tv [untitled] CSPAN June 30, 2009 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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next government. we have confronted the issue of urban renewal and we dealt with infrastructure. this was necessary, but now the time has come to deal with human beings. i know that there are certain resistance, but i am deciding we cannot continue to proclaim values and tolerate that these values a contradicted by the facts. .
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>> it will be necessary to reach these goals. on an exclusively formal notion of equality, maintain a situation that goes against our principles. i will not resign myself to that, either. where do we stand in terms of secularity? i will not talk about affirmative secretaire predict affirmative secularity. i remain firm on the idea that is not a refusal of all forms of religion or of the religious spirit. is a principle of respect. it is to respect of all police and opinions. it was written to teachers that when you give a new principle to your students, you should ask yourself this. to your knowledge, is there a
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single on this man who could be offended by what you are about to say. asked if a single parent or in your class listening to you, would they not agree with what you are about to say. if that is the case, do not say it. who could forget that the separation of church and state occurred during difficult circumstances. we are not threatened by the clergy. we are threatened by a form of intolerance which marginalized any type of belief. i am thinking of french muslims. we should not fight the wrong fight in our republic. the muslims believe should be as respected as other types of religions. this is an issue of freedom. it is a problem of woman paused
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dignity. the burqa -- the burkett is not a religious symbol. -- the burqa is not a religious symbol. [applause] the burqa would not be welcome on the territory of the french republic. we cannot accept french women who are prisoners behind walls separated by social life and deprived by any kind of identity. this is the idea of the women's dignity. parliament itself wishes to deal with this issue and this is the best way to proceed. we need to have a discussion and
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all points of view need to be expressed. i am telling you, we should not be the same of our values and we should not be afraid of defending them. where do we stand when it comes to freedom? freedom gives us the right to do what we want. to be free is to live without constraints and without rules. when everything is allowed, this is not freedom. this is the lot of the jungle. it is the lot of the strongest from most intelligent. this is the discussion we have on our school system. we should teach children there is no freedom without rules. we see full well that capitalism becomes unbridled when there are no rules. this is the debate we have on
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copyrights. within our society, that is where laws do not apply. how do we demand rules for our economy but no rules for the internet? how do we except the rules that are imposed on society as a whole are not imposed on the internet? i am defending the idea that i have of a society of freedom where freedom is based on the respect and right of others. this is the culture i defend. this is why it is an issue dear to my heart. the debate of freedom is also a debate on security and on our prison system. is one free if one is afraid in one's own house? are victims free if they are
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punished? how can we speak about justice when there are 82,000 people who have been sentenced who have not been sent to jail because there is not enough room? the situation in our prisons is so dire that it goes against our notion of human-rights. the tension is a hard thing to live through. it should not degrade us. people who have been deprived of dignity cannot be reinserted into society. we should be embarrassed of the situation of our prisons, however devoted people who work in prisons may be. we will build new prisons. we will create more room in hospitals for prisoners with psychiatric issues. this is a need for the freedom of all of us. it is a moral requirement.
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it will be something that will be tackled by our next government. ladies and gentlemen, how can we hope to have all of the opportunities of success if we're not willing to make difficult decisions. we are aware of the difficult decisions -- schools, universities, pension schemes, public services, the organization of our territorial structures, and deficits. a lot has been done over the last two years. reform, restructuring, decrease in the number of civil servants, rating the unemployment agencies, the reform of the labor movement.
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these four all difficult decisions to make. i'm wondering why is it so difficult to reform our country? why is it so difficult to solve those issues? we all know what these issues are. the merger of the government employment agency and the labour employment agency have waited for 20 years and for the tax system is something we waited for for 10 years. i am not making any difference between those on the left and those on the right. that would be too simplistic. we have received few results. how come there are so many people that have been marginalized? the dissatisfaction of youth is
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so persistent? how come the dissatisfaction of our middle class is so great? we have not been able to better prepare us so for the aging of our population. that should not surprise us. it took us so long to support the green revolution since we knew for many years that this was unavoidable. how come it's so difficult in the country to prepare for the future? how come all together we have lagged so far behind? when we consider everything civil society does come up one see how it has transformed itself, when we see the innovation we have, and the courage and the energy and the intelligence that french people are capable of, they are playing their role as they have done in
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the past as if it dead defended more of the creators, the inventors, we would have solved our problems and would have been able to face the problem with hope. there were two bad choices. we should have better manage our economy. we did not. we should have focused more of our means on expenditure to prepare for the future. we did not do that either. i am not criticizing the government. this undoubtedly is a shared responsibility. i have thought about this. i believe that thanks to the crisis, we should question it policy that has -- there are contradictions that are less and less sustainable. i will not shirk my
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responsibilities. i will not carry out politics of austerity because they are doomed to fair -- to fail. increasing our taxes will postpone our recovery. when we increase taxes, you do not reduce deficits. deficits will be increased. i will not sacrifice our investment because without investment, there is no future, because a blind policy of slashing is a policy that leads to no choices. it does not allow us to control expenditures. it leads us to/good expenditures while leaving the bad expenses increase. every time we have carried out politics of austerity, we have
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found ourselves with more deficits and more expenses. there is an issue of deficits. we will not be able to sell the with austerity. we need to change radically -- we hope will not be able to sell its with politics of austerity. wasteful spending and excessive bureaucracy. operational costs too high. it should be brought back to 0 with reforms we will implement as a priority in our calendar for next government. there is a second. . a deficit that stems from the crisis in the decrease in our revenue from the decrease in our social expenditures. they are a shock absorber and
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has allowed france to absorb the deficit by devoting to it all of the revenue which will come from growth. there is a third kind of deficit. if finances the deficit for the future. it is normal to finance this through borrowing. this could be a good deficit in the specific condition it allows to finance good investment. there is the question of the quality of public expenditure, the rationale of austerity hides it. we only ask ourselves in terms of what the short-term budgetary concerns will be. if there is not enough means, if we do not want to invest in pilot schools, in magnet schools, if there is nothing to propose to young people, if we
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are not able to support children in difficult situations who find themselves excluded from the school system before they have finished their school years, this is not saving. we are preparing an increase of future expenses because we will face the cost of this. so i would like to propose to the social stakeholders to take massive measures to increase short-term things for those whose jobs have become obsolete. anyone who has been laid off should be able to keep their wages and train for a year. the time has come to take advantage of the situation to invest in our manpower so they
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can work better to improve their prospects in life. this is in our best interest. we increased our debt in order to invest. these funds will allow us to create technological breakthrough. therefore there will be revenue for the state. it will increase in value. it would cost infinitely more in the future. to those who feel the law is unsustainable, i want to say this is the most needed expenditure. it will increase employment. it will give france a position of an engine of growth in the future. this is the investment. i increase the infrastructure in paris.
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when i tried to create a showcase for french know-how and technologies. this is an investment. we will mobilize new means in order to reindustrialize our industrial centers. this is better than to subsidize in activity by making unemployed dependent. to defend our industrial base is an investment. we need to propose a solution to all teenagers who leave the schooling system by the age of 16. we may spend more today, but we will spend less in the future. our youth will be capable of finding a job, starting a family, raising their children, rather than being marginalized. this is an investment our state needs to do. we need to become responsible in
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night in schools to give children a good conditions. it is better for the public to defend all talents -- all intelligences rather than wasting them. that is key worst waste a country can commit. we need to create the conditions for better life in schools. students who are happy and responsible and consider it will be better students for tomorrow. investing in our schools is one of the best investments we can do to our future. professional courses, literary courses. we need to make these centers of excellence is as we need for science courses with a high level degrees. this is a good expenditure. what it cost us is to have waited too long to do so.
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we need to continue in investing in our universities what giving a top notch level. we need our youth to convert their independence through their work, through -- we need our youth to conquer their independence through their work. we need to make decisions whose confidence will continue to grow and very quickly we will find ourselves at a dead end. or we continue the way in which we perceive things. we strive to find those who contribute to the creation of wealth, who become more numerous and therefore we will be in a better position to have the social network and the
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health care system that we hope for. therefore, we will support reform, the reform of our state. we will promote redistricting in france because we should not waste means in having too many districts in france. we will not replace one at of two civil servants who retire. this is one of the conditions for the effectiveness of our civil service and to improve that. i am fully aware of the huge financial need and that we're not in title to waste a single euro. we will push the reform of local communities. we will try to decrease the amount of local and regional local elected officials.
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we will request an effort from all communities. the government will face a huge challenge of transforming the french economy in it to a productive economy. what is at stake is the country itself, the citizens themselves, and the taxpayers themselves. the effort should be shared. there's also the issue of the reform of social security network to stop abuses. this is something that we will reform. we will also reform the pension system. 2010 will be an important year in that regard. everything will have to be in question. the age of retirement. all possibilities will be
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considered. the various stakeholders will make proposals. i will not close the debate opened it. the time will come to make a decision for 2010. the french government's will make the hard decision. this is a question of honor and ethics towards future generations. we will not waste a single europa of public money. i am asking the parliament to identify all the waste, all useless organizations, all public aid that is not fruitful. take the time to discuss this. ladies and gentlemen, we can no
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longer set priorities and not give ourselves the financial means necessary to reach our goals. this is an issue of credibility, of belief in the promises made by the government. this crisis should be the opportunity to invest and to forge ahead. there are many important issues for our future. education, professional training, research, health, innovation. they will require considerable rules. we cannot satisfy all of these within the confines of our yearly budget. if we do not change our practices, we will set priorities without being able to reach parable's. we will reshuffle the government. the first task of the new government will be to think about the national parties and
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setting up a loan to finance these priorities. we do not intend to set these priorities ourselves. the sectors that will prepare the future of france. these priorities are important to the country as a whole. the parliament should take part in defining and setting these priorities. we will discuss this as of july 1. our leaders of the economy of culture and education will also be consulted. we will discuss this all together. what are the few strategic sectors, the party sectors that will enable us to prepare the future of france? the decisions will be made once this debate is concluded. we need to radically change the
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way in which we face the future. as to the loan, the amount, the conditions will be sent once we set our candid -- once we set our priorities. i will take the measures necessary to allocate the proceeds of this load exclusively to these strategic priorities for the future. i'm saying exclusively. i wish to decrease our operational costs, those that seem to be wasteful and not a priority. our future will be based on investments. our future will be based on the role that we give to production and to labor in our new growth model. there is the issue of our tax system. we continue to tax reduction and to tax work. we know that by imposing too
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high-cost on labor and production, we are destroying our jobs and our industry. offshore production has become a problem to france. having a tax system solely based on production and labor is responsible for that. is our goal to push all of our factories to be friends? is our goal to lot -- to no longer have manual workers in our country? this would be a suicide. this would be to waste our best assets. the idea of france without any manual workers is an insane notion. this is a strategic choice i am proposing to you. [applause] and it is on behalf of this strategic choice that defense production and labor that would need to slash our taxes and to
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rethink bonds. this is in the same spirit that we should go as far as we can on taxing pollution. when we tax pollution, we can decrease the tax on labor and production. this is an environmental stake. this is to promote employment. how to give more value to labor. how to hope that labor will be productive, that our workers find themselves involved in their work and find themselves involved in their company if their efforts are not fairly compensated. work should be fairly compensated. this is a debate that i wish to
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have as well. there again, i will make tough decisions. it is an issue of fairness. a new sharing of assets, everyone will win. this is a new model of growth. everything is changing in the world. to show a lack of ambition, a lack of courage, and a lack of imagination. france is changing. europe should change, as well. europe can no longer function after the crisis as it did before. the term has not come to see -- to speak about. europe should give itself the means and it to go hands in hands with the change in france.
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latest installment, what i propose to you is to move ahead. let us have the courage to change. we are an old country on an old continent with an old civilization. our history has taught us much. we should turn back for awhile. when france was convinced that everything was possible that france was at its greatest is when france defended its future because france was at its strongest. ladies and gentlemen, this feature -- this future, our people have made as responsible for this feature. this is what we will do. long live the republic. long live france. [applause] >> this afternoon, a panel discussion on what now happens in iran after the crackdown that
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took place after the elections. we will hear from a member from international studies. it is held by the woodrow wilson international center and live coverage begins at two o'clock 30 here on c-span. we will have coverage of the white house briefing with robert gibbs at live p.m. eastern. quest president obama visits russia next week -- >> president obama visits russia next week. there was a discussion yesterday on the summit. it was composed of world leaders. global zero has called for the total elimination of nuclear weapons. >> i assume these seats will be filled in during the course of our press confe
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