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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  July 2, 2009 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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union members protest outside the capital ordering state workers to take off one day each month. assembly speaker karen bass that of los angeles charged out of the governor's office clearly this truck and walked briskly down a hall. "he broke it,ty should fix it" abbas said tersely, alluding to schwarzenegger's refusal to fix it, but not closing the entire deficit. the governor's using media tools to give his side of the budget. he is actually sending tweets of what is happening in the state budget. for example, july 1, posted at 1:11 a.m., a "is almost 10:00 and they are still running drills of stairs, trying to pass the same bills id total hours
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ago. we need to solve the deficit." another mode he and his staff are using is youtube, they have created a video that gives their perspective on how the legislature is approaching this budget. >> right now, in the midst of a budget crisis, they are debating about couch tales. -- cow tails. >> [unintelligible] ç>> and i think that this is inexcusable. i mean, how can they explain this to the californian people, that in the midst of the biggest budget crisis, we are having a debate about khost tales. -- cow tails. >> here is what it looks like to the orange county french page.
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they note that the speaker storms out of the movie as the governor uses social media to tell his side of the story. ohio, this is daniel, republican line. caller: i can answer the question that everyone wants to know with one simple statement, there are too many some boat -- sacred cows. and no, there are -- this is not a pun on the cow tails. there are just too many things that republicans and democrats both consider sacred. when you are in debt, not enough money coming in, too much of that going out, then everything, and that means everything, needs to go on the table. here in the state of ohio we have a house of representatives and a governor that is actually trying to violate our state constitution by putting a tax on food and drink and then coming
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along here and wanted to give another $685 million more than what we have in our budget. they just cannot seem to understand that the well is dry, the bank is closed, and there is no more money. you have got to put everything on the table. if it means cops, then too bad so sad, it means cops. yous economy and expect to get anything out of the deal. host: we just heard a bit about what is happening in pennsylvania. next call is from pennsylvania, what is your perspective? caller: i have a different slant. i'm actually gleeful as to what is going on because i do not blame the government. i blame the people. but people do not vote. they do not really care. they have been a guinea a society for the last 30 years. -- eight give me society for the
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last 30 years. now these politicians are going to wreak havoc. someone has got to pay the tab for all of the things that have taken place. the people have caused it themselves. if you want a change in the future, you do not trust the same people in office now. get rid of all of those legislators that have six or eight years in the legislature because they are not doing the job. they all want to blame bush or here or there, but it always point the same way. for example, in our state legislature, they get several hundred dollars a month to get a vehicle. they voted that themselves. i found out that they have a motor pool in harrisburg where they can check the vehicle out that it's good gas mileage and they do not want it. they want a nice mercedes. all these other places, i hope that your other competing with iraq been digging for worms because there is an implosion in
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this country. it is coming. get off your rear end. get these idiot out. you are not going to see a change. all you are born to see is a change in your pocketbook. >> that is gray in clinton, pennsylvania. we will continue this discussion till the top of the hour, but we will be joined by a guest to is the director -- deputy director for the fiscal projects in senate budget policy and priority. he is going to give us detail about what is happening in the state and we will continue to can -- to take your calls. you can also send us an e-mail or a twitter message at c-span nj. caller: i was calling to put
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georgia on the list of bankrupt states. they have fired all the people and now they have raised our party taxes $300 and sent us a letter lyn! month that they're going to be raised three under dollars and you have until november to get it. it seems that all these things that the republicans are running is going bankrupt. çhost: let me show you a map tt was printed this morning in the "wall street journal" about what states are in what situations. the great states are ones that are finalized budgets. the one in black, which include pennsylvania, ohio, north carolina, illinois, arizona, california, are also ones that have not made the budget deadline yet. and the ones in white on the page, their fiscal year does not
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end on june 30. so, the discussion continues there. but go to bowling brook, illinois. illinois is also in the middle of a budget battle. the chicago tribune says, illinois fiscal year starting out shaky. what is your perspective? caller: social services are too high. i do not know if it is right just to blame the governor, but it does relieve the legislatures. almost the whole united states wants to blame bush for the last eight years, but actually, it the american people, if they take a look at themselves in the mirror+lñ, they will notice that they're the ones who went out and got these mortgages that they cannot afford. and they will now raise our taxes and they will not make any spending cuts. you can only spend what you
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have. that is part of the problem. we have all republicans for six years. a change has not happened. we need to break up the congress so conservatives can take over the congress and the american people can get some changes so we can get it under control when clinton was president newt gingrich forced him to make tough choices. i look at the prosperity we had. it's pretty simple. don't spend more money than you taken. that's what the government has to do. that is what is not happening. if you look at the darke states, those are mostly democratic states that overspend, not t
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>> in just a couple of minutes will be live with the white house. then at 2:20 p.m. eastern, president obama will be talking about the economy and employment numbers coming out today. the jobless rate is up to 9.5% in the month of june. also at the white house, the white house is confirming that vice-president joe biden is in iraq. the ap writes that he is there to meet with iraqi leaders and u.s. troops. it is his first trip to iraq as u.s. vice president. while we wait to take you to the briefing, we will take you to today's state department briefing, which just wrapped up. >> good afternoon, i do apologize forwxq delaying the briefing on the afternoon before
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a 3 day holiday. at any rate, let me give you a quick update on some schedules. i think you saw the secretary did not have any public appointments, but she did work from home this morning. ambassador goldberg concluded his meetings in beijing today with representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs and other ministries involved in the inclination of the u.n. security council 1874 hail to park beijing over this weekend for kuala lumpur. gyythere will be meetings with officials on monday, july 6. as we look to the fourth of july, our national holiday, i'm very cognizant of the fact that my counterparts -- not my counterparts. my colleagues, my fellow
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citizens are now in harm's way in afghanistan in the helmand region. my thoughts and prayers go out to them and their families. i want to give you a bit of an overview -- some information about the involvement of the state department in helmand. we are well-positioned for thevt will follow clearing operations that were launched by the marines in the last 24 hours. the u.s. agency for international development and the state currently have two officers that are directly linked to the marines in helmand. they have been in helmand for over two years. we understand that they are highly regarded for that -- by their other marine colleagues and some of the most experienced experts that we have in afghanistan. in addition, a usaid officer will ride in helmand this
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weekend with three more to follow in the next couple of weeks. these are stabilization experts from our office of transition initiatives, as well as senior development advisers who will be developed -- working directly with the marines to assist holding and building. these added civilians are part of the larger increase of more than 450 civilians that state and civilian agencies are sending to afghanistan to work alongside our military personnel. their deployment have been, and will continue to be, a closely coordinated by the industry in a couple and u.s. forces in afghanistan. -- by the embassy in kabul, and u.s. forces in afghanistan. >> are you planning on sending anymore to supplement those? you mentioned the three so far. do you expect that to increase? >> as i said, we have two more -- two there now and we have another one that is planning to arrive this weekend.
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but then, as i said, we also have this larger civilian effort that we will a lot over the next few months. >> so, there will be something -- >> the larger civilian of their -- effort is part of our plan to help afghanistan in general. i'm not exactly where they will be positioned with in afghanistan. >> how many civilians in afghanistan by the end of the year? do you have any idea? what i'm not sure of the exact time line. but the number is 450. >> if we can go back to the earlier point about the secretary, when will she resume a normal schedule? can the state department
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confirmed why she is not traveling to moscow? is it because of the elbow injury, or another region -- reason? >> you all saw her on monday. she is very actively involved in the operation of the department and advocating u.s. policy. she had a very full day yesterday. she attended a number of meetings, including a few public meetings. but as far as her medical prognosis, these are not the kind of details i am prepared to share. i do know that she is looking forward to resuming a fault -- a full schedule. i think she has a pretty full schedule anyway. you see that some days she is out, and other day she comes to the office, but she looks
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forward, for example, to coming -- going to india and southeast asia in a couple of weeks. >> she has just been busy, so she is not going to moscow? >> you know, there were never any firm plans to unnecessarily for her to go to moscow. she called the foreign minister there yesterday to tell him that she was not going to go and she looked forward to seeing him soon. but in terms of what is going to happen in the next few weeks, as i said, she does plan to go on this trip to asia in a couple of weeks and we hope to have an announcement soon about that. >> you are still not saying why that decision was made, for her not to go. >> she broke her elbow. and she is getting therapy.
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so, quite naturally, she is focused on that. , you know -- you know, on healing. >> that makes sense. >> the white house came out and said it was because of physical therapy. >> part of today's state department briefing. we will show all of it later on our schedule. çthe runner, we'll go live to e white house for the briefing with robert gibbs. -- right now, we will go live to the white house for the briefing with robert give greategibbs. >> let me do a quick "week ahead" for you. i think most of you have a sense of where we're going to spend next week. tomorrow, the president will travel to camp david.
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he will travel to the white house early in the morning on saturday. the white house will celebrate the fourth of july on saturday, obviously, and monitor -- and honor military heroes as they barbecue on the south lawn. the hero -- the evening will conclude with fireworks. the marine band will perform. white house staff and their families have also been invited to watch fireworks on the south lawn. he will deliver brief remarks, which will be pooled press. as you all know, on sunday night, the first family will department washington d.c. for moscow. they will arrive monday afternoon and remain in moscow until wednesday afternoon where the president will depart in -- will depart for rahm to participate in g8 activities until friday. the president will depart italy on friday night for ghana, and
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remain in ghana until saturday night when he returns to washington dc. just as an fyi, when the president leaves for camp david, they will go on marine one from a different location because they are setting up for activities here for the fourth of july. >> the president told the ap interview that he may never get comfortable with prolonged detention. what would be the alternative to dealing with terrorism suspects? >> i think the question was z how one might go about doing this, his perspective on that. obviously, that is something that the interagency group is working on now. no decisions have been made. i do not think it would be very
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productive to get into "what if" or decisions that have not been fully finalized. >> he also said that the u.s. would keep the door open for north korea to return to disarmament talks. but doesn't the u.s. has to do more than keep the door open? doesn't he have to apply them in some way with sanctions? >> i think it is clear that sanctions are having an impact. i think as the president said in that interview, we have gotten the cooperation of the russians and chinese on those sanctions, sanctions many people thought would not come to fruition. at first and foremost, the administration is working to ensure the vigorous implementation of those sanctions. they're putting in place, based on the concern of north koreans
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trying to move weapons or materials out of north korea, the vigorous inspection of those -- the vigorous implementation of inspections is working to get the north koreans to live up to the obligations of their responsibilities that they themselves signed up for a few years ago, and will continue to do that. >> so, nothing else beyond this to get them to want to do that? >> well, you know, we continue to watch the north koreans. they continue to say and do what they do and say and we are certainly hopeful that they will return to discussing this, but understanding that the international community is taking very strong action to deal with the situation in north korea and to prevent weapons or material from leaving north korea and going to anywhere else.
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yes, sir? president obama announced on june 8 that the administration -- >> president obama announced on june 8 at the administration was creating jobs. the u.s. lost 467,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate went upç to 9.5%. what is the president's reaction to the unemployment rate and are you concerned at the economy is losing steam faster than anything you can do to help it? >> let me take that question and address it on a couple of different levels. i think you heard the president say today, and he will say again later, that obviously, he is deeply disappointed by the continued job loss in our economy. he is continuing -- we are continuing to lose jobs and this is something that he and the administration are working to address. understanding that it has been 549 days since we have been in a
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month that has seen a net positive job creation. i think the president remains deeply concerned that we are losing jobs month to month. i do think that if you look at -- if you step back and look at the numbers for a quarterly basis, whereas the bureau of labor statistics did today. they looked at from november of 2008 through, i believe, march of 2009. the average job loss for those months approached 700,000. in the most previous quarter, the job loss at average -- that job loss averaged for under 36,000. -- 436,000. in a sense, the beginnings of
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civilization are beginning to take hold and hopefully the worst job loss is behind us. you all heard me say the second time i walked into this room that it was likely to get worse before it was going to get better. i do not think anyone believes, and we certainly never said that a recovery plan in and of itself would solve our economic problems. or that, after only 100 something days it would turn an economy, as i said, that has been in the worst financial shape that we have seen it in since the great depression. i do think there there is evidence that the recovery plan is working. last month, personal incomes were up as a result of the recovery plan. but i think you will hear the president say later today that he sees this economy through the eyes of the american people and obviously, the american people are continuing to work. >> is the government doing
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everything it can do at this point? >> ezell lee. again, at -- absolutely. again, there is money in the recovery plan to help state plug those goals. but understand, recovery is just one aspect of it. there is financial stabilization. there is housing that you have to be aware of. there is a host of issues that the president and administration are going to focus on to turn the economy around. >> as a follow-up on that, is the message to the american people that the recovery, the stimulus are working, just be patient? >> well, our message is, we did not get into this problem overnight, as the american people understand, and it is not likely we're going to get out of this economic problem overnight. we have said repeatedly. i have said this week and last, we think unemployment will continue to grow.
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we do see some less negative trends in the way unemployment is going understanding we have still got quite some ways to go. >> when is it going -- when is it no longer overnight? >> when is what the lumber overnight? but you said we did not get into this problem overnight. -- >> you said we did not get into this problem overnight. >> i think this is going to take some time. i think this is going to take months and months. we have said this from the beginning. remember, the last month in which we created -- we net created jobs in this economy with december 2007. we understand that we are in the deepest recession since world war ii and the worst financial crisis when you take into account markets and housing since the great depression. that is going to take some time.
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but i think that there is credible evidence, 1900 construction projects in progress, there are $160 billion in recovery money that has been ?xjt(uq" at this point. that is going to make a difference. >> on a different subject -- so much of the focus is being put on the next front of the fight against terrorism in afghanistan. if the president formally prepared to -- is the president going to formally prepare the american people for more deaths as things are ramped up? >> i think the american people have, through service members, through their families, understood the sacrifices as we have understood the sacrifices that they have made -- many of them the ultimate sacrifice -- over the past seven plus years
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whether it was afghanistan or iraq or throughout the world. i think the president discussing an increased number of troops that is currently being phased into afghanistan that there is likely to be more violence. obviously, part of the increase in troops was the result of a deteriorating security situation leading up to a very important elections later this year. i think the american people understand the sacrifice and commitment that the men and women of our military have made, and the men and women that work to stabilize the economic and governance issues that also face afghanistan. >> just a follow on what dan was saying earlier, yesterday, the president said that the stimulus has done its job. are we to take that as an indication that the stimulus is working?
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>> the stimulus is working. the stimulus plan is injecting into the -- money into the economy. it has obligated $160 billion to deal with the dip in the amount of growth. the stimulus plan is creating 1900 accord construction projects. i think you will hear the president say today, as he has set each and every day of his administration, that we have a long way to go. that he is not going to be satisfied until we see positive job growth, positive economic growth -- and that is going to take some time. >> is it working fast enough? >> again, this was a program over the course of -- a standout of a thin 75% to 80% of the money over two fiscal years. to do so in a way that is transparent, in a way that is accountable, as has happened in
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this piece of legislation. it is just going to do -- to take some time. the american people are hurting, more and more people are losing their jobs. they're losing their health care, their hope and opportunity. that is what the president is focused on each and every day. >> the message seems to be, just wait, it is coming, it is coming. >> let's look at -- in the second quarter of 2008, we just finished second quarter of 2009. in a three month average will losing 250,000 jobs a month. this past quarter was 4 under 36,000 jobs. 436,000 jobs. the trend line shows -- in the fourth quarter of 2008 we had gone to 550,000 jobs a month.


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