battleships to america. a five ocean navy, a navy without more and more sea power. america's traditional need now required to drive the axis off the seven seas. another battle to slug it out for uncle sam.
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marines and sailors. although newer, bigger fleet being heartened, experts such as jean tunney, also preflight training of most rigorous kind toughening up our future naval air fighters. but it seems they're all out of step. but. this commando type of training, which army, navy and marine corps men are getting guarantees, alertness, stamina and initiative without question, training is turning out the best fighters the world and. they even learn to survive in oil and flame covered waters. the navy long has had lighter
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than craft and now its yes sir skies and wherever they land you just know the situation will be well hand. by yourself both for landing parties have proved their worth in the solomons and in north africa. even are taken ashore in special barges. the navy's newest weapon.
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