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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 9, 2009 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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of consumers that will boost their confidence. now, who else has done this bill? well, 16, and guess what, the sales are up. germany, sales have increased by 40%. france, sales are up march through may. the u.k., japan, china, korea, italy, spain, portugal, malaysia, austria, romainea, lucksomberg, even slovakia, auto sales have increased by some 18%. madam speaker, this is a very good bill. it's one that has bipartisan support. it's time to put american jobs first and begin to move this process forward. we have -- we know we have a majority in this house for this bill. the question is, do we have 2/3? i'd like to think that we do. this is it. we're not going to have another bill. it's not going back to rules. we need to pass this. i yield back the balance of my time of those two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentlewoman from ohio is
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recognize. ms. sutton: at this time, it's my honor to yield one minute to the gentleman from ohio, mr. boccieri. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. boccieri: this bill is about putting america first. we heard this all through the last campaign about how we need to invest in america, we need to protect american jobs. congresswoman betty sutton has stood up for american jobs and put new meaning to putting old betty back in the garage and putting new cars on the streets. that's why it's imperative that we pass this bill. 25% of ohio's economy is based on how well or how poorly the automotive industry performs. 560,000 new vehicle registrations alone in ohio last year. that averaged 150,000 per dealership in ohio.
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that is about putting americans back in american-built cars. i yield back my time. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlewoman from ohio reserves this egentleman from michigan is recognized. >> i yield two minutes to the distinguished republican whip, mr. cantor, of virginia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. cantor: madam speaker, i rise in reluctant opposition to this bill. it was my sincere hope this bill would have come to the floor under a process that would have allowed members to offer amendments. had we been permitted to do so, i would have offered an amendment to allow individuals to use the credit for the purchase of a fuel efficient previously owned vehicle. even after a generous credit, for many american family a new car is financially out of reach. yet with gas prices rising again, these families deserve the same opportunity to upgrade
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their current vehicle to a more fuel efficient model. for these families, it could be used toward the purchase of a preowned car could make all the difference. there's a substantial inventory of preowned fuel efficient vehicles on dealer lots available for purchase. these will promote the goals of the program bill increasing the number of fuel efficient veebs on the road. it is important to remember that the livelihood of tens of thousands of americans depend on the used car market. used car sales outnumber new car sales three to one in the u.s. treating cars that meet the same fuel efficiency standards differently based on whether they are new or previously owned effectively picks winners and losers amongst the dealers. given the difficult economic situation faced by all americans, i do not believe it is wise or necessary to reward some americans while punishing others.
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if we were to expand this bill to include the purchase of previously owned vehicles, it would truly be a win-win as it helps the environment by encourage -- encourage more fuel efficient vehicles and helpese our dependence on foreign oil and provide another incentive to help jump start the economy. mr. speaker, i'm saddened i was not allowed to offer an amendment but i hope we can work to address the concerns of those who make their living selling previously owned vehicles. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from michigan reserves. the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized. ms. sutson: may i inquire how much time we have? the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from ohio controls 13 minutes and the gentleman from michigan controls 16 minutes. ms. sutton: it's my honor, madam chair to yield two minutes to chairman waxman. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman from california is recognized for two minutes. mr. waxman: thank you for yielding time to me to speak in favor of h.r. 2751 the cards act. i worked closely with congresswoman sutton and others for this. i believe it hit thets trifecta, it's good for the economy, good for consumers and good for the environment. for the auto industry it means a big leap in sales when they need it most. c.b.o. estimate this is program will help sell 600,000 cars, many of them made right here in america. it's no wonder the big three, the u.a.w. and the auto industry support the bill. for consumers, it means a chance to get rid of the gas gudsing clunker and receive a voucher up to $4,500 to get a new, more fuel efficient car, the better the gas mileage, the high they are subsidy. for the environment, it means a win with every new sale.
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every car or truck sold under this program will be more fuel efficient or cleaner than the car or truck it replaces. i appreciate the work of representative sutton and my other colleagues on the committee for this legislation. i want to abbling knowledge their efforts on behalf of the american auto industry and american auto workers. this legislation was an amendment added to the aces energy bill passed by our committee by a strong bipartisan 50 to 4 vote. i ask my colleagues to vote yes, yes for the economic benefits of the bill, yes for the benefits to consumers, and yes for the improvements in environmental quality. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from michigan is recognized. >> thank you, madam speaker. i would like to yield two minutes to one of the co-founders of the manufacturing caucus and certainly a member of the auto
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caucus, the gentleman from illinois, mr. manzullo, two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. manzullo: madam speaker, this bill will spur auto sales, revitalize the manufacturing sector. without a strong manufacturing sector, we won't have an economic recovery. while i would have prefered a simple $5,000 voucher for any new car purchase, congresswoman betty sutton moved this bipartisan bill so it really stimulates the economy because it sets the chain of supply into motion. it gets people back to work in our facties -- factories. if the first time home buyer tax credit for $8,000 is working to spur the housing market, just think what this will do for the auto industry. stimulating sales is the only way to get the auto strbak on its feet. not further top down infusions of money from the top. the bill gets the american people involved because it's
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bottom up. it sets the fire of manufacturing, it gets us going again. even if somebody does not want to buy a new automobile that person will still indirectly benefit if the positive ripple effect. look what happens when one million automobiles are sold in america today. the caliber proudly built in the 16th congressional district of illinois along with the two smaller jeeps, the sale of one million automobiles in this country means 60,000 people go back to work. $1.4 billion is returned in sales tax to state and local governments. $750 million in federal taxes is paid by the workers and savings of unemployment, cobra, food stamps, john training of almost $-- job training of almost $3 billion. this bill almost pays for itself. but the beauty of it is the fact that it returns the supply chain, it gets people working
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again. it gets the economy moving again. instead of communities having to come to washington looking for money, the money gets restocked. simply because of the payment of the taxes. vote for h.r. 2751. this is a real stimulus. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized. ms. sutton: thank youing madam speaker. at this time, it's my honor to yield to the distinguished gentleman from michigan, mr. kildee, two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan is recognized for two minutes. mr. kildee: i thank the gentlelady for yielding. madam speaker, i rise today in strong support of h.r. 2751, the consumer assistance to recycle and save act. this bill will provide incentives for the purchase of new, more efficient vehicles. helping to revitalize our auto industry, preserve jobs, and clean up our environment. the need for this bill could
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not be greater. as we all know too well, our domestic industry has been suffering a prolonged downturn and our families are feeling the effects. the recent bankruptcy filings by chrysler and general motors further underscore the critical need for action. h.r. 2751 will provide consumers with up to $4,500 in vouchers for trading in their old vehicles and purchasing new, more fuel efficient models. not only will this provide a much-needed boost to the auto industry, including manufacturers, dealers, and suppliers, but will help preserve jobs in our communities. additionally, we are cleaning up the environment by reducing our demand on foreign oil. i've always said what america drives, drives america. i am committed to a strong and vibrant automobile industry. this legislation will help us get through this difficult time
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and get our automakers back on the path to being the economic engine that has driven the american economy. i urge my colleagues to vote yes on this important legislation and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from michigan is recognized. >> madam speaker, at this point i yield two minutes to the gentlelady from the great state of michigan and who was an original author with ms. sutton of the first bill, mrs. miller for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. mrs. miller: i rise in strong support of this bill that will help protect american jobs. we all understand the challenges facing the auto industry. this industry has been hit literally by an economic hurricane which has caused so many hardships, not only for automakers but suppliers, dealers, everyone who has a stake in this industry and its success this legislation is a strong bipartisan approach that will help get the assembly
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lines move, keep traffic in the showrooms prork tect jobs and give our economy a desperately needed jolt. how do we know it will work? because it has been implemented in so many nations across the globe. because in every nation that's implemented a similar program, auto sales have risen and in every nation that has not, like us, the sales continue to fall. that's why this legislation has the strong support of groups like the u.a.w., the national auto dealers, ford, general motors, chrysler, mazda, the alliance of automotive manufacturers, the association of international automobile manufacturers, the national paint and coatings association, the motor and equipment manufacturers association, the specialty equipment manufacturing association, the american iron-steel institute, the afl-cio, the chamber of commerce, i could go on and on. why do they support this legislation? because they understand the best way to jump start the economy is to get auto sales
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moving the plight of the auto industry is a national problem affecting our entire nation. we know this because of the troubles of chrysler and general motors dealers across the nation that are being closed with countless jobs being lost. we know because suppliers are struggling to stay afloat with countless more jobs being lost and at risk. we know this because two of our iconic industrial giants, both chrysler and general motors are today in bankruptcy court. all these vital job providers are clamoring for action and deserve the help of this congress. simply put, we must act. let us support legislation that will protect american manufacturing jobs and this legislation will also give our economy the boost that it needs. i certainly do want to thank my colleagues for all of their support and i urge -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman eas time has expired. the gentleman from michigan reserves the balance of his time. the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized. ms. sutton: thank you, madam speaker. at this time, it's my honor to
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yield two minutes to the distinguished chairman rim tuss and a leader in this effort as well, congressman john dingell. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. dingell: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. the gentleman is recognized. mr. dingell: i rise in strong support of this fine bipartisan bill. the consumer steens recycle and save act, authored by my friend and colleague ms. sutson of ohio. i commend her and her bipartisan co-sponsors for their work on behalf of this. the bill has the support of the obama administration, the u.a.w., domestic and foreign automobile manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers. it also will result in meaningful reductions in vehicle fleet and carbon emissions and fuel consumption while providing much-needed stimulus to our ailing automakers and economy. i express my deep gratitude to
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chairman waxman, mr. markey, mr. stupak, as well as representative sutson, israel, and inslee for their clab rat, collegial approach during the negotiations on the legislation. i want to commend my friend mr. upton and others of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle as well as the entire michigan delegation for their work on behalf of this. this legislation cannot wait. the longer it's put off, the more auto sales will be depressed ancon sumers who are excited thabt proposal will continue to wait for congress to pass this bill before buying that new car that we want them to have. in view of the unprecedented turmoil faced by the domestic automakers and growing imperatives to address global warming, ms. sutton's fleet modernization bill stands out as a practical mechanism by which to achieve cob sumer savings, reduce fuel consumption, lower carbon dioxide and pollutant emissions
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as well as increase sales for a critical sector of the national economy. indeed in countries such as germany, fleet modernization programs have been wildly successful in all of these areas. this is a good bill. it will help us with the environment. it will help us with employment. it will see to it that the united states moves forward rapidly towards full and adequate recoffee from this terrible -- recovery from this terrible recession that we find ourselves. i ask my colleagues to support this bill and i commend its author again. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from ohio reserves her time. the gentleman from michigan is recognized. mr. upton: madam speaker, i would yield two minutes to the gentleman from alabama, a member and good standing of the auto caucus, mr. rogers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from alabama is recognized for two minutes. mr. rogers: thank you. i offer my reluctant support to
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the consumer assistance to recycle and save act. all of us have witnessed the devastation witnessed by the automotive sector. in my home state of alabama, as well as other states, workers have lost their jobs or had their hours cut. many hardworking dealers have simply had to be forced to close their doors. to stimulate the auto sector we must work to stimulate credit markets and restore consumer confidence. that's why i recently introduced my bill the consumer auto relief act. unlike the bill we're considering today my bill would help all sectors of the automotive industry. in addition to helping families, the bill will help incentivize lenders to finances new vehicles. the -- to finance new vehicles. unfortunately, my bill's wasn't on the floor today. nonetheless, despite m reservations about h.r. 2751, i believe passing it is better than doing nothing.
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but not by much. i offer my support for the bill and i urge its passage. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan reserves his time. the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized. ms. sutton: thank you, madam speaker. it is my honor to now yield to the distinguished speaker of the house one minute to speak on this bill, speaker nancy pelosi. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the speaker. the speaker: thank you, madam speaker. i thank the gentlelady for yielding. i commend her for her tremendous leadership in putting together this legislation that we have before us. she, representative israel, representative inslee all worked very hard to come to a position that we can all support today. mr. markey as chair of the select committee and, of course, mr. dingell, the chair emeritus of the energy and commerce committee. mr. stupak, all of our colleagues had an important role. mr. kildee. and our colleagues on the republican side of the aisle
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hopefully will have a good, strong bipartisan vote today on this legislation. because they have given -- you all have given us an opportunity to pass legislation that is a benefit to our economy and a benefit to our environment. we can create and save jobs while addressing the air pollution issue, so important to our children's health. we will do this by allowing americans to trade in their old gas guzzling vehicles and receive vouchers worth up to $4,500 to help pay for the new more fuel efficient cars and trucks. i go into the specifics. i know we heard it over and over again. this cars bill is quite a remarkable piece of legislation. and the timing is perfect. and when they trade in these cars they will strengthen america's auto industry, creating jobs and reducing layoffs and save more than 250 million gallons of gas. this has been tried and true around the world in recent months with great success in
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germany, for example. it boosted auto sales by 20%. because this legislation will deliver consumer savings, increase vehicle demand, help save american jobs while cutting greenhouse gas emissions and reducing our dependence on foreign oil, it is supported by a broad coalition. that coalition includes the big three automakers, the united states auto workers, car dealers, business groups such as the national association of manufacturers, the chamber of commerce and in the lead the obama administration. today with this legislation we will ensure a strong american manufacturing base. as much as anything that we can do in terms of addressing the issue of the auto industry in our country, this is a national security issue. the auto industry's success is essential to ensuring that we
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have a strong manufacturing base. this legislation today will ensure that we have a strong manufacturing base and get more fuel-efficient vehicles on the road which is essential to our economy, to our national security and a clean, green future. i commend my colleagues, once again. i commend congresswoman sutton for her determination to accelerate the pace of when we would bring this legislation to the floor and urge a strong bipartisan support for the bill which it certainly deserves. i yield back the balance of my time to the distinguished manager of the bill. thank you, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from ohio continues to reserve. the gentleman from michigan is recognized. mr. upton: may i inquire from the speaker how much time is left on both sides. the speaker pro tempore: yes, you may. the gentleman from michigan controls 11 remaining minutes. and the gentlewoman from ohio controls seven minutes. mr. upton: madam speaker, i would yield two minutes to the
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gentleman from arizona, mr. flake. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from arizona is recognized for two minutes. mr. flake: i thank the gentleman for yielding. madam speaker, this bill is a bad idea spawned by a bad idea that was spawned by still yet another bad idea and it will spawn other bad ideas in the future. the first bad idea wass to bail out the auto industry in the first place. the second bad idea is for the government to essentially take over the auto industries. we all know that government is not very good at manufacturing anything. so it has to manufacturer demand, and that's what -- it has to manufactur demand and that's what this bill is saying. we need to keep this afloat without other measures they need to take to keep them afloat. we cannot emphademand.
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-- we cannot manufacture demand. they say they have support from ford, g.m., chrysler, the chamber of commerce. can anyone tell me honestly if anyone has not -- it shouldn't surprise anybody that this list of individuals or organizations supports this legislation. that doesn't mean that we should. we have a duty to represent the taxpayers as well here. i should note this morning there was a press conference on pay-go, don't pay out any more than you take in. where is the money going to come from for this? perhaps that's why it's on the suspension calendar so the laws which should govern this place, the kind of pay-go rules we have don't actually apply. but you got to pay the piper at some point, and we simply can't continue to go down this road.
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madam speaker, this is a bad idea. this is a clunker of a bill that ought to be retired and we ought to apply the cash toward our unsustainable deficit. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan reserves his time. the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized. ms. sutton: thank you, madam speaker. it is my honor to yield one minute to the distinguished chairman from massachusetts, chairman markey. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized for one minute. mr. markey: i thank the gentlelady and i congratulate the gentlelady for her excellent work on this legislation, to mr. dingell, to mr. inslee, mr. stupak, mr. israel, to mr. braley, to mr. waxman. this is truly the work of a lot of people coming together. and ultimately the approach has produced a win-win-win-win
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situation. a win for consumers who get a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle, a win reducing our dependence on foreign oil and a win for an industry that's struggling. it's always a win-win, members from the two coasts can join together and come up with a compromise that all sides can support. the price of a gallon of gasoline is rising inextrishly back up to $4 a gallon. it has gone up $1 at the pump on a national average since december. the price of barrel of oil has gone from $30 to $69 since december. this is the kind of bill we need to put in place. my congratulations to the gentlelady. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlewoman from ohio continues to reserve. the gentleman from michigan is recognized. mr. upton: i reserve the balance of my time at the
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moment. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan continues to reserve. who yields time? the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized. ms. sutton: may i require how much time the gentleman from michigan controls? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan controls nine remaining minutes and the gentlewoman from ohio six remaining minutes. ms. sutton: madam speaker, at this time it's my honor to yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from michigan, chairman bart stupak. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. mr. stupak: thank you, madam speaker. as one of the authors of h.r. 2751, i urge support for the cash for clunkers program that will provide cash vouchers of up to $4,500 at auto dealerships for consumers who trade in aging, less fuel efficient automobiles and replace them with modern fuel-efficient models. the cash for clunkers program accomplishes a dual task of stimulating sales in the auto industry. i applaud congresswoman sutton
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for her leadership on this important issue, and i appreciate the support of chairman waxman, chairman emeritus dingell, chairman markey, chairman inslee and majority leader hoyer in helping bring this agreement to the house floor. cash for clunkers program provides an incentive for americans to do their part to reduce emissions without imposing new regulations on industry or consumers. this bill results in cleaner cars on roads and increase in sales for a struggling auto industry. the value of the voucher and criteria used to determine eligibility veryy based on the type of car you're trading in and the type of car you're buying. it ensures a variety needs of consumers are covered under the program. the cash for clunkers program encourages consumers to buy one million new cars and trucks. this program bolesers the automotive industry at its weakest point in years while revitalizing manufacturing and jump-start our economy. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman's time has expired. the gentlewoman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from michigan. mr. upton: madam speaker, i would just note that i have a list of folks wanting to speak but they're not here so that's why i'm reserving the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan reserves. the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized. ms. sutton: i would just inquire of the gentleman, we have an abundance of speakers over here and not quite enough time. would you like to yield some of your time? mr. upton: i yield the gentlelady four minutes of my time. how is that? ms. sutton: i thank the gentleman very much. at this time, madam speaker, i would like to yield 30 seconds to my colleague from ohio, congressman tim ryan. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. ryan: i thank the gentlelady and want to congratulate her. i'd like to make two quick points. one is the gentleman from arizona when he was here mentioned about manufacturing demand. it was the tax credit for s.u.v.'s that actually
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manufactured the demand that led to a lot of the issues we're dealing with the environment. and also the gentleman was critical of the auto industry. i'd like to remind him that it was the auto industry and the tax dollars that the midwest sent out to build the west. all the water lines and sour lines that was made out west were made by the taxpayers and the auto industry and the steel industry that sent their money out. i just wanted to clear the record. i thank the gentlelady from ohio. i get nervous every time i see ohio and michigan working together. but in this particular instance, it's a good deal. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized. ms. sutton: thank you, madam speaker. at this time it's my privilege to yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from michigan, representative peters. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. mr. peters: thank you, madam speaker. the cars act of 2009 is critical not only to spur growth in america's auto industry but to save and create jobs throughout our country. hi


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