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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 20, 2009 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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companies. i see an enormous amount of distance. that's what the obama presidency means to me. >> really really happen t.o.y to keep you busy. >> seriously. if you look at what this sd min stration has done in 125 days. what is it is now. from signing the pay act, torture, stem yells, toe back oy owe regulation. this is what it means. standing there with the president signing these. yesterday with the extension of benefits to same sex couples. people were in tears. this change is not abstracted
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tfments real, really real. it's hard. some of these are very, very difficult. people of really good faith with a real belief this this constitution are working on them. helpless and give us your ideas and stay with us as we work through them. >> i appreciate noel's candor although i am not so sure about the elected thing eight years ago. [applause] [laughter] >> i was trying not to use that word knowing the crowd i was in. >> not over it yet.
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look, i do think that it is hard to add to what was said about what president obama's presidency means. i will say that to see -- what this presidency means is change but change at a time when the nation so desperately needs to change. it is the combination of the man, the agenda, and the moment that are so powerful for me and so moving for me. why i am willing to get up early in the morning and stayed late at night and missed my kids and do all the things i do to serve because i think you have an extraordinary leader. an extraordinary person in terms of judgment and talent and ability to lead the country. an agenda, a policy program that
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really can put the country out of the cycle of boom and bust economics we have been on an ad of the problems we have had on the domestic and international front and put us on the right footing at the time when we could not needed anymore as a nation and as a world. the demand for this kind of change and action is so acute and so urgent and i think when you put those things together, i do believe we're at an historic moment and witnessing a historic presidency and fold -- unfold. that change will not be possible without its supporters and allies, its thinkers and advocates who are not part of the administration staying engaged and supportive and operating -- offering those
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suggestions. one thing we wondered, those of us who were involved early on is what would happen to acs if there was a progressive president. would it remain impact will and important? seeing the crowd here tonight at this convention, i am glad to see your answer is a resounding yes and i hope it more from
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sweet honey later in the program tonight. one of the longstanding traditions of our association is to toast our special guests. so please stand and join me in the executive committee in that tradition. to the president. to the members of the 111 congress. we're very honored to have you with us tonight. thank you. cheers. thank you. please be seated. we take a moment now to remember three broadcast journalists,
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bill headline, tony snow, and tim russert. this tribute produced by the cbs news washington bureau -- [applause] this video honors the profound influence these men had on our work as journalists. >> bill headline was great. the great thing about him, he had the most appropriate name for a journalist. headline. you could not make that up. we call that the chicken noodle network in those days. a lot of people thought that when bill left one of the networks to go to work for this newfangled deal that nobody thought was going to go very far, we all wondered if he had something wrong with him. the fact was, he saw something
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the rest of us did not see. it did a great job for him. >> tony left us nearly a year ago. pissarro is still fresh. so are the memories. we remember tony's to a full spirit and cheerful presence. >> shirley waldo want talk about this. no. with the funky music white girl. >> there was never a doubt which ones mattered most. >> i have the best gift imaginable. why walk to the door after work, three youngsters raised my way calling out the name i cherish most, daddy. >> washington will never be the same without tony snow. it is a better city because of his legacy. god bless this no family, and may god bless you all. >> from nbc news, this is "meet the press" with tim russert.
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>> today, a subject that concerns each and everyone of us. your pocketbook. >> i never knew anyone who enjoyed news, who was more curious or had more enthusiasm about news than candid. that was his great secret. great reporters had this curiosity about them. the greatest curiosity i have ever known. walter had this great curiosity. the guy that came closest to that was tim russert. >> every sunday, we invite the american people to share their views with the american public. mr. secretary, you say that people were sent to the convention center. there was no water, no food, no beds, no authorities there. there was no planning. it is fair to say you're thinking about running for president in 2008? >> is fair, yes.
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>> i felt like i was hitting a home run off the best pitcher in the league. >> i have not had so much since my last interrogation. [laughter] [applause] >> tonight, we dedicate this dinner to the headline, tony snow, and tim russert. these were fine journalists. >> ladies and gentleman, the court later chad program of fox news. >> this is one of the first time
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to present what to watch somebody from fox for a few minutes. [applause] this is a special part of our program or recognize our colleagues with a the david bloom awards. these honors recognize some of the best reporting in the business. the first award as a nun -- is a not to outstanding achievement in covering public policy and politics on capitol hill. previous winners come from national public radio, nbc and cbs, and cnn. this year's judges were betsy fisher of nbc news, and my colleague the fox news. here to present the award is bill plante from cbs. [applause] here becomes.
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[applause] >> the award we present to your honour's a woman who was an abstraction to most of you, but still is as real as any of you today to the few of us remaining who knew her. she started out as a researcher at cbs news. that is what some of you are today. she rose to be executive producer of the broadcast face of the nation. here is why this award means something. getting it shows that the winner has the kind of enterprise and style and smarts that made john a terrific journalist. she was smart. there was never fact she could not recall off the top of her head. she was demanding. she had the kind of standards that the critics say do not exist anymore in the kind of work we do.
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the winners of this honor are proof that those standards to exist. joan wasn't just smart either. she was funny. she loved life as much as she loved politics. in short, she was the kind of person any of you would be delighted to have at your tible to irt and even more important would be delighted to have as a colleague next monday inn that spirit. it is my honor to represent the spirit. like the era of nbc news. [applause]
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[applause] september and october of 2008, mike trace the turmoil leading to one of the most significant votes in the house of representatives and more than 40 years. the financial bailout. in live shot after a live shot, he joined the crack reporting with great sourcing, tracing the dawn to dusk negotiations. he even helped the technical crews drag cable across the tappan -- across the capitol rotunda to get his story on the air. here is a look at his work.
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>> you can see mike in the foreground. >> we have 30 seconds. we're just getting be assembled -- and getting the assembled people. hank paulson, congressional leaders, republicans, democrats, virtually all afternoon since about 7:00 in the morning. >> joining us from capitol hill , explain where things are at now and where we should be looking the rest of the afternoon. >> we have a lot of moving parts. there is a dramatic scene that played out over the course of the entire evening. it began the afternoon when hank paulson came to the hill and diversion of shuttle diplomacy in suit. sometime in 1:00 hour this afternoon, from all indications, it is going to be a very close vote. 161-161 now andrea.
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has the questions about the american economy, the credit market, -- conservatives do not like this bill. they said it favored wall street over main street. the $700 billion price tag is much too much for them to swallow. all systems are go for this vote today. hoping it will not be a replay of that debacle we saw on monday. >> mike, congratulations. >> thank you, bill. mr. president. mr. witt. distinguished guests. this is kind of a surprise. i did write down a few notes on the odd chance that i would actually win this award this evening. i like to thk mark whitaker
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for allowing me to rise and fall on the merits of my own reporting and my own abilities as a newsman. [applause] tony, our desk assignment editor it is the person who pushed me to organize the entry for the award. and rich, the he strung together the real -- the reel. when i came to nbc, she was very kind to me. she sent me out on the most difficult assignments and have a lot of faith in me. she was hardnosed, had a firm hand in a warm heart. i dedicate this to mary. once again, thank you very much. i want to say hello and arizona to my wife and children who are visiting their in-laws. i love you guys very much.
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[applause] >> congratulations, mike. special thanks to build plants from cbs. -- bill plantte from cbs. our next award as the david bloom award. the bloom award is given for courageous reporting that is dangerous, daring, and composed in the most difficult of circumstances. previous winners include abc's bob woodruff, and my colleague at fox, steve sent on all. -- sentano. here to present this award are david bloom's daughters, ava, christine, and nicole.
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[applause] >> we want to start by saying that our family is so grateful to tim russert. he was instrumental in establishing the david bloom award. we want you to know that we miss your dad dearly. [applause] six years ago, our father, david bloom, passed away while covering the war in iraq. despite how difficult it was to lose him, we can't help but be so proud of his courage and reporting. tonight, however, we're not just remembering our dad. we are honoring all of the u.s. troops and brave journalists who continually put themselves in harm's way to do dangerous work.
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the winner of the david j. blum award shows bravery on the job. tonight, we're pleased to present this year's award to oral lebaron of the bbc. >> in the fall of 2008, garon produced a report on a day of desperation for thousands of refugees near goma. the presidential election was just days away, but the bbc decided that the panic at a un food distribution center out with a campaign. he reported as starving men, women, and children crushed against the fences of the center.
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she even talked a little girl that was caught beneath a stampede and was separated from her parents. for this, we honor and the bbc for their courage to leave it with such an important on the reported sale. her bravery really captures the spirit of our father, david bloom. >> you would expect us to begin tonight's program on the campaign trail. that can wait for a few minutes, because tonight, and the democratic republic of congo, there are scenes of desperation so gripping that they simply demand our attention first. hour after cut call-up -- africa correspondent was in the city of goma. you might find some scenes in her report disturbing. >> it was the promise of food that brought them here, to the refugee camp.
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after waiting for help for days, they did not want to wait anymore. >> to the scene here now is absolutely chaotic. children are being trampled in the rush as people pushed their way through the gates. they're absolutely desperate to get their hands on any food that they can. it really is a terrible scene. we saw youngsters in distress and dragged them to safety. another terrifying moment for children already traumatized by conflict. like this little girl who had been knocked over and separated from her parents in the mayhem. later, happy reunion with her relieved father found her. >> thank you. >> your welcome. they were told they were able to control the situation. the desperation was so much that they couldn't.
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they had no option but to try. people were appealing for any help they could get. [applause] that to accept the bloom award on behalf of hurt is mr. harmon, executive producer of bbc world news america. [applause] >> congratulations to our winner. [applause] >> nicole, christine, and the,
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-- eva, i'll never forget when i woke up in the spring of 2003 and turned on the today show and saw your father broadcasting live from an american tank rolling up to the sands and iraq. i remember thinking, as a lot of people in this room did, this guy has changed the game. this instance. forever. i know you are very proud of him. i know that ora admired the kind of journalism your father practiced. i think he would of admire the kind of journalism that she does. she is brave, she is tough, she is smart, she is real, and she has the instincts to be right middle of the story. not to grandstand, but to know, as you all saw on that report, that that is the way to tell
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human, compelling stories that really make an impact. we're really proud to have a chance to showcase her work and that of other bbc journalists around the world on bbc world news america. if you have not seen the program, check this out. it is like nothing else on american television. it is a window to the world. [applause] after a very distinguished stance as hourly correspondent in africa, she has just begun a new assignment in pakistan based in islamabad. that is why she cannot be here tonight. she is doing stories that are going to err on bbc and on our program. she would want me to think your family very much, and to pass along respect and gratitude to you. i know that she wants me to think the radio television correspondents association, and all of you. it is a great honor.
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it thank you very much. >> thank you. congratulations, once again. also, a shout out for mike at nbc. at a special thanks to our judges for their dedication and integrity. the high standards of joan and david permeate all the candidates and entries we consider for the honors this year. we're in good hands in the journalism world. >> thanks, chad. it is my pleasure and honor to introduce the president of the united states, barack obama.
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[applause] >> thank you. thank you so much. thank you very much. thank you. thank you so much. thanks to all of you, thank you. please, everybody have a seat. before i get started, as the father of two girls, can i just say how incredibly impressive those three young ladies were. [applause] that would be proud. -- dad would be proud. to heather and all the others that made this evening possible, thinking some much. it is wonderful to be here. i want to express my i want to express my appreciation for the opportuni


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