tv [untitled] CSPAN June 24, 2009 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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money to fund a vital terrorist program to prevent attacks of nuclear material mostly dirty bombs. an identical amendment had the support of the house in 2007 by a majority of 2-1. it involves a veers of radioactive detectors on highways and bridges around cities. it's the only program dedicated to protecting cities from the threat of dirty bombs. this is an operational model which can be replicated in cities and suburbs throughout the country. the proposed cut in funding for securing the cities was seriously undermined -- would seriously undermine needed nuclear and radiological detection capability.
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the w.m.d. commission a bipartisan commission -- the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman reserves. for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina rise? mr. price: i rise in opposition to the amendment. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. . mr. price: i commend the representatives. their advocacy for new york's regional security has resulted in notable increases to grant allocations to first responders. new york state homeland security grants rows from $27 million in 2006 to $112 million in 2009. that's a four-fold increase. and new york's urban security initiative grants grew from $124 million. it remains the largest recipient of urban area funds.
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i couldn't agree more that securing cities is a valuable pilot program demonstrating how state and local governments could develop with federal agencies an architecture to prevent a nuclear or radiological attack on new york. but i must emphasize securing the cities was a three-year pilot project and this period is over. d.h.s. requested no 2010 program because it is already positioned to accomplish its goals. so what we have here today is an earmark for new york. the next steps are to conclude the program, assess the results, identify future pilots if any outside of new york. funding remains available for new york to continue this program well into 2010. 84% of the 2009 funding. and 10% of the 2008 funding is presently unobligated. a award decisions are pending. d.h.s. knows of no unfunded
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requirements. remaining balances will enable new york to transition from a pilot to an ongoing regional operation and that's what needs to happen. adding money to continue a completed pilot is not the answer. new york surely does not want to be dependent on year-to-year appropriations amendments to consider this vital protected function. this needs to move to a sustainment mode run by new york and its partnecommunities and needs to identify funding sources that can be used for this purpose. these urban areas security grants and the transit security grants and others. the new york area has received $1.4 billion since 2003 and can expect $98 million in new funding this year. the amendment earmarks for new radiation portal monitors, but no requirement for additional funding, and the ability to put
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this to use in 2010 is highly questionable. $45 million for the under secretary of management are troubling. we are well below the requests in these areas. we trimmed salary increases and new investments. cutting funds will result in longer road to getting d.h.s. the agency the american taxpayers deserve. i appreciate the achievements of securing the city's program. we know that this is a vital program and these protective functions are vital. but for that very reason, we need to get away from an earmark and get away from a pilot program and put this on a sustainment mode and for that reason, i ask colleagues top oppose this amendment. the chair: the gentleman reserve? mr. price: i reserve. the chair: the committee will rise to receive a message.
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the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair will receive a message. the messenger: madam speaker, a message from the president of the united states. the secretary: madam speaker, i'm directed by the president of the united states to deliver to the house of representatives a message in writing. the speaker pro tempore: the committee will resume its sitting. the chair: the gentleman from new york. mr. king: madam chair, i recognize the gentlelady from new york and the co-sponsor of the amendment and a zealous fighter on this issue, ms. clarke, for one minute -- 90
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seconds. the chair: the gentlelady from new york is recognized for 90 seconds. ms. clarke: i would like to thank ranking member king for yielding and urge members of the house to support the king-clarke amendment to the 2010 homeland security appropriations act. neither the president's budget request for fy 2010 nor h.r. 2892 includes funding for securing the city's initiative. this initiative has created the department domestic nuclear detection office, which is charged with directing the nation's capability to detect and report unauthorized attempts to develop a transport nuclear or radiological materials. this amendment restores the federal commitment to this critical anti-terrorism initiative and funds it. since coming to congress in 2001, i have worked with my colleagues on homeland security to protect our nation against dirty bomb threats.
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in fact, my bill, the radiological materials security act would help secure domestic sources of radiological materials that could be used to make a dirty bomb. we recognize that in the 21st century, there are many very technical ways, many technologically advanced wace in which communities across this nation can sustain attack. and we are stating through this amendment today that this program has created a protocol that is a model for the nation. so i urge my colleagues as we continue to grow in the 21st century and protect our critical cities and infrastructure, that we will redirect funds to this particular program and that you will vote this amendment in order. thank you. and i yield back. the chair: the gentlelady yields back. who seeks time? the gentleman from new york.
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mr. king: i yield 90 seconds to the the gentleman from california and a member of the committee, ranking member on the committee, mr. lungren, 90 seconds. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. lungren: i thank the gentleman for yielding. some may wonder why someone from california would be here supporting an amendment that appears to be directed towards assisting the other side of the country. it is because of the success of the program to this point. that is, this is not only for the city of the new york but it is for that entire region and it has been shown how it can be replicated in other parts of the country. also, the greatest concern i have of an attack by terrorists who wish to do us ill would be a nuclear attack of some sort in one of our major metro areas. the interdiction capabilities of this program could prevent a bomb from entering new york or from leaving the city to head to other parts of the region or nation and its lessons can help other cities around the country where similar initiatives could
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be implemented. and importantly, and this was used as a point of criticism, i believe, by the chairman, this amendment would provide $10 million for the procurement of radiation portal monitors, not just in the new york area, but around the country. because of the success of this program, because of its opportunity for duplication in other parts of the country, this is a worthy amendment. i believe that these initiatives are designed to save lives. they are not just regional, but national in scop. radiation detection cannot be taken lightly and must ensure that the federal commitment to a dedicated funding stream is there. i would urge support of this amendment in restoring funding to the securing our cities project, a critical national initiative and one of a kind. the chair: the gentleman from new york. mr. king: how much time remains? the chair: gentleman has one minute remaining.
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mr. king: i yield myself the balance of my time. madam chair, this initiative is extremely essential not just for new york but for the entire nation. because it is expected that the next attack will be launched from the suburbs, new york, los angeles or chicago. on the issues raised by the chairman, i have great respect. the fact is that all of the 2008 funds have been designated, all of them. once all of the materials come in, they will be paid. but every penny has been designated. similarly to 2009, that money has been designated as well. it was delayed, not because of new york city, but beuse of the department, it took long to get the applications. the money has been allocated and designated. and when the chairman mentioned how the increase in new york funding in 2006, he picked 2006, that was the year that new york was cut by 40%. that is really not a good gauge to be using. new york is the number one
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terrorist target in the country. new york remains the number one target. my district lost well over 100 people on september 11. we dread the thought of another attack. i urge adoption of the amendment. the chair: the gentleman from north carolina. mr. price: how much time is remaining? the chair: the gentleman has 90 seconds remaining. mr. price: madam chair, i will close and have no further speakers. but i do want once again to commend the gentleman for the spirit in which he offers this amendment and the zeal with which members that we all know and respect, like mr. israel and mr. serrano and ms. lowey protect their cities and have defended the program. we take a back seat to no one. and i have respect for those efforts. and our understanding of new york's unique needs and our understanding of how successful this pilot program has been. as a matter of fact, though, the money for carrying out the
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remaining aspects of this program is already in the pipeline. and these very arguments for the importance of this program, i believe, are the best argument for taking a more long-term approach for getting away from a pilot program, getting away from yearly amendments, yearly earmarks and making this part of our permanent long-term protective efforts. and of course, we will work with the new york delegation to find the funding resources that will let them do just that. i pledge my cooperation in that endeavor. i hope the spirit of this opposition is well understood. we do want to work on this matter. we just believe that this amendment is not the right approach. and therefore, we ask for its defeat. the chair: the gentleman yields back. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new york. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the amendment is not agreed to. mr. king: i ask for the yeas and
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nays. ask for a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6, rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new york will be postponed. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida rise? mr. bilirakis: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: printed in house report 111-183, offered by mr. bilirakis of florida. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 573, the gentleman from florida, mr. bilirakis, and a member opposed will each control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida. mr. bilirakis: thank you, madam speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. bilirakis: i rise to offer this important amendment will increase visa screening capabilities overseas to stop the entry and to our country of terrorists, criminals and others
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who may wish to do us harm. as a member of the homeland security committee and ranking member of the subcommittee on management, investigations and oversight, i have come to understand the importance of being proactive in strengthening our homeland security. at the same time, i have become concerned about the inadd qua cyst -- inadequacies and background checks on those seeking temporary admission to a country. while many visa seekers simply want to come here and study and work and comply with the terms of their visas, some do not and some we tragically saw on 9/11, want to enter our country to wage war against us. that's why we need to strengthen the process by which temporary visitors are screened prior to their entry into the united states. congress recognized this waningness and places customs
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and enforcement personnel at risk locations to more carefully screen and investigate visa applicants. this important terrorist program allows i.c.e. to proactively investigate and review visa applications to identify potential terrorists or criminal suspects before they gain entry into the united states. that's the key. unfortunately, the administration did not seek increased funding for this valuable program in its budget request. while i'm pleased that the bill we are considering today ensures a portion of the funding for this program -- will be reserved to open several new visa security units in high risk locations, i think we should provide additional resources to accelerate i.c.e.'s plan for expanding to other critical locations, which is what my amendment does. i.c.e. currently operates 14 visa security units overseas. my amendment increases funding
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for the visa security program by $1.7 million, which will allow i.c.e. to stand up an additional security unit. i.c.e. has identified additional locations for new units but has not yet opened its units in these areas largely due to the resource constraints. to offset this increase, madam speaker, my amendment would take an amount from the office of the secretary, which under this bill receives $147 million, a $24 million increase over fiscal year 2009, including a $3 million for establishing a new intermodal security coordination office that largely will duplicate existing department's efforts. we must be mindful of the way we spend our scarce resources. when it comes to security, we must avoid creating more bureaucracy and ensure we are allocating funds where the risk
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is greatest. this amendment will help do that and ensure that the department is operating as efficiently and if he cantively as possible. my amendment will provide needed resources to keep terrorists out of the country while still allowing sufficient funding for establishing an office for which the need is questionable. i urge all my colleagues to help strengthen our nation's homeland security by supporting this amendment. and i reserve the balance of my time. . >> i want to thank the gentleman for that amendment and i hope it supports. thank you very much. the chair: does the gentleman reserve? does the gentleman from florida reserve? mr. bilirakis: yes, i do. the chair: the gentleman from north carolina. mr. price: madam chairman, i rise to thank the gentleman for this amendment which would increase the budget for the i.c.e. visa security program by $1.7 million. this addition would be offset
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by corresponding reductions to the office of the secretary and stpwhreck tif -- executive management but not deaf stating cut. the committee has funded the 32.4 millionisa request which is 3.4 million over the appropriations level already. this program places i.c.e. agents and investigators overseas and consulates to investigate the criminal and terrorist backgrounds of those who applied for visas to come to the united states. the committee also expanded the program by more than 45% in the 2009 appropriations act. and i recognize its ongoing importance for the security of our country. the additional funds proposed in this amendment will allow i.c.e. to continue to accelerate its visa security program deployments in 2010. in other words, it would build in a very positive way on the progress we're making, and with this in mind i'm happy to accept the gentleman's
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amendment. and i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from florida. mr. bilirakis: yes, i'd like to close. i don't believe we have any more speakers. we don't have any more speakers so i'd like to close. i'd thank the chairman and the ranking member and i urge my colleagues to help strengthen our nation's homeland security by supporting this amendment. thank you. the chair: does the gentleman yield back? mr. bilirakis: i do. the chair: the gentleman yields back. mr. price: i yield back. the chair: the gentleman also yields back. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from florida. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment -- mr. bilirakis: madam speaker, i ask for a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings offered by the gentleman from florida will be postponed. the clerk will read. the clerk: page 2, line 14, office of the undersecretary for management, $268,690,000.
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office of the chief financial officer, $63,600,000. analyst -- analysis and operations $345,568,000 of which $199,677,000 shall remain available until september 30, 2011. office of the federal coordinator for gulf coast rebuilding, $2 million. office of inspector general, $111,874,000. title 2, security enforcement and investigations, u.s. customs and border protection, salaries and expenses, $7,576,897. mr. king: madam chair, i have an amendment at the desk made in order under the bill.
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the clerk: amendment number 3 offered by mr. king of iowa. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 573, the gentleman from iowa, mr. king, and a member opposed, auto letch control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from iowa. mr. king: madam chair, this amendment takes $1 million out and puts $1 million in, and it comes from time i spent on the board or time i worked with our border patrol officers, our law enforcement officers on the border over the last several years. i've been down to the border, traveled along primarily the arizona border and had our law enforcement officers point to the pinnacles and say, there are drug lookouts, drug smuggling look outs and people smuggling lookouts. these are the equivalent of military positions. i walked a map around and had them put x's on the map to show me where lookouts.
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and i developed this map and handed it to the secretary of homeland security. the locations are not disputed. there is a cat and mouse game going on between our law enforcement personnel between i.c.e., the shadow wolves and our border patrol personnel. had a conversation with john morton who is the new director of i.c.e. he recognizes this concern. i'm encouraged that this administration has taken notice of the lookouts that control the smuggling routes and tip them off when our personnel converge in. sometimes they run a decoy and this cat and mouse game is something that's got to end. no nation can maintain sovereignty if we have lookout positions to exist. so this million dollars is at the encouragement of i.c.e.'s people as well, $1 million would be directed out taking out these lookout sites and removing this as a tool from our drug smugglers and our people smugglers on the border. i think it's something that's a
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bipartisan piece of legislation. it ends the cat and mouse game. and by the way, the request was congress should have a voice on this. i encourage support for this amendment and i reserve. i yield to the ranking member. >> this has brought forth some information that's very helpful to us. i salute the gentleman. mr. king: i thank the gentleman. i reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves. for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina rise? mr. price: i rise in opposition to the amendment. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. price: this amendment increases and decreases, increases and decreases sundaying for salaries and expenses by $1 million with no statutory direction. now, my colleague would have us understand that this amendment would provide funding for a targeted border enforcement effort. i must respectfully disagree. in fact, it will do nothing of
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the kind. the procedure used in this amendment is meaningless having no effect, establishing no legislative mandate. with no statutory significance, it also will have no impact whatsoever on the conference outcome with the senate. it neither identifies the activity being defunded neither the one being augmented. on that basis alone and to discourage the use of this kind of parliamentary tactic to stretch out time for general debate, i urge colleagues to defeat this amendment. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from iowa. mr. king: i'd yield myself a minute and a half. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. king: thank you, madam chair. i would respectfully disagree with the amendment. it increases and then decreases funding and actually this amendment decreases and then increases funding. i don't know if it changes the gentleman's analysis. i don't add this funding. i would decrease it and add it back in. i'd be happy to work with some language that would perhaps been made in order but in order
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for this congress to have a voice on these lookouts, and this is drug smugglers that hold military positions, the equivalent military positions that have stones stacked up like sandbags and people in there with semi automatic weapons that have their supplies brought up to them by patrols and make sure they have food and water and sometimes other things, they come and go as they see fit. and we let them come on top of these mountains and smuggle into the united states. 90% of the drugs that are consumed in the united states of america. and accompanying that are all the violence, the death, the things that are associated with illegal drugs. this amendment is clearly in order, and how this congress speaks to this amendment is how i.c.e. and the balance of the law enforcement personnel on the border will react. i am asking that we simply join in our voices together and ask for an enforcement so we don't
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concede these locations so people that are smuggling 90% of the drugs into the united states. mr. price: are these -- mr. rogers: are these lookout posts on u.s. soil? mr. king: they are. i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from north carolina. mr. price: i yield back the balance of my time. mr. king: can i inquire as to how much time is remaining? the chair: the gentleman has 1 1/2 minutes remaining. mr. king: i yield myself the balance of the time in order to close. as the ranking member from kentucky said, this is something i do have a lot of work in. i am not the only member of this congress that's been down there to these lookouts. i have gone there and walked across the desert with our shadow wolves, for example, and had them point up and say on that mountain they have a position. and they have -- they have state-of-the-art optical equipment, state-of-the-art radio equipment. they are watching every move that our border patrol, i.c.e.,
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custom border protection and shadow wolves are making on that southern border. and whenever we deploy manpower, if we set up our ground base radar that picks up humans, personnel walking across the desert they know where our locations are. they shiffed their traffic accordingly. i have -- they shift their traffic accordingly. i picked up 32 pounds of marijuana on one load that helped some pounds go through another load. we simply cannot tolerate in the united states of america at least as much as 70 miles inside the united states, and i'll be going down next week to look at these locations north of tucson on the road to phoenix. this is the united states of america. our sovereign territory. and playing cat and mouse with people there with semi-automatic weapons, supplies, smuggling drugs in the united states should stop. our congress should join together in our voice and with this amendment ask them to do so to stop that activity and
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defend our soil and put an end to and actually would be a very big help to dramatically reduce the amount of illegal drugs smuggling in the united states. thank you, madam chair. i yield back and urge its adoption. the chair: the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from iowa. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the amendment is not -- mr. king: madam chair, i'd ask for a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from iowa will be postponed. the clerk will read. the clerk: page 7, line 3, automation modernization, $462,445,000. boarder security, fencing, infrastructure and technology, $732 million. air and marine intradiction, operations, maybe the assistance and procurement, $513,826,000. facilities management,
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$682,133,000. u.s. immigration and customs enforcement, salaries and expenses, $5,311,493,000. federal protective services, revenues and collections of security fees shall be available until expended for necessary expenses related to protection of federally owned buildings. automation modernization, $105 million. construction, $11,818,000. transportation security administration, aviation security, $5,265,740,000 to remain available until september 30, 2011. surface transportation security, $103,416,000 to remain available until september 30, 2011. transportation threat assessment and credentialing, $ 171, 199,000o
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