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tv   Trump Nominees in Their Own Words - Lee Zeldin  CSPAN  January 11, 2025 3:41am-6:05am EST

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movement. >> hello and good evening. my name is carol miller i am cochair of the voter services committee of the league of women voters. i will be a moderator for the debate this evening. before we start what you all please stand and join me in the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag, of the united states of america. and to the republic for which it stands, "one nation," under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. thank you.
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okay, the league of women voters welcomes you. that league is a trusted nonpartisan political organization. we never endorsed candidates or parties but we are directly involved in many of the issues important to the community. we are respected for our work and sponsoring candidate debates the way we are doing tonight. as well as preparing and distributing educational materials on voting issues. going to spend just a moment on voting issues. when you came in tonight you saw and picked up our educational material such as voter guides including residence of southhampton and east hampton a proposition guide that will help you understand the proposition that is on the ballot in november. please remember, voters, you have to turn the ballot over to
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see the propositions. proposition this year is on changes and expansion of the community development fund. it is very important. also, for those of you who have not registered to vote, you still can. you can until tomorrow. you have to have that registration postmarked by tomorrow. registration forms are in the back as our applications for absentee ballots. our absentee ballot process a process you have to send the application and by november 1. you will get a ballot back in the mail and you have to have that postmarked by november 7. there's no video or audio taping except by ctp whom we have authorized to take this debate. they will air it frequently. they will provide a disk two ohb
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for showing east hampton. will make it available in total on our facebook page and on our website. also, and a first for us and in recognition of the importance of the election of these two candidates, c-span has requested a copy of the tape of this event to be broadcast on their many platforms the internet, radio, please consult the c-span website for more information. it takes many hands to put a debate of the sort together. we need to thank everyone who has assisted. we want especially to thank westhampton beach school district, superintendent michael, administrative assistant judy mccarthy, immediate teacher sean johnson and social studies teacher patricia and her students.
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in this southhampton youth bureau we have tracy, lisa, and their students. we need to thank the custodial and security staff. we thank them all for their cooperation and assistance. let me also introduce the others with roles tonight. greeted you as you entered. she, judy roth and her student gas will be in the aisles to pick up questions you have for the candidates. so please raise your hand even as the debate goes on you can raise your hand so that you can have a card. you can fill it out they'll pick it up again to give it to our betters. the panel assessing the questions tonight are joe shaw, who is executive editor of the press newsgroup. which publishes southhampton press, the east hampton press
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and sitting next to jail, joe,copresident of the league. they'll be asking the questions that have been received from league members, from the press group and from you the audience and the students. i will remind the questioners we like the question should be identified as having come from the audience or students when that is the case. students, please let us know what issues are important to you by submitting questions and noting on the card that the question came from the student. we also have chair of the government committee of the league and copresident judy sanderson who will review the questions we will be writing on the index cards. the purpose of the review is not to censor or stifle any voice. this is done to identify those issues that are most important to the audience while avoiding implication.
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it also ensures the questions are issue dates suitable to be asked to both candidates. one of the most important people here tonight is barbara clancy who is the timer. i directed both candidates to barbara. she'll be showing the signs i will be telling you how much time you have left and went to stop. most important also marsha of the committee was in charge of a major force behind the debates. of course our candidates lee leeeldon and anna. to the debate format which was agreed to purchase except to participate each of the make an opening statement. the candidates will be asked a series of questions. of three minutes to answer the question both candidates will be
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asked the same question. candidates are not permitted to interrupt each other. they have three opportunities to rebut any statement in the course of the debate. they do so by raising the red cart to both of you find your red card? okay. you can you set up to three times when you use the red card you can rebut for two minutes each candidate will ask a question the opponent will offer a responsive two minutes for that is also. we ask if the candidates are given that our opportunity that question is also issued next. finally, each candidate will have an additional two minutes to make closing statement. closing statements are in reverse order of opening statements. the rules for the audience are,
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note taping as i said. no interruptions or verbal reactions. and hold your applause until the final remarks of the candidate. there are many reasons for this. it allows audience the opportunity to hear the response. in the audience is making noise the candidates cannot be talking. makes information accountable to their voters who are undecided between the candidates in the candidates came here tonight to talk to the voters. that is the dialogue we want to have. given the expanded dissemination of the tape it is important that we maintain a civil atmosphere. please write your questions on a card. it is important to us at the league the concerns of the audience be addressed by the candidates and we cannot know what those concerns are unless we have your questions.
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finally the purpose of our debate tonight is to issue completely unique to us as voters and our local congressional district. as such we will not discuss breaking national news. this means we will not be discussing whether bob dylan should have received the nobel prize for literature. please remember to shut off your cell phones, thank you. based on the coin toss mysteries eldon will go first for his opening statement. your choice here or there? >> good evening everybody. carol had a chance to recognize a whole lot of important people. but did not have an opportunity to recognize yourself. thank you to carol for
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moderating, league of women voters for hosting. for all of you to be on you for tonight's debate. this is what the american political process is really all about part you taken the time to beer tonight and asking us important questions about the future of our community and country. my name is lee zeldin i was born and raised on long island. my wife diane and i are raising our beautiful twin daughters mckayla and arianna. i spent four years on active duty in the army. i've spent the last nine in the army reserves were currently served with the rank of major presurgery new york state set up for four years. you're my time there i successfully led the fight to 80% of employers, company spencer of the nation's strongest property tax cap reduce the lower income tax rates the lowest level in six years, created the program for veterans of post traumatic stress disorder broke the law that protects military families in protest and military burials.
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i've been to focus a minute era of american strength agenda. to protect america security at home and abroad help grow our economy, create more good paying private sector jobs to fight for our veterans and first responders would improve the quality of education in our schools. prepare our nation's infrastructure and healthcare safeguard our environment fit all these issues are very important to all of you. during my brief time 28 months in congress have been able to get three bills passed to help our veterans i introduced two proposals of mine to stop the sale on to preserve and protect it. i got my bill passed, it was passed and signed into law as is my safe bridges act to direct funding to new york for the state and local bridges. created east and health care clinic for veterans and i am looking forward to tonight's debate. again thank you all for being here. [applause]
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>> let me remind the audience, please hold your applause until the closing statement. high and good evening everyone. it's great to be in a westhampton i want to hi and good evening everyone. it's great to be in westhampton i want to thank the league of women voters and everyone else who is here today for doing this. i think it's an election hopefully an election of our lifetime. because i hope we never go to the drum we are going through now. i want to especially thank the students that took the time to come out tonight because this is your generation we are talking about. we are talking about the future of this country and that many, many things that are at stake. many of you know me my name is anna throne-holst i served as your account supervisor and counselor for two years before that. i made the decision to run for congress because this is by all accounts the most dysfunctional, ineffective and mired in
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partisan politics congress in the history of congress. according to a very recent gallup poll nor more than 11% of americans feel congress is getting the job done for them. i devoted my work in this community, i raise my four kids in this community devoted my work to addressing issues and income inequality and lack of opportunity. as many of you know i started the hay ground school asserted that school because i wanted to bring this community together. along racial lines, religious lines, cultural lines and make sure early childhood education was available to every child in this community regardless of what school district you were born into. when you did the same thing head start program an opportunity to go to college and must needed social services. i led the way on managing our
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budgets, cutting wasteful spending. cutting multi- deficits. getting a aaa rating. make sure the government serves you in the most efficient cost-effective way of protecting taxpayer dollars. we have so many issues to talk about and that are not happening in congress today. fix in daca, fixing immigration reform. college affordability, protecting social security and medicare. so many issues, i could go on and on and i look forward to your questions. i look forward to a very informative meeting, thank you. [applause] >> okay the first question will be addressed to mr. zeldin. >> who do you support for president and please explain
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why. cooks i endorsed donald trump over over hilary clinton. i have some serious issues with hilary clinton, her record for this is not just about electing a president the next four years for this is about the future of our supreme court for may be the next 40. i care deeply about national security. i want to see our economy grow. i believe we could do a better job negotiating trade deals to help the american worker, the american company. the american economy as well. i've been a pretty vocal opponent of common core going back to my time in the new york state senate. to improve the quality education he has been outspoken with that as well. quite honestly, neither of the candidates are perfect. both of the candidates have their flaws. but, on balance between the two of them i have quite candidly hilary clinton has, with the
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conflict of the clinton foundation. the fact that she mishandled classified information and had a server in her basement, these are crimes that were committed. unfortunately every single day we have people going to court for much less infractions. yet, hilary clinton is not being held accountable for the crimes through the judicial system and that's deeply unfortunate. i do not think it's any coincidence the attorney general had a meeting with the former president, bill clinton, a few days before the decision was made to not pursue any charges against hilary. again, on the department of justice building it said when law ends, tyranny begins. the fact hilary clinton is not being held accountable not only she not qualified to be the president at saint she cannot
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get a job inside the file room at the fbi. her candidacy is a nonstarter. i disagree with her strongly on much of her positions on issues. i do not want to see my country be more like europe. like to see us get stronger with regards to immigration, cracking down on illegal immigration here and there he stays, provided more workers for people, more opportunities for people who are here legally. there is a process and i have a lot of compassion for the person who's not here yet because they went to the local consulate and said how do i pursue the american dream? opportunity education because they're following the rules, they are not here yet but hopefully on substance and policy we will be able to focus on many of the issues during the remainder of the debate on policy on substance because the future of our country. not just the next four years in tackling and defeating crisis in securing our country but strengthening our military. taking care of our veterans but
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also the future of the supreme court for the next 40. >> i do not see how anyone can support a sexual predator, an individual who disparages a goldstar family. an individual who makes fun of people with disabilities. i do not know how anyone checks their moral compass who is an elected office and understand what it takes to be in elected office and thanks that it is okay to support someone who is all of what i just said. but on top of that comment that , that hasshown and debate afteo big debates now and on the stump
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he is entirely unqualified on every single one of the issues that faces us in the night since of america today. the contrast is hilary rodham clinton. she made a mistake with their e-mail server. there is no question about that. she has taken responsibility for its prey do not know if any of you saw the editorial in the east hampton start today. my opponent has said that hilary clinton belongs in jail as has donald trump. the east hampton start put it very well today. only someone who thanks that the law of the land is equivalent to a third world banana republic and does not understand the law would make a statement like that but i will remind you that mr. zeldin is an attorney and a
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statement like that when you have very simple ignorant rule of the law the country like ours are also neglecting to understand make inflammatory statements like that is untruthful and misleading. now we have two candidates one that's going to win the white house, that is going to make an appointment or several to the supreme court. one of them, hilary rodham clinton will make sure that appointee will get rid of citizens united. we'll get the dark money out of politics coco brothers et cetera which my opponent is a very happy recipient. the mixture a woman's right to choose is protected. we'll make sure to work that all the things that matter to us right here in district one of where trauma income opportunity we are talk about tax reform,
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takes the burden off the middle class where tax code is written today shifts it onto the top couple of% are some earners in this country today. make sure corporate taxes are not lodged outside of this country. immigration reform, i can go on and on. i am supporting hilary rodham clinton because she's the only one qualified to run for president amongst the two front runners. >> thank you. the second question will go initially to anna throne-holst. >> this is for most of the press newsroom. siena college newsday recently completed a poll of first district voters. a small sampling 650 it provided interesting insight to the district beyond the current ratio. race. it founded most voters in the district what a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and think climate change is a real and looming
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threat. at the same time most want obamacare repealed. and on guns, democrat overwhelmingly in control of lotto a lesser extent independet describe themselves primarily second minutes of order. how can one came from either party represent a district? >> i think that it is important to understand that we are a country, that today is very divided. but, when i got elected to the town board in southhampton i got elected on a people, not politics platform. i got elected on i was going to be there to serve people, keep the politics out. find common sense and common ground solutions.
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i believe to everyone of these issues there is such a thing. we have to deal the immigration issues today but we have the summerbetween 11 and 15 million undocumented workers in this country today. if we do not solve that and come up with a bipartisan solution to that. i will remind you there is a gang of a plan that was a bipartisan solution that was passed in the senate and then did not make it through congress. as a bipartisan plan to solve all of these issues. on gun safety 88 -- 90% of americans polled on that, went wantto see common sense gun safy solutions. in other words background checks, closing loopholes, which means that you can go on a computer today and arm yourself. want to make sure guns are kept out of the hands of terrorists.
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people with a criminal record, domestic abuse et cetera. eighty -- 90% of americans have answered a poll saying they want to see that. i think there's a bipartisan solution to that that aptly protects the candidates of the second amendment all of which i agree with. the affordable care act, there are two if comments were not so mired in partisanship the latest today, it has common sense solution so that as well. a number of economists have weighed in on that prick talked about how do we do it? everyone agrees that pre-existing condition should no longer be a reason for why people cannot buy or get kicked off of the insurance plan. bipartisan agreement on codes should be able to say on their parents plan until they are 26 years old. i believe that if congress put
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forward a plan today to make sure pharmaceuticals could be negotiated, there would be bipartisan support for that. there is a great example of the kind of medications that are now fabricated outside of these countries where the tax dollars from the sale of these medications are sitting outside of this country through medicare, medicaid and veterans affairs could not negotiate the cost of this. we need to end at the cadillac tax et cetera. there are bipartisan solutions all this about my career in government on bipartisan solutions i would do the same in congress. >> thank you. mr. zeldin. >> important aspects of the question, issues that were referenced tackling national security, the iran nuclear deal, what should we do about
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refugees? how do we defeat isis customer how to strengthen our military? how do we take care of our veterans? performer tax code so people can build the taxes on a form that is a simple as a postcard for this audit issues we could talk about earlier mention common core. taking care of our environment. former new york city mayor aronson if you agree with me nine times out of 12, vote for me. if you agree with me 12 times out of 12, see a psychiatrist. if you are looking for an example of how you can do this job focusing on local issues and making a lot of important progress look at my last 21 months. you accomplish more in the first 21 months than your predecessor than in 12 years. the project when it came into the project was one of us et cetera million down to 1.16 billion. i built to save drink when my predecessors time and office
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will meet loss the mission and a law was written to sell the island and move the mission to kansas. and then my predecessor introduced a bill to stop the sale but he could not get out of committee. got the bill out of committee and got it passed by the house bipartisan unanimous after work with colleagues on both side of the isle for earlier on dimensions three veterans bills that i introduced a got passed, bipartisan bills got passed with the support of republicans and democrats. my counterterrorism bill ended up getting past with the support of republicans and democrats. my bill to prevent the faa from taking negative action with aircraft restriction was done unanimously. you have very local issues as well. as you go through the plan you have local officials weighing and with specific asks. we're working with them, with the army corps at the table to make sure to work with the
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village of southhampton beach because 13, 15 as part of the point plan they want an adjustment made and we are doing what we need to to get that done in the final product. we do have to tackle immigration. we've had a republican president democrat president and a mix every combination of the last 10 years. they have not pass this one solution for all the problems. i'm not here blaming republicans or democrats. i am saying there is so much there is agreement between republicans and democrats that we should pass. white hold hostage what everyone agrees with. if you look at might record for the last 21 months is been filled with getting progress working with local officials and people in washington on both sides of the aisle. >> thank you.
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the third question goes initially. >> is comes from a student, what would you tell young voters the solution with bipartisan politics but what can they ask ask from you? be specific, thank you. >> that's a great question it's great you are here, get involved. there are so many people who are now eligible to vote who won't vote. by the way those eligible to vote those include those in their 40s, 60s who are not voting. what is sad is going to knock on door to door and i asked the question why are these four houses not on my list? it is because they are not registered to vote. so get active, participate don't let anyone tell you you are too young to get involved. their people sing have to wait your turn. you have to do your time and then maybe one day you will have a chance to run for office. people say how did you start running for congress when you're 27 years old? i said it's really got it you don't download a form it takes
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about five minutes to fill out you submitted and now your candidate for united states congress but run of your local school board. run for local town office or county or state. just get involved and participate in the process but you do not necessarily a half, , there are many ways to contribute. others want to be firefighter to start a nonprofit and help victims of domestic violence. there are many ways to leave this world better than you found it. the best way to set the future of the country you are doing by being here tonight. it does not matter, truly. if you go to the voting both you were circling in the way back when we used to pull a lever and now it's different. you go and circle the box or whoever you want to produce circle forever your preferred candidate is you tell people or not. but participate if you're voting
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for me the election is november 8 if you're voting for my opponent i'm kidding. november 8 is the election. makes you getting your friends involved as well. complaining about the results of any election if you did not vote. that is my opinion. my personal penny fun to font to complain about the results of an election you have to participate. let's great when you hear we go off to college and you get involved in the local may be local races there. maybe you decide to take a class on political science pretty major in it we cite international affairs or philosophy, foreign affairs, whatever it is that you pursue that as your interest, that is your passion. just go after 110%. >> thank you. >> there are a lot of young
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people very interested in this election. and really paying attention. i'm a little worried about what they are seeing. i think it is perhaps bringing some attention to this. might sense among young people that are paying attention to this and seeing what's going on, on the presidential level. and seeing how that discourse has devolved into a referendum really on whether we elect a sexual predator. whether we elect someone that chooses to make fun of people of different race or religion. i think young people are looking at that. a look at my own for kids that are in their 20s and they are out there talking to everyone about this. not because her mom is running for congress.
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there used to be running for office. there used to me being an office. their generation worried about is the college going to be affordable for them? to refine a certain college loans. are there kids going to have access to early childhood education? are they going to be able to age in place and stay here on long island? is there going to be housing and jobs and transportation system that works for us right here on rhode island in the next generation? these are big issues at hand. this is also generation that has seen their parents lose their jobs. they have seen their parents and then lose their homes with the mortgage meltdown that happened just in this last decade. they are seeing people lose their farms and not being able
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to afford their bills right here on long island. this is a generation i am seeing that is very wrapped up to speak, to vote, to be part of this. i think bernie sanders movement showed that front and center. i see that amongst my own kids and i see that amongst other kids that i talked to out there. understanding what is at stake hereto in terms of the supreme court. an understanding that a woman's right to choose and your access to women's healthcare is at stake. the environment is at stake. this is a generation learning in school even though my opponent does not believe in the science behind climate change and that it is caused by human action and
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we have a moral responsibility and economic responsibility deal with it. kids are coming out and it thatd come out. >> next question. let's say the student questions. how do you feel about the black lives matter movement? >> i'm sorry you can call me anna. [laughter] look, movement start for a reason. we have very rich and complicated history of movements in this country. they start for a reason and they start because a group of people feel the need to express themselves ability to organize themselves. my foster child is part of 100 which is black youth project
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100. as young activists mostly african-american but minority latino kids who concern themselves with their opportunities going into their adulthood. and concern themselves with feelings. with feeling like they have. and when we see what has devolved unfortunately we divide between the understanding of what black lives matter is about a voice. and wanting to come to a table and have a conversation about how do we all feel safe? that is getting guns out of the hands of people who should not have guns. 30,000 or more people die at the hands of guns in the united
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states of america today. we do not have common sense gun safety laws. my opponent has voted 28 times on procedural motion that would allow common sense gun safety taking guns out of the hands of people on the terrorist watch list from coming forward for a vote. he dances around the subject but that is in fact what he has done. and we are talk about protecting the men and women in blue, one of my biggest honors in my time on the town board eight years as i served as police commissioner of the southhampton police department. we went through some tough times. most of you here will remember that. but we worked very, very closely together and we worked on community policing. we worked on sensitivity
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training. we worked on making sure this was a police force it strive for diversity and strive for community policing and a partnership in community. that is a conversation that we need to have on a national level today. and we need to come together. and that is what i would like to be a voice for. it's bringing everyone together for this very important conversation. >> thank you, mr. zeldin same question. >> look, when any one unjustly and violently targeted and innocent, that is an important cause for anyone to take up to make sure that does not happen again. what i don't believe is acceptable is when that motivation ends up resulting in
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innocent, courageous law enforcement different parts of our country to be murdered. when there is someone who is unjustly murdered and there should be accountability. someone should get into a lot of trouble if they broke the law. what is simply not the answer is when it crosses that line where you are looting the area you are supposed to love and targeting innocent business owners. when you are taking a man or a woman who is wearing blue somewhere in this country and they leave their family to keep their not only family safe but strangers as well. and their family never sees them again. what's important is for everyone to come together understanding that violence is certainly not the answer to solve this in
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consideration of fact that all lives in this country matter. just claimed i voted down 28 times against a bill from peter king to prevent terrorists from purchasing firearms which is and have been in the seepage few weeks. a couple days ago it was 27. what you will see in her tv ads it says 25 times you do not have to take my word for if you look at the tv ad yourself a list 25 different bills. you can go home and type them and for yourself h rez 8091 example the competence of addiction recovery act. number one priority for everyone who wants to combat the heron opioid abuse epidemic but i cosponsor not passing it signed into law the republicans, democrats calling congress and president working to get it done a .3 billy knows help combat the heroine opioid abuse epidemic in this country. who would have thought that
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honestly there would be a tv ad aired against me at the end of the campaign were this in 24 other bills would be displayed attacking me saying i voted against the bill to prevent terrorists and being able to purchase firearms peeking voted the same exact way i did on all 25 bills. these 25 bills you can look it up yourself, is nothing at all to do with guns. nothing at no part of the process, not right now none of not thebeginning of the processt was in the jurisdiction that was his pass and the rules committee or on the house floor or conference or back to the house committee. i think it's important that as we sit here in front of you that we have the ability to say not just what pulls well because they want to win an election but we want to be honest with you and that is a flat out lie. >> excuse me are you using the red card? yes you may but you have to show me. okay. >> red card.
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i'm sorry? no one you know, we have had several debates now and i think it's time we separate some real fact from fiction. the fact of the matter is the way it works on the floor of the house of representatives on a bill is introduced by a member of congress on anything the majority can either vote for or against it. but, as part of that procedure a member of congress can say i would like to bring on a motion i believe there's something more pressing and i would like to bring forward a procedural vote to bring forward in this case no-fly no-buy legislation. that has now happened 25 times a
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forward cut my commercial, three times since, 28 times i have the dates right here and circles. mr. zeldin has had the opportunity 28 times to vote to bring forward peter king's bill on whether to prevent terrorist watch list individuals from also buying guns. he voted no every single time. this is fact. i have it right here and yes if you google those bills, those were different bills but the motion was brought forward when they were voted down to preempt them by a vote whether to bring forward mr. king's bill on no flight no buy. the question is simple if you had it before you today would you vote yes or no for? do you support peter king's bill
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on no-fly note bite? >> mr. zeldin there was one thing in there that was very honest. she said those were different bills. when you look at the tv ad it list 25 bills and that is absolutely true all 25 of those bills have absolutely nothing to do with guns. i am not holding up, i can hold up a book. i am telling you go on the internet yourself. you can look at yourself. you can look at the tv ad it was 25 different bills. you will see the 25 bills have absolutely nothing at all to do with guns. that was the one little nugget of my opponent answer those absolutely accurate. and if it was king's bill why was it every single time pete king voted the exact same way that i did.
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why? when you fight really hard against the heroin epidemic that's right here in suffolk county it's a worse county and the entire state as far as being targeted with abuse. it is a personal issue i been a lot of wakes myself were where families are being torn apart because of it. so i took this because on. i had multiple press conferences. i formed a coalition with the republicans and democrats in the house in the senate to figure out how to get this bill done. just think that bill number because i voted for it, is now one of 25 bills and up absolutely nothing to do with guns is going to be used in attack ads to try to get you to vote for my opponent, or why whyquestion makoto exactly whatt polls really, really really well. you can convince voters that your opponent once terrorist to be able to purchase firearms.
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i am doing my part, my entire life to make sure there is nospace threat to american security here, at home or abroad i continue to do my part but it's outrageous when i fight to make sure there are no more quakes to visit they would use an attack at against me that is outrageous. >> no plus was no applause please. i would remind the candidate that question from a student asked for their opinion of black lives matter. both of you were discussing matters that are of interest and are important in the selection. but we are asking our audience what is important to them and what they want to hear. i would ask you to try to stay within the parameters of the question picnics and going to defend myself now pickwick shift is in the red card.
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wasn't worth it okay >> how many red cards are entitled to? >> you have a total of three, you have each used one. the next question is to mr. zeldin. >> is consummately as well as from the audience. the people would like to know regarding obamacare, if you feel it needs some fixing, which i think a lot of people do. specifically what would you change?
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those are two components conservatives, republicans and democrats agree upon so whether you obamacare as is or reveal or replace it, they are to components. those of the versions we see. we need for choice. in your state we had this one which went under, 200,000 new yorkers in cancer treatment in the middle we were told they no longer recovered. the needs to be more options and more plans, the ability to purchase plans from outside of state willing to honor the plans and create more pretax incentives and childcare to wreak embers expenses buying and
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recover expenses. as a result they may end up with an expensive long-term element that would cost more and that lack of affordability and we have medium-sized business is an ability to get it to get more competitive plan for their employees. they tell their employees they are getting less and have to pay more. i care too much about higher mediums that policies, it's not working. the math on its own 2017 so we
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have to. if nothing gets done in class. the free answers in charge of creating the policy you figure out the math and the markdowns the policy they told him no, they weren't allowed to do it delivered that as well. >> all americans have access to portable coverage and quality of care regardless of income by.
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we paid around 30% more for almost every medical procedure and elsewhere in the world today and that is part of the reason not tenable. what i have written it differently? would have today we again have congress that will not come together and work on this. there are so many bipartisan solutions partisan bickering going on and that's not so he. look forward age replacement plan no comprehensive and look forward under the appeal and
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replace so a lot of talk right now so why they don't get together and solve this is a problem. 20 million are insured more than before and at an all-time low in terms of people uninsured. we still have big problems. and we have juice negotiate pharmaceuticals. some of you may have heard about this veteran pharmaceuticals and
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tax haven and hepatitis c and many others. it is a dollar appeal. they charge $1000 and we don't have the ability to negotiate. get rid of the cadillac tax and make sure all and unnecessary medical procedures today and they are not stopped and we've got to do it. >> i feel compelled mom and it
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seems appropriate now. she said let's we get it out of him. a month of record this record. he i would talking about, a procedure happens on fourth in the house of representatives. there is an opportunity to vote no and preemption something of his congress think this more
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foreign. the eight times i have are here portable website the fact is, 28 times part of the future which is commonly used the members of congress including among were asked to vote to bring forward discussion start telling the truth. >> i wasn't suggesting you visit my website but any website, any
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website title. peter king's bill, clothing the same way i did? >> client from the audience. >> the questions. in the proposals. to get beyond will because there
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is a substantive debate and purchase firearms. every ten or should the burden be on the purchaser to prove this the main difference between the legislation i introduced. on the purchaser to go to court. on the watchlist are foreigners.
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in 3% the debate applies to. and homeland security i cannot tell you only get on and off the list and they been added to the list because they wanted to the former college roommate of the person they added to the list. probably and removing the names who should have been on ... not in some of them in different
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reason so i don't know of anyone purchasing firearms. the website, i'm asking you to visit any website is. >> two more questions so they asked each other. two more questions and this was addressed to mr. selden initially. >> also on the list in my next question is a combination of only the audience and it refers to climate change.
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the and our water. and clean green alternative energy wind, solar, or in the new york state legislature, supported funds to allow people
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to make their energy efficient and of great the way you plans for economically and environmentally friendly and of the plans not economically or environmentally friendly but also in operation. and around us. the two pieces of legislation to, i got 26 and a half million dollars secured in the program. twenty-six and a half million dollars as far as conservation goes and land trust the
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permanent extension of conservation easements in the agriculture industry to place easement on the property which has a more favorable tax assessment and one generation to the next. the eastern sites, directly above our district but there is as far as the western sites with this to improve water quality, i introduced the restoration act and as far as long island sound goes, i believe instead of the plan, the open water dumping we need to reduce that tune no more than five or ten years and there are different ways taking care
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of air and land and water tried to cover a lot of it in two minutes but the key is the reliance on fossil fuel to become more mentally friendly energy and opportunities with research done here in good paying jobs also research we lead the way for the country on the east end of long island. >> it's important we recognize science is on our side and very important in the community on this and it's unequivocal that climate change is real and one of the biggest threats to our generation but certainly the next generation. >> the economic impact of climate change.
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when we talk about the threat here on long island but also opportunity here we have to recognize we are dependent on these plans and looking at sea level rise and putting it together and taken advantage of that program. and your house and low cost loans were your monthly payment
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in your new and old costs are surrounded by water, a bullet went into lower energy and the ability right here and now. and the environment is busy election. long island related order to stop medicaid so the founding of the center of the university which is the national will research and development site to bring forward technology everyone in 300 jobs in the
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innovations support and we need the federal government right now and five billing dollars plans and i don't think it's okay to regulate. in the game. >> the single biggest in your first or next term and office.
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>> and new york state and the largest in the population. in the administration and make sure we have that administration townhall and we have to travel and access the services which is a wonderful organization of our in your center and every veteran that comes back and housing and has access to mental health
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care. we are not doing enough in seeing reports repeatedly over the last several years. and the administration post budget and the funding by a billing dollars which we do for about 70000 veterans he denies that. i will work tirelessly again make sure every veteran that comes back and they want to work
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on this the company's want to hire veterans and make sure they are trained for it and the programs make sure. and againand suffix county.
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we have veterans who realize and come over with a helping hand it a. support of them and one of four counties in the program has worked exceptionally.
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and veterans who need it most. one veteran do to suicide. but he was looking for temporary relief. it is over at dillon county states. anywhere else in this country a helping hand, love and support. cost more friends do to suicide and friends who died overseas combat. they need to do a much better job in the capital budget. it is one billing over budget
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and relocation get set up in $127,000 to $27000 in the office of inspector general said the department of justice and veterans affairs veterans have died on a waitlist. they been instructed in the how to improve the drug the va had on. they're working on getting up looked before the end of the year they will not allow you and
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they should have been replaced and managing money more efficiently and there's no end ever. >> if you would like ask for your opponent and two minutes to respond to that issue. >> , policy level the policy positions hillary clinton.
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>> and the exception and refugees syria and wherever you got that from and that statement and your fair share of these issues. until we make sure we have an immigration and betting system airtight for this more right now 24 months the consideration process any kind of affinity connection denied and it is what is going on syria today and the
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responsibility here. not letting syrian refugees the whole of the biggest jihadist groups going on today. the company is a plan as part of what's going on today. i do agree with these plans. every military expert understands this and there are many on the american side of this they did not build the and we managed that.
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>> thank you. address the audience. >> first off, i would encourage to verify. and hillary clinton on refugee. and they disagree. and we absolutely disagree on
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the iran nuclear deal and 50 billion to the largest sponsor of terrorism. they chant to to america and finance has a lot human and pay $1.7 billion to iranians. we had to pay simultaneously to secure american hostages. since then had more american hostages taken. call it an agreement and asked for his signature on the agreements of secretary respond to me onset political
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commitment. the ap has reported iran is responsible for collecting samples. in the sanctions so if you want to deal with activities right now talking about anything in the news today when you go home read with the iranians are doing with america iran's aggressive behavior don't have them to bring forward which is unfortunate. >> a poor sheet on iran's compliance has been kept and agreed to by the international community and oversight oversee.
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they have removed and placed in a two thirds of the 19000 for your enrichment. your phone and removed all in the road.
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and needs to be heavily monitored. the experts on girls international israelis soil it was the only really to move forward. >> mr. selden, we are talking about this agreement.
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>> you do have the use of one more credit card. we have enemies testing us right now watching each other and the only aspect strength. strengthening relationship with allies and treating enemies as our enemies. sometimes the word deal is used. and there is no agreement and they are on both sides.
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the before, during and after negotiations, he will never be able to inspect the said. immediate attention and material terms of the agreement in both sides do not agree in certain components that they could not agree upon by the end was put into these deals in the agreement then one in the leverage that brings them to the table we have negotiated sanctions in talking up the long regime. after the democrat election on democrat election said it was no
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longer the election. and we always have other issues to bring to the table. >> would you like to take this opportunity to ask questions? do believe? plant parenthood should be funded? >> all linked into one. >> excuse me at my daughters were born 14 and a half weeks early, they were less than a pound and they were born. my wife and i were given the
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ability to be able to have them born in this world. different religions. and when i was in albany and abortion, the debate taking place state government and
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provide the best amount health, women and men and children with the entire plan taking place when the videos were released. one thing that was left out of the debate was the legislation itself doesn't take away and put in the treasury and the women's health underscore included here. the women's health center southhampton and greenport, that's where the money was going for women's health. and very passionate topic for everyone.
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>> thank you. he will have the opportunity a couple minutes. please give your build your statements. ellen anderson for selection because there's no question right here on the congressional level as they. i will probably when i think is important regular but it also spills over to the national level and why i believe he needs someone in congress has a track record across the aisle for a
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delusion. we need to resolve immigration reform in the. we need to find processes of our orders to organizations is back to a functioning level. need to make sure long island is affordable. partners. giving a letter is time and so if the money out of campaign which is all the money going. the gun safety laws and make sure and criminals and it is not
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supported by law enforcement government could say out but then on the other hand government should have this responsibility. it's one of the other end wasteful spending that goes on in government and make a horrible living right here college affordable for all. [applause] [applause]
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it all came sounds good but you wonder in the legal party and elected officials supports the rates of congress being in includes democrats who campaign against the primary. during these debates is a lot you might say when you're desperate whatever it takes to get elected what is most
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important the course 21, resolves over 4000. legislation, veterans healthcare outlook doing. in coming to restore our coastline for getting a zip code for northampton and riverside will legislation have been the chairman of the committee is working with trustees with negative help protecting von der leyen there in the conservation fund and the divine a track record. and restore that coastline.
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for your support equipment. >> chairman daniel you. >> i think candidates and audience. if you haven't registered, get up tomorrow and definitely get out november 8 and vot 2016.
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i go to sleep around global weather. >> what you say in washington? >> in 17. lotteries in the house because there are so many of us. >> remember a few years back when i visited here, one of my commanders on board vision and doing the same exact thing in a lot of different factors to it. the air mattress they're down, it's all good we are with
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congressman building of the first is our interview in 2015 the box you about your sleeping accommodations, telehealth living on air mattress and all the. an updated. >> payroll away one of the members office i wake up. and if it's done on me.
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and everything positive it's done looking for the thoughts and perspectives of the government and they are pessimistic and that's right, they should be upset that they are coming in contact with them and i noticed structure and the growth rate to 50 times the democrat side together to get something across the finish line. >> you about 2016 he said your district has a population, how do you think the past two years have faired terms of what congress has done and the
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administration efforts? >> they have been a lot of bills passed by the house to help veterans on many different areas and no matter how much is event, there will always be more special because for our veterans. the new administration from the division is set and there's a lot more that can be done with how the budgets are medicaid professors instructing accountability and culture are the law and a lot more in degradation. >> the next congress and new it is raising lay down and aggressive platform in 100 days. a very busy schedule, according to?
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>> i expected to be busy, there's a lot to do. on the senate side of legislation and appropriation the cabinet members. on the appropriations side congress and asked reform, infrastructure spending and improving, there's a lot of work to get done today. >> are you are going to balance for constituents back home. >> not just for country sutures back home we have in the first congressional district heard from the deciduous who are deeply concerned with the way obamacare impacted care families
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and employers. they care deeply about border security and the need to improve policy. do have a lot of specific parities week will focus on national topics are being debated are actually. those are all district collective% of the vote, difficult for was a difficult running for reelection in the presidential election? >> for anyone who becomes a member of congress they asked the speaker back over the course of my entire first term, oval office hours, e-mails and trying to get certain flows across the
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finish line responding to constituents, some of cycles and to a productive first term get closer to that time more citrus and voters on the ballot box. >> something perhaps voters don't know about you think to yourself we are not going to go that route work on the committee. >> in the senate and makes our team congress a lot of the lessons you learn how to get a bill out with the public as much as possible. i would say might have been a
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little bit different. it's very fast the in the new york delegation. >> there's so excited in the last two years obama's coming in years president-elect time so little different than my first year's they are so energized and inspired, they know the opportunities short-term and a lot of energy just talking, they are fired up a.
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good morning, introducing today a house resolution you department of justice the and the trump russian began the special counsel to investigate
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conduct for the understanding of the justice department is it itself. it's important to note the reins of the d.o.j. fbi seriously and jobs objectively with the rule of law and the agencies require transparency and accountability running and it's important the servants to continue their work longer than ever before. the concerns of the american people and that requires an independent federal investigation in the past few days we learned there. at least one person to donald trump's pain surveilled the campaign. remind us of how necessary the
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resolution is as well as the second council. we will get to details in the conduct in regards the russia broke take the permit regulations violated in her use of private e-mail server indications were transmitted on a server including e-mails and they were retroactively classified by the department of state. james only acknowledge 65 of the e-mails were ossified as secret of the two classified as. significant evidence of the private server compliance with the freedom of information act
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552 and obstruct justice not having to charlie case of the subpoena insensitive you managerial spirit in the material that is of the software and the destruction of project and no and the meeting between the attorney general director calling attorney general no and the application exploring downhole aligning the justice department and hochul service counselor and chief of staff and hillary clinton during the secretary of state exchange for access to the laptop to contain the questionable e-mails and obtained the director calmly to accelerate will finish it was in
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drafting a statement in the investigation before the 17th the witnesses and speak needs were interviewed. before the house judiciary committee 2016 we need and after she was interviewed by the fbi and director calmly and a final draft of the statement allowed agencies replace grossly negligent showing the federal law is not legally punishable under federal law and the post negligence handling punished criminally and there is 27, 2016 between former president and bill clinton and phoenix, arizona and immediately after hillary clinton was exonerated.
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violated d.o.j. and exonerated hillary clinton in a public statement. one day later life asked, an announcement the d.o.j. desiccation to then presidential candidate would be formally closed with no charges. the fbi during examination of the laptop of an unrelated investigation sending messages your teen girl unexamined department classified e-mails. it took until october 28 of 2016 to announce the letters and chairs of the congressional buddies that he was reopening the investigation of hillary clinton and an egregious delay e-mails fbi discovered. andrew mccabe's wife was running
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for state senate at the time october 26 received $675,000 in donations from the democratic party and the leadership pac control to call on a longtime associate and by specter general noted october 27 of 2016 director calmly required deputy director from the conference call regarding the e-mails to avoid a conflict of interest and the questionable donations. further investigation into whether the director the release of these are politically motivated purposes is warranted. throughout the obama administration failed to fully investigate serious concerns surrounding president clinton and foundation of the iranian
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war. hillary clinton's tenure of family foundation by chairman made julian looking hundred $83000 in contributions to the clinton foundation. ...
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including whether federal departments and agencies such as a department of state and the fbi was looking into possible corruption before the deal is approved. the investigation conducted by the office of inspector general noted multiple with corrupt owners shut down august 2016. asserted on the fbi by senior officials at the justice department. the same ig's report noted shutting down this investigation for party influence was connected to high-ranking officials in the d.o.j. and fbi the same ig's report also found deputy director after consenting to the political pressure served on the clinton foundation multi- investigation attempted to later use unauthorized leaks to the press to quit paul's narrative he was opposed to the closure of the investigation. who does and is an attempt to
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salvage his reputation of questionable clinton with regard to phis abuse in october 2016 fbi d.o.j. critically buys unverified sources to obtain warrants issued by the knife states foreign intelligence surveillance court of review the fisa court. i did any surveillance of u.s. citizens and. once grant u.s. intelligence and law enforcement agency sweeping power and conduct about collection of a broader range the past, present, future including those of u.s. citizens not specifically targeted on the fisa author is warrant. to obtain these warrants fbi d.o.j. officials submitted unverified dossier prepared by customer sale to the fisa court. failing to disclose christopher sales hired by the fusion gps which is hard by the democrat
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national and hilary clinton's campaign to preferred the dossier of the source was unreliable soon thereafter is going to be terminated as a source. they fisa court does not inform christopher steele is actively opposed to the election of donald trump. it was the unnamed source cited in the media reports the fbi used to corroborate the dossier. fusion gps have been hired to perform previous anti- trump research efforts in 2015. the woods or procedures fbi vetting process required for all fisa warrant applications instituted to ensure all facts in the application are verified to support probable cause for warrant were not followed. from director comey admitted to the committee that material contained in the still dossier was known to be salacious and unverified. to deposit warrant applications are almost never turn down are subject to appeal her presents"
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with no public record of the government is not challenged by any defense it is imperative the government take extra care to validate the information being utilized to build their case before the chick extraordinary step waiving rights of u.s. citizens about his or her knowledge for the opportunity to present a defense for the fisa court responsibility not only to provide the best evidence in support of its case but best evidence against this case. deeply flawed illicit sources politically biased intelligence were approved by the d.o.j. fbi officials at the highest levels before being submitted to the fisa court. i would further not disclosed the fourth record d.o.j. official work for fusion gps on christopher steele directly transmit the dossier other information through bruce for submission to the fisa court. with regard to the trump rush approach to this day there is not been any evidence donald
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trump colluded with the russians to win the 2006 election. in fact, there's not evidence president trump committed any crime when the 2006 election for initial fbi probe into the trapp campaign alleged collusion with russia intelligence and bias motivation. as we have learned in recent days dear jay, fbi or both appear to planted a least one person who donald trump's presidential campaign to infiltrate and surveilled the campaign. text messages exchanged between fbi agent stroke and counsel lisa page during a period of august 16, 20152017 contained serious evidence of political bias and proper handling and to the agency for content egregious effort of bias. lisa page, trump should go f himself and peter strzok said f
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trump. those egregious oversight blamed on a technical glitch even after the messages were partially recovered by the january 2018 many unanswered questions remain regarding impropriety and bias. former director calling propose proposeda series of memorandum classified information and click notes on his conversation with president trump. he admitted sworn testament to the center on intelligence june 8, 2018 he licked this content to a personal friend and encourage that friend to show the material with the process in order to trigger a special counsel investigation. an investigation would reveal the personal friend of director comey was richmond of columbia law school. the director comey provided him with four of the seven memorandum. director comey's actions clear violation of nondisclosure agreements he signed as a condition of his appointment and a clear violation fbi protocol regarding dissemination of
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sensitive information outside in march 2018 from fbi director was fired by attorney general jeff sessions who noted deputy director lacked candor including under oath on multiple occasions and had partaken unauthorized disclosure to the news media. among other violations are in the report issued by the office of the ig offer a wide reaching investigation into deputy director mccabe's conduct. a myriad of d.o.j. personnel have been fired or demoted or have been resigned. fbi director comey come deputy director mccabe, chief of staff to the director james fbi general counsel james baker fbi agent stroke, counsel page, and for special agent josh campbell, d.o.j. senior official assistant attorney general to trauma comply with several related document request by congress.
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providing members of congress heavily redacted versions of some but not all the documents demanded or offered members offering memberslimited in-perse documents and adequate response to repeated requests after months of delay by the d.o.j. reproach introduced by calling for their marks and conclusion i like to point out while many in the public of try to bring to the present that evidence of president trump collude with russia to win the election. as a ton of actual evidence of real misconduct that those same people have been attempting to completely sweep under the rug. i believe in equal scales of justice no one is above the law. that includes anyone regardless of last name pray that even close to the highest levels of d.o.j. fbi special would misconduct in the performance of the duty no official at the justice department could ever allow their own political bias to overwhelm their own
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objectivity responsible performance of their duties. a second special counsel must be appointed in transparency and accountability is demanded for this great legendary historic agencies. with that we are confident the great agencies will be able to move forward stronger than they were before. quick spoken with this idea in general? has the author of this resolution have not had any conversations at all with regard to this resolution on call first second special counsel. this is been 100 a present a product talking to my colleagues for signing off on the resolution one 100%. a clear interpretation for the congressman does evidence show given information work for fusion gps that information was
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used to renew a fisa order? or is bruce or it was in direct communication with christopher steele directly. so there is no doubt that connection, that conflict was real and one that resulted in information passed through to the justice department to the fisa court as an intermediary. what seems crazy is you have the former attorney general meeting with the former president, the husband of the target of an investigation and then immediately exonerating hilary clinton. what seems crazy to me is bruce or whose wife worked at fusion gps is serving as an intermediate with customer still seems crazy to me james comey would be writing an exoneration before interviewing secretary clinton and all of her closest aides who are yet to be interviewed.
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what seems crazy to me is that you go to a fisa court and be presenting this dossier. and not be timely fisa judges the information is unverified. that it was paid for by hilary clinton. on the democratic national committee and providing all the information that support for the fisa judgments not only show the best but the worst evidence was. as far as what's crazy about all of this is a fact every single thing and that resolution is accurate. that is crazy. all the concerns about not being able to provide information for national security concerns and then you provide the information you see there's nothing that risk national security put parthappens time and time again. the facts are empty and up reading the documents the real reason will they are saying national security was that it would cause embarrassment to people who did the wrong thing. next question? >> you made it clear because
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american people deserve transparency but don't really get onto the question the present encouraged effort at all? >> answered black-and-white one 100% absolutely not. >> that it had a conversation in the presence out there? >> and those who answered earlier question, they said the same. speaking for myself as the author of this resolution one 100% of my conversations of my interactions with anyone has been working directly with my colleagues were signing onto this resolution. this was a product of those discussions entirely i've not spoken to the president in any way, shape, form the subject of the content and the purpose of this resolution. >> thank you very much everyone. >> thanks guys.
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>> mr. president? house republicans are here in washington d.c. to work. we want to deliver for the american people and we are honored to be here today. hopefully today the speaker calls us back into session at the beginning of next week. we will see. should have been here this week the senate was here in washington d.c. >> was she doing where is she, what's going on? cooks i actually think she is trying to consolidate more power in her own gavel per choice the feeling of that gavel in her hand. she knows the grip is being loosened and come january 2021 she is going to have to hand it over too kevin mccarthy.
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and, in the meantime she is trying to consolidate as much power as she can. when she bring her house democrats to washington and there is a process where we are able to participate crafting legislation, she won't be able to dictate as much of her radical agenda that appeases enraged liberal base who put the gavel in her hand in the first place. many of us here in this or more or with you on the beaches of normandy. we are honored to be back your today comment to be with you. not just as a member of congress but also as an army veteran. i want to thank you for all of your support for the military. so many ways our military was a weakened before you got into office. and we sought troop strength reaching levels of pre-world war ii levels. it was not just troop strength but was with our equipment. whether support of the military, preparing our troops to win, understanding you do not send
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our troops into battle it was we sent to win. or you don't send them at all and you know that. you've been following these principles of understanding our enemies do not respect weakness they only respect strength. has someone who is still the army reserves and knowing right now men and women are broad, they can fill in the goat night their parents can fill and they go to sleep at night knowing that you have their back hurt our greatest generation that fought for our freedoms and liberty 75 years ago, they fought for that flag and our constitution and made this conversation today possible. i saw that when they were with you and normandy. the veterans call out like you're 18 or 19 years old again. they were little kids even
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though they save the world. and i want to thank you not for just setting up our military for success but taking care of our veterans. when they come home they should be true the love, dignity, respect that they deserve. as a new yorker owing to say thank you for what was a phenomenal effort to deliver for us between suffolk and nassau county we had well over as of right now well over 75000 positive cases of coronavirus. between the center, field hospitals, army medics, when you asked when your state asks you for public testing immediately proof the extra private lab test immediately approved. i remember getting on the phone with mark meadows and said we needed ventilators. 4000 ventilators show up within 48 hours. i remember getting on the phone it was 10:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m. at night.
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we are talking by house stockpile in suffolk county was out of regular size and 95 masks. the next day you are here in the white house talking about how you are sending hundreds of thousands of and 95 masks they arrive within the next 48 hours. accordingly in surgical masks show up. instantly. i get on the phone just a couple weeks ago but the secretary of treasury to talk about how there is a need out there for county like mind. not we have a population of about 1.48 million per week do not qualify for the facility. secretary mentioned, the knights of getting the last bill passed he is on the phone and working to take care of our issues. what gerrit has it done in the admiral and others who were involved in that effort i would to say thank you. the boeing dreamliner's with ppe in right now that suffolk
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ordered its a huge help. the last thing i'll say is this. i save the point about not just as a member of congress but also as a military veteran thank you part i will also say as a jewish veteran, what happened to me what when i was with you on normandy and many others who support you. it happened again this morning want to put out a message about being the 75th anniversary of d-day. i got attacked as a jew for supporting you. the things they were saying about you was so highly offensive to me. there has never been a president ever was at the back of jews in this country in and around the world like you have. whether it was moving the embassy in israel to jerusalem signing into lot recognizing but most importantly fighting anti-semitism here at home. when i see them attacking me and
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attacking you, especially second you and your team when you are all in for the any other president not just living on her own process but doing what's right delivering on the promises of a president in the past i want to say thank you. and this beaker, we should all be in the same foxhole right now with our rifles pointed in the same direction. we are all here in the same foxhole with you with our rifles in the same direction while you recognize the enemy list coronavirus, the speaker believes the enemy is you. i believe that's true import for the speaker to look around this room right now a people who serve in the house of representatives who want to work today who are in washington today to fight for the american public as hard as we do i thank you for your leadership on all accounts and delivering for new york what truly the 2024
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turning point conservative conference. ♪ >> 80 years ago today, our nation's greatest generation made up of teenagers risk everything to save the world. it was the ultimate battle of good versus evil. we defeated hitler and the nazis. we liberated concentration camps. we preserved freedom. we live in a country that is worth fighting and dying for.
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we are the greatest country in the history of the world. but there still are great challenges, many from within. with every fiber in our body. to achieve the extraordinary. in this moment we have to work harder than ever to be able to save america. mistakes have never been higher. i'm here today with my 17-year-old daughter, my wife diana and i have identical twin girls mckayla and arianna. they were born in their second trimester. they waited just a pound and a half. and now, two weeks from today they'll be graduating high school.
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testing life and education and family is as personal as it gets also this month i started probably my 22nd year of service in the united states military and if i have to go back and do it again i would set up in a heartbeat because defending this country defending freedom is as personal as it gets. for americans like us here in this room this election in 2024 is as personal as it gets. we cannot fail in this mission. if we do our part in january we will get to watch a trump force one. carrying our next president back
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to washington d.c. to get sworn back into office again. on that plane are our dreams for america's future or to have a more secure border and a stronger economy. less crime and more freedom. you have a government again that exist to serve the people rather than the other way around. as the campaign about restoring american greatness and redeeming the american spirit. if it all goes well they will be historic events going on both sides of the capitol on january 20, 2025. i am not talking about republicans and democrats or house and senate. i am talking east and west. on the east side of the capitol that day, joe biden will board
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marina one for a final time. [inaudible] a. [cheering] [inaudible] the of the people. our country has been heading downhill anti-semitism with foreign policy and weaponization, it's up to all of us. it's up to all of us to turn it around. on the west side of the capitol generate 20th god willing.
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[cheering] the administration did not come back fast enough. ascertain the root character and relations that needs to be established. the operations of those powers. what he said to them and the authority are supposed to do. we operate a campaign with his that burden of itself. pertaining to our country we just want to make america great
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again. i remember before covid hit the strongest economy we've ever had. foreign wars are ending, finally now it's once again within reach. we worked as hard as we possibly can 2022 iran for governor where new york is always the one were able to get the other half. how important we were able to split.
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so one party democrat. [inaudible] [cheering] [applause] it's going so wrong. other law-abiding citizens -- [inaudible] after getting sworn into office to let. [inaudible] [applause] [cheering] disasters one party democratic rule. there are two things to take away.
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everything that was wrong with the democrats. for us to have open up their arms provide your time and energy. watching america first as americans. [cheering] [applause] and on top of letting voters know it is time now all
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democrats everywhere near you. [inaudible] above all else we need to bring president trump is now pulling better than ever. going to vote for president trump in 2024. we want to make america great again.
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as chairman of 2825 projects cap to work again have for a long time working together shared. [inaudible]
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everyday understanding. [inaudible] [cheering] we better win. americans will be looking back at this time start within. and we go beyond was in order to have a nation at all. the rule of law. [inaudible] it's about all of us.
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this moment in our country. when standing on that stage once again our 45th president of the united states is a great leader in chief for our country. [applause] [cheering] [inaudible] he will be on track to once again be great again. thank you. [inaudible] [cheering]
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