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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 30, 2009 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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we firmly condemn with all our strength these acts. our president has been conducted. we condemn what has been taking place in honduras. if this president remains in power, it cannot imagine how other presidents can feel imagining that armies may rise up when somebody says something or does something they are opposed to. distinguished ambassadors, there is no law my country allowing for the ousting of the president. there is no trial to condemn the president. this was one of the reforms that we were in visiting -- envisioning, the possibility of what will happen if a president is bound to fail.
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it is the people who were the judge. . . we are mandated by the people on behalf of the people to serve and to aid the people. crimes must not go unpunished. i am a christian. and i always for give. i always pardon. i do not wish to look with hate to upon anyone. i always forgiven part and even
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those who hurt me. but history, people, and the dignitary of the nations will not forget this action of barbarism that happened in our country which has sent us out into exile and which has undermined the gains that we have achieved with such difficulty, with such effort, and with such love. in the gettysburg statement -- address, lincoln said the following. the government of the people, for the people, by the people shall always prevail. this is what we say. this is what the citizen of the 21st century say. is what the citizens of all countries of the world say, what you have said. [applause]
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>> delegations are kindly requested to remain seated. [applause] [applause]
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>> we will show you today's briefing with the general rate or dionne now -- ray odierno. we will have that press conference for you at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. >> how is c-span funded? >> publicly funded. >> donations? i have no idea. >> government? >> it gets funding through taxes. >> a public funding thing. >> i do not know. >> 30 years ago, america's cable companies greeted c-span as a public service. a private business initiatives. no government mandate. no government money. >> now an event with navy operations chief at role gary roughhead.
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his remarks last an hour. this is hosted by ogilvy public relations in washington. [applause] >> thanks. it is a pleasure to be here with you today. i really look forward to getting to your questions and for me, and some recent events, to include this session up in newport, our current strategy form that was referred to. little did i know that my in sufficient public affairs officer would have me in front of a pr firm two weeks after i said that. one could think that the things that we have and what we do globally would be enough to tell our story. movies like "top gun" which when
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it came out, the secretary of the army made the comment, he said i do not know what you guys are doing right. you get "top gun" and i get to "full metal jacket." to many of our citizens, our oceans are transparent. they do not seem to play much of a role in our everyday lives. paradoxically, while the oceans may seem unimportant, and invisible, they really are essential to everything we do. if you walk into a wal-mart or i would venture to say even the shop that is just outside the entrance to this building, if you were to walk in there and scan around, almost everything in their in whole or part had to come from across the seas. i have said the oceans are like air. they are essential until you do
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not have them. and it becomes a problem. for me, i sum up the importance of the oceans in three words. it is commerce. communications. and it is resources. it is commerce because 90% of the trade that takes place in the world has moved on the oceans. it is communications because of the 95% of intercontinental communications move on the ocean floor. not off the satellites that you often see in the powerpoint slides of lightning bolts moving around. that communication represents $3.20 trillion of trade that is taking place. and its resources. 65% of the known oil reserves and 35% of the known gas reserves are resident or exist in the littoral areas of the
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continent. that is not to mention things like wind power and power that i believe in the future will be derived from things such as [unintelligible] while we may agree the oceans are important for the reasons i listed, i think the american people do not have a full or good appreciation of what the navy is doing every day. i would like to talk about that a little bit of i could. we still have the firepower that people can conjure up from the old victory at sea movies. our navy is still quite capable of doing that. every day, our sailors are out carrying out what i call the six core capabilities that we set forth in our maritime strategy is almost two years ago. this capabilities are in some ways as much as we have been doing over the years, but there have been some additions.
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the capabilities that i plan for, and think about all the time for our navy and we have called out for navy to be is to be a forward baby. to be globally deployed. to be out and about in this vast maritime domain that you see appear. to be a navy that ted has the capability and the capacity to be a deterrent force, to deter potential adversaries, but also to assure friends and partners. to be a navy that can project power and the power projection can come from airplanes off -- or aircraft carriers. it can be missiles off our combatants and submarines, or can be in the form of marines of four amphibious ships. to provide c control, to control areas of ocean of the size and place where the commander in chief may call for that to be done. also is to provide for maritime security as much as you see
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happening off the coast of somalia. it is to respond to disasters as we have done throughout our history. and in recent years, a new addition to our capability and that is to provide pro-active humanitarian assistance much like we are doing with our hospital ship that is at -- operating in central america today. those are the missions and that is what our sailors do and that is the very flexible force that is the u.s. navy today. in a way, as i said, many of those things we have been doing as a navy for almost two centuries. our history quite frankly is less the cataclysmic sea battles than it is being out and about looking out for our nation's interest. 62,000 sailors are deployed around the world and 51% of our ships are at sea. the four of our aircraft carriers are deployed. three in the pacific and one in
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the central command area. each one of the ships as 97,000 tons of american sovereignty. sovran american base, able to be moved anywhere in the world. it is more than a floating runway. it is a floating base. a sovereign base. from witcwhich the instrument of american power is equipped and maintained. 46% of the fixed wing sorties flying over afghanistan in afghanistan are coming off the carrier. it is a floating base that can flex from that type of power projection to being a base that can be the foundation of the largest humanitarian relief operation that has ever taken place in history and that is what happened in december 2004 when the tsunami swept through
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south east and south asia. it was the carrier abraham lincoln that was that poured in hong kong on a routine visit over the christmas holidays on a sunday. by saturday, she was providing 50,000 pounds of food and water a day into this tsunami affected area. in indonesia. that event also led us to adjust our strategy i think in a very significant way. as i said, we have been responding to disasters during our history we said, let's see what we can do proactively. we began a series of humanitarian missions that, to date in four of which we have been conducting them, have touched 409,000 patients from our ships. that is in south america and the pacific and africa.
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if you consider the 409,000 patients, that is like going to the verizon center, packing the house, and then having doctors treat each one of the people in the verizon center 20 times. that is not an insignificant contribution that our people are making. it is not just the aircraft carriers. it is the cruisers and destroyers that are out and about. the forces of our fleet as i like to call them. and they are flexing from the high end of warfare to the low end. they are in the gulf of aden controlling an area that is four times the size of texas against pirates and they are destroyers like the u.s.'s bainbridge which took a sizable detachment of seals aboard, complete with all their equipment, staged a messy, and enabled the perfect save of capt. phillips from the maersk alabama.
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they are in the middle east providing ballistic missile defense. it is the destroyers that simultaneously for the last couple weeks have been operating off the east and west coast of africa. as part of our african partnership's statement -- station delivering aid and working with other nations their maritime security issues. they are in the south pacific, participating in the cooperation and training exercise with other countries. they are in the arabian gulf protecting the sea lanes that are so critical there and indeed, the world's most important point, the strait of hormuz which is the passage through so much of the world's crude passes. the globe the service are submarines doing some of the most sensitive and -- important intelligence work and maintaining a stealthy and
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reliable and potent striking power for the nation should be called upon. above the water are capable and flexible airplanes. not unlike the old venerable pd anti-submarine warplane that we are flying the wings off not chasing submarines but rather, chasing insurgents who are planning improvised explosive devices in iraq and in afghanistan. that is the stuff that we have that is so important to us but that is not our most important resource. the most important thing we have are the sailors. our people. one aspect of our operations today is the fact that we have 14,000 sailors on the ground in the middle east. in iraq, afghanistan, and the horn of africa. that is more sailors and we have at sea. we have 10,000 today. since 9/11, we have deployed
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individually 78,000 sailors into iraq and afghanistan. sailors who had been serving on ships and submarines and airplanes but who are now into the fight supporting our ground forces there. clearly, our seals have a long darpresence a large presence. we have construction battalions. seabees that are part of our humanitarian missions around the world. our sailors are serving in provincial reconstruction teams. last december i was in afghanistan on a cold mountain talking to provincial rate -- brick construction team leaders who happen to be a nuclear submarine air and who had been driving a nuclear submarine around. we had navy doctors who are distributed on the ground with
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our ground forces but they are also on ships around the world with our sailors and they are also key in our humanitarian assistance efforts around the world. in every ocean on every continent, you will find american sailors and our ships and aircraft or sometimes operating by themselves alone. or even in operation deepfreeze in antarctica. i can attest personally of the sailors that were under the ice when i visited. in the way you can see that we are a little bit of and everything force. what some have come to call a hybrid force. it is irregular but most importantly it is both at the same time wherever the nation needs it to be.
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we must be flexible. the world is more interconnected. the time and patiencpace of opes are lightning fast and they're going to get faster. it is not good enough that we get there. we in this very interconnected world have to be there when things happen. that interconnectedness is also going to be increasingly fragile. it is going to be easily disrupted and what i believe is going to be a more disordered world. i refer to pirates as our old clothes because we go back in history, it was the pirates in africa that were the reason for the founding of the u.s. navy. it goes -- what goes around comes around and we're back at it again. demographic pressures are also going to add to some of the challenges of the future.
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if you consider that the population in the urban areas in 2050 will be the same as the world population in 2040 -- or 2004. seven of the 10 largest cities are going to be on or near the coast. you are going to see that demographic press down near the coastal areas. research competition is going to heat up for water and for fish and arable land. climate changes going to affect our weather patterns and it is going to affect the icecaps which in turn will affect transit grounds and that will change. beyond all that, we also face the challenges of proliferation. as i mentioned, that no conflict will ever again in my mind be high and or low and. hybrid really is the word of the
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day. it is what our future will be. we see the proliferation of advanced weapons. submarines. the population of world submarines is expected to increase in -- increased 280 in the next few decades. we have seen how groups like hezbollah can have an advanced anti-ship cruise missile. again, i am not sure that we have will -- we will go into an environment and say it is low- end or high-end any more. what was once kind of remote and not of great interest as far as battlefield's go, they are opening up. i talked about the blue twirl -- littoral areas. there is a competition for resources and if maritime trade continues to connect the world together, we will seek sovereign
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space open quickly and the undersea domain with the competition for resources i believe will become more important. the ability to influence world events, therefore, is going to be more important that we do that from the sea. it clearly is an important option for country to have. especially because in the future, a small footprint on someone else's sovereign soil will become even more sensitive. between 2001 and 2010, one-third of permanent oversees military personnel planned to return to the continental u.s. and when those bases and those folks go way, american presence cannot go wait and it will go from a land based presence to a maritime based presence. all this in the strategy and operations, the growing trend and the importance of the maritime operations will affect
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the shape and structure of our force. what i want to do is pop up a slide here. while the dots appear to be fairly large, it is a representation of where our ships are today. each one of those dots represents a ship. we have clustered the submarines because we never show where those submarines are. if you look at that, they are -- and there are 142 there. you can also see the global reach that that flee provides the nation. if you look at the yellow dots, those are areas where commanders have asked for more capacity. more numbers. we simply do not have the structure to provide that. so, it will be increasingly important that as we move forward, we look at ways to be able to meet the capacity demands that are being called for. and as you can also see, 14,000 sailors on the ground in iraq
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and afghanistan. even as you look at this, you can talk about increases in capabilities on the ships that we have, one ship in one place at one time. those are the laws of physics as best as i can tell. i think about the capacity and a capacity of our carriers. we have four deployed but in order to keep them deployed, they have to be others in the pipeline, ready to move out fitting and repairing, getting ready to go forward. i think about that. i think about the capacity of naval aviation and talk about the fact that we are using our anti-submarine planes very effectively on the hunt for improvised explosive devices and insurgents but they are in demand for anti-submarine warfare need to globally. i think about amphibious lift and the reason i believe that is important is this issue of the
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sensitivity of sovereignty. and the need to be able to be there but not be there. that will be come increasingly -- that will become increasingly important. the littoral combat ship, i am pleased to say we have turned the corner on that capability. capability will become important. it will remain important in the capability will be how do you address and how you work in this hybrid environment in which we will live and operate. i believe that the high and capability can go low but below and can go high all the time -- the low end ken gough hi all the time. we have seen the reach of the
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destroyer to rescue captain phillips. that is a good investment that we have. we see demand from our combatant commanders for increased maritime ballistic missile defense, increased numbers of submarines, and increased intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance. as i mentioned before, for us, flexibility while we are deployed and while we are spread is very important. when the situation develops, you do not go home to get your gun. you have to be there ready to respond with the kit to that you have and the training that you have provided your sailors before they go forward. the challenges to get to way structure that can service the world that we are going to live in is going to be challenging. there is no question about that. it is going to require solutions that give our sailors the advantage in any fight. i often say that i never want an
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american sailor in a fair fight. they always have to be in the advantaged position. as secretary gates has said, the solutions will not always be explicit. and for that reason, you have seen some discipline and some decisions that we have made recently in our program. for example, truncating the ddg 1000 this story. an extraordinarily well run program and a technologically advanced ships but that is not what the combatant commanders are asking for or where we see the trends developing. we made the difficult decision to cancel two ships in the lcs program. if we had not done that, it would have jeopardized the rest of the program. i recently canceled weapons development program that we had been pumping money into for many years and had nothing to show for it. we have recently canceled an
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unmanned underwater vehicle that was following the same pattern. a lot of money in and no capability out. i will not hesitate to make those types of decisions to deliver the force of our sailors need for tomorrow. more important, then all the stuff that i talked about, our sailors. they are the key ingredient as to why we are the effective navy that we are. for the first time, we have used the all volunteer force in a protracted fight and we are learning a lot from it. i will tell you that the navy that i serve in today is the best navy in which i have ever served. because of the men and women who are out and about doing the types of things that i have mentioned. operating in compensating that force is very different than it was when i came in the navy. we cannot compel service as we did back in the days of the draft.
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we can attract. we can encourage. we can convince. it is important because only 28% of young people in the u.s. qualify for military service. the importance of being able to attract and recruit and retain those fine americans is increasingly important. retaining and recruiting that force is much more expensive. if you consider in the time between 1990 and 1995, a mid- grade petty officer, an e-5, the pay scale for that petty officer between 1990 and 1995 increased $85 in five years. between 2000 and 2005, that perret's was $11,000. the nature of the force that we're dealing with today and the
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compensation that is required and that does not get into covering things such as medical and housing and retirement costs. it is a very different set of issues than we have had in the past. that is what we must do to have the type of navy that we have today. i think what you can see from these brief remarks is that your navy is out to and about. it is busy. it is global. it is delivering on those six capabilities that we addressed in our maritime strategy. this strategy is not a piece of shelfware. look around the world and can see your navy doing that but the decisions we're going to make in the future going to be key to the type of navy the nation has to protect its interests globally. i look forward to being involved in that


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