tv [untitled] CSPAN June 16, 2009 8:30am-9:00am EDT
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you are on. bill on the democrats' line. guestcaller: yes i am a democrat myself. i voted for obama. tjust like cheney and bush, that was theirs to start it. if i had any way that obama could get by with it, i would send obama -- we need to seek cheney and bush building a sand castle over there. they need to take care of business over there on their own since they got it started. guest: sounds good to me. i think obama is doing the best job he can, i will agree with you.
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he is trying to pass a lot of things, and keep a lot of people happy said that he can keep moving. i think it is a job of progressives to make our argument. this allows him to choose between the three. it progresses are sitting there and saying what ever you want. -- he has not heard from us. we have to have the space for hand to do progressive things. the way we do these things is to making -- is to make the progress of argument. i think we need to do that, and i think that actually helps him. host: how are you getting the message across to other progressives? guest: we had really son together as a network that could come together and support the republican party, but until the
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web came around liberals did not have that network that it really allow people to come together and communicate, develop our own counter narrative and be able to take action together. i think, in terms of the supplemental right now, we're releasing this manifest. -- we are really seeing this manifest. i want to thank a small group of people. we have come together. the progressives usually hold together on this. they have found inspiration and done this. i am thrilled. that would never have been possible without the web. host: sean on our independent line. and you are on. and caller: i am glad you guys
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got together and got inspiration. as far as it goes with the supplemental, are you guys going to try to try to end of both wars? go ahead. guest: finish your question. i thought you were done. caller: are you going to try to push back on health care because the health care debate is being lost. i do not understand why we cannot have the same single payer health care as france or great britain. it does not make any sense. guest: i agree with you on health care. i would like to see that on the table. as far as the worst, ending it would be a great thing. -- as far as ending the wars,
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that would be a great thing. i do not want to see the steam come out ending the worst. -- teh wars. -- the wars. host: we are going to spend the remainder of prior time talking about the u.s. response. here is president obama talking about the election yesterday. >> we will continue to pursue a tough, direct dialogue between our two l.b.o. countries, and we will see where it takes us. -- between our two countries.
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what i would say to those people that put so much hope and energy and optimism into the political process, i would say to then that the world is watching and inspired by their participation. regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was, and they should know that the world is watching. critically to the youth of iran, i want them to know that we in the united states to not want to make any decisions for the armenians but we do believe we do not want -- we do not want to make any decisions for the iranians, but we are watching and supportive. host: this morning jeffrey
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jedmund, whose radio station is funded by congress wrote tin today's paper what iranians want. he said it would be foolish to believe that the west has no role to play. and the people we hear from one of the united states to engage. president ahmadinejad says that he is confident he won these elections. they say the government should permit free media and respect the free flow of information and ideas. the bbc and the voice of america are important, independent, truly indigenous media.
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again, the numbers are on your screen if you want to call in and comment about the last comment of protesters. this is from the guardian newspaper. this is based out of tehran. dayton, ohio. kathleen honor democrats line. caller: jane hamsher, is incredible. i encourage your public to go to that blog. i have read comments from policy analyst. seymour said that congress had passed funding, condoleezza rice was part of that, i believe, to send into iran to undermine the
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president bridget present government and four men dead student movement there. -- and undermined the student movement there. i read everything that he has to say. i would hope c-span will have them on to talk specifically about this issue. host: another photo from "the associated press." this is out of iran yesterday. the accompanying story talked about what this means in iran. obama's core message of democracy and change dovetails with the hopes of iranian
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reformers. obama was also elected on the form of moralizing rhetoric. speaking of which, if you go to twitter, they have a special section that looks at the i run postelection and gets the comments of it. -- they have a special section that looks at the iran election. caller: i just want to say that i support the president's decision as to not really get involved in what is going on over there. they are having an internal collapse, and they are really hurting their position for whatever support they were going to get internationally.
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everything over there is obviously fake. there is no democracy over there. host: one tweet from this morning says that, if we do not grasp this chance now how will we look our children in the eye and explain why they are not free? manhattan is next. this is a democrats line. caller: i would like to say that i do not think the president of the united states should not get involved in any country, and particularly this country, regardless of how much we think they're not running their country the way that we run our country. the fact that our -- the fact is our voting system is not 100% correct either. there is a lot that we have alt
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and ourselves, and we should consider it when we consider other countries. do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. host: sofia on our independent line. caller: i totally agree with the last caller. the reason he is not saying anything is look at our last election. host: we will leave it there. "the new york tims" looks at the results of the election and what it means. -- "the new york times" looks at what the results of the election will mean. one writer writes, even his strong links to the powerful revolutionary guards, as this
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confrontation in iran and boltu. the method that there is a leader of their whose power is unquestionable is broken. -- the myth that there is a leader out there whose power is questionable is broken. call in with your comments. the numbers listed on your screen below. there are some pictures as well. this stems from the protests that are going on. it also talks about how social networks, such as twitter and
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other things, led to what is going on that your scene played out on television every day. and the crackdown on communications began on election day when text messaging services were shut down. cell phones transmissions and access to facebook and other social web sites were also blocked. maryland, democrats line, go ahead please. caller: i actually do not think that the president of the united states should be involved in another election. basically, there is nothing like a free and fair election. everything is politics. somebody has to win. free and fair does not mean people are not going to write it. -- free and fair does not people
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-- does not mean people are not going to riot. the president should focus on things that are happening in the united states. people are out there without medicare. people are out there without jobs. the economy has been down now for a while. the focus should be on that. whenever they are doing, -- whatever they are doing, should be done ahead of the elections. host: someone respond on twitter that there are actually government spammers standing in the -- spamming the iran
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election. caller: i was wondering what evidence they have that the election was rigged? guhost: why do call them government-stage? caller: i have seen them before. the people do not look outrage. host: wisconsin. shame on our republican line. caller: i think obama has been weak as usual on this. right now we should seek support for the opposition leader because ahmadinejad is a threat to the united states and israel. again, obama is showing that he does not have the courage to
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stand up for what is right. that is all i have to say. host: this is a view from the iranian square in some of the protesters. this is just some of what happened yesterday. as you look at that, when what, illinois, go ahead please. -- linwood, illinois, go ahead. caller: i would like to comment on what the last caller said about obama being week. -- weak. i think he is being anything but that. i think the president of iran , overplayed his hand when he said
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he won by a landslide. secondly, it does not do anything but hurt his credibility around the world. now more people looking at the situation over there and the injustice over there are going to take the perspective of the side of the opposition and it is going to weaken his golden presidency. thank you very much. host: "the washington journal" wrote this article. it appeared to represent a new concern by mr. khamenei, who has a final say on all matters of
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state. the regime appeared to back his victory. the media trumped -- trumpeted the apparent victory hours before the official results were released. caller: what do they want the guy to do, say i am the president of the united states and i'm going to tell you what to do? this is racist. think about the last eight years. i have to say that the way predict that these people do have the right to protest. -- i have to say that the people have the right to protest. host:iran has restricted all journalists working for foreign media from reporting on the streets -- that is reported from
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eight -- that is according to a tweet. caller: our election is still questionable with all the intimidation. thank you. host: david writing that obama would make a mistake if he seemed to meddle in iranian politics. he struck the right tone when he said the world is watching and inspired. the basic message is we support the people. any change in how iran is governed is their decision, not america's. one knowledgeable former c.i.a. officer says the protests appeared to be loosely organized
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with no outside help. another former cia officer who specialized in iran says the regime's fears of a revolution, warns that it could get interesting as the summer wears on. new york, you're on the line. and caller: my question is, why has c-span decided to the reformed canada it is -- candidate it? host: we had a segment on sunday. caller: the reform candidate -- he was the one negotiating --
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complaining. this was before he released the passages -- hostages. he released the hostages and then took more hostages. i am concerned about c-span not showing the bloody pictures from american protesters as the republican -- at the republican and democratic convention. host: we will leave it there. alex on our independent line. barbara allen park, ark., argue their? -- overland park, ark., are you there? let's move on. caller: i have heard a lot of people saying that they think obama is playing this exactly
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right. i think they are wrong. he should support thae principls that america stands for. whatever their -- wherever that leads, and that is fine. some help because he is more like in the muslim world that iran will surrender their nuclear arms states, if he is trading for that america's principles, that is a mistake. this is a mistake. it is silly to think that by giving up our principles and standing for those that we're going to get something positive out of the iranian government. host: a twittere saeet says thae
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want to complete recount. caller: they kidnapped our people over there. obama should not get into anything. he is not weak. he is a man with a vision. they should not give in. he said the right thing yesterday, let's stay away from people's business. thank you. host: florida you are next. scott on our independent line. caller: if ahmadinejad wins or the other fight winds of being
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voted in, people should know that he started the nuclear advance men -- advancement. i also want to say that i am happy with -- unhappy with george bush. they are pushing the fight to them. the people see what is happening in iraq and afghanistan, and they are panicking. we are not to get involved with that. they have their own leader. we just have to keep an eye on them. they are pretty much panicked in the middle east because a lot of the territory the u.s. is occupying. even though obama might get
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mixed up in it, and he should not, it is nice to see some freedom of the election. it is nice to see people standing up for their rights. even though they still have nuclear ambitions, it is nice for them to come out and stand up for their freedom. host: we will talk about this later in the next hour with neil macfarquhar. that will take place in our final half hour. dr. bernadine healy will give hurt current take on health care. -- will give her current take on health care. next caller on the line. caller: you get somewhere being that way. i think there is nothing wrong with him apologizing.
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however, i do think that our troops are still fighting the battle. they are not going to give up. i believe our goal is freedom for other countries, as well as ours. i do not know that we should always look to other countries freedoms first. we have our own issues at hand. however, i do believe what is going on there is getting a good push. they are getting partial democracy on their own now. the last terrorist -- teh less terrorists, the more issues that will be resolved. -- the less terrorists, the more issues that will be resolved.
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host: next caller. caller: i saw no one raising a big fuss about the corrupt government in zimbabwe. we did not even talk about this. now the nation is talking about what we should be doing and what we should not be doing. a corrupt election is a corrupt election everywhere. and that is all i have to say. host: our independent line. acaller: i want to talk about art u.s. involvement -- cause i want to talk of the u.s. involvement in this.
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i really do not think this is cia-orchestrated. i think at the end of the day, i am at it glad -- i am a big glt glad, because i think ahmadinejad winning this election is going to be good. host: we had a you were telling us about iran taking a hard stance against foreign media. they are restricting all foreign journalists from covering on the street. it blocks images and eye witness descriptions of the protests and violence that has disputed last week postelection.
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-- last week's election. it comes as foreign reporters began leaving the country new orleans, on a republican line. -- new orleans, on a republican line. caller: -- host: we're talking about the iran elections and what you have to say. caller: i do not think anything is going to change. host: one more call. this is the democrats' line. caller: i am calling to make a comment. most of these people calling
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