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tv   Washington Journal  CSPAN  September 21, 2009 7:00am-10:00am EDT

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well, hello, how are you doing? i'm getting ready to ge on our facebook page and see who's up. i know you are. a legally insane killer on the lam, but now they caught him. and questions about a bomb-making plan and a possibility of another attack on new york. heading to court today. and a man takes his life into hins own hands with a bank
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robber. top stories pep get a load of this. a legally insane kill here escaped from a field trip to county fair. i know that brings up a lot of questions, has been caught after three days on the loose. sheriffs in washington state say they found phillip paul with a deadly cutting tool in his back pack. this is a guy who strangled and slit the throat of a woman in 1987. it's a field trip. that has the law enforcement outraged. >> there was an extreme amount of anger throughout the law enforcement community that this event even took place. we have learned several things throughout this investigation. one of those, that mr. paul was not compliant in taking his medications. my question is, if somebody was non-compliant in taking medications, what made anybody believe that he would be compliant on a field trip to the spokane county fair on family day? this is a situation that, in my opinion, should not have happened. >> authorities also say that paul left the institution with a
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backpack full of clothe, food and a guitar, it looked like he wasn't planning to come back. sheriffs say they weren't even told about it until two hours after his escape. the head of state social services has suspended field trips for mental patients while an investigation is being done. nonstop rain in the southeast, washing people out of their homes and stranding them in cars. this car wound up in the water over his wheels just west of atlanta. the red cross is helping dozens of families whose homes have been flooded. in a few minutes, bob van dillen will tell when you it's going to let up. today, three men face charges related to a possible terrorism plot. na najibullah zazi will be in court along with his father. making plans on his laptop pap third manalities in court. they may have been planning to attack a railway or subway
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station in new york and so far charged with lying to the fbi. investigators say more charges could be on the way. new charges an intercepted phone calls between the suspects. forcing you to have health insurance isn't like raising your taxes. at least that's what president obama says about a health care proposal going before the senate this week. people without coverage could face penalties. president obama compared it to how everybody has to have car insurance. he says paying for the uninsured inflates your costs. republicans say the president's plan is impossible without a tax hike. hundreds of thousands of people rocked out at a concert called peace without borders in cuba yesterday. ♪ well, the concert lasted 5.5 hours. it was put together by colombia person trying to connect isolated cubans with the rest of the region and the united states, but there were protests
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in florida where some cuban exiles called the concert a declaration of war. >> this is nothing more than a farce to think that a concert can change a dictatorship. that for 50 years repressed the cuban people. >> the concert brings a sense of community to the people and takes place at the concert are catalysts for more discussions in the future. >> one man said he got death threats over the concert and police are keeping watch over his and his manager's home. investigators in florida want to talk to a man after finding his wife and their five children dead at their apartment. investigate, say the man flew to haiti the day before the bodies were found. he has family there, and is not being called a suspect right now. the kids were between 9 years and 11 months of age. right now, more people have alzheimer's than scientists
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predict add few years ago. a new report from an international auts hymer organization says 35 million people are living with some form of dementia. it mainly affects those 65 and older. by 2050, 115 million will be affected, especially in developing countries, because people there are living longer. actress toni collette beat out tina fay for the emmy for the best actress in a comedy, but her show was not match for "30 rock." last night it won five primetime emmis including alec baldwin for best actor in a comedy. john crier from "2.5 men "got best actor in a comedy. >> i used to think that a word for just shallow tokens of momentary popularity, but now i realized they are the only true measure of a person's real worth as a human being. >> that's cute.
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all right. the 1960s era show "mad men" had 16 nominations and got just three trophies including best drama. glenn close got best actress in a drama for her performance oos an attorney on the ruthless show "damages" and "the daily show" best writing and best variety, musical and comedy series comedy. >> thank you all so much. who looks good? some might be asking that. we have some of the different views from the red carpet nap will be later on. you know, for bob. okay. so let's find out when it is that we're going to dry out. not only in the southeast. if you look at map right now, all the way up we've got rain showers. good morning. >> good morning, robin. we do. monday morning, starting out on a wet note. not just in the southeast. another cold front swinging from the plains to the upper midwest. a line of thundershowers isn't kansas and in month, oklahoma now.
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the main story is this. look at the big line of thundershowers redeveloping around louisiana stretching into mississippi to alabama then piling it on top right through north georgia. it's been like this the entire weekend. nonstop rain, wind out of the southeast when you get across the lower levels off the atlantic. plenty of moisture there. winds out of the southwest to get the upper levels. impulses coming in that generate more heavy downpours. right now the atlanta radar. most across the north half of the city. get back down in towards birmingham too. the heavy rain off and on the entire morning. watching for an additional one to five inches of rainfall on top of has we've already seen the last four to five days. some radar west of atlanta, since friday through this morning, 15 inches of rain. absolutely amazing stuff coming down. flash flood warnings are out there. rain um coming in across the northern parts of the great lakes, across northern michigan, ontario as well going due north. live across new england, great day. let me take you live to new york city.
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what it looks like. sun coming up. mid-50s. up to about 77, the high. gorgeous stuff. that's the blowoff from the thunderstorms off towards your west. you won't get a taste of that but you are going see nice day in new york. 77. deep lay, plentiful especially in the south. talk about that, robin in about ten minutes. >> okay. look at the towers. >> it's a mess. and a man gets a unique sentence for causing a restaurant fire. 10 to 15 years longer to live? and a yogurt you may be eating this morning may not be all it's cracked up to be. a moving story about the product's claim to move you. of $473 a year? no way! way. ♪
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it is time now for a military salute. yes, i was writing notes. today for sergeant clay, his wife sent thoughts. really great picture, too.
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>> hi, robin. my name is kiley and i would like to salute my husband, u.s. army sergeant clay. not only is clay an outstanding father and husband, but he was a great student. he put his film school dream on hold to serve our country. i would personally like to say to him, clay, i miss you so much. i love you, stay safe and please, come home. forever and ever, baby. >> kiley, thank you. those pictures of your baby cannot be cuter. if you have somebody in service want to salute them, we'd be glad to help you. three afghan nationals are charged with lying to the fbi. plotting a terror attack in the united states. richard lui joins us. what evidence do they have to back that up jp are they letting that out? >> reporter: according to agents, nine page ps of notes on zazi's computer that explains how to handle and detonate bomb.
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an expert say they appear to be in zazi's handwriting. but when asked about the notes, zazi denied seeing them. he said he must have unintentionally downloaded them as part of a religious book. he claims he later deleted the book, robin when he realized it talked about jihad. the fbi also intercepted calls between sauds zazi and the two other defendants. are they saying what they overheard? >> ats say the third suspect in this case warns zazi that authorities asked about him ashand father. according to court documents, he said, they came to ask me about your characters. they asked me about you guise. i told them they, that they are innocent and law abiding. afzali has been an informant for new york police in the past and the fbi warned zazi the phone call was being monitored in that. and heading to jennifer westhoven watching business.
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jenny, yogurt you're eating may not be all it's cracked up to be. think twice when you put the spoon in the yogurt. >> are you ready for the jokes on this one? >> okay. sure. >> the theme song of this story is i feel the earth move under my feet. >> all right. >> yeah. having a little fun with it. dannon is going to pay up to $35 million. that's not small change, over claims it made on its abouttivia and dannon active yoegers. they're settling a class action lawsuit over claims that this yogurt would "strengthen the body's defenses or regulate digestion." through what we think is good bacteria. dannon is going to drop the words. it's a settlement. no admission of wrong it doing. that it will change the labels and you could get up to $100 back if you bought a lot of this. but what we don't know yet is how you'll get the money back. i mean, does anybody really save receipts for that long from the grocery store? we'll see how that works poupt keep an eye on that one.
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how's it looking at the gas pump lately? pretty reasonable. good news in a bad economy. gallon of regular now going for $2.50 says aaa. average. down eight cents from a month ago even though oil prices have been rising. so pretty good sign there. keeping a lot of people off the roads and the supply is piling up. president obama made the rounds on the sunday talk shows. he did talk about the jobs market among other things. he said likely there's not going to be any large-scale hiring until next year. pictures in cape coral, florida, this weekend. where about 2,000 people turned up to apply for just 150 jobs at a new luxury hotel. shows you how much demand there is for jobs. florida's unemployment is 10.7%. it's higher than the national average, and a big story this week is, if you're on unemployment or know somebody who is. congress is going to look at extending benefits again in states that have very high
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jobless rates. keep you posted and that as we get any news. all right. i don't always want to ask you about what's going on around here, but, boy, the flooding is crazy around here, bob. is it going away? how are people going to travel? >> even getting to the airport in atlanta might be a problem. all kinds of road cloche perps kids out from school because the rain has been so heavy. 15 inches of rain west side of town over the last few days. a look at downtown. low hanging clouds. the tway will be the rest of the morning with heavy downpours intermittently between. that's what it looks like. atlanta, most of the rain up to the north. another shot from the south. atlanta will see the longest deceive lays today. one hour or more. a major hub, busiest airport. charlotte, cleveland, cincinnati, k.c., detroit, one-hour delay. and moist and fog around charlotte and about a half hour. video you need to see. why a man took matters into his own hands during a bank robbery.
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(announcer) everything you need to take a breather on long trips./ residence inn. we're halfway through a game of monopoly and she is snapping up hotels left and right. her little brother-- not so much. then she did something nice and i pretended not to notice. i knew she'd want it that way. man: roll the dice. girl: family moments cost less at walmart. monopoly championship edition and other hasbro games at unbeatable prices. save money. live better. walmart.
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new carefree ultra protection liners, with wings! absorb ten times more, like a pad but feel thin and comfy, like a liner. new carefree® ultra protection™ (announcer) everything you need to stay balanced on long trips. residence inn. okay. 17 minutes past the hour. a man came to his wife's res due during a bank robbery. here is the tape. police say the wife was nearby, talking to a teller, when a guy came up demanding money. and boom, makes the tackle. >> it's kind of nice to know that somebody like that would take the time or put himself in
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harm's way to, you know, at least protect everybody's interests here. so, you know. >> especially his wife. >> especially his wife. >> definitely a hero for somebody to do that. today's day and age, you never know what's going to happen. >> it takes a hero to do that, and it takes a lot of guts. >> well, the wife ended up helping bank employees detain the guy until police got there. right over other the velvet rope the husband went. a hawaii judge sentenced a man to stop smoking. sentenced him. the man pleaded no con toast starting a restaurant fire with a cigarette that he lit. the judge told him no smoking for a year. the judge says if it helps him quit it will add 10 to 15 years to his life. the 19-year-old also has to do communitiy service and pay a fine. and cancer researchers it is cheap over-the-counter and it's probably already in your home. new for you in the next half hour had the anays mazing new
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findings about, yes shg, aspiri and the "new york times" reports the white house urged david paterson to withdraw. the obama administration denies it and paterson isn't saying much about it. >> not talking about any specific conversations. as i said, i am running for office. i'm not going to discuss comments or conversations. >> some white house officials acknowledge aides say that paterson's camp and aware his lack of popularity could cause for the democrats. a texas-sized crowd turned out to christen the most expensive xad yum in america. here's rafer way picture. >> yeah, robin. a $1.2 billion staid yul. here's the thing. this was a great game, as dramatic as gets, but the stadium eve ever overshadowed that. there it is. get a look.
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former president george w. bush doing the coin toss with wife laura standing over him. over 105,000 showed up. a record. jerry jones waving to all of them. most, many of them, rather, were standing. standing room only for a lot of folks. the ball for dallas just did not, literally, bounce their way. this pass goes off jason whitten's shoe into the hands of kenny phillips. the giants' mario manningham gets a pass, friendly bounce. the giants win in a thrilling last-second field goal. more in the next half hour. and the punt that hits the scoreboard. the important things people want to know. if he scored he would do the lambeau leap. oh, no, he didn't. usually only packers did it. one packer fan showing distaste. he thinks ocho cinco is number one. and the guy who used to do a lot of lambeaus, brett favre, a record for durality.
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he's the only player to start 271 consecutive regular season game. he's not missed a game going back to 199. 1992. what were you doing in 1992? wearing diapers. in detroit, 19th straight loss. speaking of old guys coming out of retirement doing amazing things. 50-year-old mark martin. first, trouble in the pits, kurt busch passes reagan and spins out. >> look at the people on the team, almost got run over. >> spun out and went right back out on the track. martin is the oldest driver in the field. he won his fifth race. he is now the leader in the points standings above three-time winner jimi johnson. fifth race. lastly -- >> what a great year. >> having a great year, and this guy. >> literally, a celebrity golf tournament. hole in one, a million bucks. see it right there, and the ball slowly rolls in. and that's $1 million for a 35-year-old restaurant manager. that's a look at sports.
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>> look at the -- is that him they're chasing? >> yeah. it's like "caddyshack." a legally insane killer was aloud to ge on a field trip to the county fair on family day, no less? this is a man who killed a woman because he thut she was a witch. we want to make sure that when you go to reach in your wallet you have the card that's going to be best for you. and our collective responsibility, is to make sure customers understand the value, that they're getting from our products. you know, really get them the right credit card for them. we want people to be in a better place financially, tomorrow than they are today. i think it's just really paying attention and listening to the customer more than we ever have done before. so, we really what we are doing now is making more of a welcome call to say,, "here's your new credit card account, here are some things you want to know about it, and welcome to the bank.",
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an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem!
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a legally insane killer captured after escaping from a field trip to a county fair. sheriffs say phillip paul left the washington state mental institution thursday way backpack full of food and clothes, and it wasn't his first escape. the state's investigating and suspended field trips for mental patients. new ideas, expecting president obama to say in a speech about innovation later this morning. it kicks off his busy week at the u.n. and then the g-20 summit. tonight, the first sitting president to go on "the late show with david letterman."
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the annie le funeral, the family is keeping quiet about the details. found behind a wall of a research building on what should have been we are heading day. and a soggy and dangerous situation across the southeast. flooding is washing people out of homes and cars in some places. in a few minutes, meteorologist bob van diggan is going to tell us when we might see some sun. please. first, let me see you. uh-huh. waking upper today on a monday. hope you got rest over are the weekend. i'm robin meade. good morning, sunshine. so this top story -- get a load of this. authorities caught an insane killer over the weekend three days after he escaped from the county fair. an investigation of why phillip paul was allowed out in the first place. a former roommate said paul made him nervous i. didn't see this outbreak, but i can tell you he's kind of a strong guy and
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he's kind of -- something about, he kept something secret, i'm sure. i never got into the knowing all the secrets or anything, or what the deal was, but, you know, he is a big guy, and i just -- he could be capable of trying anything, you know, knowing him. >> wow. paul also escaped back in 1991, and assaulted a dctive. that officer was involved in sunday's arrest. so the same guy arrested him who found him the last time. go figure. president obama is backing an investigation into the acorn scandal. a hidden camera caught acorn workers apparently advising a couple posing as a pimp and prostitute on how to launder her money. president obama said what he saw was inappropriate and deserves an investigation. the president represented the group in a 1995 lawsuit over illinois's motor voter law. and a possible terror plot, the pair will be in court.
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najibullah zazi and his father will be in court. a third suspect in court in new york. just to remind investigators, this is the invest ghags went from colorado to new york city, investigators say more charges could be on the way right now they're just charged with lying to authorities. not that's the right thing to do, but what did they lie about? >> reporter: robin, agents are saying bombmaking plans were on zazi's computer. zazi told the fbi he never seen them. zazi's father told investigators he never talked to anyone in new york about the activities. the fbi says they have recorded phone calls about him and the suspect in the case. the third suspect tipped off zazi and his father that police were tracking them, robin. he claims he nerve der that. >> so what does the fbi say they were trying to cover up? >> reporter: behind that, sources close to the invest gays say they may have been been trying to attack a railroad or subway station. several crowds were large and
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security screening relatively lax. thinking the target would have been in the new york area and two sources saying najibullah zazi had video of new york's grand central terminal. half a million pass through that location every day. >> hate to imagine what -- yeah. what impact any type of -- yeah. arrest. thank you. people from the town where jaycee dugard was kidnapped nearly two decades ago held a benefit to raise money for her and her children. a casino in south lake tahoe, colorado was called building new bridges. she had been living in south lake tahoe less than a year when she was kidnapped. a kuching story. if you're someone who tends to get a lump in the throat, this going to do it. a young man with down's syndrome scored his first touchdown for his football team. rafer has the video. >> what makes this so great is that the teams -- both teams worked together to make it
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happen, which make it is a great display of sportsmanship. 15-year-old matt diesel plays for the freshman team in st. joseph missouri. his team losing lie 46. his coach went to the opposing coach and asked a favor. let the young man with down's syndrome score but make it look as real as possible. matt ran it, you can see here, 60 yards, and the final play, his coach, you see running down the sidelines encouraging him. going, come on, matt, they're coming for you. this video recently posted on youtube already had over 200,000 hits. it's been so popular and matt has become a local celebrity in the kansas city area there. robin? >> that's great teamwork, from both team. thank you. today is a national day of mourning in italy for six soldiers killed in afghanistan. a state funeral was held as a bassilic dma rome this morning, broadcast live around the country. the soldiers were killed in a roadside bomb last week. after the attack, italy's prime minister said that he wanted to
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see all of the country's troops brought home. thousands of people hit the mud this weekend. check out the mud run in columbia, south carolina. oh. it's a fund-raiser to support marines and their families. now, the course is more than four miles of walls, trenches and mud and water-related obstacles. wow. >> the weird thing is, it's nice they were doing that, but the reerd thing is, if you've ever played in the mud or, you know, god mud sliding in college, just saying that, that when you come back inside, mud stinks. >> oh, it's terrible. >> yeah! >> i don't know if you're familiar with south carolina mud, but it's red. it's red. >> red clay. >> that just won't get off you. i thought about that coming into work this morning. unbelie unbelievable amounts of rain coming in. the international stuff. not the stuff they made up. this weather brought to you by zyrtec. how about the rain? heavy at time. deep southeast, especially
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mississippi through alabama into georgia. those are the areas we're really concerned about over the next 24 to 48 hours. what it looks like on the radar. lots of rain coming out and re-energizing a big area of low pressure are and upper level to the atmosphere over the middle of country. waves of energy rotating around that picking up the gulf moisture interacting with the atlantic moisture, result, heavy, heavy rain. doppler radar near atlanta, to the west of the city, around doug lus county 15 inches of rain since friday. flooding definite awill concern. and that rain line extends down to berming hamt stretching back in towards mississippi and starting to get going again around louisiana. so you know it's not going to just last a dpap it's going last through the next couple of days. flash flood warnings for the counties in red pup see them there. flood advisories a watch. additional one to five inches of rain just today. over the next two days could be at much as ten inches getting across northern georgia and places around atlanta. we are not out of it as that
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steady chute of rain comes out of the gulf, into mississippi, alabama and georgia and washes out over the carolina mountains. the rest of the country, not as bad. heavy rain towards northern michigan. light rain around central and lower parts of ohio. a line of thunderstorms, a cold front moving through the plains states. omaha's radar, picking it up towards iowa. not severe, which is good, but heavy rainmakers are out there and start popping up across north texas. dallas, be prepared for stronger thunderstorms this afternoon. speaking of that stuff, let me show you pictures we got from over the weekend. this is miami beach. actually a live shot. what is that? new york city. look at this first. look at that, rob. >> that's beautiful for them. >> get nice weather, head to the northeast, through the great lakes today. mid70s for you. not bad. pictures out of miami beach. over the weekend, rob, a water spout caught on tape. dave works for a sister network, took these pictures. notice nobody's actually looking
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at the funnel cloud. they're all looking at -- >> googly eye looking at each other. >> that's what you get in south miami beach. >> a lot of skin, baby. >> that was overed weekend. >> thanks. a 4-year-old started passing out what he thought was candy. what he was giving away landed his father in jail jail. ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™.
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the offer letter. if you're going to college, or back to college, that's your bullseye. it is for devry university students. in fact, for more than 30 years, 90% of all graduates in the active job market... had careers in their fields within 6 months. 90%. and all those offer letters up there? that's just from last year. devry university. discover education working at [screeching]
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[dejectedly] oh. [screeching] [barks] (man) if you think about it, this is what makes the ladders different from other job-search sites. [screeching] we only work with the big talent. [all coughing] welcome to the ladders-- a premium job site for only $100k-plus jobs and only $100k-plus talent. you know, a father is accused of giving his 4-year-old cocaine and telling him it was candy.
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police in newark, new jersey, say the boy shared the drug with his friends at the day care. a teacher called authorities when she saw a girl with a baggy in her mouth. thank goodness none of the kids was hurt. you like to watch videos and listen to songs on the internet? an announcement today from the government could be music to your ears. our money expert jennifer westhoven. >> some of people who use the net a lot. like do a lot of downloading. they're happy about this. it's called net neutrality. might affect your everyday experience online. basically the way it's been going is that, if you were downloading too much in the eyes of your internet provider, they could slow you down. very easily. you wouldn't even necessarily know it. their argument was, hey,s if you're downloading that, slows the internet down for everybody. consumer groups say that's not the only reason they were doing this. consumer groups argue to block out the competition. the fcc was listening and now
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are tall calling for a new rule so providers wouldn't make distinctions. have to treat all web traffic equally. not grow some and giving a red light to others out in. keep an eye on that one. leaders from 206 t of the world's biggest nations are meeting in pittsburgh this week. they don't want another financial crisis that takes down nearly the entire economy. basically, the countries blame us, blame wall street for what happened in november and want to make sure it doesn't happen again. all of experts say the u.s. will be very reassuring, don't worry. we will rein in executive pay. we will handle things on our side so it doesn't happen again. here's the president in his weekly address. >> we can't allow the wresle re schemes to overright the security of our entire financial system and leave taxpayers on the hook for cleaning up the
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mess. >> one part of the agenda is cleaning up executive pay, also looking at things like having banks have to hold on to more of their capital so if they had huge losses, they don't get wiped out like so many banks are getting wiped out now. back to you. >> is that going to make it harder or easier for thoefz us looking for a loan? >> i don't know we have direct connection whether or not it will give awe loan, but it might mean your bank switches business, which is good. >> yes, since they have your money. thank you. virginia police have a suspect in the killings of a pastor and three other people. cops think he may have taken his love of a violent kind of music too far. my new vibrating maybelline mascara makes my lashes look amazing!
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i'll have to use my powers wisely. with unbeatable prices on maybelline pulse perfection mascara, beauty costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. progresso. hi. we love your weight watchers endorsed soups but my husband looks the way he did 20 years ago. well that's great. you haven't seen him... my other can is ringing. progresso. hey can you tell my wife to relax and enjoy the view? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. welcome to progressive. how may i help you? i'm looking for a deal on car insurance. i think i might have a coupon in here. there's an easier way. we've got the "name your price" option. you do? follow me. you tell us how much you want to pay, and we'll build you a policy that fits your budge@e and i still get great coverage? uh-huh. go ahead. you're the boss.
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i'm the boss of savings. more like the c.e.o. oh, oh. no glass ceiling. the freedom to name your price. now, that's progressive. call or click today. ahmad. a 20-year-old man who rapped about the thrill of killing is the suspect in the death of a pastor and three other people. he already faces one murder charge. he calls himself syko sam and records music called horrocore, which uses violent lyrics. virginia police found the bodies of the pastor and three others last week.
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america's top commander in afghanistan said if more troops are not sent to the area, defeating insurgents will no longer be possible. according to a report obtained by the associated press. the general gave a troop assessment in afghanistan to president obama this summer. the president talked about the war in afghanistan and the u.s.' original goal of going after the al qaeda there. >> tos extent that our strategy in afghanistan is serving that goal, then we're on the right track. if it starts drifting away from that goal, then we may have a problem. >> right now, there are already more than 60,000 u.s. troops in afghanistan. the pentagon has already committed about 6,000 more troops to be deployed to that country. space shuttle "discovery" is expected to arrive today at kennedy space center in florida. "discovery" has been ferried cross country on the top of a 747. bad weather forced the sthoulgts land in california september
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11th following a two-week mission at the international space station. halloween is more than a month away, but already things are looking scary for pumpkin growers in new england. relentless rain in june and july turned some season to mush and delayed the harvest, but all is not lost. still sufficient supplies in other places. so you're still going to be able to get a pumpkin in time for halloween. so cute. you could call him rabbi rambo? wow! this man has a black belt and is packing heat in a synagogue. new for you in about 30 minutes, who he wants to frighten. wow! >> frightened me. that will get you to go to synagogue. >> wow. >> don't show up. >> geez, a story to look forward to. talking a making a grand entrance pap former nfl player parachuted into the stadium
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honored by his former team. rafer, thanks. >> should have said that will get to you go to temple. forgive me more the incorrect use of terminology. shis is shannon sharpe. temperature us what this guy did wrong. here he is parachuting into denver's mile high stadium, adopted into the ring of honor. what do you do here? >> supposed to pick's your legs and he didn't. >> you're the expert. you've done these thing. we should have your name up. >> by the way, honored at half time, very moving. very emotional for him. he broke down and cried. that's a tough man right there's by the way, denver went on to beat the browns. both have been in "gq." the new heartthrob in new york, the rookie did the seemingly impossible. led the sdwroets their first win over tom brady and new england since 2000. brady looked down-right ugly and
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now mark sanchez i'm told is dating it his ex. i'm kidding. that was falt false. the super bowl champion pittsburgh steelers lost a stunner to chicago. a couple of really big hits in this one. greg waltson and tie row carter collide. jay cutler gets blind sided by the referee. bears would win a dramatic come from behind win. the cowboys hosted the giants. the side story, the score board. would any punts hit it during the game? you were going to get a free prize. that did not happen. and the giants spoiled the party. a field goal in the final seconds to get the win. lastly, card board kayak races in idaho. i love the outfit.
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all you can use is card board and duct tape. that's a look at sports. >> think you got to cover all the card board with duct tape, though. what are you doing next tuesday night? we have an exciting addition to our prime time lineup. "the joy behar show" will start on tuesday, september 29th. bobby's here for our folks getting back to their business travel. where are they going to have problems. >> atlanta, and it's already started. right now not that bad. only about a 38 minute delay on the average. some are actually longer. heavy rain is going to slow you down an hour or more. those delays are probably going to build. 30 to 60 minute delays in charlotte, showers later today. dallas, thunderstorming, about a half hour delay. san francisco, morning fog, half hour delay to start off your morning as well. a legally insane killer is back behind bars, but only after days on the town starting with a trip to the county fair.
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that was allowed. first, though, the red carpet fashions at the emmys. who looked like a goddess? who missed the mark? he looks good.
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it is time for you to rise and shine and welcome to monday. i'm robin meade. ready or not, it's starting. you know, your workweek. here's what's going on news wise. a legally insane killer was allowed to have a day at the fair. what? the next thing you know he disappeared. he has been caught, but this is all raising a lot of questions. also, officials say that they're starting to put the pieces together of the plans for a terror attack. what we're going to hear today in court. plus, it has been raining for days and days in the southeast. that's starting to cause some major troubles. first, though, police have finally caught a legally insane killer who escaped from a field
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trip to the county fair. he was on the loose for three days. sheriffs in washington state say they found phillip paul with a deadly cutting tool in his backpack. this is a guy who strangled and slit the throat of a woman in 1987. law enforcement officials are outraged. >> there was an extreme amount of anger throughout the law enforcement community that this event even took place. we have learned several things throughout this investigation. one of those, that mr. paul was not compliant in taking his medications. my question is, if somebody was noncompliant in taking their medications, what made anybody believe he would be compliant on a field trip to the spokane county fair on family day? this is a situation that, in my opinion, should not have happened. >> authorities also say that paul left the institution with a backpack full of clothes and food and a guitar. so it looked like he didn't plan to come back. sheriffs say they weren't even told about it until two hours
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after the escape. the state social services has suspended field trips for mental patients while an investigation is done. almost everyone who's gotten on our facebook page this morning has been talking about that story. shirley says, field trip? why on earth are they getting field trips in the first place? field trips for murderers? what's next, golf outings for o.j.? you're welcome to make your comments on our facebook page. nonstop rain in the southeast is washing people out of homes and stranding drivers. this car wound up in water over its wheels. the red cross is helping dozens of families whose homes have flooded. in a few minutes meteorologist bob van dillen is going to tell you when that's going to be letting up. new this morning, firefighters inside a mangled greyhound bus to free the driver. it collided with a tractor trailer on the new jersey
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turnpike around 6:30 a.m. eastern today. the front of the bus was smashed in. crews air lifted the driver to the hospital. affiliate wabc reports her injuries were the most serious. five passengers were also hurt. today we could find out new details in a possible plot to attack new york. najibullah zazi and his father are going to be in court in denver. the fbi says it found bomb making plans on zazi's laptop. in new york a third man will also be in court. sources say they may have been planning to attack a railway or a subway station. now, so far, they're charged with lying to the fbi. investigators say more charges could be on the way. correspondent richard lui joins us. what evidence do they have? are they saying? >> robin, what agents are saying is they found nine pages of notes on zazi's computer that you're talking about there that explains how to make, handle and detonate bombs. fbi experts saying they appear to be in his handwriting. when investigators asked zazi about the notes last week, he
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denied ever seeing them. he said he must have unintentionally down loaded them as part of a religious book. he claims he later deleted the book when he realized it talked about jihad. >> the fbi also intercepted calls between him and the two other defendants. are they saying what they heard? >> agents are saying the third suspect in this case, ahmed afzali warned zazi agents were tracking to him. don't get into afghanistan garbage, iraq garbage, listen, our phone call is being monitored. he's been an informant for the new york place in the past. he told zazi investigators asked him him and his father who he describes as innocent, law-abiding people. >> thank you. we'll continue to cover this story for you. right now more people have alzheimer's disease than scientists predicted a few years ago. a new report from an international alzheimer's organization says 35 million people are living with some form of dementia.
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it mainly affects those 55 and over. around 2050 a report says around 115 million already affected. investigators in florida want to talk to a man after finding his wife and their five children dead at their apartment. investigators say the man flew to haiti the day before the bodies were found. he has family there and is not being called a suspect right now. the kids were between 9 years and 11 months of age. forcing you to have health insurance, is it like raising your taxes? that's what president obama said, anyway, about a health care proposal going before the senate this week. people without coverage could face penalties. president obama compared it to how everyone has to have car insurance. he says paying for the uninsured inflates your costs. republicans say the president's plan is impossible without a tax hike. actress toni colette beat out tina fey for the emmy for
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best actress in a comedy. her show, "the united states of tara" was no match for "30 rock." it won five prime time emmys including alec baldwin for best actor in a comedy. john cryer won for best actor in a comedy. >> i used to think awards were shallow moments of temporary popularity. now i realize they are the only true measure of a person's real worth as a human being. >> that is great. the 1960s era show "mad men" had 16 nominations, walked away with three trophies. hey, it got some trophies including best drama. glenn close got best actress in a drama for her performance as a ruthless attorney on the show "damages." "the daily show with jon stewart" was honored for writing
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and best in variety, musical and comedy. dresses later on. today's probably not the day to even try to look good. from the southeast all the way up north, we've got swaths of rain. almost everywhere you look. >> yeah, we do. >> am i overspeaking when i say that? >> no, absolutely not. i've been shouldered in the hallway three times already since i've been here like it's my fault it's been raining for the last 18 days. a couple areas of low pressure coming in. one across northern parts of the plains. another in the central plains. that's one parent system. another one is the low pressure regions up north towards chicago. below that it's a steady stream of rain coming out of the gulf of mexico states all the way towards north georgia into the carolinas. prolific at times. the real stream is right over atlanta going in toward tennessee, kentucky, ultimately towards the ohio valley. down to the west, mississippi beginning to generate more thunderstorms and more rain across louisiana. that means more heavy downpours
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for places like central alabama and georgia later on today. here's the atlanta radar picture. good slug of moisture up towards the west. over the last four days over 15 inches of rain west of atlanta. the city itself 6 to 12. live in atlanta, a major travel hub. this is the way it looks currently. low clouds hanging over the city. this is the way it looked about two hours ago. no change. absolutely no change. that's how it was over the weekend. that's how it's going to be for the rest of the day, tonight in towards tomorrow. >> which picture's live? >> now. before. now. before. now. before. okay, robin. i'm done. rain showers. birmingham, too. heavy showers for northern parts of alabama, through alabama into mississippi. getting into louisiana, too. over the next couple days, one to five inches of rain today. flash flood warnings in red.
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probably another two to four, tomorrow. more on that robin in just a little zbl little bit. >> okay. cops in a small iowa town targeted out of state drivers to pull over and arrest. charge? their lack of small town hospitality. c a missouri couple got caught. they were wined and dined in an all expense paid tour. >> interesting. fun. they probably pulled over the right people. we didn't have an agenda. >> everybody's nice and friendly. the little downtown area is darling. >> they tried to stop some people from illinois. they were headed to the hospital. they said, okay, you can go. we got good news in a bad economy. gas prices are down. we'll tell you why. you're going to meet a rabbi who says synagogues are terrorist targets, so he wants to fight. [ birds squawking ] [ moos ]
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[ man announcing ] if you think about it, this is what makes theladders different from other job search sites. we only want the big jobs. welcome to theladders. a premium job site for only $100k+ jobs and only $100k+ talent.
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it's time right now for our
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salute to the troops. today's salute is for sergeant clay obli. her wife sent us her thoughts and some great pictures, too. >> caller: hi, robin. i would like to salute my husband, u.s. army sergeant clay obli. not only is clay an outstanding father and husband, but he was a great student. he put his dream on hold to serve our country. i would personally like to say to him, clay, i miss you so much. i love you. stay safe and please come home. forever and ever, babe. >> thank you. and the baby is such a doll. cute picture. if you have somebody in the service we'd be honored to help you salute them. new york governor david paterson will run for office next year despite a report president obama asked him to step aside. "the new york times" reports the white house urged him to withdraw. the obama administration denies it. paterson really isn't saying
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much about it. >> i'm not talking about any specific conversations. as i said, i am running for office. >> well, some white house officials acknowledge that aides conveyed to paterson's camp they're aware of his lack of popularity and that it could cause trouble for democrats. you know, a yogurt that you may be sitting down to eat right now may not be all it's cracked up to be. our money expert jennifer westhoven is looking out for you. >> dannon is paying up to $35 million over claims made on its activia and danactive yogurts. they're settling a class action lawsuit over claims the yogurt would, quote, strengthen the body's defenses or, quote, regulate digestion.
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it's going to change the labels. if you bought a lot of this you could get up to $100 back. what we can't tell you, we don't have the details on how to get the money back. do you need your receipts? i don't know that people kept them them. how is looking at the gas pump lately? probably pretty reasonable. that's good news in a bad economy at a time when people are very tight with their budgets. but gas, gallon of regular costing about $2.55 on average. that's down eight cents from a month ago. these are all quotes from aaa. that's even though oil prices have been rising. you know, high unemployment is keeping a lot of people off the road. the bad part of that. but it means the supply is piling up and keeping prices reasonable for everyone. back to you. >> thanks. good explanation of why. a legally insane killer was allowed to go on a field trip to the county fair, on family day,
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no less. this was a guy who killed a woman that thought she was a witch. the cops are saying now that they caught him, again. plus -- >> a concert for peace in havana has some cuban-americans up in arms. and the top performer is getting death threats. ♪ kelly saunder's nature valley. ♪ the place that inspires her to go faster... ♪ and slower. ♪ elk mountains, colorado. where's yours? 100% natural nature valley granola bars. the taste nature intended.
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hundreds of thousands of people rocked out at a concert called peace without borders. this was in cuba yesterday. ♪ the concert lasted 5 1/2 hours. it was put together by clolombin singer juanes. he's trying to connect isolated cubans with the rest of the region and the united states. there were protests in cube baa where cuban exiles called the concert a declaration of war. >> this is nothing more than a farce to think that a concert can change a dictatorship that for 50 years has repressed the
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cuban people. >> we're hoping for the best that the concert brings a sense of -- and that the discussions that take place because of this concert are catalysts for more discussions if the future. >> juanes says he got death threats over the concert and police are keeping watch over his and his manager's home. a new york rabbi thinks he's ready to take on terrorists who may target synagogues. wow. the former cop teaches a security class at synagogue. he's been warning that jewish temples are becoming terror targets. and they're not doing enough to beef up security. his showmanship is a big draw. >> a lot of nicknames. rabbi rambo. the god squad. i don't know. i don't know where people come up with and think about these things. >> he even teaches how to turn a prayer shawl into a weapon. >> that's got to be a tv series.
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>> that would be a tv series. >> wouldn't it be great? i would watch that all the time. >> all right. the biggest regular season crowd in nfl history packed the most expensive stadium in america. what's the most expensive stadium look like? >> what do they say? everything's bigger in texas. it is literally, everything is bigger in texas. good morning to you. the dallas cowboys officially unveiled their $1.2 billion stadium, and it's pretty. former george w. bush even showed up, doing the coin toss there. 105,000 people showed up. jerry jones thanked them all. they're all his closest friends. actually, it was not a great game for dallas. the ball did not bounce their way, literally. pass here bounces off his shoe and into the hands of kenny phillips for the interception. new york's mario manningham gets the friendly bounce. boing. still gets the touchdown.
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giants win with a last second field goal. did it punts hit the score board? in the next half hour. in green bay when a packer scores, he leaps into the stands. when he scored ocho found three bangels fans. the guy who used to do leaps, brett favre, set a record for durability. when he took the field against detroit, for all the flak we give him, he started his 271st regular season game. an nfl record. favre has not missed a game since 1992 when sir mix a lot's baby got back was a hit song. vikings headed to detroit. they're 19th straight loss. an amazing shot. a million dollar hole in one. literally. that man right there from 150 yards out. he makes it, he gets 1 million
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bucks. look at his reaction. >> i love it! he's running. people are chasing him! >> it's like "caddie shack." >> it gets better. >> get this. he was using his brother's club and he almost didn't play because of a sore wrist. when i borrowed bob's club, i almost played that well. >> that's great. good for that guy. we need dangerfield. hey, everybody -- a couple delays now. the longest in atlanta only 38 minutes. it's probably going to grow. let me show you the saber flight explorer. atlanta, atl right there, thunderstorm overhead. more off to the west in the plains trying to get in, trying to get out, it's going to be a mess all the day long. delay watch for you, atlanta, major hub. busiest airport. one hour or more. charlotte, cleveland, cincinnati, kansas city, detroit, shorter delay. same thing. more thunderstorms. dallas, denver, more storms. san francisco and chicago,
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morning fog. more weather, robin, in just about ten minutes. we have some video i think you want to see here. a man shackles a bank robber suspect. he had reason to spring into action. ( sighs ) ( music throughout ) hey bets, can i borrow a quarter, sure, still not dry? i'm trng to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving. more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios. upbeat rock ♪ so i could hear myself myseas a ringtone ♪hone ♪ ♪ who knew the store would go and check my credit score ♪ ♪ now all they let me have is this dinosaur ♪ ♪ hello hello hello can anybody hear me? ♪ ♪ i know i know i know i shoulda gone to ♪ ♪ free credit report dot com!
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♪ that's where i shoulda gone! coulda got my knowledge on! ♪ ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage. that the bank of america really has the market cornered on. let me make it easier for you. let me show you how i can make it easier for you. we have the number one rated online banking website. it has an alert system that can text message you, so you're mobile banking, your bank's telling you, what your current balance is., it's telling you if a certain check is cleared. customers that use the internet, use online banking. it all kind of falls in with what you're doing, and it's free. you can pay all your bills online,, customers can save tons of time. we have great new image atms. it will give you a receipt which has a copy of the check you deposited. deposit cash, any denomination you don't even have to count the cash, just put it in there. let it do the work for you. and they can have those deposits posted to their account the same business day up until 8 o'clock. you're in control of your finances., now when you talk about convenience,,
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you measure us up to everyone else. well, you'll see we stand ahead of the curve.,
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a legally insane killer has captured after escaping from a field trip to the county fair. sheriffs say phillip paul left a washington state mental institution thursday with a bag packed full of food and clothes. and it wasn't his first escape. the state is investigating an has suspended field trips for mental patients. the body of murdered yale student annie le is back in california for her funeral. her family is keeping quiet about the details hp her body was found behind the wall of a research building on what should have been her wed dag. a lab technician is charged with her murder. more rain could add to a
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soggy and dangerous situation across the southeast today. when we're going to see some relief. please. those are tedlines. how are you as you sit down for your coffee? morning, sunshine. i'm robin meade. authorities caught a legally insane kaler over the weekend three days after he escaped from a field trip to the county fair. now there's an investigation of why phillip paul was allowed out in the first place. a former roommate said that paul made him nervous. >> i didn't see this outburst or outrage in him. i can tell he's kind of a strong guy. kind of around him, i mean, there's something about he kept some secret, i'm sure. i never got into knowing all those secrets or anything or what the deal was. but, you know, he is a big guy. i just -- he could be capable of probably anything, you know, knowing him. >> court documents show paul killed a woman in 1987 because
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voices in his head told him to do it. president obama is backing an investigation into the a.c.o.r.n. scandal. a hidden camera caught a.c.o.r.n. workers apparently advising a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute on how to launder their money. president obama says what he saw on the video was inappropriate and deserves an investigation. the president represented the group in a 1995 lawsuit over illinois's motor voter law. three men accused of lying about a possible terror plot will be in court today now. najibullah zazi and his father will go before a judge in denver. a third suspect will be in court in new york. correspondent richard lui joins us now. investigators say more charges could be on the way. right now they're accused of lying. what about? >> hey, robin. agents are saying bomb making plans were on zazi's computer. zazi told the fbi he had never seen them. zazi's father told investigators he'd never talked to anyone in new york about his son's activities. the fbi, though, says they have
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recorded phone calls between him and the third suspect in this case. agents say this third suspect tipped off zazi and his father that police were tracking them, robin. he claims he never did. >> what does the fbi say they were trying to cover up? what was the target of their alleged plot? >> what's the deal here. sources close to the investigation say, robin, they may have been planning to attack a major transportation center like a railroad or subway station. investigators think the target would have been in the new york area. two sources say najibullah zazi had video of new york's grand central terminal you see here. more than half a million people, robin, as you know, pass through there each and every day. very busy place. >> thank you. what a touching story. a young man with down's syndrome scored his first touchdown for his football team. rafer has the video and the story behind it. >> good morning, robin. what makes this show great is both teams worked together to make this happen. a great display of
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sportsmanship. we're talking about 15-year-old who has down s's syndrome. he plays for the freshman team. his coach put him in and asked the opposing team, let him score and make it look real. you could see him running down the sidelines. his coach was running with him. his tem mates, also. one eyewitness says people started crying in the stands when they saw this happen as time ran out. the video was recently posted on youtube. already over 200,000 people have watched it, robin. he's become a bit of a local celebrity as well. >> signing his name. good for him. what a great thing on both teams' part. thank you. today is a national day of mourning in italy for six soldiers killed in afghanistan. a state funeral was held at a basilica in rome this morning. it was broadcast live around the country. the soldiers were killed in a roadside bombing last week. after that attack, italy's prime minister said he wanted to see
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all of the country's troops brought home. thousands of people hit the mud this weekend. check out the mud run in columbia, south carolina. this is a fundraiser to support marines and their families. the course is more than four miles of walls, trenches, mud and water related obstacles. >> it is so fun. it really is. hi, bob. i feel like a lot of us are going to feel like we look that way in the southeast and other regions that are still getting rain today. >> it's unbelievable. i haven't seen a weather pattern like this in a long time. we haven't seen this much rain really since the last hurricane came to shore in the gulf of mexico. now there's a steady stream of rain still develops out across the mississippi. notice that across lower louisiana, rain headed out here. that whole thing trains over alabama through north georgia into tennessee. same scenario as yesterday. atlanta radar picture.
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lots of flashing. mainly west side of town. more thunderstorms later this afternoon. plenty of rain. let me show you how much we've seen. doppler radar estimates for the last three days. this is pretty incredible. notice the areas inland towards atlanta right by the left side of your screen. see the white. that is doppler radar estimates of over ten inches. some of those areas near atlanta, 10 to 15 inches of rain in the last three days. flash flood warnings. we have them out there. we're going to see these for the rest of the day into the afternoon. a flash flood warning there shaded in red, atlanta flood warning all out there, an addition at one to five inches today. more rain overnight through tomorrow. an additional two to four a possibility by tomorrow afternoon. not even close to being out of it. wednesday it begins to break down a bit. over the next two days all of the rain is north in alabama, north georgia, parts of tennessee. an additional five to eight inches of rain, possibly ten, across higher elevations of the
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mountains. could be a dissas trous situation. rain pulling through ontario, through michigan, out of the ohio valley. heavy downpours and thompls racing through the plains and the upper midwest. not severe at this time. more in a half hour. pictures coming out of the weekend in miami beach. waterspouts forming in the southern part of that beach. unbelievable. this is from david foot who works for trutv. he took the pictures over the weekend. a couple of the pictures people aren't even looking at the waterspout that's directly overhead. just looking at the gals in bikinis on the beach. more details in a bit. a man's love of a violent kind of music may have gone too far. virginia police say he is a suspect in the killing of a pastor and three other people. ] [screeching] [dejectedly] oh. [screeching] [barks] (man) if you think about it,
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this is what makes the ladders different from other job-search sites. [screeching] we only work with the big talent. [all coughing] welcome to the ladders-- a premium job site for only $100k-plus jobs and only $100k-plus talent.
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a 20-year-old man who rapped about the thrill of killing is a suspect in the deaths of a pastor and three other people. richard alden samuel mccroskey iii already faces one murder charge. he calls himself syko sam and records music called horror core which uses violent lyrics. the bodies were found last week. it was hot in l.a. yesterday. you saw a lot of up-dos and strap less dresses at the emmy awards. model heidi klum wore this black gown. she said she wanted something simple because she's so big. the dress actress olivia wild wore appeared to have one shoulder. i'm going to show it to you. it's actually a bunch of sheer panels on that side.
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she still had coverage. i like that a lot. drew barrymore, she was into this light pink strapless princess gown coming up. i have to tell you this light pink blush is the new big color for the fall. >> if you live in l.a. >> plush for fall? anyway, she looks pretty. i think it's a color that is only good on coloring like that, right? i would look like death warmed over in that. >> it is pretty, you're right. just doesn't make you think fall. >> yeah. looks good. because i am a fashion expert. yeah, right. >> director says blush, the new black. if you like to watch videos and listen to songs on the internet, an announcement today from the government could be music to your ears. there's a lot of fighting that went into this. >> the fight's called net neutrality. i'm thinking, you know, how does this affect you? maybe if you down load a lot it helps you. if you don't down load a lot, maybe it slows the internet down for you.
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we'll see. it could affect your everyday experience online. basically the way it is right now, an internet provider, they can be the traffic cop. they can green light you and make things go fast. they can put a red light up and slow you down if you're down loading too much. internet companies argue, look, it slows the internet down for everybody on the network if you're hogging up the bandwidth. but consumer groups say they think it's really to block out the competition. the head of the fcc has been listening, calling for a new rule that providers don't make distinctions and they treat all web traffic equally. not worrying about who might be competing against whom. could this be the week that the dow retakes 10,000, even with all the bad news out there, unemployment tough? stocks are clawing back some more of the heavy losses that came right after the financial crisis. on friday the dow hit 9820. closing in on that. that's the highest mark in almost a year. a little reminder from the "wall street journal" that i enjoyed. it was ten years ago that the
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book "dow 36,000" was published. at the time anybody who said, oh, the dow will never get there, come on, we're due for a pullback, they were poo-pooed. back to you. they were the lone voice in the woods, then. >> for sure. get this story. a legally insane killer is back behind bars. only after days on the town. starting with a trip to the county fair. welcome to the now network. right now five coworkers
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are working from the road using a mifi-- a mobile hotspot that provides up to five shared wi-fi connections. two are downloading the final final revised final presentation. - one just got an email. - woman: what?! hmph. it's being revised again. the copilot is on mapquest. and tom is streaming meeting psych-up music - from - ( heavy metal music playing ) that's happening now with the new mifi from sprint-- p) the mobile hotspot that fits in your pocket. sprint. the now network. deaf, hard-of-hearinpl and people with speech disabilities access so, what's the problem? these are hot. we're shipping 'em everywhere. but we can't predict our shipping costs. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate.
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dude's good. dude's real good. dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. america's top commander in afghanistan says that if more troops are not sent to the area, defeating the insurgents will no longer be possible. that's according to to a report cob taned by "the washington post" and the associated press. general stanley mcchrystal gave a troop assessment in
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afghanistan to president obama this summer. bob woodward broke the story for the "washington post." he spoke to our sister network, cnn, this morning. >> this is a striking thing for a general to say to the secretary of defense and the commander in chief. it really takes his finger and puts him -- puts it in their eye, deliver, or this won't work. >> right now there are already more than 60,000 u.s. troops in afghanistan. the pentagon has already committed about 6,000 more troops to be deployed to that country. a father is accused of giving his 4-year-old cocaine and then telling him it was candy. police in newark, new jersey, say the boy shared the drug with his friends at the day care. a teacher called authorities when she saw a little girl with a baggy in her mouth. none of the kids was hurt, thankfully. here's somebody who may never want breakfast again. a guy who calls himself humble bob has won the grits eating
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contest in louisiana. how much of the stuff he ate, now, that is going to take you a little while to really comprehend. he ate 19 pounds. 19 pounds of grits in ten minutes. oh, the poor stomach. he gets a $2,200 prize. >> he's not even using a spoon. just shoveling it in with his hands. good for him. >> how would that feel? talk about making a grand entrance. a former nfl player parachuted into the stadium when he was being honored by his former team. i've often said that if i ever do, like, a mass concert, i want to parachute in. but watch him. watch him, right? >> what's great about doing this story with you, you've been teaching me something this guy did wrong. i find it so fascinating. >> it was right there. >> we'll go to the replay here. it was shannon sharpe. he used to play for denver. a big day for him. he's parachuting into denver's mile high stadium, being
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inducted into the broncos ring of honor. >> lift you want youp your feet your feet. you're going to fall. >> a very moving moment, during halftime. there he is. pumping up the crowd. then he got his name put up there in the ring of honor. that's exciting. this is a very tough man here. he broke down and cried as they honored him during halftime. denver went on to beat the browns. two quarterbacks had a marquee matchup on the field. the jets' mark sanchez, the new heartthrob of new york in "gq." meanwhile, tom brady, who is also "gq", ladies like him. sanchez beat him. for the first time the jets beat the patriots in nine years. the super bowl champion pittsburgh stealers lost a stunner to chicago. two pretty big hits. the biggest here.
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here's the replay. man, does that look like it's going to hurt. here's the other big hit. right on jay cutler's face. they laughed it off. because the bears won about five seconds later on a field goal by rodney gold. the cowboys were hosting the giants. the big score board. that thing's so pretty. but would any punt hit it during the game? that was the big question. about 90 feet high. that one just missed it. then there was this one. it also just missed it. no fried green beans for everybody. and then the giant's kicker scored the party. he hit a field goal in the final seconds to give new york the win. lastly, little whacky video for you. card board kayak races. you can only use card board and duct tape. >> and the person with the duct tape around all the card board, they're going to win. >> exactly. because this poor -- the thing is you could have used a real kayak paddle. and the person who wasn't moving wasn't doing that.
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that's a look at sports. i'm very impressed. science meeting athletics. it's all very interesting. >> and duct tape. >> and duct tape. do you use auto bill pay, do you? it can help you avoid late late fees, but clark howard warns it can put a dent in our wall let. >> do you ever allow anybody to just scarf your money out of your account? when you set up an automatic draft or car company or bank just automatically come in and take the payments from you or utility company or a health club or burglar alarm company? well, the number of people who do that has grown because once you've given somebody permission to come into your account, many times when you're not doipg business with them anymore, they
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still take money and you have to fight to get your money out. you want to convenience of paying electronically? use it through your bank. you don't have to worry about them taking money they're not entitled to. for more ways to protect yourself, go to >> catch him at noon eastern on saturdays and sundays right here on hln. okay. monday, our business travelers are back to work today. i do hope that you don't have to fly through a lot of the southeast. it's not going to be fun, bob. >> the rain continues to fly around places like atlanta, birmingham and now, areas like new orleans. you'll see a delay because of
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the poor visibility. atlanta, one hour or more delays today. who was the first president of the united states? piece of cake, right? you might be shocked at how many school kids don't know the answer. ring ring. progresso. oh yes hi. can you put my grandma on the phone please? thanks. excuse me a sec. another person calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs., she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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here you go. whoa! that's some serious insurance. ding-ding-ding! ding! ding! fun fact -- progressive is the number-one truck insurer. yeah, great service at the right price. and nowadays, my business depends on it. do you have anything like that for my car? yes! our car insurance comes with 24/7 claim service, and you can save hundreds.
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so, what you haulin'? oh, eight-year-olds to soccer practice. nine! oh, precious cargo. protecting what matters most to you. now, that's progressive. call or click today. ♪ welcome to comcast local edition. i am donna richardson and my guest this hour is colonel george f. johnson iv superintendent of the maryland natural resources police. colonel, thank you for joining me. >> great to be here with you. >> in addition to being with the maryland natural resources you are president of the maryland police chief association, and
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who in addition to chief are your members? and who is working with you? >> it is comprised mostly of chief of police from all over the state and state government and law enforcement chiefs and county and municipalities that exist in all of the state of maryland. >> i know as a group i know there are several initiatives taking place. there is a new one. checkpoint strike force. >> yes, it is a research based-multi-state situation where we pick and we go out there and we look for drivers that are impaired and work to get them off of the road and we do that through our sobriarity checkpoints and our saturation patrols. >> and so, which jerse - jurisdiction, one specific area or all of the jurisdictions now involved? >> all throughout maryland, the
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chiefs of police have signed on. every jurisdiction signed on in some way shape or form to participate in the checkpoint strike force. >> and so do you find that the checkpoints are helpful in hopefully lowering traffic fatalities? >> absolutely. fatalities have been reduced 20 percent in the areas where we are doing the checkpoints . it proves to be extremely beneficial to us in many different ways. >> and do you find that the residents are supporting the checkpoints and do you have partner necessary this effort? >> yes, we do. as you know, it is a powerful organization of mothers against drunk drivers. we work with them chosely in this endeavor and other organizations. their surveys indicate 85 to 90 percent of the people they talked to support the
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checkpoints. >> do you do these at specific times of year or are the checkpoints ongoing initiative. >> they are ongoing initiatives. they will be taking place every week and everywhere and where you think that it is the best possible opportunity to deploy the work force and effective use knowledge of our people in this endeavor. >> as you are having the checkpoints and i know initially you are looking for impaired drivers, but are you finding other things when you are pulling over the impaired drivers? >> oh, yes. people are very surprised what we run into on the checkpoints. the main focus is to get the impaired drivers that use alcohol off of the streets and identify them. but we are running into people who have warrants on them. their licenses are suspended, some people have drugs in the
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vehicle this we were able to detect and find. there is a whole gamut of things and seat belt usage. it helps us with the seat belt initiatives and child safety seat. we are able to make different observations and of course, we put a lot of emphasis on the seat belt usage and child safety seat as well >> i know some jurisdiction or most of the them, there is zero tolerance if you don't have your seat belt on, it is amazing that people are still driving without them. >> it is with the seat belt usage, if you are involved in an accident with the impaired drivers that use alcohol that gives you that much more of a chance to survive. >> how can citizens assist with the checkpoint strike force? >> we need them to be our eyes and ears out there. as with many thing necessary law enforcement and we ask citizens to do.
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if they see a person driving erratically or aggressively and feel they are under the influence of alcohol. pick up the cell phone and dial the number 911 or what ever it is that they feel comfortable in using. >> thank you, colonel for joining me. >> donna thank you for helping us. >> thank you for watching comcast local edition. i am donna richason.
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good morning, sunshine. so, it's monday and hope you had a good weekend and got a little bit of rest. here's what's going on. a three-day hunt is over for a legally insane killer who got away during a field trip, but he gave all these clues before he escaped and officials are furious he went unnoticed. and it has been raining non-stop for days in the southeast. and then these two guys became really good friends after they started working together, but you won't believe how they discovered that they were actually brothers.
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first though, police have caught a legally insane killer who escaped from a field trip to the county fair. he was on the loose for three days. sheriffs in washington state say they found him with a deadly cutting tool. this is the guy who strangled and slit is throat of a woman in 1987. law enforcement officials are outraged. >> there was an extreme amount of anger that this event even take place. we have learned several things throughout this investigation, one of those that mr. paul was not compliant in taking his medications. my question is, if somebody was not compliant, what made anybody believe that he would be compliant to the field trip on family day? this was the situation that in my opinion, should not have happened. >> authorities say he left the institution with a backpack full of clothes, food and a guitar and it looked like he wasn't
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coming back. sheriffs say they were not even told about it until two hours after he escaped. they have suspended field trips for mental patients for now. johnny wright, this is why i don't go to the fair. all right. trista says -- by the way, happy birthday. and one writes -- go to our facebook place and tell us what you think. firefighters squeeze inside a mangled bus to free a driver. this was on the new jersey turnpike about 6:30 this morning. state troopers say her injuries were the most serious. the five passengers on board
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were also hurt. today, we could find out new details about a possible plot to attack new york. zazi and his father will be in court. in new york, a third man will be in court. sources say they may have been planning to attack a railway or subway station. so far, the men are charged with lying to the fbi, but investigators say more charges could be on the way. in about 15 minutes, you'll hear the details about an intercepted phone call between the suspects. david paterson will run for office next year despite a report that president obama asked him to step aside. according to "new york times" the white house urged him to withdraw. the obama administration denies it and paterson isn't saying much about it. >> as i said, i am running for office.
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not going to discuss comments on confrontation. >> so white house officials acknowledge the aides in his camp that they're aware his lack of popularity could cause trouble for the dems. forcing you to have health insurance isn't like raising your taxes. that's what president obama says. people without coverage could face penalty. president obama compared it to how people have to have car insurance. republicans say the president's plan isn't possible without a tax hike. investigators in florida want to talk to a man after finding his wife and their five children dead. they say the man flew to haiti the day before the bodies were found. he has family there and is not being called a suspect right now. the kids were between 11 months and nine years of age. non-stop rain in the southeast has been washing people out of their homes and
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stranding drivers. for example, this car wound up in water over its wheels near atlanta. the red cross is helping dozens of families. even schools are closed. bob will tell us when you're going to dry out. tony kollettee beat out tina fey last night. listen to this. >> i used to think that a a word for just shallow tokens of momentary popularity, but now, i realize they are the only true measure of a person's real worth as a human being. >> cute. the show had 16 nomination, but
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got just three trophietrophies. glenn close got best actress. "the daily show" was honored for its writing and best over all show. you're probably thinking, blah, blah. who wore what? for a lot of us, what we have to wear is an umbrella over our head. i'm not just talking about one region of the united states. >> no. areas near the great lakes are going to see rain. thunderstorms across the plains. snow in western colorado and a heat advisory for the bay area. first, a major story is the continuation of heavy, flooding rain from northern parts of mississippi to alabama, through georgia and tennessee and the carolinas. zoom in towards atlanta and
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roswell, that's moving up towards the northwest and ten miles per hour. it's slow-moving and dropping a lot of rain. if you're traveling around here, flash flood warnings all around atlanta. the warnings are in red for flash flooding. the warnings themselves are in green. we see schools closed in atlanta. even high-water rescues north and east of town. look at the showers through the ohio valley, towards extreme west pennsylvania. light rain breaking up in ontario. a better shot from iowa towards kansas, kansas city, you're about to get rocked with big time thunderstorms. they go all the way down to the south as well. more details in just a little bit. you want to see d.c. real quick? nice traveling forecast? mid to upper 70s.
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that's about it. that's really the exception of the rule. d.c. to the north looks good, down south -- >> i wish i were there. >> vitamin d di efficiency. a 4-year-old boy shared cocaine with friends at a day care. how he ended up with it, that will make you angry. and why. >> dave niehaus: dpsh is forking over some money. [ moos ] [ man announcing ] if you think about it, this is what makes theladders different from other job search sites. we only want the big jobs. welcome to theladders. a premium job site for only $100k+ jobs and only $100k+ talent.
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it's not always easy living with copd, but i try not to let it hold me back... whether i'm at the batting cages... down by the lake or... fishing at the shore. i'm breathing better... with spiriva. announcer: spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for both forms of copd, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. i take it every day. it keeps my airways open... to help me breathe better all day long. and it's not a steroid. announcer: spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor
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if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, or have vision changes or eye pain. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate, as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take, even eye drops. side effects may include dry mouth, constipation and troublpassing urine. my doctor said i could be doing more to breathe better and now i am. announcer: ask your doctor about lifestyle changes and once-daily spiriva. all right. let's salute our troops. today's is for sergeant clay abley. >> hi, robin.
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i would like to salute my husband, u.s. army sergeant clay abele. he's a great father and student. i would like to say to him, clay, i miss you so much, i love you, please come home. forever and ever, baby. >> your baby is so cute. if you have someone in the service, we want to help you honor them. a 20-year-old man who bragged about the thrill of killing is now a suspect in the death of a pastor and three other people. he already faces one murder charge. he calls himself psycho sam and records music called horror core, which uses violent lyrics. virginia police found the bodies last week. you can call him rabbi
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rambo. wow. this man is a black belt and packing heat in a synagogue. new in about 35 minutes, who he wants to frighten. i mean, wow. you just don't want to tear away from that. a father is accused of giving his 4-year-old cocaine and telling him it was candy. the boy shared the drug with his friends at the day care. a teacher called authorities when she saw a girl with a baggie in her mouth. a yogurt you might be sitting down to this morning may not be all it's cracked up to be. jennifer westhoven, what do we know about a moving story? >> and in addition, i'm trying to get the scoop on that rabbi.
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i think i know somebody who had some beers with him. >> really? >> okay. i'll let you know if i get anything. all right. the dannon story, they're going to pay up to $35 million to do you meaners over claims that it its activia yogurt. there were claims it was regulate digestion. dannon's going to drop those words in the settlement and there's never any admission of wrong doing, but it is agreeing to change the labels and you could get up to $100 back if you bought it. we don't know if you'll need your receipts. how's it looking at the gas
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pump? pretty reasonable. a gallon of regular cost about $2.55 on average. that is down about eight cents from a month ago. and president obama made the rounds on sunday talk shows. he talked about the jobs market, saying there likely won't be any large scale hiring until next week. just goes to show you how many people are trying. it's monday. if you are traveling today, boy, i hope you are not coming near this area. right bob? >> yeah, atlanta. the biggest and busiest airport we have in the country is going to be under the gun all day with passing thunderstorms. current delays at 38 minutes. that's the average. here's atl. look at the heavy rain overhead. big thunderstorms to the west
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and there's more across the southwest, all channelling into the city. one hour or more delays. atlanta, charlotte, cleveland, kansas city, detroit, thunderstorms, one hour delays. and more storms across dallas. more on that in a bit. imagine, you're taking a road trip when you see flashing lights in your mirror, but instead of a ticket, you get the welcome wagon. ♪
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mmm. oh gosh. oh dear. big deal. you're delicious. so what. i've got news for you., there's no such thing... a bear sheriff. you think i'm afraid of you? hey what?
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you don't have to be mean to the cake. i do. you don't. i do. just eat yoplait light. they have great flavors like..., boston cream pie, raspberry cheesecake., even though i work here, i've lost weight. wow. yeah. carry on. (announcer) 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. today, three afghan nationals will face charges of lying to the fbi. they were plotting a terror attack in the united states. what evidence do they have to back that up? >> robin, what they have, they found nine pages of notes on zazi's computer that explain how to handle and make and detonate bombs. the expert says they appear to be in his handwriting. but when asked about the notes, zazi denied ever seeing them, saying he must have uninterndow
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them by mistake. >> the fbi also intercepted from calls between zazi and the other defen tant. >> agents say the third suspect in the case warned zazi that agents asked about hill. also saying, quote, they came to ask me about your character. i told them that they are innocent, law-abiding. the fbi saying he also warned zazi the phone call was being monitored. >> thank you. cops in a small iowa town targeted out of state drivers to pull over and arrest. the charge, they lacked small town hospitality. a missouri couple got caught and
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were wined and dined. >> you probably pulled over the right people. >> everybody's been so nice and friendly and the little downtown area here is darling. >> they tried to stop some from illinois though and they said, no, we're headed to the hospital. that didn't work. what are you saying? >> pretty much. >> they had an excuse. the biggest regular-season crowd in nfl history packed the most expensive stadium in america. >> they say everything is bigger in texas and they ain't kidding. the dallas cowboys officially unveiled their $1.2 million stadium. that's nice. and former president george w. bush with the coin toss here with laura looking on. an nfl record 105,000 people
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showed up. a lot of them standing room only. jerry jones waving to all of them. he was very happy, but not with the way his team played. see the way the ball bounced off that guy's foot and williamses the reception? manningham -- new york would win. we'll have more on that in the next half hour. chad ocho cinco made good on his promise. he found three players and one packer fan showing his displeasure. we blurted out, stay classy, packer fans. and brett favre set a record for durability when he took the field against detroit. he started his 271th consecutive, remember season game. that is a record. he has not missed a game since
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1992 when this was a hit song. ♪ jump jump jump any way. that's getting me an e-mail. moving on. speaking of age defies feats. in nascar -- scary stuff. he just kept on going. mark martin, 50 years old and the oldest driver on the circuit won his series-best, fifth race of the year. >> i'm so happy for him. >> he could wind up being the year-end champion. and lastly, a million dollar hole in one. that man right there, he's 150 yards out from the hole. 35-year-old. you can see the ball just slide into the hole and look at the reaction. it's the crowd goes wild.
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>> they're chasing him. >> wanting to borrow money. >> and down he goes. a legally insane killer is back behind bars. and we have video you need to see. a man tackling a robbery suspect.
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>> welcome to comcast local edition. my guest this hour is dr. faye williams, national chair of the national congress of black women. thank you so much for joining me. >> it's always great to be here. >> now, for those that may not know, what's the mission of the national congress of black women? >> well, we are an organization that works with the community, mainly with young people. we have a program for 9-12 years old where we teach them about the wonderful vocations there are in life. we bring in ambassadors, athletes, and we want them to
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know that they can be more than a singer, dancer, or football player. we have another program for which comcast is our media partner on young ambassadors. we try to teach young adults to navigate life. we teach conflict resolution, about vocations, and about going to school, the importance of time management, discipline, that kind of thing. >> thou, you have an anniversary awards luncheon coming up. you recognize numerous women for their wonderful accomplishments. when is the luncheon? >> sunday, september 27th. people remember it by the sunday morning following the congressional black caucus. it's at 11:00 this year, which is a change of time. >> where is it located? >> this year at the united states naval yard, sixth and m street southeast. we're looking forward to having
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a wonderful time. there's a beautiful view of the water there. >> and in celebrating your 25th anniversary, congratulations, by the way. >> thank youia who are some of our honorees? there's an extensive list. >> we always honor first our founding chairs and fathers. we want to salute them first. janet lange heart corn, we have several other women, we always honor the newly elected blank congresswomen. that will be marsha fudge this year. we have a judge from michigan, judge denise langhart mars, and
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i'm sure we have a couple of more, a general manager of a car dealer, ms. craft from the area, and of course, our wonderful chair, president of the northern verge urban league laverne chapman. regina kelly, the subject of the movie american violet. >> you have an extensive list of women that touch us in so many areas of our lives. >> we have a good mother award. this year it's being received by peter harvey. we are honoring him, because as an attorney general, he worked very hard on domestic violence. that's one of our projects. we honored him. last year we were honored that have kami brown. >> thank you for honoring him.
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>> we are probably the only organization in town that has a $75 fundraising ticket. that's the general admission. there are corporate tickets, member tickets, and general membership tickets, general public tickets. they are selling pretty fast this year. when they hear about the honorees, people want to bring their young children, especially young women to meet these people. they can meet the young lady that flew across the country. >> thank you for joining me. >> we hope to see you there this year. >> my pleasure, definitely. my guest has been dr. faye williams national chair of the national congress of black women. if you're interested in what comcast is doing in your area, go to on demand and click local.
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for comcast local edition, i'm donna richardson.
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secretary of state hillary clinton is ringing the opening bell at the new york stock exchange. she's in new york for the 64th session of u.n. general assembly. stocks are expected to slide today after a recent rally. a live report from wall street is coming up. first though, a legally insane killer has been captured after escaping from the field trip to the county fair. i know. i thought the same thing. what do you mean, field trip? police say he left the mental institution on thursday with a backpack full of food and clothes. it wasn't his first escape.
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new jobs require new ideas. that's what we're expecting for president obama to say at a speech about innovation in about two hours. the speech kicks off his busy week at the u.n. and then, the g-20 summit. tonight, he'll be the first sitting president to go on the late show with david letterman. the body of murder yale student annie le is -- for her funeral. a lab tech is charged with her murder. those are some of our top stories. just wanted to say hi. check in with you today. i authorities caught a mentally insane killer over the weekend, three days after he escaped from the field trip. a former roommate said paul made
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him nervous. >> i didn't see this outburst, but i can tell he's kind of a strong guy and he's kind of around him, there's something about -- keeping something secret. i never got into knowing all those secrets or anything, or knowing what the deal was, but he's a big guy and could be capable to try anything knowing him. >> well now, there's an investigation of why paul was allowed out in the first place and why he was allowed to leave the institution with a backpack full of clothes and food. sheriffs also complain they were not notified until two hours after his escape. america's top commander in afghanistan says if more troops are not sent to the area, defeating insurgents will no longer be possible. that's according to a report by "the washington post." the general gave a troop assessment to president obama
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this summer. bob woodward took to our sister network, cnn, this morning. >> this is a striking thing for a general to say to the secretary of defense and commander in chief. it really takes his finger and puts it in their eye. deliver or this won't work. >> well right now, they're already more than 60,000 u.s. troops in afghanistan. the pentagon has already committed about 6,000 more troops to be deployed to the country. three men accused of lying will be in court today. they'll go before a judge in denver. a third suspect will be in court in new york. agents believe they may have been planning to attack a major transportation hub and two sources say zazi has video of new york's grand central terminal. what a touching story. a young man with down syndrome
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scored his first touchdown with his team. the first time i saw this this morning, i will say, it was hard for me to speak afterwards. >> both of these team rs working together to make this happen. it's a great display of sportsmanship on top of matt's story. he plays for the freshman team in missouri. team was down by 46 to maryville. his coach asked to not tackle, but make it look real. watch this. running down the field, his coach running with him. his teammates there to celebrate. witnesses said they started crying. it's on youtube and has generated many hits. >> congrats to him. thousands of people hit the mud over the weekend. check out this mud run.
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this is in columbia, south carolina. is course is more than four miles of walls, trenches and mud and water-related obstacles. >> sounds like fun to me. >> no. 35 minutes past the hour. that is what it's going feel like for a lot of people. from the midwest to southeast, as they try to get to work this morning. >> it was tough getting from the parking deck. it's a horrible situation from the carolinas to the southeast. we're still going to see more thunderstorms arrive over the next couple of hours as more rain is back across birmingham and stretching back to louisiana and mississippi. the red shaded area, flash flood
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warnings. the showers and thunderstorm rs out there producing tremendous amounts of rainfall. also, look at the rain coming up across northern parts of michigan. lighter rain around ohio, but that should pick up later today. heavier downpours from western pennsylvania is a possibility. we've been watching the thunderstorms out of minnesota and iowa. they're also getting in towards kansas, too. down south, you can see the showers and storms north of oklahoma city. nice line through eastern kansas, too. then, a colder pocket of air driving down through western colorado. notice the rain switching over to snow. obviously, the higher elevations getting snow. valley locations getting the rain. that cold spot, the warm spots. we're looking at a nice hot day for you, the bay area. the heat's going to last at least through the next couple of
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francisco, downtown, near 90s. he's wh in new york city, looks pretty good. trying to catch a flight in and around new york city, looks just fine. your high today about 77. >> i'm trying to tell if i'm listening to the air conditioner or the rain. >> you're listening to me droning on about it. that's the way i feel on a monday. la, la, rain. la, la. >> cute. on wall street, the stocks rose to new heights for 2009 on friday. all right. so what about today? what's the deal? susan lisovicz at the new york stock exchange. good morning. >> good morning. we're seeing some caution. the two-day policy setting starts tomorrow. last week, you may recall fed chief ben bernanke said the recession is likely over, so
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now, investors are looking for more details. interest rates for the moment, expected to remain unchanged. del buying an i.t. services company founded by ross perot. homebuilder lenar posting a wide loss. they say it's seen more confidence from home buyers taking advantage from lower prices. finally, a familiar face on the opening bell flat form this morning. the 67th secretary of state, hillary clinton, ringing the bell. she is scheduled to go uptown to attend the 64th session of the u.n. general assembly, but right now, she's on the trading floor. right below me. i can tell from all of the
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traders gathered, by all of the photographers gathered, and by all of the secret service people gathered. she's mingling at this historic moment. certainly an exciting moment and photo op for sure. >> you can see exactly where she is. thank you. hey, whatcha doing next tuesday night? we have an exciting addition for a prime timeli line up. "the joy behar show" will kick off. a concert in cuba was supposed to promote peace, but people did not feel that way.
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people from the town where jaycee dugard was kidnapped held a benefit concert to help raise money for her and her children. yesterday's concert at a casino was called building new bridges. dugard had been living in south lake tahoe for less than a year when she was kidnapped. opening statements begin today in the trial for john jr. gotti. he's accused of gang-related murder and kidnapping. this will be the fourth trial for him. sheriff's deputy ins washington state finally caught a legally insane killer who escaped from a field trip to the county fair. yeah, i know. why did he have a field trip. richard lui has more.
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>> how could that happen, well we continue to tell that story. new for you in about 15 minutes, we hear from the local sheriff's office. looks like a bunch of warning signs were ignored. plus, a lot of new trouble in northern ireland. then, a guy who creates some pretty similar art like this only to see it washed away? all that coming up at the top of the hour. >> thank you. an idaho fire department is trying to figure out what caused an explosion that really damaged a house and p put a man in the hospital. fire officials say the fire could have been caused by a natural gas explosion. hundreds of thousands of people rocked out at a concert called peace without borders in cuba yesterday. ♪
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this concert lasted five and a half hours. it was put together by a columbian singer who's trying to connection cubans with the rest of the united states, but there were some protests where cuba exiles called the concert a declaration of war. >> this is nothing more than a farce to think that a concert can change a dictatorship. >> we're hoping for the best that this concert brings a sense of music to the people and that the discussions that take place here at catalysts for more in the future. >> the artist said he got death threats about the concert and police are keeping watch over his home.
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happy birthday if it's your birthday today. did you know you share it with bill murray? he turns 59 today. and stephen king will be blowing out a few more candles today. he is turning 62. he doesn't normally watch this hour. a new york rabbi is worried synagogues may be targets for terrorists. he's teaching others how to join his god squad.
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more college kids are answering the call to duty. more lured by the promise of free tuition. many rotc programs are booming. the army needs more officers, so last year, it handed out more than 3,000 scholarships. students are snatching them up even with two wars go on. a new york rabbi is teaching
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antiterror tactics to synagogues. wow. that's a sample of what the former cop and black belt teaches. he's been warning that synagogues are becoming fair targets and they're not doing enough to beef up security. his showmanship is a big draw. >> rambo, the god squad, i don't know where people come up or think about these things. >> i like the god squad. he even teaches how to turn a prayer shaw into a weapon. >> like a jewish james bond. that will get you to go to temple. >> that is fascinating video. all right. talk about making a grand entrance. a former nfl player parachuted into the stadium when he was being honored by his former
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team. good morning. >> it's great video, but because of your expertise at parachuting, we have actually learned something. >> what i think he did wrong there was -- you're supposed to lift up your seat. >> i love it. we're going to show you that video again. we're talking about shannon sharpe. he used to play for denver, so it was a big day for him, being inducted in the the bronco's ring of honor. >> no, no, no. >> see the poor guy like try to hold him up. that's okay. it was a big day for you. they put his name up on the stadium wall there, then the very touching moment. he had his big moment and speech. he's a tough guy, but broke down there. and they were both in "gq" and now, it's time to square off on the field. mark sanchez led the jets to
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their first win over tom brady and new england since 2000. it made brady look down right ugly. and this in, mark sanchez is now dating gisele. i'm kidding. they're married. >> kidding. >> and the super bowl champion pittsburgh steelers lost a stunner to the bears. two big hits in this one. first tight end greg olsen collides with tyrone carter. yeah, that's pretty bad. let's give you another angle from that up close. this is going to leave a mark. he got up. both guys got up. then jay cutler gets blindsided by the ref right here. gee, jay, watch where you're walking. bears would win in a dramatic come-from-behind win on a field goal from robbie gould. and the cowboys, you heard they got a new stadium. remember that big beautiful jumbotron? that's a big tv screen. would any punts hit it? that's what we all wanted to know. tgi friday's going to hand out the free green bean fries if i f. any did. this one came close, but no, no punts did, but a kicker was the story of the game as the giants'
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lawrence tynes hit a field goal in the final seconds to give new york the win, spoiling the cowboys' home opener. and lastly, as if we haven't played enough wacky video, cardboard kayak races. i love the bishop hat that the one guy has over there. you can only use cardboard and duct tape. and you could actually -- you could have used a real kayak paddle. that woman could have used it. that's a look at sports. >> it's all about the duct tape. you've got to coat the whole boat in it. okay, bobby. >> peachtree street in atlanta, right? >> this whole region's gotten so much rain. >> you talk about rain, robin, we have it once again in atlanta. flooding out there. also delays at the airport. it's only a 38-minute delay right now, but i expect that to grow to over an hour for atlanta because of the low clouds. also, charlotte looking at thunderstorms there, but shorter delays, about 30 minutes to 60 minutes. dallas some storms. san francisco morning fog a possibility, but if you're headed to the bay area keep this in mind. 90s through the next couple days. heat advisories in san francisco. more of that, robin, in about a
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half hour. >> thank you. a legally insane killer is back behind bars but only after days out on the town starting with a trip to the county fair. first, though, the red carpet fashion at the emmys. so let's look at how everybody looked. let me look at how they looked. d
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