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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 29, 2009 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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for seven f-22's. are you losing this battle? >> no. there is not a lot of support for that weapons program at the pentagon. it is the determination that they have made going forward that it is not a weapons system they believe should be a priority for this country and the threats that it faces moving forward. the president -- our administration has set up a policy that said if that funding for another aircraft second engine were in the legislation, senior advisers at the white house and the secretary of defense would advocate or veto that, in that is our position. >> five years ago, when the
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president of haiti was overthrown by the military, the previous commission recognized the new government by the chief justice because under the haitian constitution, he was next in this succession. now with the president leaving honduras, the congress elected their president. >> that is one way of putting it. >> ousted. they elected their president as the new president to the country, which is in accordance of honduran lot. why doesn't the admonition simply follow the president? >> i think what we saw was a severe disruption in any sort of democratic norm. we are seeking to restore that democratic norms in honduras.
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>> my other question is on the calls the president made to members of congress. did he promise any political or campaign assistance to some of the democrats who were on the fence? >> i think the president said -- i was not a participant in those calls. i can assure you that the president affirmed his commitment to support the policy position that they were taking in helping to explain to their constituents and to the american public a great benefit of this bill in creating jobs, lessening our dependence on foreign oil which is a national security problem and an environmental problem. i know he is a strong advocate for the legislation. >> given the position on the
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construction, what is the administration of's reaction to allow the building of the west bank settlement? have you seen the reports that israel might consider three to six months' suspension of the building during a meaningful piece discussion with palestinians? >> i have seen reports on that today. i think the president has outlined of responsibilities of all, that he sees them in the process of building middle east peace. i don't want to get ahead of some very important meetings tomorrow between them, except to say that we are optimistic about making progress. nothing, april? >> and a. a. cp, i understand
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there could be -- naacp, i understand there could be a snafu with timing about the president's speech on the 17th. is there a chance he will not speak [inaudible] >> i don't know of any snafu. i don't have any reason to believe that they -- that he was not going to speak. >> they were saying that they wanted the people to come out and it is just not feasible about the time that the president wants. >> it is hard for me to do this without discussing this with scheduling that will predictably have all of these answers. >> any reaction on the bernard madoff sentencing?
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what is the president paused thought on the executive compensation issue? >> let me take the second question first. we have appointed a special master to look into the compensation practices of banks , lending institutions that have received assistance under the tarp program, his ability to review the salaries of the top 100 employees, and in all sense, sign off on that structure, and it is in the process of beginning. i think the president and his administration is implementing far reaching the executive pay reforme. i think the president has outlined his views on this
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pretty clearly since the administration began. on the first one, i saw that the judge wanted to send a very strong signal to anybody that invest money on the behalf of others, the amazing responsibility that they have to those investors and to the country, and use it to send a message. my guess is that that message will be heard loud and clear going forward. >> [unintelligible] is his mission to get osama bin laden who is still at large?
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if osama bin laden is brought to justice, will things change? >> obviously, we would like to see osama bin laden captured and brought to justice. i think, as i have said before, our policy is broader than one person or individual. i think general jones was in -- he visited afghanistan, pakistan, and india over the course of the past week and spend time talking with the president on that issue as well as honduras yesterday. i think we have seen some progress. i think there seems to be -- i think the events that happened in pakistan over the past several weeks have united many
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in the cause against extremism. we obviously have a long way to go. i think the administration believes we are making important progress on that front. thank you, guys. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2009] >> president obama hosted a reception in honor of lgbt pride month. his remarks last about 20 minutes. [cheering and applause]
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[cheering and applause] [cheering and applause] >> hello, everybody. good to see you. [applause]
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>> you moved to slow. >> it is great to see everybody here today. i have a lot of friends in the room but there are some people i want to especially acknowledge. first of all, someone who helped ensure that we are in the white house. please give steve a big round of applause. where is he? he is around here somewhere. [applause] the new chair of the export/import bank, fred. where is fred? good to see you, fred. our director of the institute of education sciences, john easton.
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[applause] a couple of special friends, the bishop gene robinson. [applause] ambassador michael guest is here. ambassador jim hornel is here. oregon secretary of state kate brown is here. [applause] all of you are here. welcome to your wife house. -- welcome to your white house. [cheers and applause]
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somebody asked for the lincoln bedroom. [laughter] it is good to see so many friends and familiar faces. i appreciate the support that i have received from so many of you. michelle appreciates it. i want you to know that you have our support as well. [applause] you have my thanks for the work that you do every day in pursuit of quality on behalf of the millions of people in this country that work hard and care about their communities, and that are gay, bisexual, or transgender. [applause] this struggle, i don't need to tell you, is incredibly difficult. although i think it is important
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to consider the progress that we have made. there are unjust laws to overturn and unfair practices to stop. although we have made progress, there are still fellow citizens, perhaps neighbors or even family members who still hold fast to warn arguments and attitudes who fail to see your families like their families and who would deny you the right that most americans take for granted. i know this is painful and i know it can be heartbreaking yet, all of you continue, leading by the force of the argument you make but also by the power of the example that you said in your own lives. as parents, friends, as pta members, leaders in the community, and that is important. i am glad that so many lbgt
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families can join us today. [applause] fort reno that progress depends not only on changing laws but also changing hearts. real, transformative it change never begins in washington. who's duck back there? [applause] there is a duck quacking somewhere in there. where do you guys get these ringtones by the way? i am just curious. indeed, that is the story of the movement for fairness and equality, not only for those that are gay, but those in our
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history that have been denied the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, who have been told that the blessings of this country were closed to them. it is the story of progress sought by those who started off with little influence or power, by men and women that brought about change through quiet, personal acts of compassion and courage, and sometimes defiant, wherever they could. that is the story of a civil rights pioneer that is here today. frank cameron. [applause] frank was fired from his job as an astronomer from the federal government because he was gay.
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in 1965, he led a protest outside of the white house, which was at the time of both an act of conscience but extraordinary courage as well. we are proud of you, frank, and we are grateful for your leadership. [applause] it is the story of the stonewall protests, which took place 40 years ago this week, when a group of citizens with few options in supporters decided they had enough and refused to accept a policy of unwant and discrimination. two of those men are here today from those protests could imagine the journey that they have trouble. it is a story of an epidemic that decimated a community and
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the gay men and women that came together to support one another. they have demonstrated before the world that different kinds of families can show the same compassion and support during a time of need, that we all share the capacity to love. this story, this struggle continues today. for even as we face extraordinary challenges, we cannot and will not put aside issues of basic equality. [applause] we seek an america that no one faces the pain of discrimination. i know that many in this room do not believe progress has come fast enough, and i understand that. it is not for me to tell you to be patient any more than it was four others -- then it was for
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other. s. we have made progress. we will make more. i want you to know that i expect and hope to be judged not by a words or promises that i have made, but promises that might administration keeps. [applause] -- that my administration keeps. [applause] we have been in the office for six months. it might expect of the time this administration is over, i think he will have pretty good feelings about the obama administration. [applause] while there is much more work to do, we can point to important changes that we have put in
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place. i have signed a memorandum requiring all agencies to extend as many federal benefits as possible to lbgt families that current law allows, making it real difference for federal employees and foreign service officers who are so often treated as if their families do not exist. i would like to note that one of our key voices is our director of the office of personnel management who is here today. [applause] i have called on congress to repeal the so-called defense of the marriage bacact. [applause] to help end discrimination against same-sex couples in this country. i want to add that we have a duty to uphold existing law, but
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i believe we must do so in a way that does not exacerbates old divides. it no way lessens my commitment to reversing this lot. i have made that clear. i am urging congress to pass the domestic partners benefits and obligations act. [applause] my administration is also working hard to pass an employee of nondiscrimination bill and a hate crimes bill, and we are making progress on both fronts. judy and dennis shepard are here today. i assured her and all of you that we are going to pass an exclusive hate crimes bill into
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law, one named for their son matthew. [applause] in addition, my administration is committed to be sending the discriminatory ban into the head states based on hiv status. -- into the united states based on the hiv status. the office of management and budget just reviewed a proposal, which is a first and very big step to ending this policy. we all know that hiv aids continues to be a threat in many communities, including right here in the district of columbia. i was proud once again to encourage all americans to know their status and get at it -- to
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get there -- to know their status and get tested. [applause] finally, i want to say a word about don't ask, don't tell. as i have said before, and i will say it again, i believe don't ask, don't tell does not contribute to our national security. i believe preventing patriotic americans from serving their country weakens our national security. [applause] my administration is already working with the pentagon and members of the house and senate about how we will go about ending this policy, which will require an act of congress. someday, i am confident we will look back at this transition and wonder like it generated such angst. do have a responsibility to make sure this change is administered
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in a practical way that takes over the long term. i have asked the secretary of defense and joint chiefs of staff to develop a plan to implement a repeal. i know that every day that passes without a resolution is a deep disappointment to those men and women who continue to be discharged on this policy. patriots that have served this country well. i hope these cases underscore the urgency of reversing this policy could not just because it is the right thing to do but because it is essential for our national security. even as we take these steps, we must recognize that real progress depends not only on all laws we change, but on the hearts we open. if we are honest with ourselves, we will acknowledge that there are good, decent people in this country that do not fully embraced their gay brothers and sisters.
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not yet. that is why i have spoken about these issues in front of unlikely audiences, in front of african american church members. in front of other audiences who have traditionally resisted these changes. that is how we will shift attitude and honor the legacy of leaders that have refused anything less than full and equal citizenship. 40 years ago in the heart of new york city, a group of citizens, including a few that are here today, defied unjust policy and awakened in movement. it was in the middle of the night. police stormed a bar. raids like this work entirely ordinary because it was considered obscene and illegal to be gay. the nature of these businesses,
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combined with the vulnerability of the gay community meant places like stonewalled and the patrons inside were often the victims of corruption and blackmail. ordinarily, the raid would come and they were dispersed. what we do know is this. people did not leave that night. they stood their ground. over the course of several night, they declare that they injustice during their time. this was an outpouring not just against what they experienced that night but what they experienced their whole lives. with so many movements, there was also something more. it was at this defining moment or marginalized rose up to challenge not how the world saw them but how they saw themselves. as we had seen so many times in history, once that spirit takes hold, there is little to stand
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in the way. [applause] the riots gave way to protest, and protests give way to a movement, and the movement give way to the transformation that continues to this day. it continues as a partner fights for the right to sit next to a hospital bed for the woman that she loves. it continues in your work and in your activism, in your fight to freely live your life to the fullest. one year after the protests, a few hundred gays and lesbians and their supporters gathered to lead and historic march for equality. when they reached central park, the few hundred swelled to 5000. something had changed and it would never change back. when these folks protested for years ago, no one could have imagined that you or for that
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matter i -- [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> would be standing here today. [applause] so, we are all witnesses to the monumental changes in this country. that should give us hope, but we cannot rest. we must continue to do our part to make progress, step by step, law by law, mind by changing mind. i will not only be your friend, but an ally, a champion, and president that fights with you and for you. thank you very much, everybody. [applause]
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it is a little stuffed in here. we opened up that door. we are going to walk this way and then we are going to see some of you over there. but out there. thank you all very much for being here. it enjoyed the white house. [applause]
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