tv [untitled] October 20, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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connie chung, are them. so i really feel like you hear connie wang. wang and you pronounce it wang. i actually named myself after you. you tell my parents i did you tonight in your crib. you know. how did you do that? because you're iconic person but no i female oh, oh, sorry. i know. me too really? yeah. who do you would you name you have an american name and i don't want have esther sarah. yeah, i like the word so. oh i got no room in my makeup break when everybody laughs. oh, oh, oh my god.
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oh, my god. oh, you you see this amazing. you you know. oh, my god. it's confusing. why name connie? you know, when i. i was foreign, you know, but i realized what it means is, you know, your parents watched it work hard and, like, be brave and take chances. yes, i did do that. yeah. so thank you. oh, yeah. you. oh, love. to watch as just too much. like i how i who needs. yeah. oh my gosh.
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i. i didn't know that you know, i see a lot of my nieces are here and nina is the oldest niece and husband, eric and. and then stacy is nina's sister and the youngest. and then the next sister is charlotte and that's her daughter. and just tina is just tina. constance. yeah, named after your sister, june her mother is your sister. ginger my sister. june and my oldest sister, she, she became see, she was a real go getter. she became like president of the school in osceola county, florida so she emerged after,
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she had children and then that's when josephine really, you know, but at the point but we can i just tell about it and all father he became the father was the first chinese born admiral in the u.s. navy. in the u.s. navy. and then just he and his father john fu was the first chinese born general in the u.s. army. and he is a lawyer so it's ti i told you, my sisters, ballsy people. well, they i'm telling you, those in law would never have gotten to achieve that without my sisters. don't you think, laurie? what i think is you probably by now realize what you were to so
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many. oh. and, you know, if you're saying, just say. i'm just saying. but you know what? you know who was there with me every step of the way. we're open for questions now. no maury was every time i'd come home with my downturn you know resting -- face he would you know do i have to remove all sharp objects from the kitchen now do i have lock the windows and and he would say to me his his mantra was don't you know? because i'd say to him, do you know what he said to me and and i'd him and he'd say, don't take
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seriously. don't your critics seriously. don't take these men who are disparaging seriously. take your seriously and don't take yourself seriously. so it was always take my work seriously. that's what i did. and i tried not to think about all the bad times and the because actually you know what it's because he counsels all these people the marcia marcia and for all those years for all those years he was helping me and believe that everybody needs a mentor or maury oh because okay that's enough of this i just love my baby daddy that he's here thank you all very much. we're going to open this up for
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questions. he's been helping me throughout my life. if it were for boy, i don't know what i would have done. barry. i mean, that. hands off, buddy. now make a tea time. we have questions. i think somewhere along the line. anybody have questions? i'll go to the microphone over there and the fine. there's one over there. do do you read it? is. we're all safe. oh, thank you well first. hi maury, did you get your idea for who's the baby daddy from your years when you were not exclusive? you had those numerous names women. now are, believe it or not, that it came.
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one of my producers and the only thing i will say about i mean, this is about connie, is the reason why you you have this these phrases you are the father. you are not the father is because the first time i ever did a show on paternity at the end the producers are going to tell me the result i said i don't to know the result. i don't want to know anything than my guests, my audience, people at home. i want to be as surprised as they are. and that's the only thing i contributed to it other than talking to about 3500 couples who are wondering whether they were the father or not. okay, i'm sorry, but my question is for you, connie. i caught you this morning on the view. oh, so very busy day. and as a conservative, that's hard for me to admit. but you talked about how are almost affirmative action and you talked about the role that that played in your career.
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so fast forward to today and now i'm thinking about trump when he was attacked and the woman standing who's supposed to guard his face is a full foot shorter than him and a rifle could have easily taken off. and then she fumbled both are gone. and later on, in my conservative circles, it was saying that she did not pass her tests and that she was a dea hire. do you think affirmative action has turned into dea and have we taken it so far that we're not interest stirred in their character more in? i guess if they're a woman or if something other that and then just quick note, i brought something i wrote you a note with little kids. please read it. and what i don't know if someone brought it backstage for you. oh, okay. so it's there. okay. thank you. that's too heavy.
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a question for me. sorry is really too hard to, you know, dig deep into that question, you just just i'm. okay. yeah. over here i'm i'm darren. i'm from iraq. i'm kurdish. you inspire me to go and to advocate for myself speaking for because there's a lot a lot of kurdish people out there for my country and also in someone who is gay i could stand on a and people cannot take me so seriously so when i moved to new york city to find my own self to get from my family, i got three cats. matt, michael, a very regal like and my cat that i named connie because. connie has the rest in face just like me. connie it's very inspiring.
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oh, sorry. you know, i can't hear dancing. i left my mo. i have microphone five. yes. maybe i should come closer and kelly next here. okay no, i'm freaky you know freaky about of i can't get sick because of this so i was saying you inspire me thank and one of my cat is named your cat. yes. so there's another connie in this room because in new york, when i was by myself all alone, crying every night to find out who i am and what i want do think one of my cat was connie. and i. a question for you. yeah. on the today show. yeah you talked about there is a strain of wheat named connie chung. yes. and i've been on the hunt in washington because it's legal here to find that out. it is true. yes. there is a u.s. spy, a lot of
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people. so basically that's there is a strain weed called connie chung. and so it is true, it's i easy to grow and i create a lovely flower and i'm low maintenance, although i don't think maury agrees any of that. oh, you can get a very you can get it online. there's a there's a two. all right. one prepacked for only $22. connie, would you please tell everybody good. you do not an investment in the connie chung strain of i don't okay yes too bad hi my name is and i'm half asian so just thrilled you're here. you actually have answered my question, you two overlapping in your profession is what takeaways you gave each other so you actually named what he you maury what connie give to you as
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well early on here early on and our relationship she gave a lot of money to live. i mean i relied her i was kind of broke when we got married. she was the breadwinner. she's given me the love. of my life. oh, it's i mean, i think we each other the same way we are were our best friends. we are. we are dutifully in love with each beyond an imagination. my daughter, susan gave me the greatest compliment when when she told me. and she's in her sixties and married. and she says, you, you and connie are my north star when it
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comes to marriage. there's nobody i know. like the two of you. i think more, than anything else we we get each other and i think that's the most important thing. well, thanks for i'm full well if we weren't if we weren't if we weren't on c-span i would say other things but i won't do that. no, thank you very much. right, thank you. all right, let's. yeah. out. might it? i know your eyes look very blue and so your jacket. yes. hi. i notes. i don't think i've been this nervous, even meeting a hot guy for a date. you guys are a couple. i have so many things i want to say, but i'm going to keep it very brief. first of all, connie, thank you
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so much. your tenacity for what you've done for the community and also what you've done for yourself and how you've inspired other people, even though you haven't realized it. we've been talking on instagram i have a little card for you just to represent my culture, which is korean, and i just want to say my question. i, you know, want it to be like you. my i was named after jane fonda. i don't know why i do not look like her look more like you. however, i added a y to my name so it sounded more like connie than jane. i wanted to go to you. for journalism, school is true by. my korean father. that is not acceptable. now, full circle after having a career in corporate and and beauty, i am building a media brand. the digital runway. it covers fashion, tech and wellness. how i pursue my passion and and to make a living of this because i never dreamed that i would be
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able to pursue my and honestly this was such a kairos moment for me to listen to you and i'm trying not to break down. i know i'm talking a lot, but i'm very sorry, but thank you so much. i really appreciate you. thank you. thank you so appreciate it. hi. hi. my name is emily. i did go to the university of maryland, no shade. and i wanted hear some of your time being a terp at the university. i'm sorry. you know what? why am i having such hard time hearing. honey, your at maryland? yeah. is that what you wanted to know? 100%, yes. oh i was a terrible student. i, i, i i kept many different majors. you have? oh, i must jumped around from biology to business to account thing. i thought i would be like an accountant, like my father. and where to? when did journalism jump? i interned for a congressman on
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capitol hill and was from queens is kind of creepy, but he's to be a newspaperman and he had me writing press releases and was able to watch people on capitol hill and i thought and i saw a report about what they were doing and i was always a little bit of a news junkie. my father certainly was, because we watched walter cronkite every every night with my mother and and the sisters. so that changed. changed my direction completely. i then decided that i would be a journalist. yes. so can quickly take these last four questions. okay. hi. hi. hi. so when you were two, you ever see marilyn? you studied journalism, right
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honey, i don't know why. can't hear you studying. what journalism? yes. i wouldn't recommend. that, though i don't think you know. i don't. i say that the people should students should major in history or english or political that's not as question. oh, i, i so did you recall coming to my twin brothers in my 21st birthday, your 21st birthday? yes. what's your name? doug blankenship. doug black chip. yes, ma'am. well, you don't color your hair like i do. no. i mean, the only thing that i do that's fake news, you know. but my hair is your color. wow doug. how do know you again? because i remember. your name? yeah.
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you did it got my brother duncan. i david duncan. yeah. oh, we're where did you go to school? marilyn. marilyn? yeah. uh huh, and were you. did you graduate 68 or 69? no, i was slower. my brother, i, it took me another and a half. but what did duncan graduate in? 6062968. oh, my gosh. marry your wife. marry, right? no, i was doing interview with fresh air, you know, and the producer comes on and said and his name was his last name was miller and he said in the miller miller miller family the the law is that the folklore is that jane silverman you and i did
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date jane silverman and i liked him a lot. anyway him right there with the eagle. last question over here. sorry, doug, did you want to say. well, i let your note now. i don't know if they delivered it to you, but i hope they did because i don't i don't know how to get hold you by email or anything, but honey, you want to email. oh. i don't know. god, last question. all right right. hi. my name is alex a from from maryland. born and raised yeah, actually, believe it, not my mom actually went to a university in maryland like like, you know, just like you go terps. um, she, i think was a year behind you.
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except she was like, studying and studying music now. but i, i had to go an extra because i was having too much. oh, i understand about. um. oh, but i. i had to pay for myself anyway, you know, so i worked through college. wow. amazing um, i don't. i can say this without getting too nervous, but here it is. i. at one point i was considering us studying journalism a little bit. i, i'm still looking, leaning toward it, but i know planning to look into law school and the legal field at point, even though i'm actually, i'm actually autistic and i've been and i actually have heard of you guys, you know for years oh thank you. but i was going to say, i think there's almost a couple of quotes that you made about like taking risks and stuff. i, i can relate to for sure, but not but if you were to ask me
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about i say it, i type favorite out of all the ones but you have a personal favorite of your own. thank you. thank you so much. thank you what? one more. thank you so much. thank you. hi, connie my name's elaine and 52 years old. i grew up in just me and my two parents who were of the greatest generation. they passed away in their nineties and i grew up watching the news every single and we took the news as fact. they said both parts of an issue and so fast forward when my dad was in his nineties and all we did was fight over the facts of the news where he thought that the channel he watched was fact and there was no convincing him otherwise. how do you feel about the state
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of journalism today and how do you convince people who are so used to trusting the news that now it's paid for by different entities and you don't know who it's paid for by? well how do you feel about that? well, i, i read morris newspaper. maury created a newspaper here in montana of of and it is a fact driven newspaper. you feel that nonprofit news is the way of the future of a you know it and maury believes go ahead it's a for profit paper but we're not making any money. but but we're also been voted the best newspaper the state and the website in the state and now we're an online paper and we're the best online in the state. and the great thing about it was to answer your question if you do it right it matter what your political stripe they all love
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the paper and so and so we may be able to bring. the old fashioned news by you know city by city local news by local yeah. okay okay. hi. i'm rambling. i'm an asian-american journalist. you are part of my origin story. i recall you interviewing gary and just straight up asking if he had killed chandra levy. my jaw dropped to the ground. i never. gary. oh, gary condit. gary sorry. gary hart. no, gary hart had an affair with a the same same type of dude. you know. right. you know. no. but he he was caught with donna
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rice on a boat called monkey. yes. and gary condit, the congressman from california who was when chandra levy was found in the rock creek park. mm hmm. and part of the reason why it was okay for me to become a journalist because a lot of my career. mm hmm. when i'm going to. i woke up with that you are not sure this topic had been available, but i wanted to first say i'm here with 50 plus of the asian-american journalists. yeah. i. so nice to see you. i should have known. you know, we literally saw you two weeks ago. we were like, can't get it up. oh, thank you. you know, things certainly here
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for us, but we have it we haven't reached the level of parity by any means. yeah, exactly. what devices did asian-american. and a lot of the other senior. yeah. mm hmm. well i. well i don't know if it's i think it's just hard to pushing and pushing, but um, for one thing. weak, huh? well, i mean, i have to say, you were the only one at one time. you can't on television today without seeing asian-american, asian women, probably more
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asian-american women and asian-american men, you know, which is very discriminatory sorry because. no, seriously, because men are not seen favorably. oh, maury, it's that girlfriend. the you know the one who was editor in chief of sports illustrated and he he is so annoying. i mean. oh are you rolling on. bill? well, he calls you all the time. we have lots to talk about how did you do on the fourth hole. okay. okay. well anyway anyway, it's a great question and you know, i'm not in your shoes. i'm not in her shoes. but i've always if you just keep plugging and you keep doing
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stories that make a breakthrough somewhere, i once you get the great story, there's a there's a feeling of colorblindness i really do. i think i think the story still wins out on most news networks. i think i think you're right maury see he has a great deal of wisdom. yeah. yeah. it's not just but you got to get this story and. you have to have the opportunity to get this story. that's the problem. the problem is. the opportunity. i think we it's the perception of who are is very difficult overcome because people expect us to be demure and to acquiesce, you know, and to to play by the rules. but i never played by any rules. i always stepped out of my
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because i kind had to to survive. so i think, you know, you have to be bold but not too bold. that's the hard part. that fine line of. you have to be bold, but accept it. hmm. you have to be bold. accept it. yeah. and do you do that for women and for minority vs especially asians? i think it's hard because we wear our race on our and if you're black, same thing. so whereas you know, i. i would not have known that you your mother's from poland in your or lithuania poland. poland and your father from maine. no.
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