tv [untitled] CSPAN June 26, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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what to charge for their building permits. as well. in every city in america. then we get to page 56. the secretary of energy shall issue regulations to prohibit any private covenant, contract revision, lease revation, homeowners' association rule or bylaw. let me read this again. the secretary of energy here in washington, d.c. shall issue regulations to prohibit any private covenant, contract revision, lease provision, homeowners' association rule or bylaw. . just for those of you who didn't think there might be a lot of government bureaucracy in this bill. then we get to page 63. the amount necessary to change consumer behavior to purchase water efficient products and services. so now -- let me read this
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again. the amount necessary to change consumer behavior to purchase water efficient products and services. so we are going to provide the american people with money in order to change their behavior so they'll buy goods and services that they don't want to buy. i wonder how much that will cost. page 64. subsection 2, to create jobs through the regional expansion of manufacturing facilities to produce clean energy technology. to create jobs. so how many jobs is this going to create? will it replace the 2.5 million jobs that ll be lost each year as a result of this bill? i can't tell. then we get to page 68. the secretary shall award grants to states to establish revolving loan funds to provide loans to small and medium sized
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manufacturers. so who is going to compensate manufacturers for putting them out of business with more loans? let me get to page 70. in particular, where mass layoffs have resulted in precipitous increase in unemployment. we have a provision in here that recognizes that millions of american jobs will be lost, but don't worry, we'll extend your unemployment. most of my constituents who are unemployed don't want unemployment they want a job. and this is going to kill them. i hate to do this to all of you, i do. i hate to do this. but when you file 300-page amendment at 3:09 in the morning somebody needs to work on it. i worked on it today. and i want to make sure everybody understands what's in this 300-page amendment. page 76, certification by
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hollings manufacturing extension center. a hollings manufacturing extension center or other entity designated by the secretary for purposes of providing certifications under clause so and so, and so and so. so now why are we singling out one, one company, one company, where did this company come from? further down the page, page 76. repayment upon relocation outside the united states. in general, if a person receives a loan under paragraph 1 to finance the cost of reequipping, expanding, or stashing a manufacturing facility as described in subsection c-1-a or reduce the energy intensity of the manufacturing facility and such person relocates the production
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activities of such manufacturing facility outside the united states. so we recognize here that we are going to force companies to take their jobs and ship them overseas. it's right here. right here in the bill. i'm glad it's recognized by my colleagues. let me get to page 80. to support manufacturers in their identification and diversification to new markets. another admission that the bill before us is going to kill millions of small businesses and even tens of millions of jobs be. so that we have to have an effort in here to support manufacturers in their identification and diversification into new markets. then we get to page 83. consumer behavior research. the secretary of energy is authorized to establish a
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research program to identify the factors affecting consumer actions to conserve energy and make improvements in energy efficiency. through the program the secretary will make grants to public and private institutions of higher education to study the effects of consumer behavior on total energy use. do we really need to spend government money to do a study on why people don't want to pay twice the cost and get half the quality? page 87, the development of a global framework for the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from civil aircraft that recognizes the uniquely international nature of the industry and to reach commercial aviation industries in all countries fairly. will this include china and
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india? can't tell from the amendment that we've got in front of us. page 92, want to make sure that the structure have appropriate electrical outlets within the facility and capacity to recharge a standard electric passenger vehicle, including an electric hybrid vehicle where such vehicle would normally be parked. now, we are not just going to take the california standard and impose it on every community in america, oh, no. now we are going to tell you where the electric outlets are going to be. and how big they have to be to charge a hybrid vehicle. i just don't understand whether this would apply to nursing homes where there are no cars. here we are, page 96.
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existing structures. for existing structures a reduction in energy consumption from the previous level of consumption for the structure as determined in accordance with energy audits performed both before and after any rehabilitation or improvements undertaken to reduce such consumption that exceeds the reduction necessary for compliance with the energy efficiency standards under subsection a then in effect and applicable to existing structures. so, not only are we going to tell every community in america what the building codes are going to be, what the efficiency standards are going to be, but if you make changes to your house, you have to have another study done to show how much increase in energy efficiency was gained. that will help sell a lot of new houses and a lot of old ones. all right, on page 97. for manufactured housing energy star rating with respect to
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fixtures appliances be and equipment in such housing such as standard or successor standard is in effect for purposes of this section. please, is there anything that we are not regulating in this bill? how about page 105? waive or modify any existing statutory or regulatory provision that would otherwise impair the implementation or effectiveness of the demonstration program under this section, including provisions relating to methods for rent adjustments, comparability standards, maximum rent schedules, and utility allowances notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this paragraph, the secretary may not waive any statutory requirement related to fair housing, non discrimination, labor standards, or the environment. now, in implementing this demo
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program, rising rent can be dismissed out of hand, but labor standards or the environment cannot. as i read it. let me get to page 107. no amounts made available under the american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 can be used to carry out the demonstration program under this section. so no stimulus funds can be used, the majority claims stimulus funds are for a job creation. is this demo going to create one new job? i don't think so. let me get to page 112. additional credit for fannie mae and freddie mac housing goals for energy efficient and location efficient mortgages. oh, yeah. oh, yeah. everybody listen up here. it's not enough that we've got huge problems with fannie mae and freddie mac, they are at the corps of the credit meltdown we have had in our country. but we are going to give them a
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little more money so that they can have goals for energy efficient and location, location efficient mortgages. now we are going to tell fannie and freddie what kind of of mortgages we are going to have in the marketplace. how about page 113? supports housing that supplies with enhanced energy efficiency and conservation standards or the green building standards under section 284 of such act. this is just the federal government using fannie and freddie to impose new federal building codes and standards across the country. let me get to page 114. the federal housing enterprises financial safety and soundness act of 1992 as amended by the federal housing finance regulatory reform act of 2008. this is supposed to be about energy. why are we further bogging it down with trying to solve
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problems for fannie mae and freddie mac? page 115, the term energy efficient mortgage means a mortgage loan under which the income of the borrower for purposes of qualification for such loan is considered to be increased by not less than $1 for each dollar of savings projected to be realized by the borrower as a result of cost-effective energy saving designs. i'm sure that will create a lot of jobs. then we get to page 141. the cranston-gonzalez national affordable housing be act as amended. why are we amending the cranston-gonzalez national affordable housing act? i thought we were doing an energy bill here.
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page 142, use of building materials and methods that are healthier for residents of the housing, including the use of building materials that are free of added known carcinogen that is are classified as group one known carcinogens by the international agency for research on cancer. outlined building materials as well, it appears. then we have a grant program to increase the sustainability of low-income community development capacity. we are going to provide loans, grants, or predevelopment assistance to eligible community development organizations or qualified use service and conservation corps to carry out energy efficiency improvements. i want to know if acorn would qualify for these grants.
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then on page 146 we have another authorization here. there are authorized be to be appropriated to the secretary to carry out this section $10 million for each of the fiscal years 2010 through 2014. all the members know we have spent all the year's income by april 16, everything that we spend here we have to borrow from our kids and grandkids and the chinese and everybody else who wants to loan us money. page 148, 25 points in the case of any proposed plan or portion thereof consisting of new construction. so now we have a new government formula to determine winners and losers when it comes to the building of new housing. page 149, the bottom, for purposes of this paragraph the secretary shall iratings systems and levels for green
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buildings that the secretary determines to be the most likely to encourage a comprehensive, environmentally sound approach to ratings and standards for green buildings. so the government's going to decide what's green, not the american people. in identifying these green rating systems, we are going to -- the secretary has to take into consideration the ability and availability of assessors and awe didors to independently verify the criteria and measurement of met tricks at the scale necessary -- metrics at the scale necessary to implement this paragraph. she also has to improve indoor and outdoor environmental quality through enhanced indoor and outdoor air quality thermal comfort acoustics, outdoor noise pollution, sustainable landscaping, use of building system controls, and low or no
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emission materials. and such other criteria as determined by the secretary. so why are we giving the secretary all of this authority under this act to determine virtually everything? let me get to page 153. the secretary may by regulation adopt, apply for purposes of this paragraph future amendments and supplements to and additions of the national green communities criteria checklist. any standard or standards that the secretary determined to be substantially equivalent to such checklist and the green building rating systems. . so a lot of power without any congressional oversight. now i really hate to do this, but when you file a 3---- 300-page amendment at 3:09 a.m., the american people have a right to know what's in this bill. they have a right to know what we're voting on.
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let me get to the bottom of page 155. revision of a -- of appraising standards. each federal financial institution regulatory agency shall not later than six months after the date of the enactment of this act revise its standards for the performance of real estate appraisers in connection with federally related transactions under the jurisdiction of the agency to comply with the requirement under the amendments made by paragraph 1 of this section. so now we have to retrain every appraiser in america so that they understand this law, so they know how to properly appraise the value of someone's property. oh. oh, i haven't finished. and they need to meet the requirements established pursuant to subsection f for qualifications regarding
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consideration of -- consideration of any renewable energy sources or energy efficiency. so every appraiser is not only going to be retrained but now we're going to send them all to school. let me get to page 157. the appraisal subcommittee, another new part of the bureaucracy, shall establish requirements for state certification of state certified real estate appraisers and for state licensing. of state licensed real estate appraisers to ensure that the appraisers are qualified to consider in determining the value of a property any renewable energy sources or energy efficiency or energy conserving improvements or features of the property. interesting. and the secretary on page 158, shall require the housing assistance council to encourage each organization that receives assistance from the council with
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any amounts made available from the secretary to provide that any structures and buildings developed or assisted under projects, programs and activitied funded with such amounts complies with the energy efficiency standards under section 284-a of this subtitle. more power for a lot of unelected bureaucrats. then on page 160, the middle of the page is it says, in general, the secretary shall use amounts in the fund to provide loans to states and indian tribes to provide incentives to owners of single family and multiple family housing, commercial properties and building -- public buildings to provide renewable energy sources and it goes on and gives a hole long list. but there's no appropriation here for it -- a whole long list. but there's no appropriation here for it. and then on page 164 we authorize another $5 billion and
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there's no idea where this money comes from. page 165, green banking centers, we're not going to do houses and commercial properties and multifamily housing, now we're going to have green banking centers. the federal banking agencies shall pry guidelines encouraging -- prescribe guidelines encouraging the establishment and maintenance of green banking centers to provide any consumer who seeks information on obtaining a mortgage home improvement loan, home equity loan with additional information. are you kidding me? and i've heard of blackmail but now i know what greenmail really is. on page 170, the top of the page, section 299-f, the general
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accountability office reports on availability of affordable mortgages. really? after we drive the price of every mortgage up in america we're going to help them to do a report on affordable mortgages? guess what? they're going to be a hellf a lot more expensive. page 173, the secretary of housing and urban development may make commitments to a guarantee under this section and may guarantee the repayment of the portions of the principle obligations of eligible mortgages that are used to finance eligible sustainable elements for the housing that is subject to the mortgage. so now we're not going to guarantee the mortgage but we're going to guarantee the improvements to the property as well.
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page 180, and i would direct all of your attention if you have a copy of this to section 3 of that page. the full faith in credit of the united states is pledged to the payment of all guarantees issued under this section with respect to principal and interest. oh, no, oh, no, no, no, it's here. it's right here. the full faith in credit of the united states is pledged to the payment of all guarantees issued under this section with respect to principal and interest. the term green portion means with respect to an eligible mortgage, the portion of the mortgage principal referred to in subsection 2 that is attributable as determined in accordance with the regulations issued by the secretary. so, we have a new government program and we're going to guarantee this with the full faith in credit of the united states. and on page 184, on april 1 or a
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later date established by the administrator under subconnection j of the calendar year in which the term offset credit expires, the owner or operator holds for purposes of filing, demonstrating compliance or allowance or a domestic offset credit. i read it because i cannot tell what you that means. on page 190 at the bottom of the page it talks about aljay. on page 189 we got renewable biomass -- algae. on page 189 we have renewable biomass. this is the third definition of renewable biomass that we have just in the manager's amendment, much less the bill. this caught my attention at the bottom of page 191, section 3,
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for vintage year 2012, are we talking about wine? let me get to page 280. carbon derivative markets. we already heard enough about credit default swaps, but i think most of you know that under this section the commodity exchange act is amended by striking or an agricultural commodity and inserting an agricultural commodity or any emission allowance, compensatory allowance, offset credit, federal renewable electricity credit established or issued under this act. so now we're going to let those governed under the cftc trade these credits with others around the world. and on page 209, talks about the
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affect of derivative regulatory reform legislation. on passage of this legislation that includes derivative regulatory reform such as 351, 352, 355, 356 and 357 shall be repealed. any idea of the derivatives regulations that we're repealing in this bill? you probably didn't know we were doing it. and on page 210, to prevent an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and other countries -- in other countries other than the united states, i presume that means countries like india and china, to induce foreign countries and in particular fast-growing developing countries to take substantial action with respect to their greenhouse gas emissions. india and china have made it perfectly clear to every one of us that they have no interest and will not go down this path. further goes on to ensure that
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the measures described in subpart 2 are designed and implemented in a manner consistent with applicable international agreements to which the united states is a party. in the very structure of the border provisions, however, makes this impossible to achieve andle "wall street journal" said the other day and suggested that this bill really could start a trade war and if we begin to try to impose our bureaucracy on other countries we could just have that. then we get to page 225. distribution of emission allowance repay thes. further down the page it -- rebates. further down the page it says pursuant to the entities in direct carbon factor as calculated under subsection 3-b. can anybody tell me how to calculate an indirect carbon factor or what an indirect carbon factor is?
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let me get to page 226. not more than 85% of the united states imports for that sector are produced or manufactured in countries that have met at least one criteria, one of the criteria of that section, then the 10-year reduction schedule shall begin in the next vintage year. so now we're going to try to control imports from countries based on what they're doing with regard to their energy policy. use of data to determine factor, page 231, where it is not possible to determine the precise electricity emissions intensity factor for the
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methodology in clause 1. in what instances would this -- would it not be possible it -- to determine what that is? let me get to page 233. in each eligible industrial sector every four years, using an average of the four most recent years of the best availability data, for the purposes of the list required to be published no later than february 1, 2013, the administrator shall use the best available data for the maximum number of years up to four years for which data are available. why every four years? what's this data used for? then it goes on, the administrator should limit the average direct greenhouse gas emissions per unit of output calculated under paragraph 4 for any eligible industrial sector to an amount that's not greater than it was in any previous calculation under this section. so what's the cost of this
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provision? or on page 234, the administrator shall use data from the greenhouse gas registry established under section 713. how much is this going to cost? promoting international reductions in industrial emissions. page 236. congress finds that for the purposes of this subpart, can be most effectively addressed and achieved through agreements negotiated between the united states and foreign countries. it is the policy of the united states to work proactively under the united nations framework convention on climate change and other appropriate fora commits all major greenhouse gas emitting nations to contribute equitably to the global greenhouse emissions. the bottom line of all of this is all pain for the united states citizens and no gain.
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then we get to page 237. the president shall provide a notification on climate change described in paragraph 2 to each foreign country, the products of which are not exempted under section 768. this is less than a fig leaf here. they're trying to pretend that this notification will satisfy the consultation required by the w.t.o. rules. it won't end there and it's going to result in retaliation against the united states exports. then we get further down on the pages, requesting the foreign country to take appropriate measures to limit the greenhouse gas emissions in those countries. so if they're really nice, they won't have to, but if we can, we can force them to adopt our bizarre regulatory scheme. then we get to page 238, the united states negotiating objectives witre
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