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tv   Newsmakers  CSPAN  September 20, 2009 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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a rapper who calleds himself psycho sam arrested in connection with the death of four people. some believe his dark lyrics may have become a reality. there ace a man hunt on for a legally insane killer in washington state. he scaped two days ago. this isn't the first getaway since he was committed. hi there. you're having a great sunday. i'm natasha curry. we begin with new developments in alleged terror plot involving a colorado man.
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late last night fbi agents arre arrested na eed zazi, false sta to officials. raids in new york came to light and sources say a railroad or subway station may have been the target. zazi is expected to appear in federal court tomorrow. now that the fbi has arrested zazi, we are learning more about some of the details of the case. jeanne meserve shows where the trail has led investigators. >> fire on the ground. >> reporter: it was a truck bomb that devastated the mur ra federal building in oklahoma city in 1995, killing 168 people. and cnn has learned that concerns about a truck bomb figure into the current investigation of the alleged new
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york/denver terror plot. and this u haul outlet in queens, new york, has been a focus. according to an official familiar with the investigation, a group of afghan men tried to rent a truck here on september 9th, just two days before the 9/11 anniversary. it was the same day naujy beulah zazi was driving to new york from denver carrying according to sources video of grand central station and instructions on bomb making. according to the source, the men showed licenses from ohio and florida as u-haul employees have identified two of them from photographs. one let zazi stay in his apartment while he was in new york. the apartment has been searched and the man questioned. the man denied having anything to do with an a truck or terrorism. >> i'm not involved in this and the story comes, every story not true such as me having the
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u-haul story. i've never been to there. >> reporter: the source says the other man identified by u-hall employees owned this muslim burial service which has also been searched. he has also denied involvement according to the source. at the fbi offices in downtown denver, scheduled talks between zazi and the fbi were canceled saturday as zazi and his attorney contested the assertion made by government aofficials to the media including cnn that zazi has admitted ties to al qaeda. "it's not true. i have nothing to hide," zazi reportedly said to the denver post. >> that was jeanne meserve reporting. we're constantly getting new information on this case. stay tuned to hln this week for new developments. on tuesday, president obama will host talks between israel's prime minister and the palestinian authority president. the white house says that he's going to talk to both aheaders separately before all three meet
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together. palestinian mahmoud abbas has rejected talks with israel. he wants settlement building in the west bank and predominantly ease jerusalem to stop. israel's government has ignored similar demands made by the obama administration. if you live in the northeast and saw some strange lights in the sky last night, you weren't alone. the mysterious sight sparked a flurry of phone calls to authorities. some described the lights as spooky and worried about extraterrestrial visitors. turns out that nasa launched a rocket in virginia around that time. it says that the blast may have created a mysterious lights and caused the commotion. a massive manhunt is under way right now for a legally insane killer in washington state. phillip paul escaped while patients at a mental hospital were visiting the spokane county faye. a representative said it had become concerned about the time type of patients allowed to
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participate in such outings. >> i think the questions that are being raised are absolutely appropriate and the governor and i this morning when we spoke some of the most serious questions i have about this are the policies and the procedures that led to the outing, the choice of the outing. >> paul was committed after he was found not guilty by reason of insanity in a 1987 slaying of an elderly woman. he escaped in 1991 during a day trip to a washington lake and was later recaptured. an aspiring rapper who posted songs on his web page about the thrill of murder is a suspect in the deaths of four people. yesterday virginia police arrested the man. on friday they discovered four bodies near richmond home of a university professor. he was arrested at a richmond airport. police say he was waiting for a flight back to california. it isn't clear if he knew the victims e.'s charged with murder, robbery and grand larceny. the father of a 4-year-old
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boy is in jail because the boy shared cocaine with friends at a day care. police in new jersey say that the man put several baggies in his son's jacket after police nearly caught him with it. his son shared the drugs with three other 4-year-olds at day care, apparently because his dad told them it was candy. a teacher called police after seeing a girl with a baggy in her mouth. none of the children was hurt. the man is in jail on $400,000 bail. so are we in store for more rough weather and rain in the south in let's check in with karen mcginnis for the latest on the forecast. >> we have still kind of the same weather pattern across the southeast, but finally that area of low pressure bringing in all of that tropical moisture is now moving away. but as it does, it's just going to do it very lease isureleisur. still some areas in the deep south can expect two to four inches of additional rainfall. we saw record amountses of
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rainfall in birmingham yesterday, 2 assist 2 inches for atlanta, between 3 and 5 inches in atlanta. just under 4 inches at the airport. cooler weather conditions across montana, looking at temperatures in the 90s, record setting temperatures, yesterday. but going into this afternoon, cooler and even cooler than that going into towards monday. how about some high temperatures? this is what we're expectionsing. denver, 76 degrees. slightly cooler but maybe only in the 60s going into monday. right around the bay area, though, we could see some 90s. so the risk of the fire hazard is going to go up with the offshore flow, the dry humidity and the gusty conditions going in towards monday. and temperatures still on the cool side, coolish side, across the deep south because of the cloud cover and rainfall. for hln, i'm karen ma guinness. one year ago, the university of washington didn't win a single football game.
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yesterday the huskies did something to make their fans forget all of that. and you'll think shopping on 19 pounds of grits would be enough competitive eating for a day, but it wasn't enough for one guy. he actually added a couple dozen burritos to the mix. achoo! (announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst mptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life.
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a new luxury resort is opening in a florida county hit especially hard by unemployment. that means a few more jobs will be available, but as wink explains, the competition for those jobs is fierce. >> reporter: people waited in one line, then sat paibtly in another. >> two hours in line here. i heard about this and took advantage of it immediately and sounded like something i would come down here and hopefully get lucky. >> reporter: this man was laid off two days ago, now applying for a job at marina village in cape coral. >> i'm looking for a deli clerk position. >> reporter: the state of florida has an unemployment rate
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of 10.7%, in lee county, 13.5%. those numbers show here where an estimated 2,000 people will apply for around 150 jobs. marketing manager jen seeborn overseas day two of the job fair. >> we've processed about 400 people at about 11:30. positive attitude and an open mind. i know it's been difficult for some here in hunt for a job. >> reporter: there are people like tiffany who have a job but want to advance. >> fresh out of college, trying to work my way up. >> reporter: construction is nearly finished, meaning more jobs will be available in the shopping center surrounding the hotel. for now, this man keeps looking. >> on the hunt doing whatever i can. >> reporter: hoping his next job comes sooner than later, cape kernel. a pregnant woman's dream come true.
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a man won 400 bucks for stuffing his face in back-to-back eati i contests. in louisiana, bob shout, ate 19 pounds of grits in ten minutes yesterday and won $2200. on friday, he won 1500 bucks for eating 33 1/2 breurritos in 10 minutes in another competition in new mexico. next weekend shout heads to tennessee for a hamburger eating contest. the wifrn gets a $20,000 prize. i'll take him on! i'm larry smith. two things you can count on in college football, usc winning a lot of games and almost yearly usc winning a game they should easily win. trojan power house faced washington on saturday, the number three team in the country struggled. three turnovers in washington territory, including that error by butler. we're tied at 13. jake walker to kurt, the big gain. with seconds left, watch this.
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22 yards out and the huskies score the upset. natasha's happy. 15-13, they get the win. did you see this in the oklahoma/tulsa game? adrian taylor and the tulsa quarterback kinney. their shoes get tangled up and it takes about 20 seconds to get them untangled. the score wasn't that close. sooners fall. great video from the cardinals game last night. in the ninth inning, watch this, brendan ryan, deep fly ball that goes off the outfielder's glove and in the stands for the home run in the bull pen. game winner, cardinals won that game 2-1. a very special play of the day. a high school student hasn't let down syndrome stopping him from being a member of the football team. on monday he got his chance. on the final play of the game, with assistance from the opposition, he ran more than 60 yards for the touchdown and there wasn't a dry eye in the
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place. matt diseaziezel, a very speciay of the day. we're used to seeds being planted in the ground to make things grow. scientists are taking that same concept to the skies. >> why don't we in turn start loog looking at drilling in the atmosphere? >> a major drought is causing clouds to not be coaxed into making more rain. # . you all want to run your businesses more efficiently,
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former gop presidential candidate mitt romney is taking aim at barack obama. he said yesterday that the president's policies will cripple the country and is fueling a growing political rebell 81 by conservatives. he also taunted democrats. >> only about a year ago there were quite a few people in this city who were ready to write off this conservative movement. they were enthralled by barack obama's promise of near-biblical transformations. their legs were tingling. he spoke majestically framed by greek columns. well, he can spin a speech, but
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he can't spin his record. and i'll bet you you never dreamed that you'd look back at jimmy carter as the good old days. >> and romney may have warmed the crowd, but it was his conservative rival mike huckabee who has their vote. a poll shows he's the favorite among religious conservatives to be president in 2012. huckabee topped with 28%. four people tied with for second including romney and former alaska governor sarah palin. a 5.1 magnitude quake in mexico shook parts of southern california and arizona yesterday. people in san diego reported tealing it and they were 120 miles away from the epicenter. several aftershocks followed, too. the largest one was a magnitude 4.2. the taliban's reclusive lead he says that the fight against coalition troops in afghanistan is surging ahead like "a
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powerful flood." the message allegedly from mu la omar surfaced saturday. the message was released to coincide with a muslim holy day. next month marks the eighth anniversary of the u.s.-led invasion of afghanistan. the identity of the speaker has not been independently confirmed. texas has been in a drought for the last two years and recent storms have been brought much of relief. as kxan explains, scientists are trying to see if they can manipulate nature a bit and turn things around. >> reporter: these scientists fly right at thunderstorms, high-tech rain farmers planting seeds in the clouds to help them will rain longer. >> essentially we're giving the clouds a shot of adrenaline. >> reporter: they set off silver eye owe died flares. >> flares away. >> reporter: it's a chemical
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that mimics ice crystals and travels through the storm. when the droplets become too heavy, the ice falls and melts. more ice chris cals mean more rain. back on the ground the scientists wait. >> the seeding happens right about here and we notice that everything is still increasing as far as the liquid in the cloud. >> reporter: storms grow larger but not stronger. they estimate over two times rain falls from seeded clouds. >> because we don't create rain from thin air, we have to work with what's out there. >> we're seeding or modifying the weather on such a small scale. we know today as we knew 20 years ago that you have to work with the hand that mother nature deals you rnchts a. >> reporter: and in a severe drought, a lack of moisture means fewer clouds to seed. bomar says cloud seeding a long-term strategy, not a quick fix.
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>> really thick shower. >> reporter: weather modification isn't new. cloud seeding started as a way to suppress large hail in the 1970s. >> i was fascinated at the impact that seeding using just a couple of airplanes could have on a monstrous thunderstorm. >> reporter: but after years of research, bomar believes widespread weather modification techniques are around the corner. >> always before we thought the key to growth was finding additional water down below. why don't we, in turn, start looking about drilling up into the atmosphere? because the marvelous thing about the atmosphere is it's replenished every day. >> that was our affiliate kxan. individual water conservation districts in texas pay four cents an acre to seed clouds over their counties. federal regulators are reportedly preparing new rules to make sure that your access to the internet won't be limited. the proposals would prohibit internet service providers, including wireless companies,
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from blocking or slowing down your access to selected online content. for example, if a cable company offers internet service, it won't be allowed to block websites that provide videos of the programming on its tv channels. the telecommunications industry strongly opposes so-called net neutrality rules. some people call him rabbi rambo. this man of god prepares to take on terrorists by using force and firepower in synagogues. hi. i'm roben meade. we salute the troops every day. sarah randal wants to salute her husband patrick who's stationed in afghanistan. she says she and the kids miss him so much. sarah says that patrick has trained with some of the most wonderful men and women she has
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ever had the honor to meet and that her husband and these men and women are her kids' heroes. isn't that sweet? if you you have somebody in the service, we'd be honored to help you salute them. go to and then watch for those salutes every morning on "morning express with robin meade" from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. eastern. bicycle, i've missed you. gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ .
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