tv [untitled] CSPAN June 7, 2009 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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heaven and smack me if i act like i am loading. i would just say we were very, very pleased with what happened and with the benefits from investing as well. >> we have a couple of clips here. i want you to explain what they are. this is where the toll road comes up, and you tell me what we are looking at. >> i wonder what we are going to give away next. >> we did not give away a thing. >> where will we be 10 years from now on our highways? >> you will have road she never would have had, and not paid a nickel of gas tax. would you like to not pay gas tax or not build the roads? those are the choices you have. i did not think that was a good idea. no let anybody tell you we gave anything away. we got $4 billion and you did
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not have to give anything for it. i respect your point of view. >> what do politicians mean when they say, "i respect your point of view." >> the gentleman lacked some information, but i respect anybody who is an active in of citizen to pay attention to these things and take a point of view. you were watching a piece of a long series of reality shows. some filmmakers got wind of what i was doing, traveling the state, and they asked to come along and just record it. whatever would happen would happen. i humored them, and said as long as you do not spend much money. i do not want anyone to feel like a prop. if someone feels like it is a
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stunt, they are out of there. there were something like 20 shows. it became so popular, they put them on sunday mornings next to the talk shows. >> let's look at another one. >> the first thing need to know about this is, it was not my idea. only in the most indirect sense. i am the one who said that if i was going to become a candidate for public office, i wanted to do things very differently. spend all my time on the road with the people of indiana, and more than anything, be authentic. say just what i thought, be just who i am, let the people decide. >> so you actually know who we are? >> no, i don't. >> when some of my old friends asked if they come along with the movie camera, and later, if
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they could make a show out of it, i thought it was the craziest idea i ever heard. >> thank you for coming. >> i think you know my husband? >> if i don't, i guess i am about to. >> what is your last them? >> daniels. for those who watch the show, for better or for worse, you will get a close-up, first hand looked, unplanned and unscripted. >> did she really not know who you were? >> it happened all the time, for a while. those were from 2003 and 2004. no one knew who that guy was for a long time. there were a lot of funny moments like that. >> you said this was not your idea? >> as i said, i thought it was probably a bad idea, but it was in keeping with something we were trying to do. i remember now that i said in that little intro, if we are going to do this whole thing, i wanted to try it in a different
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way and try to put the personal contact back into politics, get it out of the tv studio. that has been our practice. i want to stress that we did it on a sustained basis for 16 months. it was not a one weekend tour thing. i never really stopped. i have traveled as often as i can, consistent with the job. i was unemployed then, so it was easy to travel. even now, as often as i can. a lot of times it is on my motorcycle now. >> you with the first republican to win in 16 years in indiana. the first time around, you wonder how many percentage points? >> about six. >> the second time around, barack obama was the first democrat to win the state presidency since 1964. he won by one point. you won by how many? >> 18.
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>> how did that happen, and why did he win? >> i think president obama earned his victory in our state. first of all, he invested a ton of his own time and an incredible amount money. i think it helped him that we had a competitive primary. indiana had not had one probably since bobby kennedy won in 1968. we have a late primary. because of the unusual dynamics of the nomination context, we had an unusual primary. finally our state got paid attention to. he had a head start from all that, and he never let up. give him credit. it was a hard-earned victory. >> the motorcycle. how much do use it? >> i am using it more and more. i have ridden them since i was a kid. someone sometimes comes along and says this is not very gubernatorial. it gives you a way to have a
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little fun in the job. >> what is the farthest you have ridden since you have been governor with a security detail? >> a couple of hundred miles. i am little bit of a problem for the security folks. they have not had to follow someone into saloons and all the impromptu stops that we have made, let alone motorcycle travel. they have put up with it pretty well, i think. >> here is another clip on something called cow bingo. >> we are all waiting expectantly for a cow to unload on the right bingo square.
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this is called cow patty bingo. some lucky guy wins by -- >> what if it falls on a line somewhere? is that a foul? >> we scoop it out with a trowel and weigh it. the heaviest part wins. >> we have a winner. >> were you really asleep there? >> yeah. this is a great way to raise money for charity. >> how many of those people out there know you have a degree from princeton? >> i do not know. next is the work to be in that
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environment in indiana? >> is it work? >> you have lived the high life. >> i know that this mode is very comfortable for me. it is the one thing i enjoy most about the job. i usually say i liked the work and can tolerate the like, but the one thing i like about the life, particularly now, anywhere i go, people do want to talk, and it means something to them that you spend time with them. it is a wonderful gift to have, just for a few years. i have had grown men say, i have never talked to anyone important before. you want to say, come on, it is just you and me. when he gets back to work, i don't care if he says i told that s.o.b. what i thought of
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him. staying at people's houses -- i have had people say to me, i could not do that. >> here is one of those reality shows talking to some good old boys. >> i just worked for george bush for the last 2.5 years. >> do you see my son here? >> which one? >> the rich got richer with the tax cut. >> would you have liked gore in charge the last couple of years? >> that is hypothetical, that is who i voted for. >> it was pretty close. you could have had him. a man is entitled to his opinion. >> i was doing what i was supposed to be doing. >> i like people who get
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involved. >> i am tickled to death that you stopped, because if you had not stopped, i would have talked about you. >> i will remember this place. >> i have been back to that place. because i said i would. >> do you think those good old boys voted for you? >> it is hard to tell. >> the last thing i saw, a 69% popularity in the state of indiana. how can you resist all these people? here is the "national review," with a big cover story. >> isn't that the most hideous picture you ever saw?
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my hometown paper had someone ask if i had seen that. i said i have had trouble killing this presidential talk. that picture will take care of it. no one would vote for someone who looked like that. that is my story, and i am sticking to it. >> one more little video. >> those big tall tennis shoes. >> those were truly dorky. >> dad goes over the dork line every day. he is officially cut off in this conversation. >> who were they? >> that is the apple of my eye, young margaret daniels. that was a few years ago.
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i think she was with me because -- i think it was primary day, possibly, of 2004. something else a little different with us, you almost never see sherry or one of the girls with me. that is my job, that is what i do. i almost did not run because sherry had great misgivings. she likes private life and she likes our privacy. family comes first with her. i came this close to not running for that reason. i said we do not have to do this like other people. i will never pressure you to take part in any event. i have kept that for six years. when she does things of her own choosing, people just love her to death, because she is so non-political. she is the queen of the indiana state fair, basically. she is defending champion once
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removed in a cow milking contest and a watermelon seed spitting contest. >> where did you meet her? >> i was working for mayor lugar. >> how many years have you been married? >> 31. three of my daughters are in indiana, and young margaret is just finishing her first year working in new york city in what is left of the investment banking world. >> you gave a speech on may 9 at butler university. where is butler, and why did you give a speech, because you talk
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a lot about butler being an exciting place for you? rex butler is a great school. is very close to the governor's residence. it is a fine academic school and a great basketball tradition. when i was a kid, the only recreation we could afford -- you could buy season tickets for almost nothing. i have been watching their basketball teams for a long time. i do not go looking for commencement speeches, because i find and challenging to say something innovative at. i cannot say no to butler. >> one of the things you talked about is tony nicolle. >> he is the legendary coach at butler for decades, most associated with the basketball program. >> humility, unity, and thankfulness. did you know that before you
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gave the speech? >> there was an article in the indianapolis paper this spring. i knew there were sort of a code from the program, but there was an interesting article. it had been called the butler way. i thought that would be a big departure for the speech. >> here is some of what you said. where did that come from? >> it is just a conviction of mind. i may have overstated a little bit for effect. if one reads the whole speech, there were many qualifiers hear about the hazards of
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generalization. >> something move you to do this. >> i see a contrast between the values that have made america what it is, the values summed up in the butler way, and those that have too often dominated american life in what we think of as the baby boom era. i illustrated here, but i do not believe we have done as well as we could have. for instance, in the debt we are passing on to these young people. it will be a very difficult thing for them to manage. we could have shown more political maturity in the way we financed the entitlements we have committed ourselves to and that sort of thing. i was urging them to be less self-absorbed, think more about
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with all the caveats that generalizations should come equipped with, i think the next generation should aspire to do a little better in this regard and to be more mindful of the future. look at what we have just come through, the overspending and overconsumption, the under saving. obviously it has not worked out well for a lot of individuals and the overall economy. i think there is a lesson in that. i was simply trying to say, try
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to learn from those things where your elders might have come up short. >> did you see what rich jackson said about the speech? >> no. >> he says as he launches presidential bid, message, you suck. he goes on to say some kinder things. your reactions? >> he is entitled to his point of view. a lot of people reacted very positively to it, too. next year i probably better just discipline myself not to take any commencements. unless you want to get up and spat out platitudes, there is
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always the risk you will say something a little too original for your own good. >> when did you know this had struck a chord? there is a lot of copy out there on this. >> when it started showing up in magazines and ricocheting around the internet and elsewhere. >> did you write it yourself? >> yes. i cannot blame it on anybody else. i wrote it all. why is it that george w. bush, who was supposed to be a conservative, allowed his
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republican congress to run up the numbers? >> it is a question best put to him. i would just say that so many factors are at play. i always tend to be charitable and sympathetic to ever is president. that have multiple pressures on them all the time. far and away, the president's first job, and that president first priority was the defense of america and protection against another 9/11 or something worse. many times, he probably chose not to have fights on other issues where he might have in pursuit of trying to keep his main objective intact. >> by the way, you never told us why, on the daylight savings
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thing. what did you do? >> we just got in step with the rest of america. we were the last state except one that did not change clocks when the rest did. it was not the biggest deal, but it played havoc with certain businesses. increasingly, businesses are tied together, working across national and global markets. it was a problem, and it was not without significant cost. broadcasting is a perfect example. i had people say their customers had to reprogram their computers twice a year just to work with us. it had a lot of symbolic importance to a lot of people, and to some folks, it's summed up the fact that this was going
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to be an era of change, and changes a little difficult for some people. >> how many counties still are on central time? >> about 10. the corner around chicago, the southwest corner. what did change is now the eastern part does stay in sync. >> another paragraph from your speech. what is different about your four daughters and the boomer generation?
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>> we will have to see how they choose to live their lives. >> would you see in them that is different? >> i see a lot of their mother, and that is the best thing i can tell you about them. they will make their own choices, and i will support them, whatever those are. i hope that the soon to be three marriages that have begun in our family will last for life, or certainly as long as there are any children. i have enormous admiration and sympathy for single parents. i told you how hard we have worked on things like child support. it remains an empirical fact. this is not a moral judgment, but an empirical fact, that of the children of america -- poverty in america, every social pathology that tears at your heart would be so much less a problem if we did not -- if we had higher rates of intact
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families. this is not something you can legislate. it is not something you should skull people about. you can hope and encourage people to be very careful about this, especially when children become involved, to try to think about placing them ahead of your own happiness, if you possibly can. >> what are you want to say when you change your mind about running for president after we have all the stuff on tape? >> i have been paying myself in. you have helped put another coat of paint down today. in another old song from my era, looking for. our party needs a lot of work. it needs to think about how it can speak more meaningfully to
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the problems of today and to the americans of today, and the young people specifically. maybe i can be a part of that. you do not have to be a candidate to do that. in our state, we always say republicans are the party of purpose. for five years, we have made change after change after change. we have brought a host of improvements and reforms of we have not talked about here. it just says to me that being the sort of political organization that really stands for and earned the right to represent people is now the province of one party or the
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other. maybe i can help a little bit, but not be the front man. >> governor mitch daniels, we thank you, but we also want to end with another reality clip from a year earlier campaign. >> i just want to say good morning. are you part of the company? >> i just got hired to date. >> fantastic, good for you. what did you get hired to do? >> an account at. >> this is bob. this is your new co-worker. >> nice to meet you. >> very good seeing you. you sit still, and i will come back here. take good care of my new friend, bob.
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i guess bob went to work. they all want to meet you. ladies and gentlemen, this is bob. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2009] for a dvd copy of this program call1-877-662-7726. for free transcripts or to give us your comments about this program is a dozen at our website. these programs are also
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