tv [untitled] CSPAN June 29, 2009 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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school budgets defeated. the other districts are well- supported. they on the average and $17,000 per cent with poor results. the other spend about 13,000 zero lows. what is the constitutionally of this and how you think it will affect education? -- the others spend about $13,000 per student. guest: most people do not understand that redistricting really affects the issues that impact their lives directly for allocating -- when you elect the legislature in your congressional members that often determines what resources will be allocated in your state and how they will be allocated. host: from various departments
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of government? guest: yes, each can decide its party. each member will typically look at their own single member district and decide to bring home the bacon for their district. you end up in competition among legislators to allocate resources that best fit you. if you are in a powerful position as opposed to ricky or freshman, then you are likely to have more resources and produce the kind of impact the caller refers to. host: jerry lifehebert is the project manager for redistricting reform. we will see if you are as optimistic on the white house -- these are comments on the presidential adviser yesterday. this is the headline in "the financial times."
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she hopes for a v-shaped recovery. the u.s. economy will feel a substantial boost from the obama administration's emergency spending package over the next few months. christina rohmer has warned against tightening monetary and fiscal policy before career is well-established. she is the chairman of the council of economic advisers. she told us in an interview that 2 is more -- that she is more optimistic that the economy is approaching stabilization. she comments that as the opposition republicans step up their attacks on the stimulus, it has not prevented unemployment from hitting a quarter-century high of 9.4%. that is from yesterday in that
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interview in the paper. this is on the front page of "the baltimore sun" which says that new jobs and not likely. as the economy rebounds higher unemployment in jobless recovery is forcing. not only as the employer rate likely to climb, but it is expected to remain there well into the next year. economists say prolong the misery is squeezing retailers and other businesses. it could even threaten the recovery itself. we are asking you about the economy and your optimism or lack thereof based on the comments of christine rohmer and others. first up is from louisiana on the republican line. caller: good morning. so far the white house has not been accurate on the state of
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the country. we might get a boost in the next few months, but this health care and tax and trade bill -- if the capacity to will be disastrous. it will destroy the economy. host: arkansas, a arkansascaller, you are next. caller: in some places it has improved. but the media is under-reporting a lot of stepping of i read on this role at the bottom of the screen that about two weeks ago unemployment was down in 20 states. every time you talk about the economy all it does is remind people what the bush administration has done to it. they came in with a surplus. but they still it, still iraqi oil, and just messed up the airline system.
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host: kathy, our question for you is about your optimism -- are you as optimistic as christina rohmer? caller: yes, if the republicans would stop blocking everything. they need to help fix what they messed up. host: next call to germantown. that is on the independent mind. caller: let me comment on cap and trade. the recovery we're going through seems to be pretty much invisible. out of the $787 billion, how much of the heavy put to use as far as recovery?
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the producer everyone spoke to? how much has actually been spent? host: manassas, va., on the republican line. caller: yes, i have totally lost confidence in the obama plan. i did not like the banking bailout, the mortgage reform legislation, and i definitely do not like this cash for clunkers. i just read the details on the bill before the national transportation board gets hold of it. they are totally ineffective. i doubt that they get even 50,000 cars because you almost can i get a car. i just bought a 2009 morano. i have a 1996 lumina the gets lousy mileage for guests in this country did in but i do not
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qualify because i bought my car before july 1. this legislation is so per- business. i think his more conservative than bush. i made big money under bush. my pocketbook has been effective. i must have missed about $12,000 that i thought i was going to qualify for. host: when did you buy your car? caller: i just bought its in may. host: thanks for your call. a number of calls concerning the withdrawals of troops from iraq. the date was established come up being tomorrow, june 30. it was established in a secure pact approved last year. it sets the deadline also for the complete withdrawal at the end of 2011. iraqi officials have hailed it as a victory against insurgents.
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one more story on iraq. this is a story from "usa today." u.s. forces snubbed by iraqi forces. the colonel, the iraqi colonel is convinced he can get by with minimal support from u.s. forces. he says he really does not need them. they also quote a u.s. soldier, 26 years old, a platoon leader who is concerned that a diminished u.s. presence on the ground could lead to a set back considered. he noted that they step of the u.s. military moved out of a station last week insadr city, a bombing there killed 70 people. it says when we are not in partnership with them they just do not seem to practice the same tactics, and techniques, and procedures that keep the insurgents from having the opportunity to strike. also, this morning the "usa
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today" with the death toll in iraq. 4306 u.s. service members and 13 defense the parts of billions reported killed in the iraq war. missouri is next up. are you as optimistic as the white house? caller: yes, i am optimistic about it. but i would like to say in reference to your callers, your not screening them again. this lady from tennessee calls every week. she is just a good republican. she cares nothing about other people's rights. she cares nothing about the rules and regulations of your program. she calls every week complaining. y'all never cover-up. she is typical republican. although one is for themselves. host: thanks for pointing that
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out. we will try to keep a better view on that. would you like to comment? caller: i already have. you must need glasses because you can't read anything. host: the next call is from the independent line in florida. caller: one of my biggest concerns is that in a time when we are so-called recovering in the money is spent to stimulate the economy, with all the regulation and all of these laws taking place to announce seems that the majority of money will put the lawyers to work. how will this affect the air bridge -- how will this affect the average jooe out there? how will this affect us? host: good morning. caller: hello, i am very
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disappointed in the obama administration now. most people have forgotten the number of jobless claims which rose about 50%. is that helping the economy? in fact, the stimulus bill is not working. we need to scrap the whole thing. we need to focus on american jobs only. host: thank you, and here are a couple of stories concerning the hondoran coup. barack obama administration and you don't show this said they still recognize mr. zelaya as the president. the urges return and the restoration of democratic order.
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also this morning in "the washington times" the have an exclusive interview with ban ki moon. the un secretary general said on sunday he is making a personal effort to try to free the u.s. journalist imprisoned in north korea. illinois is next. your thoughts on the optimism of the white house on the economy? caller: you have afghanistan, iraq, we have health care issues. we have so much on the plate of the obama administration. one of my fears from the campaign is that people would want a quick fix. things were so dire for the last eight years. people's expectations were enormously high in the one a quick fix.
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we in america have gotten used to having things fixed in a hurry. information at our hands so quickly, so we want quick answers, and unfortunately the economic problems are so deep. host: you are breaking up a little so i will move on to the independent line in ohio. caller: yes, and not very optimistic about the economy. with this stimulus package that the democrats pretty much forced down our throat and did not allow anyone to read before they passed it, that money will have to come due some time and that will absolutely destroy the economy. this cap and trade bill the democrats are pushing through the house, or did pushed through, did not allow the republicans to rita. and put down amendments at 3:00
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a.m. -- they are hiding something. the no will raise taxes. . it will raise electric bills and gas and everything is. they want to hide that because they force it through to the senate. now the senate has the democratic majority. now we have a democrat president. he will force it through. it will become law. all the businesses will go overseas. that will lose jobs. it would just destroy the frail economy we have now. host: among his comments, david they're just talk about the stimulus legislation. in this interview with christina romer she talks about the stimulus legislation. she says the stimulus money was being distributed in almost exactly the rate forecasted by the office of management and budget. she says it should make a material contribution to growth
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in the fourth quarter it this year. california is next up on the republican line. caller: hi, they're so many people in this country other working people starving and having a tough time. why are we giving israel $4 billion per year since 1945? there are only 5 million jewish people in israel. host: a story this morning in a paper concerning a settlement freeze, saying that israel is open to a freeze on the broader section. they write that israel would be open to a complete freeze of the settlement building in the west bank for three up to six months as part of a broad peace endeavor that included a palestinian agreement to negotiate an end to the conflict. this is according to senior officials on sunday. they spoke before a planned
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meeting on tuesday in washington. it involved a meeting between barak and george mitchell. good morning, welcome to the program. caller: with the unemployment as high as it is, it seems to be getting worse. we do not have a true picture. the only thing they report are those who sign up for unemployment. but for those for whom it has run out there no longer can. we continue to spend money overseas. when the talk about situations they do not ever mention putting a tariff back on things coming back into this country. if we can make things here as cheap as over there it would be different. but then we would become a third world country and our people would have nothing. it seems to be where we're going at the present time. host: thanks for the call. here is an article about jobs.
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this is the baltimore paper. its says their new factors that could make the problem worse. the talk about more layoffs which have been permanent in this recession. mass layoffs are continuing at a record pace last month as they cost nearly over 300,000 workers their jobs. instead of shrinking operations companies have shut down whole business units are made sweeping changes such as at general motors and chrysler. citibank and bank of america have cut tens of thousands of positions. this is john on the independent line. caller: i am a single parent and about ready to drown. the only thing our politicians can do is give themselves a raise and take more vacations. thank you. host: rhode island, tell me the name of your town? this is the republican line.
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caller: it is pronounced cha-t patch -it. please excuse my nervousness. this my first time to call. everyone seems to have such a different take on this economy. the democrats, the republicans each have something different to say. we're pushing 14% unemployment here. it is bad. even the food closets are out of food. you talk about a recession -- red island it is in a depression. yet they are spending at such a rate. -- rhode island is in a depression. host: have your taxes gone up back caller: everything is going up. they have added more tax on to sin taxes, the cigarette tax.
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i do not even know what people who smoke are paying now, but we have haadded to since more to gasoline. in massachusetts they have now passed an increase in sales tax it has gone up 1.5%. it is crazy. yet of what to be in washington is going on like it is a boom in this country. you try to talk to politicians whose in back interest to your letters that have nothing to do with what you wrote to them. host: who did you write that caller: next i have one congressman, patrick kennedy, who is not anymore. then i have of langivin, and senator white house -- he is unbelievable. he is smart and should know better. then we have missed yourreid
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this seems to think everything is just fine. host: jack reed? caller: yes. it is terrible. they do not listen to us. then when we send them our littletea bags, a lot of us and call listas racist. caller: then not only did not respond, but threw out the letters with every now because they had a foreign substance in them. host: thanks for your call. this is from "the boston globe" and held the state legislatures are dealing with short falls. it's a small investor save the day. individuals bought over $1 billion in bonds. let's show you another headline from the arizona piper.
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the legislature there hopes to cram months of work into two days. the state budget deadline, vacations push lawmakers to pass bills. also, speaking of legislatures this is in california at the "orange county register" -- both houses met on sunday in our rear weekend session starting in late afternoon. the assembly speaker of los angeles announced the assembly democrats would employed a legislative ripple to pass a budget fix and tax increases without a single republican vote. anthony, welcome. caller: washington by itself has the right perception in try to help with the tarp program as well as the stimulus package, however, it is the financial institution still holding the government hostage. they did not want to ease a
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credit either for a home purchase, small-business enterprises, as well as vehicle loans. until we get a marriage between these two government entities i do not see the economy doing anything new. even warren buffett indicated that usually after a situation like this in which the government has induced and infused the tarp program and helped the banking industry there is usually about. there is no bounds. the reason why is because the financial institutions are not cooperating. host: calif., next on the end up in a mine. go ahead. caller: yes, i am not very hopeful about the economy straightening out. i have been laid off for about six months and working extremely hard. i have had only two interviews. host: what kind of work? caller: i was a welder, a
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technical wilder. i had a lot of management experience. -- a technical welder. but with everything going on including amnesty -- it will not make it easier. there steamrolling a lot of stuff through congress. it is not helping americans at all. i think this should help america first. help those who are really hurting before they try to help everybody coming in, you know? i can understand it somewhat, but not with such an influx. that is what is really stressing out california so much. host: this is from "the chicago tribune" were returning lawmakers gear up for a fiscal fight. they are fighting over taxes, deficits, and spending. south carolina on the republican line, alan. caller: we have got terrible
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unemployment here. i left long island in the hamptons because we were overrun with illegal aliens and having the same problem down here. i guess it is nationwide. we need to close the borders, close the ports, and just thing for america, america it comes first. host: on your governor, graham call for him to finish out his term, what you think? caller: yes, i think we have anarchy. i have just turned 50 years old. as a handyman i cannot find a good job here or anywhere i have been. the governor has got to go. host: the morning, on the democrats line. caller: commenting on your story about the iraq war. i think it is very important for us to re-define those missions now.
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there is no other country on the other side fighting. the importance would be to first develop a clear drawback on the troops and get support of the international help. that has been lacking. my great things to all the servicemen and condolences to the lost lives and others. host: we will talk tomorrow more on the show about that june 30 deadline with u.s. troops out of the iraqi cities. here's the front page of the denver paper. some legislators decided to forgo the payments during the fiscal woes, but others cite the cost of being in number. next up ,leah, on the in the pan and line. caller: i would like to follow up on a comment made. -- on the independent line. caller: one provision in that states that if you lose your job
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because of that loss they will provide you with three years of unemployment benefits. the only reason the put that into the legislation is that they recognize the huge numbers of people who will be thrown out of work with this bill. if you look at this model nearly all the jobs created at enormous cost were temporary in nature. two for every one of lost was lost permanently. host: next up on the democrats' line is sebastian. caller: i am a recent college graduate and have not been able to find a job. host: what was your major? caller: i was a history major at georgetown university and have looked at consulting jobs. i did a little bit of finance. i have been on tons of interviews and applied to tons of companies.
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i do not know what to do. i am optimistic about the economy. i know that i am young and don't have many responsibilities, but it is frustrating. host: good morning. caller: i'm a first-time caller. host: glad to have you been caller: obama has only been in office for little over five months. everybody wants him to try to do something it took bush eight years to mess up. now all those people complaining now, why were they complain when bush sent those jobs overseas? and that the way things are going with unemployment is that bush administration put those things in effect. they're just happening now because there's no way that obama could be blamed for losing as many jobs as have been lost in five months. host: we have talked about the
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climate a little. here's the from page of the times this morning. obama opposes trade sanctions and a kind of bill. the effort shift to senate after the house victory. the right that the president acknowledges initial targets for reducing emissions of up by the house were quite modest and probably not satisfied to governments of other countries or mini environment groups, but he said he hopes to build on those early targets to build a more robust program in the future. new mexico, this is margaret on the republican line. caller: yes, hilary clinton secretary of state sent $900 million to the palestine authority in december 2007
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united nations pledged $7.7 billion to the palestine authorities. this will probably end up in terrorist bank accounts. or under hamas and hezbollah to bomb is true. host: that will about due for this morning's program. we will be back tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern for 3 hours of conversation and your calls. hope you have a great day. ♪ [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2009] . .
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