tv Reel America CSPAN October 13, 2024 9:05pm-9:31pm EDT
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i'm dad listening to my story feel a cartoon we will rich on the gloria duffy wet'suwet'en history in all those who worked before me dig your heart and down in the dig your hand in the land touch the toil and the sorrow in the sorrow the green greenbacks never grow old dig down and tell me where is my seed for tomorrow? dig here down in the land. of. the small working farmer earns his living the land he works the soil to feed and clothe this and he buys much of the nation's goods. one fourth of the american people live the land. the small farmer has a big stake
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in the life of america. good morning. i am. morning. fine. morning but hot. you know, hot enough to sweat the life of a man. well, thought it over. no, i'm not selling now. huh? that's common sense. land prices are higher than they'll ever be. think you sell now and you're through with slaving yourself on the wife and rest for the land. no, i'm not selling. comes now. but the bus coming you. what happened? the price is any. you'll be hanging on by a button. at least it'll be my own button.
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i long from all sides the small is pressed by powerful organized forces, big firms, big money, big business and against these voices the small farmer, it does not stand much chance alone. if you land down, if you talk to him, maybe you want to hear him out. but you ought to listen to him. one yeah, maybe this is a good time to sit down. i got no time to talk now. i'm hungry. eat later. i have no way. i like. well food right here in my free from. oh, i'll try to pass my trouble seems to be no way out i'm
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joseph good but all it can stop is milking the cows for the mortgage is no end to payments to the banks the machinery company. to me she's no pocket spirit please. check deposits still can be for a decent piece floor covering or a minister. you've got to sell, got to sell and go to town where jimmy can have a chance.
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there. there is no escape from the round work and worry on the farm, no crop. there's grown grind and sweat life on the farm wouldn't be much if it weren't the crops ripening and the knowledge that they mean cash and security for the family there was a time when a farmer could put up a fence and feel safe on his land. the change there taking place in the world outside and the shadows of new problems spill across the rail and dig into the roofs of his land and warn he's no longer safe. his isolation.
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him. remember the bad years after the first world war. the same signs are popping up again. sky prices and land. and in spite all the hard work, not money to buy the things you want. and the things you need. it's the old question all over again. how can one man stand alone in the world? inflation and scarcity boom and
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bust. they ought to think of us farmers here. jim. these bankers are not entirely to blame. they have applied and family look after and maybe the machinery press got something to do with it. don't forget our best customers. and besides, the more we'll squeeze, the more reasonable get you. how do you think about the well, tell you the truth right now, if you like selling out i just can't find feed anywhere. it looks like the small farmers getting the squeeze that's just it we think safe behind our fences. but if we want to ship our produce, we have to tell you, the trucker, the packager the creator and hauler, all this costs money. it comes out of our pocket in order to get when farmers get together, they swap ideas, common worries and common problems right out. when they talk things over
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together. our own fault. yes. i mean to do business. this individual in an organized world, the workers in the cities are organized. they have their unions to for them, we're way behind. we're behind. but part of the trouble is that we haven't taken care of the land. we could have carried out more soil conservation. the question is always the same how can the small get along? and sometimes when man leaves, he's got some plan new to turn over. in his mind mind. all right. hello, joe. sarah, i forgot. are you coming to the conservation meeting tonight? no, i don't think i can make it. i'm so very busy. then i don't believe i can get down. well, i'd like you to meet lady smith, the farmers union organizer in these parts. all right, well, taylor, how are
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you? i'm very warm. last few days, i'm sure i'll be back in a minute. okay. see you later, leo. i'll give you a hand with that. mr. taylor. i sure can use it. are you're going to treat seed oats? that's right. where do you keep the treatment? over there in the corner. you got to modify notes here, mr. taylor. yes, they are. you raise enough feed to carry it through the year. no, i don't. i only raise a fraction of what i used. right now. i can't seem to get the machinery. and i suppose after a while and i will be able to i won't be able to pay for it. well, you know, farming is a gamble anyplace these days. you got to watch out for your prices and repair and you got to gamble with the weather anywhere you are that's the reason why we want to get the family type farmers together you know you can't count on making living for the wife and kids if you try do it all by yourself. well that all depends on how you look at the thing. now, what can this organization do for me?
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well, let's put it this way. the farmers union program is based on a triangle cooperatives legislation, education. i teach on a farm is union cooperative and helps equalize the cost of production. your income then there's legislation that fighting for laws keep the farm for the family and the family. the farm education is to give the children a real chance to on the land not only better schools but learning what we're up against and what we have to do. doesn't that sound reasonable to you, mr. well, i don't know if it sounds a little too polished for me sounds like grease through the tin. how about this other part here? and there's something to do with cooperative pants and dollars and cents, maybe. i understand that a little better. well, you see, the farm is union has always organized
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cooperatives. it helps the farmer get together to fight for security on the land now suppose you belong to a farmer's union cooperatives. this is the way it would work. any cooperatives starts with you and your neighbors. it may be a purchasing co-op to buy things together or a marketing go up to sell your produce or a service go up the same ideas as back of it. whatever you sell the cooperative way you get the most for your work, it means maximum return because handling costs are cut down and the middleman is cut if you buy through purchasing co-op, you get the best parts about price and quality because it's your own business, yours, your neighbors run for your own after money has been set aside for operating expenses and education, you get a patronage refund in proportion to what you bought or sold. that's your and your vote an
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equal partner with an equal share cooperation does mean working together, but you still run your own business. you and your neighbors who runs the feed mill and what kind of feed he sells. you don't have to take what someone else decides is good for you. in fact, you can co-op rate in almost anything. the machines need the plans you make, and it all adds up in dollars sense dollars and cents which you keep and which keep your land for you. hey, leave. yes, joe. this cooperative idea and all sounds pretty practical, but how's the small farmer going to stay in his land during the bus? well, say, that was up to you. well, how's that? you got something more powerful than all the money of the corporations. the big trusts, and there their lobbies in washington. you've got to vote.
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and that's what counts. whether it's the vote that elects the president of the united states or the county chairmen of triple-a, it's your vote that doesn't. you make it count by getting together deciding what's for all of you and getting it across to others. it takes the hand and help of all of you working to convince others of your point of view. it takes work action to bring your needs before the government. that means going to see your senator about a new hospital, your county may need talking to the rta administrator or about bringing power into your community or helping your national president and the representative of your organization in washington fight for your needs, it means having
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to argue your case right before congressional committees and fighting for the things you need, like a missouri valley authority and all stems from your vote, your action. and that's the way it shapes up. joe cooperatives legislation and the face of the triangle is education. mr. smith does that mean that jimmy will get better schooling? i've been worried about a school here. we're fighting for better educational facilities all the time. but it's also up to you. doesn't stop when you leave the classroom. education goes on all through life. but right. joe? yep. educate nation for farmers. there's a practical new problems come up which need immediate answers. education doesn't come off the blackboard or it alone. a lot of it comes from inside the farmhouse from neighborly discussion of neighborly problems. it means giving time to help others understand how to get
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things like cheaper electricity and better care. what happens outside the farm will affect the farmer too? education means young and old learning to think and work together for security on the land. it means preparing the young people for the responsibilities ahead of them. at summer camps, the young people learn through economics and other studies how life has changing and how they can influence changes. education is the basis of understanding which is built against the prairie skies. a system of green owned and operated by farmer producers. this is the idea which has created creameries oil refineries, credit unions, insurance companies, a cooperative hospital and great terminals to store and distribute an abundant harvest to this country and the world. these are dreams made real by a
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half a million people in thousands of co-ops. it is all built by farmers through cooperation and education. well, joe, does it all add up and make sense. it seems to make sense to me. they go hand and hand. we're going to have a meeting. everybody across the land. there'll be more weeping. so see today, tomorrow do you reading people now. they go and turn their eyes on a new horizon. take your hand in the land there's a new rising to shine on that seed to help us organize and keep our down another.
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the local meeting is means to action. the roots from which the whole program the meeting is like a piece of farm equipment keep in good repair and it works well you that's making a farmer doing a local play well play it down to order make it very well pleased all grow out of it. yeah i know. yeah. hildebrand there raymond. yeah. extra. yeah. ugly brandon. yes they're landis here. women here oh yeah, right. yeah. this action is not enough. ideas are not enough the only value of ideas. and discussion is to act upon time is precious to man.
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new work from the sun to sun. and the small farmer knows that. but he also knows that the time he takes to and plan and play his part in his local organization is the best guarantee he has for his future on the land. his future and his children's. for here, too, he plans the seed of tomorrow. dig your hand in the land. turn your eyes on a new horizon take your hand. then there's a sun rising to on that seed to help us organize and came by down and he by shine
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