tv [untitled] CSPAN June 24, 2009 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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not adopted. for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia rise? >> pursuant to clause 2a1 of rule 9, i notify the house of my intention to offer a resolution on the question of the privileges of the house. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman may read his notice. >> the form of the resolution is as follows. >> the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. the house will be in order. the house will be in order. members and staff will take their seats. members in conversation will
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: thank you, madam speaker. whereas on january 20, 2009, barack obama was inaugurated as president of the united states and the outstanding public debt -- and the outstanding public debt of the united states stood at $10.627 trillion. whereas and january 20, 2009, in the president's ig august raul address he -- inaugust raul address he stated, quote, those of was who manage the public's daughters will spend wisely, reform bad habits and do business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between the people and their government . whereas, on february 17, 2009, the president signed into
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public law h.r. 1, the american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009. whereas the american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 included $575 billion of new spending and $212 billion of revenue reductions for a total deficit impact of $787 billion. whereas the borrowing necessary to finance -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. the house will be in order. members will take their seats. members and staff in the rear of the chamber will vacate the oor. or take seats.
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the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: whereas the american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 included $575 billion of new spending and $212 billion of revenue reductions for a total deficit impact of $787 billion. whereas the borrowing necessary to finance the american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 will cost an additional $300 billion. whereas on february 26, 2009, the president unveiled his budget blueprint for fiscal year 2010. whereas the president's budget for f.y. 2010 proposes the 11 highest annual deficits in united states history. whereas the president's budget for f.y. 102010 proposes toin crease the national debt to $23.1 trillion by fiscal year
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2019, more than doubling it from its current levels. whereas on march 11, 2009, the president sign into public law h.r. 1105, the omnibus appropriations act of 2009. whereas the omnibus appropriations act of 2009 constitutes nine of the 12 appropriations bills for f.y. 2009 which had not been enacted before the start of the fiscal year. whereas the omnibus appropriations act of 2009 spends $19.1 billion more than the request of president bush. >> madam speaker, the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is correct. members on both sides of the aisle will remove conversations from the floor. members will take their seats. the gentleman from georgia.
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mr. price: whereas the omnibus appropriations act of 2009 spends more than extending the resolution for 2009. whereas the house considered h.con.res. 25, the democrats' budget proposal for 2010. whereas the congressional democrats' budget proposal for h.r. -- f.y. 2010 proposes the sixth high annual deficits in the united states history, whereas the budget proposed for f.y. 2010, h.con.res. 25, proposes to increase the national debt to $7.1 trillion over five years, $5.3 trillion more than compared to the level on january 20, 2009. whereas congressional republicans produced an alternative budget proposal for
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2010 which spends $4.8 trillion less than the congressional democrats' budget over 10 years. whereas the republican study committee proposed an alternative budget for f.y. 2010 which improves the budget outlook in every single year, balances the budget by f.y. 2019 and cuts the national debt by more than $6 trillion compared to the president's budget, whereas on april 20, 2009, attempting to respond to public criticism, the president convened the first cabinet meeting. >> the gentleman deserves to be heard. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. members on both sides of the aisle need to take their conversations from the floor. the gentleman will suspend until the house is in order.
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the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: i thank the speaker. whereas on april 20, 2009, attempting to respond to public criticism, the president convened the first cabinet meeting of his administration and exadged -- challenged his cabinet to cut $100 million in the next 90 days. whereas the challenge to cut a collective $100 million represents just one 40,000th of the federal budget, whereas on june 19, 2009, total outstanding troubled relief program, or tarp funds, to banks stood at $97.6 billion. whereas on june 16, 2009, total outstanding tarp funds to a.i.g. stood at $69.8 billion.
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whereas on june 16, 2009, total outstanding tarp funds to domestic automotive manufacturers and their finance units stood at $80 billion. whereas on june 19, 2009, the outstanding public debt of the united states was $11.409 trillion. wrads on june 19, 2009, each citizen's share of the outstanding public debt of the united states came to $37,236.88. whereas according to anew york times" cbs news -- a "new york times"/cbs news survey, 69% of americans do not think the president has developed a clear plan for the deficit. whereas the best way to develop
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a plan for budget deficit is a commitment to restraint and an open and transparent process in the house of representatives. whereas before assuming control of the house of representatives in january, 2007, congressional democrats were committed to an open and transparent appropriations process. whereas according to a document by congressional democrats entitled, democratic declaration: honest leadership and open government," page two states, quote, our goal is to restore accountability, honesty and openness at all levels of government, unquote. whereas according to a document by congressional democrats entitled a new direction for america, page 29 states, bills should generally come to the floor under a procedure that allows open, full, and fair debate, consisting of a full
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amendment process that grants the minority the right to offer its alternatives, including a substitute. whereas on november 21, 2006, the "san francisco chronicle" reported that, quote, speaker pelosi pledged to restore minority rights. >> mr. speaker, the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is correct. members will remove their conversations from the floor. the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: whereas on november 21, 2006, the "san francisco chronicle" reported that speaker pelosi pledged to restore minority right, including the right of republicans to offer amendments to bills on the floor, the pins pls of civility and respect for minority participation in this house is something we promised the american people, she said, it's the right thing to do. "san francisco chronicle," november 21, 2006.
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whereas on december 6, 2006, speaker nancy pelosi stated, quote, we promised the american people we would have the most honest and open government and we will, unquote. whereas, on december 17, 2006, "the washington post" reported that, quote, after a decade of bitter partisanship that has all but crippled efforts to deal with major national problems, pelosi is determined to try to return the house to what it was in an earlier era where you debated ideas and listened to each other's arguments, unquote. "the washington post," december 17, 2006. whereas, on december 5, 2006, majority leader steny hoyer, stated, quote, we intend to have a rules committee that gives opposition voices and alternative proposals the ability to be heard and considered on the floor of the house, unquote.
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"congress daily" december 5, 2006. whereas, during debate on june 14, 2005, in the congressional record on page h-4410 chairwoman louise slaughter of the house rules committee stated, quote, if we want to foster democracy in this body we should take the time and thoughtfulness to debate all major legislation under an open rule, not just appropriations bills which are already restricted, an open process should be the norm and not the exception, unquote. whereas, since january, 2007, there has been a failure to commit to an open and transparent process in the house of representatives. >> the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. the house will be in order. members and staff will take their conversations from the floor. members will take their seats. the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: whereas, since
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january, 2007 -- whereas, since january, 2007, there has been a failure to commit to an open and transparent process in the u.s. house of representatives. whereas, more bills were considered under closed rules, 64 total in the 110th congress under democratic control than in the previous congress, 46, under republican control. whereas, fewer bills were considered under open bills, 10 total, in the 110th congress under democric control than in the previous congress, 22, under republican control. whereas, fewer amendments were allowed per bill, 7.68 in the 110th congress under democratic control, than in the previous congress, 9.22 under republican control.
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whereas, the failure to commit to an open and transparent process in order to develop a clear plan for dealing with runaway federal spending reached its pinnacle in the house's handling of h.r. 2847, the commerce, justice, science and related agencies appropriations act of 2010. whereas, h.r. 2847, the commerce, j, science and related -- justice, science and related agencies appropriations act of 2010 contained $16.4 billion in discretionary spending, 11.6% enacted in fiscal year 2009. whereas, on june 11, 2009, the house rules committee issued an announcement stating that amendments for h.r. 2847, the commerce, justice, science and
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related agencies appropriations act of 2010, must be preprinted in the congressional record by the close of business on june 15, 2009. whereas, both republicans and democrats filed 127 amendments in the congressional record for consideration on the house floor. whereas, on june 15, 2009, the house rules committee reported h.res. 544, a rule with a preprinting requirement and unlimited pro forma amendments for purposes of debate. whereas, on june 16, 2009, the house proceeded with one hour of general debate or one minute to vet each $1.07 billion in h.r. 2847 in the committee of the whole. whereas, after one hour of general debate, the house proceeded with amendment debate.
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whereas, after just 22 minutes of amendment debate or one minute to vet each $3.02 billion in h.r. 2847 a motion that the committee rise was offered by congressional democrats. whereas, the house agreed that the committee rose by a recorded vote of 179 yeas and 124 nays with all votes in the affirmative being cast by democrats. whereas, afterwards the house rules committee convened a special untelevised meeting to dispense with further proceedings of h.r. 2847, the commerce, justice, science and related agencies appropriations act of 2010. whereas, on june 17, 2009, the house rules committee reported h.res. 552, a new and restrictive structured rule for h.r. 2847, the commerce,
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justice, science and related agencies appropriations act of 2010. whereas, every house republican and 27 house democrats voted against agreeing on h.res. 552. >> madam speaker, the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the house will come to order. members and staff will take their seats. members congregating in the the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: whereas, h.res. 552 made in order just 23 amendments with a possibility for 10 more amendments out of
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the 127 amendments originally filed. whereas, h.res. 552 severelyly curtailed pro forma amendments for the purposes of debate. whereas, the actions of congressional democrats to curtail debate and the number of amendments offered to h.r. 2847, the commerce, justice, science and related agencies appropriations act of 2010 effectively ended the process to deal with runaway federal spending in a positive and responsible manner. and whereas, the actions taken have resulted in indignity being visited upon the house of representatives. therefore, it -- be it resolved that the congress develop a clear plan for dealing with runaway federal spending. two, the house of representatives return to its best traditions of an open and transparent appropriations process without a preprinting requirement. and, three, that the house
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rules committee shall report out open rules for all general openingses bills throughout the remainder of the 111th congress. the speaker pro tempore: under the rule 9, a resolution offered from the floor by a member other than the majority leader or minority leader as a question of the privileges of the house has immediate precedence only at a time designated by the chair within two legislative days after the resolution is properly noticed. pending that designation, the form of the resolution noticed by the gentleman from georgia will appear in the record at this point. the chair will not at this point determine whether the resolution constitutes a question of privilege. that determination will be made at the time designated for consideration of the resolution. the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: i move the house adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the noes have it.
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mr. price: madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: i ask for a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: those favoring a recorded vote will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, this 15-minute vote on the motion to adjourn will be followed by a five-minute vote on the motion to suspend the rules on h.r. 2990. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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