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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  September 15, 2009 1:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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post office in prefunding retiree benefits at a time when i believe you could find nobody in the united states who is prefunding. i thank the gentleman for yielding. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from california. mr. issa: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself one minute. mr. speaker, i'd like to commend on the delegate's statement because it's quite true. while just in the last 18 months or last, we've added almost 200,000 net federal workers on the federal side, the post office is continuing to reduce its work force anticipating reducing its work force by more than 30,000 or more than 5% per year. we have to do better. i look forward to working with the majority on finding ways that we can integrate more postal workers into other federal opportunities so that we can retain these good federal servants but at the same time right size the post
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office. having said that, it's very clear, as ms. norton said, only the post office is really cutting itself in the federal government, and that is an unusual situation. they are right sizing themselves. and i hope that all our members will be sensitive that we have to right size them at a rate that allows this high quality service to continue. and i reserve the balance of my time. . the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: i yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from new york, a member of the committee, congresswoman maloney. the speaker pro tempore: thank you chairman towns for yielding and for your leadership on this important issue. and so many other areas. i thank the ranking member. this bill actually saves taxpayer money. this is not a bailout which we have seen before this congress many times. no taxpayer funds will be provided to the postal service. the service operates on revenues from sales of its products and services. and it receives appropriations
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only in reimbursement for free services for the blind and other services. the post office remains the only government agency or private company that is required to prefund retiree benefits. on such an aggressive schedule, and the fund now currently contains over $32 billion. this amendment to h.r. 22 is -- will lower the payment for 2009 to a level that is close to that recommended by the i.g. and it will prevent the post office from defaulting on a $5.4 billion payment which is due on september 30. even with the lower payment for 2009, after including the payments for 2007 and 2008, the postal service will be on track to prefund the trust fund through 2016 by over $9 billion
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more than the i.g.'s recommendation. this bill is long overdue. it is good government. and i strongly support it. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from california. mr. issa: i reserve at this time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: mr. speaker, how much time do we have? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york has nine 1/2 minutes remaining. mr. towns: thank you very much. at this time i would like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from chicago, illinois, mr. davis. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from chicago is recognized for two minutes. mr. davis: thank you very much, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. davis: first of all i want to thank the chairman for yielding time. i also want to commend he and the ranking member and the members of the subcommittee for the great work that they have done on this bill.
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i'm very pleased to be a co-sponsor, an original co-sponsor of h.r. 22. i'm basically pleased to have been so because for a number of years we have known that the postal service was operating in a different environment. we have seen the tremendous increase in e-commerce. we have seen the utilization of other means and methods of communicating. we have always known we were going to have to do something. the something that we have done does not cost the taxpayers any additional money. as delegate norton said, it is not a bailout. it is a sane, rational approach to dealing with the problem. i want to commend the postal service for their efforts to operate in an environment of diminishing returns. so again i commend the chairman
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and the ranking member. i support strongly this legislation. and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from california. mr. issa: thank you, mr. speaker. i would like to inquire from the chairman how many more speakers he has on his side. mr. towns: i have one more speak earn the right to close. in issa: in that case i'll reserve and then do my close before the chairman's. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: i yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from houston, texas, ms. sheila jackson lee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas is recognized for two minutes. ms. jackson lee: let me thank the distinguished chairman for yielding and thank him and the ranking member for what i believe is an astute and important statement on behalf of the united states postal service and all of its thousands upon thousands of
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hardworking postal workers. h.r. 22 is an effective approach to an organization that has served this nation for decades. and one that we have respected and one that has served in many different capacities. the idea of reducing the payment that the postal service has to contribute to the health benefits trust fund from $5.4 billion, to $1.4 billion added to their already established resources allowing them without taxpayer dollars to work on some of the new trends that we are facing all over america, new technology and the utilization of email. but no one can doubt the service of the postal service workers. no one can doubt the importance of neighborhood post offices and frankly, mr. speaker, i'm hoping that there will be a modified review of post office and a respect of neighbors and rural communities and urban
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centers where postal services are very important. many people use money orders. i know some of us probably would wonder about the utilization of those kinds of financial documents, but they are important to certain economic levels of our community. many people go to the postal service -- post office to pick up their mail. they have a post office box. many companies and others use the postal service as opposed to an email. sometimes a paper written document is necessary. so i'd like to thank the committee for looking intelligently at this issue and i wanted to rise today to support h.r. 22 as amended and to be able to particularly salute the postal workers of america who have worked with me side by side in houston who have been part of the postal food give away. they do a lot. and i'm very glad to be supportive and original co-sponsor. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from california. mr. issa: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. mr. speaker, all that need be be said has more or less been said. this is necessary. it scores no cost. it is in fact a reality both of our recession and of the ongoing reduction in the number of pieces of mail being carried by the post office. i might note in closing, united parcel service, fedex, d.h.l., and others have experienced even greater reductions in their package carrying. that's part of this recession. this recession will end. but when this recession ends, the use of email, the use of advertising over the internet rather than in your mailbox will continue. so i look forward to working with the chairman. he and i have forge add very good relationship on these bipartisan issues. we need -- forged a very good
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relationship on these bipartisan issues. we need to convert and retain postal workers as federal employees where there are opportunities. that's really what need the time to do. as the chairman and i close, i want to urge all of my colleagues to understand, i'm putting down a marker here today that i will not be bringing back the exact same bill next year simply to forestall it. we will monitor the usage at the post office. we'll work with them. we'll work with the postmaster, and work with each other to make sure that we begin in a very, very quick order the kinds of reforms which may cost money but ultimately will right size the post office. that's a commitment the american people expect us to make. it's one we will make. but at the same time i recognize that the postal service is right sized to perform an incredibly important constitutional duty, one that none of us would want to see go away. certainly at a time when a number of states have gone to
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bipostal voting, they now represent a key element of democracy even beyond what they have historically done. i thank the chairman for this bipartisan work that has been there. i thank mr. mchugh who could not be here today for his relentless support and work. i yield back the balance of my time. as i urge strong support that we vote this out of the house on a unanimous basis. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: i yield myself such time as i may consume. let me just say i am really proud that we have come to this moment to move this bill forward. i want to thank the ranking member, congressman issa, for his work. i want to thank congressman lynch and of course all the people who worked so hard on this, and especiallyp the staff on both sides of the aisle -- especially the staff on both sides of the aisle for their work. and say to you yes we still have more work to do. there is no question about it
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because of the fact that the problem has not been solved. but at least we are able to get to this point and we agree to continue to work to try to bring about a solution. let's face it, we owe it to the postal workers to be able to try to assist them in finding a solution to this problem. there is a recession. there's no question about it. we need to make some adjustments. and that what we are doing here is not costing the government any money. this is just being creative, recognizing the fact that something needs to be done and we are doing that. and so here again on that note i want to thank all the committees for working with me on it and we will be back again trying to see in terms of how we can come about with a total solution to this problem. on that note, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. all time has expired. the question is, will the house
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suspend the rules and pass h.r. 22 as amended. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules -- >> mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the bill is passed. the gentleman from georgia. mr. broun: i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 and the chair's prior announcement, further proceedings on this motion will be postponed. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? mr. towns: i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 3137. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 3137, a bill to amend title 39 united states code to provide clarification
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relating to the authority of the united states postal service to accept donations as an additional source of funding for commemorative plax -- plaques. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from new york, mr. towns, and the gentleman from california, mr. issa, will each control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. towns: i now yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. towns: as chairman of the committee on oversight and government reform, i am pleased to present h.r. 3137 for consideration. this legislation will clarify the authority of the united states postal service over the receipt of monetary donations for post office commemorative plaques, and i want to commend
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my ranking member, congressman issa, who really, really brought this idea forth. and i think it goes into what we are doing. we are trying to reserve, we are trying to save money. and that i think that this legislation is a very creative way of being able to do that. congress routinely passes legislation to designate post offices throughout the country in honor of deserving individuals. i think that's great idea. under current practice the united states postal service subsequently purchases plaques at the expense of our agencies operating budget. i think that that's something that we would be able to eliminate and be able to save money. i think that's one way to do that. h.r. 3137 simply seeks to reduce and eliminate the financial burden imposed on the united states postal service with regards to the purchase of
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commemorative plaques by clarifying current law in this area. specifically the legislation would amend the united states code to make clear that the postal service may accept monetary donations offered for the funding of postal if a silts, commemorative plaques. in digs h.r. 3137 provides that monetary donors may -- in addition h.r. 3137 provides that monetary donors may fess spest phi where the donation will be used. moreover where the amount exceeds the cost of a specified facilities commemorative plaque, h.r. 3137 would also allow with a donor consent for the use of the excess donations towards the purchase of a plaque needed for another postal facility. i think that is a great idea. i think it's a very creative way to be able to sort of save money and at the same time not have to cut back on doing what we know is right based on the
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fact that they do not have the funding. . on that note i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california. mr. issa: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. issa: i thank you. i thank the chairman for bringing this bill fought floor today. the genesis of this bill was in fact a recognition that the postal service funds all of its operations out of its own revenue. in no other area would the federal government essentially mandate a burden on a government agency over which it provides no funding and yet here we do. and more importantly, most post offices are either named after fallen heroes in our own district, former members of the house or senate or in some cases other notable people and even once in a while a postmaster. the fact is we make those decisions, we name those post offices. those plaques cost money to
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procure and to maintain. and in recognition that in fact communities' involvement should be there. there should be a upswelling of support. myself, i named a post office after independento american member of congress. i was proud to do it. on the day we put the plaque up, i had members from all over california and actually a few outside of the indo-american community there. everyone except for bobby jindal was being honored at a post office. the fact is that community would have been more than happy to not only pay for the plaque, but help design and to be more involved in it. that kind of support is something that we're missing because we didn't take this opportunity. so the legislation is relatively small. it perhaps would only save a few hundred thousands a year to the post office, but i think it makes the kind of statement
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that the post offices and the names on them are important community activities, and that in the future the procurement and perhaps the ongoing support will come from the community with the enabling language here. it also is a small but meaningful step toward the kind of reform of the post office that they want to do and that we want to help them do and that is if they're going to have to live on their own revenue, congress should not be adding to their cost of doing business. and with that i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. towns: mr. speaker, as we all know, the financial conditions of the united states postal service is dismal. at best. and the agency is faced with a continually declining mail volume. accordingly, we should all welcome cost saving efforts. such as those provided in h.r. 3137.
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it's not a detriment to hardworking postal employees but rather will only serve to alleviate the financial burden of the postal service. you know, we all name post offices from time to time. i know i named one after congresswoman shirley chisholm, the first black woman to serve in the united states congress. i thought it was a great thing. but let's face it, it costs the postal service money in order to get the plaque, to get it -- to get it designed and to be able to put together an event because after all, that was an important event for the first black woman who served in the united states congress. so these are things that costs money, that the postal service has to put up the money for. and i want to congratulate mr. issa for introducing this legislation because i really think that it might look at it as not a giant step or big or tremendous saving, but i see it today that every little bit
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helps and this i feel is really helping. so i again at this point i'll reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from california. mr. issa: i have no other speakers at this time, would urge all members to vote for the bill, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i have no other speakers, but i would like to just close. and i would like to say that i encourage and urge all of the members of this house to support this legislation. i think this is just legislation that truly makes a lot of sense and there are things that we need to do today to sort of tight our belts and work together to be able to bring about solutions to solve problems. i think this legislation is legislation that points us in the right direction. and maybe as a result of this we can find other ways to be able to bring about savings for the postal service.
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on that note i yield back the balance of my time and encourage my colleagues to support this legislation. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. all time has expired. the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3137. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. mr. speaker. i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended the bill is passed. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 and the chair's prior announcement, further proceedings on this motion will be postponed. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? mr. towns: i move that the
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house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 3387. -- 3386. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 3386, a bill to designate the facility of the united states postal service located at 1165 2nd avenue in des moines, iowa, as the iraq and afghanistan veterans memorial post office. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from new york, mr. towns, and the gentleman from california, mr. issa, will each control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. towns: i now yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i on behalf of the committee on oversight and government reform, i am pleased to present h.r. 3386 for consideration. this legislation will designate the united states postal
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facility located at 1165 2nd avenue in des moines, iowa. at this time i'd like to yield -- i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from california. mr. issa: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. issa: mr. speaker, i rise and urge the passage of this bill designating the facility of the united states postal service located at 1165 2nd avenue in des moines, iowa, as the iraq and afghanistan veterans memorial post office. mr. speaker, this is a particularly appropriate naming. often we name post offices in honor of one individual whose service may have been in the postal service, here in congress or perhaps an individual who gave their last full measure to the country. in this case, we're recognizing a conflict, a conflict that has
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been difficult and has cost the lives of a great many american men and women. and this broad recognition that we should pay honor to them is particularly noteworthy when you realize that more than 11,000 iowan national guard members have been called to active duty in the past eight years. in fact more than 70 have died in combat. so i join with mr. boswell in support for this bill. it's well thought out. it's unusual for a member to forego perhaps the gratification of naming something after a former colleague or after somebody by name in their district and to look beyond that, to look to the brave men and women who have served nobly in this crisis and recognize them in a broader way and one i think will be enduring in iowa for generations to come. i reserve the balance of my time.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i yield three minutes to the gentleman who really, really has worked very hard to make certain that we're here today, congressman boswell. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from iowa is recognized for three minutes. mr. boswell: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. boswell: i would first like to thank the chairman and ranking member for moving this bill along. i might add, mr. issa, we did have an individual request for this, and we thought about a long and hard. then we thought about the multitude, the many that have served and felt like it was appropriate to do this. it's why i do rise today and honor those who nobly served the nation in iraq and afghanistan and ask colleagues to support h.r. 3386. which has been said, will designate a post office in des moines, iowa, as the iraq and afghanistan veterans memorial post office. having spent some 20 years myself in the army and a couple tours in vietnam, i understand the sacrifices, including you, mr. issa, and so many areas
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made by our service members. they have many assets, whether it's our fighter fighters, our missiles. yet many is overlooked and that's our military personnel. our service men and women stand ready to defend the freedoms we hold dear. our all-volunteer force is made up of brave individuals. time and again with this knowledge they continue to put our freedoms above what they give up. these brave young men and women who have fought in these wars, many having lost their lives, deserve recognition for their service and their sacrifice. renaming the post office in downtown at the moy, iowa, will create a -- des moines, iowa, will create a memorial for all iraq and afghanistan veterans. every day they will remember those who have courageously fought on our behalf. by renaming this post office,
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we honor only those -- not only those who have served but those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives. to date, more than 50 iowans have made that sacrifice. those who are -- who have or are serving our armed forces are committed to serving our nation are courage and honor. we must make that same commitment to them. so thank you, mr. speaker, for the time and i urge my colleagues to join me in supporting h.r. 3386. we must never forget. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from california. mr. issa: mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time and urge full support for this bill. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the legislation before us pays tribute to the brave men and women from the city of des moines. let me say that over 400 have been wounded, 50 have been killed, and i think that this
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is something that once it's there people will always see it and know in terms of what happened. let me say that i urge my colleagues to support this legislation because i think it's legislation that's brought and that it recognizes the conflict and, of course, the people that have been involved in it in the local area as well. on that note i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. all time has expired. the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3386. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection a motion to reconsider is laid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? mr. towns: i move that the house suspend the rules and agree on house resolution 679. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant -- the clerk will
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report the title of the resolution. the clerk: house resolution 679, resolution supporting the goals and ideals of american legion day. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from new york, mr. towns, and the gentleman from california, mr. issa, will each control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. towns: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. towns: i rise in support of h.r. 679, supporting the goals and ideals of american legion day, celebrating each week on september 16, this resolution expresses this chamber's continued commitment to this important veterans service group. the american legion has nearly three million members across the country and worldwide.
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and, of course, i think that's so significant. and at this time i would like to reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. issa: the gentleman from california yields himself such time as he may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. issa: hopefully he'll adopt me as a new yorker someday. mr. speaker, i rise to urge passage of this resolution supporting the goals and ideals of american legion day. for god and country, these four -- excuse me -- these four words eulogize and introduce the preamble of the american legion's constitution which is recited by its members every day in their 90-year history. the history of the american legion began when it was established as a mutual aid veterans organization in september, 1919. they were connelly chartered organization and established so
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that returning soldiers of world war i would not suffer the same hardships of those from other wars. . mr. speaker, they have grown far beyond that original charter. today they represent a consolidated organization that looks after veterans from all wars and issues that are so important. through thick and thin, through popular and unpopular wars, they stay out of the politics of the day and focus on the veterans of yesterday. mr. speaker, i, too, rise with the chairman to support this because the american legion in its work in supporting not only veterans but other youth -- but also youth organizations such as the boy scouts, boys state, boys nation and others puts together the veterans of yesterday with the youth and future of tomorrow. that is an important issue. it's one that i think all of us
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can appreciate. we have all seen it. not one member of congress can say that they haven't been touched and they haven't seen the work done by the american legion in their district. so i urge the strong support and reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: mr. speaker, i yield five minutes to the gentlewoman from illinois, congresswoman halvorson. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from illinois is recognized for five minutes. mrs. halvorson: thank you, mr. speaker. i was privileged to introduce house resolution 679 supporting the goals and ideals of the american legion day on september 16. this resolution helps to honor the service and the sacrifice of the nearly three million members, men and women, in nearly 15,000 american legion posts worldwide. on september 16, 1919, the american legion was granted their federal charter by congress and 90 years later they have kept their commitment to serve not only as a resource
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and a voice on behalf of veterans across america, but also as an organization dedicated to the betterment of american through community service. since their founding charter, the american legion has not waivered from the guiding principles and vision that can be found in their four pillars of service. the first pillar is a steadfast commitment to ensure that america has the best fighting force in the world. towards this end, the legion has been a tireless advocate on behalf of the american soldier to make sure that they have the resources and the tools they need in order to do their job. the second pillar is making sure that we proudly care for our veterans and whether it is providing one-on-one assistance to veterans through what can be the confusing and frustrating experience of filing for a disability claim or walking the halls of congress, to educate
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members like myself on the legislative issues that are important to our veterans they do an excellent job. the original g.i. bill, for example, helped set the standard for the benefits that we provide to veterans and was spearheaded by the legion. the american legion has been there for our veterans for over 90 years. standing up to serve those who have served. caring for our youth is the third pillar in the american legion vision. the special olympics, the children's miracle network, the american legion child welfare foundation, the american legion family support network those are just a short list of the programs that the legion supports. this is a testament to their belief that taking care of children in america not just veterans' children is something that makes our country stronger. the final pillar comes from the
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understanding of the word patriot. having fought for and defended our freedom, legion yares know firsthand that being a patriot means you must take action to preserve america. they know being a patriot means not just defending our freedoms but also defending our heritage, culture, our flag. this pillar has been the foundation for the legion support of programs that instill american values in our youth. from boy scouts to boy state they have been there setting the course for millions of american children as they learn what it means to be an american and why it's so important to preserve our country. the commitment to the four pillars of service has been the cornerstone of the american legion ideals and their successes. it serves as a model that all americans can use to better themselves and to better
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america, and it has, without question help make the country even greater. millions of americans have been encouraged, supported, and inspired by legion programs and this resolution is just a small way to say thank you. i'd also like to make take a moment to recognize and thank the american legion auxiliary. also formed in 1919, the auxiliary has shown the same destrotion our veterans and our community and they, too, deserve to be recognized. finally, i would like to congratulate commander clarence hill for his recent election as national commander. i appreciate his 24 years of service to our nation in the u.s. navy and wish him the best of luck during his tenure as commander. house resolution 679 helps to recognize this extraordinary organization whose members have not only fought to protect our country but chose to continue it to serve long after their military service has ended. so i thank the chairman and i
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yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from california. mr. issa: thank you, mr. speaker. i would like to yield two minutes to the gentlelady from florida, miss ginny brown-waite. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from florida is recognized for two minutes. ms. brown-waite: thank you very much. mr. speaker, i rise today to support the goals and ideals of american legion day. tomorrow, september 16, marks the 90th anniversary of the american legion's charter. the american legion was founded to serve the needs of america's veterans and to promote and protect the rights of those veterans. 90 years later the american legion remains committed to its mission to instill, quote, a sense of individual obligation to the community, state, and nation. the legion's nearly three million members have given generously of their time in each and every one of our communities.
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be it volunteering in veterans hospitals, awarding millions of dollars in college scholarships, or sponsoring activities like boys and girls state, legion airs continue to devote themselves to the ideal of mutual helpfulness. i'm so proud to have the highest number of veterans of any member of congress, and as i travel throughout florida's fifth congressional district, i get to see firsthand how the american legion and the american legion auxiliary and their members affect the lives of veterans in their local communities. today i am especially pleased that for the first time a florida veteran has been elected national commander of the american legion. i'm proud to congratulate commander clarence hill on his achievement and wish him the very best as he leads the american legion into what i'm positive will be another wonderful 90 years.
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i also like to thank representative halvorson for introducing this resolution and encourage my colleagues to join me in supporting the american legion in recognizing september 19 of this year as american legion day. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: i reserve the balance of my time. with the right to close. mr. issa: mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california yields back. the gentleman from new york. mr. towns: i'd like to yield myself as much time as i might consume. i'd like to thank representative haler vorson for introducing this bill as well as the gentleman from california, mr. issa, the ranking member of the committee, on oversight and government reform, for helping us bring this measure to the floor. and i also want to thank the staff and all the people that have worked to make this a
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reality. and of course on that note i would yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. all time has expired. the question is, will the house suspend the rules and agree to house resolution 679. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the resolution is agreed to. without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the reconsider is laid upon the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? >> i move to suspend the rules and pass resolution, h.res. 317. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the resolution. the clerk: house resolution 317. resolution recognizing the
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region for manhattan, kansas, to columbia, missouri, as the kansas city animal health corridor and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. holden, and the gentleman from kansas, mr. moran, will each control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks on this resolution. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i rise today in support of house resolution 317, this resolution recognizes the contribution that the kansas city animal health corridor makes to our nation's livestock industry. regional efforts like this encourage businesses to innovate and use best practices developed by bioscience industry. livestock is an important value added industry that brings in millions of dollars to revenues nationwide. ensuring that producers have access to cutting-edge products
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and information to improve animal health is essential to the continuing success of the livestock industry. our entire nation benefits from having the most competitive livestock industry worldwide. i encourage my colleagues to join me in supporting house resolution 317 to recognize the corridors' outstanding contribution to animal health. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from kansas. mr. moran: mr. speaker, thank you. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. moran: mr. speaker, thank you. i thank the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. holden, for his comments and for the leadership of our committee on agriculture, mr. peterson and mr. lucas, for their support of this resolution, h.res. 317. we consider this resolution today which recognizes the region between manhattan kansas and columbia, missouri, a great opportunity for two states that are often rivals to come together in recognition of the kansas city animal health corridor. this area of kansas and
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missouri has long been considered our country's headquarters for animal and bioscience. the largest concentration of animal health and nutrition interest in the nation is located in this corridor, including more than 120 companies that account for nearly $17 billion in global sales. this amounts to over 1/3 of the total sales in the animal health industry. part of what makes this region unique is its location in one of the largest livestock producing regions in the contry. my own congressional district is the largest livestock producing district in the nation. the kansas city animal health corridor is a benefit to livestock producers in our region and to the country. and to the employment investment these producers contribute to the local economy. biosciences are a tremendous opportunity for our state and our citizens. as the national economy has struggled, the animal health industry continues to expand and experience growth. the businesses, universities,
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and other interests located in the kansas city animal health corridor provide an opportunity for our best and brightest young people to stay and work in kansas and missouri, the midwest. earlier this year the department of homeland security named this world renowned area for animal health research as the home of the national bioand agrodefense facility. this laboratory is urgently needed to develop the vaccines and counter measures against the threat of foreign animal disease, protecting our food supply and economy. the kansas city animal health corridor will provide the work force expertise and the collaboration opportunities to make in bath a great success. i appreciate the house of representatives recognizing the important role of this region to furthering animal health and nutrition across the nation and the globe. by supporting this resolution we are helping to foster support for crucial research and business development in the animal health and science area. i urge my colleagues and members to support this
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resolution. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: thank you, mr. speaker. i recognize the gentleman from michigan, mr. stupak, for five minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan is recognized for five minutes. mr. stupak: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentleman for yielding me time. h. resolution 317 does designates the region of manhattan, kansas, to columbia, missouri, as the kansas city animal health corridor. manhattan, kansas, is clated to become the new home of the foot and mouth research in the united states as part of the national bioagrodefense facility. this is where my problem is with this resolution. . infecting nearly 100% of animals exposed to the virus. there have been two outbreaks of foot and mouth disease in the united kingdom this decade. the first result in the slaughter of more than six million animals and cost that
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country more than $16 billion. the second outbreak is suspected to have come from an accidental release from a government lab. it is estimated that a foot and mouth disease outbreak in the united states could cost as much as $40 billion and would devastate the u.s. livestock market. for more than 50 years, research on foot and mouth disease in the united states has been done off plumb island. off the coast of new york's long island. the natural water barrier protects our animal population from an accidental or intentional release of the disease from the research facility. house resolution states that, quote, more than 45% of the feed cattle, 40% of the hogs and 20% of beef cows and calfs in the united states are located within 350 miles of kansas city. end of quote. i am baffled as to why we would want to move the foot and mouth disease research into the heart of kansas given these staggering statistics. an accidental or intentional
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release of foot and mouth disease in this enormous beef and pork population would bring our livestock industry to its knees. as chairman of the oversight investigation subcommittee, i held a hearing last congress into and how the bush administration's ill-conceived plan to move foot and mouth research off of plumb island and onto the main land of the united states. in response to my subcommittee's hearing, congress required the department of homeland security to conduct a study to determine if foot and mouth disease can be done safely on the main land. d.h.s.'s study was then to be evaluated by the government accountability office, g.a.o. d.h.s. rushed through a study, and in july g.a.o. released their analysis of d.h.s. study. g.a.o.'s report found numerous flaws in the study, including that d.h.s. did not use foot and mouth disease virus specific modeling to study the
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impact of the release into a community. instead, they used modeling system for radiation. d.h.s.'s study was based on unrepresentative scenarios. the economic analysis did not incorporate market response to the foot and mouth disease outbreak which would have been related to a number of livestock in the facility. d.h.s. did did not characterize the risk between main land and island sites. d.h.s. did not integrate the components of its risk assessment. as you can see, the government accountability office has significant concerns about this flawed d.h.s. study. the g.a.o. concluded that d.h.s. did not meet the standards set forth by congress to prove that foot and mouth disease research can be done safely on the main land. as a result, we've called for an independent third party study ton con-- study to be conducted.
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mr. speaker, i have no problem with the gentleman from kansas and with my friend from pennsylvania in recognizing the areas set forth in house resolution 317 as an animal health corridor. but i really do have problems with moving foot and mouth disease research into the center of the livestock production in the united states without any proof that it can be done safely. if the department of homeland security is going to pursue this dangerous tempting of faith, i think the american people should have an accurate assessment of what economic devastation could befall us should there be a release of foot and mouth disease release. again, i understand where the gentleman is going and i understand what he's trying to do, promote his state and promote his area, but let's not rush the judgment here, especially when there's so many unanswered questions about whether this research can be done safely. if they want to recognize this the health corridor but i ask them they strike the nbaf
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language and i would support the legislation. as it is now written i reluctantly oppose this legislation. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from kansas. >> i yield three minutes to the gentleman from kansas, ms. jenkins. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from kansas is recognized for three minutes. ms. jenkins: mr. speaker, i rise in support of house resolution 317, recognizing the region from manhattan, kansas, to columbia, missouri, as the kansas city animal health corridor. from the days of cattle drives more than 150 years ago to the d.h.s. selection of manhattan, kansas, as the location for the new national bioand agro defense facility, kansas and missouri have long been leaders in the animal health and livestock industries. more than 120 animal health companies are located in kansas and missouri. the work these companies do enable ranchers to raise the safest and highest quality animals in the world.
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not only are the majority of health companies located here, but they are leading veterinary colleges and state-of-the-art research are centers like the research institute at k state in the region. at a time when businesses are struggling to make a profit and when our nation is facing record unemployment, the animal health industry continues to grow. 14 animal health companies or organizations have expanded in this region since 2006. the new nbaf will provide hundreds of billions of dollars in economic development opportunities for kansas. it will create hundreds of full-time jobs and 1,500 construction jobs. that is the kind of economic stimulus our state needs. this resolution recognizes this region as a leader in animal health and supports the continued growth for the animal health industry. again, i thank my colleagues for their support of this legislation, and i urge all of
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my colleagues to support it. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i now yield to the gentleman from pennsylvania, the dean of the house, five minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan is recognized for five minutes. mr. dingell: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. teeng mr. dingell: i thank my dear friend from pennsylvania for making available this time. i'd tell my colleagues this is a dangerous bill. and i would urge them to be careful about what you say about it. because if ever the location of this facility in kansas causes an outbreak of animal disease or human disease, your remarks today will make great quotes by your opponents against you in the following election. i rise in opposition to this legislation recognizing the region from manhattan, kansas, to columbia, missouri, as the
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kansas city animal health corridor. it's a nice idea. but none of the work that has to be done under the national environmental policy act or under other proper laws relating to the location of facilities of this kind has been fully and adequately and properly done. so what we're doing is just getting ready to locate what essentially can be a fine time bomb in the area to which we refer in the legislation. certainly a foolish action. the location of the current facility was picked because of its location off the shore of new york. it's on an island, and it is isolated. and indeed, although in 1978,
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livestock on the island were infected after an accidental release of animal virus, the virus did not and could not reach the main land. that is a warning to all here present. in 2006, the department of homeland security, i must assume in the usual fashion, tried to move this to the main land. chaired by mr. stupak on the energy and commerce committee, we learned from the committee that not only did d.h.s. not adequately study the dangers of transferring foot and mouth disease onto the main land, but also that an outbreak of foot and mouth disease would wreak havoc in the livestock industry. potentially costing $40 billion in economic damage. an outbreak of this disease in britain caused $16 billion
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causing an economic panic that almost shut down the government. given the hundreds of billions of dollars in which our livestock industry is valid, an outbreak of f.m.d. in the united states would be vastly more destructive. d.h.s. has since selected manhattan, kansas, as the new location for the facility for a national bioand agri defense facility. in the resolution, h.res. 317 states that more than 40% of the cattle in the united states and 40% of the hogs produced and 20% of the beef cows and calves are located in the kansas city region. if you want a good warning as to why this legislation should not be adopted, that is it right there, because right in the middle of the greatest
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production of these kinds of animals we are placing a facility that's going to handle, guess what, all manner of animal diseases, especially foot and mouth disease. without the careful, thoughtful work that needs to be done to assure that that industry is safe and that our people are safe and that they can understand that their government has done the proper work that it has to do to assure the safety of the facility and the proper design of the facility. serious questions remains as to why the government needs to build the new nbaf in the first place. but significantly, the fact that d.h.s. continues to shirk its responsibility to understand the risk of transferring the f.m.d. to the main land means that the congress must be very weary of sanctioning this new proposal
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regardless of the opportunities of an economic character that it might bring. i will just warn my colleagues, and i say this with affection for my good friend, who is the author of this legislation, that this is an unwise step to take at this particular time. i would urge my colleagues to ask themselves if they don't ask anything else, where are we going to bury all the animals that are going to get f.m.d., that are going to have to be exterminated, because we've made an unwise choice in this manner? i urge my colleagues to join me in opposing the resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from kansas. mr. moran: i reserve the balance of my time, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kansas reserves. the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i now recognize the gentleman from kansas, mr. moore -- recognize the gentleman from kansas for four minutes.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kansas is recognized for four minutes. mr. moore: thank you, mr. speaker. kansas city has come a long way from the stock yards and animal shipping that put it on the map. now it's also the hub of america's animal health industry. the kansas city stock yards opened in the late 1800's and quickly became one of the busiest ports in the country. the livestock exchange was built in 1910 and was dedicated solely to livestock. the -- 1,500 -- over the years, the stock yards have attracted businesses specialized in animal food and medicine. today, more than 125 companies involved in the animal health industry are located in the kansas city metro region, including four of the 10 largest global animal health companies and one of the top five largest animal nutrition companies. both kansas state university and the university of missouri are leading institutions in animal research.
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the university of missouri is home to the prestigious national swine resource and research center and the research animal diagnostic laboratory. and kansas state is home to the bioresearch institute which researches biosecurity hazards to our food supply and the containment of animal illnesses. just this year, the department of homeland security has also selected kansas state as the future home of the national bio and agri research facility, adding another component to kansas' animal health resume. most impressively, 34% of the 16.8 billion dollars generated each year by the global animal health industry is based in the kansas city region. for these reasons, i'd ask that people join me in acknowledging the kansas city metro region from manhattan, kansas, to columbia, missouri, as the kansas city animal health corridor. kansas city is still a cow town and we're proud to be the high-tech cow town of the 21st century. i urge my colleagues to support
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house resolution 317. thank you, mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from kansas. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i'd point out to members and my colleagues, the resolution before us is simply is a resolution on suspension recognizing an area, part in kansas, part in missouri related to animal science. the whereas clauses do mention that a facility has been approved for a site in manhattan, kansas, by the department of homeland security , but this legislation before us today does nothing to say that's necessarily a good idea or bad idea. from my perspective, it clearly is a good idea. as i said, i represent a district in which livestock feeding, livestock raising and livestock producing is the way of life. it is perhaps our most important component of our agriculture economy is feeding cattle or raising the feed to feed cattle. even a rumor of animal disease
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or food safety causes the price to plummet for what we raise in kansas. it is important for us as an industry, important for us as a state but important for us as a nation to develop a facility, a topnotch latest technology, most scientifically advanced research facility to make certain that nothing happens to damage the safety of our food supply. what is happening on plumb island is insufficient, is not being rebuilt, is not being expanded and technology is not being improved. what we're talking about ultimately, although not in this resolution, what we're talking about is a decision by the department of homeland security, both the department from the bush administration and the department from the obama administration reaching a unanimous decision that a new facility to be built in the united states, competitively advanced five states narrowed down to five states, a site ultimately chosen, unanimously chosen is that the message has
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been that this facility must be built, advances must be made, science must advance the cause of animal safety. and the failure to do this, the failure to move forward means that the risk we run is much greater than the risk if we fail to take this action. so while today we're here in a sense a bit more ceremonial setting in which we're recognizing a set of businesses, industries and producers in a certain region of this country and naming it an animal health corridor, not here necessarily to debate the merits of nbaf, in my opinion the location that has been chosen is the right one. where else in the country would you expect us to care more than in the middle of cattle country to make certain that we do it right, and what university would i respect more with their ability to resolve these issues in favor of a safe food supply and protecting the cattle producers of this country than kansas state university, the
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companion to the site being selected in manhattan, kansas. so while we're here today on perhaps a different mission, i'm happy to have the discussion about the merits of what the department of homeland security decided in the last administration and what the secretary of homeland security in this administration says is a firm commitment that this administration is standing strongly behind. mr. speaker, i'd reserve the balance of my time. . the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from kansas. mr. moran: how much time remains? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has 12 minutes remaining. mr. moran: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from kansas, mr. tiahrt. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. tiahrt: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentleman from kansas for yielding. i thank him for his leadership much -- on this issue. i'm puzzled why this discussion
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has come up this afternoon. this has been a long selection process to get nban where it is located today. many to sailts were researched, they looked at -- many facilities were researched, they looked at it. they decided the best place in all of america based on past history, facilities, geography, based on plan in place was to select manhattan, kansas. we have similar research going on around america today and also in canada. in fact, there are facilities at fort detrick, maryland, very close here to washington, d.c. it's considered safe even though the research there is somewhat as dangerous if not more dangerous to humans than what we have today. we also have c.d.c. laboratories in atlanta, georgia. and in other high population areas, places in texas we have similar research going on. in winnipeg, canada develop the same research going on. 70 miles from the united states border and in cattle country of canada yet there are no concerns there. the nbaf facility is going to be the same whether you locate
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it in kansas or georgia or texas or whether somebody else here would like to have it in their home district. we are going to have plans in place to make sure this is a well protected facility, a level four facility, bsl-4 as it is referred to. it's going be to be safe. it is going to be effective. and it's going to provide a continuation of a low cost stable food supply that is marketable worldwide because of the safety. for us to put a red herring out there this is not a safe facility or there are concerns, this has been studied by d.h.s. they do have a preliminary responsible plan in place. but they are satisfied this level four facility is going to meet the requirements. could i have another minute? mr. moran: one additional minute. mr. tiahrt: in kansas state we have been doing similar rich for quite sometime for the last decade. completely safe n a level four facility. we can start this beginning of this research today. the only thing that's really
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holding us up is this lack ever funding. and there's something critical going on in the funding scheme. the federal government has promised to come up with $36 million. it's going to be matched by the state of kansas, but if we delay the construction, we delay the protection that is would be put in place, and it's very shortsighted for us to question after the fact all the research, all the decisions, the fairness in the process, and the decision that was made. it was a good decision, it's the right location. we are going to move forward with this to protect our food supply and protect the people of america. and make a marketable product worldwide. i thank the gentleman for the time. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i have no additional requests for time. i continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from kansas. mr. moran: based upon the representation from the gentleman from pennsylvania we also have no additional speakers, and i'm prepared to yield back the balance of my time and do so. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kansas yields back the balance of his time of the the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i join my colleague
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from kansas in urging adoption of the resolution and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania yields back the balance of his time. all time now being expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and agree to house resolution 317. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, and the resolution is agreed to. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, and the chair's prior announcement, further proceedings on this motion will be postponed. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. holden: i move to suspend the rules and pass the
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resolution, h.con.res. 95. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the concurrent resolution. the clerk: house concurrent resolution 95. concurrent resolution recognizing the importance of the department of agriculture forest service experimental forest and ranges. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. holden, and the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. lucas, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr., mr. polleden. mr. polleden: mr. speaker -- mr. holden. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. holden: mr. speaker, h.con. resolution 95 recognizes the 14u7bd anniversary of the first experimental forest establishment by the united states department of agriculture in fort valley, arizona, and recognizes the importance of these living
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laboratories. today there are 77 experimental forest and ranges within the national forest system. experimental forest and ranges are valuable and dynamic resources thatesearch and development efforts, experimental forest and ranges provide valuable data about various climates, forest types, vegetation, soils, ecosystems, glaciers, and watersheds and other central components of our nation's vast national terrain. i want to congratulate the united states forest service for their outstanding work to establish and maintain this nationwide network of experimental forest and ranges over the past 100 years and encourage my colleagues to support this resolution. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. lucas. mr. lucas: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. search the gentleman is recognized. mr. lucas: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today in support of the resolution offered by the gentleman from mississippi. this resolution recognizes the
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100 anniversary of the first experimental forest which was created in 1908 at fort valley, arizona. today there are 78 of these forests in 30 states. contributing valuable research and knowledge to help us better manage one of our most precious natural resources, our 750 million acres of forest across america. experimental forests allow the forestry service to engage in important research on the threats that our forest face such as invasive species. these allow for thorough research to be conducted on plant and wildlife communities in controlled settings. we know about how best to ensure the health of our forest range lands and water sheds and share their knowledge with states, localities, and private landowners. mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues to support this resolution and reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i now yield four minutes to the gentleman from mississippi.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from mississippi is recognized for four minutes. mr. childres: thank you, mr. chairman. i thank the gentleman for yielding. mr. speaker, i'm pleased to rise today to recognize the 100 anniversary of the establishment of the first experimental forest at fort valley, arizona, by the department of agriculture forest services. experimental forest and ranges provide places for long-term science and management studies in many of the major vegetation types across this country. fort valley, the first experimental forest research station, established in 1908, as was mentioned earlier, was used to study how the ponderosa pine regenerates as the entire forest was being dess nated through extensive logging yet was not regrowing. recommendations derived from research at fort valley were the basis of many u.s. forest service management practices that now allow to us responsibly log our forests so they contito
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the 80 experimental forest and ranges in existence today play an integral role in our nation's ability to maintain healthy forest and establish responsible forestry practices. 35 states have one or more experimental forest including three in my home state of mississippi. experimental forest and ranges provide samples of many ecological and environmental conditions across the united states. they support many forms of multiside research, monitoring, and data sharing that address questions at regional and national scales. as a tree farmer i understand the vital role that experimental forests and ranges play in keeping myself and other tree farmers at the forefront of forestry research. as we continue to face challenges such as new diseases and invasive species in the forest industry, experimental forest and ranges will be the key to finding solutions to these challenges and ensuring america's tree farmers continue to be competitive and
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profitable. so i ask my colleagues, members on both sides of the aisle, to join me in recognizing the 100th anniversary of the establishment of experimental forest and support the passage of this resolution. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: we have no further speakers. would reserve the balance of our time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. mr. holden: i say to my friend from oklahoma we have no requests for time as well. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma yields back the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i join the ranking member of the full committee, mr. lucas, from oklahoma in urging adoption of this resolution and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania yields back the balance of his time. all time now having expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and agree to house concurrent resolution number 95.
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so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the concurrent resolution is agreed to, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. holden: i move to suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 511. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union calendar number 141, h.r. 511, a bill to authorize the secretary of agriculture to terminate certain easements held by the secretary on land owned by the village of caseyville, illinois, and to determine associated contractual agreements with the village. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. holden, and the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. lucas, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i ask
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unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks on this bill. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. . mr. holden: it would provide flood plain easement in theville age of caseyville, illinois. they executed a warranty easement deed in 1999 under the emergency watershed protection program. however, differences in approach on how to best protect led caseyville to seek termination of the easement, including paying back the entire purchase price of $60,000 to the u.s. department of agriculture. mr. speaker, h.r. 511 would allow the national resource conservation service the flexibility to release the terms of the easement so the village can use the land for flood prevention. this bill passed the agriculture
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committee by voice vote earlier this year and i encourage my colleagues to support it today. and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: mr. speaker, i rise in support of h.r. 511, this bill would allow the secretary of agriculture to terminate certain flood easements in return for compensation. it is essential for flood protection projects in caseyville. this bill has passed the house agriculture committee with no opposition. i ask my colleagues to support this legislation. note to my colleague. i have no further speakers and would yield back the remainder of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma yields back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i join the gentleman from oklahoma and urge my colleagues to pass this bill and i yield back the balance of my time.
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the speaker pro tempore: all time being expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 511. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed. and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. holden: mr. speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass the bill 3175. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union calendar number 140, h.r. 3175, a bill to direct the secretary of agriculture to convey to miami-dade county certain federally owned land in florida and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. holden, and the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. luke ast, each will -- lucas, each will control 20 minutes.
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mr. holden: i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to extend their remarks under this bill. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. holden: i yield myself such time as i may consume. h.r. 3175 was introduced by congressman linchingon diaz-balart from florida to facilitate the sale of two acres of land at the subtropical research station in miami-dade county, florida. the land would be sold at market value to the county for the purpose of building a fire station in the village of palmetto bay. this area currently faces below average firefighting response time. this was established in 1898 as a planned introduction garden on six acres and has grown to 200 acres today. the station has worked with the county and the village to identify land that could be used for the fire station. and i encourage my colleagues to
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join me in supporting this bill. and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise in support of h.r. 3175. this bill would allow the a.r.s. to sell two acres of land in southeast florida to miami-dade county for the purposes of constructing a new fire station. current response time in the village and south coral gables have fallen below the district-wide average and there is a safety concern. it has no current use for the land and supports the sale for the fire station as does local government and residents. they will pay market price for the land along with all associated costs. the congressional budget office has scored h.r. 3175 at no cost to the federal government. this bill passed the agriculture committee with no opposition. and i ask my colleagues to support this legislation.
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and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i have no further requests for time so i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: i yield four minutes to congressman lincoln diaz-balart of florida. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida for four minutes. mr. diaz-balart: i would like to thank my dear friend, ranking member lucas for the time as well as mr. holden. and they have summarized the legislation well. this bill, h.r. 3175, i introduced it to direct the secretary of agriculture to sell approximately two acres to miami-dade county so that a fire station can be built and there is an issue of great importance to the community. the southern portion of the district that i'm honored to represent covering the village
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of palmetto and pine crest continues to grow rapidly and due to the population growth, public services have been stretched and fire response times, as mr. lucas pointed out have fallen below the district average. this morning, i met with distinguished leaders from the village of palmetto bay and reiterated the urgent need for this fire station in our community. and so this problem really deals with the issue of the fact that new construction for public services in miami-dade is confronting a lack of available land and the you s -- usda station occupies approximately 200 acres in florida.
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the citizens of my community, we're not asking tore a handout, as mr. lucas is pointing out. the county is ready to pay fair market value for the land along with all associated fees and are committed to construction of the fire station and the c.b.o. has scored the bill at no cost to the taxpayer. i would like to thank chairman peterson, ranking member lucas for their prompt action on the bill. i also wish to thank my dear colleagues from south florida who have co-sponsored the bill, congresswoman ros-lehtinen, who will shortly address the house. congresswoman wasserman schultz, congressman mario diaz-balart and kendrick meek. i would urge passage of the legislation and yield back the remainder of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania reserves. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma.
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mr. lucas: i yield three minutes to the congresswoman from florida, ros-lehtinen. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the the gentlewoman from florida three minutes. ms. ros-lehtinen: i thank my colleague from oklahoma for the time and i thank my friend and my colleague from florida lincoln diaz-balart for introducing this important bill and for getting it to the floor today in such a prompt manner. our congressional districts share a border and this piece of land to be conveyed to miami-dade county actually sits just about on that very border, but regardless of congressional districts, the conveyance of this property will be of great benefit to all of the residents in south florida, particularly for the families living in pine crest, palmetto bay and cuttler bay. this land will bring them increased safety and important piece of mind. miami-dade county expects to build the only fire station that would be equipped to swiftly
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address emergency situations in these communities. i'm a local resident of this area myself, so i can say that we have all too long needed this fire station. and i commend congressman diaz-balart as well as the house for swiftly moving this bill to make the lands available for its creation. i must point out that the fire station would be nothing without the brave men and women who will serve there. our firefighters put their lives on the line for us each and every day. and i know that all of south florida thanks them for their supreme dedication along with my colleague, congressman lincoln diaz-balart, i also had the opportunity of meeting with the leaders of the palmetto bay community and they strongly support this bill that will go a long way tone shurg the safety and well-being of all of our residents. i thank mr. lucas for the time and mr. diaz-balart for his leadership.
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and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania continues to reserve. mr. lucas: we have no further speakers and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma has yielded back the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i urge passage of the bill and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania has yielded the balance of his time. all time having expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3175. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. holden: i move to suspend the rules and pass the bill 940.
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the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 940, a bill to provide for the conveyance of national forest system land in the state of louisiana. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from pennsylvania plrks holden and the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. lucas, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days under which to revise and extend their remarks under this bill. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. holden: i yield myself such time as i may consume. h.r. 940 was introduced by congressman alexander of louisiana. this bill would authorize the forest service to sell certain residential parcels of land in the national forest located in wynn parish. it would be just over 50 acres and local nonprofit group living on the site would have the right of first refusal to purchase the land at fair market value. h.r. 940 has the bipartisan
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support of all seven members of the louisiana congressional delegation as well as the support of the u.s. forest service. and i urge its passage and reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: i yield myself as much time as i might consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. lucas: i rise in support of h.r. 940 which gives the department of agriculture to sell forest land in the state of the louisiana. the bill drafted with the assistance and support of the forestry service gives the first option of this purchase to a group of residents who own cabins on the land. the sale of the 50 acres relieves performance and maintenance of the land and gives the land to citizens who are ready and willing to assume this responsibility. c.b.o. has scored this bill and will not have a cost to the taxpayers. the purchasers of the land will be responsible for all costs and fees associated with the transaction, further ensuring
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that the taxpayers will not be forced to pay for this legislation. this bill passed out of the house agriculture committee unanimously and urge my colleagues to support this bill. you i reserve my time. mr. holden: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: i yield to the gentleman from louisiana, mr. alexander, whatever time he may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. alexander: i want to thank the ranking member and chairman and members of the committee for passing this important piece of legislation. the entire louisiana delegation or co-sponsors of this, the national forest service is in support of this. they provided the language that is in this bill. as has been said, c.b.o. has scored it to zero. the proceeds of this sale will go back to the national forest service for money they have
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spent over the years providing maintenance for this 50 acres of land that will be sold to this not-for-profit group. i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania reserves. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: the minority has no further speakers and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i urge passage of the bill and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania has yielded back. all time having expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 940. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. holden: mr. speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass the resolution, h.res. 81. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the resolution. the clerk: house resolution 81, resolution recognizing the importance and sustainability of the united states hardwoods industry and urging that united states hardwoods and the products derived from united states hardwoods be given full consideration in any program directed at construing environmentally preferable commercial public or private buildings. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. holden, and the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. lucas, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks on this
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resolution. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, h.res. 81 recognizes the importance of the u.s. hardwoods industry and recognizes the value of sustainable abundant hardwoods as important building material. in the united states hardwood trees are grown primarily by small family farm -- forestland owners who use long-term sustainable practices to grow and manage their trees. i encourage my colleagues to support this resolution recognizing the important role of hardwood producers in the united states of america. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. lucas: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in support of the resolution offered by the gentleman from indiana. the hardwood industry is an important industry for many rural communities across the country, employing more than 500,000 people in all 50 states. the products of this industry are part of our daily lives.
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indeed we can see the products of their labor in this chamber. mr. speaker, this resolution calls for any future green building programs to give full consideration to the unclution of hardwood material. this is a commonsense idea to allow the clean renewable resources to be included in any program that promotes environmentally, friendly construction of public and private buildings. the hardwood industry is a vital economic importance to hundreds of thousands of families across rural america. i believe it's important to show these families that we appreciate the work they do and the responsible manner in which they cultivate their natural resources. i urge my colleagues to support this resolution and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, at this time i yield four minutes to the gentleman from indiana, mr. ellsworth. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from indiana is recognized for four minutes. mr. ellsworth: thank you, mr. speaker. i'd like to thank the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. speaker, i rise today in support of house resolution 81 which recognizes the importance and sustainability of the united states hardwood
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industry. i introduced this resolution along with congressman geoff davis of kentucky and a group of our colleagues from across the country. this bipartisan support demonstrates the national importance of our domestic hardwood lumber industry. and i am pleased this congress is recognizing the contributions the hardwood industry makes to both our economy and our environment. hardwood forest owners are stewards of valuable national resource. and their efforts to conserve hardwood forests have been a remarkable success. over the last 50 years hardwood lumber stocks have more than doubled and hardwoods continue to grow almost twice as fast as they are harvested. u.s. forest service analysis supports of evidence of this strong conservation record. the forest service forestry inventory and analysis program has documented hardwood trees to be an abundant, sustainable, and legal resource. our hardwood forests are managed by thousands of small landowners and families who take care of this resource. our hardwood forests are managed by thousands of small
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landowners. constituents of mine in southwest indiana play a role in maintaining our hardwood stocks and the same is true both throughout indiana and across this country. americans should be proud of this strong record and as members of congress we ought to keep this fact in mind as we look for opportunities to support best practices in stewardship and environmental management. for example, environmentally preferable construction programs are increasingly important to the building and trade industry. in should congress direct support for these programs, we should remember domestic hardwoods and their potential to contribute to environmentally friendly future. i was proud the house passed this amendment i offered h.r. 2187 earlier this year to preserve sustainable hardwood lumber as a green construction resource for local school districts. i thank my colleagues for their support of this resolution and the domestic hardwood lumber industry. i yeab. -- i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: i yield to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. davis, whatever time he may
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consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. davis: i rise today in support of h.res. 81, a resolution that recognizes the importance and sustainability of the united states hardwood industry and urges that the united states hardwoods and products derived from u.s. hardwood be given full consideration in any program that's directed at constructing environmentally preferable commercially private or public buildings. we feel it's important that congress recognize the importance and sustainability of u.s. hardwoods and the industry as a whole. this is imperative as congress considers changes to existing to new programs and standards that include green building requirements or guidelines. green buildings are designed to cut down on energy costs and encourage the use of sustainable or renewable resources to protect our environment. what better renewable resource than american grown hardwood. hard woods meet both of these criteria and must be included in any congressional initiative that encourages or requires the construction of environmentally friendly buildings. in addition to playing a derole in green building, the hardwood
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industry is one that's created thousands of jobs in nearly every state. and-n kentucky we have over 1,200 hardware businesses alone as well as over 100 in kentucky's fourth district. two that i would point out would be green tree forest products which employs hundreds of local people in the buffalo counties of central connecticut. and also harvest plant sustains and renews its fiber hardwood products in that area. and a finishing operation that produce as very high quality hardwoods from the state and region exported to the entire world as part of the global economy. at a time when unemployment has increased to a staggering 11% in kentucky and 9.6% nationwide, it's crucial that we support the many small hardwood industry business that is keep our communities going, create local jobs, and keep people employed. i'd like to thank the gentleman from indiana, mr. ellsworth, for working with me on this bipartisan resolution. i'd also like to thank our 51
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co-sponsors for helping us get this resolution to the floor, including my fellow account kentuckian, congressman rogers, witfield, chandler, and guthry. h.r. 81 is an important statement acknowledging the hardwoods and importance of this industry for jobs and our communities. i urge support of the resolution and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i reek recognize the gentleman from mississippi for three minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from mississippi is recognized for three minutes. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentleman for yielding. today i'm also proud to be a co-sponsor of house resolution 81 and see this important measure brought to the floor for a vote. i represent mississippi's first congressional district, a district strong in forestry and timberland. this industry is dominated by small-based family-owned businesses which will benefit from the passage of this resolution. these small landowner businesses often have fewer than 50 acres, much of which may at one time have been --
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may have been cattle farm. many landowners have rededicated these lands solely to the production of timber. these timber standards are valuable long-term investments which expand to job opportunities in a myriad of related businesses, sawmills, logging, trucking and others. hardwood lumber growers and manufacturers in mississippi's first district are valuable members of the communities in which they live and like many others in mississippi have children and grandchildren who hope to stay in these businesses and continue to enjoy all that life offers closer to home. hardwood timber standards are a critical part of savings and investment for many of my first district families. without strong markets for lumber, these investments would plummet. house resolution 81 would help assure stronger markets without government intrusion. instead we are offering a strong statement from the house that this private enterprise industry is one which should continue to reap the rewards of decades of good business
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decisions and stewardship of the land. the benefits of mississippi hardwoods are much the same as the benefits enjoyed in nearly every state of the union from the shear beauty these forests offer to the hundreds ever good jobs tied to them, i urge my colleagues to join me in voting yes on this important measure. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: mr. speaker, i have no further speakers. mr. holden: i have one additional speaker. mr. lucas: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. mr. holden: i recognize the gentleman from virginia for three minutes. mr. perriello, i rise in support of recognizing the importance ever sustaining the hardwoods industry. as an eagle scott growing up in the shadow of the blue ridge mountains, i developed deep respect for our country's natural resources. today we'll recognize our hardwood industry also play as crucial role in sustaining not just the local economies of our nation but many of the counties in central and southside
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virginia. across the commonwealth of virginia over 180,000 jobs are provided in the forest products industry. a number that must be maintained during these tough economic times. the impact of hardwood as an industry in south side, virginia, includes businesses like columbia forest products which produces a hardwood plywood. i'm committed to continuing my work to put south side virginia at the forefront of advanced wood products manufacturing. this includes the danville community college certainty for advanced manufacturing in wood products technology and ensuring that forestry is given its due consideration in carbon offsets in efforts for this country's energy independence. products from our forestry industry provide innovative ways to continue on the path to energy independence while maintaining american jobs. mr. else ottawa and other colleagues and their allies in support of the hardwood industry. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman
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from oklahoma. mr. lucas: mr. speaker, the minority has no further speakers and i believe we will yield back the balance of our time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma yields back the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i urge adoption of the resolution. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania yields back the balance of his time. all time now being expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and agree to house resolution number 8 1. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the resolution is agreed to, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. holden: i move to suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 1002. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union calendar number 139, h.r. 1002, a bill to adjust the boundaries of the
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pisgah national forest in mcdo you county, north carolina. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule the, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. holden, and the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. lucas, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks on this bill. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. holden: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. holden: mr. speaker, h.r. 1002 was introduced by congressman heath shuler of north carolina. this bill would authorize the forest service to purchase privately held land that modified the boundaries of the pisgah national forest in mcdoul county, north carolina. this will improve access to a prime recreational and tourist site in the region. the forest service has already purchased adjacent land for preservation and this purchase would allow for parking and trail head expansion in the falls area. a fiscal year 2010
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appropriations request was made for the funds needed to purchase this land and the money was included in the interior appropriation bill that passed the house on july 7. h.r. 1002 has the bipartisan support of the entire north carolina congressional delegation as well as the support of the u.s. forest service. i support its passage today. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. lucas: i rise in support of h.r. 1002, this bill expands the boundary of a national forest in north carolina. the expanded boundary will make it possible for the forestry service to purchase privately owned land for the purpose of creating a parking area and trail access. as my colleague has noted, forestry service supports this bill and funding is included in f.y. 2010 interior appropriations bill to purchase the land. the bill passed out of committee unanimously. i urge my colleagues to support the bill. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the --
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the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i recognize the author of the legislation, mr. shuler for as much time's may consume. mr. shuler: i thank my colleague from pennsylvania. mr. speaker, i rise today in strong support of h.r. 1002, the pisgah national forest boundary adjustment act of 2009. i would like to thank the chairman and ranking member for their hard work and support. this bill would simply extend the current boundary of the forest service to include 213 acres of land that is already owned and maintained by the u.s. forest service. as well as 88 acres currently owned by a regional nonprofit land trust. this bill has bipartisan support of the entire north carolina delegation. for which i am very grateful. this bill will help the federal government meet several objectives. first, it will clarify the boundary that identifies parcels of lands that are already owned by the forest service. secondly, it will help to guarantee the conservation of
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pristine acreage that promotes water quality as well as tourism in the region of western north carolina. third, it will help thousands of visitors each year access cataba falls, a unique cascade that is already on forest service property. .3 forest service property. h.r. 1002 explicitly protects the rights of private property owners. this bill will preserve the national treasures and make sure that public has adequate access to publicly owned land. in addition to being co-sponsored by the entire north carolina delegation, this bill has received unanimous and bipartisan support in the house committee on agriculture. i am grateful to all my colleagues for their support as well as to the staff of agriculture committee for all their hard work. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the
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chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: i yield four minutes to the the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. thompson. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for four minutes. mr. thompson: thank you, mr. speaker. and i thank my colleague for yielding. and offer my my support to my colleague from north carolina for the bill that he's put forward. i rise today to speak on issues of forestry and specifically the house resolution 81, which recognizes the importance and sustainability of the u.s. hardwoods industry. my rural district in pennsylvania is comprised of forest lands in the algainy national forests. the economic again -- engine has been harvesting the hardwoods. they are valued here for their natural beauty, long life, sustainability and many applications from furniture to flooring to musical instruments. there are more than 100 privately owned businesses in my
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district. most are family-owned, whose well-being and employees depend upon the american hardwoods. more than $1 billion in hardwoods are exported from the united states each year. even with this growing market demand, the supply of these resources continue to grow as forests, both public and private are managed for growth and harvest. in addition to the enormous economic benefits which the timber industry has on our rural economy, timber harvesting is an essential part of management effects. when dekaying timber is removed from the forest floor, it creates a more vibrant forest in the long run. management helps create a carbon footprint. the u.s. forest service spends half their budget fighting wildfires and better and increased management would reduce the regularity and severity of these all too frequent disasters.
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the timber industry is an important component in forest management and health. and as co-sponsor of house resolution 81, i ask my colleagues to join me in voting yes on that piece of legislation and honor an industry that benefits our economy and our forest health. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. lucas: we yield back the balance of our time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma yields back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. holden: i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania having yielded back, all time having expired, the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 1002. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on
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the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey rise? >> mr. speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 3146 as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the bill. the clerk: h.r. 3146, a bill to make improvements to the f.h.a. mortgage insurance program from the department of housing and urban development and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from new jersey, mr. adler, and the gentleman from new york, mr. lee, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. mr. aderholt: i ask unanimous consent that -- all members have
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five days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. adler: i thank the republican leader, the gentleman from new york, mr. lee for his hard work. this is an example of bipartisanship that the american people expect from us and we are bringing good relief to the american people. i introduced the 21st century f.h.a. housing act earlier this year with bipartisan to provide the federal housing administration with the necessary tools to serve taxpayers during these challenging economic times. f.h.a. is currently one of the primary sources for afe, affordable mortgage financing for american families. during recent years as private lenders have fled the market, the demand for f.h.a. mortgages has grown. it has ballooned from 3% of the market in 2006 to 23% of all
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mortgages today. we need to ensure that that f.h.a. is able to meet this need efficiently and honestly. like most americans, i'm tired of hearing about more waste, fraud and abuse in washington or around the country. that is why the 21st century f.h.a. housing act is so important. the bill will take steps to fix these problems and protect american taxpayers. it gives the f.h.a. the authority to attract personnel with the skills and experience necessary to manage the increase in business. in addition, the f.h.a. must be given sufficient resources to maintain the ability to enforce high underwriting and oversight standards and operate safely and effectively. enforcing high underwriting standards will yield safer products and protect the american taxpayer. we need to ensure that government programs are efficient and working on behalf of hard working middle class families. with the increase in market
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share comes an increase in risk. that is why this bill dress the housing and urban development secretary to conduct an ongoing review of at-risk mortgages and provide a report to congress at ways to improve at-risk manage mbt. this report will identify rogue predatory lenders and eliminate waste, fraud and abuse. the f.h.a. is helping to provide credit to homeowners where many credit lines are frozen. it is imperative that these loans are good for families, our economy and taxpayers. failure to pass this bill may open the door for more of the mortgage fraud and abuse that helped cause the recent economic recession from which america is still suffering plfment speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. ms. lee: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. ms. lee: i rise today in support of h.r. 3146, the 21st century
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f.h.a. housing act of 2009 and i want to thank my colleague from new jersey, mr. adler, for helping to drive this legislation. i think it will get the job done and it's about time we start doing what the american people want. i think this is a wonderful piece of legislation. this bipartisan legislation will take important steps towards restoring the stability of our housing market and help in our overall economic recovery. while western new yorkers never had a housing boom to bust, i still often hear from my constituents who have been responsible responsible homeowners who are frustrated by the level of fraud and abuse in our mortgage system. western new yorkers understand you cannot take risk without accepting the consequences. we have all seen the after effects of irresponsible lenders and congress has looked at outdated mortgage structures to ensure that responsible
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homeowners have access to safe and affordable mortgages without boarding them with the mistakes of others. that's why we have crafted legislation to address this pressing need in the current mortgage market in order to ensure a stable housing market and help first-time home buyers we need to modernize the federal housing administration, which is one of the primary sources of mortgage financing. it is imperative that the f.h.a. has the resources it needs to oversee mortgages and ensure that no bad actors are allowed to function in this marketplace. during recent years as private lenders have fled the market, the demand for f.h.a. mortgages grew. f.h.a. mortgages tripled in 2008. in 2009, the amounts are expected to exceed $290 billion. in order to effectively meet the new influx of work, several legislative changes are needed
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to modernize the system. h.r. 3146 will address concerns about proper review and oversight of f.h.a. lenders and loans by improving target reviews of loan performances. in addition, this legislation ensures that f.h.a. has the staff, the technology and risk management processes in place to protect american taxpayers from unacceptable losses. finally, the measure provided the h.u.d. secretary with the authority to implement new and innovative ideas to minimize foreclosureses going forward. we cannot keep this dream of home ownership alive and within reach of working families unless we have an f.h.a. that works better. again, i want to express my appreciation to my friend and colleague from new jersey for his cooperation in crafting this measure. it's important for the american people to see that both parties are working together on this vital issue.
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i urge immediate passage of h.r. 3146 and i reserve the balance of my time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. mr. adler: are there further requests for time or does the gentleman yield back? the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. ms. lee: at this point, i have no speakers, but i would like to speak for a few more moments about this piece of legislation. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. ms. lee: when i looked at this legislation and it was -- i met with mr. adler going back several months ago, it was very important that we found a solution for this. i talked to constituents in my district and they are so hard-pressed dealing with other forms of lending and getting f.h.a. stable was incredibly important and the idea of making sure that we use taxpayer dollars wisely.
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and we were fortunate enough to have in front of the hearings understand firsthand some of the challenges that f.h.a. has had in terms of technology, the fact that we haven't really funded this program to its fullest extent by not having enough staff in support of f.h.a., thereby the potential for fraud or waste or abuse has risen. that's why, again, taking a piece of legislation like this and moving it forward is incredibly important. as i look forward to trying to move this along, i know people in our district will be pleased not only in our district, but throughout the country that we're pushing this type of bipartisan legislation. mr. adler, since my time to know him has taken a firsthand approach in trying to ensure that this happens.
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i would at this point, i would like to yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york has yielded back the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. mr. adler: i want to echo the comments of my friend from new york, who did work in a bipartisan way to address a problem to save taxpayers from the waste, fraud and abuse that frustrates so many americans. we see what goes on time after time. many of the problems are experienced in the housing market. the bill will make significant enhancements to f.h.a. and enable the administration to eliminate some of that waste, fraud and abuse. as f.h.a. steps into the void created, these improvements will be increasingly important. i urge my colleagues to support this important bill and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey, having yielded back the balance of his time, all time having
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expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3146 as amended. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. . for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey rise? mr. adler: mr. speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 3527, as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 3527, a bill to increase the maximum mortgage amount limitations under the fha mortgage insurance programs for multifamily housing projects with elevators and for extremely high-cost areas. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from new jersey, mr.
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adler, and the gentleman from california, mr. miller, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. mr. adler: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks on this legislation. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. adler: mr. speaker, i urge the house to pass h.r. 3527, the f.h.a. multifamily loan limit adjustment act of 2009. by increasing them to elevator properties in extremely high-cost areas, h.r. 3527 will allow the f.h.a. to have the rehabilitation of apartments, particularly inan areas where money is not readily available. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. miller: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in support of f.h.a. multifamily loan limit adjustment. i see that mr. weiner is walking in the door so we are going to have a nice
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conversation. welcome, mr. weiner. i'm honored to support your bill. this addresses the need for new construction or substantial rehabilitation for multifamily units. the f.h.a. multifamily insurance program expands the supply of rental housing. f.h.a.'s multifamily mortgage programs has them to provide long-term fixed rate multifamily properties that are available for low to moderate income families. these include police, firefighters, service workers and among others. in the most expensive cities, it's difficult for those starting out in the work force to find affordable housing where they work. there is only three f.h.a. multifamily insured loans for high-rise construction in the nation in fiscal year 2007 and 2008. according to the mortgage bankers association, m.b.a., while the base loan limit in
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high-cost factors have been raced in the past eight years, -- raised in the past eight years, in most parts of the country, in fact, the data shows that while elevator buildings cost 45% more than nonelevated structures, the current loans is less than 10% higher than nonelevated structures. developers are simply unable to provide affordable housing units in high-cost areas because of statutory limits because they are too low for these types of structures. the slow down in affordable rental production that's being enhanced by the credit crisis has a gap between the demand for the supply of affordable rental housing. there is no private sector alternative to this program. the market served by f.h.a. multifamily insurance does not overlap with private insurances. this will increase the fund limit by elevator buildings by up to 50% and gives the secretary of h.u.d. to increase the limit in extremely high cost areas to 305% above the base rate.
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similar to the insurance provided in states like alaska, guam and the virgin islands, and i think mr. weiner and i agree if it's good enough for alaska, guam, hawaii and the virgin islands it's good for the united states. this does not cost the federal government any money. making money for the taxpayers is what we're looking at. looking at the president's fiscal year 2010 budget, the multifamily insurance programs is projected to make a profit, i repeat a profit on new loans insured by the fiscal year budget by $93 million. in fact, over the year, lave multifamily loans have made a profit for the taxpayers. with over 11,000 units provided at $3 billion are on hold by using the f.h.a. yr. in los angeles alone, five multifamily projects for a total of 1,700 units are stalled would be able to move forward. the national home builders association is predicted with the passage of this bill, 12,000 new construction jobs will be created.
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over the past 74 years, the f.h.a. insurance program has operated successfully, working with private sector partners to expand the supply of rental housing. this public-private partnership has leveraged billions of dollars in private sector investments to provide rental housing for the families and elderly throughout the country. it is backed by the national association of home builders, national association of realtors and tens of others. i want to commend chairman frank and ranking member bach ace for send -- bachus for sending this bill to the floor. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey. mr. adler: i yield to the gentleman from new york, mr. weiner, the sponsor of this bill as much time as he may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. weiner: i want to thank my friend from new york and the gentleman from california for has done an excellent job explaining the bill.
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let me make a couple of general points ma my colleagues can understand. f.h.a. loans have performed remarkably well. some people may look to the floor today and say why would you want to do anything to expand lending when we've already seen some of the problems that we've had? well, frankly, f.h.a. has only had about a serious delinquency rate of about .3% compared to nearly 8% in the rest of the marketplace. but to understand how f.h.a. has worked so well, what they essentially do is take people who are developing rental housing, they say you're having trouble getting credit elsewhere, like when they were created after the great depression, we'd go ahead and provide you credit to provide rental housing that you can rent to middle class residents all around the country. unfortunately, what was never truly acknowledged by the program until now is that some parts of the country have rental housing that doesn't go side to side but goes north and south up and down. congressman miller has instances like that. i know i do in new york city. by definition, elevator buildings combined with the
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fact that they are in big cities make them more expensive. and so what we're saying here is let's make sure the program keeps up with the real demand that we have for housing. now, it is imperative that we do this because despite the best efforts of this congress and this president, the banks are simply notting to what we wanted them to do which is extend more credit so people cannot -- so people who have good enough credit can go ahead and get -- find apartments that they can rent, homes that they can buy. f.h.a. is going to under this piece of legislation, and i thank my colleague from new jersey for quarterbacking it, it's going to have an opportunity now to change their standards to reflect the way different things are regionally. and i should say to all of my colleagues, you know, if you're doing things to perfect farm programs, just because they don't benefit me in new york city doesn't mean i don't support them. this is the way to make housing programs reflect what's truly going on in the marketplace. and let me make one other point about this. it's true what my colleague says about guam and alaska and
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hawaii. their high cost areas for different reasons. getting building supplies to guam, getting building supplies to alaska and hawaii, those are expensive. well, one of the things that makes housing expensive in areas like new york city is that you got to install elevators in any building that's north of six stories. and if you wind up getting into that place you wind up adding a great deal to the amount per square foot that is required to do the building. nothing i should say to my colleagues does anything here to put taxpayers in any more jeopardy. the f.h.a. program is entirely self-funded. it's the premiums that are collected from people who benefit from the program. all we're doing now is stopping what is a bottle neck in the program that has said we got a lot more programs, a word my assistant, mr. beckelman, who has helped developed this legislation,es that programs that are ready to go but can't
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get the financing. so this house will be doing what desperately needs to be done. i thank the chairman of the financial services committee for quarterbacking it and for getting it -- talking, he -- you quarterbacked it, he tailbacked, and for mr. miller who has helped see the importance of it, and i want to thank him for the great work that's done. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. miller: i thank mr. weiner for bringing this bill forward. it's very reminiscent what's happened to california in terms of han. and i represent a high cost area. my han loans went from 2000 to 2005, they dropped by 99%. and today we've raised conforming loan limits for han, for conforming and over 90% of the loans made in my area today of california and most of california are conforming in f.h.a. loans. this again addresses a loophole that's addressed for years, if it's good for guam, alaska, hawaii and the virgin islands, it's good enough for the rest
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of this country. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. mr. adler: are there further requests for time or has -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. mr. adler: mr. speaker, i have no further requests for time. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey having yielded back the balance of his time, all time now having expired, the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3527. as amended. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection a motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from kansas rise? >> mr. speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the house bill h.r. 2947. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the bill. the clerk: h.r. 2947, a bill to amend the federal securities laws to make technical corrections and to make conforming amendments related to the repeal of the public utility holding company act of 1935. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from kansas, mr. moore, and the gentleman from california, mr. miller, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas. mr. moore: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. moore: on this legislation. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. moore: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized.
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mr. moore: i rise today in support of h.r. 2947, the securities law technical corrections act of 2009 drafted by my colleague from kansas, congresswoman lynn jenkins. i commend her work on this bill, mr. speaker. during the 110th congress, a nearly identical bill, h.r. 3505, sponsored by congressman peter roskam of illinois, passed the house by a vote of 396-0. the house -- the senate never acted on the measure. this bill would effectively exclude companies that were subject to regulation under the public utility holding company act of 1935 which was repealed in 2005 from the definition of investment company and from the definition of securities laws. again, i commend congresswoman jenkins for sponsoring this legislation, and i urge my colleagues to support it. and i reserve the balance of my time, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. miller: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in support of this bill. i commend mr. moore for bringing it forward. this has passed congress twice in the last congress. it's been noncontroversial. it amends the federal security law to make technical
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corrections relating to the repeal of the public utility holding act of 1935. it's a reasonable approach. i don't know of any controversial or any opposition to this. i -- of any controversy or any opposition to this. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas. mr. moore: she would like to speak, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: how much time do you yield? >> just to revise and extend. mr. moore: two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlelady for two minutes. mrs. maloney: also, i just missed the f.h.a. multifamily loan limit adjustment act of 2009 and request permission to revise and extend my remarks. this would create jobs of rental housing and fix the lingering problems with better financing and liquidity and turn the hopes of homeownership into reality. so raise the limits on f.h.a.
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loans that will help build more housing. i'd like to place this in the record along with a statement in support of this bill. i yield back and i thank the gentleman for yielding. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. miller: well, i want to thank mrs. maloney coming forward late, but she's my dear friend and we worked for years on issues together. and this is one of them. and she's always been diligent about recognizing the errors that might exist in this country and how we can be more productive and be fair to everybody on these issues. and i applaud you for your efforts and for being my colleague, and i reserve the balance of my time. . i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas. mr. moore: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. miller: i ask unanimous consent that ms. jenkins may be able to control my time and yield time as required.
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the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the the gentlewoman from kansas is recognized. ms. jenkins: i claim time in opposition, although i'm not opposed. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. jenkins: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise today in support of h.r. 2497, the securities law technical corrections act. this legislation, which passed the house under suspension last year makes technical corrections to various securities laws. and i thank mr. kanjorski for his support on the measure. this body passed identical legislation last year 404-0. in the aftermath of the stock market crash of 1929, congress enacted the federal securities laws of the 1930's and 1940's. over the decades since that
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time, congress has amended these laws to adapt to a rapidly changing securities industry. congressional intent for these laws is to protect investors and maintain orderly and efficient markets. as members of congress, we have the responsibility to review laws from time to time to ensure that they are up to date so as to reduce unnecessary confusion to market participants. h.r. 2497 makes necessary technical corrections to the federal securities laws that the securities and exchange commission supports, including pun tueation errors, and references to statutes which congress previously repealed. i thank my colleague mr. kanjorski and chairman framping for support of this bill and i urge my colleagues to support it. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman
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from kansas. mr. moore: mr. speaker, we have no further speakers. so we will let the other side close first and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlelady from kansas sm ms. jenkins: i urge support for this legislation and i have no further requests for time and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas. mr. moore: i have no further speakers and i support h.r. 2947. the speaker pro tempore: all time having expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 2947. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed. and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana rise? >> mr. speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, house resolution 215. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the resolution. the clerk: resolution congratulating the minority business development agency on its 40th anniversary and commending its achievements in fostering the establishment and growth of minority businesses in the united states. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from indiana, mr. carson and the gentleman from minnesota, mr. paulsen, each will control 20 minutes. cars cars i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks on this legislation and to insert extraneous materials thereon. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. >> i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman is recognized. >> i rise in support of house resolution 215 which congratulates the minority business development agency for its 40 years of commendable service to america's minority-owned businesses. minimum right business development agency has had a large presence in indiana and copts to promote growth and achievement in this economic crisis. since its establishment, the agency's mission has been to foster the creation of minority-owned businesses in the u.s. in fact, this organization has operated as the only federal agency created specifically to serve minority-owned businesses through its network through 40 centers nationwide. since its inception in 1969, 3.6 million minority-owned businesses have been opened, creating 4.7 million jobs. this amazing growth has accounted for 661 billion in
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revenue. over the last 40 years, these businesses have flourished as a result of consulting services provided by the agency to over 625,000 firms. during this economic crisis, the minority business development agency services are more critical than ever. as minority-owned businesses continue to struggle, this organization provides a lifeline to an essential component to our nation's economy. in 2008, despite the ongoing recession, the agency assisted more than 25,000 minority-owned businesses. as a result, thousands of americans are now gainfully employed. today, the agency continues to work diligently to assist minority-owned businesses by identifying opportunities available through the recovery act. mr. speaker, i congratulate the minority business development
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agency for its four decades in fostering our nation's minority-owned businesses and urge my colleagues to vote in support of house resolution 215. mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from minnesota. mr. paulsen: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. paulsen: i rise in support of house resolution 215 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the minority business development agency. it was nearly half a century ago that president nixon recognized the need to stand by minority businessmen and women advancing the ability of minority businesses to compete financially on the national level. with approximately 40 business centers around the country, it has set up a national network providing minorities access and support to the resources necessary to compete in a global business environment. access to capital is the primary focus of the mbda.
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this agency has worked along side 25,000 minority business owners to generate $1.5 billion in contracts and financial awards for minority businesses. it also provides minority entrepreneurs with one on one assistance in writing business plans, marketing plans, management and technical assistance to ensure adequate funding for business vept yourself. since its inception, it has expanded the scope of its initiatives internationally by participating in the very first u.s. trade mission as well as additional trade missions to south america, asia, africa and the caribbean. as we observe this anniversary, we do need to applaud the continued commitment to the growth of minority businesses by providing access to capital. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the
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balance of his time. -- reserves the balance of his time. >> i yield to mr. honda, the sponsor of this helps -- resolution as much time as he may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. honda: thank you, mr. speaker. and i thank mr. carson for this opportunity. i ro rise in support of h.r. 215, congratulating the minority business development agency on its 40th anniversary and its achievements in fostering minority businesses in the united states. since its inception in 1969 by president richard nixon's executive order 11458, the mbda has operated as the only federal agency create todd serve minority-owned businesses through its nation wade network of more than 40 business development centers and hundreds of strategic partners. over that time, it has served over 625,000 minority-owned
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businesses and assisted in securing more than $25 billion in loans and bonding, greatly contributing to the growth of our minority-owned businesses and the welfare of our communities in general. i would like to share a couple of success stories of minority-owned businesses and companies from my 15th congressional district of california in san jose. first, mr. -- immigrants from india founded securematics. this i.t. network distributor started with $4 million in revenue. in six years they grew the bsh -- by participating in forums by the northern california minority business development center. another success story, central
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computers was established in 1986 from very humble beginnings by two chinese americans who imgrated from hong kong. through their resourcefulness including taking advantage of the services provided by the northern california minority enterprise business septemberer, they transformed into the largest independent computer retailer and servicer in the bay area, grossing nearly $30 million annually. last september, mbda recognized central computers as the national minority firm of the year for 2008. the northern california minority business enterprise center contributed to both of these successes funded by the mbda and funded by a nonprofit technical assistance and research organization that strengthens to
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aim minority-owned businesses. the center participated in my small business resource fair held last may. these two stories are examples of how successful minority-owned companies can give back to their local communities. they find time to mentor many local small business enterprises by providing free business strategy counseling. mr. and mrs. yung are significant contributors to local charties, including a million dollar donation to the university of california, berkley's new center for east asian septemberers. as chair of the congressional asian pacific american caucus, i appreciate introducing this legislation. the hispanic caucus, black caucus and native american
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caucus. we recognize the importance of minority-owned businesses, not only as economic contributors to our communities but also the significant influence on the well-being of the u.s. economy. minority groups represent 26.1% of the population, but own only 11.6% of the nation's businesses and receive only 6.2% of total sales. this disparityy compares to those non-minority-owned and represents significant loss of economic opportunity for the nation. if economic party was achieved, minority-owned businesses would create 60 million jobs, generate, $2.5 trillion in gross receipts and unrealized tax base of $100 billion per year. despite the mbda's add admirable services, many more resources are needed to achieve economic
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party now and in the future. by 2015, the u.s. census bureau present difficulties that minorities will comprise half of the population. the increased reliance on our nation's economy will have on minority communities and businesses. as difficult as this mission is, i believe the mbda and its new national director are up to the challenge. david brings to the agency over 20 years of business expertise and academic excellence. among the director's new priorities are the creation of a new generation of $100 million revenue-producing minority-owned businesses in clean energy and green technology, health care and information technology. mr. speaker, i congratulate the
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minority business development agency for its 40 years of dedicated work fostering the growth and development of our nation's minority-owned businesses and i look forward to continuing to work with the mbda to ensure success of its noble endeavors. i would like to thank the chairs of the congressional minority caucuses for introducing this resolution with me. and i appreciate the support of the co-sponsors. and i urge my colleagues to join us in supporting h.r. 215. and before i yield back the balance of my time, mr. chair, i would like to express, again, the local impact that this program has had in my community not only because i know the two companies and the folks, but there are many, many more success stories that goes on untold and yet more potential success stories out there in the continuation of this project. i thank you. and i yield back the balance of
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my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from minnesota. mr. paulsen: we have no additional speakers. and i urge passage of the resolution and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from minnesota yields back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from indiana. >> mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from gean having yielded back, all time having expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and agree to house resolution 215. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the resolution is agreed to, and without objection a motion to reconsider is laid on the reconsider is laid on the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from kansas rise? mr. moore: mr. speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the house bill h.r. 3179, as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 3179, a bill to amend the economic -- the emergency economic stabilization act of 2008 to require the special inspector general for the troubled assets relief program to include the effect of the troubled assets relief program on small businesses and the oversight audits and reports provided by the special inspector general and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from kansas, mr. moore, and the gentleman from minnesota, mr. paulsen, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas.
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mr. moore: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks on this legislation and to insert extraneous material thereon. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. moore: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. moore: i rise today in support of h.r. 3179, the sig tarp small business awareness act of 2009, drafted by my colleague from minnesota, congressman eric paulsen. i commend his work on this important legislation. this bill was originally offered as an amendment by congressman paulsen to s. 383, the special inspector general for the troubled assets relief program act that was approved by the house on april 25, 2009 by a vote of 423-0 and was later signed into law. during the markup, i commended congressman paulsen for offering his amendment, and i supported the substance of the amendment. but to get s. 383 quickly to the president's desk to equip
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the sig tarp with the resources and authority he so desperately needed we did not add the amendment to the bill. i'm glad that congressman paulsen has added this as a stand-alone bill so that sig tarp can report back to congress. i urge my colleagues to support h.r. 3179, and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from minnesota. mr. paulsen: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. paulsen: mr. speaker, i first want to thank mr. moore, the leader of the subcommittee, for his leadership on this issue as well, and on the subcommittee in general. mr. speaker, the legislation before us requires that the special inspector general report to congress on how smaller financial institutions are faring under the tarp program and whether they are gaining access to needed funding. it would also require the suspect -- special inspector to look at tarp funding. i met with communities
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throughout my district. they wanted to increase credit. similarly, i met with dozens of small business owners who expressed concerns over access to credit and capital, a key component to the ability to create jobs. the problem was he canowed in a recent article in the "minneapolis star tribune" and it outlined the problems that smaller institutions are trying to obtain tarp funds. they were primarily local banks that wanted to obtain tarp funds but had not received them or been given permission to receive them. mr. speaker, in hearings held by the financial services committee, we heard that they may not be increasing their leading, the larger institutions, and it would be the smaller institutions that would help revitalize our economy. the problem is the small businesses are not receiving the funds they need to help maintain and grow their businesses and the reason is simply because those funds are not available. when i asked about the assistance the community
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bankers in particular are getting from tarp, the representative from the community banks responded by saying, and i quote, "all community banks have lost the trust of the federal government's ability to negotiate with them." now, mr. speaker, that concerns me. especially if we are looking to get out of the financial and economic mess we are facing. community banks make the bulk of their loans to small businesses. it's small businesses that have created two out of every three new net jobs in the united states since the early 1970's. we need to expand lending so we can create jobs and grow our economy. the government's too big to fail approach which is the guiding principle for a long time in washington also implies too small to save. this premise is short-sided. by requiring the special inspector general to also examine now and report the impact on smaller financial institutions as well as small businesses, this will result in recommendations to both the u.s. treasury and to congress on how to improve the tarp program so that we can focus on
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job growth. above all else, job growth needs to be our number one priority for each of us in congress. i ask for support and urge passage of house resolution 3179. with that i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas. mr. moore: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. moore: i want to also raise a point that congressman watt had raised in the committee markup where congressman paulsen's proposal was debated. congressman watt offered an amendment that was accepted by voice vote to make sure an addition to small businesses, the s.i.g. tarp should review how it has affected minority and women-owned businesses. this is a good idea and we need to make sure that tarp is being fair across the board. i want to thank congressman paulsen for including this part in the bill. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from minnesota.
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mr. paulsen: mr. speaker, i yield as much time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. paulsen: just to follow-up and i want to thank mr. moore for his leadership on the subcommittee. but i want everyone to know that the country's financial state now more than ever we do need to help our nation's job creators and small businesses. with that i urge passage of 3179. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from kansas. mr. moore: mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues to support h.r. 3179, and i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kansas has yielded back the balance of his time. all time now having expired, the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3179. as amended. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection a motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12 of rule 1, the house will stand in 1, the house will stand in recess subject to the call of
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>> earlier today, pentagon spokesman said that the defense secretary robert gates had not decided if u.s. troops are needed in afghanistan. meanwhile, joint chiefs chairman mike mullen said more troops would be needed and that the top commander in afghanistan is expected to request an increase. this briefing is a half-hour. >> and will begin his remarks at 9:00 a.m. followed by questions from the audience. later that afternoon, back at the pentagon, the secretary will lead a meeting at the senior military and civilian personnel, including the combatant commanders to continue discussing the fiscal year 2011 budget. on friday, the secretary's honor to host the national p.o.w.m.i.a. recognition day ceremony at the -- pow-mia recognition day ceremony. and later that day he has the
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prime minister of the czech republic to discuss a range of security issues. with that we'll get to questions. ann. >> does secretary gates share chairman mullen's assessment that the war in afghanistan requires -- will probably require more forces in addition to other resources? >> how did i know that's what you'd ask me? the secretary's thinking on this is a work in progress. and i think he's been rather candid with you about that over the past few times he's engaged with you all. he's been thinking long and hard about this for weeks now. and as he discussed with you last week his thinking has evolved on it. he -- you know, he had spoken for months about how he's -- is, frankly, concerned about
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having too large of a foreign footprint in afghanistan for fear that it could alienate us from the afghan population. he shared with you the fact that general mcchrystal has gone a long way toward mitigating some of those concerns with his explanation that it's not so much the size of the force but the behavior of the force that determines whether or not it's accepted by the afghan people. but that's a long preamble to arrive at the point to tell you that he's undecided on this issue and is still debating it himself, still analyzing it himself and has yet to come to a final resolution. this is -- this is a process that is under way, and he's begun to have -- obviously much of this is predicated on what actually is asked for when
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general mcchrystal forwards on his resource request. but even before that he's begun discussion with the president and others about the assessment that's been turned in and how that impacts the way ahead in afghanistan. and it's probably terribly unsaving that he has yet to make up his mind but he has not made up his mind on that matter. but he is weighing a lot of -- a lot of things and still thinking hard about it. ok. >> how long can that period of reflection and making up his mind go on. i mean, we have things happening. >> well, he's lucky in the fact -- not lucky. how long can it go on? still we don't have a request for resources yet. so when that arrives, obviously
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that will necessitate probably a heightened focus on such matters. but that has yet to arrive. and in the interim he is thinking about this, and as i said, his thinking is evolving. >> you mentioned today it would be helpful to have petraeus and mcchrystal come testify as having been iraq before there were major shifts in terms of troop numbers. is there any consideration to bringing those guys? >> i have not heard discussion if that would be appropriate to bring general petraeus up to testify, but i have heard very emphatically that the secretary does not believe that now is the time to bring general mcchrystal back to testify. i mean, he's dealing with a very difficult fight right now in afghanistan. the secretary believes his focus and attention should be there and not back here in a
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political process. the secretary will -- part of his job is to work those matters with the hill and he will do so. that's, of course, meaning no disrespect to the members of the congress, but i think he believes that general mcchrystal's time is better spent right now back in theater focused on the conflict at hand. [inaudible] >> what are they doing dealing with taliban? >> well, we're doing a lot. i mean, as you've seen the bulk of the 22,000 additional forces that president obama authorized and sent over in the spring of this year have gone to regional
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command south. and you've seen the recent deployment of the strykers, they have deployed around kandahar city itself. you also see a great teal of marine activity in helman province. so there is increasing focus on regional command south, the traditional heartland of the taliban. i know there have been reports out there so the focus should be on kandahar city itself. i think that's obviously a goal of ours to be able to secure a significant afghan population that resides in kandahar city. i think 800,000 people making it the second largest afghan population center. but that requires a significant amount of resources. the judgment was made to focus on the areas around kandahar
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city before returning our attention back to kandahar city. the residents of kandahar city should fully expect when the time is appropriate and we make gains outside kandahar city do more to provide with the afghan forces for their protection. >> [inaudible] >> well, you're combining many issues here. whether president karzai's popularity and the confidence he has of the afghan people is a separate issue and obviously the election results would certainly suggest that people do support president karzai. whether or not we're winning hearts and minds, that, too, is very much a work in progress. i think there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that even as we pushed more forces into
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afghanistan and they have begun to move out to protect the population, we have seen from community to community a support from the afghan people. and they're increasingly turning away from the taliban. but this is all predicated on whether or not they believe we are here to stay and provide a lasting basis of support for them. and so our word is only as good as our actions. and they want to see them not just for a day or two. they want to see them for a long period of time. general mcchrystal understands that and that's why we are trying to develop sort of tactics that will -- that will facilitate, that sort of long-term relationship building that winning over the hearts and minds of the afghan people requires. yeah. >> is there any details of the
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strike yesterday in somalia? there are some conflicted reports in the region. [inaudible] >> i don't. i have no comment on this matter whatsoever, frankly. anybody else? >> the -- does the -- >> you want me to repeat myself, don't you? >> [inaudible] >> that will be first. let's go. >> does the obama administration have a policy to try to reduce the civilian casualties during sort of global war on terror strikes? are they conducting them in a different way to minimize potential civilian casualties? >> again, i'm not going to speak to any activity that may or may not have taken place in somalia. i will tell you this as we go about conducting this war on terror, this war on violent
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extremists around the world. we obvious go to great lengths to try to minimize, if not hopefully avoid civilian casualties. we aren't interested in bringing harm to anybody except for those who wish to do us harm. but that is -- that comment is made separate and aside from whatever may or may not have taken place in somalia. jeff. >> you said the election results show that a good number of afghans do, -- do like president karzai. [inaudible] >> i think it's a process under way, jeff, that's still very much under way. i don't think we've arrived at any conclusion yet. there's the international election commission. there's the election complaints commission that are still very much in the midst of their work trying to determine whether or not if election fraud is
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legitimate. i think we will let it take the course before we weigh in on the matters. jeff, i will tell you this, though. it's far less important whether we view the results as legitimate as much as the afghan people do. that's the most important thing, that they have confidence in their elected officials. and so if this process of reviewing balance to try to determine whether or not fraud may have played a role in this election, if this process ultimately helps the afghan people come to a greater sense of confidence in their government, then it would seem to be a good one. >> can you give us a preview of what the secretary expects to talk about tomorrow? >> i think -- i think you will see him talk about the progress that has been made by the united states air force, particularly over the last couple of years under this new
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leadership. obviously he'll note the extraordinary contributions to the wars we have been fighting since september 11 and how this contribution is vital to our success in iraq and afghanistan, the global war on terror. he will note, i believe in particular progress that's been made on the nuclear ashurt front -- assurity front. he will make the strides in the aerial vehicle front and the countersurveillance vehicle front by the air force. bottom line is this is by no means a lecture. the air force and its -- and the members of the association certainly understand where the secretary stands on his priorities with regards to airpower. and this is not an attempt to
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underscore any of those. this is an opportunity for him to address a very important group of people and to commend the air force on a job they've done, note the progress they've made. and i'm sure there will be areas that he wants to stress that still need work. but i think this is significant, that secretary gates is going to talk to this group, a group that clearly has had issues with many of his budget decisions over the past year. i think the fact that he's reaching out to them is classic. bob gates, he is not one to -- he wants to explain his decisions and bridge gaps wherever they may exist. and obviously this is -- this is an opportunity to do so with an important group of people. >> when the delegation from the czech republic comes on friday,
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will they be given any decision on whether this government is moving ahead with the third site there? and if not, what is the status of that review and when can we expect a decision? >> you know, i think every time i've been privy to our discussions with the czech republic and the secretary meeting with his counterpart, i can assure you that this issue has come up. i don't believe that this won't come up again. i don't know if there's any news to impart to them on this discussion on friday afternoon. this is a matter that, as i understand it, is still under review, and i can't tell you how close we are coming to some resolution of it. but we will certainly keep you posted. >> jeff, you said the secretary of state needs to add more troops in afghanistan.
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does that kind of pronouncement today not make it harder for him to disagree with the military uniformed commission? >> i don't know if it makes it harder or easier. i think the secretary clearly has a great deal of respect for admiral mullen. it's one of the reasons he recommended him to be reconfirmed and serve a second term as the chairman. and i know that they have spent a great deal of time talking about this and will continue to before a final decision is made by the president. i can tell you that the secretary is i think more in the evolution process in his thinking than having arrived at a decision as to whether or not, yes, significant numbers of additional forces are needed or, no, they aren't. the one area i can tell you -- i think we think so much in terms of numbers of forces. i can tell you where he has certainly made up his mind, and that is the kinds of capabilities that are required
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right now. he believes that we have to provide more counteri.e.d. capabilities to our forces in afghanistan as soon as possible. by that i mean route clearance teams, explosive ordinance disposal teams, medevac teams, intelligence assets, not to mention the hardware that's required. such as matv's, more i.s.r. but that is something that he's clearly has arrived at a -- a conclusion on and so he is working right now to figure out how to provide those additional capabilities so that the forces that have already been committed to afghanistan have the protection that they deserve and require against a growing i.e.d. threat. >> it's not yes on forces or no on forces, it's really about
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the number. i mean, when you talk about the significant number that could be added to the mission there. his -- the debate, in other words, is about the significance or the numbers as opposed to, should we -- >> well, i think he's always talked about this in terms of the size of the footprint. so clearly size, numbers have been of concern to him. that said, he deleerl wants these additional counteri.e.d. capabilities brought into theater and i should preface that by saying we don't know how yet that impacts the bottom line, the total number of forces in afghanistan. there are still a number of moving parts that will ultimately determine whether or not you add or whether it doesn't impact the 68,000 that have been authorized thus far. part of that is as a result of the fact that general mcchrystal is convinced a force optmyization review, trying to determine whether or not he has serve assets which he no longer
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needs, whether there are duplicative capabilities that he can send home the excess of. meanwhile, you know, frankly some of our units deploy at less than 100%. so we are still working out how exactly we do this. the other area in addition to -- i mean, obviously he has long been a proponent of building up at senator levin has so strongly endorsed, the capabilities and strength of the afghan security forces. where he has -- but i think he would caution people from drawing too clear a delineation between trainers and combat forces. because frankly as we learned in iraq our best training is done not in some sterile environment behind the wire but
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rather out amongst the population operating shoulder to shoulder with our iraqi or afghan counterparts. and that often leads to combat situations. so i think i would caution against sort of detype ofing people too clearly as trainer, combat force. so those are -- you know, that's the kind of -- that's how we will best training in afghanistan as well. >> optmyization review would be presumably complete by the time general mcchrystal asked for more forces if he does? >> that's probably an ongoing thing. we'll be constantly looking at whether or not he has the proper assortment of troops and whether there are excess or needs and that kind of thing. i mean this is -- listen, stylistically, mccyst sl a different commander than his spreaders are -- sessers. whether it be the --
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predecessors. whether it be the alcohol ban at nato headquarters or as part of this optmyization review, this is a guy who's talking about -- who's closing down concession stands because these things are distractions from what the mission is. is he a no nonsense war fighter and wants everybody focused on the mission at hand to achieve success for the afghan people and for americans back home so that we are more secure here. yeah? >> has secretary gates spoken to senator lesk been his -- the proposal? >> yes. they had a meeting at least before the announcement, i think it was last week sometime. >> and did he kind of make the case that you just outlined there in terms of the -- >> i'm not going to get into what specifically they discussed other than that they had as they always do a very good and candid conversation about the situation in afghanistan. yeah, let's do a couple more.
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i know you've got some, then i'll come to you, promise. >> follow up on the stuff -- on the new anti-i.e.d. equipment. you're talking about task force open things as well? >> it's the liberty ships, the project liberty, the mc-12 aircraft. it certainly -- we are attempting to replicate the system that task force owe done had in iraq, in afghan. so for those of -- afghanistan. so for those of you who were with us who went down to the fort worth area on the 31st of august, we stopped off in greenville, texas, and visited the l-3 factory there where the secretary saw them putting the final touches on the first mc-12 which is basically a beach craft, i think king air is what it is, that will be deployed to afghanistan. so we're buying 51 of these aircraft, i think, the majority of those will be going over to
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afghanistan to increase our eyes in the sky that help our commanders, you know, study patterns of life among terrorists, among i.e.d. emplacers and dissect them and ultimately dismantle them, destroy them. ok? let's go to tony. >> is it possible that the secretary will make some news tomorrow on the tanker program in terms of a way forward? >> i think if you're interested in the tanker program you should probably cover the speech tomorrow. >> the second engine in this long running saga, you know, there was a failure friday of the prat engine in durable testing. does that raise cautions within the pentagon here that their approach to stressing just the single engine might not be the prudent approach while this investigation -- >> no. not at all. there is no wavering among
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anybody a decision making position here at the pentagon about the preference to proceed with a single engine rather than an altar nat engine as well. listen, the mishap that took place i guess over the weekend involving the f-135 is unfortunate but not expected. we're in the test phase, development phase of these engines and those things happen. >> it's not unexpected. you just said expected. >> i said -- it's not unexpected. thank you. being crrt of my misstatement. if not unexpected. and that said, it is cause for concern, but not about our approach vis-a-vis a single engine or two engines. it's a concern with regards to how prat and whitney is developing this engine and with regards to frankry how the program office is managing that
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development. and that is precisely the reason why dr. carter in his capacity has formed this jet, what is it? the joint assessment team which is going to take a hard look at how prat and whitney is going about its business and assess the problems that are taking place and recommend options to get us back, back where the original schedule and cost targets have us -- or had us going. so he should get a report back from them. they've already started an ambitious schedule. i think they're due to report back to him early next month.
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so he is not satisfied at this moment with how prat and whitney has handled this and nor is he satisfied how the program office is handling this but he believes that if we all buckle down and focus harder and devote our energies to the one engine that we believe we need and getting that engine right, we can get back on schedule and back on cost and that's where our energy should be focused. >> they're a single engine maker, you can read them the riot act but if they know they're the monopoly, what's their incentive to get their  act together? >> reputations are at stake here. there are other contracts, there are other programs in the future, no doubt, that they'd like to be a part of and obviously their performance in this program will, you know he, is important in terms of their overall reputation of this department. they have a great deal of
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incentive. these are people who take pride in their work. they want to succeed. they know how important the f-35 is to our country's national security. they know what is needed of them. i think we believe they wish to do right here and we want to figure out ways to get them to do it and to get our people to perform in a way that helps them do it. so that's what our focus is on right now. i think all the talk of a second engine and arlt nat engine is wasted energy. the second engine isn't going to fix the problem for the first engine. buying two of erg is not going to be the solution -- everything is not going to be the solution to all of our problems in development programs across this department. we need to focus harder on getting this engine to perform to the level that we know it can and so that's what dr. carter and his team are focused on at this point. these are the last three hands up. that's it.
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yes. >> kyoto news from japan. good to see you. last time you encouraged the new administration of japan to go along with the refueling mission that made some headlines in our news and the japanese am bam does in this city said, responded like saying that we don't speak through spokesman to countries. i'm not intending to make any frictions but do you have a comment on that? and can i just make sure again, please tell us the position of the pentagon about this refueling mission by japan. >> well, listen, let's take this aside from the change of government that's underway in japan for a moment. and just tell you that we as a member of a coalition that's operating in afghanistan, we as an old ally of japan's, believe
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that their contribution to the war on terror, to the world's efforts in afghanistan is vitally important and we would like to see them continue it. it is a real benefit to our war fighters and thus it's a real benefit to the people of afghanistan. i wouldn't read too much politically into this statement. i think i'm stating the obvious. they've made an enormous contribution and we'd like to see them continue that contribution. obviously there are domestic, political contributions for the japanese government. they have have to deal with those. with disregard for whatever those political considerations are, we in this building very much value their contribution. >> -- not pushing or asking for -- >> i am not asking, i haven't had the conversation with the secretary -- jeff, please ask the japanese to continue this mission. that's not what i'm saying.
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i'm say thing something which i think is obvious to all of us, that their contributions have helped and we would very much like to see them continue it. ok? this is the last two. >> interview given by general musharraf where he has put the international committee and news doubt because of -- [inaudible] he said that most of the u.s. aid -- [inaudible] >> you know, i think i heard of those reports a couple days ago. i don't think we have any reason to believe that to be the case. but i'd urge to you talk to general musharraf to see if he has any more specifics that he can offer you. >> i saw this report about illiteracy in the afghan national forces. saying the way the u.s. layout requires a national force.
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given this report about the literacy, is this something that's already been planned for, is this news to you guys? and if so, how does the military deal with eight out of 10 people in the unit being illiterate when it's trying to set a timeline for making -- for determining that they are capable and they're trained and ready to go? >> i think it's a concern to us. i think, you know, obviously the more educated the force is, we believe that the better it is. particularly it is better in terms of their ability to train and pass down best practices and develop strong leadership, particularly an n.c.o. corps. so it is a concern to us that the illiteracy rate among the afghan forces is as high as it is and i think it is -- the secretary, as you know, is an educator in addition to being a
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very educated man and i think he sees there being real value in trying to get the afghan forces more literate. that said, there's a lot on their plate right now. we are trying to grow them as rapidly as we can and i think our focus is on getting them to be able to perform well in the field militarily. obviously there are certainly physical fitness requirements as well. but i don't think lost in all that should be the need to have a larger component of the force to be more literate. so i think that's something that we'd all like to see improved. >> still supposed to arrive in afghanistan next month? >> still on schedule. i think the secretary's actually going to take a trip out to oshkosh, wisconsin, in the coming weeks to see
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first-hand how production is going on there, to keep the pressure on because these vehicles are very much needed by our forces in afghanistan as soon as they can be produced. this is a high priority item. he's going to make that clear with a visit to the manufacturer, no that we have any problems with how they performed thus far, we just want to reinforce this is something our war fighters really very much need. ok, thank you. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp 2009] >> we expect debate to begin shortly. joe wilson shouted you lie during an address president obama was giving to a joint session of congress last week and we expect the house to come in momentarily. in the meantime i'm going to read for you part of the resolution from the house that
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it reads whereas the conduct of the representative from south carolina was a breech of decore -- breach of decorum and debraided the proceedings to the discredit of the how it's, now thereof be it resolved that the house of representatives disapproves of the behavior of the representative from south carolina, mr. wilson, during the joint session of congress held on september 9, 2009. and associated press writing that the decision by democratic leaders to bring a resolution of disapproval to the house floor was derided by republicans who said wilson had already apologized for his remark. waiting for the thousand come back in -- for the house to come back in.
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>> house democratic -- here we go back down to the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition? the clerk: during the joint session of congress, the president of the united states, speaking had his remarks
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interrupted by the representative from south carolina, mr. wilson, and whereas the conduct of the representative from south carolina was a breach of decorum and degraded proceedings of the joint session to the discredit of the house. now, thereby be it resolved that the house of representatives disapproves of the behavior of the representative from south carolina, mr. wilson, during the joint session of congress held on september 9, 2009. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 2 of rule 9, the gentleman from maryland, mr. hoyer, and the gentleman from ohio, mr. boehner, will each control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from maryland, mr. hoyer. mr. hoyer: mr. speaker, i yield myself one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is recognized for one minute. mr. hoyer: mr. speaker, and ladies and gentlemen of the house, none of us, none of us is happy to be here considering
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this resolution. i know i am not. at the same time, my colleagues, what is at issue here is of importance to this house and to our country. and that issue is whether we are able to proceed with a degree of civility and decorum that our rules and our democracy contemplate and require. the house code of conduct requires that each member, every one of us, each and every one of us conduct himself, and i'm quoting from the rule, at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the house of representatives. there seems to be little or no disagreement that mr. wilson did
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not so conduct himself on the evening of september 9. senator john mccain was quoted as saying mr. wilson's behavior, and i quote, totally disrespectful. he went on to say, quote, there is no place for it in that setting or any other and he should apologize for it immediately. mr. wilson did in fact apologize to the president through mr. emanuel, the president's chief of staff. however, it was the house itself whose rules were offended and as mr. inglis, mr. wilson's colleague, a report colleague from south carolina, observed and again i quote, he should
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apologize to the house, to the house. for the rule violation. mr. inglis went on to add, that would end the matter. i have made a similar representation to the republican leader. and i believe that would have ended the matter. i know that is what the republican leaders of the house thought would be appropriate and what the republican leader talked to mr. wilson about doing. he said so to the press. indeed last thursday based upon what a republican leader told me, not mr. boehner, that morning it was what i expected mr. wilson to do. as a result i held open the last vote last week, or the time
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between the last vote and the very last vote, to give mr. wilson an opportunity to express an apology to the house. as all of us know, many members have done that in the past. reflecting upon conduct they thought was not appropriate. and as a result they came to this floor. that's happened on both sides of the aisle. where members have done things that they thought brought discredit to the house and they came to this floor, to that rot lot of rum and to this and to say -- to that and to think and to say, i apologize. mr. inglis is correct. that would have ended the matter. however, for whatever reason, mr. wilson has decided not to take any further action. in light of that, this resolution simply states the house's disapproval of mr. wilson's words and actions.
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his republican whip cantor is quoted as saying, obviously the president of the united states is always wull come -- welcome on capitol hill and he deserves respect and decorum. surely all of us believe that's correct. surely all of us, hopefully all of us, believe that when we invite a president of either party to come to this house and address a joint session of congress that he ought to expect and we ought to expect that we will accord to him the decorum and courtesy of which mr. cantor spoke. the republican leader of the senate added, i think we ought to treat the president with -- with respect and anything other than that is not appropriate. that's what this resolution is about. it's a resolution of disapproval. this resolution is not about the
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substance of an issue but about the conduct we expect of one another. in the course of doing our business. senator john core unanimous, the chairman of the -- cornyn, the senate campaign committee stated this, quote, there's a time and a place for everything and that was not the time or the place for that kind of comment. in the absence of mr. wilson's expressing his regret for acting in a manner that almost all agree, and every republican that i've talked to as well as every democrat that i've talked to, was inappropriate, contrary to the spirit of the rules of the house and the common courtesy that we should extend to all and particularly to the president of the united states of america,
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our president. i expected to extend that same courtesy to every president with whom i've served. be they republican or democrat. we consider this resolution as a result of mr. wilson's failure to follow the advice of his leadership and a number of his republican and democratic colleagues who have told me that they've talked to him. i want to say personally that i know mr. wilson. we've had a good relationship. i expect to continue to have a good relationship. i found him a man of measured conduct. i was surprised. i think he was probably surprised as well. a simple apology to this house would have ended the matter. but this house ought not to stand silent in the face of conduct almost universally and
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by mr. wilson himself that was felt to be inappropriate. it is an expression of the people's house that presidents nor any of us ought to expect to be subjected to such conduct in the course of our business in this, the people's house. the resolution says simply what hopefully all of us feel, that we disapprove of the conduct cited and let others know that such conduct is neither welcome nor approved by the house of representatives. at this time, mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that mr. clyburn of south carolina be recognized to manage the balance of the time on our side. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered.
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the gentleman from ohio. >> mr. speaker, i'm pleased to yield to the gentleman from south carolina, mr. wilson, for as much time as he may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr. wilson: thank you, mr. leader. i appreciate your service for america and i further expect the majority leader, mr. hoyer. mr. speaker, i'm humbled and grateful for the support and prayers of my wife, rocks anne, my four sons, my staff, the people of south carolina, my colleagues and the american people. mr. speaker, i think it is clear to the american people that there are far more important issues facing this nation than what we're addressing right now. the president said the time for games is over. i agree with the president. he graciously accepted my apology and the issue is over. however, this action today will have done nothing for the taxpayers to rein in the growing cost and size of the federal government. it will not help more americans secure a job -- secure jobs,
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promote better education, ensure retirement or reform health insurance. it is the democrat leadership and their rush to pass a very bad government health care plan that is bad medicine for america. it is -- it has muzzled the voices we represent and provoked partisanship. when we are done here today, we'll not have taken any steps closer to helping more american families afford health insurance or helping small businesses create new jobs. the challenges our nation faces are far bigger than any one member of this house. it is time that we move forward and get to work for the american people. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from south carolina. mr. clyburn: thank you very much, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, this resolution addresses an issue of great importance to current and future
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members of this august body. the proper conduct of its members. despite statements made by various leaders of the other party, this is not about partisan politics or inappropriate comments. to the contrary, this is about the rules of this house and reprehensible conduct. i stand here as a former school teacher and the proud father of a current public school teacher who teaches in the congressional district represented by congressman wilson. my grandchildren attend schools in that district. but, mr. speaker, this hall is the most prominent classroom in
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this great country. and all of us are teachers. we're bound by duty and the offices we hold to conduct ourselves as such. classroom teachers and schoolchildren across the country and around the world looking in on our proceedings should see proper decorum and hear civil discourse. our teachers are expected to teach our children to learn proper behavior. all of us are expected to give appropriate support and deference to the institutions that help us develop and maintain a civil and orderly society.
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our three separate branches of government have defined roles to play in this process. and those of us who hold positions within these branches are expected and are duty bound to treat each other with proper dignity and respect. whether we like it or not, teachers and students see us as role models. but none of us is perfect. we all make mistakes. and sometimes fall short of expectations. but when we to proper contrition is expected. when one of us while seated in a formal session severely violation of the rules of this body shamelessly hurling
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accusations towards the president of these united states, our commander in chief and refuses to formally express remorse, we at a minimum are duty-bound to express our disapproval. our teachers, our students and constituents deserve no less. with that, mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from ohio. mr. boehner: mr. speaker, i'll recognize myself myself. -- for as much time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. boehner: i think this is a sad day for the house of representatives. this is nothing more than a partisan stunt aimed at trying to divert people's attention from the real issue that the american people want to talk and that's talk about health care. the gentleman from south
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carolina made it clear the other night when he told the president's chief of staff that his behavior was inappropriate. and that's why he was calling to apologize to the president. the president graciously accepted his apology. and last friday, none other than the speaker of the house herself said it is time for us to talk about health care and not mr. wilson. now, the speaker and i don't see eye to eye on every issue, but on this issue i think that i am in full agreement with her. joe wilson is a decent human being. he did the right thing. he called the president and apologized. and the president was gracious enough to accept it. and i just believe that a man who spent 25 years of his life in public service in the state senate and here in congress who has four sons, all of whom are in the military, three of whom
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served in iraq. we all know joe wilson. he is a decent man. and to put him through this on the floor of the house i think is unacceptable and it is a partisan stunt. there's been behavior that's gone on around here for more serious than this. that didn't -- that didn't bring a resolution to the floor to condemn someone's behavior. yes, people are made mistakes. some have come down to the floor and apologized. others have not. but none of it, none of it required a resolution. and to think that the president that is -- precedent that's being set here today, the precedent. think about it. never has this happened before. that we're going to bring a resolution of disapproving of his behavior. my goodness, we could be doing this every day of the week. the american people sent us here to work together to solve the problems of our country.
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they didn't come here to talk about our behavior. they didn't send us here to do that. what they wanted us to do is deal with the issue of health care. the president said we ought to work in a bipartisan fashion to get health care reform accomplished. i agree with the president. i'm here. i'm willing. i'm able. set the time and a place and we'll be there with our solutions to the health care problems in the country. but to divert the nation's attention from the issues that they care about, health care, trying to make sure that we get jobs back into our economy, trying to do something about record deficits and record debt, no, no, no. we're not doing any of that. we're here on some witch-hunt, some partisan stunt that the american people are not going to respect. and with that i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from south carolina. the gentleman will suspend for the second. the chair will remind all
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persons of the gallery that they are here as guests of the house and any manifestations of disapproval or approval is in violation of the rules of the house. with that, the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr. clyburn: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i want to first of all say to my friend, the leader, that before coming to this congress i spent 18 years running state agencies -- a state agency in south carolina. in those 18 years i worked for four governors, two democrats and two republicans. many of you remember one of those republicans for whom i worked for eight years was carol kramer, a former member of this body. we were good friends. we often consulted with each other in the evenings. but we always respected each other. even though we were polls apart
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politically. this is not a partisan stunt. i do not participate in partisan stunts. and i think every member here knows that. this is about the proper decorum that should take place on the floor of the united states house of representatives. and i'd like to say to the leader, and i think he knows that he has not represented the facts correctly. on october 23, 2007, a member of this body, representative stark, came to this floor and apologized for a behavior, as i would read, "i want to apologize to first of all, my colleagues. and then many of whom have been
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offended." and then he went on to say to the president, to his family, to the troops. that took place on this floor in 2007, october 23. then, i will remind the leader on july 23, which incidentally, happens to be carol's birthday, on july 23, chairman thomas came to this floor, and he offered an apology. "because of my poor judgment, the stewardship of my party as the majority party in the house has been unfairly criticized." and he went on to apologize. and so all we've ever asked is that this body, this house receive from mr. wilson a
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similar statement of contrition. it's all about the decorum of this house. and i will reiterate, i have never stood on the floor of this house in my 17 years and participated in any kind of partisan stunt. and i think the other side knows that. and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from ohio. mr. boehner: mr. speaker, i yield as much time as he may consume to the republican whip, mr. cantor. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. cantor: i thank the speaker. i thank the leader. mr. speaker, i'm having some difficulty understanding how it is that we're on the floor today debating this resolution. and i'd like to first speak to the claims made by my colleague on the other side of the aisle,
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the majority whip, in pointing out what are alleged to be precedence for this resolution. and as he knows, those instances that he referred to, whether it be the gentleman from california, mr. stark, or the gentleman from california, mr. thomas, when they came to the well of this body to speak to our colleagues, it was as a result of conduct displayed, number one, in the case of mr. stark, during debate on the floor of this house. and number two, on the part of mr. thomas, conduct that took place among members in a committee on which i sit, the ways and means. two very distinct situations from the one we have here at hand. again, i don't understand how it is a priority that we're here on this -- on this particular piece of the resolution. the resolution, as has been
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pointed out, creates no job. the resolution does nothing to do anything to increase access to quality health care. the resolution does nothing to address the issues of national security. plain and simple, this resolution does not reflect the priority of the american people. now, president obama came to this chamber last week, and he admonished us, mr. speaker. he admonished us to stop with the partisan bickering. and in fact, he echoed his sentiments that he expressed during his inaugural address when he said, "we may still be a young nation but it is time to set aside childish things." now, as the leader said, as the gentleman from south carolina himself said, he admits that
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what he did was inappropriate. he was on national television indicating he shouldn't have done it. he wouldn't do it again. he also said to the nation he called the president. as the leader indicated, the president graciously accepted his apology. i'm told that the vice president also accepted the apology. what more does the gentleman want? that's why i am at a loss as to what this is if it's not a partisan stunt. so i believe we ought to accept what the president and the speaker and others have said, let's get on with the business of the people. let's try and get over the divide and stick to the course of trying to work on things we agree on or things we have a potential to do away with the disagreements, not the
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partisanship. now, this is the bill, this is h.r. -- the famed h.r. 3200, mr. speaker. and there are several issues in here the american people have spoken out on. the first is the claim that we ought to be able to keep what we have if we're talking about health insurance. on page 16 of the bill, there is a section entitled "protecting the choice to keep current coverage." that's what we are all trying to do for the 85 or some percent of this country who has health insurance. now, you know what, our science says despite that title, there are provisions in there which begin to require -- require individuals and their insurers to do certain things which make it somewhat difficult if not impossible to allow for folks to keep what they have. the next issue that is of import, certainly, to the
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american people and to this body is the question of access to federal benefits by those who are here illegally. now, the president stood on this floor in this body, mr. speaker, and said that he did not believe that there was any access for those here individually -- individuals to get benefits. in fact, on page 143, there is a section which speaks to the issue that there should be no federal benefit for those here illegally. the problem that we have on this side is there's no requirement of verification of legal status. and in fact, the white house, in fact, senator baucus and others have sense come out and said, you know what, you're right. these are the kind of things we could be doing right now to try and accomplish what it is the american people have sent us here to do.
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and they expect us to do that in a deliberate manner that produces a positive result. which means we all have got to do that living within our means and to ensure that we do not break the bank in passing this health care reform measure. so i implore this house, mr. speaker, let's try and get back to the business of the people. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from south carolina. mr. clyburn: mr. speaker, i continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from ohio. mr. boehner: mr. speaker, i'm pleased to yield to the gentlelady from washington state, mrs. mcmorris rodgers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington is recognized for four minutes. mrs. mcmorris rodgers: mr. speaker, i thank the gentleman for yielding and i rise in opposition to this resolution. i think the facts are clear. congressman joe wilson admitted himself that his actions were wrong and that he shouldn't have done it and that he won't do it
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again. mr. wilson apologized to the president and that was the right thing to do. mr. speaker, how much longer does this -- does if this go on? what are we really accomplishing here today? the president accepted mr. wilson's apology and both the president and mr. wilson agreed it was time to move on. just late last week the speaker of this house said, and quote, it's time for us to talk about health care and not mr. wilson. i couldn't agree more. americans expect their elected officials to put aside partisan differences and work to solve the problems that are facing american families. and just last week we were told, let's put aside the partisan bickering. instead of pursuing this petty partisanship, now is the time to work together on behalf of the american people. hardworking families back home are worried about the economy. they're worried about losing their jobs. hardworking american families all across this country want us to stop a government takeover of
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health care. let's stop wasting time, let's focus on tackling the challenges that face our country. thank you, mr. speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from south carolina. mr. clyburn: mr. speaker, i continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: continues to reserve his time. the gentleman from ohio. mr. boehner: mr. speaker, i'm pleased to yield to the gentlelady from florida, ms. brown-waite. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida is recognized for four minutes. ms. brown: thank you very much. thank you, mr. speaker. i know joe wilson, i've worked with him in the halls of this congress in committees and i've traveled with him to iraq. a retired army colonel, all four of his sons followed joe into the military service. in the seven years that i have known him i have never known joe wilson to say an unkind word about anyone. joe is a good and honest man. he's the kind of person who, if he disagrees with you, does it without being disagreeable. just as it was wrong for my democrat colleagues to boo
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former president bush in this chamber, it was wrong for joe wilson to speak out of turn. the difference is that joe wilson apologized and the president very graciously accepted his apology. every member in this chamber has uttered words they wish they could have said differently. i know joe made this comment out of frustration because there seems to be a large gap between health care rhetoric and reality. what the president said did not match up with the bill that came before the house. this is the same bill that was discussed last month in many town hall meetings across our country. his comments provided americans with an opportunity to discuss the differences between the bill they've seen and the ideas that the president mentioned on wednesday's speech. on the issue of illegal immigrants in health care reform, in three committees here
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in this very house, republicans offered up amendments to clarify, to ensure that illegal aliens would not be included in the health care reform bill. in all three committees those amendments were resoundingly defeated by my democrat colleagues. all americans heard the president say, if you like your plan, you can keep it. but those words directly -- directly conflict with the c.b.o.'s findings that cuts to medicare advantage plans in h.r. 3200 would result in millions of seniors losing their current plan. that's not keeping the plan that they like. further still we heard the president say that his plan would not add one dime to our deficits. again, that's contrary to c.b.o.'s findings that say that h.r. 3200 would increase deficits by $239 billion over 10 years. mr. speaker, there's a lot of
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frustration in our districts and throughout america about h.r. 3200. we need to stop wasting time and get down to the business of drafting a bipartisan health care bill that addresses the needs of all americans. think of how many americans lost their jobs and lost their health care coverage during this one hour of debate that we're having today. we need to get down to the serious business that our constituents sent us here for. that's the very least that we can do. that's our job. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from south carolina. mr. clyburn: mr. speaker, i continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: continues to reserve. the gentleman from ohio. mr. boehner: mr. speaker, i'm pleased to yield to the gentlelady from michigan, mrs. miller. four minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from michigan voiced for four minutes. mrs. miller: mr. speaker, last
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week the president came to this house for a joint session of congress to discuss how we as a nation will reform health care. and the debate over health care has made clear that the american people are actually paying attention to what is happening here. during the president's speech our colleague, joe wilson, made a mistake. a mistake that i believe was drisk be by both the substance and the -- driven by both the substance and emotion in this debate. immediately after he made that mistake, congressman wilson did the appropriate thing, he immediately apologized to the president and president obama very graciously accepted his apology. mr. speaker, recently president obama made a mistake when referring to actions of the cambridge police while acknowledging that he did not have all the facts and in the national uproar that ensued, he called it a teachable moment. and i thought that was a very human response to an incident that was blown totally out of proportion, in my opinion. and some actually infered that it had racial overtones. i think what we have here today, mr. speaker, is a teachable moment. and it has nothing to do with race. joe wilson is a patriotic
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american who has defended our freedom in uniform as well as here in the united states congress. he is a father of four sons who also serve this nation in uniform to defend our liberty, our freedom, our democracy. and we have all heard joe wilson speak on this floor and he ends every floor statement with the same following words, god bless our troops and we will never forget september 11. joe wilson simply made a mistake and was forgiven by the person who was harmed by that mistake, case closed. so why are we here? what can we be taught by forcing a vote on this resolution? well, i believe what is going on here, mr. speaker, today, is a reflection of the unease among the american people as they have watched this congress enact a $700 billion wall street bailout, a $787 billion economic stimulus bill, a $1.8 trillion deficit this year alone placed on the backs of their children and their grandchildren. they have been watching as
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congress works on health care legislation that would fundamentally alter one of the most personal factors in their lives and that is how to care for themselves and their families. during the august recess we saw the frustrations of the american people when they came out in large numbers to exercise their rights guaranteed under the first amendment. the right to free speech, the right to peaceably assemble and the right to redress their grievances before government. and how were they treated when they did this? some leaders of this house called them unamerican or an angry mob. all of this for simply making their voices heard. i understand that democracy is sometimes difficult and it can instill passion. that passion, that love for our nation and the belief in the idea that every american deserves to be heard, is what makes america great. and we who are honored to serve here have a duty to listen. the ac ro moan that has developed here is what needs to be stopped.
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we need to stop and we need to listen to one another. we need to focus on the needs of the people and do the work that they sent us here to do, most importantly, get our economy moving. i come from michigan where countless of my fellow citizens have lost their jobs and many have also lost their health care. and the resolution that we are considering today will not create one job. it will not help one pepper get health care for their family. it will do nothing to allay the concerns of seniors who are worried about their medicare. it will do nothing to get our economy moving again. it will simply inflame a debate that should have been over when president obama accepted joe wilson's apology. we can do better, the american people can do better and hopefully in this teachable moment we will learn. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from south carolina. mr. clyburn: mr. speaker, i continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: continues to reserve his time.
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the gentleman from ohio. mr. boehner: mr. speaker, i'm pleased to yield to the republican conference chairman, the gentleman from indiana, mr. pence, four minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from indiana is recognized for four minutes. mr. pence: unanimousen to con -- consent to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. pence: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today in opposition of the resolution in disapproval of mr. wilson. a friend of mine back in indiana likes to say that washington, d.c., is 100 square miles surrounded by reality. never felt truer than it does today. think about it. our economy is struggling, families are hurting and congress is poised to demand an apology from a man who has already apologized. extraordinary. first let me stipulate that joe wilson is a good man. and a man of integrity. he's a devoted husband to his beloved rocks anne, a proud father of four -- roxanne, a proud father of four american
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servicemen. i've traveled with joe into some pretty tight spots like many of my democratic colleagues have. i've seen his devotion to our soldiers. i've never failed to be inspired by his love for the men and women of this country in uniform, his love of his country and his constituents. you know the old book tells us a harsh word stirs up anger. but we might have seen a little bit of that last week. in the midst of a highly partisan speech by the president of the united states, joe made a mistake. immediately after the speech was over, joe recognized his mistake and he offered his sincere apology to the president and the president's staff. and he was right to apologize. but it's important to note that despite his admitted error the broader national interest was
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actually served. the american people didn't send us here just to get along. they sent us here to get it right. and ironically because of joe wilson's outburst we've been engaged in nearly a weeklong debate about what's really in h.r. 3200. in fact, now the american people know there's nothing in the democrats' bill in the house that requires an individual to verify their identity or citizenship, leaving open the very he possibility of undocumented workers receiving health care benefits. this was confirmed by the congressional research service, the note -- noted in the absence quote of a provision in the bill specifying the verification procedure on documented immigrants could receive taxpayer subsidized health benefits. if you need any further proof, the white house clarified their position last friday stating their support for verification expressly of an individual's
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citizenship. so despite the controversy, congress has a shot to get it a little more right. than they would have otherwise. but let me speak as i close about the broader issue of bringing this resolution to the floor of the congress today. i was home in indiana yesterday. hoosiers were shocked with the news that one of our most storied companies, eli lily&co. was announcing lay justifies. i was in indiana on the day that whirl pool announced they were closing a factory and sending more than 1,000 jobs out that have city and out of this country forever. more than two million jobs have been lost since the so-called stimulus bill was passed. 15 million americans were out of work and yet here we are taking time in the people's house to
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demand an apology from a man who has already apologized. the american people want better. the american people want less politics and more jobs. they want congress to set aside petty partisan politics and come together to take action to get this economy moving again. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from south carolina. mr. pence: i urge my colleagues to vote no. mr. boehner: i yield the gentleman one additional minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one additional minute. mr. pence: last wednesday was not a good day in the house. but today is worse. today we see politics overwhelming this institution. the american people are tired of it. so let me say again, without the didn't of the gavel, i urge my colleagues to vote no on this


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