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tv   Open Forum  CSPAN  May 22, 2024 1:43pm-1:57pm EDT

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coverage continues live with a three day libertarian national convention as they choose their parties nominees for president and vice president. beginning friday at 3:30 p.m., highlights include independent presidential covenant, robert f kennedy jr. following, a debate with the vivek ramaswamy at 8:00 p.m. eastern. and then on saturday at 8:00 p.m. eastern, presumptive republican nominee and former president donald trump will speak. at 9:00 a.m. eastern, the party announces its nominee. available on c- span now, are free mobile video app, and at >> here is a rundown of some of those elections that took place across the state primaries. the special election was in california. the associated press, picking that up. vince fong won a special election to complete the
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remainder of the term of deposed former u.s. house speaker kevin mccarthy, which runs through january. that took place yesterday. focusing on georgia, representative lucy mcbath won. she became a gun control activist after her son was murdered in 2012 and is favored to win a fourth term in congress. she will face jeff criswell. that is the atlanta journal- constitution. also in georgia, it was the fulton county -- wallace, a prosecutor that brought a sprawling racketeering case against president trump and others. she has won her bid for reelection. she defeated christian wyatt
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smith and is set to face off against republican courtney kramer in the fall. there is more from the associated press. that is a sampling of the contest that took place across the united states. you can roll that into open forum. democrats line. this is jane. go ahead. >> good morning. this has been on my mind for such a long time. nobody ever addresses who is going to take care of the unwanted babies. it is as bad as them being murdered when there is no one to take care of them. society obviously does not want to take care of them. that is my comment. no one ever seems to think further than antiabortion and who will take care of the unwanted babies. are they going to track the mother to make sure that she is taking care of them? and so, thank you. goodbye. >> that is jane there in maine. this is maurice in michigan.
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independent line. hi. >> good morning. >> you are on. go ahead. >> i want to talk about hacking of hospital records. at the local hospital, approximately two weeks ago, they were hacked, and it was unavailable to most of the people that need them, even today. this has not been covered very well by any local news, or it doesn't seem to be brought to the attention of the national news. >> how did you become interested in it? >> nobody takes care of it. >> how did you become interested in it? >> i'm a patient with one of these hospitals. and i have to go to see members of that hospital group that take care of my diabetes problem.
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and i talk to these people that are supposed to be taking care of me, and each of them has told me about this problem. but i don't understand why it isn't pushed by the so-called media. >> okay. that is maurice in michigan in the house this week, the plans are expected to be on noncitizen voting in the district of columbia. it was on the senate side that senate majority leader chuck schumer reiterated his intention to bring back a vote on the bipartisan immigration bill. here are some of his comments from yesterday. >> a few months ago, i felt a motion to proceed to the bipartisan border act. the same bill negotiated three months ago by the bipartisan group of senators murphy, cinema, and langford. last night, they urged them to
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go forward with the bill. all those who say we need to act on this board will get a chance to show that they are serious about fixing the problem. unlike hr two, the bipartisan border app was made specifically to win support from both parties with input, significant input from both sides. it acts as an exercise in legislating. hr two is not. when republicans pushed hr2, a couldn't get a single democrat vote in the senate. that was not a serious bill, but we are voting on this week -- it is serious. it is the same bipartisan bill both sides negotiated for months last winter. it is the same bill endorsed by the national border patrol council. a very conservative group. by the chamber of congress, and by the very conservative wall street journal editorial page.
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by any objective measure, it is strong and realistic and most importantly, a bipartisan proposal. if our bipartisan bill was good enough to win the support of the union that represents border agents, why isn't it good enough for senate republicans? are senate republicans saying they know better than the agents patrolling the border? i hope that's not true. i hope our republican colleagues are ready to join us. i will be clear. we don't expect every democrat or every republican to come out in favor of this bill. that is why, as i said before, the only way to pass this bill or any border bill is with broad bipartisan support.
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>> in other news, taking a look at both the house and senate, there is reporting the last day or so that it's the majority leader, chuck schumer in talks with the house speaker, mike johnson, about extending an invitation to the israeli prime minister to address congress. let's hear from george, george in ohio. republican line. >> thank you for giving me the time, pedro. i was going to mention something is, but i heard schumer. you know, it's just propaganda. when biden took office, the very first day, if not the first few days, he signed all these executive orders opening the border. so they must think the average person is stupid. the democrats think the average person is just dumb. and as far as the trial with trump, look at marchand yesterday. he admonishes the witnesses for a facial expression. i mean, he's got something to hide. if a facial expression bothers an established judge, whose daughter is a fundraiser for the democratic party, by the way, he's got a problem. it's not the witness that has the problem. he has the problem. he is trying to hide something.
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and we are talking about unwanted babies. a previous caller -- a couple colors ago -- who is taking care of all the illegal immigrants of the babies? let's get real. there are so many ways to prevent pregnancies and it takes two to tango and the guy should be responsible, as well. where is common sense anymore? >> the prosecution is resting their cases. moving onto jury deliberations in the near future. the new york times, picking up the story, saying that prosecutors proposed instructions that would give the jury what legal experts call unusual flexibility in determining whether mr. trump had the role in creating the foster goats, the prosecutors argue that even if he did not manufacture the records himself, the jury could find him responsible if the creation was, quote, a reasonably foreseeable consequent of his conduct,". the justice appeared disinclined to do so as prosecutors had asked. he said he would wait arguments from both sides before reaching a decision. the defense leaders argued over records for a guilty verdict,
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they wanted to mandate that they must reach a unanimous decision that he can sell records to win an election unlawfully. gina in new york, independent line. gina in new york. hello. >> yes. yes. i'm here. i wanted to know -- i really want this to go out. i feel as though this debate that we are having between biden and trump, i really think that it should be with the public. i feel as though the citizens of the united states should be the ones to ask the questions. i mean, we already know what they are doing. okay. that is about what they did here, what they did here. we already know that. they have been doing it for months. let civilians ask the questions. these are the things that we are concerned about. and those are the things that i
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feel personally needs to be spoken about. >> what question would you ask? >> well, for one, i would ask them, what is the relationship between israel and the united states, since they are so close? i don't know. i'm trying to figure it out, because it seems like that, you know, they are close. you know. and it seems like what they say , you know, goes. i mean, for us, you know, we send in our congress to go in there and to fight for us. but it seems like we don't get that done. so i want to know, what is the relationship -- what is it that israel do that have them so close that they say everything goes? >> okay. gina, there in new york. this is from arizona yesterday. nine years and republicans and two trump aides pleaded not guilty in a maricopa court on
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tuesday for criminal charges stemming -- keeping trump in the white house by certifying he won and he doesn't want to. this includes trump's former lawyer, rudy giuliani, who evaded talking to lawyers for excess they attempted to serve court summits. he was forced to post bail bond and come to arizona for booking in 30 days. this is joe murray in overgaard, arizona. your next on open forum. >> good morning. i would like to talk about the guest you had on previously that lied about everything about trump and biden. his argument was, how could we elect a president had -- who had documents that president trump had, when we know that joe biden had them for how many years? 30? 40? as a senator, as vice president -- never had authority.
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we know for that that he shared the information. and these people are like blind. oh my god. are we that stupid that we don't know? biden is elderly and not competent to stand trial, but he can be president of the united states? really? we all know the man is ill. demented -- and that's a big problem. the fact that he is a republican and trump does not want that senate bill for the border? that is a bunch of crap, that senate bill. that is what the house past. it has everything in it to secure the border. we don't talk about that. the senate won't even look at it. they will blame the republicans. everything is exploding. crime, inflation, the border. everything.


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