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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 11, 2009 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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government spending, foreclosures continue, car dealerships are closing, layoffs continue and the stock market and home values continue to decline. the government is borrowing money it does not have and inflating programs it does not need and making promises it cannot keep. taxpayers don't understand why so much money is being wasted so quickly for nothing to show for. i understand, this week i offered a simple solution, rescind unobligated money from the stimulus bill and save taxpayers over a quarter of a trillion dollars. that's money we won't have to borrow from the chinese. unfortunately the amendment failed on a party line vote. today i'm introduced the repeal of the stimulus act of 2009 and i urge my colleagues to join with me to repeal this stimulus bill, end the spending schemes of the current administration and cut back on the amount of money we have to borrow from china. .
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>> address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. >> mr. speaker, the bankruptcy filings of both gm and chrysler are threatening local auto dealers as both companies are able to buypass laws that are designed to protect small dealerships. hutting the doors on these businesses will mean more job losses. it's incredible that many of us here in congress that these can be justified if it isn't saving a job and in fact, eliminating jobs. i'm co-sponsoring legislation that would protect these jobs by restoring the franchise agreements between the auto dealerships, gm and chrysler. this would ensure the dealers themselves, not the government or the big auto makers that are controlled by the government are able to decide the future of their operations. let's pass this legislation and
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help local entrepreneurs keep the businesses they worked so hard to build. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: are there any further requests for one-minutes? none, the chair lays before the house the following personal requests. the clerk: leaves of absence requested for ms. brown of florida today after 2:00 p.m. ms. brown after 2:00 p.m. on june 11. mr. hill for today until 1:00 p.m. mr. heinz for today and mr. poe of texas for today after 4:00 p.m. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the requests are granted. >> i ask unanimous consent that today following business legislative business and any special orders heretofore entered, the following members may be permitted to address the house revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material.
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mr. paulsen today for five minutes. mr. moran for june 18. mr. poe, june 18 for five minutes. mr. jones, june 18 for five minutes. mr. bishop, today for five minutes. mr. mann zuleo today for five minutes. mr. gingrey, today for five minutes. mr. goodlatte today for five minutes and ms. bachmann today for five minutes. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. for what purpose does the gentleman from colorado rise? mr. polis: i ask unanimous consent that today following legislative business and special orders heretofore entered into, the following members may be permitted to address the house for five minutes, revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials. ms. woolsey of california, ms. giffords of arizona, mr. ryan of ohio, ms. kaptur of ohio and ms. jackson lee of texas. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. under the speaker's announced policy of
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january 6, 2009, and under a previous order of the house, the following members are recognized for five minutes each. ms. woolsey from california. for what purpose does the gentlelady from arizona rise? ms. giffords: i ask animous consent to speak out of order. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. giffords: our nation today is facing many great challenges, but there are three in particular that specifically, i think are of great concern to the american people. achieving energy independence, addressing climate change and stimulating our economy. these are all significant challenges, but they also present great opportunities. as we confront these issues, we have the chance to make our world stronger, safer and more prosperous. one of the best ways to do this is by deploying renewable
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energy. renewable energy sources, especially solar, our nation's bose abundant energy source, offers a real solution. our solar resource is vast, domestic and free. it is clean and generates electricity without greenhouse gas emissions. the solar power industry is growing and creating good paying jobs. solar is important to america. this is why i'm concerned about the way that solar power is treated in the energy and climate bill that recently emerged from the energy and commerce committee. i commend chairman waxman for skill and persistence. i have to express my deep concern that this bill does not do enough to promote solar power, one of the best solutions for our nation's energy and climate challenges. the current legislation would establish a federal renewable electricity standard of 20% by 2020 and that's a good goal.
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the state of arizona is 15% by 2025. however, the bill fails to establish a carve out for any specific tip of renewable like solar. and this constitutes an enormous missed opportunity. the primary reason is to create an assured level of demand for renuble electricity. this allows renewable technologies to increase production, learn by doing and bring prices down. this allows them to become cost competitive with traditional energy sources. without carveouts for different resources, i will will fall short. instead of creating demand for all renewables, it will give preference that cost the least. it will missed out on the opportunity that it was designed to create. it will not grow as fast as it otherwise could and will not become cost competitive. i have nothing against wind and biomass, but if we develop these
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resources at the expense of a more diverse portfolio, we will louis our opportunity to compete in the global marketplace. i understand the reluctance to pick winners and losers, and i grow. but i'm not talking about picking a technology, but a resource and that is a big difference. it is impossible to imagine a future powered by renewables that does not include a significant amount from solar energy. we may not know what that best type of solar technology will be, but we do know and the rest of the world knows that we want it to come from the sun and want it to be solar. therefore, it's in our national interest to ensure that the solar industry is the strongest in the world and do so by continuing to promote and innovate, but we need to make sure that in the future it really drives america. so thank you for the opportunity, mr. speaker. and as we work towards
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implementing solar technology in our legislation, i just want to thank my colleagues for spending time to learn about this important resource. the speaker pro tempore: mr. moran from kansas. mr. poe of texas. >> i ask unanimous consent that since mr. poe is not here, to take his five minutes. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman from indiana is recognized. mr. burton: mr. speaker, in the past couple of weeks, two of our colleagues, frank wolf of virginia, a republican and jim cooper of tennessee, a democrat, sent this booklet around to all of the members. and we get a lot of correspondence and books and leaflets, but i would like to say, i hope you read this. it doesn't take long, but it's extremely important, because it deals with not only with today
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but with our future and kids' future and our posterity. what it talks about is the debt that we have in this country and where we're going. in the last 10 years, we have gone from 5.5 trillion in debt to over $11 trillion in debt and the debt is escalating at a rapid rate. in fact right now, the projected deficit in the future is up to $56 trillion. and the reason these are expected expenditures is for what programs that have been proposed and have been passed into law by this body and the other body. right now, explicit liabilities include publicly held debt, military and civilian pensions and retiree health benefits, plus other things. that's $12.2 trillion. $1.23 trillion is for leases and so forth and the big one, $42.9
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trillion is medicare, hospital insurance, which is $12.7 trillion. medicare outpatient, 15.7. medicare prescription drugs, $7.9 trillion and social security, $6.6 trillion for a total of $56.4 trillion and that doesn't include what's going on today. we are going into debt about $1 trillion to $2 trillion a year and it's going to continue like that because of the programs we're talking about. over the past few months since this new administration has taken office, we have seen proposed a socialized medicine approach to health, a national health care program that lord only knows how much that's going to cost, but it's going to be in the billions and billions and trillions of dollars and that will be added to the national debt because we don't have that money. the auto industry, there has been bailouts of the auto industry and hasn't worked. they still had to file chapter
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11 and over $50 billion. the banking and financial institutions and there was a bailout in the tarp bill. and then the energy bill that they're talking about, the cap and trade, is going to cost a tremendous amount of money, not only for the taxpayers -- from the taxes we get here, but also the money they will have to spend for higher electric bills and everything else in the future. let me say, mr. speaker, this is something my colleagues ought to read. it talks about our future, our kids' future and grand kids' future. there is no doubt in my mind that this country will go bankrupt and we will be like the past civilizations like rome. there is no question about it. the debt is held by china, japan and other countries is out of
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sight. they don't want to buy our debt because the dollar has been plummeting. and right now we are talking about printing trillions of dollars more because they won't buy our debt. when the printing press gets out of control, very down the road, high inflation and high taxes and a country that is unsustainable. the book is called "state of the union finances, a citizens' guide" put out by frank wolf and jim cooper and from the peterson foundation. it's on your desk. i hope you read it. with that, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: mr. ryan? mr. ryan: address the house for five minutes and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. ryan: i would like to rise
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today to speak about an issue that is important to our community in northeast ohio, specifically the city of warren, city of youngstown dealing with the auto task force and the bankruptcy that have been going on in the auto industry. and the community that i come from has been adversely affected, not just over the past few months or few years, but really over the past 30 years. we have seen the loss of a tremendous amount of jobs. the home of delphi started many years ago by the packard brothers, steel mills, have been adversely affected over the past 30 years, but specifically eefer the past few months and new years given the problems in the auto industry. every day we wake up and read the newspapers, we have been getting bad news about layoffs.
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a steel company goes idle, a thousand jobs. general motors takes over the third shift, second shift. delphi went from 15,000 employees 20 or 30 years ago, down to just a few today. and a group that has been adversely affected with maybe not as much attention as should have been given are the delphi salary employees who have spent 2/3 of their careers working for delphi, working under the general motors' umbrella. and helping with the engineering, designing, the running of this company, have spent their lives, spent a lot of their time, missed a lot of baseball games, missed a lot of kids' events, dedicating their lives to this company and now finding themselves in a very difficult position as we go
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through the restructuring, to where many of them have taken a buyout and were promised a supplemental to get them to social security. and now through the restructuring, they may not only lose their pensions, but they're also going to louis their supplemental. they're also losing their health care. and this is a group of people that contributed to this company, contributed to this company -- country and deserve to be heard. and this company that has suffered all of these blows can only stand so much. and here are another 15,000 salaried workers across the country, but probably a thousand in our community that have done the right thing, have paid their taxes, paid their property taxes to fund the schools and the libraries, supported the communities, did the right thing and now are being extremely hurt by this situation.
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and so, along with many others in the ohio delegation, senator brown and others, representative boccieri and representative charlie wilson, marsha fudge, a lot of others, have been spending time trying to raise awareness and push the auto task force to consider these 15,000 people across this great country who have contributed in such a significant way to the auto industry. and we want to make sure that the auto task force recognizes that as these decisions are being made, some already are made, that they are made fairly and equitably, that these people who have served the company as significantly as others get the same kind of recognition, the same kind of support. and they're not asked to bear the brunt of the whole burden. .
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as the new g.m. tries to re-invent itself and get back up on its feet, it's important that they don't lose and i think it's important for the auto task force to recognize this, mr. speaker, that they don't lose a core constituency of general motors consumers. former -- former employees who have been loyal to the company, 15,000 of them, should not only be considered but as a basic tactic for marketing purposes. these are people who want to be loyal to general motors, who want to be supportive to general motors, and feel like they are being forced to bear a major brunt of this. and again i rise today because i have lived and worked and these are people who have coached me growing up and have been involved in all of our lives in such a critical component to our community and many times i have risen on this house floor to talk about the workers and the unions and how, you know, the youngstown steel doors and the
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u.a.w. workers have been hurt but workers are workers and these people deserve to be heard just as much as everyone else and with that i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: mr. jones. ms. kaptur. mr. paul. ms. jackson lee. mr. mcclintock. for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? >> request permission to address the house for five minutes. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. mcclintock: thank you. mr. speaker, the governor of my home state of california has called for the federal government to underwrite as much as $15 billion of revenue anticipation notes that the state has to issue to avoid bankruptcy. i think that would be a colossal mistake. such an act would not only put at risk billions of dollars that our country cannot afford, it would actually make california's fiscal condition worse. today california faces a
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paradox. despite record levels of spending and record levels of borrowing it can no longer produce a decent road system or educate its kids or lock up its prisoners. those who blame the recession for california's budget crisis profoundly misunderstand the nature of that crisis. even before california's revenue began to shrink, the state government was running a chronic $10 billion deficit and piling up unprecedented debt. the recession was merely the catalyst, the underlying cause is rampant mismanagement of the state's resources. california spends about $43,000 to house a prisoner per year while many states spend just half of that. california spends over $11,000 per pupil but only a fraction of that ever reaches the classroom. california has one of the most expensive welfare systems in the country and yet one of the worst records in moving people off of
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welfare. and that's never seemed to bother california's legislature or its governor. they're like the shop keep who are leased out too much space, ordered too much inventory, hired too many people and paid them too much. every month that shopkeeper covers his short falls with borrowing and book keeping tricks. ultimately he's going to reach a tipping point where anything he does makes the situation worse. borrowing costs are eating him alive and he's running out of credit. raising prices causes his sales to decline and there's only so much discretionary spending that he can cut. that's california's predicament in a nutshell. california's borrowing costs now exceed the budget of the entire university of california and the reason for the guarantee is that their credit is exhausted. they've just imposed the biggest tax increase by any state in american history and it's actually reduced their revenues and made the budget gap wider. although there are many
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obsolete, duplicative or low-priority programs and expenditures that the state can and should abolish, there aren't enough of them to come anywhere close to closing california's deficit without directly impacting basic services. sadly, california's reached the terminal stage of a bureaucratic state where government has become so large and so tangled that it can no longer perform even basic functions. a warning to all ofs here in this house, i -- all of us here in this house, i might add. there's no substitute for a fundamental restructuring the safety's delivery systems and restoring the efficiencies that once produced a far higher level of service at far lower cost than what we see today. restoring that efficiency is going to require the governor and the legislature to wrestle control from the public employee unions, to dismantle the enormous bureaucracies that have grown up over the service delivery system, to decentralize administration and decisionmaking, to contract out services that the private sector can provide more efficiently, to
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rescind the recent tax increases that are actually costing the state money and to roll back the regulatory obstacles to productive enterprise. these are the changes that cannot be implemented overnight and that will not begin producing results for some time. and that brings us to the fine point of the matter. what churchill called history's terrible chilling words are about to be pronounced on california's failed leadership. too late. the federal loan guarantee or bailout may be the only way to buy time for the restructuring the california's bureaucracies to take affect but the discussion remains academic until and unless the state actually adopts the replacement structures, actually unburdens its shrinking productive sector and presents a credible plan to redeem the state's crushing debt and looming obligations. without these actions federal intervention will only make california's problems worse by
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postponing reform, continuing unsustainable spending and piling up still more zet that the state cannot -- debt that the state cannot redeem. if california won't help itself, the federal government cannot and it should not and it must not. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: ms. jackson lee. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas rise? ms. jackson lee: unanimous consent to address the house, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. ms. jackson lee: thank you. thank you very much, mr. speaker, and i thank you for your language of yielding to me and your leadership as well. let me acknowledge the very hard work that was accomplished by the foreign affairs committee of the house, chairman berman and subcommittee chairman ackerman, and say that we did the right thing today. by passing the pakistan enduring assistance and cooperation enhancement act, the american people have made a few more steps toward their own personal
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security, their own ensuring the security of the homeland and recognizing a long-standing relationship that has had its hills and valleys. many of us don't know the history of other countries and obviously we have our own wonderful history. but interestingly enough, when pakistan was founded by what has been -- a person who has been known to be called dr. j inner, it was founded on principles. we've had a long standing relationship, although it has been uneven. so today we have restored that relationship and i hope pakistani-americans, our own embassy that is here representing pakistan, really realize that we made a strong statement today for the rment, for the relationship of this nation -- respect, for the relationship of this nation. we have in essence put together a document that would epchance significantly economic, social and democratic assistance for pakistan. we have recognized the importance of public diplomacy
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and engagement. that is a re-investment, a re-ordering of the relationship. we've also recognized the importance of a regional process or coordination between afghanistan, india and bangladesh, recognizing that north asia, this area, south asia, egscuse me, is an important part -- excuse me, is an important part of our security and their security. we must recognize that the people of pakistan love democracy and, yes, what we have seen over the last couple of days really has given us pause. well, i want you to know that the pakistan military, under the secretary of the army, is doing something they don't usually do. their structure has been that they have been monitoring or, if you will, watching the border. that's been their task. for the first time they've accepted the responsibility of internally ridding their country of the terrorists, the ones who have taken over, who have
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undermined, people whose faith may have drawn them to a particular situation or they thought the government wasn't functioning so they allowed the taliban and insurgents to take over. and this is what we have. frankly, the devastation of 2.5 million people who are now moving from one place to the next. but the army is fighting the terrorists. but you know what is more important? the people are standing up against the terrorists. and the legislation we have today will provide an investment through a prosperity fund, it will have certain criteria for federal funding, taxpayer dollars to go to pakistan, they must ensure that their nuclear materials are protected, they must make sure that they are fighting radicalism and we can stop this kind of human devastation. we know the international help that came to us during hurricane katrina, we know what we ask with the tsunami, this is a terrorist tsunami. and i want to say that the government, albeit we disagree with its strength, i believe
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they love democracy. these conditions that may be opposed will workity way through congress but if we didn't -- work its way through congress but if we didn't act today we would continue to have the burials of so many people that are going on in this country. the kind of massive bombing that the terrorists think they can do to intimidate the people of pakistan. so as a co-chair of the pakistan caucus, i am grateful that we made a first step. i want the american people to know that your neighbors are pakistani-americans, they are doctors, they are lawyers, they are entrepreneurs, they are retailers, they love this country and they want to help their country as well. i am glad we made this first step. let me move quickly to a domestic issue and put an exclamation point on what we did right for pakistan and say that i stand here today and support a restoration and bailout for automobile dealers. we missed the boat and we have dealerships who have gotten these ugly letters saying that even though you are a pillar of the community, you're in good financial shape, you can sell
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the cars, you must close. mr. speaker, i stand against it and i believe that as we move forward we must have a car voucher for our automobile dealers who can in fact maintain their independence, can sell cars, whether or not it is by fiat or whether or not it is someone else, chrysler and g.m. cannot close by caveat, despite the bankruptcy structuring, the re-ordering, the re-organization, they cannot come and close hardworking automobile dealerships and we as americans and members of congress cannot forget them. i will be looking forward to supporting legislation and writing legislation for automobile dealers bailout. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: mr. olson. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? without objection, so ordered.
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mr. olson: mr. speaker, i rise today to express my growing alarm with the democrat leadership's clear intention to use the conference report on the war supplemental appropriations bill to ram through a dangerous and controversial agenda through this congress. it is now clear that senate and house democrats have decided to let their own political agenda subvert a bipartisan agreement on providing the men and women of our military with the support they need to continue the fight against terrorism in iraq and afghanistan. i proudly supported the house version of this bill when it originally passed this chamber. however, democrats are now preparing to use the conference report which cannot, cannot be amended, to add unrelated, politically motivated poison pills to the measure.


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