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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 8, 2009 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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very short period of time and i thank you for your leadership and certainly i thank our leadership, the leadership of our caucus as well as the leadership of the administration of this nation, for their vision and with that i would yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back her time. does the gentlewoman have a motion. ms. fudge: madam speaker, i move that the house do now adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the motion is agreed to. accordingly, the house stands adjour
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>> we just went to your hometown, mr. president, in chicago. a company came in and bought out a factory there but several others around the country. hiring, laid off workers because of the increased demand for energy efficient windows. you provided aid to state governments which has been a real consequence, affecting critical safety net program, then saving thousands of teaching jobs and thousands of law enforcement jobs. mr. president, the department of transportation provided more than 4,000 frack improvement projects -- infrastructure improvement projects, many of which have begun constructions in the last 100-days and will come online in the next 100.
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you've made record investments in new contingency, energy contingencies, wind, solar, biomass that are going to build a platform upon which this whole new energy economy is going to be built. and mr. president, the process doing this you've already saved or created more than 150,000 jobs. and mr. president, a couple of weeks ago, you authorized me and i thank the cabinet for doing this, call a cabinet meeting once a week. a couple weeks ago i the cabinet members to give me a list of new projects that they were absolutely certain they could get up and running in the second 100-days that would build moment up and accelerate job growth in the next 100-days. they each came back with new projects. the ten most significant projects mr. president we put in this book let's we're going to give you. it's called road map to recovery here. as we release that today, this document explains our ambitious
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plans for the next 100 days throughout the summer, lays out which you'll see, mr. president, exactly where these jobs are geographically, how they're distributed in each of the projects we're talking about. and so, mr. president, i think nothing we've begun in the first 100 days is going to come to an end. everything from unemployment insurance is going to continue to spend out, the tax cuts, weatherization into thousands of homes, development of the nationwide smart grid. none of it will stop. but what talking about here is putting some pace on the ball. we want to emphasize the 10 new major initiatives that are going to kick in in this next 100 days. and truth is, mr. president, thatly divided into 100 days here. it's about the cumulative impact of what the congress asked, and
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it's about pace on the ball. every 100 days if we're doing this right, mr. president, should produce more than the last 100 days. and so the next 100 days, mr. president, we think we're going to grow jobs by another 600,000. and this summer i think gearing to achieve a number of things. i -- going to achieve a number of things. i want to go through the 10 major initiatives. justice department. they believe they'll be able to put 5,500 law enforcement officers on the streets during this summer. -- health and human services --
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energy savings, using high tech energy standards. veterans, 90 veteran medical centers across the country are going to see improvements in their facilities, access in caring for veterans better and it's going to begin this summer. we're going to start department of ag ag 200 new waste water and -- projects through the america. as you know, mr. president, these are big ticket items. most of these little towns can't afford this but it impacts on their quality of life. transportation we're going to begin work and rehabilitation on 90 airport, 1,500 highway locations throughout the country. that means we've authorized the money, mr. president, but now the contracts are let, shovels are going to be in the ground, people with hard hats are going to be working making a decent wage. at e.p.a., mr. president, we're going to accelerate the clean
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sites that exist on the national priority list. education, 135,000 education related jobs including teachers, principals, administrators, support staff we'll talk about in a minute. at labor 125,000 summer jobs. and the idea of these summer jobs, let's not make jobs we're going to put students in positions of jobs that they'll be able to turn around. lastly the defense department will initiate 2,300 rehabilitation construction projects on 359 military facility across the country. so mr. president, whether it's more energy efficient facilities and our park system, more teachers or more cops in the street, construction cranes and hard hats are going to be seeing a lot more this summer than they have in the past. we've accelerated efforts mr. president across the federal government. as i said, at the end of this 100 days we feel confident we're going to be able to demonstrate to you we have created or saved
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another 600,000 jobs. it's fairly ambitious, mr. president. but i asked the cabinet give me what they think is realistic, what's within their wheel house, what they can get done. as a consequence of all this we're also starting up a new web site today. it's www.whit and this is going to have a little bit of interactive aspect. because what we want to they're watching this happen in neighborhoods, parks, whatever, we want them knowing that what we're doing is fully transparent. wee fully accountable. and we want them to watch us closely. we want their input. we want them to tell us whether they think it's working or not working and how it's affecting them. so mr. president, by the fall i think wee going to be much further down the road to
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recovery. and i can say in conclusion, mr. president, we made a lot of trips around the country. and i understand we got a lot of major major things you're dealing with here in washington and we're all dealing with. and it's of worldwide consequence. but i'm telling you, when we go out and almost every cabinet member has been with me at least once. when we go out, the feeling of optimism, the feeling of something getting done is palpable. people are coming up to us at these meetings and saying, "i'm not working now. my brother-in-law has got a job. look what he's doing down the street here. this school is open." and the coverage in the communities we went, to big cities like little towns in eastern north carolina. it's uniform. they get it. it's starting to work, mr. president. and hopefully we're going to be able to sit with you by the beginning of the fall and say, boss, another 600,000 jobs and we're on our way to that
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3.5 million. >> well, thank you, joe. and thanks to all of you, cabinet, subcabinet, agencies that have been involvedded in this process. you know your leadership bill has been critical on this. i'm grateful to you and your team for helping to coordinate between all the agencies because there are a lot of moving parts to this whole process. on friday we learned that we had lost an additional 345,000 jobs in the month of may. that was far less than was expected. but it's still too many. that means that there are families who are still losing not only their jobs but maybe losing their homes, finding themselves under extraordinary financial straits. and it's a reminder that we're still in the middle of a very deep recession that was years in the making. and it's going to take a considerable amount of time for
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us to pull out of. a a. >> having said that, this is about half the number lost of just a few months ago. and it's a sign that we're moving in the right direction. the key is for us to build on the modest progress that has been made in the months to come. when we arrived here we were confronting the most significant recession since the great depression. it was bad and it was getting worse. had we done nothing, i think it's fair to say that most economists believe we could have really gone into a tail spin. we decided to move swiftly and boldly. and i sign add recovery act into law just over 100 days ago. and we've done more than ever,
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faster than ever, more responsibly than ever to get the gears of the economy moving again. we've created and saved as you said, joe, at least 150,000 jobs, jobs of teachers and nurses and firefighters and police officers. people who had been laid off are not being laid off. folks who might have seen that plant close as you pointed out in my hometown, suddenly they started seeing orders coming back in. and that meant that they were retained. we offered immediate relief to 95% of working families through our tax cuts. we helped struggling state governments safeguard critical safety net programs, and in some cases made them work better. so kathleen as you know a lot of people they lose their jobs they lose their healthcare. because of the recovery act, if even when they lost their jobs many of them were actually able to use the cobra program that
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was cost prohibitive previously. so we've got some good news to report. i've been receiving the weekly reports from all of you. and i thank you and your teams for your dedication in moving this forward. having said, that i'm not satisfied. we've got more work to do. the biggest concern that i have moving forward is that the toll the job losses take on individual families and communities can be self-reinforcing. people lose jobs, they pull back on spending, that means businesses don't have customers and suddenly you start -- you start seeing more job layoffs. our whole path of the recovery act is to reverse that negative cycle into a positive cycle. and it's going to take some work. so i'm pleased to know that having put the infrastructure in place, having gotten your teams up and running, many of the
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criteria by which money is going out in a responsible way that protects taxpayers having been created, now wee in a position to really accelerate. and so the goal here is that we're going to creator save 600,000 jobs over the next 100 days. joe highlighted some of the specific commitments that we're making to keep the recovery moving forward. keeping teachers in the classroom, cops on the street, providing summer jobs for youth that are particularly hard hit in this job market, breaking ground on hundreds of new projects all across the country and clean energy and transportation and so on. and we're going to do it continuing to operate in a transparent fashion so that taxpayers know this money is not being wasted on a bunch of boon dog els. and i think that sometimes good news comes in what you don't hear about. and you haven't heard a bunch of
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scandals, knock on wood, so far. that doesn't mean that the thing going to be nawless. but i think it is fair to say that given the speed with which we've acted, all of you can be proud that many of the safeguards and transparency measures that have taken place so far seem to have worked. we've got to keep that up. because at a time when everybody's tightening their belts, the last thing the american people want to see is that any of this money is being wasted. now, i know that there are some who despite all evidence to the contrary still don't believe in the necessity and promise of this recovery act. and i would suggest to them that they take to the companies who because of this plan scrapped the idea of laying off employees and in fact decided to hire employees. tell that to the americans who received that unexpected call
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saying, "come back to work." tell it to the americans poised to benefit from critical investments that this plan makes in our long-term growth and prosperity. in the end if that's the only measure of progress, is whether or not the american people are seeing some progress in their own lives. and so although we've seen some stabilizing the financial markets and credit spreads have gone down, we're seeing a reduction in the fear that gripped the market just a few months ago. stock market's up a little bit. all that stuff is not our ultimate goal. our ultimate goal is making sure that average family out there, mom working, dad working, that they are able to pay their bills, feel some job security, make their mortgage payments, the small business owner there is starting to see cuts coming
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back, in they can make payroll, they can even think about hiring a little bit more and expanding. that's the measure. how ordinary families are helping to rebuild america once more. we've got a long way to go. but i feel like we've made great progress. i'm grateful to you, joe, for your leadership. i want to thank all of you for the good work you're doing. and now we're going to get into the nitty-gritty of how we're going to make this happen. press, thank you. >> we're live at the g.o.p. senate house fundraising dinner. the national republican senatorial committee and the national republican congressional committee raised some $14.5 million tonight. those two organizations help elect candidates to the house and senate. the keynote address will be given by former house speaker newt gingrich. at the dais the nrcc chairman
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republican pete sessions. you're watching live coverage on c span. >> week after week i see house democrats give nancy pelosi a blank check, a blank check to do with as she wants to the american taxpayer. and taking our hard-earned dollars. and i believe that american people are increasingly alarmed -- alarmed with what they see. the real consequences of democrats unchecked one party rule in washington with trillion dollar spending sprees with more debt than any time in our nation's history, with job-killing taxation and regulation, i really don't think this is the change that americans thought they could believe in the last election. where i come from, people pull together in tough times, united with a defined set of national
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goals in the best interests of every american. as republicans we share this unified national interest of empowering people, not the government. not just to create jobs and grow our economy but also to ensure that america's best days lie in our future. this certainly is in stark contrast to nancy pelosi and her democrats in congress, because they apparently believe that the solution to every problem is bigger government, and apparently their definition of economic activity means -- means picking winners and losers in the market place at the expense of millions of jobs. the bottom line is that american people know we cannot tax, borrow and spend and regulate our way back to economic prosperity. and i'm here tonight to say that republicans are working tirelessly for fiscal
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responsibility and to hold democrats accountable for their actions. [applause] >> together, we are shining the light on back room deals. together we are uncovering the truth behind unproven accusations. and we are promoting transparency and oversight on behalf of american taxpayers who deserve much better from their government than what they're getting. let's take a listen now and see how an united, energized republican conference is fighting to reclaim a majority in congress. thank you for being here tonight. god bless you. and god bless america. [cheers and applause]
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>> -- passed by the house again without a single republican vote. >> every single house republican joined by nearly a dozen democrats in the house voted against a misguided house spending bill. >> a psychological setback for the administration. a boost for republicans in the senate. >> speaker police see has designed this bill, she owns this bill. this is not a bill that will provide any stimulus. >> there was a moment where the republican party said this is not who we are, not what we stand for. and every house republican voted against that big tax and spend project. >> when the house stood together, that's really where the courage starts here. and i think that courage has been contagious. ten couraged a lot of us over here to keep working. but more than anything, i think the american people said, "maybe we can stop this." and they started calling. and that's where it all began. >> 1100 pages, 1100 pages, not one member of this body has
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read. not one. what happened to the promise that we're going to let the american people see what's in this bill for 48 hours? nope, we don't have time to do that. >> you've got to be kidding. you have to be kidding. >> if ever there was a massive bill where the devil is in the details it is this bill. and there are many devils. >> an ill-conceived, wrong-headed, misdirected spending spree. >> the biggest redistribution of wealth in our nation's history. >> democrats' answer to everything is just throw another trillion dollars at it. they think the way you get out of our financial mess is to borrow more money. >> it seems like the answer in washington these days under a democrat-led congress is just to throw money at problems. and we've seen that time and time again. >> by being united, republicans are sending a signal to the people of the united states that the policies of this congress and this administration are wrong. >> i have not seen the
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republican conference nearly as unified before as it is today. the republican conference is unified in its opposition of this surge of new government by the democrats. >> the american people are going to be able to continue to count on republicans through the this session as we face the issues particularly as it relates to healthcare, spending, energy, all of those issues. we're going to be together. we're going to represent the views of the american people and make sure that we're on their side always. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the honorable paul ryan. >> good evening again, everybody. you know what? change has come to washington. this is not the kind of change i would argue the american people thought they were going to get. when they went to the polls in november for hope and change,
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they didn't think we were going to double and didn't think they were going to have the government-owned car companies, didn't think the government wold was going to take over the healthcare and energy sectors. and i want to thank you all for being here tonight to help us get the change back that we need. and why here tonight is not simply so that republicans beat democrats. that is not what this is about. what we are here tonight is to build and launch an effort to get our country back. [cheers and applause] >> we believe in the american ideal, the ideas that built this country: freedom, liberty, self-determination, free enterprise and entrepreneurship. that's what the american ideal is. you work hard, you play by the rules, you enjoy the fruits of your labor. that's what made this time
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beautiful, most prosperous nation on the planet, in the history of the planet. and what is the kind of change the president and his party are bringing us today? they want to replace that notion, that idea of equalizing opportunity for all americans with the european notion of eek liesing the results of -- equalizing the results of people's lives. that is not what america is all about. and for us to get back, for us to reclaim the american ideal, we've got to be the reform party we used to be. we've got to be the party of ideas. and guess what? we got a special treat tonight. because the architect of the last reform movement, the man of ideas, newt gingrich, is our keynote speaker this evening. [cheers and applause] >> he was the architect of the contract with america. newt gingrich was named time magazine man of the year in 1995 because they could not neglect the fact that he led a massive
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and important transformation of our government at the end of the 20th century. newt is here with his lovely wife carissa this evening. we're about to see a video which we'll show you that this man of ideas is still there. this is not a man with ideas, he is the man of ideas. ladies and gentlemen, newt gingrich. [cheers and applause] >> november 1992, the democrats had just won control of the white house as well as a 82-seat majority in the house. and a near filibuster proof majority in the senate. republicans were in a deep minority. they were looking for answers. they were looking for a leader.
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in just two years, the democrats had taxed and spent and threatened to take over healthcare and expand the welfare state. our way of life, our freedoms were in yep are ditch. and so americans began a new revolution. and a congressman from georgia would lead the way. >> this is truly in a way that very few political events ever are a historic event. >> under the leadership of newt gingrich, republicans promised a new contract with america. sweeping reforms on a government that had grown too much. and for the first time in 40 years, republicans won control of the house and the senate. >> we're winning. we're winning. we're winning. >> this was a resounding victory for freedom. the republicans' revolution. >> mr. clerk, the speaker elects newt


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