tv Tonight From Washington CSPAN September 22, 2009 8:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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breaking news tonight. satsuma, florida. a 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed. five hours later she's gone. vanished. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little haleigh. bombshell tonight. as we go to air, girlfriend turned new stepmother misty croslin, the last person to see haleigh alive, skips town. croslin packing up, clearing out of town after a bitter fight with haleigh's father, ronald cummings. this after croslin's brother,
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thrown behind bars on a gun charge, leading to a break in the case. in a late-night jailhouse interrogation we learn the brother finally confesses he goes to haleigh's house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door repeatedly, over and over. nobody home. phone records confirm ronald cummings tries desperately to reach croslin that night, calling at least 20, that's right, two zero, 20 times. no answer. where? where was girlfriend turned stepmother misty croslin during those crucial hours when haleigh goes missing? investigators now using gps to track croslin that night through her cell phone. police announce everything croslin's told them so far is "a farce." with cops honing in on croslin,
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croslin disappears. investigators focusing on a heavily wooded area, and in the last 72 hours draining a local pond in connection with haleigh. as girlfriend turned stepmom misty croslin flunks another polygra polygraph, tonight, where is haleigh? >> breaking news. babysitter misty cummings, the last person to see haleigh alive, has left town. according to journalist art harris. >> what we need is for misty to come down here and tell us the truth. >> i'm trying to do everything to find her. you know, i'm -- answer any questions i have to. because i know i didn't do anything with -- to that little girl. >> harris reports misty and ron had a bitter fight and she took off with a friend to the beach. >> my feelings are we need to find my daughter. >> do you think misty holds some information that could help you do that? >> i don't think she holds any information that's going to find haleigh. >> misty's attorney says she's out of town, taking a few days
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off to seek a change of scenery and clear her head. pressure from the investigation is mounting. >> if i had something to do with it, i knew where she was, we wouldn't be sitting here today. we would have her. and i don't. i don't know where she is. >> misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that, you know, we need to go down to the sheriff's office and really lay out in clear terms what i was doing from 8:00 p.m. till 3:00 a.m. and tonight, imagine your own early morning routine. heading out to meet your carpool to head to work. that's just what happened to a dedicated mother of two, ages just 5 and 8. but when she exits her car in a public parking lot, a white male approaches her, stabs her in the torso, and then calmly gets back into his blue-green suv and proceeds to run over her as she lies there, bleeding in the parking lot. tonight, she is clinging to life. do police have a suspect?
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her hands looked very bloody. she did not appear to be moving. >> police are desperately searching for a suspect who stabbed a mother of two in the parking lot of a luxury new jersey hotel, then ran her over with his car. 46-year-old laura matusek was waiting to meet a co-worker to carpool to work friday morning when witnesses say a man jumped out of a blue or green pickup truck or suv and stabbed laura in the torso, then got back into his car and ran laura over. >> the hotel general manager says it was two guests who found 46-year-old laura matusek lying face down in a pool of blood. >> she suffered multiple knife wounds and broken bones. police immediately began to search for laura's ex-husband, who voluntarily spoke to police for 12 hours friday and saturday. he has since been released and is not facing any charges.
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>> he and matosak were divorced 2 1/2 years ago and prosecutors say he did have a restraining order against him that only recently expired. >> she was rushed by ambulance to a nearby hospital for multiple stab wounds and broken bones. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. as we go to air, girlfriend turned stepmother misty croslin the last person to see haleigh alive, disappears. >> is there finally a split between ronald cummings and his new bride, misty? >> when i went to sleep, she was there. and then when i woke up, she was gone. >> i'm not hiding anything for anybody. and if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry. so be it. whoever it might be. >> journalist art harris is reporting sources tell him there was a bitter fight between ron and misty. so bad misty's lawyer says she has left town. this just hours after misty's own brother tells police he doesn't think anyone was home
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the night haleigh vanished. >> he demonstrated to us loudly and for a few seconds, and then he wait add round to presumably see if someone was going to be roused or if they were sleeping or whatever. he tells us he made a good effort to see if someone was home. misty did not answer the door. the house was dark and quiet. >> i would have woke up if i heard any noise. i didn't hear anything at all. i mean, i was really exhausted that day. really exhausted when i laid down. i guess, you know, i was out. >> that front door is all of ten feet from the bedroom where misty was sleeping with haleigh and junior that night. so if someone's wailing on the door, there's no way she couldn't have heard that whatsoever. >> there's pressure, and that's on misty. >> straight out to our producer on the story from the very beginning, marlaina schiavo. marlaina, what happened? why did misty croslin skip town? >> nancy, she is gone. she left town.
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apparently, people saw misty and ronald having an argument over the weekend when all of this searching was going on, draining of the pond. there were a lot of tensions. so they were arguing. and all of a sudden misty's nowhere to be found. she is no longer in satsuma right now, and ronald is not with her. >> to art harris, investigative journalist at art, what was the bitter argument about? >> well, i can tell you that sources tell me that ronald actually threw her clothes out, threw her out, and she was going down the road when he runs after her, apologizes, and brings her back. so it's unclear what it was about, nancy, but it was not pretty. >> let's look at the timing, art harris. what was happening at the time they had the bitter feud? was that when the pond was being drained? what was happening? >> it was around that time, nancy. a lot of uncertainty. a lot of rumors about the pond. rumors that haleigh's body was found. rumors that they found a car in the pond.
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none of it true. but everyone was desperate for information, so much so that ronald's grandmother actually went to the scene to ask what was happening. and that's how she found out. >> to t.j. hart, news director at wsky, 97.3 fm, t.j., do we have any idea what the big argument was about before misty croslin skips town? >> once again, a lot of things factored into it, a lot of raw nerves, a lot of tensions at the time. and also a little bit of knowledge has leaked out about the conversation that was held between detectives and tommy croslin in the jailhouse as well. so that may have been a factor in the conversation. >> what, t.j., what else have you learned? everybody, t.j. hart with wsky is referring to misty croslin's brother, who was taken into custody, he's thrown behind bars over a gun charge. >> sure. >> now, unusually, the bond for the gun charge is $50,000.
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they're keeping him behind bars. they interrogated him in the late-night hours about haleigh's disappearance. what more have you learned, t.j.? >> okay. what happened was ronald had called him because he could not get any calls through to misty that night. at least 20 times he tried to call or to text. so he calls down to the croslin house. he asks tommy to go check on the house to see if misty's at home. so he goes down there, and he knocks on the door. now, major bowling with the putnam county sheriff's office said he demonstrated, he showed them how hard he banged on the door, and then he told them he stayed in the area waiting for misty to either answer the door or, in his words, to even come home. now, hank croslin jr. says that after some time passed he just gave up, he assumed she wasn't home. now, originally he had just stopped short of that. he's now said she wasn't home. now, we believe that releasing some of this information, according to major bowling, that they have found advances in the
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investigation and particularly the way they think this will advance is that misty's family now knows about this information. they knew about this going into saturday, by the way. that they hope the family may be -- or misty by her own conscience if there's a discrepancy that she will indeed explain why hank banged on the door and no response was given. >> to mike brooks, former fed with the fbi -- everyone, we are taking your calls live. we'll be right out to the lines. but mike, wouldn't the cops pinging her cell phone put an end to all this? so far, believe it or not, it's my understanding it hasn't been done. because i want to know, where was croslin during those crucial hours after ronald cummings leaves to go to work and he goes home 3:00 a.m., she's gone. where was she? >> good question. let's take a look at the map. ronald cummings' plant is right here. there are two cell phone towers right in the vicinity of his
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plant. so they'd be able to pick up the pings there. and don't know exactly how many towers are between there and the trailer, which is here. but it's about a 15-minute drive. now, i find it very interesting, nancy. because if you recall, the very first police report, the officer who took the report said, you know, ronald got home at about 3:00 a.m., he just was pulling up in a driveway at the same time she was coming out. and if you recall, ronald was very, very upset because he called her "my dumb b word girlfriend." but they should be able to tell, nancy, because if there were 20 phone calls between here and here, i mean, 20 times, nancy, there should be records of this. >> you're absolutely correct. and i also want to -- >> there also should be records -- absolutely. and also, did he try to call her? there will be records of that. did he try to call her brother, tommy? there will be records of that. did tommy call him back? there should be records of all of this and exactly where these
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pings were between here and here. >> got it. let's unleash the lawyers. raymond giudice, defense attorney, atlanta. daniel horowitz, renowned defense attorney, san francisco. i don't need to give you two a tutorial on the@ú law. let's see the lawyers, please, norm. but you both know -- i'll start with you, giudice. that flight can be argued at trial. in many jurisdictions it can't be given as the law to the jury by the judge, but the prosecutor could argue why did croslin skip town? >> well, keep in mind she's neither a suspect nor a defendant nor has she been charged -- >> you're not answering the question -- >> she's not flying from anything. she's not leaving from anything. >> horowitz? >> you've got to have facts. anybody can run away when your husband gets angry at you and the whole world thinks you're guilty. of course she's young and she's upset. we need facts before -- >> it could be argued at trial that flight indicates guilt. that will be the prosecutor's argument, daniel. >> or innocence. that you're so upset that you're innocent that you can't take it. it cuts both ways.
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>> stunning developments in the case of the missing florida girl haleigh cummings that could put the spotlight back on stepmom misty croslin. misty's brother was recently arrested on a gun charge, and he reportedly broke down under police questioning. tommy croslin says he went to ronald cummings' trailer the
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night haleigh vanished back in february. the brother said he repeatedly pounded on the door but no one opened it. misty croslin has insisted she was home all night. >> i seen the kitchen light on. and i walked in the kitchen and the back door's wide open. i mean, i didn't notice about haleigh then until i seen the back door open. and then i go in her room and she's gone. >> misty's timeline doesn't make sense. and her story changes. so the ring of truth is that somebody went there and she wasn't home when they knocked. >> miss neves, all along you have stated that you believed misty croslin. now you that hear this, what did you think? >> this statement by tommy croslin to me doesn't hold any water. i'm sorry but -- >> why? >> why wait seven months? why say that -- you know, if he went down there, my personal opinion, if i went there and knocked, and everything was off, i would think they were sleeping.
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>> okay, sir, let me talk to your wife. let me get some information from her. can i talk to her? okay. >> how the [ bleep ] did you let my daughter get stole -- >> we are taking your calls live. to patricia in maryland. hi, patricia. >> caller: hi, nancy, how are you? >> i'm good, dear. what's your question? >> caller: my question is about the gps. what are the police now gps-ing? >> you and me both. what about it, harris? >> she was damned tired of taking care of someone else's kids -- >> i'm sorry. repeat? >> and asked the same guy to pray for her. she thought it was a lie. >> okay. art, i'm talking to you about gps. why haven't they done gps yet? >> to me? they're trying to do it. and they've been trying to ping back and -- you know, and figure out where everybody was that night. now, they've got ronald, they've got him at the factory.
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they've got two cell towers near there. that is his alibi. as for misty, they are still working on her pings. >> okay. mike brooks, i think patricia in maryland is absolutely correct. we're into this seven months. >> right. >> seven months. now, i want to make it clear what my earlier question was. what could possibly be the problem with their pings? why can't they get a track on her cell phone that evening to figure out where she was unless a cell phone was turned off? >> that's the only reason, whether a cell phone was off or the battery was dead. but nancy, some phones do not have gps. but every one of them will tell you exactly what tower they were pinging from. let's take a look at this new map we have. now, this is a four-mile radius right here. okay? from here to here, four miles. look at all the towers. ronald's plant is just a little
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bit north of here. you take a look at all the towers that are right all around. she's going to be hitting them. and let's say she wasn't at home, and let's say she wasn't there. if she was still down in this area, down in this area, and as you get closer to some of the towns south of here, they are going to have towers. they're going to be able to tell this. so they should be able to know if tommy is telling the truth. now, if you want to find out if he's telling the total truth, let's go ahead and give him a polygraph also if he will consent to it. because look at misty. she's failed two law enforcement polygraphs and one by tim miller equusearch group when he was asked to come back up there and he didn't want to waste his time if she wasn't telling the truth. >> out to the lines. elizabeth, new york. hi, elizabeth. >> caller: hi, nancy. i love your show. >> thank you. and thank you for calling in. what's your question, dear? >> caller: i wanted to know if misty's cousin has been cleared. >> if misty's cousin has been cleared. what cousin are you referring
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to, elizabeth? >> caller: she had a cousin in town that had a previous history of -- he had just gotten out of jail for molesting a child -- >> ah, yes. >> caller: and you heard about him in the beginning and never again. >> joe. what about him, marlaina schiavo? >> cousin joe has not been cleared. the only people in this case that have been cleared are ronald cummings and haleigh's biological mother, crystal sheffield. imodium multi-symptom relief p) combines two powerful medicines for fast relief of your diarrhea symptoms, so you can get back out there. imodium. get back out there. as the decades have past, the promise of medicare has always been there.
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i did take a polygraph. >> and you passed it? >> i mean, my understanding is that i passed it. >> i pulled into the yard. the front door was wide open. she was standing in it. i asked her what she was doing up. she told me that the back door was wide open and haleigh was gone. >> misty's brother was taken from his jail cell to be questioned by police. that's when deputies say croslin's brother told them it looked like no one was home that night. >> he tells police that he banged on the door and he got no answer. he looked inside through the windows, saw no lights, no television, did not hear a sound. >> joining me right now, special
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guest marc klaas, the president and founder of klaas kids foundation. he is not only a tireless victims' rights advocate, but he is a crime victim himself. his little girl polly was taken from her home many years ago, and she was murdered. marc klaas, what do you make of misty croslin allegedly skipping town? we're hearing all sorts of stories where she might be tonight. maybe she went to the beach. maybe she went out with girlfriends. but nobody knows where she is. >> no, absolutely nobody knows where she is. but there's no sense to be made of any of this story. has anybody asked ron if he asked tommy to go to the house? if tommy went to the house and he banged on the door and he saw nothing, does that mean the children weren't there as well? is tommy trying to make a deal for the problems that he's having right now with law enforcement? and finally, this whole idea of gps, we aren't talking about gps. that's never been brought up. we are talking about the
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potential for cell phone triangulation between all of these calls. and finally, i guess -- finally, finally, why is it that -- this is 7 1/2 months later. why is it we have to wait 7 1/2 months to find out that there were 20 calls made, that tommy croslin went to the house that night and got no response from anybody? this is information that should have been turned over immediately. >> marc klaas, you are right again, as usual. mike brooks, let's do the differentation between when he says triangulate, he's right. >> yep. >> but aren't you using some type of gps technology to triangulate, or not? is that not involved at all? >> it can be, nancy. you can use a combination of both. but not all phone -- it depends on who the carrier is and the options you had on these particular phones, which probably they didn't have a whole lot that would have gps. but on the other side, they should be able to tell by the code and everything else that they had subpoenaed from the cell companies exactly what towers were pinged at which time
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going -- numbers going from him to tommy and from him to, you know, misty. >> weigh in, art harris. >> you know, 20 times, much of it at work, frustrated, you know, what to do, what's going on with the kids. he calls her family and asks somebody to go and she's apparently not there. ever worn your clothes in the shower?
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3:00 in the morning i got up, and i got up because i had to use the bathroom. i seen the kitchen light on. and i walked in the kitchen and the back door's wide open. and then i go in her room and she's gone. >> ain't had nothing to do with her, man. she can't help that. she can't help she was the last one to see her. >> she didn't make no noise that night. i would have woke up if i heard any noise. i didn't hear anything at all. i mean, i was really exhausted that day, you know. i just wish they would have took me instead of her. what do they want with a little 5-year-old? >> could have been any one of us and our children.
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any one. nobody knows where there's a psycho or sicko. >> to marlaina schiavo, what does this mean to the investigation that the last person to see this little girl alive, reportedly in her own bed, has skipped town? >> what it means, nancy-s they're going to want to talk to her. they already want to talk to her. including her own attorney. she spoke to police over the weekend. her attorney wasn't even informed of this interview. so major bowling of putnam county has already said they'd really like to sit down with her and her lawyer and find out what happened. >> giudice, horowitz. horowitz, what does it mean to the police investigation, the last person to see her alive has skipped town? there are reports she's in orlando. but we don't know that. >> you know, nancy, they don't have too many suspects in this case. if it's not her, then they're pretty much out of luck. and they have to suspect some mystery person grabbing children. so they're hoping against all hope that it is her and this is a sign of guilt.
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but we can't jump to conclusions. it's too easy and convenient to blame her. and there's a lot of alternate explanations that we have to explore. >> giudice? >> without her being a suspect, she is still the most important witness in this case. she's the last person to see the children. she was with them. she's an important person to be spoken to. and law enforcement needs to go get her. >> dr. lillian glass, psychologist, author of "i know what you're thinking." lillian, what do you make of her leaving town? >> i think it's very suspicious. because why is she leaving town? does she have something to hide? it's very suspicious. the whole situation. and nancy, when you look at her body language, there are so many tells that she's not telling the truth. it's really -- >> such as? >> well, for example, she's doing a lot of lip licking. she's saying no when it's supposed to be in the affirmative. a lot of shoulder shrugging. the tears that don't look very genuine. it's very disturbing to watch. >> to physician and professor of
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public health at johns hopkins university, dr. marty makary joining is out of d.c. welcome, doctor. everyone, tip line 888-247-8477. this child suffers with turner syndrome. >> yeah, about 1 in 3,000 girls gets turner syndrome. it's this condition where they have some deformities. the ears are a little low set. they have webbing of the neck. and we know with haleigh in particular she saw doctors frequently, often missing school. so we know she needed special attention for these recurrent infections that she was prone to because of the turner syndrome. >> so if she is still alive and is not being treated by the doctors or the hospital, she's in such serious, serious danger. >> very much so. she definitely has special needs. she's at high risk for severe infections. and she needs special attention. >> everyone, we are taking your calls live. but very quickly, i want to report to you a story about a
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dedicated mother who heads off in the early morning hours to catch her carpool and is not only stabbed in a public parking lot but then the assailant gets back in his car and comes back to run her over. tonight she's clinging to life. take a listen. >> visitors at a high-end new jersey hotel were shocked friday morning to find a woman lying face down in the hotel parking lot with multiple knife wounds to the torso. police say the victim, laura matousek, was meeting a co-worker at the parking lot to carpool to work. witnesses say as soon as laura pulled into the parking lot a man got out of his blue or green pickup truck or suv, attacked laura with a knife, and then got back into his car and ran her over. laura is in critical condition at hackensack university medical center while authorities began conducting interviews, including interviewing laura's ex-husband, who voluntarily spoke to police for about 12 hours this weekend. no charges have been filed. >> it appears from what i understand she was here carpooling with someone else
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that was taking her to work. so -- but she was not a guest of the hotel, nor was she an employee of the office complex. >> straight out to alison breeze, joining us from woodland park, new jersey with "the record." alison, what is her condition tonight, and where are her children? >> she's still critical tonight. it's unknown where her children are at this point. she did have custody of them, and her ex-husband had visitation. so it's unclear whether they're with him or not. >> has the ex-husband been interrogated? >> yes. for 12 hours. from saturday evening until -- i'm sorry, friday evening until early saturday morning. >> and he is not labeled a suspect at this juncture. he has been let free to walk. what about the current boyfriend, allison pries? >> police indicated that they don't have a suspect right now, that they're still looking at everybody. so. >> to matt zarrell, our producer
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on the story. matt, what was the sequence of events? >> well, apparently, she went that morning about 8:00 a.m. friday morning, she went to meet a co-worker to carpool to work in parsin ni, which is near morristown. now, what happened is witnesses say a man, as soon as she got out of the car, a man walked up to her, stabbed her multiple times in the torso, got back into his car, and then ran her over and fled the scene. >> okay. what can you tell me about his vehicle, matt zarrell? >> we know that it's a blue or green suv. unfortunately, we haven't been able to figure out what it can be compared to, whether it's a nissan or a mazda or what have you. but we're still trying to work that through. >> allison pries, how many eyewitnesses saw this? >> two hotel guests were walking in the parking lot, came upon her body lying in the parking lot. >> so did they see the incident? >> they saw the dark-colored suv leave, and they saw her lying face down on the pavement. >> do we know whether the perpetrator was a male?
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female? white, black, hispanic? what do we know? >> nothing. no details have been released. >> why? why, allison? i mean, if cops want the public to help find the perpetrator, how can we do that if we don't even have the most rudimentary description? >> i don't know. they're being very tight-lipped. >> back to you, matt zarrell, do you have any idea where the children are tonight, ages 8 and 5? and what about the relationship? it's my understanding a temporary restraining order, a protective order had been taken out against the ex-husband but it had expired? >> yes, nancy, you're right. reports are that the protection order expired april 29th of this year. they have been divorce ed for a little over two years. there were some battles over custody and child support. he had a judgment against him for $11,000 in january of '08 for not paying child support. we're still trying to figure out where the kids are tonight, nancy. >> okay. matt, what can you tell me about
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anything, the neighbors, friends, co-workers have to say about her, the victim, laura matousek, or the husband, the ex-husband? >> well, neighbors have said very wonderful things about laura. she was work twog jobs to support her children. now, a neighbor where the father lives is saying the -- i'm sorry, the ex-husband. the ex-husband says that the -- laura, the wife, was cheating on him and had told the new boyfriend -- told the kids to call the new boyfriend dad and that he was the -- the ex-husband was very upset about that. >> we are taking your calls live to linda in texas. hi, linda. >> caller: hi. >> hi, dear. what's your question? >> caller: i'm wondering if the person that she was carpooling with ever showed up. >> excellent question. to allison pries with "the record." what do we know? was the carpool there waiting on her? >> the carpooler arrived as the two guests were finding her body. >> where did she work, allison? do we know? >> we're not sure, no.
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somewhere in the parsippany area. >> but we know she was holding down two jobs to support her children. so allison, what can you tell me about the relationship between her and her ex-husband? was it acrimonious? had they settled amicably and gone their separate ways? >> there have been disputes, as you mentioned earlier-b child support payments and also the sale of the marital home. >> in fact, isn't it true, matt zarrell, that she got about an $11,000 back child support judgment against him? >> yes. in january of '08 for failure to pay child support. you're right, nancy. >> divorced 2 1/2 years ago. and prosecutors say pelsak did have a restraining order against him that only recently expired. they have two children. ( clicking )
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crossroads hotel. police say that man, 41-year-old allan pelcak, brutally stabbed then ran over the mother of his children in the parking lot of the sheraton hotel in ma wa. he and matousek were divorced 2 1/2 years ago. they have two children. the children's school, liberty elementary in rockland county, new york, was on lockdown. police say the victim was waiting for a friend for a carpool to their workplace in parsippany when her estranged husband allegedly went on the attack. police say he tried to hide at his grandmother's home. his ex-wife remains in critical condition. >> chopper 12 was over the crime scene in ma wa shortly after the attack took place shortly after 8:30 this morning. police are investigating after several guests of the sheraton hotel found a woman lying face down in the parking lot says the hotel manager. that woman identified as laura matousek was waiting to be picked up by a co-worker. investigators say she was taken to haeng sac university hospital
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where she's listed in critical condition. >> i want to clear something up. matt zarrell, the ex-husband has not been named a suspect. i heard what the affiliate reporter said. but he has not been named a suspect. in fact, he underwent questioning, i think, without a lawyer for about 12 hours, and police let him go. >> yes. in fact, they were looking for him right after this happened. he went with them voluntarily. he had no issues, no problems. he talked to them for 12 hours and they let him go. they said he's not a suspect, not a person of interest, nothing to indicate he's involved at this point. >> raymond giudice, daniel horowitz. it's always s.o.p., standard operating procedure, you first look at husband, lover, ex-husband, ex-lover, boyfriend. then you move out from there. why, daniel? >> well, you know, first of all, early news reports pointed to sources who blamed the husband. so that's probably where that came from. >> yeah. >> but you always look for people closest to the victim. a motive generally for this kind of murder is something -- is passion. there's no other reason to do it. so you look at the ex-husband. you look at the boyfriend. you look at people who might be angry at her or a little bit nuts around her, and you go from
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there. >> ray giudice, i don't think it's limited to people that are a little bit nuts, as horowitz just said. perfectly normal people suddenly nut up and commit a heinous crime. >> daniel has described what i would consider to be the inner ring. then you move ought outer ring or the next ring. co-employees. what happened at yale. people she may have had an argument with at the bank over something trivial. >> you know what's interesting, what struck me, is the assailant stabs her, then calmly gets back in his car and runs over her, gets into his suv. dr. marty makary, describe your assessment of what her injuries most likely are. >> well, you know, i've got to be honest, nancy, i've been shocked in my ten years of trauma surgery of major complex injuries like this being survivable. and i've been humbled that sometimes they're fatal when they're minor. she has multiple stab injuries. she has a crush injury. they're classic. they produce something called myoglobin that hurlts your kidneys. they're often in the icu for a
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long time. she'll be there at least four weeks. she'll have multiple bedside procedures. and if she comes through, it she'll likely remember everything right up to when she passed out. >> yes, we were told, doctor, that she was actually whispering something to the paramedics. everyone, switching gears, joining me right now is a very, very special guest. take a listen. >> what's with your penchant for jumping still? >> well, two reasons. one, it still feels good. you still get a charge out f of it. it's not easy to do at 85, but i still -- >> i don't think it's easy to do at any age. >> so tell me what each of you remembers about that day, how this rescue came about, and your thoughts at the time. certainly, you couldn't have believed it right at the beginning. >> no. it was -- we didn't know what was happening. >> "morning sunshine."
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top anchor on a top show. "headline news's" morning show with robin meade. she's with us, and i've got her book in my hand. robin, your book deals with so many obstacles that you have faced. >> yeah. >> what is your message? because all of us looking at you find it very difficult to believe you've ever had an obstacle. >> nancy, thank you so much for having me back on your show. i appreciate it. you know, so this book really deals with my struggles through self-confidence and self-esteem. for me it manifested itself on the air, no less, about ten years ago when i was anchoring in chicago in the form of panic attacks. so i wrote this book for other people. maybe you don't have panic attacks, but maybe you have a self-esteem or self-confidence issue. and really, who among us doesn't? so this really walks us through it. >> robin, what advice do you give other people? >> in terms of their self-confidence?
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you know, i think that if we all really look at ourselves in an honest way, if you did an honest self-assessment and not really believe the stories, the little lies you've allowed yourself to tell yourself and believe, you have every single reason to feel confident about yourself. i wanted to show you. this is when i did a sky jump here, skydive with president bush 41 and the golden knights. i think that's a really good example of how i came full circle in my dealings with anxiety. about ten years ago there's no way i would have jumped out of a plane and not had anxiety issues. but because i've been able to bring it full circle and say you know, i have every reason to be self-confident, just like you do at home, i was able to do this without any anxiety, believe it or not. >> everybody, i'm talking to robin meade. we are taking your calls. you see robin every morning right here on "headline news." robin, when you are giving other people advice, do we have to go so far as to jump out of a plane to overcome our obstacles?
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you know, because i'm not jumping out of a plane. i have no interest in that, drugs, gambling. i mean, i have absolutely no interest in that. can't -- does the whole camel have to be in the tent? if the nose is in, does the tail have to follow? can't i just poke my nose in? what's my alternative? from nascar racing, which you also did, we're showing that right now, and jumping out of a plane. okay? because i didn't get that from your book. >> exactly. no, we don't have to do crazy stunts to really demonstrate that we have self-confidence in ourselves. for example, there's little confidence boosters in my book. it can be something as simple as when you're struggling with your self-esteem try to think in terms of respect. respect is higher on the ladder of confidence than just being liked. i was infatuated with whether nancy grace likes me or the audience likes me or the person i met at the store liked me. so therefore, i was putting other people's opinion of myself above my own opinion of myself.
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but if you give yourself respect, you're giving other people respect, you're kind of throwing out the infatuation with being admired. no, you don't have to jump out of a plane. i admire you just the way you are, nancy. >> everybody, we're calls live. let's go to patricia in texas. hi, patricia. >> caller: how are you, nancy? >> i'm good, dear. what is your question? >> caller: i am 36. i have panic attacks. they put me on clonofin and afexor. i was in the hospital for many years thinking i was dying. how did you overcome that without being on this medication? i hat relying on medication. >> i had to flip myself around and say, what are the benefits of the panic attacks instead of fearing them so much. soon as i stopped fearing them, they stopped coming. i wish you a lot of luck in your struggle with it.
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[ engine powers down ] gentlemen, you booked your hotels on orbitz. well, the price went down, so you're all getting a check thanks. for the difference. except for you -- you didn't book with orbitz, so you're not getting a check. well, i think we've all learned a valuable lesson today. good day, gentlemen. thanks a lot. thank you. introducing hotel price assurance, where if another orbitz customer books the same hotel for less, we send you a check for the difference, automatically.
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i remembered, president bush, that barbara said no more after you were 80. >> well barbara has different ways of phrasing her enthusiasm. one of hers is, "one way or another, this is your last jump." i said, come on, darling, one way or another? the last one was i'm glad you did this at the church here. we won't have far to move you. >> you are seeing our robin meade. of course we all wake up with her every morning. my children watch you every morning, robin meade. trina in minnesota. what is your question for robin? >> caller: i have a quick question.
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i used to be a lot thinner and prettier and i hit my 40s. my question is, i go out and see all these happy looking, pretty people just having this great life. i kind of hit that mid-life blah. how do you convince yourself that you're still a viable, pretty good-looking person compared to, according to my husband and everything, how do you convince yourself that you are really not as bad as you feel on the inside? >> well, hopefully your confidence isn't based on your outside appearance because you are so much more than that. i always tell people your outside is going to change. if you feel like your looks are going to go at one point. the muscles are going to sag for the guys. what is really you stays constant. >> that's easy for you to say,
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meade. you're beautiful. what about the rest of us? yeah, you toss that off. bottom line, it all boils down to how you approach your problems. >> that is exactly right. just like yourself. in your life and your story, there have been plenty of challenges where you could have said being, i'm done with it. you are a fighter. you've come back and we are a benefit of it. therefore, folks at home, it's not going to be easy, but if you can look at it and say, i'm going to overcome this. >> robin meade's book "good morning sunshine." let's all stop and remember lieutenant corporal christopher fowles. american hero. thanks to our guests, but especially to you. i'll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp eastern. good night, friend.
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coming up next on "issue," superstar john travolta is in the bahamas tonight. will he become the star witness in the trial of two people accused of trying to extort him for $25 million in the wake of the tragic death of his son jett in the bahamas? one of the accused is a former senator in the bahamas. this is a shocking story. we're going to analyze it top to bottom with people who are absolutely knowledgeable about every nuance of this complex case. we are also going to talk about the strange and tragic case of plaxico burress, a super bowl hero who tonight is behind bars because he accidentally shot himself in the leg at a manhattan night club.
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tonight, was somebody trying to cash in on the travolta family tragedy in dark days following jett travolta's heartbreaking death. two people are accused trying to extort $25 million from his dad. hollywood megastar john travolta. one of the accused is actually a senator in the bahamas. now the trial has begun and travolta has returned to an enchanted island that turned hellish. will he become the star witness? and cold-blooded murder. a father is accused of slitting the throats of his wife and five young children. then fleeing the country. cops arrested this guy in haiti. he says he had plans to surrender and was just going to say good-bye to his family. cops aren't buying that story.
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now they're trying to bring him back to america to face justice in a case police are calling the most gruesome they've ever seen. also plaxico burress is head to the slammer. the nfl wide receiver accidentally shot himself in the leg at a new york nightclub. now he's going to prison for two years. tonight's big issue, in this country, athletes get less time for killing people. so why did this superstar get the book thrown at him? and is it fair? plus, shocking new claims that anna nicole smith was prescribed a pharmaceutical suicide, according to court documents. her psychiatrist supplied smith with two sedatives, 300 tablets of methadone and four bottles of painkillers and that's just the beginning. this woman is also accused of having improper sexual contact with anna nicole and apparently there's pictures of these two naked and touching each other in the bathtub. "issues" starts now! tonight, an outrageous and
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despicable act. was a grieving john travolta the victim of attempted blackmail? that question being put to the test before a jury in the bahamas. that's where two alleged extortionists are on trial accused of trying to squeeze $25 million bucks from the superstar. john's 16-year-old son jett who suffered from medical problems died tragically last january at a resort in the bahamas after suffering a seizure. now the ambulance driver, tarino lightborne and former bahamian senator pleasant bridgewater are in hot water. prosecutors say they threatened to release to the public a refusal to transport document. now, this is a form typically signed when an ambulance has refused. but guess what, the travoltas reportedly did put jett in the ambulance and they even rode with him. something doesn't add up here, people. meantime, reports are john travolta is on the ground in the bahamas set to testify as the
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star witness. here is what one of the defense attorneys said about that to abc news. >> he has to be -- he has to come to give evidence. >> why does he have to be? >> without him then the prosecution cannot get off of the ground because he's a complainant. >> tmz reporting tonight both defendants have pleaded, "100% not guilty." wait a second, wait, isn't that the line o.j. simpson made famous? and tonight's big issue, is it open season on celebrities at their most vulnerable? i want to hear from you. first straight out to my fantastic panel, stacey honowitz, supervisor of the sex crimes unit in florida's prosecution office. darren kavinoky, criminal defense attorney, aka the voice of reason. bryan russell, attorney and forensic psychologist. 2-for-1 offer there. donald clark, former fbi special agent in charge. and the one and only harvey levin, executive producer of tmz, my former boss and dear
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friend, harvey, you're a busy man. thank you for joining us tonight. this is such a bizarre case. what exactly are these defendants accused of doing? >> well, it is bizarre, jane. because the basis of the alleged extortion is almost irrelevant in the case. what happened was this. john travolta's son was laying dying basically in the bathroom of this vacation home. when they found him, one of the defendants, the paramedic showed up, lightbourne and then john travolta and lightbourne are in the ambulance. and travolta's thinking i can make it to the airport and get to miami faster and get better medical care than if i go to the hospital in bahamas. lightborne wanted him to sign this document that basically said if you don't go to the hospital, all of the medical professionals are relieved of liability. that's what they need to get signed. ultimately, travolta decided to take jett to the hospital. so the document became really irrelevant.
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but the allegation is that lightbourne and pleasant bridgewater the former senator conspired together to say to john travolta, look, if you don't give us $25 million, we're going public with this document. it is bizarre on -- and that is why they are on trial. >> yeah, because why would anybody pay 25 cents, much less $25 million, for this document which doesn't seem that incriminating? however, after jett's death of a bahamian friend of the travoltas spoke out about john's love for his son jett. >> john travolta knew his son was a special child and he nurtured their relationship. he gave him love, demonstrated publicly at all times. >> so, harvey, clearly john and kelly travolta were always devoted to their son. that's certainly not a dispute. but back in january, "people" magazine covered what they called, "longstanding questions surrounding jett's health." the issue was whether the child suffered from this rare kawasaki
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disease. as the travoltas believed or as autism, as others suggested. there was a question as to whether jett may have been left unsupervised when he had the deadly seizure. saying two nannies within the entire evening and he was spectacularly supervised, but my question to you, harvey, do prosecutors believe those controversies had something to do with this alleged blackmail scheme, perhaps giving someone an idea that there were something there to capitalize on? >> well, they would -- if they really had that idea they would have gone for that rather than an irrelevant document. look, john travolta is going to testify about two things. one, his interaction with on -- help me out, jane, the paramedic. >> tarino lightbourne. >> lightbourne, right. his interaction with lightbourne during the ambulance ride and while they were at the house. that's one thing he's going to testify to. the second thing is the
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heartstrings of the case, which is his reaction to the extortion. he never spoke directly with anybody who made the alleged extortion demand but his reaction is going to become relevant in the case. we know that's what the prosecutors are going on ask him about. and that reaction is going to have an emotional impact on this jury. they're not going to get into the kind of treatment, the kind of disease, that's all irrelevant. what's going to be relevant is how john travolta reacted to all of this and that could be a huge turning point in this trial. >> and final question, when is he expected to take the stand? >> well, we're told it could be tomorrow. it could be tomorrow or the next day. my hunch is tomorrow is the day because he flew there and i don't think he wants to hang out there necessarily. by the way, kelly preston is not going to testify. but my hunch is it's going to happen tomorrow. >> all right, well, harvey, thanks so much for bringing us up to date. you're always on top of these cases.
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this one's no exception. and great job. >> thanks, jane. >> now -- talk to you soon. tonight's big issue. is it open season on celebrities? and is it being waged by, let's face it, harvey's got to go because he's a busy guy. he's running that tmz show, so when you see him taking off his mike that's because he's got a lot of other jobs to do. is this war on celebrities being waged by nut jobs looking to make a buck off of celebrities in times when they're most vulnerable? if the allegations against the two defendants in the travolta case are true, it's horrific, but it wouldn't be the first time. remember sarah jessica parker and her husband matthew broderick were alleged victims of bottom feeders? the home of their baby surrogate was burglarized? the accused criminals were a pair of police chiefs who allegedly tried to sell some of the woman's items, the surrogate's clothes -- it's just crazy. both of them denied the charges. and then of course our favorite example, the poor jackson kids in the wake of their dad's death. there's a steady stream of
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weirdos, wacko, wanna-bes trying to claim biological parenthood. so my question, brian russell, you are the psychologist. have these celebrities now become magnets for the lowest common denominator of society? people who can profit? >> absolutely, i think so. and i think, jane, if we pulled our viewers and we asked them to rank the seriousness of certain crimes, blackmail or extortion may not rank that highly on the list, but psychologically it should and here's why. these things are always premeditated. there's no spur-of-the moment, heat of passion, anything like that. they're always nothing but a cold-hearted attempt to profit off of somebody else's pain or embarrassment. there's no insanity, these perpetrators always know exactly what they're doing and so the person who would do that is actually a more dangerous person than you might otherwise think, which means that they -- we ought to come down hard or them as a society than we usually do.
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>> yes, stacey, stacey, stacey honowitz. >> i think the most disgusting part of this case is that john travolta allegedly had a relationship with one of the defendants. so it's not only somebody that's trying to extort a celebrity out of a lot of money at the most vulnerable time, horrible, grieving time in his life, but this was a supposed friend of his that was doing it. so that just adds insult to injury and makes it even more despicable of a crime. >> i don't know why any of us should be surprised about this. the fact of the matter is that there is no shortage of people demonstrating poor judgment in all of their affairs and that's what keeps some of us that are in the business of, say, criminal defense or mental health fully employed. so i think we're going to see this and continue to see it, and of course in the case of celebrities, it's just a much more public opportunity for these kinds of bottom-feeding individuals and of course i am for one, am completely shocked, that there would be a bahamian
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political official involved in something like this. perhaps they'll have rod blagojevich as a character witness. >> a bahamian official involved in the anna nicole smith scandal, remember that? in bed? >> that was sarcasm, by the way. that was supposed to be sarcasm, for the record. >> we should have a sign that says "being sarcastic now." don clark? >> i am going to say i was not surprised by that. and usually in many of these cases that i've been personally involved in that it's someone is close to the victim in this that finds some way to try to extort them, either by using somebody else or another system or something. >> you are so right. >> they really try to go after. >> you are so right. i had my identity stolen. it was somebody i went to high school with. how do you like that? more on the john travolta extortion case in a moment and also taking your calls on this, 1-877-jvm-says. that's 1-877-586-7297. also a husband accused of
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brutally murdering his wife and five kids, slashing all their throats. this guy had a history of domestic violence. amazingly the victim's family, not shocked that this happened. not shocked. could these killings had been prevented? but first did two people try on cash in on jett travolta's death. here is a family friend who actually had the horrific task of escorting john travolta back to the morgue in january. >> his words were, that is my son. and then he asked for some moments, he and his wife, to spend with jett. and they stayed more for several hours. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. dude's good. dude's real good. dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service.
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>> i probably cried harder and heavier than i have ever cried in my life. i didn't know what i was going to do because i never felt that level of love for another human being. and there it was, my baby, my son, 2 1/2 and it can't be. i can handle death. i can handle people dying but my baby, the thought of that was just, forget it. >> that was john travolta talking to abc news back in 2001 when his son jett died this past january, the network played clips of that interview during
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"good morning america," totally heartbreaking. aside from a family appearance at the open of the movie "old dogs" in which john starred alongside his daughter ella blue, the travoltas have kept a very low profile. we'll talk about that they moment but first phone lines lighting up on this one. diane, mississippi. your question or thought, ma'am? >> caller: jane -- >> yes. >> caller: -- thank you for taking my call. and i just want to say, i had a 19-year-old son that passed away and this just absolutely maked me lifeied that anyone would stoop to this to hurt john and his wife and family any longer. i would like to say thank you and your staff for the work you're doing for women and children that are abused. and god bless you. >> thank you so much, diane. and my condolences over your loss. that's something that nobody ever gets out of. >> caller: you never get over it. >> you never get over it? >> caller: no, you don't. like i said, my son's 40th
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birthday was yesterday. some days it's just like it was yesterday. other days it was like a hundred years. and for these people to do john and his family like this, they should be hung. >> and i have to say, don clark, what adds insult to injury, this whole area was a place they considered their retreat. they would go there, the travoltas, year after year. they had about, what, 50 people there with them when this tragedy occurred. they were having a huge party there. they had made friends there. they considered this their home away from home and then when something like this happens it's even more devastating. so i would like to debate the issue, should john travolta have move forward with this criminal case? or is it reopening an old wound? what do you think, don? >> really well i really think that you cannot let criminals get away with these blatant type of crimes and if you let get away with, it will never go away. they'll come back at you some other way jane. so it's a tough time for them.
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i really feel badly for them but i think if they've got the evidence, if they've got the taped conversations, they can be authenticated i think they ought to move forward with it, and maybe this will send a signal to the next person that may be i shouldn't. >> absolutely, you're not going to get behavior to stop if you make it easier to do. >> yeah, it's important to note. and this actually cuts both ways where i've seen it with victims who participated in a trial, and for them, it can be a very therapeutic thing to be there in a public place, in an open court and point the accusatory finger at somebody that did them wrong or they believe did them wrong. and on the other side of it, it does happen that defendants are falsely accused of crimes. >> let me jump in here, though. here's the thing, john travolta is a superstar. he's going to attract controversy. we have to recap and review all of the controversy surrounding what was his son really suffering from to put this story in context. isn't he opening up a pandora's box, stacey honowitz, by pursuing this criminal investigation?
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because if he dropped out, would they really have the goods to do it? >> listen i think it's very personal and i think that nobody, none of us can judge as to what his actions are, how he's feeling at the moment. if he didn't think he was up to it, if he didn't think he could go and reopen everything, he knows he's a public figure, he knows it's been all over the news. i don't think if he thought he couldn't handle it, he would have never gone through with it. so while it is opening old wounds and it might be very difficult, as darren said, it might be therapeutic for him, and maybe he knows that if i step forward and i set an example and i show people that they can't get away with it, then it won't happen to somebody else. >> yes, stacey's exactly right. stacey's exactly right. for some people it is therapeutic and this guy's been in the public eye for a long time. i would say he can handle it and i admire him because i think he probably looks at himself, i am in a position to make something happen in a case like this, and hopefully it will
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reverberate out and deter other people. >> and for the rest of his life he is going to than when push came to shove and although difficult, he stood up. he did the right thing and he won't have to carry around that emotional baggage if only i would have done something differently especially if the case would be dismissed or these folks or others vindicated. >> don clark, why would these people allegedly concoct this ridiculous scheme that doesn't make sense? >> yeah, a lot of them don't, but it's all about greed. it's all about greed. they say, they think that john has whatever amount of money and wealth that he may have and that they can get some without working for it. that's what it is all about. that's what all extortionists are all about. they are about, i can make better use of this. i can figure out a way to take your money without doing anything and i can get away with it and that's point we don't want to happen here. i hope john feels that way, that they can get away with it because they have to get the evidence lined up right and i really hope the bahamians do it right. if they're going to prosecute this case. and convict these people.
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>> so far, so good. thank you, fantastic panel. we got to leave it right there. up next, an nfl superstar heading to prison. it seems like most athletes walk. why is he getting so harshly punished? announcer: "it looks like nothing else on the road right now," proclaims "gq" magazine. did you see that? the interior "positively oozes class," raves "car magazine." "slick and sensuous," boasts "the washington times." "the most striking vw in recent memory," declares-- okay, i get it already.
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that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. breaking news tonight in the horrific deaths of a mother and her five children. her husband has confessed to slitting all of their throats inside their florida home. that's the latest from haiti. where mesac damas fled after the murders. he told "evil thing made him butcher his wife and kids one by one." six in all. five kids and a mother. police charged him with six counts of premeditated murder. they're trying to get him extradited back to the united states. the victim's relatives are in agony but get this they don't sound very surprised to hear what damas is accused of. listen to the victim's niece and
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brother. >> he always said he was going to kill her. always abused her and her kids. >> she was all by her family, all about her kids, waiting for her kids. that was her main priority. i know he did this. i don't think i know. >> they do not sound surprised. did anyone enter damas family and try to intervene? here she is in january after her husband attacked her. look at that. there are bruises. he was arrested. didn't serve anytime at all but days before it family was slaughtered child welfare workers checked up on them. found nothing wrong. could more had been done to protect this family from this monster? back with attorney and forensic psychologist brian russel. what's so shocking to me, brian, is the family's reaction. they are not shocked. what does that tell you? >> well, i think that it's pretty clear that there was a history of some kind of domestic disturbances in this family, and it just underscores what you and
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i are always saying when we cover these things, which is you've got get yourself and especially your kids away from people at the very first signs of violence. because it typically continues and it typically escalates. >> it's just -- i mean, my mind is not able to get around the concept that all these children we're looking at there are dead and their sloets were slit one by one. imagine what one was thinking watching the others get killed knowing that they were probably next. it's just beyond comprehension. >> it's horrific and i think most of our viewers watching this cover the story tonight are thinking, gosh, you know, i almost wish there were some kind of insanity. some kind of a disorder. something that somebody would have to be laboring under to do something like this, but the flight after the fact to haiti suggests clear consciousness of guilt. >> all right i want to jump and get on this. ironically, this family was on law enforcement's radar. are there domestic violence
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reports dating back to 2000. the most recent was filed in january after he assaulted his wife. here you can see she's got a swollen eye and bruises on her neck. listen to what cops say about that attack. >> in january of this year, he was arrested for a simple battery -- or misdemeanor battery against the female that we found deceased in the apartment. he pled no contest to it in june. >> i do not believe so other than the initial arrest. >> brian, final thoughts, what can we learn from this? >> well, i think what we may be seeing in this case is -- because you pointed out the other night which was an excellent point that a lot of these kids were born apparently after there had been some violent incidents. >> yes. >> and what that says is a lot of times these women are thinking, not so much about the best interest of their kid but in their own twisted way their needs for the chaotic relationship and this is what come of that. we've got to leave it there, brian. up next, plaxico burress behind
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plaxico burress headed to the slammer. the nfl wide receiver accidentally shot himself in the leg at a new york night club. now he's going to prison for two years. tonight's big issue, in this country athletes get less time for killing people. so why did this superstar get the book thrown at him? is it fair? plus, shocking new claims that anna nicole smith was prescribed a pharmaceutical suicide, according to court documents, her psychiatrist supplied smith with two sedatives, 300 tablets of methadone and four bottles of painkillers, and that was just the beginning. millions of dollars, celebrities status, and a high-priced attorney -- not enough to keep plaxico burress out of prison.
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the new york giant star is behind bars tonight, as we speak, as he begins to serve two years in prison. burress accidentally shot himself in the leg inside a new york nightclub last year. he pleaded guilty to a weapons charge last month. you know we're so used to hearing about rich pro athletes getting off easy for crimes that are a whole lot more serious than this one. we're going to get some of those classic cases in just a moment. here's tonight's "big issue," people, did burress get a fair sentence, or did the judge and the d.a. make an example out of this guy? i mean, after all, he shot himself by accident. i'm all for rules for long law and for touch punishment, but this seems like overkill to me. back to my fantastic panel. don clark, i don't get it. apparently there were negotiations between burress and the manhattan d.a.'s office. the d.a. insisted on jail time. burress took the risk of
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testifying before the grand jury and an indictment came back and all of a sudden, wow, we've got him going away to the slammer for two long years as his wife is about to give birth to their second child. >> yeah, jane, you know what, i'm going to think that there's more to it here than you -- than what we see. i'm not very sympathetic here. because i bet you that there was a presentence investigation done. and we might find that during the course of that presentence investigation that there's been a lot of bad boy activity there. also, we all know, i've lived and worked in new york, and we all than new york has a very, very stiff gun law and if you don't abide by the rules there and you get caught and a lot don't but when you get caught you are usually going to pay for it. so based on that presentencing summary and investigation, that's probably why the judge went this hard on him. >> look, i want to debate this issue because i really don't buy it. let's face it, burress' sentence
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can seem harsh if you compare it to the ridiculously light punishments some other star athletes have gotten. we look no further than daunte stallworth of the cleveland browns, pleaded guilty in june to dui manslaughter. he got drunk. he killed a man and served just one month in prison. to me that's outrageous. here's stallworth at his sentencing hearing. >> i accept full responsibility for this horrible tragedy. i assure you that this tragedy will continue to bear this burden for the rest of my life. >> and then there's leonard little in 1998 he drove drunk, ran a red light and killed another driver. he served 90 days in jail. that's it. finito, and little is still playing in the nfl. so stacey honowitz, where is the justice in all of this? burress' punishment, it seems like it could be a makeup call, as they say in sports, for these other lenient sentences. >> listen, jane, i think the most important thing that you
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and the viewers have to understand is this, when judges and d.a.'s get cases, we don't pick up the newspaper and look to see what donte' stallworth got or what an athlete got three years ago to draw comparison. we look at the case and the facts that are in front of us. and i agree with john. it hasn't been let out. we do not know but i bet there was a presentence investigation. there might had been some prior contacts with the law and this is a weapons charge where he took a loaded gun into a nightclub. he accidentally shot himself but that gun could have gone off and killed anybody in that club, so while we're sitting here today saying that the gun laws are too stiff or his sentence is too stiff we could be sitting here next week saying why did the guy in oklahoma only get three days? every case is judged on its own merits and no d.a. in any state is sitting there and looking and comparing anybody else. >> right. >> and, jane -- >> wait. >> all right, hold on. >> jump in here, jane. i know the fashion police in new
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york are very, very tough. but two years in jail just for wearing sweatpants to a club, it seems unseemly. >> yeah, i mean, basically it was an accident. he had the gun in his sweatpants. the gun fell and it accidentally discharged. he didn't shoot off the gun. >> i know. i was going for humor on that one. >> into a nightclub that gun could have dropped, spun and hit somebody and killed somebody else. >> we're lucky that he accidentally shot himself. look at all of the facts. >> if you're afraid you're going out into a location if you have to take a gun, number one don't go and the type of money that this guy is making get yourself a bodyguard. why are you doing this? think. there is some history there. i can tell you that. >> brian russell, this is not a criminal. this is a person, as his attorney said, violated the law and essentially we're not sentencing him for a criminal act in the sense that he was trying to commit a crime of
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violence against another person. there's got to be a distinction there, brian. >> well, psychologically, just point out, we seem to see a lot of celebrity business, athletes, entertainers, disproportionately number of them in really stupid trouble like this. and part of the explanation for that is these people's talents are identified early on in their lives, and that the point people start develop nothing but talent. not their mind, not their intelligence, nothing. so what you end up with are really stupid people with a lot of money and that is just almost a prescription for this kind of trouble. >> but there's a real political aspect to this case as well. and that's michael bloomberg and his campaign, which was very heavily weighted on this antigun thing. so it was really a bad case of timing and it was a bad location for this to take place. if this same incident took place in other jurisdictions, i suspect that you'd find a much less harsh sentence. >> well, that's all i'm saying.
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nothing happens in a vacuum. politics always plays a role and i applaud mayor bloomberg. i'm living near new york city. just a couple of block away from cnn headquarters, a woman was murdered. it's scary, okay? around the world it's scary but it's also scary in the city. i applaud these efforts to keep us safe. i want to stay safe. but my heart did go out to this man who made a horrible error of judgment but now he has to take his 2-year-old little boy and say, son, i will not see you for two long years and his wife has to give birth to a child without him there. >> jane -- >> jane, where do you draw the line? you could say that about so many people. i understand everything you're saying but you could say that about a million people. i stand in court every day and i watch people and say good-bye and wave good-bye to the little kids because they made a stupid mistake that happened to have been criminal so in this case, if you were standing in that club and god forbid a million times you got shot because he was stupid and brought a loaded weapon in, you wouldn't be saying he got such a light
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sentence. >> but see, stacey, no one did. he was stupid and shot himself. it was bad judgment but nobody else got shot. obviously, we don't want to encourage people bringing guns to clubs. he only hurt himself and adding insult to injury unnecessarily. >> it's unfair but the way to fix the unfairness is to sentence those guys, as jane said, more harshly. not to sentence burress less. >> that's right. i agree. >> and i think that gun control is very important and i know it's not a popular position to take but i'm in favor of it because i've seen so many crimes where you take alcohol, you take rage, and you add guns and you've got death and often the people who die had nothing to do with that situation. they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. so you changed my mind, all right? >> okay. >> you changed my mind. send him away to the slammer but i still feel sorry for him. i still think we have to have compassion. >> feel sorry for his family, jane. >> yeah. i feel sorry for his family. i really do. thank you, fantastic panel, for your insights. we have an exciting edition to
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our primetime lineup coming your way next week. >> the joy bahar show" will air every night at 9:00 p.m. eastern time right here on hln. a quick taste of what you will get. it's her "moment of joy" commentary. >> you know, unless you're a professional kick boxer or a traveling salesman with a fetish, there is no real reason for an adult to ever engage in spanking. a new study says there are actually parents who are spanking a 1-year-old child. now what could a 1-year-old possibly do to deserve being spanked? come home drunk after a date? lose the family fortune playing the ponies? start a war under false pretenses? in my opinion, there's nothing a child can do that warrants parent's spanking them. young children pee, poop, cry and throw food. okay. so does my uncle louie at the
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olive garden, and that's another story because he drinks, but that's what children do. that's their job and it's the parent's job to raise them, teach them right from wrong and communicate a manner that does not involve bruising physically or psychologically. the philosopher rene dacar, all right, i dated him. he didn't say i spank, therefore i am. he said, i think, therefore i am. so when your children start carrying on and screaming and yelling and driving you crazy, don't lift your hand to them. lift your mind. think it through. spanking your children won't make them love or respect you. it will make them fear and resent you. do you want to be a parent or a network executive? i believe that spanking is abuse. hopefully that's not just me. >> well done. "the joy behar show" starts tuesday september 29th at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on hln, but you can check it out right now on up next here on "issues", are cops look for more suspects in yale murder case? an update on the annie le investigation. and new shockers in the anna nicole smith case. claims of pharmaceutical suicide and sexual contact between anna nicole and her female
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did anna nicole smith's doctor attempt to prescribe her a deadly dosage of prescription drugs just days after her own son's death? what about claims the late model had improper sexual contact with her doctors? all of that in justice a moment. but first, "top of the block" tonight. jonathan widawsky the heartbroken fiance of the murdered yale grad student was
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seen leaving his long island home yesterday wearing what would have been his wedding ring. annie le was set to wed the very day that her decomposing body was found stuffed behind a wall. as her loved ones plan her funeral, cops announced no other arrests are expected in this case. they believe lab techie raymond clark acted alone, when he allegedly strangled the 24-year-old. and police are now disputing claims that clark, "broke the bones and mangled the body of a strangled yale graduate student to fit it through a wall." le's memorial and burial are set for saturday near her family's home in california. what a terrible tragedy. that is tonight's "top of the block." brand-new court documents just unsealed. whoa! inside, i mean shocking new details about anna nicole smith's death. investigators called the star a drug seeker, yeah, we knew that, and say multiple pharmacists warned anna nicole's doctors, if
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you give her all these drugs, she will die. after anna's son died, her psychiatrist, christina eroshevich allegedly wrote prescriptions for a boatload of drugs. one nicknamed hospital heroin. a pharmacist saw this list and said, no way. he refused to fill the scrips calling it pharmaceutical suicide. he says he thought to himself, they are going to kill her. anna's shrink also allegedly got her hands on chlorohydrate to help anna sleep. another pharmacist warned, i wouldn't give her that unless you want your picture on the front page of "the national enquirer." the infamous blond battled drugs long before her son's death. this disturbing video shows a pregnant anna completely out of it. >> i bet this is worth money. >> why?
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>> why? what footage. >> did everybody surrounding this addict enable her to die? scandalous new claims inside these new documents that anna nicole had, are you sitting down, sexual contact with her doctors. we reached out to the doctors involved, sandeep kapoor's lawyer told hln, no way, jose. he's openly gay. hey, that rhymes. straight out to my expert panel and mike walters from tmz. mike, what is the very latest coming out of these shocking documents that were just released? >> well, there's so much of these documents. i just got finished reading it cover to cover for the second time to see what i could find out. but i will start with the fact of all the medications. in there these two doctors, they're describing the overmedication of anna nicole smith. the pregnancy was key. doctor sandeep kapoor according to documents overprescribing in some cases ten times over the limit that a normal person would get. >> during her pregnancy?
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>> this is during the year, the nine months that she was pregnant that the prescriptions were coming in and going out. so -- and then you go to eroshevich. this is days after her son died. and remember, she was in a hospital. she was in a hospital in and out because of her baby. so she's in a hospital. but this facts goes into these pharmacies that you were talking about saying we will never give her this medication. it was a handwritten fact and this list was like this huge cocktail and guess what the killer in these documents which is going to come out is the two drugs. chlorohydrate and klonopin. the big ones were like, i would never give this unless you want to be on the cover of "the national enquirer." those two were the keys in this drug cocktail that killed anna nicole smith when it came out. and also i got to go under the sexual thing really quick because that was explosive. they described the photos. this isn't sexual as in a bathtub and nude.
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there is multiple photos they have. this is didn't happen. >> of who? >> of eroshevich, her psychiatrist/the person who sent the fax to get the dope and anna nicole in sexual positions. this isn't, like, you know, topless sunbathing. this is really graphic stuff. and sandeep kapoor the other doctor in the nightclub nuzzling her neck, kissing her neck on video and in the photos. so this is highly inappropriate and i can't believe that the doctors have that relationship with her. and it's still -- i can't even describe. i could go on forever of all of the stuff that's there about how many other people these doctors also did this to is why i think they're on the chopping block right now. >> absolutely. i want to state that we did contact, reach out to dr. eroshevich's attorneys as well as dr. kapoor's attorney. and dr. kapoor's attorney said, dr. kapoor did not have a sexual relationship with anna nicole. he is openly gay and he did not have a social relationship with her either.
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although there is this photo of him cafferty cavorting with her. i mean was anna nicole having a sexual relationship with the other doctor? we've already covered the we've explained that. but then we have a pic of a shirtless dr. kapoor. take a look at this photo. i want you to take a close look at it, and when we come back we're going to analyze it. is this how a doctor is supposed to behave? i wonder. it seems that when it came to anna nicole she would get professionals, whether it was a foreign minister of a country or a doctor or a real estate magnate, they all seemed to respond to her sexually. and i'm not saying this doctor here did, because he's openly gay. but something's going on. something's fishy in denmark somewhere with anna nicole. all right. addiction is at the very heart of anna nicole's tragedy, and so many stories, including my own. as you know, it's national recovery month. i want to urge you to pick up my
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you okay? i'm worried about mom. you see how she's been. she keeps repeating and forgetting things. i mean, sometimes she gets irritated easily. she's fine. dad, she's having trouble doing everyday things. dad doesn't seem to think anything's wrong. something's not right. i've never seen her like this before. i spoke to her doctor. she seems to think mom's just getting older. i wasn't sure what to say. i know she's getting worse and i want to do something about it. announcer: go to if you're seeing changes in a loved one that you think could be alzheimer's disease. you'll get screening tools to talk to your doctor about memory, behavior, or everyday problems you're seeing and help you move closer to a diagnosis.
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you'll also learn about an alzheimer's prescription treatment option. be the one who makes the most of your time together, go to hi. if you can please respond to the hard rock. she's not breathing and she's not responsive. she's actually anna nicole smith. >> outrageous new developments in the case against the doctors who allegedly helped anna nicole smith get the drugs. did those drugs ultimately kill her? and the phone lines lighting up. melody, ohio, your question or thought, ma'am? >> caller: yes, jane, i myself am no stranger to addiction. and i do believe that she did have the drug-seeking behavior. but for a psychiatrist to give out these medicines, i just -- i don't understand it. but my question is have they ever said that anna had any underlying diseases or any underlying pain that would have
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required her to have these type of medicines? thank you. >> well, i think, brian russell, the reason she was given these, or the prescriptions were written for these meds was that her son had died five days earlier. >> some of them. let me give you the micro and the macro on this. the micro is this is an example of hollywood health care in which doctors are willing to give a celebrity just about anything to be in their company, maybe sexual company, maybe just their company. but at the macro level it's like you said at the top of the show today. we've become a quick-fix culture in which happiness is to be pursued by the fastest road or what looks like the fastest road as opposed to the most lasting or meaningful road. people don't want to do anything hard. they don't want to overcome any obstacles. but parts of life like losing a loved one are hard and there's growth to be obtained by overcoming obstacles. i'm with you. i wish that people would start looking for their happiness not at the bottom of pill bottles or alcohol bottles but by actually working through these difficult issues and overcoming these obstacles and psychotherapy is a great way to do that.
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>> there's one thing more here. there's one other feature. and that is anna was very publicly a train wreck and there were hordes of people that profited by her remaining in that condition. there were plenty of people surrounding her who not only weren't providing her with the incentive to get well but it was the incentive to stay sick because everybody made money by her being that way. >> that was her thing. i mean, that was what she prided herself on, unfortunately. she didn't pride herself -- maybe she did but others didn't take pride in her being an actress or a model. the fact of the matter is people watched her show and watched her because they wanted to see what she would do to screw things up. >> it was a train wreck. >> that was her thing. >> it was a train wreck. anna nicole had prescriptions for 44 medications when she died. her longtime companion/attorney howard k. stern testified it was her son's death that killed her. let's listen to him.
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>> from the day that daniel died, anna honestly was never the same. i mean, i would say that physically she died last week, but in a lot of ways emotionally she died when daniel died. >> don clark, go ahead. >> yeah, first of all, i don't believe anything that howard stern says about this situation because these drugs, there's a history that goes way back with these prescription drugs and i think it's time for us to target on it. we've been following this and she didn't just start taking these when daniel died. i mean, there's information that's floating around that she was taking it all through pregnancy and they were doing these sorts of things to her. >> anybody who saw her show saw how messed up she was, or appeared to be, unless she's -- she was the great actress of all time and that was all put on. she's been on drugs for a long time before her tragic death. and it's a cautionary tale for all americans. live life on life's terms. don't medicate yourself away.
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breaking news tonight. satsu satsuma, florida. a 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed. five hours later she's gone. vanished. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the nightshift to find not a trace of little haleigh. bombshell tonight -- as we go to air, girlfriend turned new stepmother misty croslin the last person to see haleigh alive skips town. croslin packing up, clearing out of town after a bitter fight with mail haleigh's father, ronald cummings. this after croslin's brother,
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thrown behind bars on a gun charge, leading to a break in the case. in a late-night jailhouse interrogation, we learn the brother finally confesses he goes to haleigh's house the night she goes missing. pounds on the door repeatedly. over and over. nobody home. phone records confirm ronald cummings tries desperately to reach croslin that night, calling at least 20, that's right, 2-0, 20 times. no answer. where, where was girlfriend turned stepmother misty croslin during those crucial hours? when mailly goes missing? investigators now using gps to track croslin that night through her cell phone. police announce everything croslin's told them so far is, quote, a farce. with cops honing in on croslin, croslin disappears.
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investigators focusing on a heavily-wooded area and in the last 72 hours draining a local pond in connection with haleigh. as girlfriend turned step mom, misty croslin, flunks another polygraph, tonight, where is haleigh? >> breaking news. babysitter misty cummings, the last person to see haleigh alive, has left town. according to journalist art harris. >> what we need is for misty to come down here and tell us the truth. >> i'm trying to do everything to find her. you know, i'm -- answer any questions i have to because i know i didn't do anything with -- to that little girl. >> harris reports misty and ron had a bitter fight and she took off with a friend to the beach. >> my feelings are we need to find my daughter. >> do you think misty holds some information that could help do that? >> i don't think that she holds any information that's going to find haleigh. >> misty's attorney says she's out of town, taking a few days off to seek a change of scenery
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and clear her head. pressure from the investigation is mounting. >> if i had something to do with it, i knew where she was, we wouldn't be sitting here today. we would have her and i don't know where she is. >> misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that we need to go down to the sheriff's office and lay out in clear terms what i was doing from 8:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. and tonight, imagine your own early morning routine. heading out to meet your carpool to head to work. that's just what happened to a dedicated mother of two, ages just 5 and 8. but when she exits her car in a public parking lot, a white male approaches her, stabs her in the torso, and then calmly gets back into his blue-green suv and proceeds to run over her as she lies there bleeding in the parking lot. tonight, she is clinging to life. do police have a suspect?
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her hands looked very bloody. she did not appear to be moving. >> police are desperately searching for a suspect who stabbed a mother of two in a parking lot of a luxury new jersey hotel then ran her over with his car. 46-year-old laura matousek was waiting to meet a co-worker to carpool to work friday morning when witnesses say a man jumped out of a green or blue pickup truck or suv and stabbed laura in the torso then got back into his car and ran laura over. >> the hotel general manager says it was two guests who found 46-year-old laura matousek lying face down in a pool of blood. >> she suffered multiple knife wounds and broken bones. police immediately began to search for laura's ex-husband, who voluntarily spoke with police for 12 hours friday and saturday. he has since been released and is not facing any charges. >> he and matousek were divorced 2 1/2 years ago and prosecutors
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say she did have a retraining order against him that only recently expired. >> she was rushed by ambulance to a nearby hospital for multiple stab wounds and broken bones. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. as we go to air, girlfriend turned stepmother misty croslin the last person to see haleigh alive disappears. >> is there finally a split between ronald cummings and his new bride, misty? >> when i went to sleep, she was there. and then when i woke up, she was gone. >> i'm not hiding anything for anybody, and if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry. so be it. whoever it might be. >> journalist art harris is reporting sources tell him there was a bitter fight between ron and misty. so bad misty's lawyer says she's left town. this, just hours after misty's own brother tells police he doesn't think anyone was home the night haleigh vanished. >> he demonstrated to us loudly
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and for a few seconds and then he waited around, you know, to presumably see if someone was going to be roused if they were sleeping or whatever. he tells us he made a good effort to see if someone was home. misty did not answer the door. the house was dark and quiet. >> i would have woke up if i heard any noise. i didn't hear anything at all. i mean, i was really exhausted that day. you know? really exhausted when i laid down, i guess, you know, i was out. >> that front door is all of ten feet from the bedroom where misty was sleeping with haleigh and junior that night. so if someone's wailing on the door, there's no way she couldn't have heard that whatsoever. >> it applies pressure. where pressure needs to be applied and that's on misty. >> straight out to our producer on the story from the very beginning, marlaina schiavo. marlaina, what happened? why did misty croslin skip town? >> nancy, she is gone. she left town. apparently people saw misty and
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ronald having an argument over the weekend when all of this searching was going on, draining of the pond. there were a lot of tensions. so they were arguing. all of a sudden misty's nowhere to be found. she is no longer in satsuma right now and ronald is not with her. >> to art harris, investigative journalist at art, what was the bitter argument about? >> well, i can tell you that sources tell me that ronald actually threw her clothes out, threw her out, and she was going down the road when he runs after her, apologizes, and brings her back. so it's unclear what it was about, nancy, but it was not pretty. >> let's look at the timing, art harris. what was happening at the time they have the bitter feud? was that when the pond was being drained? what was happening? >> it was around that time, nancy. a lot of uncertainty. a lot of rumors about the pond. rumors that haleigh's body was found, rumors that they found a car in the pond.
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none of it true. but everyone was desperate for information, so much so that ronald's grandmother actually went to the scene to ask what was happening. and that's how she found out. >> to t.j. hart, news director at wsky, 97.3 fm. t.j., do we have any idea what the big argument was about before misty croslin skips town? >> once again, a lot of things factored into it, a lot of raw nerves, a lot o tensions at the time. and also a little bit of knowledge has leaked out about the conversation that was held between detectives and tommy croslin in the jailhouse as well. so that may have been a factor in the conversation. >> what, t.j., what else have you learned? everybody, t.j. hart with wsky is referring to misty croslin's brother who was taken into custody. he's thrown behind bars over a gun charge. >> sure. >> now, unusually, the bond for the gun charge is $50,000.
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they're keeping him behind bars. they interrogated him in the late-night hours about haleigh's disappearance. what more have you learned, t.j.? >> okay. what happened was ronald had called him because he could not get any calls through to misty that night. at least 20 times he tried to call or to text. so he calls down to the croslin house. he asks tommy to check on the house to see if misty's at home and take a check down there. he goes down there and he knocks on the door. now, major bowling with the putnam county sheriff's office said he showed him, demonstrated how hard he banged on the door and told him he stayed in the area awaiting for misty to either answer the door or in his words to even come home. now, hank croslin jr. says that after some time passed he just gave up. he assumed she wasn't home. now, originally he had just stopped short of that. he's now said she wasn't home. now, we believe that releasing some of this information according to major bowling that they have found advances 234 the investigation and particularly
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the way they think this will advance is that misty's family now knows about this information. they knew about this going into saturday, by the way. that they hope that the family may be -- or misty by her own conscience, if there's a discrepancy that she will, indeed, explain why hank banged on the door and no response was given. >> to mike brook, former fed with the fbi. everyone, we are taking your calls live. we'll be right out to the lines. but mike, wouldn't the cops pinging her cell phone put an end to all this? so far, believe it or not, it's my understanding it hasn't been done because i want to know, where was croslin during those crucial hours after ronald cummings leaves to go to work and he gets home 3:00 a.m. she's gone. where was she? >> good question. let's take a look at the map. ronald cummings' plant is right here. there are two cell phone towers right in the vicinity of his
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plant. they'd be able to pick up the pings there. and don't know exactly how many towers are between there and the trailer which is here, but it's about a 15-minute drive. now, i find it very interesting, nancy. because if you recall, the very first police report, the officer who took the report said, you know, ronald got home at about 3:00 a.m. he just was pulling up in the driveway at the same time she was coming out. and if you recall, ronald was very, very upset because he called her "my dumb "b" word girlfriend." but they should be able to tell, nancy, because if there were 20 phone calls between here and here, i mean, 20 times, nancy, there should be records of this. >> you're absolutely correct. i also want to get those pings. >> absolutely. and also, did he try to call her, there will be records of that. did he try to call her brother, tommy? there will be records of that. did tommy call him back? there should be records of all of this and exactly where these pings were between here and
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there. >> got it. let's unleash the lawyers. raymond giudice, defense attorney, atlanta. daniel horowitz, renowned defense attorney, san francisco. i don't need to give you two a tutorial on the law. let's see the lawyers please, norm. but you both know -- i'll start with you, giudice. that flight can be argued at trial. in many jurisdictions it can't be given as the law to the jury by the judge, but the prosecutor could argue why did croslin skip town? >> well, keep in mind she's neither a suspect nor a defendant nor has she been charged. >> okay. you're not answering the question. horowitz? >> you have to have facts. anybody can run away when the husband gets angry at you and the whole world thinks you're guilty. of course she's young and upset. >> it could be argued at trial that flight indicates guilt. that will be the prosecutor's argument. >> or innocence. that you're so upset and you're innocent that you can't take it. it cuts both ways. ( clicking )
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arrested on a gun charge, and he reportedly broke down under police questioning. tommy croslin says he went to ronald cummings' trailer the night haleigh vanished back in february. the brother said he repeatedly pounded on the door but no one opened it. misty croslin has insisted she was home all night. >> i seen the kitchen light on. and i walked in the kitchen and the back door's wide open. i mean, i didn't notice about haleigh then until i seen the back door open. and then i go in her room and she's gone. >> misty's timeline doesn't make sense and her story changes. the ring of truth is somebody went there and she wasn't home when they knocked. >> miss neves, all along you have stated that you believed misty croslin. now that you hear this, what do you think? >> this statement by tommy croslin to me doesn't hold any water. >> why? >> i'm sorry, but -- why wait seven months? why say that he -- you know, if he went down there, my personal
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opinion if i went there and knocked and everything was off, i would think they were sleeping. >> okay, sir, let me talk to your wife. let me get some information from her. can i talk to her? okay. >> how the [ bleep ] did you let my daughter get stole -- >> we are taking your calls live. to patricia in maryland. hi, patricia. >> caller: hi, nancy, how are you? >> i'm good, dear. what's your question? >> caller: my question is about this gps. what are the police now gpsing? >> you know, you and me both. what about it, art harris? >> they're trying to do it. they've been trying to ping back and, you know, and figure out where everybody was that night. now, they got ronald, they've got him at the factory. they've got two cell towers near there. that is his alibi. as for misty, they are still working on her pings. >> okay. mike brooks, i think patricia in
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maryland is absolutely correct. we're into the seven months. seven months. now, i want to make it clear what my earlier question was. what could possibly be the problem with their pings? why can't they get a track on her cell phone that evening to figure out where she was unless a cell phone was turned off? >> that's the only reason, whether the cell phone was off or the battery was dead. but nancy, some phones do not have gps, but every one of them will tell you, exactly, what tower they were pinging from. let's take a look at this new map that we have. now, this is a four-mile radius right here. okay? just from here to here, four miles. look at all the towers. now, ronald's plant is just a little bit north of here. so you take a look at all the towers that are right all around. she's going to be hitting them. let's say she wasn't at home. let's say she wasn't there.
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if she was still down in this area, down in this area, and as you get closer to some of the towns south of her, there are going to have towers. there are going to be able to tell this. they should be able to know if tommy is telling the truth. now, if you want to find out if he's telling the total truth, let's go ahead and give him a polygraph also if he will consent to it. look at misty. she's failed two law enforcement polygraphs and one by tim miller equusearch group when he was asked to come back up there and he didn't want to waste his time if she wasn't telling the truth. >> out to the lines. elizabeth, new york, hi, elizabeth. >> caller: hi, nancy. i love your show. >> thank you for calling in. what's your question, dear? >> caller: i wanted to know if misty's cousin has been cleared. >> if misty's cousin has been cleared? what cousin are you referring to, elizabeth? >> caller: she had a cousin in town, they had a previous history of -- he had gotten out of jail for molesting a child.
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>> oh, yes, yes, yes. joe, joe. what about it marlaina schiavo? >> cousin joe has not been cleared. the only people in this case that have been cleared are ronald cummings and haleigh's biological mother crystal sheffield. that's why i use covergirl's simply ageless makeup with olay regenerist serum. a department store brand can glob up in lines and actually make you look older. simply ageless makes you look amazing. from olay and easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl.
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i did take a polygraph. >> and you passed it? >> i mean, my understanding is that i passed it. >> i pulled into the yard. the front door was wide open. she was standing in it. i asked her what she was doing up. she told me the back door was wide open and haleigh was gone. >> misty's brother was taken from his jail cell to be questioned by police. that's what deputies say croslin's brother told them it looked like no one was home that night. >> he tells police that he banged on the door and he got no answer. he looked inside through the windows, saw no lights, no television, did not hear a sound. >> joining me right now, spernl
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guest marc klaas, the president and founder of klaaskids foundation. he is not only a tireless victims' rights advocate, but he is a crime victim himself. his little girl, polly, was taken from her home many years ago and she was murdered. marc klaas, what do you make of misty croslin allegedly skipping town? we're hearing all sorts of stories where she might be tonight. maybe she went to the beach. maybe she went out with girlfriends. but nobody knows where she is. >> no, absolutely nobody knows where she is. but there's no sense to be made of any of this story. has anybody asked ron if he asked tommy to go to the house? if tommy went to the house and banged on the door and saw nothing, does that mean that the children weren't there as well? is tommy trying to make a deal for the problems that he's having right now with law enforcement? finally, this whole idea of gps, we aren't talking about gps. that's never been brought up. we are talking about the
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potential for cell phone triangulation between all of these calls. finally, i guess, finally, finally, why is it that this is 7 1/2 months later. why is it we have to wait 7 1/2 months to find out that there were 20 calls made, that tommy croslin went to the house that night and got no response from anybody? this is information that should have been turned over immediately. >> marc klaas, you are right again, as usual. mike brooks, let's do the differentiation between when he says triangulate, he's right. aren't you using some type of gps technology to triangulate or not? is that not involved at all? >> no, you know, it can be, nancy. you can use a combination of both. but not all phone -- it depends on who the carrier is and the options you had on these particular phones which probably they didn't have a whole lot that would have gps. but on the other side, they should be able to tell by the code and everything else that they had subpoenaed from the cell companies exactly what towers were pinged at which time
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3:00 in the morning i got up and i got up because i had to use the bathroom. i seen the kitchen light on, and i walked in the kitchen and the back door's wide open. and then i go in her room and she's gone. >> had nothing to do with her, man. she can't help that. she can't help she was the last one to see her. >> she didn't make no noise that night. i would have woke up if i heard any noise. i didn't hear anything at all. i was really exhausted that day, you know. i wish they would have took me instead of her. what do they want with a little 5-year-old? >> could have been any one of us and our children.
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any one. nobody knows where there's a psycho, sicko. >> to marlaina schiavo, what does this mean to the investigation that the last person to see this little girl alive reportedly in her own bed, has skipped town? >> what it means, nancy, they're going to want to talk to her. they already want to talk to her, including her own attorney. she spoke to police over the weekend. her attorney wasn't even informed of this interview, so major bowling of putnam county has already said they'd really like to sit down with her and her lawyer and find out what happened. >> giudice, horowitz. horowitz, what does it mean to the police investigation, the last person to see her alive has skipped town. there are reports she's in orlando, but we don't know that. >> you know, nancy, they don't have too many suspects in this case. if it's not her, then they're pretty much out of luck and they have to suspect some mystery person grabbing children. so they're hoping against all hope that it is her and this is
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a sign of guilt. we can't jump to conclusions. it's too easy and convenient to blame her and there's a lot of alternate explanations we have to explore. >> giudice? >> without her being a suspect she is still the most important witness in this case. she's the last person to see the children. she was with them. she's an important person to be spoken to. and law enforcement needs to go get her. >> dr. lillian glass, psychologist, author of "i know what you're thinking." lilian, what do you make of her leaving town? >> i think it's very suspicious, because why is she leaving town? does she have something to hide? it's very suspicious. the whole situation. nancy, when you look at her body language, there's so many tells that she's not telling the truth. it's really -- >> such as? >> well, for example, she's doing a lot of lip licking, saying no when it's supposed to be in the affirmative. lot of shoulder shrugging. the tears that don't look very genuine. it's very disturbing to watch. >> to physician and professor of public health at johns hopkins
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university, dr. marty ma carey, joining us out of d.c. welcome, doctor. doctor, again, everyone, tip line, 888-247-8477. this child suffers from turner syndrome. >> yeah, about 1 in 3,000 girls gets turner syndrome. it's this condition where they have some deformities. the ears are a little low set. they have webbing of the neck. we know with haleigh in particular she saw doctors frequently, off missing school. so we know she needed special attention for these recurrent infections that she was prone to because of the turner syndrome. >> so if she were still alive and is not being treated by the doctors or the hospital, she's in such serious, serious danger. >> very much so. she definitely has special needs. she's at high risk for severe infections. and she needs special attention. >> everyone, we are taking your calls live. very quickly, i want to report to you a story about a
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dedicated mother who heads off in the early-morning hours to catch her carpool and is not only stabbed in a public parking lot but then the assailant gets back in his car and comes back to run her over. tonight she's clinging to life. take a listen. >> visitors at a high-end new jersey hotel were shocked friday morning to find a woman lying face down in the hotel parking lot with multiple knife wounds to the torso. police say the victim, laura matousek, was meeting a co-worker at the parking lot to carpool to work. witnesses say as soon as laura pulled into the parking lot a man got out of his blue or green pickup truck or suv, attacked laura with a knife, and then got back into his car and ran her over. laura is in critical condition at hackensack university medical center while authorities began conducting interviews including interviewing laura's ex-husband who voluntarily spoke to police for about 12 hours this weekend. no charges have been filed. >> it appears from what i understand she was here carpooling with someone else
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that was taking her to work, so -- but she was not a guest at the hotel nor an employee of the office complex. >> straight out to alison breeze joining us from woodland park, new jersey, with "the record." alison, what is her condition tonight, and where are her children? >> she's still critical tonight. it's unknown where her children are at this point. she did have custody of them, and her ex-husband had visitation. so it's unclear whether they're with him or not. >> has the ex-husband been interrogated? >> yes, for 12 hours. from saturday evening until -- i'm sorry, friday evening until early saturday morning. >> he is not labeled a suspect at this juncture. he has been let free to walk. what about the current boyfriend, allison pries? >> police indicated that they don't have a suspect right now, that they're still looking at everybody. so -- >> to matt zarrell, our producer
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on the story, matt, what was the sequence of events? >> well, apparently she went that morning about 8:00 a.m. friday morning she went to meet a co-worker to carpool to work in parsippany near morris town. now, what happened is witnesses say a man, as soon as she got out of the car, a man walked up to her, stabbed her multiple times in the torso, got back into his car and then ran her over and fled the scene. >> okay. what can you tell me about his vehicle, matt zarrell? >> we know that it's a blue or green suv. unfortunately we haven't been able to figure out what it can be compared to, a nissan or mauz za, what have you. we're trying to work that through. >> allison pries, how many eyewitnesses saw this? >> two hotel guests were walking in the parking lot came upon her body lying in the parking lot. >> so did they see the incident? >> they saw the dark-colored suv leave, and they saw her lying face down on the pavement. >> do we know whether the perpetrator was a male, female,
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white, black, hispanic? what do we know? >> nothing. no details have been released. >> why? why, allison? i mean, if cops want the public to help find the perpetrator, how can we do that if we don't have the most rudimentary description? >> i don't know. they're being very tight-lipped. >> back to you, matt zarrell, do you have any idea where the children are tonight, ages 8 and 5? what about the relationship? it's my understanding a temporary restraining order, a protective order had been taken out against the ex-husband but it had expired? >> yes, nancy. you're right. reports are the protection order expired april 29th of this year. they have been divorced a little over two years. there were battles over custody and child support. he had a judgment against him for $1100 in january '08 for not paying child support. we're trying to figure out where the kids are tonight, nancy.
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>> matt, what can you tell me about anything, the neighbors, friends, co-workers have to say about her, the victim, laura matousek, or the husband, ex-husband? >> well, neighbors have said very wonderful things about laura. she was working two jobs to support her children. a neighbor where the father lives is saying -- i'm sorry, the ex-husband. the ex-husband says that the -- laura, the wife, was cheating on him and had told the new boyfriend -- told the kids to call the new boyfriend dad and that he was the -- the ex-husband was very upset about that. >> we are taking your calls live. to linda in texas. hi, linda. >> caller: hi. >> hi, dear. what's your question? >> caller: i'm wondering if the person she was carpooling with ever showed up. >> excellent question. to allison pries with "the record." what do we know? was the carpool there waiting on her? >> the carpooler arrived as the two guests were finding her body. >> where did she work, allison? do we know? >> we're not sure. no. somewhere in the parsippany area. >> but we know she was holding
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down two jobs to support her children. so, allison, what can you tell me about the relationship between her and her ex-husband? was it acrimonious? had they settled amicably and gone their separate ways? >> there have been disputes as you mentioned earlier about child support payments and also the sale of the marital home. >> isn't it true, matt zarrell, she got about an $11,000 back child support judgment against him? >> yes, in january of '08 for failure to pay child support. you're right, nancy. >> divorced 2 1/2 years ago. and prosecutors say pelcak did have a restraining order against him that only recently expired. they have two children. ever worn your clothes in the shower? if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be.
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years ago. they have two children. the elementary was on lockdown. the vick was waiting for a friend, for a carpool to their workplace in parsippany when her estranged husband allegedly went on the attack. he tried to hide at his grandmother's home. his ex-wife remains in critical condition. >> chopper 12 was over the crime scene shortly after the attack we're told took place around 8:30 this morning. police investigating after several guests at the sheren to hotel discovered a woman laying face down in the parking lot says the hotel manager. that woman was waiting to be picked up by a co-worker. investigators say she was taken to hack sack hat, in critical condition. >> i want to clear something up. the ex-husband has not been named a suspect. i heard what the affiliate reporter said. he has not been named a suspect. in fact, he underwent
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questioning i think without a lawyer for about 12 hours and police let him go. >> yes, in fact, they were looking for him after this happened. with went with them voluntarily, t no issues, no problems. talked with him for 12 hours. say he's not a suspect, not a person of interest. >> it's always s.o.p., san dard operating procedure. you first look at husband, lover, ex-husband, ex-lover, boyfriend, then you move out from there. why, daniel? >> early news reports pointed to sources who blamed the husband. so that's probably where that came from. you always look to people closest to the victim. a motive generally for this kind of murder is passion. there's no other reason to do it. you look at the ex-husband, you look at the boyfriend, you look at people who might be angry at her or a little nuts around her. you go from there. >> ray vigiudice, i don't think it's limited to people who are a little nuts as horowitz said. perfectly normal people suddenly
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nut up and commit a heinous crime. >> daniel described the interring and you move to the outer ring or next ring. co-employees. what happened at yale. people she may have had an argument with at the bank over something trivial. >> it's interesting, what struck me is the assailant stabs her and gets in his car and runs over her, gets in his receive. dr. marty ma carey, describe your assessments of what her injuries are. >> i've been shocked in ten years of trauma surgery. sometimes they're fatal when they're minor. she has multiple stab injuries, a crash injury, produce something called my you globen that hurts your kidneys. she'll have multiple bedside procedures. if she comes through it, she'll remember everything up until she passed out. >> we were told she was
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whispering something to the paramedics. switching gears, joining me now, a very, very special guest. take a listen. >> what's with your penchant for jumping still? >> well, two reasons. one, it still feels good. still get a charge out of it. not easy to do at 85 i guess. >> i don't think it's easy to do at any age. tell me what each of you remembers about that day, how this rescue came about and your thoughts at the time. certainly you couldn't have believed it right at the beginning. >> no. it was -- we didn't know what was happening. >> "morning sunshine," top anchor on a top show. "headline news question" morning show with robin meade. she's with me right now and i've got her book in my hand. robin, your book deals with so many obstacles that you have faced. >> yeah. >> what is your message? because all of us looking at you
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find it very difficult to believe you've ever had an obstacle. >> nancy, thank you so much for having me back on your show. i appreciate it. you know, so this book really deals with my struggles through self-confidence and self-esteem. for me it manifested itself on the air, no less, about ten years ago when i was anchoring in chicago. in the form of panic attacks. so i wrote this book for other people. maybe you don't have panic attacks, but maybe you have a self-esteem or self-confidence issue and really, who among us doesn't? so this really walks us through it. >> robin, what advice do you give other people? >> in terms of their self-confidence? you know, i think that if we all really look at ourselves in an honest way, if you did an honest self-assessment and not really believe the stories, the little lies you've allowed yourself to tell yourself and believe, you have every single reason to feel confident about yourself.
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i wanted to show you, this is when i did a sky jump here, sky dive with president bush 41 and the golden knights. i think that's a good example of how i came full circle in my dealings with anxiety. about ten years ago there's no way i would have jumped out of a plane and not had anxiety issues. because i've been able to bring it full circle and say i have every reason to be self-confident, just like you do at home, i was able to do this without any anxiety, believe it or not. >> everybody, i'm talking to robin meade. we are taking your calls. you see robin every morning right here on "headline news." robin, when you are giving other people advice, do we have to go so far as to jump out of a plane to overcome our obstacles? i'm not jumping out of a plane. i have no interest in that, drug, gambling. i mean, i have absolutely no interest in that. can't -- does the whole camel have to be in the tent? if the nose is in, does the tail have to follow? can't i just poke my nose in?
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what's my alternative from nascar racing, which you also did, we're showing that right now, and jumping out of a plane? okay, because i didn't get that from your book. >> exactly. no, we don't have to do crazy stunts to really demonstrate that we have self-confidence in ourselves. for example, there's little confidence boosters in my book. it can be something as simple as when you're struggling with your self-esteem try to think in terms of respect. respect is higher on the ladder of confidence than just being liked. i was infatuated with what nancy grace likes me or the audience likes me or the person at the store liked me. i was putting other people's opinion of myself above my own opinion of myself. if you give self-respect, give other people respect, you're throwing out the infatuation with being admired. no, you don't have to jump out of a plane. i admire you the way you are, nancy. >> patricia in texas. >> caller: how are you, nancy?
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>> i'm good, dear. what's your question? >> caller: i have a quick question, robin. i am 36 and i have panic attacks and they have put me on afexor. i was winding up in the hospita president for many, many years over and over again thinking i was dying and now i know i'm not. what did you do or how do you overcome that without having to be on this medication? i hate having to rely on medication? >> i had a transformation breakthrough where i had to flip myself around and say, what are the benefits of the panic attacks? instead of fearing them so much. as soon as i stopped fearing them, they stopped coming. i wish you a lot of luck in your struggle with it.
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okay. you were right. these healthy choice fresh mixer thingys, they taste fresh... say it again! say it like, "mmmm, these healthy choice fresh mixers taste freshh!!" they taste fresh... wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? u know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew. yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. made fresh from your desk, cook it fresh, strain it fresh, mix it fresh. healthy choice fresh mixers, look for it in the soup or pasta aisle. your hair mixes with pollen and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden.
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i remembered president bush that barbara said "no more" after you were 80. >> pash are has different ways of freezing her enthusiasm. one of them is "one way or another this is your last jump." i said, come on. one way or another? last time she said, i'm glad you're doing it at the church. we won't have far to move you. >> you're seeing our robin meade. we all wake up with her every morning. my children watch you every morning, robin meade. our caller. what's your question for robin? >> caller: i have a quick
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question. i used to be a lot thinner and prettier and i've hit my 40s. i go out and i see all these happy-looking pretty people just having this great life and i've kind of hit the mid-life blah. how do you convince yourself that you're still a viable, pretty good-looking person compared to, according to my husband, how do you convince yourself in the mirror that you're really not as bad as you feel on the inside? >> hopefully, you're confidence is based on your outside appearance. you're so much more than that. i always tell people, your outside will change. if you feel like you'res are going to go. your muscles are going to sag. your jawline is going to droop. what's you stays constant. the you that you were when you were born. >> that's easy to say for you because you're beautiful.
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what about the rest of us? toss that one off. but, bottom line, robin, it all boils down to how you approach your problems. >> yeah. i think that's right. exactly right, nancy. like yourself. in your life and in your story you've had plenty of challenges where you could have said. "i'm done." but you're a fighter. you've come back. we all benefit. so for folks at home, it's not easy. but you just have to say, i'm going to overcome this. >> robin meade's new book. good morning sunshine." let's remember our military hero, crist for fowlkes, american hero. thanks to our guests but especially to you. see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern. until then, good night friend.
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hello. i'm a.j. hammer in new york. this is a "showbiz tonight" news break. here's what we're covering for you coming up. ellen strikes back. ellen's eye-opening counterattack on her show aimed at everyone who says she shouldn't replace paula abdul on "american idol." and for the very first time ellen reveals what she thinks about paula's controversial over-the-top spoof of her. tonight, we have the must-see tv, eleven "idol" response. have jon and kate become a laughing stock? they are both trying to start new careers after their split. really, is anyone taking them seriously? and slo"showbiz tonight" uncovers information that jennifer aniston won't like. why it would mean big trouble for jen. that's your "showbiz tonight"
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