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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 8, 2009 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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keep certain things secret and i think that's the way it should be. guest: reducing government secrecy and eliminating the classification of things that do not really need to be classified will also help improve the security of those things that do need to be protected. reducing unnecessary secrecy is good it security policy. that is what we need to accomplish. host: when is it james jones support t-- supposed to report back? guest: in august with a series of recommendations, the evaluation, and approval of those recommendations -- it could take several months or longer. host: you can read the report of steven aftergood on our website at
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that will about good. we will be back at 7:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow. have a great day. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2009] . . >> tonight, dennis blair will
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discuss his recent trip to pakistan, afghanistan, and singapore. that begins at about 8:30 p.m., also on c-span 2. the former cia director michael hayden gave a speech at the institute of world politics. it is a graduate school focusing on international affairs. he talks about the importance of a foreign policy vocation. >> it was less difficult putting on my battle uniform than this. you are very kind. everything you said about janine was true. i know you are an honest man. i know you are in washington. clearly, your remarks about me were not rendered under oath. graduates, family, and friends
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of graduates, it is an honor for me to be here among you. not just to be here to recognize your achievements, but it is an honor that you have asked me to be included in such company, to be included in your company. let me tell you why i think that. by going through this program, by earning an accepting this decree, you have made a decision. did you have opted to enter a vocation. -- you have opted to enter a vacation. it is not a job or a task. it is a vocation. janine and i went to officiate at the commissioning of my sister's son. he is about to join the navel cord. he invited me to administer the oath of office. that commissioning in the world that i have lived for the past four decades, in the world i
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have been in for the last four decades, that commissioning is up there with being baptized in getting married. i would sell you today that what you're doing is in that same neighborhood. i emphasize that because i know what the institute of world politics is all about. i know the principles that have animated it. i know the values that have become part of you because of your formation here. it is you're embracing of these values and your acceptance of the vocation that motivated me to be here. it honors me to be included in your circle. i would like to talk for a few moments about the work i think you have set out on, the path that you have chosen. i've been summarized that -- i
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would summarize that based on what i know about you and the institute. the summary of would give you is the outline of my remarks to follow. -- the summary of what i would give you is the outline of my remarks to follow. that is that you need to be wholly what you are. that means to be an american, a citizen of this country, as well as being a responsible global citizen. a member of humanity that reaches beyond national identities. there are those that sometimes portrayed those things, being who you are as an american, and being beyond that as a responsible international citizen, is sometimes portraye - they sometimes portray them as opposites.
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but that is not the case. i would offer you the view that i, and you, it cannot fully be international citizens without fully embracing the identity of what it is that you are. for most of you, that means being an american. i know that other nations are represented here. i will use the united states as an example. this issue of specific identity applies to all of us. i know you have studied both our society and global issues. let me begin with a few remarks on the american part, on being american. one of the views i have experienced with international duty is that you will be able to see yourself and i were society more clearly because of your international connections.
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-- you'll be able to see yourself and our society more clearly because of your international connections. i think you'll like what you learn about us. i was in an airplane over virginia with a pakistani counterpart. we were looking down on the virginia countryside. i can recall going into a country i have not been to before, i looked out the window and tried to abort the countryside -- i looked out the window and tried to absorb the countryside. i asked this pakistani partner looking out the window what he thought when he looked out and saw the american countryside. he gave me an answer i remember to this day. i will tell you. he told me about traveling in america by car.
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he would pull off the interstate and go into a motel, gas station, or restaurant. although he was completely pakistani, people. just assumed he was an american. -- people here just assumed he was an american. that does not happen in a lot of countries around the world. i was in a congressional committee. it was an open session. i was just fine with the outgoing head of intelligence and analysis for the department of homeland security. -- i was testifying with the outgoing head of intelligence and analysis for the department of homeland security. we were talking about the home from terrorist threat that seems to be a part of britain. -- we were talking about the home grown terrorist threat that seems to be a part of britain. he said we always have to be on our guard, but we have to understand that american and
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british society are different. the immigrant experience here is different from that of most other countries. he said the average income of islamic americans is above the national average. that is not a commentary on economics. that is a commentary on welcoming. that is a commentary on integration. in another instance, i was with a british partner. i was the director of nsa at the communications headquarters. nsa and the other agency have been working together since world war ii. we invite each other to our nation's. we often try to coordinate our activities. they usually take us to some english country house. we usually take them to the motel 6 in maryland.
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[laughter] we were trying to spice it up. we took them to gettysburg. we went to the army war college. besides the business meetings, there are cultural events as well. the cultural event was to walk the battlefield. we want someone from the college that actually knew the battle. we walked through it each of the three days. we got today 3, the day of picket's charge. we were there along the ridge looking at the trees. we were standing where the army of northern virginia was. we could see were the army of the potomac was stationed. they were giving us the description of the generals objecting to each other.
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longstreet does not for pickett to begin the charge that he knew was doomed. we began to go up the ridge. my counterpart was named sir francis. i turned to him and told thhim that more people would die in that battle than died on the beaches at normandy. he was stunned at that realization. americans are sometimes characterized as being casually of verse. we cannot stick it out, if we have casualties, we will cut and run. someone else from another nation told me that he told others that did not understand the americans when they said they would not stick it out.
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he has walked the walk from seminary to cemetery ridge. you will understand what the ambassador was saying. we were with sir winston churchill's grandson. he was commenting on the flexibility of the american army. it was so thoroughly able to change its approach to the war in iraq, almost turning on a dime, and he suggested the royal army could not have done that. i learned more about us in that conversation with our british friend about our ability to do certain things. i had a conversation with an ambassador from a middle eastern country. he said something along the lines of the americans not sticking it out because they were feeling. the ambassador said he told his head of state that these are americans. if they are failing, they will change what they are doing. that is a reflection on the pragmatism that has marked our
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society. this is a big place. none of us have tralee absorbent the richness of our society. i have often had the chance to see our society -- none of us have truly absorbed the richness of our society. we took a danish officer with his wife and daughter up to pennsylvania several summers ago. to see the look on their faces as we got into lancaster county in on this country -- into lancaster county and amish families just 90 minutes from the capital, to see these families moving around in horse carriages. we went up over the south
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mountain towards antietam creek. we were going through these small towns in western maryland. as we were going through these towns, there were american flags on many of the homes. the wife of the officer turned to janine and me and asked about all of the flags and whether it was a holiday. this was in the summer of 2002. i told it was because of the war. there was a bit of a light bulb affect to our german partners on the attitude of americans and what we were about. many in europe did not have the same picture. i had the good fortune of taking a spanish partner on a helicopter ride from fort meade into west virginia. it was a glorious fall day. within about 20 minutes of flying, we were over washington national forest just beyond the
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shenandoah valley. we were looking at the north american continent as it must appear to the first settlers. it reminded me and i were spanish partner that we are frontier people. -- it reminded me and our spanish partner that we are frontier people. it has made is different, not better or worse. it has made us who we are. in the fall of 2004, we had a meeting with our british partners. they wanted to talk about values. even in 2004, you could see the storm clouds on the horizon about the values debate between the united states and our traditional friends in europe. with our british partner, we were in a lovely country home. we were in the library drinking brandy. about 15 or 20 of us were going
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to have a discussion on values. our british partner decided that i should leave it. i did not know quite how to begin. i thought about it on the plane ride over. i had some ideas. i asked everyone to think of their five favorite movies. do not write them down. just think about them. it will not be a test. then i went round the room and asked how many of them had "high noon" on their list of the top five. none of our british partners, about half of the americans. that is the quintessential american film about the american frontier experience. i do not want to overplay this, but the american frontier experience has had a great impact on who we are. i am not claiming it is better. i am not apologizing because it
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is worse. i am just telling you it is different. i reminded our british friends that a few weeks before, i was at the nissan pavilion of onstage stopping in singing with toby kieith singing "whiskey for my men and fear for my horses -- beer for my horses." [laughter] i ended my remarks by saying there are some fundamental differences. most states have the death penalty and most americans go to church every sunday. both of those things, for better or worse, distinguished guests from many of our european friends. -- distinguish us from many of our european friends. there are things that you should
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be proud about that not arrogant about. you are citizens of the world's only superpower. i guess we have earned that by our political and economic system. in reality, the superpower status is not something to be earned. it is a duty. it is a duty to be carried to the best of our ability. when it is not our turn some day, we can put that burden down. we can hope that the rest of the people on the planet will believe that we carried out that do fairly well. i can recall when we were drawing down our forces in germany after the fall of the wall. as each of the small garrisons would close, the local newspapers would have commemorative editions about the american garrison and how it became intertwined with the local community. there was a quick vacation -- a
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great quotation from one of the newspapers. it said something to the effect that as occupiers, they were not so bad. [laughter] let's hope that the rest of the world feels that way about us when we are no longer the superpower. i spoke to the agency that i just left. i told them when they were meeting with our partners to remember that you represent the only superpower in that room and not to ever act like it. our partners already know the first fact. they are checking for the second. that brings me to the second element in your preparation to make a meaningful contribution. that is not just being an american. that is being global, to understand the things beyond our shores. it is to appreciate and value them.
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the first order is learning about the broader world. it shows that you have an appropriate measure of respect for other peoples. i recall one instance with my wife and daughters. we were in the largest town in european turkey just across the border from bulgaria, where we were serving. the brigade commander invited us to come down. we spent a wonderful day with him. he took us to the largest mosque in europe outside of istanbul. it was a massive structure. my wife and daughter immediately began fishing in their backs for head coverings -- in their bags for head coverings. he told us they were christians and did not need to do it. my wife and daughter said that
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they were in a mosque and of course they would do it. do you see the point in counterpoint? each try to be respectful of the culture of the other. there was a magnificent speech last week in cairo. he gave jesters that drew warm applause when he used the phrase, "me peace be upon him" after speaking of the prophet mohammed. -- he made gestures that drew warm applause. i had a similar experience in korea. i was in the combined forces command. the deputy was a korean four- star. the korean language is complex. the native speakers of have
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their language simplified. we do not even have the multiple versions of "you." we ditched the informal "yous"a long time ago. many language have the formal and informal verb. koreans go further, they have separate verbs for each form. the commander came in and told me, the two-star general, -- he addressed me with the informal version of wishing me peace in korea. i responded with a formal. i will never forget the look on his face. he stopped, smiled, tilted his finger at me, and walked off. it was no credit to me.
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it is just a suggestion that this is more than just being polite. these are keys opening up relationships that lead it to knowledge. the sensitivity to the world beyond our shores has hard core information of value. i was with the head of intelligence for the european command during the un protection force in croatia and bosnia. in the fall of 1993, there was bitter fighting going on in eight bi-national town south of sarajevo. you're all familiar of the korean war scenes of towns being leveled. this town was leveled by small arms fire. the old, traditional brick
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buildings were whittled down by automatic weapons fire and not artillery. we were asked by the four-star deputy commander of the forces in europe who was on the offensive. we said that the croatians were against the bosnians. he asked for the would go. we told them they would go all the way to the river. he asked why. we said it was a natural defense line. that river drops down about 20 meters on the croatian side, but that was not the reason why they would fight to the river and stop. the answer was that in christendom, in the 11th century, the dividing line between protestants and catholicism was the river. they would go to the river and stop.
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they did. that is what i mean about observe -- absorbing the world beyond our shores. sometimes this knowledge of events can help you make connections. as the director of the cia, we try to foster good relations with partners. we had dinner with the deputy secretary of iraq. we had him to our house for dinner. as an air force officer at the time, i could call in the air force band to play music. i asked the director of the air force band if he had a kurdish ensembles. they did not. the university -- i asked if they had a celtic group.
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they did. we have ended the after-dinner music. then they did an encore. i asked them to play the music from deep background of ken burns' documentary on the civil war. they did it magnificently. he asked about it. he said was hauntingly beautiful. i told him about the civil war. i told him that even though it was a modern song, it has become associated in the american consciousness with our civil war. he leaned forward and ask how many people died in our civil war. i told him we had about 31 million americans within.
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there are 21 million in iraq now. we lost 21 million people. he kind of stood up in his chair and said "let us pray it does not come to that." that cultural sensitivity allowed us to create common ground. there was a book about 30 years ago called "thinking in time." most americans rush in and ask about the problem. that is not the best question. the best question is "what is the story?" i suggest to you that we are real can-do people. but sometimes they think we rush to action without thinking. sometimes they are right. i would ask you about this story. it is sometimes very hard to get
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the story if you insist on getting it in english. that is my advertisement for foreign languages. it is hard to get the story from a distance. it is hard to get the story through just the printed word. that means you have to go there and appreciate it. i was blessed in my last three jobs. i got to appreciate the humanity of people like karzai, maliki, the king of jordan. someday, maybe you will too. but you need to go forward and appreciate the humanity of folks out there as well. you need to appreciate the geography. you cannot just look at a map and say that israel is a small country. you need to get on the helicopter at masada the place where several hundred were killed by romans at the end of the first century. get on the helicopter end in 20 minutes or so, flyover
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bethlehem, jerusalem, galilee, and land within sight of damascus. now, you have an appreciation that they do not have a strategic depth. you need to appreciate the history. you need to have your jordanian friend point over the ridge line to a trail going up from galilee. that is the one at st. paul was on going to damascus. -- that is the one that st. paul was on going to damascus. half of the cia agency has been hired since 9/11. we have a lot of junior people. i began to ask the experts along the take to build an analyst with 20 years of experience. they came back with an unacceptable answer. they said, "about 20 years." [laughter]


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