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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 17, 2009 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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we do not want them to be recruited by those who would undermine their lives. i urge each one of my colleagues. this is a vote for america and for its interests and is troops. do not delude yourselves. this is not a vote to support the troops. 80% of this bill is about american servicemen and women in harm's way. stand up with them. killed by the balance of my time. >> i guild -- i yield back the balance of my time. >> i have great respect for the majority leader. he is very eloquent at the
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microphone. he forgot to mention a couple of things that i think the american people like to know. a% of this bill is helping the troops. this is a war supplemental. won a 2% should be helping our troops. he did not mention that this is a 22% reduction that was a supplemental last year. we are cutting the funding of the troops by what we did last year and we are expanding our operations in afghanistan. i think people should get the whole picture twitches this is a war supplemental and is being cut over what we spent last year for the same type of legislation. he mentioned the imf fund. the $5 billion for that. this is a war supplemental. this is not an imf bill. in view of the countries that
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will benefit from this are people that are not our friends like venezuela. yemen, syria, and zimbabwe. let us get all of the facts out there and not just part of them. the yield back the balance of my time. >> the gentleman from wisconsin. he continues to resurface time. the gentleman from california. >> to demint from indiana is recognized for tenements. >> thank you. and thank the distinguished ranking member. there rights and opposition to the bill is underway today. i joined my democratic colleagues in supporting the
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bipartisan military supplemental bill which passed this house earlier in congress. when it comes to providing our sodas with the resources they need to get the job done in return and say, we must set aside politics as usual. we did that. i cannot support this military supplemental bill today. it is a disservice to the taxpayers of this country and to the brave men and women who depend as every day. people forget we are a nation at war. with american soldiers in harm's way, we have to make sure the soldiers have everything they need to get the job done. emergency war funding bills should be about a-a war funding. this legislation includes zero
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hundred $8 billion in loans. i believe we do a disservice to taxpayers and those who support us. this is not right. i urge my colleagues to oppose this conference report. stanley governor troops and the american taxpayers and one more bailout. let us reject this bill tonight and come right back here tomorrow and bring a clear emergency war funding bill in a bipartisan fashion back into the legislative process. it is time for us to reject this legislation. we must reject the change is never mentioned the amendment and get our soldiers the resources they needed this serve the broadest interests of the
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american taxpayer. i recognize the gentleman from california. >> i yield tenements to mr. merckle letter. >> the demint from one area is recognized for 10 minutes. >> -- the gentleman from one area is recognized for two minutes. >> this is only 80% about our troops. we should not allow for that 20% reduction to the us. had the opportunity to read an article today. the treasury department has said that seven and dollars in loans
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guarantees is a nonstarter and did not have it. tonight and here we have billions of dollars in an imf. the money up to that imf -- i did not hear anyone about the health care benefits. i did not say if anyone does anything from the imf for the underwriting done by the u.s. taxpayers. i did say back home were in a million. people have lost their jobs under painful restructuring. as of dealerships closed. i told -- i was told it was necessary.
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when those troops come home to the midwest, i will look them in the eye and tell them as long as i've been here i have defended a retreat. i also made sure that when you came home you can do the american opportunities that cause you to begin with us. in need to remind people that we're spending a lot of money in iraq every month. >> the time is expired. >> i am proud and to get this additional -- i am proud that we're giving this additional money.
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i would never take money from funds appropriated for our troops for domestic spending. that is what president obama said. if you are going to add money for our troops then suspended here in the united states. spend it on the men and women whose support of or troops and their families every day so they can state deployed. to not send it to the imf. i oppose this bill. i yield back. >> the gentleman from california. >> i yelled to my colleague from texas. >> the jalomo from texas is recognized. thank you. we were proud to come together in above partisan fashion and support the supplemental here in the house has put together in the house for the troops. to add this that the senate
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stuck in over $100 billion from the imf. they are lending money that they are getting for funds that we will have to borrow from china to give to countries who hate s and with love to see as go away. that makes no sense. every are going to add this additional burden on to the american taxpayer, which is one to work counter to the troops were putting their lives at risk by not calling it a wash? if we are going to give money and borrow from the chinese, that is just call it a wash and bring our troops home instead
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of hunting our enemies. we should not go there. that does give back to the until we had in the house before. the gentleman from california had eight minutes remaining. >> i only have one speaker remaining. >> i have to reserve the balance of my time. >> he reserves the balance of this time. the gentleman from wisconsin the gentleman -- and the gentleman
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from california seeks recognition. >> have one additional speaker. as long as you're giving me all of this flexibility, let me mention that as we began this process on this bill, both my chairman and i were pleased by the fact that there was bipartisan support for it. this is fundamental to our success in the middle east. to get that package come back from conference which is a bill that does reduce the president's request for funding. i would be having --
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if the gentleman will yield. >> of will yield. >> we'll talk a lot about this issue in california. because this bill is going to go to the president and become law, this is one of our last opportunities to make long and get certain levels up. is there a possibility that we could amend this bill? this is a very important question. i will try to be straightforward in my response. this is a conference report which both the senate and the house have come together. he has biggest -- raised his concerns about water level in california.
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the desperate need to get those pumps going to get water to our crops to farmlands in the valley. in this case i am unable to help. >> as to go through the process, and no du will get the point across the area many people unemployed in silicon valley. help your committee will be helpful. >> in just a few days ahead, we would discussing certain programs. a very much appreciate his inquiry. >> thank you. >> and do have one additional speaker.
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i am very proud to yield one minute to the republican leader here. >> the gentleman from ohio is recognized. >> i said earlier this year that when the president does the right thing for the american people, he will have no stronger allies than the house republicans. we have supported him. this trip funding bill left with a broad bipartisan majority. now is considered with troubling parts of this bill. the addition of a $180 billion line of credit for the imf is unnecessary in this bill.
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it is an unnecessary because to ask for archers to care money for our global bella and unfair. there is only about $80 billion in this bill for germs. pressing -- we arresting them for the carrier out of this global bailout. we do not have enough money to solve the world's economic problems. when you think about the fact that we do not have $108 billion to loan to the imf -- what is going to happen? the united states is going to borrow $108 billion from china and give it to the imf. they will give it to countries who do not like this very much. most of my constituents would say this is a bad deal. i am going to vote no.
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one issue should be debated on its own and voted corp. are down on this -- and voted up or down on this. these photos of detainee's -- other generals have made it clear that the release of these photos will endanger our troops. i believe it will also triple the ability of our intelligence officials to do their jobs. it was supported in this house last week with a broad bipartisan vote, it has been taken out that the demands of the french left. this is not a bill i can support. i want to do everything i can to help our troops. they have done a marvelous job on our behalf to keep america
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safe. to load this bill up with this kind of political gamesmanship is not with the american people expect. i will say no to this bill. let us bring back the broad bipartisan ship majority in take care of our troops the right way. this is not the answer. i yelled back. >> -- i yield back. the to come in from california has crutcher minutes remaining. >> i believe -- the gentleman from california yields back this time. the gentleman from wisconsin. >> the speakers i noted at the beginning of the debate -- this
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item represents last year's leftover business. it is the last item of last year's leftovers. we have admired this for over seven years. the president previous to this one has minimize the costs of that war by financing it on the installment plan. instead of providing a full estimate, he is asked to fund that war in 6 month increments. there is still 16 month increment of to go that will not be paid for. it is left over from his watch. this bill today in the process of supporting the president's process say -- a process of winding down the war.
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this new president is trying to change the way that war has been breaking in afghanistan and pakistan which is tied to the afghanistan situation. what he is trying to do is through a combination of military action, political action and diplomacy, trying to change the mix and gradually x craig -- extricate ourselves from that conflict. i doubt that will succeed. this president's having inherited a mess has a right to try to fix the situation.
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that is what the american people elected him to do. this bill provides the financing to do that. it added funding to the imf. people from the other side of the aisle have complained about this. in 1999, the last time we voted on this, the majority party then with our friends on the other side of the aisle at the imf to the transportation bill. 162 republicans voted for it. abided interesting that today with the new president, they are not providing that support. under the gi education proposal
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bill it had one remaining gap that needs to be filled. that legislation said that if you serve your country in the military for a certain time frame you could benefit education benefits. if you did not use them yourself, you could convert them to the use of your spouse or your children. this bill closes the gap. the one thing that the bill did not do last year was to enable a combat veteran who was killed in combat to make the same transfer of education benefits to a spouse or a child. this bill provides that for our fighting men and women. it was not in the bill when left the house.
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if the vote against this bill, that is one of the provisions to of all voting against. the administration did not request something for the auto industry. we have a significant amount of additional funding for pandemic flou. we tried to put the money in the initial recovery package. we were laughed at by the senate. mexico found out when they get to shut down their entire economy for two weeks because of the storm well -- tomorrow with
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the swine flu. it is not estimated that as many as one-third of americans will be hit by that swine flu. this bill has additional dollars to try to meet that challenge. i would submit to you that the average american family has a greater chance of being hit by that flew -- swine flu then he will be hit by any terrorist at guantanamo bay. we are also told that the imf borrowers money to give some to other countries. this is a tough reality. we have to participate in the world. when the world economy becomes shaky, we have a responsibility
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to ourselves to try to stabilize the world economic situation. that is one of the walls that the imf tries to play. -- ism arguments with it in the past. to say that our contribution to the imf does not benefit us is to be ignorant of the history and how the world economy works. we created the imf after the second world war. we saw what led up to that war. with some of the world's financial system fight -- collapse. hitler came to jerk -- power and 50 million people died. we want to avoid that this time. we are trying to provide the
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president with all of the tools he needs internationally to defend our economic stability and to stabilize the economy of our trading partners. our economy does not function unless we help create the economic conditions in other countries so they can buy our goods. it is called enlightened self interest. it has been suggested that the money we appropriated to the imf is going to go to iran. it has done had a loan from the imf since 1962. under this legislation, the u.s. representative at the imf is required to oppose any loan to countries such as iran that
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has been designated as a state that sponsors terrorism. we had the largest bloc of votes of any single member i doubt that the imf is going to approve any loan that we do not approve of. . one other thing. we've been told that somehow the president is endangering national security because he has not allowed the congress to has not allowed the congress to pass the lieberman amendment the president sent countries in letter and made it quite clear that he will do everything in his power to prevent the release of those pictures. i want to quote one paragraph from his letter.
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i deeply appreciate all you have done with the efforts to secure funding for the troops. i will continue to take every administrative remedy available to me to make sure that the detainee photographs will not be released. i am committed to work with congress to enact legislation that will achieve the objectives we all share. the great thing about democracy is that after we have had a chance to fight for what we believe in, in the end, we also have an obligation to reach consensus and move on. that is what this bill tries to do. it must be finished before we can move on. we need to get to the other items in the agenda including
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health care and climate change. i yield back the balance of my time. >> members went on to approve the one under $6 billion in additional spending for the war in iraq and afghanistan. five republicans joined the majority in supporting the bill. 32 democrats voted against it. when the house returns at 10:00 a.m. eastern, they will continue to work on a bill for the commerce and justice departments. live coverage of the u.s. house here on c-span. later this morning, rahm emanuel will speak at a meeting of the democratic leadership council where he will discuss the obama administration's agenda in it healthcare. we will have live coverage on c- span2 beginning at 9:00 a.m.
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eastern time. >> online you can look for our redesigned web site for "book tv." it has a redesign is -- a redesigned search function. you can look for it today. .


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