tv Tonight From Washington CSPAN September 23, 2009 8:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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breaking news tonight. satsuma, florida. a 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed. five hours later she's gone. vanished. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little haleigh. bombshell tonight. a letter emerges in the search for haleigh outlining details of a party the night haleigh goes missing, a party fueled by drugs. at the party, misty croslin. with her, little haleigh. reports that night little
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haleigh accidentally ingests the heavy-duty painkiller oxycontin and dies. we have the letter. this as new stepmom misty croslin skips town after a bitter fight with haleigh's father ronald cummings. croslin's brother behind bars on a gun charge, leading to another break. in a late-night jailhouse interrogation we learn the brother finally confesses he goes to haleigh's house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door repeatedly, nobody home. phone records confirming ronald cummings tries desperately to reach croslin that night, no answer. where was girlfriend turned stepmother misty croslin during those crucial hours when haleigh goes missing? investigators focusing on a heavily wooded area draining a local pond in connection with haleigh. as girlfriend turned stepmom misty croslin flunks another
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polygraph, tonight, where is haleigh? >> okay, sir, let me talk to your wife. let me get some information from her. okay. can i talk to her? okay. >> how the [ bleep ] can you let my daughter get stole -- >> was haleigh cummings the vichlt a drug overdose? according to a letter allegedly from one of stepmom slash babysitter misty croslin's friends, haleigh died from an overdose of oxy kontin and then her body was thrown into a pond. >> i'll do anything to get her back. people think i had something to do with it. if i had something to do with it or knew where she was we wouldn't be sitting here today we would have her. >> the police claim he had were given a sworn affidavit by a friend of misty's that says misty, haleigh and a group of friends why wr partying at one of their friends' house the night of her disappearance. when haleigh overdosed the friends panicked shoved her body in a black bag and tossed her in a nearby pond. >> crystal, what do you make of
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the recent developments, the developments especially about misty croslin flunking a polygraph? >> well, i thought all along that she had something to do with it. and this kind of just proves it. she was the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don't add up. >> police say they are completely ignoring the letter and are denying any existence of this alleged sworn affidavit from misty's friend. reports are all of the friends have been cleared. >> she is still the most important witness in this case. she's the last person to see the children. she was with them. she's an important person to be spoken to, and law enforcement needs to go get her. >> and tonight live to connecticut and the sudden disappearance of a gorgeous young ivy league doctoral student just before she's set to walk down the aisle. the 24-year-old beauty last spotted on grainy surveillance video walking into a yale research building. a false fire alarm mysteriously goes off in the building.
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people rush out. annie le never seen again. at nearly the exact hour le set to walk down the aisle, wedding dress on a hanger in the closet, flowers ordered, the girl's body found stuffed in a two-foot wall cable space there at yale's research building. in the early morning answers police storm a super 8 motel to arrest 24-year-old lab tech raymond clark on murder one. tonight, clark's alleged history of stalking, threatening, harassing women resurface's. his former girlfriend breaking her silence, revealing clark a control freak, during their relationship lashing out, dictating what she says, where she goes, even what she wears. we have the video. in the last hours investigators back at the crime scene, zeroing in on a basement washroom where mouse cages are cleaned.
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was this senseless murder over laboratory mice cages? and another twist. was suspect raymond clark fueled by steroids? >> a former girlfriend claims the man accused of killing a yale university grad student was extremely controlling. >> in a shocking interview with "good morning america" ray clark's ex-girlfriend was so scared of the yale lab tech, telling abc news clark would get very angry, often "frighten me. he'd get this little look in his eye, and sometimes it was just better to do what he said." >> he would frighten me. it escalated a lot after -- i mean, with the controlling issue it escalated from there. >> jessica dell rocco tells abc's "good morning america" clark told her what clothes she could wear and who she could
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have as friends. del rocco says clark sometimes got so angry she was frightened. >> in a matter of weeks jessica says clark went from the perfect boyfriend to becoming manipulative, controlling. >> it was anger, yelling. as the relationship progressed, like if things didn't go his way, then he'd make them go his way. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. bombshell tonight. was 5-year-old haleigh taken to a late-night party fueled by drugs where she ingested the heavy-duty painkiller oxycontin? >> i know i didn't do anything to that little girl. i would never hurt her. i mean, they love me. i mean, they look at me like their mom. >> did haleigh cummings die from an overdose of oxycontin? a letter obtained allegedly from a friend of misty croslin claims that haleigh got her hands on the powerful narcotic while at a party with mist sxwri her friends the night of the disappearance. >> now that you have been told,
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whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened? >> i asked her, but that -- i don't get any answers from her. >> the letter states that cops were given a sworn affidavit from a friend of misty's, who claims everyone at the party "freaked out" when the toddler overdosed, then put haleigh in a black bag and threw her into a pond nearby. >> look at her body language. there are so many tells that she's not telling the truth. she's saying no when it's supposed to be in the affirmative. a lot of shoulder shrugging. the tears that don't look very genuine. it's very disturbing to watch. >> police are denying any friend has come forward making these allegations and are said to be completely ignoring the letter. all of misty's friends have reportedly been cleared, and there are still no suspects in the case. >> as we go to air, we have just heard from local police who say
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in fact they are not ignoring this theory, that they have been vetting this theory along with several other theories about what has happened to little haleigh and that many points behind this letter are in fact credible and they are in fact investigating it. we are taking your calls live. first out to marlaina schiavo, our producer on the story. marlaina, what do you know about this letter? but most important, its contents. was there a party the night haleigh went missing? >> that's what this letter is saying, nancy. this letter came from a girl behind bars who is friends with misty, who's a party friend of misty's, who's saying that misty was with her that night -- or this letter's claiming misty, this girl and some other people were together that night and that haleigh was with them partying -- they were all partying and misty got -- excuse me, haleigh got her friends on oxycontin and ingested it and died and that's when this other friend at the party panicked,
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put haleigh allegedly in a bag, and threw her in a pond. and that's what this letter is saying. >> now, if the letter is true, i am expected to believe that everybody at this so-called party has managed to keep their yaps shut for this long? that is the hard part for me. what about it, art harris at what can you tell me? you've been investigating this theory for weeks. >> well, nancy, investigators told me exclusively that this letter was legitimate. got a copy of it right here. and in fact, they are taking it seriously. they did confirm that they talked to this friend of misty's in jail, confronted her with this sworn affidavit of a witness, and that she is denying it, but she wrote her boyfriend in this letter saying don't you remember, we were together that night, as if she wants to make sure she has an alibi. >> to t.j. hart, program and
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news director wsky 97.3 fm, t.j., what do you make of this theory? did such a party take place? has that much been confirmed? and this letter is from who to whom? >> i'm not going to mention names. it's from -- >> i don't care about the names. >> but the recipient was indeed her boyfriend. that has been verified. this boyfriend read this to several people over the phone. we had it scan-faxed to us. and that's how we got it. it is legitimate as far as where the letter came from and who it was sent to. now, the party, that has not been confirmed. however, you remember they talked about a pond. well, in that letter they also talked about the black bag being dropped in a pond at the mondex. well, that's exactly where a pond was drained over the weekend. the l pond at the mondex. so there is something to this letter. >> out to the lines, we are taking your calls live. kimberly in washington. hi, kimberly. >> caller: hi, nancy.
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so nice to finally talk with you. you're my hero, and i watch you every night. >> kimberly, thank you. and thank you for calling in. what is your question, dear? >> caller: you know, i keep on thinking about little junior. he was allegedly there that night. i know early on in the investigation they said possibly he said there was a man there. i was wondering if police are still questioning him. >> let's go to a special guest joining us tonight, the grandmother of haleigh and of junior, teresa neves is with us. she has staunchly supported misty croslin throughout. miss neves, thank you for being with us. what about junior? have police continued to question him? has he been questioned at all by police? >> he has been questioned, miss nancy. he gave them information the night -- or the morning that this happened. and they're not questioning him now. you know? >> yes. i understand.
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miss neves, at one point i recall that junior, the little brother, had stated that there were other people in the home that evening. what do you recall about his statement? >> junior's initial statement to the law enforcement was that he saw a man in black, i believe, was what they said. >> yes. >> and then it changed, you know. but he didn't change it. other people changed it. >> yes. miss neves, what do you make of this letter? do you put any stock in it? >> nancy, i'm like you. i do not think that that many people, with a $70,000 reward, are going to sit at home and not say anything. i do not believe for one second that my granddaughter would take something like that because of the taste of it. just simply for that fact. ever worn your clothes in the shower?
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okay, sir, let me talk to your wife. let me get some information from her. >> man. [ bleep ]. >> okay. can i talk to her? okay. >> how the [ bleep ] can you let my daughter get stole? >> somebody stole my child out of my bed. i come home from work and my child was not there. >> about 8:00. and i woke up and she was gone. that door was wide open. >> do you believe that misty was
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indeed home and that she's been telling the truth? >> yeah, i believe she's telling the truth. >> what we need is for misty to come down here and tell us the truth. >> i didn't hear anything at all. i mean, i was really exhausted that day, you know. really exhausted. and when i laid down, i guess i was just out. >> i was told, you know, that she went to bed at 10:00. being that exhausted, i think that maybe you could sleep through somebody beating on the door. >> the officers are going to come out there and do what they can. we can't have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there. okay? >> uh-huh. >> give me my [ bleep ] phone. i've got better people to talk to than a [ bleep ] that ain't coming. >> straight back out to marlaina schiavo. you have been in the home. what do you think? how far away is that front door from where misty croslin says she was sleeping? could you really not have heard somebody banging on the door if she goes to bed at 10:00 and the brother gets there between 9:30, bangs on the door till 10:00 and then waits for her to get home, no sign of life inside?
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>> i find it really hard to believe that no one could hear that. the bedroom is in the front of the house. eight, maybe ten feet away from that room. and nancy, remember, this is a trailer. it's not a big place. it's not soundproof. and if he's banging away like the cops say he was, there's no way she couldn't have heard that. >> we are taking your calls live. let's unleash the lawyers. joining me tonight out of new york, family law attorney susan moss. also with us tonight out of atlanta, defense attorney renee rockwell. and also in new york defense attorney, former federal prosecutor doug burns. sue moss, what about it? >> did he really go to the trailer door, or was this just some folklore? i mean, if he was at the trailer door, there's no way she was in that trailer. there's no way she could have slept through this. there's no way the kids could have slept through him banging on the doors. somebody is lying, and that's the key to this case. >> to renee rockwell, i want to
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get back to this letter. this letter that has been written by a woman who is now incarcerated. what do you make of it? whenever i find out a letter -- hey, art, was this letter written from the jailhouse, art harris? >> sure was. it was written from the jailhouse, nancy, and she asks him to "send me some money." >> okay. didn't ask you that. but thanks for the nugget. renee rockwell, i'm always suspicious since i've gotten so many letters from the jailhouse all over the country. when i was prosecuting, i always wonder if there's an angle. what do they want? what do they want? what's the motive? that's a problem. >> nancy, you can't always talk about and trust a snitch from the jail. but this is not anything that someone from the jail is trying to go to the police with and make a deal with and get a free pass out of jail. this is a letter that has arisen and has emerged and was not necessarily for the eyes of the police. so you've got -- >> that's a good point.
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>> -- to give a little more trust to a letter like that. >> to doug burns, former prosecutor turned defense attorney. doug, listen. i've used jailhouse rats on the stand before. >> yep. >> if i believe them and if i could corroborate what they had to say. and renee makes a good point. this is not a letter this woman sends trying to get a deal, trying to get a sweetheart deal. this is to her boyfriend asking for some money. this has nothing to do with any ulterior motive. >> exactly right. but the most important point you just made is you can use this as a great source as long as you can krobtd it. the police can go through every little detail and hopefully there will be kernels of information in there that lead to additional roads, and that's where it can be really good. and as you said at the beginning, and you're right, you can use these witnesses but you've got to corroborate them. >> well, sometimes you've got to go to hell to get the witness to put the devil in jashlgs unfortunately. to karyn stark, psychologist joining us in our new york studios, karyn, weigh in. >> it's so suspicious.
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and if you take a look at the grandmother who's supporting misty, that doesn't make a lot of sense compared to her own mother, who doesn't seem to be supporting her. so there's so much confusion, and it's very hard to piece this apart -- >> but i find it important that teresa neves, who's her paternal grandmother, supports misty croslin. where her own blood mother doesn't. to me that speaks volumes in misty croslin's favor. >> well, i don't know about that. because usually parents stand by their children. i mean, take a look at casey anthony. that mother was swearing by her no matter what. so that's confusing. >> you're right.
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i just wish they would have took me instead of her. what dhoe want with a little 5-year-old? >> could have been any one of us and our children. any one. nobody knows where there's a psycho or sicko. nobody knows. >> she is scared of the dark. she would not go anywhere by herself. >> i did take a polygraph. i mean, my understanding is that i passed it. >> is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn't told you?
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>> if there is a possibility of it, i don't know anything about it. >> to mike brooks, former fed with the fbi. mike, you and i have both seen a lot of jailhouse letters. but rockwell makes a good point. this is not asking for a favor, hey, i'll give you information if you'll give me straight probation. >> nope. not asking for that at all, nancy. and just like she said, this was not for the eyes of the police. this was like hey, we were together that night, remember? you know, and hopefully, nancy, this will rattle some of the cages and hopefully, this will rattle the cage that misty's in right now since she took off from home because i think she is still holding the key to where little haleigh is. two flunked polygraphs from law enforcement, one flunked polygraph from tim miller's group. inconsistencies all over the place. she's the one that holds the key to this. i still believe that, nancy. >> to chief medical examiner of
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broward county, author of "when to call the doctor," dr. joshua perper is with us tonight. and it's an honor to have you on the air with us, dr. perper. dr. perper, what is oxycontin, and how would, for instance, one pill affect a 5-year-old child? let me just say weighing maybe between 30, 35 pounds. >> well, oxycontin is a form of oxycodone, which is long acting, and it's taken primarily against pain, but people also take it for so-called recreational purposes, for basically addiction, getting a high. obviously, it's not given to children at all, and it's not recommended for children. so if, unfortunately, she died as a result of an oxycontin overdose and there are still soft tissue available, then from the examination of the soft
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tissue it's going to be possible to make a determination that she died as a result of that. >> but from one pill could a child 39 pounds overdose, doctor? >> probably from one or two pills she could have died, and it's possible that children sometimes think that that's candy. and we see sometimes accidental death in those cases. unless somebody gave her intentionally the pill, which i don't think it will be very likely. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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i want to get to the bottom of what happened. i don't know if hypnosis is going to do it. they've already tried to hypnotize -- >> are you of the mind that you should try anything? >> absolutely. if that's what we need to, do then that's what we can do. >> i'm trying to do everything to find her, answer any questions i have to, because i know i didn't do anything to that little girl. >> here's the back screen door. the one that was propped open with the cinder block. okay? now, if you see, when it closed, it slams. it makes a loud noise.
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but if you leave this door, this slowly closes as well. >> i just want everybody to know that i didn't do anything with that little girl. i love her like she's my own. and i'll do anything to get her back. >> what we need is for misty to come down here and tell us the truth. we know it applies pressure in an area where pressure needs to be applied, and that's on misty. and misty can relieve this prae pressure by telling her attorney that we need to go down to the sheriff's office and really lay out in clear terms what i was doing from 8:00 p.m. till 3:00 a.m. >> okay. sir, let me talk to your wife. let me get some information from her. >> man. [ bleep ]. >> okay. can i talk to her? okay. >> how the [ bleep ] can you let my daughter get stole? >> straight out to the lines, katie, north carolina. hi, katie. >> caller: hi. i was curious because when tommy came by the door had to be
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locked but when misty woke up it was open. so was the lock broken? how did the door get unlocked? >> good question. marlaina schiavo, what can you tell us? you actually tested out the door. >> the door tommy was knocking on was the front door. the door that was propped open was the side door. so the lock was not -- the lock wasn't broken. it just -- the door was just propped open. >> out to the lines. tracy, ohio. hi, tracy. >> caller: hi, nancy. i just love you. >> thank you, tracy in ohio. i've got to tell you, i could use that love tonight. i've been up since 4:30 this morning with the twins. they're wearing mommy ragged, but i tell you, when i take a look at this story and i think about ronald cummings, teresa neves never seeing their daughter and granddaughter for all these months, maybe never again, they can wake me up every morning at 4:30 for the rest of my life. i'm just so grateful. what is your question, dear?
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>> caller: my question, nancy, is i wanted to know if there was a party that misty was at with haleigh, would there -- would the other people involved in that party be involved in this too? would they be charged? >> good question. sue moss, renee rockwell, doug burns, again, i've got to reiterate. it's very difficult for me to believe that a bunch at a drug party can keep their pie holes shut this many months, although maybe they thick they could be implicated or, renee rockwell, i could see a scenario where there had been a party, maybe haleigh was in the car, maybe she came in to one of the rooms, maybe everyone didn't see her. there are a lot of scenarios where this could in fact be legitimate. >> legitimate? well, i can say this, nancy. if there was a party and there were illegal drugs or even if they were prescribed but they were left out for a 5-year-old to come in contact with and eat and then die of an overdose, i can absolutely see the whole
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bunch of them being charged with at least a negligent homicide. >> out to the lines. mary jo in florida. hi, mary jo. >> caller: hey, friend. i'm a big fan of the show. thanks for what you do. >> and thank you for calling in, dear. what's your question? >> caller: i have a two-part question. i was wondering what misty was wearing when ronald got home. was she in pajamas or was she in -- >> good question. >> caller: and then how much time in between when she allegedly woke up and ronald got home? >> teresa neves, this is haleigh's paternal grandmother. what was she wearing when ronald got home? >> she was wearing a little pajama top and boxer shorts. >> miss neves, just hearing you upset, we're all throwing around legal theories and this letter and whether it's true or not. what is your message tonight?
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>> i believe haleigh is alive. i have faith in god to take care of my baby girl and find her. and i don't care who had something to do with it. those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home. >> miss neves, why are you so sure haleigh is still with us? >> because i stand on god's promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for. >> miss neves, tell me how ronald is holding up. i mean, he comes on our show frequently, and he's always so strong. how is he holding up? >> he's not as strong at home as he is on tv.
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but he has to be strong for junior. you know? so he does the best that he can. he keeps his crying to his self at night and just tries to make junior happy until haleigh comes home. >> how is junior? does he even realize at this juncture that haleigh is gone? >> junior thinks that haleigh is lost and she's finding her way home. he actually drew her a map so she could find her way home. but he doesn't realize the longevity, i think, of it. >> you know, i focus so much on where is haleigh, what happened that night. you know, junior has been lost in the mix. i cannot imagine, god forbid, the thought that i would ever have to explain to one of the twins where the other one was,
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why they were not at home. what do you tell him? >> the angels are watching haleigh and she'll be home soon. >> miss neves, when you hear about, for instance, this letter -- >> yes, ma'am. >> -- how does that affect you? whether you believe it or don't believe it. when you hear there might be a break in the case. >> miss nancy, we would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings haleigh back to us. you know, this letter is a little far-fetched, i think, because haleigh didn't like medicine and oxycontin, i've had to take it. i think it's a very nasty taste. and i can't imagine haleigh taking it. so -- but you know, anything that would bring haleigh home, that's what we want. >> with me is teresa neves. this is haleigh's paternal
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grandmother. miss neves, you stand very strongly behind misty croslin's story. what do you make of police saying that she has the answers? >> i have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement because, you know, if i go with every whim and every accusation then i'm going to be flipping back and forth in my life and, you know, what we stand -- you know, we just stand for haleigh here. we just want haleigh to come home. and i want them to find whoever this is, and i don't care who it is. but we want haleigh to come home. >> we are taking your calls live. with me is teresa neves, haleigh's grandmother. out to lynn in alabama. hi, lynn. >> caller: hi, nancy. i love your show. >> thank you, dear.
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>> caller: thank you for everything you do. >> what is your question? >> caller: ifmosty cummings' brother went to the house that night when no one was home, are his fingerprints, have they checked the brick for fingerprints or on the door to the trailer? >> art harris, what do we know? >> no fingerprints on the door. but they found a fist, a bloody fist print when ronald was so upset he punched the door as hard as he could, nancy. >> everyone, i want to give you the tip line again. it is 888-277-tips. 888-277-8477. there is a $70,000 reward in connection with the haleigh cummings disappearance. $70,000 for information about haleigh cummings. and i want to remind miss neves as we go to break that while we are all throwing around legal theories and arguing the evidence please know that not a
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day passes that you and your family are not in prayers and thoughts and especially little haleigh. everyone, as we go to break, tonight's safety tips. it's about choking. it can be a life-threatening emergency, especially if it's a child. every second counts. look for signs of choking. when someone turns blue, of course, grabbing at their throat, unable to breathe, cry, make noise. and try the heimlich maneuver immediately. if the throatway still isn't clear, call 911, of course. if unconscious, begin cpr. parents and caregivers should be trained in cpr and the heimlich. also, beware of toys or tiny items that can be swallowed. don't let young children eat foods that are choking risks. toddlers can swallow things without chewing them. serve food in small manageable bites. if your child has a cough or trouble breathing or swallowing
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after a choking episode, take them to the doctor. and remember, the way you treat a child choking is different from how you treat an adult. you'll learn that in child cpr. for more information go to nomore's kids health at (pouring rain) i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds), get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door.
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police looking into whether clark's attitude may have led to a deadly confrontation. >> annie le was strangled to death in the lab where she worked. clark, who also worked there, is charged with doing it and then trying to hide her body behind a wall in the lab's basement. >> apparently, he was very concerned about how people kept their mice, their cages. there have been some reports that he got very upset when people wouldn't wear plastic booties into the lab or when people wouldn't keep their cages clean. >> as i got to know him, i quickly discovered, i just jogged it as a mental memory that he was controlling, and i was going to stay away from him. >> i thought he was a control freak.
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>> co-workers tell police he was a control freak. he was also territoryial when it came to the lab and the mice he took care of. >> jessica del rocco telling abc news clark would get very angry, "often frighten me." >> he would get very angry often. >> frighten you? >> yeah, he would frighten me. >> you are seeing raymond clark's former girlfriend, jessica del rocco on abc's "good morning america." out to jean casarez, legal correspondent "in session." these are pretty stunning developments. also, we learned police back at the scene today. >> that's right. new haven police, they went back to the lab building. the building is open for research and investigation. they, though, went down to the basement. they went to a washroom, nancy. and it had lab technicians right in it. asked them to get out. cordoned it off as a crime scene, saying they were looking for what could be potentially important evidence. >> i want to go to rupa
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mikkilineni, our producer on the story. rupa, the girlfriend, the former girlfriend that speaks out saying that clark, when she was with him, was manipulative, controlling, but how did the relationship start off? >> the relationship started out, according to jessica del rocco, very sweet. he was very charming, kind, sweet, took her out to dinner. but then it progressed over a period of three months where he became more and more controlling, nancy, and would tell her what to do, would tell her what to wear, how to act, when to speak, when not to speak. >> you know, to you, dr. karyn stark, psychologist, telling her what friends to have, what to wear. he said you talk too softly, you breathe too loudly. >> well, it's typical of somebody who's a control person, nancy, that he feels out of control inside, sew needs to control everything around him, including the person he's with.
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and somebody who's like that with a woman doesn't feel good about himself as a man. so he keeps trying to refine her and get her to be the way he thinks she should be. >> so how does that fit into this case, mike brooks? >> nancy, i think what they might be trying to show is a pattern of prior behavior. you know, if this is -- is this the way he was there? is this the way his controlling -- his controllingness was in the lab with all these ph.d. candidates, with the people that came across him? i think that's exactly what they're trying to do, is to show a pattern of behavior leading up to this alleged murder. >> but you know what, to thomas kaplan, the editor in chief of the "yale daily news," it's our understanding that behind bars raymond clark has clammed up. we're not going to learn a lot from him. he's not talking. not to anybody. >> that's true. he hasn't spoken, even before his arrest, when police initially talked to him, he failed a polygraph according to reports and clammed up at that point. and from what we've been told he
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has not spoken to the authorities since then. so that's why the motive here is such a mystery. >> back to jean casarez with in session, jean, now the possibility of steroid use is rearing its ugly head. >> this is interesting. the "national enquirer" actually -- >> wait a minute, take a look at those guns this guy's sporting in court. >> i saw them. >> together with the tattoo around them to really show them off. >> i saw them. and what the "national enquirer" is reporting is that raymond clark was taking steroids possibly. and you remember the chris benoit case, the wrestler that murdered his wife, baby, and himself. he had ten times the amount of testosterone. it was said at that point it was steroid overdose. you can have a situation where you can have anger management issues and impulsiveness. >> out to the lines, kathy, ws which is. wisconsin. hi, kathy. >> caller: we love your show. i already have your book. i have a question. even though the murder occurred in the basement with animal smells and chemical smells, i find it strange that no one
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smelled a dead body in four or five days. >> i find that odd, too, dr. joshua perper. what do you make of that? the decomposition. how quickly would it take place? >> usually, the body starts to decompose immediately, but it becomes evident by smell within a day or a couple of day. and i understand here there were three days. the only explanation would be that the area in which the body was pushed in was somewhat closed, in other words, was not open to the remainder of the room and, again, the other smells in the room also masked the -- whatever odor could have come out of that particular location. >> everyone, we are taking your calls live. but quickly, to tonight's amber alert. the search for a missing 12-year-old texas girl believed to be in extreme danger. carla yriguyen-rivas last seen
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tuesday laredo texas kidnapped by suspect 28-year-old jose giovanni cruz. the 12-year-old victim five feet, 100 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, wearing a white blouse and blue jeans, black sandals. suspect, 5'6", 200 pounds, bald, brown eyes, skull and medusa tattoos to the right arm and leg. please, help us find this girl. take a look. if you have info, call 956-795-2800. and a happy birthday to georgia friend of the show virginia gunn. she never misses the show. she loves watching with her dog pumpkin and four wiener dogs, rascal, pixie, and isabella. news junkie, loves eating fried chicken for breakfast and dinner. happy birthday for beautiful v.g. imodium multi-symptom relief
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new haven police chief says his detectives had eyes on 24-year-old raymond clark as soon as yale police turned over annie le's investigation to them. he's accused of strangling le, then stuffing her 90-pound body into a basement wall. >> out to the lines. peggy in florida. hi, peggy. >> caller: hi, nancy. i love you. >> thank you for watching and for calling in. what's your question, dear? >> caller: i was just going to say that i was married to someone in the late '80s that was on steroids and he had the same -- he reacted the same way that this girlfriend has explained and even worse. and my question is will they try
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to use this as a defense? >> i think that's an excellent question. what about it, doug burns? >> i think it's an uphill battle. i mean, obviously where it goes is to some type of mental deficiency as a result of the steroids. but people raise that with alcohol and other drugs. i mean, that's a very good question that the caller poses, but i think it's going to be an uphill battle because -- >> doug, you're so right. because you've got to convince a jury. first of all, voluntary intoxication or use of drugs is not a defense unless you are absolutely comatose. and if you're comatose, you're not committing a murder. that's a catch 22 right there. so what jury is going to forgive you if your defense is hey, it was roid rage? sorry. >> it's no different than total loss of control like you were discussing earlier, and an anger problem. the sad part of the case is it looks like sort of a regular person who just went absolutely nuts. so maybe a straight insanity plea. but this is going to be a very tough case to defend. >> well, if he went insane, he
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certainly healed himself within a couple of hours when he was doing the cleanup, according to police. everyone, let's stop and remember marine lance corporal christopher fulks, 20, gaffney, south carolina. airlifted to a hospital, germany. died with his parents by his side. on a second tour, proud to be a marine like his grandfather and uncle. awarded a purple heart, sea service deployment ribbon, global war on terrorism service medal. dreamed of college. leaves behind parents steven and donna. christopher fowlkes, american hero. thanks to our guests, but especially to you, and a special good night tonight from australia and connecticut friends of the show dave, cheryl, and greg. aren't they beautiful? and handsome. everyone, i'll see you tomorrow night. 8:00 sharp eastern. and until then good night, friend.
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i'm jane velez-mitchell, and here's my issue. 57 wild mustangs have been captured by the u.s. government and now the clock is ticking on these beautiful animals. the bureau of land management is rounding up, branding, and break the spirits of these mustangs, turning around, and selling them at auction. it is a barbaric practice, and it has to be stopped. the bureau of land mismanagement, as they're sometimes called, claims they're putting up these horses for adoption. but they're wild. they're not that adoptable. many of these animals could end up as horse meat. we have to speak up for these mustangs. they're a symbol of our freedoms. and the great open west. we can't allow them just to be taken to slaughter like that. it's unfair. and it's un-american. i'm jane velez-mitchell, and i'm jane velez-mitchell, and that's my issue. -- captions by vitac --
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tonight, seismic developments in the search for haleigh cummings. are the walls closing in on misty croslin-cummings? the missing girl's stepmom has skipped town. the chain-smoking teenager, the last person to see this little girl alive, apparently got into an argument with haleigh's father, so she flew the coop. this alleged fight comes just days after misty's own brother threw her under the bus, claiming misty was not home the night haleigh vanished. so what happened that night? does misty know more than she's told the cops? and a race against time. the countdown is on for america's wild mustangs. they used to roam free, but now have been corraled, branded and roped by the u.s. government. are these animals destined for slaughter? we'll debate it.
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you can save them. they're a symbol of freedom in the american west, so why is our government forcing these horses off their land? also, breaking news in the anna nicole smith case. prosecutors planning to throw the book at smith's lawyer and boyfriend, howard k. stern. and that word came from defense attorneys. smith was prescribed sedatives, methadone and painkillers, just to name a few. and stern has been accused of aiding and abetting smith's drug habit. now he could be facing 11 felony counts. plus, drugs, sex, rock and roll. and incest? former tv star mackenzie phillips claims she was raped by her musician father, the lead singer in the mamas and the papas, john phillips. but she says as she slipped deeper into addiction this alleged incestuous sex became consensual. her dad's been dead for eight years. so why is she coming out with these shocking claims now? "issues" starts now. high drama, conflicting
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stories, conspiracy theories. the desperate search for little haleigh cummings passes the seven-month mark. tonight, we will expose bitter feuds and possible deception. the adorable 5-year-old child vanished from her satsuma, florida home in february. she and her little brother had been left in the care of dad ron's girlfriend, 17-year-old misty croslin, but now it is misty who is on the hot seat. "the orlando sentinel" reporting misty failed second lie detector test "miserably." here is misty's story about what went down that night. >> i put her to bed about 8:00, and i woke up and she was gone. and the back door was wide open. and the last time i seen her is when i put her to bed. >> were you all in the same bed? >> no. she was in her bed, in front of the tv. and me and junior was in my bed.
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>> hello. >> okay, sir. let me talk to your wife. let me get some information from her. >> man -- >> okay. can i talk to her? okay. >> how the [ bleep ] do you let my daughter get stole, [ bleep ]? >> do ron's harsh words during that crucial 911 call signal something amiss in that relationship? investigative journalist art harris reveals misty has "taken off to parts unknown." has she skipped town? i'll talk to art in a moment. all this as phone records reveal haleigh's dad tried to call misty 20 times on the night little haleigh disappeared. if she was at home, why didn't she pick up? tonight's big issue, keeping dark secrets. if misty croslin cummings does indeed know more than she's saying, how has a 17-year-old managed to keep such a deep, dark secret? straight out to my fantastic panel. tanya acker, attorney and blogger for the huffington post. brenda wade, a clinical
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psychologist, as well as art harris, investigative journalist. art's website,, has become the source of record for the latest developments in the haleigh cummings case. art, what is the very latest? >> the latest i can tell you, jane, is that misty is on the run to parts unknown. she took off after a fight with ronald, her husband and refuge, who has been her big defender, but he threw her clothes out last -- several days ago, and she ran out, kicked her out of the trailer they were living in. he then has a change of heart, chases her down, apologizes, brings her back, and then the next day she gets in a car and takes off. >> now, tanya acker, is she allowed to do that? she hasn't been charged with anything, she has not been named a suspect. >> she hasn't been charged with anything, she is not yet a suspect. we don't know if she will be named a suspect. so she hasn't done anything wrong but it does raise some interesting questions about why you would flee in the midst of
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this very critical investigation where she is at the very least somebody who, having seen -- been the last person to see haleigh alive, she should have probably stuck around. >> yeah. you have to wonder why did she leave. the timeline of the night that haleigh vanished doesn't make any sense, people. haleigh's great grandmother, annette sykes, says she saw haleigh at about 7:30 that night. misty claims she put haleigh to bed at about 8:00 that night. we just heard her say it. misty's brother, hank croslin, who is now in jail on an unrelated charge, is telling cops that ron cummings asked him to go by the house where misty was and check on misty, haleigh and little ron jr. that night. hank says he did that at 9:45 p.m. and nobody was home. law enforcement sources say phone records show that ron tried unsuccessfully to reach misty 20 times over the course of the evening. but ron's lawyer says that ron did not ask hank to go check up on misty.
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ron's lawyer claims ron and misty had been in touch during the evening. the lawyer says ron called hank's house at around 9:00 p.m. just to see if misty was there. well, here's what i don't understand, art harris. if ron had been in touch with misty, why was he calling around looking for her? why do records show reportedly he tried unsuccessfully to call her 20 times? it just doesn't make sense. what do you know? >> i don't have any information that he was talking to her. in fact, my sources say that he did not speak with her after 8:30. they had a fight on the phone. he did not speak with her until 3:00 a.m., when he came home. so you have all those phone calls, you have cell phone towers that put him at work, and you have other towers that are now being investigated along with misty's telephone to see if, in fact, hers was off or if, in fact, she made other calls. >> what i don't understand, what do you mean, they are now being investigated? the big question is, if she went out, where did she go, and who
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else knows where she went? how is it possible they're just checking now on her phone records? >> well, they have her phone records but you know, there's a gps issue, there are some cell towers concentrated in one area of the county and then there are sketchy ones elsewhere. so right now, they're trying to figure out if, in fact, she had it off or what happened with her phone. and right now, jane, i can tell you that she is under a lot of pressure and my latest on their relationship is ron has told her don't come back. >> tonight's big issue, keeping dark secrets. listen to what misty, the teen bride of haleigh's dad, said on the "today" show back in march. >> why were there inconsistencies? why did you say one thing one time and one time the other? one thing the other. >> i don't know. >> but you know you did do that?
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>> yeah. >> and you're not sure why? >> no. >> that's an amazing interview for what it doesn't say. in the six months since that appearance misty has basically not changed or said anything new. here's the thing. let's assume hypothetically, brenda wade, misty has been harboring a dark secret all this time. if she's hiding something, she is stonewalling as effectively as a terrorist suspect. how is it possible for a teenager to pull off something that would require such sophistication and self-control? >> jane, i don't know if she's hiding anything or not. this family has so much dysfunction, so much, you know, bad communication, breakdowns, fights. now your clothes are in the street, you're in, you're out. there's so much confusion. and one of the things i always remind myself when i look at misty is she is 17. your brain isn't finished until you're about 24, jane.
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we've got a person with an immature brain and a lot of immaturity in other ways, left with two children. it's so confusing but there's one thing that jumps out at me which is that the brother who says misty wasn't at home is in jail on a felony charge, yet his mother believes him. i don't know, i don't think anybody in this family has any character. i don't know who to believe. what i do know is that it's very likely that misty was acting out and punishing ron because they had a fight on the phone. whether she shut off the phone or whether she left the house, that fight is what triggered whatever went on next. >> i can tell you -- >> go ahead, art. >> jane, i can tell you that misty, i have talked to her family, her grandmother, up in tennessee. they say misty didn't really have a chance. she grew up, you know, living out of cars. her parents had their own issues. she wasn't made to go to school. she had learning disabilities. and it's really sad to hear her describe misty coming home from school saying grandma, i can't
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do this, will you help me, and then her grandmother sitting down and poring over her homework, this wonderful lady trying to summon what she remembered from school, unable to help her granddaughter. >> one thing i will say about secrets that i have learned covering crime, is that you tell a lie, you have to cover it with another lie. then you have to cover that lie with another lie. and the chance of other people getting involved and being involved increases, right? >> yes. absolutely, jane. there's no question. >> i think that -- >> so the idea that you could keep this secret forever is really unrealistic, and what happens is at a certain point, it festers to the point where it's no longer sustainable and it explodes in your face. all right. more on this in just a moment. coming up, shocking claims through the daughter of a rock legend. from drugs to incest. it's a story that's got to make your head spin. then, how is it possible haleigh's dad, ron cummings, is holding up through all of this hell?
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a frantic father, out of his mind, as you can hear, with worry over his missing 5-year-old daughter. a girl with special medical needs. tonight, speculation swirling about whether haleigh's stepmom, misty, has been keeping a dark secret in the seven months since haleigh vanished. listen to what misty said in the days following little haleigh's disappearance. >> i was looking by the dirty
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clothes for the clothes that she was wearing earlier that day for school, and i found that shirt and i showed the detectives. if i was hiding something, why would i show the cops the shirt? >> art harris, investigative journalist, you have become the source of all things cummings. you have heard some reports of a comment that misty allegedly made. this is new information. >> that's right. that's right. >> tell us about it. >> it's on i interviewed the neighbor who says that her brother, tommy, stole his gun. tommy's in jail now. he told me, though, that misty when she was over there using the phone told me, quote, "i'm damned tired taking care of someone else's children." then as she was leaving she turned to him, she called him mr. todd, and said, "will you please pray for me." he said misty, i don't really go to church that much but i'll see what i can do. >> brenda wade, what do you make of that comment if it's true? >> i don't think it's unusual for someone who's 17 caring for two young children to feel i'm tired of it, it's overwhelming.
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and this -- she's a girl. i can't even say young woman. this girl must have been overwhelmed. jane, i don't know what she's hiding or if she's hiding something, but i feel a certain empathy for her because it seems to me she's in a situation that is overwhelming, that is so dysfunctional, with a guy who throws her out on the street. i mean, it just seems like mass confusion to me. and in their relationship one thing is clear. they don't know how to talk anything out. everything gets acted out. so i have a lot of concerns about all of it. >> but you know -- go ahead, art. >> you know, ironically, i have talked to a lot of her friends and family. ronald was probably the most stable relationship she's ever had. >> well, she's only 17 at the time of all this. so that doesn't really say a whole heck of a lot. i mean, tanya acker, what i could never get my mind around in this case is the fact that ron cummings married her. your child disappears on this girl's watch and you marry her? i can't understand that, no
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matter what explanations i've heard. >> well, his explanation -- >> jane, there are so many things about this case that just don't make sense. i think brenda raises some very good points about the dysfunction in this family. i mean, the mother who's now siding with the brother in jail. i guess has also reportedly said that she's estranged from misty, not talking to her. the whole notion of this marriage that takes place after the disappearance, i think you're absolutely right, it raises serious questions. it's a little suspicious, given that married couples can't testify against one another, so i think there's some reason, there might be some reason to question some of those motives. but i find it all very bizarre and very, very troubling. >> i asked ron that question, jane. and you know what he told me? >> what? >> over dinner several months ago, he said "you keep your friends close and your enemies closer." >> whoa. >> he was afraid, he said, that if in fact misty took off to tennessee, wherever, he would never find out what happened to haleigh because she was the last one who was with her.
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>> and now she's missing. where is she, art? >> i'm just told she is out of town, no one can find her. she was supposed to come back and have a reunion with ronald on thursday, but i'm now told that's off. >> art -- go ahead. >> i was going to say, the other point really that we sort of talk about the mystery of her disappearance and the strange timing of it and why it was really not very well thought out or a good idea, let's again remember that she is 17. this girl clearly does not have and has not exercised the best judgment. so i think we should be careful about ascribing too many motivations -- >> the other thing -- >> the pressure's on. she hops in a car with someone -- >> always with these kinds of -- >> hold on, art. what are you saying? >> i said the pressure's on her. she hops in a car with someone and she takes off. >> why is the pressure on her now? this has been going on for months. is it because they dredged the pond? >> they dredged the pond. her brother comes in and says that, you know, she wasn't home when he went over and banged on the door. i had a major, major gary
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bowling demonstrated to me how hard he banged. he banged on the table, and i could hear it all the way over the phone. it was loud. so if anybody -- >> so that implies that she was not at home at the time that haleigh disappeared is this? >> or she was so -- so, you know, in such a hard sleep from whatever she had been doing, that's what ron's mother believes, that she didn't wake up. and she claims through her lawyer that she was home. >> misty's whereabouts as well as the story she's told about what happened that night are now under intense scrutiny, obviously. a guy named greg with whom she reportedly had a revenge romance after a fight with ron says misty partied with him the weekend before. listen to this. >> right before she went back to him, she was with me and she was telling me that she left him because he's going to beat on her, or whatever. they used to fight all the time. she came to me and we hung out, she came to me and we hung out, me and her friend, nene, we were just riding around. typical friday, saturday night, just riding around having fun. partying, getting high, you know. >> greg goes on to say he's sure
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he saw misty on sunday, the day before haleigh vanished. in fact, he thinks they talked on the phone on monday. is greg's testimony relevant here? given the fact that drugs were allegedly involved. tanya acker. >> i think that look, we're going to have to look with great suspicion at any testimony, at any statements that are made in the context of either the person making them or the person about whom they are, where drugs are involved. i think that we need to take some of that with a grain of salt, really. >> that's the problem with the investigation, jane. law enforcement tells me that they have had such a tough time verifying stories, determining credibility. one of the officers told me, you know, art, some of these people, it's like trying to interview a rock. >> yeah. and try to figure out what's real, what's fantasy, what's made up. >> right. >> very difficult. excellent job, thank you, fantastic panel. coming up, shocking claims from
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a former tv star, from drug-crazed nights to having a sexual relationship with her dad? then, there's nothing more beautiful than witnessing a herd of wild horses, but time's running out. we'll show you how you can help these horses. stand still so we can get an accurate reading. pounds and a smidge. a smidge? y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages under 70 pounds. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. cool. you know this scale is off by a good 7, 8 pounds. maybe five. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. upbeat rock ♪ so i could hear myself myseas a ringtone ♪hone ♪ ♪ who knew the store would go and check my credit score ♪ ♪ now all they let me have is this dinosaur ♪ ♪ hello hello hello can anybody hear me? ♪ ♪ i know i know i know i shoulda gone to ♪ ♪ free credit report dot com!
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nine! oh, precious cargo. protecting what matters most to you. now, that's progressive. call or click today. in tonight's "spotlight," the clock is ticking for america's wild mustangs. they are a symbol of our freedom and the great american west. but the bureau of land management, blm, keeps rounding them up and selling them off. right now as we speak, 57 stallions sit in pens at the base of a horse range where they once roamed free in wyoming and montana. the cloud foundation is fighting to keep these wild horses on public lands and to protect cloud, for example, a pale palomino stallion, and his herd. >> a noise from the trailer
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spooks cloud, and the family bolts to freedom. >> after a public uproar the government freed cloud. but many of the other horses you see on that pbs show are going to be auctioned off in just days. where they go if they're not adopted is a huge controversy. here to talk about it is chantal westerman, who was the hollywood reporter at "good morning america" for 13 years. she gave it all up to be an advocate for the animals. chantal, describe this blm roundup of these horses. is it terrifying for the animals? >> it's devastating, jane. it's absolutely devastating. i went to the top of the pryor mountain ridge, which covers wyoming and montana. and we were there as the horses, cloud's herd, would stand there very quietly and calmly around ponds and playing with each other, and out of the clear blue sky literally you hear that horrible pop, pop, pop, pop, pop of a helicopter. the horses are absolutely
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petrified, absolutely terrified. now, what happens is in a wild herd like this, they have bands or families that stay together and that means like there's a stallion, he has several mares, children, and they all stick together. but when they're frightened of something, they run, jane, and the helicopter, the purpose of the helicopter is to drive them down the range. now, if you can picture this, if you can imagine running down a mountain and they're at probably -- they are probably at a level of 8,000 feet and the helicopter drives them down to 3,000, so that the 5,000 altitude drop, horses running, and for me the most terrifying part was i would see mothers running alongside foals -- >> and i want to jump in on that. the most heart-wrenching part of this roundup, which is described as cruel, is the baby horses, the foals -- >> exactly.
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>> of more than 140 animals captured approximately 15 were foals, three mare/foal pairs were up for adoption. supporters say these animals are going up for adoption but what they don't say is wild horses are not adoptable very often because guess what, people, they're wild. so it's almost impossible to turn them into a riding horse. so realistically, what i've heard is a lot of these animals end up in a downward spiral where they are ultimately sold for horse meat, which means a horrific journey to the slaughterhouses of mexico or canada. yes or no, chantal? >> well, i have to say yes and no. because i will tell you thanks to you and your intelligent audience who watches this and follows cloud's herd, cloud's herd -- >> i want to jump in. i want to say that i would like to help out these horses. you can go to there's an auction set up for the 26th of september. you can get involved and save some of these horses that are going up for auction.
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breaking news in the anna nicole smith case. prosecutors planning to throw the book at smith's lawyer and boyfriend, howard k. stern. and that word came from defense attorneys. now he could be facing 11 felony counts. plus, drugs, sex, rock and roll and incest? former tv star mackenzie phillips claims she was raped by her musician father, but she says as she slipped deeper into addiction this alleged incestuous sex became consensual. he's been dead for eight years. why is she coming out with these shocking claims now? sickening secrets revealed in an explosive tell-all written by former tv star mackenzie phillips.
9:31 pm reports phillips said she had sex with her own father. in her own memoir, the "one day at a time" star writes at 19 on her wedding night she claims to have woken up from a drug-induced haze and was having sex with her dad, rock legend john phillips, who founded the mamas and the papas. he died in 2001, so he cannot defend himself. but john's other daughter, chyna, of wilson phillips fame, says she believes her sister. chyna says her sister told her this years ago. mackenzie exposed all her dark secrets to the public today on "oprah." >> my father shot me up for the first time. mick jagger locks the door and he says, "i've been waiting for this since you were 10 years old." >> wow. this is mind-boggling. the book's title, "high on arrival" is based on a song john dedicated to mackenzie.
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the chilling lyrics, "she's just 14, there isn't much she hasn't seen, she always too high on arrival." as she spiraled out of control, mackenzie says the relationship became consensual. her dad even said let's move to fiji and live as a couple? mackenzie has a history of drug abuse that started in her teens. she has been in rehab. want to take a guess how many times? ten times, people. did her father's alleged abuse fuel her addiction? straight out to my fantastic expert panel. also joining us, dr. reef karim, addiction specialist and psychiatrist, and carlos diaz, correspondent from "extra." carlos, dare we ask, what is the very latest? >> well, i tell you what, the very latest is the response you're getting from people and it really is split right down the middle between the people that you see online who are writing now saying okay, do we need to know this information, is it transparent that she's trying to sell a book and then
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the other half of the people are saying you know what, you know, kudos to mackenzie for coming out and saying this, maybe what she's saying will help other people. it really is split right down the middle between those two opinions. >> yeah. and i keep going back and forth between those two opinions as i read more and more. i'm sure you do, too. in her book, mackenzie says of sex with dad, quote, "there was a relationship that crossed the boundaries of love to break taboos," end quote. "my father was not a man of boundaries. he was full of love and he was sick with drugs. i woke from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father," end quote. she has said in the past she looked up to her dad. listen to this. >> we have to remember that we are our children's role models, you know, and certainly, my role models, my role model was my father, who had hair down his back and was wearing a dress. you know? and said whatever turns you on. >> brenda wade, i honestly don't know what to make of this.
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what concerns me is that the father is dead, he died eight years ago, so he cannot speak to defend himself. what do you make of it? >> you know, jane, i rarely see people come out with this kind of story just to sell books or just to make a name for themselves, because it's too shameful. it's very, very shameful and painful to think of having sexual intercourse with one's parent. people don't make that up randomly as a rule. and the thing that makes me believe that it's true is exactly what she just said. she said her dad had this belief that anything goes, anything's okay, and jane, you know as well as i know that when someone is addicted to drugs, the brain stops working properly. the judgment that we normally count on to keep boundaries, to keep relationships where they need to be between parents and children, all those boundaries break down and anything could
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happen. >> i say over and over again, i have said it to you, brenda, i say it in my book, alcohol and drugs make you capable of things you would never, ever, ever be capable of sober. now, mackenzie phillips, mackenzie phillips also has a history of severe drug abuse, along with her dad, but she was kicked off the show "one day at a time" because of her constant drug use. last year, we're just talking 2008, she was busted in the airport with cocaine and heroin. she told oprah about this arrest. listen. >> it was terrifying. and the woman was like, "are you holding? are you holding?" and i was like, no, no, no. then finally she pointed down to my foot and i could see the baggie of drugs sticking out of the corner underneath my foot. and i, you know -- at some point you have to give in and i said yeah, i am holding. i said, but i'm somebody's mother, i'm somebody's mother, please don't bust me, please don't bust me. >> mackenzie says she is now sober. tmz reporting she will appear on vh-1's "celebrity rehab" as a mentor this season.
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dr. reef karim, she's got a book, she's on "celebrity rehab," and she's now revealing these deep dark secrets. connect the dots for us. >> yeah. you know, i'm split down the middle as well. on one side of it, you've got the entrepreneurial aspect of things and on the other side, you've got the sex, drugs, rock and roll lifestyle. where i thought brenda said it very well. when you're truly in the throes of addiction, all boundaries are completely thrown out the window. and a family member who's supplying drugs is no longer a family member. it's a drug dealer. the role has completely changed. and research in the field of addiction shows precocious sexuality, sexual abuse, emogsal abuse, physical abuse, and early drug use while the brain is still being developed as an adolescent completely changes one's coping skills, ability to deal with life, ability to set
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boundaries later on in life. >> i want to jump in with tanya acker. you're the attorney, and i first thought whoa, wow, this is a pretty libelous statement, and of course a second later i realized the person who is being accused of this has passed away. so what's the legality of that, tanya? >> well, first off, the fact that he's dead suggests that he no longer can prosecute this cause of action. his estate would have to prosecute it, but it seems that there might not be anybody who would be willing to do that. i mean, i don't know the mechanics of who his estate administrators are, but the fact that mackenzie's sister, chyna, is prepared to corroborate these allegations would suggest that any claim that anyone would want to make about -- >> all right. good analysis, tanya. we have, by the way, an exciting addition to our primetime lineup coming to you next week. "the joy behar show" will air every night at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on hln. and here's just a little taste
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of what you're going to get. it's her "moment of joy" commentary. >> so i hear the ukraine has turned down elton john's request to adopt a 14-month-old ukrainian boy named lev. okay. who's in charge there? who's in charge there? >> viktor yushchenko? >> viktor yushchenko? i think dated him. listen, viktor, are you saying elton john is too old or too gay? uh-huh. he may be gay but he also happens to be a celebrated humanitarian who has been knighted by the queen of england. in fact, some people think he is the queen of england. this baby, this poor baby, is unwanted, hiv positive and stuck in some depressing orphanage that makes abu ghraib look like the presidential suite at the waldorf with no prospects to move up in the world. where's he going to go, estonia? and here's the chance to be taken in by two loving, fabulously rich parents who will
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give him the best health care in the universe and dress him in versace jammies and cashmere huggies. so now sir elton will move on and find some other more tolerant country willing to let him be a dad. meanwhile, little lev will likely grow up in foster homes, turn into a bitter, vodka-swilling drunk and one day, will return to the orphanage and say you [ bleep ], i'm living in a dumpster when i could have had front row seats at the garden for the rest of my life and hung out with sting and elizabeth hurley. and that's a sad story. but maybe that's just me. >> the show premieres on hln next tuesday at 9:00 p.m. eastern, but you can check it out now at once again, "the joy behar show." and we can't wait to see it. all right. coming up, an accused family killer finally in u.s. custody. the latest on the case of this man, accused of wiping out his
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entire family. then more trouble for howard k. stern. is that even possible? yes, it is. what does today's court appearance reveal about his role, alleged, in anna nicole smith's death? ever worn your clothes in the shower? if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever.
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new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. proclaims "gq" magazine. did you see that? the interior "positively oozes class," raves "car magazine." "slick and sensuous," boasts "the washington times." "the most striking vw in recent memory," declares-- okay, i get it already. i think we were in a car commercial. ♪ yeah ♪ yeah.
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boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh...
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boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. howard k. stern in court today on additional charges related to anna nicole smith's death. we are going to discuss it but first, "top of the block" tonight. breaking developments in a brutal florida family murder. the man accused of cutting his family's throat and then fleeing to haiti is now in u.s. custody. mesac damas was booked last night and was served with a
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warrant charging him with six counts of premeditated first-degree murder. damas is slated to appear in a florida court tomorrow. and then in a stunning twist, cops say jaycee dugard's alleged captor is not connected, not connected to two other missing girl cases. this comes after human bones were discovered on phillip garrido's property. that is tonight's "top of the block." new charges today against anna nicole smith's boyfriend and lawyer. did howard k. stern keep her or help keep her stocked with the dozens of meds that killed her? he and two of anna nicole's doctors are accused of basically enabling her to death. they have all pleaded not guilty. the newest allegation against stern is that he scored opiates for anna nicole using aliases. court docs say 44 medications were prescribed for her under a number of names, including stern's. 44 medications. was this addict getting whatever
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she wanted because she was a celebrity and a potent sex symbol? anna nicole died in 2007, just months after her son, daniel, died. stern says daniel's death started her on a very dark road. >> from the day that daniel died, anna honestly was never the same. i mean, i would say that physically, she died last week but in a lot of ways emotionally she died when daniel died. >> were the people closest to anna more concerned with feeding her addiction than getting her real help? could they even help her? she was an adult, after all. let me welcome back my fantastic panel. also joining us, mike walters, news manager at tmz. mike, what is the very latest? >> well, you said it, jane. howard was charged with five more felonies. he was in court today, he pled not guilty, but i think you've got to get into what they are to explain what happened here. and that is four counts of the fraudulent prescriptions.
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in these documents, it goes into really good detail about how he used his name, his name spelled s-t-e-a, and it has no "a" in it, to score drugs. and then taking it to anna nicole in the bahamas, here in studio city and in all of her houses. that's what that's about. but the one that sticks in my head is the fifth one, and that is administering, prescribing, or dispensing narcotics or a controlled substance to an addict. and the interesting thing is remember we talked about it yesterday, there's a really gruesome thing inside the documents that talks about taking medication, crushing it up, heating it up into liquid and injecting it into anna nicole. him and eroshevich. that's what i see when i look at it. but i've got to say really quickly, the zinger today in court was on the way out his attorney decides to stop and do a press conference, and guess what this guy says. he says anna nicole smith wasn't an addict and tries to call the charges b.s. now, whether the charges are b.s. or not, i dare anyone on this panel or -- >> whoa, whoa, whoa. who said that anna nicole is not an addict?
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>> howard's lawyer said that on the way out of the courtroom. we livestreamed it here on our website. >> wow. >> but it just happened on the way out. and if that's your excuse that you tried to claim that anna nicole and that's your defense, wasn't an addict, i dare anybody to explain that to me. go ahead and roll the videotape of her in the clown outfit and the face paint and all the times that we've seen her on red carpets and anything, and tell me, and then read the documents and tell me anna nicole smith didn't have a drug problem. you're crazy. >> yeah. and i have to say that stern has pleaded not guilty and his attorney wants all the charges dismissed, and we are going to say that any time howard stern wants to come by and appear on "issues" and tell his side of the story, we are very, very, very happy to have him. stern denies all the accusations and says anna nicole was his world. that world included off-the-wall apparent seeming drug-induced scenes like this. all right.
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>> i said this footage is worth money. >> why? what footage? >> this thing you're looking into. >> it's a camera. >> exactly. >> now, i think that is pretty powerful evidence that at least anna nicole was high on something, at least at the time. now, if you ever saw her tv show, she also appears high at that time. brenda wade, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, can we assume that yes, it is a duck? >> it's a duck. it's a duck, jane, we all know that. the thing that i want people to take away, because addiction is rampant in america. you know that. and one of the things that's important is to know that there are ways to intervene and get people into treatment. but if you're a pusher, your motivation is to keep making money off the person getting the drug. if you're the enabler, you've got your own motivations for crushing up drugs and injecting it into somebody's veins.
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but if you want to help someone, there are many, many, many fine services for doing an intervention. we have free 12-step programs in every church basement and synagogue basement all over the country. for god's sake, we need to address this. >> steve kardian, is it possible that howard k. stern was your classic enabler, co-dependent, who thought that he was doing what anna nicole wanted? >> absolutely. he believed that he was doing what she wanted. but the bottom of the -- the fact of the matter is that he enabled, he facilitated, and he conspired to ultimately lead to her death through criminal negligence. so yes. >> yeah. this is a wild -- >> i also think he had some motivation of his own here, jane. i don't think enablers are just doing what they think the other person wants. most enablers continue to enable because they're getting something, too. >> or they're in denial. addiction is at the heart of the anna nicole tragedy and so many other stories, including my own. it is national recovery month. great time to get sober.
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and i also want to urge you to buy my new book, "iwant." you're going to learn so much about my struggle with alcohol addiction. how i overcame it. some of my confessions, they are actually quite shocking. you can get my recovery memoir in bookstores now or go to and click on the order section. you know, they say the only thing that has to change is everything. that's exactly what happened to me once i sobered up. you won't believe some of the things that changed. all right, everyone, stay right where you are. we're going to have more on the anna nicole smith drama in just a moment. you won't believe what's next. we're shopping for car insurance, and our friends said we should start here. good friends -- we compare our progressive direct rates, apples to apples, against other top companies, to help you get the best price. how do you do that? with a touch of this button. can i try that?
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the scenario is using false names and getting prescriptions for thousands of pills without medical necessity and making them available to anna nicole smith, who obviously was addicted. and all of that violates the law of california. >> thousands of pills. that was the california attorney general, who was overseeing the investigation into anna nicole smith's death. back with my fantastic panel. tanya acker, attorney, one of the arguments that howard k. stern's attorney is using is "howard is not a doctor. the statute does not apply to him." is it that simple, really? >> no, it actually is not that simple, jane. and you know, the interesting thing here is that this notion that they're going to go down
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this road of suggesting that he was somehow innocent and didn't know that she was an addict when by the same token he's being charged with using aliases to get her drugs and participating in her drug habit while she was pregnant, i just don't think that's going to go very far. so i don't think this is going to be a very fruitful line of defense for him. >> well, let's talk about the doctors who are involved. because he's not the only one charged. there are shocking new allegations that anna nicole had sexual contact with her doctors. >> yes. >> court documents cite some really, and i mean really racy photos of anna nicole with her psychiatrist and neighbor dr. kristine eroshevich. now, these pictures apparently allegedly -- i have not seen them -- show the two naked and embracing in a bathtub two months before anna died. the documents also allege dr. sandeep kapoor had some kind of sexual contact with anna. there he is. tmz has this photo of her with a shirtless dr. kapoor.
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the doctor's attorney, however, told "issues" no way, jose, my client is openly gay. so i've got to go back to mike walters on this. if he's openly gay, he's not having sexual contact probably with anna nicole. so let's talk a little bit about the other one, the female psychiatrist. >> well, yeah. i mean, the one thing in the documents that doesn't -- when this story came out in the news, in the media, they didn't really get into detail. i mean, in a bathtub with topless or something like that doesn't sound as bad. but there are several photos, and they are very racy. we're talking totally nude -- >> have you seen them? >> i have not seen them personally, but they are described in very specific detail. if you read the full documents, it goes into very specific detail as in fully nude on a bed, crotch area, open legs, stuff like that is in these documents. so they are very racy. and i have to go back to the fact that they're doctors. so again, this is an inappropriate relationship, whether they're playing and having fun or sandeep kapoor is
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openly gay and he's nuzzling her neck at a nightclub. and you saw the photo. that was actually a gay pride parade they were at at the end of the night. but that doesn't matter. he's her doctor on paper. he's prescribing medication. and that's inappropriate either way. >> brenda wade, what are the rules for doctors and their patients? >> jane, you take the hippocratic oath, and in this case i think these doctors took the hypocrite's oath. the oath says -- >> that was a good one. >> -- that you are to protect your patient, you are to help ever, hurt never. always do those kinds of things that empower and help people. in this case clearly the doctors aren't helping. they knew it. they were hurting her. and in terms of relationship, there's professional distance. it's not professional to nuzzle your patient's neck or -- >> i think we're going to have to leave it with that brilliant line. as they say, first do no harm. thank you, fabulous panel. remember, click on preorder my book "i want." you're watching "issues" on hln.
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breaking news tonight. satsuma, florida. a 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed. five hours later she's gone. vanished. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little haleigh. bombshell tonight. a letter emerges in the search for haleigh outlining details of a party the night haleigh goes missing, a party fueled by drugs. at the party, misty croslin. with her, little haleigh. reports that night little haleigh accidentally ingests the heavy-duty painkiller oxycontin
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and dies. we have the letter. this as new stepmom misty croslin skips town after a bitter fight with haleigh's father ronald cummings. croslin's brother behind bars on a gun charge, leading to another break. in a late-night jailhouse interrogation we learn the brother finally confesses he goes to haleigh's house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door repeatedly, nobody home. phone records confirming ronald cummings tries desperately to reach croslin that night, no answer. where was girlfriend turned stepmother misty croslin during those crucial hours when haleigh goes missing? investigators focusing on a heavily wooded area draining a local pond in connection with haleigh. as girlfriend turned stepmom misty croslin flunks another polygraph, tonight, where is haleigh?
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>> okay, sir, let me talk to your wife. let me get some information from her. okay. can i talk to her? okay. >> how the [ bleep ] can you let my daughter get stole -- >> was haleigh cummings the victim of a drug overdose? according to a letter allegedly from one of stepmom/babysitter misty croslin's friends, haleigh died from an overdose of oxycontin and then her body was thrown into a pond. >> i'll do anything to get her back. people think i had something to do with it. if i had something to do with it or knew where she was we wouldn't be sitting here today we would have her. >> the police claim he had were given a sworn affidavit by a friend of misty's that says misty, haleigh and a group of friends were partying at one of their friends' house the night of her disappearance. when haleigh overdosed, the friends panicked, shoved haleigh's body in a black bag, and tossed her in a nearby pond. >> crystal, what do you make of the recent developments, the developments especially about
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misty croslin flunking a polygraph? >> well, i thought all along that she had something to do with it. and this kind of just proves it. she was the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don't add up. >> police say they are completely ignoring the letter and are denying any existence of this alleged sworn affidavit from misty's friend. reports are all of the friends have been cleared. >> she is still the most important witness in this case. she's the last person to see the children. she was with them. she's an important person to be spoken to, and law enforcement needs to go get her. and tonight, live to connecticut and the sudden disappearance of a gorgeous young ivy league doctoral student just before she's set to walk down the aisle. the 24-year-old beauty last spotted on grainy surveillance video walking into a yale research building. a false fire alarm mysteriously goes off in the building. people rush out. annie le never seen again.
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at nearly the exact hour le set to walk down the aisle, wedding dress on a hanger in the closet, flowers ordered, the girl's body found stuffed in a two-foot wall cable space there at yale's research building. in the early mortgage hours police storm a super 8 motel to arrest 24-year-old lab tech raymond clark on murder one. tonight, clark's alleged history of stalking, threatening, harassing women resurfaces. his former girlfriend breaking her silence, revealing clark a control freak, during their relationship lashing out, dictating what she says, where she goes, even what she wears. we have the video. in the last hours investigators back at the crime scene, zeroing in on a basement washroom where mouse cages are cleaned.
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was this senseless murder over laboratory mice cages? and another twist. was suspect raymond clark fueled by steroids? >> a former girlfriend claims the man accused of killing a yale university grad student was extremely controlling. >> in a shocking interview with "good morning america" ray clark's ex-girlfriend was so scared of the yale lab tech, telling abc news clark would get very angry, often, frighten me. he'd get this little look in his eye, and sometimes it was just better to do what he said." >> he would frighten me. it escalated a lot after -- i mean, with the controlling issue it escalated from there. >> jessica dell rocco tells abc's "good morning america" clark told her what clothes she could wear and who she could have as friends. del rocco says clark sometimes
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got so angry she was frightened. >> in a matter of weeks jessica says clark went from the perfect boyfriend to becoming manipulative, controlling. >> it was anger, yelling. as the relationship progressed, like if things didn't go his way, then he'd make them go his way. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. bombshell tonight. was 5-year-old haleigh taken to a late-night party fueled by drugs where she ingested the heavy-duty painkiller oxycontin? >> i know i didn't do anything with -- to that lit l girl. i would never hurt her. i mean, they love me. i mean, they look at me like their mom. >> did haleigh cummings die from an overdose of oxycontin? a letter obtained allegedly from a friend of misty croslin claims that haleigh got her hands on the powerful narcotic while at a party with misty and her friends the night of the disappearance. >> now that you have been told, whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a
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poly, have you asked her what happened? >> i asked her, but that -- i don't get any answers from her. >> the letter states that cops were given a sworn affidavit from a friend of misty's, who claims everyone at the party "freaked out" when the toddler overdosed, then put haleigh in a black bag and threw her into a pond nearby. >> look at her body language. there are so many tells that she's not telling the truth. she's saying no when it's supposed to be in the affirmative. a lot of shoulder shrugging. the tears that don't look very genuine. it's very disturbing to watch. >> police are denying any friend has come forward making these allegations and are said to be completely ignoring the letter. all of misty's friends have reportedly been cleared, and there are still no suspects in the case. >> as we go to air, we have just heard from local police who say in fact they are not ignoring this theory, that they have been
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vetting this theory along with several other theories about what has happened to little haleigh and that many points behind this letter are in fact credible and they are in fact investigating it. we are taking your calls live. first out to marlaina schiavo, our producer on the story. marlaina, what do you know about this letter? but most important, its contents. was there a party the night haleigh went missing? >> that's what this letter is saying, nancy. this letter came from a girl behind bars who is friends with misty, who's a party friend of misty's, who's saying that misty was with her that night -- or this letter's claiming misty, this girl and some other people were together that night and that haleigh was with them partying -- they were all partying and misty got -- excuse me, haleigh got her hands on oxycontin and ingested it and died and that's when this other friend at the party panicked, put haleigh allegedly in a bag,
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and threw her in a pond. and that's what this letter is saying. >> now, if the letter is true, i am expected to believe that everybody at this so-called party has managed to keep their yaps shut for this long? that is the hard part for me. what about it, art harris at what can you tell me? you've been investigating this theory for weeks. >> well, nancy, investigators told me exclusively that this letter was legitimate. got a copy of it right here. and in fact, they are taking it seriously. they did confirm that they talked to this friend of misty's in jail, confronted her with this sworn affidavit of a witness, and that she is denying it, but she wrote her boyfriend in this letter saying don't you remember, we were together that night, as if she wants to make sure she has an alibi. >> to t.j. hart, program and news director wsky 97.3 fm,
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t.j., what do you make of this theory? did such a party take place? has that much been confirmed? and this letter is from who to whom? >> i'm not going to mention names. it's from -- >> i don't care about the names. >> but the recipient was indeed her boyfriend. that has been verified. this boyfriend read this to several people over the phone. we had it scan-faxed to us. and that's how we got it. it is legitimate as far as where the letter came from and who it was sent to. now, the party, that has not been confirmed. however, you remember they talked about a pond. well, in that letter they also talked about the black bag being dropped in a pond at the mondex. well, that's exactly where a pond was drained over the weekend. "l" pond at the mondex. >> out to the lines, we are taking your calls live. kimberly in washington. hi, kimberly.
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>> caller: hi, nancy. so nice to finally talk with you. you're my hero, and i watch you every night. >> kimberly, thank you. and thank you for calling in. what is your question, dear? >> caller: you know, i keep on thinking about little junior. he was allegedly there that night. i know early on in the investigation they said possibly he said there was a man there. i was wondering if police are still questioning him. >> let's go to a special guest joining us tonight, the grandmother of haleigh and of junior, teresa neves is with us. she has staumplgly supported misty croslin throughout. miss neves, thank you for being with us. what about junior? have police continued to question him? has he been questioned at all by police? >> he has been questioned, miss nancy. he gave them information the night -- or the morning that this happened. and they're not questioning him now. you know? >> yes. i understand. miss neves, at one point i
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recall that junior, the little brother, had stated that there were other people in the home that evening. what do you recall about his statement? >> junior's initial statement to the law enforcement was that he saw a man in black, i believe, was what they said. >> yes. >> and then it changed, you know. but he didn't change it. other people changed it. >> yes. miss neves, what do you make of this letter? do you put any stock in it? >> nancy, i'm like you. i do not think that that many people, with a $70,000 reward, are going to sit at home and not say anything. i do not believe for one second that my granddaughter would take something like that because of the taste of it. just simply for that fact. ever worn your clothes in the shower?
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if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin.
10:14 pm
proclaims "gq" magazine. did you see that? the interior "positively oozes class," raves "car magazine." "slick and sensuous," boasts "the washington times." "the most striking vw in recent memory," declares-- okay, i get it already. i think we were in a car commercial. ♪ yeah ♪ yeah. i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds), get out! (phone rings)
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hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly-trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now--nd get the system installed for just $99., broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now.
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okay, sir, let me talk to your wife. let me get some information from her. >> man. [ bleep ]. >> okay. can i talk to her? okay. >> how the [ bleep ] can you let my daughter get stole? somebody stole my child out of my bed. i come home from work and my child was not there. >> i put her to bed and about 8:00 and i woke up and she was gone. the back door was wide open.
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>> do you believe that misty was indeed home and that she's been telling the truth? >> yeah, i believe she's telling the truth. >> what we need is for misty to come down here and tell us the truth. >> i didn't hear anything at all. i mean, i was really exhausted that day, you know. really exhausted. and when i laid down, i guess i was just out. >> i was told, you know, that she went to bed at 10:00. being that exhausted, i think that maybe you could sleep through somebody beating on the door. >> the officers are going to come out there and do what they can. we can't have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there. okay? >> uh-huh. >> give me my [ bleep ] phone. i've got better people to talk to than a [ bleep ] that ain't coming. >> straight back out to marlaina schiavo. you have been in the home. what do you think? how far away is that front door from where misty croslin says she was sleeping? could you really not have heard somebody banging on the door if she goes to bed at 10:00 and the brother gets there between 9:30, bangs on the door till 10:00 and then waits for her to get home, no sign of life inside? >> i find it really hard to
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believe that no one could hear that. the bedroom is in the front of the house. eight, maybe ten feet away from that room. and nancy, remember, this is a trailer. it's not a big place. it's not soundproof. and if he's banging away like the cops say he was, there's no way she couldn't have heard that. >> we are taking your calls live. let's unleash the lawyers. joining me tonight out of new york, family law attorney susan moss. also with us tonight out of atlanta, defense attorney renee rockwell. and also in new york defense attorney, former federal prosecutor doug burns. sue moss, what about it? >> did he really go to the trailer door, or was this just some folklore? i mean, if he was at the trailer door, there's no way she was in that trailer. there's no way she could have slept through this. there's no way the kids could have slept through him banging on the doors. somebody is lying, and that's the key to this case. >> to renee rockwell, i want to get back to this letter. this letter that has been
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written by a woman who is now incarcerated. what do you make of it? whenever i find out a letter -- hey, art, was this letter written from the jailhouse, art harris? >> sure was. it was written from the jailhouse, nancy, and she asks him to "send me some money." >> okay. didn't ask you that. but thanks for the nugget. renee rockwell, i'm always suspicious since i've gotten so many letters from the jailhouse all over the country. when i was prosecuting, i always wonder if there's an angle. what do they want? what do they want? what's the motive? that's a problem. >> nancy, you can't always talk about and trust a snitch from the jail. but this is not anything that someone from the jail is trying to go to the police with and make a deal with and get a free pass out of jail. this is a letter that has arisen and has emerged and was not necessarily for the eyes of the police. so you've got -- >> that's a good point. >> -- to give a little more trust to a letter like that.
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>> to doug burns, former prosecutor turned defense attorney. doug, listen. i've used jailhouse rats on the stand before. >> yep. >> if i believe them and if i could corroborate what they had to say. and renee makes a good point. this is not a letter this woman sends trying to get a deal, trying to get a sweetheart deal. this is to her boyfriend asking for some money. this has nothing to do with any ulterior motive. >> exactly right. but the most important point you just made is you can use this as a great source as long as you can corroborate it. the police can go through every little detail and hopefully there will be kernels of information in there that lead to additional roads, and that's where it can be really good. and as you said at the beginning, and you're right, you can use these witnesses but you've got to corroborate them. >> well, sometimes you've got to go to hell to get the witness to put the devil in jail, unfortunately. to caryn stark, psychologist joining us in our new york studios, caryn, weigh in. >> i'll tell you, nancy, it's all so suspicious. and if you take a look at the grandmother who's supporting
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misty, that doesn't make a lot of sense compared to her own mother, who doesn't seem to be supporting her. so there's so much confusion, and it's very hard to piece this apart -- >> but i find it important that teresa neves, who's her paternal grandmother, supports misty croslin. where her own blood mother doesn't. to me that speaks volumes in misty croslin's favor. >> well, i don't know about that. because usually parents stand by their children. i mean, take a look at casey anthony. that mother was swearing by her no matter what. so that's confusing. >> you're right. [ ellen ] i care about how i look. that's why i use covergirl's simply ageless makeup with olay regenerist serum. a department store brand can glob up in lines
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i just wish they would have took me instead of her. what do they want with a little 5-year-old? >> could have been any one of us and our children. any one. nobody knows where there's a psycho or sicko. nobody knows. >> she is scared of the dark. she would not go anywhere by herself. i did take a polygraph. i mean, my understanding is that i passed it. >> is there any possibility that she left the home that evening
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and hasn't told you? >> if there is a possibility of it, i don't know anything about it. >> to mike brooks, former fed with the fbi. mike, you and i have both seen a lot of jailhouse letters. but rockwell makes a good point. this is not asking for a favor, hey, i'll give you information if you'll give me straight probation. >> nope. not asking for that at all, nancy. and just like she said, this was not for the eyes of the police. this was like hey, we were together that night, remember? you know, and hopefully, nancy, this will rattle some of the cages and hopefully, this will rattle the cage that misty's in right now since she took off from home because i think she is still holding the key to where little haleigh is. two flunked polygraphs from law enforcement, one flunked polygraph from tim miller's group. inconsistencies all over the place. she's the one that holds the key to this. i still believe that, nancy. >> to chief medical examiner of broward county, author of "when
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to call the doctor," dr. joshua perper is with us tonight. and it's an honor to have you on the air with us, dr. perper. >> thank you. >> dr. perper, what is oxycontin and how would, for instance, one pill affect a 5-year-old child? let me just say weighing maybe between 30, 35 pounds. >> well, oxycontin is a form of oxycodone which is long acting. and it's taken primarily against pain, but people also take it for so-called recreational purposes, for basically addiction, getting a high. obviously, it's not given to children at all, and it's not recommended for children. so if, unfortunately, she died as a result of an oxycontin overdose and there are still soft tissue available, then from the examination of the soft tissue it's going to be possible to make a determination that she
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died as a result of that. >> but from one pill could a child 39 pounds overdose, doctor? >> probably from one or two pills she could have died, and it's possible that children sometimes think that that's candy. and we see sometimes accidental death in those cases. unless somebody gave her intentionally the pill, which i don't think it will be very likely.
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i want to get to the bottom of what happened. i don't know if hypnosis is going to do it. they've already tried to hypnotize -- >> are you of the mind that you should try anything? >> absolutely. if that's what we need to, do then that's what we can do. >> i'm trying to do everything to find her, answer any questions i have to, because i know i didn't do anything to that little girl. >> here's the back screen door. the one that was propped open with the cinderblock, okay? now, if you see, when it closed, it slams. it makes a loud noise. but if you leave this door, this slowly closes as well.
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>> i just want everybody to know that i didn't do anything with that little girl. i love her like she's my own. and i'll do anything to get her back. >> what we need is for misty to come down here and tell us the truth. we know it applies pressure in an area where pressure needs to be applied, and that's on misty. and misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that we need to go down to the sheriff's office and really lay out in clear terms what i was doing from 8:00 p.m. till 3:00 a.m. >> okay. sir, let me talk to your wife. let me get some information from her. >> man. [ bleep ]. >> okay. can i talk to her? okay. >> how the [ bleep ] can you let my daughter get stole? >> straight out to the lines, katie, north carolina. hi, katie. >> caller: hi. i was curious because when tommy came by the door had to have been locked, but when misty woke
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up, it was open. so was the lock broken? how did the door get unlocked? >> good question. marlaina schiavo, what can you tell us? you actually tested out the door. >> well, the door tommy was knocking on was the front the door that was propped open was the side door. so the lock was not -- the lock door. wasn't broken. it just -- the door was just propped open. >> out to the lines. tracy, ohio. hi, tracy. >> caller: hi, nancy. i just love you. >> thank you, tracy in ohio. i've got to tell you, i could use that love tonight. i've been up since 4:30 this morning with the twins. they're waring mommy ragged. but i tell you, when i take a look at this story and i think about ronald cummings, teresa neves never seeing their daughter and granddaughter for all these months, maybe never again, they can wake me up every morning at 4:30 for the rest of my life. i'm just so grateful. what is your question, dear? >> caller: my question, nancy, is i wanted to know if there was
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a party that misty was at with haleigh, would there -- would the other people involved in that party be involved in this too? would they be charged? >> good question. sue moss, renee rockwell, doug burns, again, i've got to reiterate. it's very difficult for me to believe that a bunch at a drug party can keep their pie holes shut this many months, although maybe they think they could be implicated or, renee rockwell, i could see a scenario where there had been a party, maybe haleigh was in the car, maybe she came in to one of the rooms, maybe everyone didn't see her. there are a lot of scenarios where this could in fact be legitimate. >> legitimate? well, i can say this, nancy. if there was a party and there were illegal drugs or even if they were prescribed but they were left out for a 5-year-old to come in contact with and eat and then die of an overdose, i can absolutely see the whole bunch of them being charged with at least a negligent homicide.
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>> out to the lines. mary jo in florida. hi, mary jo. >> caller: hey, friend. i'm a big fan of the show. thanks for what you do. >> and thank you for calling in, dear. what's your question? >> caller: i have a two-part question. i was wondering what misty was wearing when ronald got home. was she in pajamas or was she in -- >> good question. >> caller: and then how much time in between when she allegedly woke up and ronald got home? >> teresa neves, this is haleigh's paternal grandmother. what was she wearing when ronald got home? >> she was wearing a little pajama top and boxer shorts. >> miss neves, just hearing you upset, we're all throwing around legal theories and this letter and whether it's true or not. what is your message tonight? >> i believe haleigh is alive.
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i have faith in god to take care of my baby girl and find her. and i don't care who had something to do with it. those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home. >> miss neves, why are you so sure haleigh is still with us? >> because i stand on god's promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for. >> miss neves, tell me how ronald is holding up. i mean, he comes on our show frequently, and he's always so strong. how is he holding up? >> he's not as strong at home as he is on tv. but he has to be strong for junior. you know?
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so he does the best that he can. he keeps his crying to his self at night and just tries to make junior happy until haleigh comes home. >> how is junior? does he even realize at this juncture that haleigh is gone? >> junior thinks that haleigh is lost and she's finding her way home. he actually drew her a map so she could find her way home. but he doesn't realize the longevity, i think, of it. >> you know, i focus so much on where is haleigh, what happened that night. you know, junior has been lost in the mix. i cannot imagine, god forbid, the thought that i would ever have to explain to one of the twins where the other one was, why they were not at home. what do you tell him?
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>> the angels are watching haleigh and she'll be home soon. >> miss neves, when you hear about, for instance, this letter -- >> yes, ma'am. >> -- how does that affect you? whether you believe it or don't believe it. when you hear there might be a break in the case. >> miss nancy, we would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings haleigh back to us. you know, this letter is a little far-fetched, i think, because haleigh didn't like medicine and oxycontin, i've had to take it. i think it's a very nasty taste. and i can't imagine haleigh taking it. so -- but you know, anything that would bring haleigh home, that's what we want. >> with me is teresa neves. this is haleigh's paternal grandmother.
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miss neves, you stand very strongly behind misty croslin's story. what do you make of police saying that she has the answers? >> i have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement because, you know, if i go with every whim and every accusation then i'm going to be flipping back and forth in my life and, you know, what we stand -- you know, we just stand for haleigh here. we just want haleigh to come home. and i want them to find whoever this is, and i don't care who it is. but we want haleigh to come home. >> we are taking your calls live. with me is teresa neves, haleigh's grandmother. out to lynn in alabama. hi, lynn. >> caller: hi, nancy. i love your show. >> thank you, dear. >> caller: thank you for everything you do. >> what is your question? >> caller: if misty cummings'
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brother went to the house that night when no one was home, are his fingerprints, have they checked the brick for fingerprints or on the door to the trailer? >> art harris, what do we know? >> no fingerprints on the door. but they found a fist, a bloody fist print when ronald was so upset he punched the door as hard as he could, nancy. >> everyone, i want to give you the tip line again. it is 888-277-tips. 888-277-8477. there is a $70,000 reward in connection with the haleigh cummings disappearance. $70,000 for information about haleigh cummings. and i want to remind miss neves as we go to break that while we are all throwing around legal theories and arguing the evidence please know that not a
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day passes that you and your family are not in prayers and thoughts and especially little haleigh. everyone, as we go to break, tonight's safety tips. it's about choking. it can be a life-threatening emergency, especially if it's a child. every second counts. look for signs of choking. when someone turns blue, of course, grabbing at their throat, unable to breathe, cry, make noise. and try the heimlich maneuver immediately. if the throatway still isn't clear, call 911, of course. if unconscious, begin cpr. parents and caregivers should be trained in cpr and the heimlich. also, beware of toys or tiny items that can be swallowed. don't let young children eat foods that are choking risks. toddlers can swallow things without chewing them. serve food in small manageable bites. if your child has a cough or trouble breathing or swallowing after a choking episode, take them to the doctor.
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and remember, the way you treat a child choking is different from how you treat an adult. you'll learn that in child cpr. for more information go to nomore's kids health at (pouring rain) i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds), get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security.
10:42 pm
call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly-trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now--nd get the system installed for just $99., broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now.
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police looking into whether clark's attitude may have led to a deadly confrontation. >> annie le was strangled to death in the lab where she worked. clark, who also worked there, is charged with doing it and then trying to hide her body behind a wall in the lab's basement. >> apparently, he was very concerned about how people kept their mice, their cages. there have been some reports that he got very upset when people wouldn't wear plastic booties into the lab or when people wouldn't keep their cages clean. >> as i got to know him, i quickly discovered, i just jogged it as a mental memory that he was controlling, and i was going to stay away from him. >> i thought he was a control
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freak. >> co-workers tell police he was a control freak. he was also territorial when it came to the lab and the mice he took care of. >> jessica del rocco telling abc news clark would get very angry, often, frighten me. >> he would get very angry often. >> frighten you? >> yeah, he would frighten me. >> you are seeing raymond clark's former girlfriend, jessica del rocco on abc's "good morning america." out to jean casarez, legal correspondent "in session." these are pretty stunning developments. also, we learned police back at the scene today. >> that's right. new haven police, they went back to the lab building. the building is open for research and investigation. they, though, went down to the basement. they went to a washroom, nancy, and it had lab technicians right in it, asked them to get out. cordoned it off as a crime scene, saying they were looking for what could be potentially important evidence. >> i want to go to rupa mikkilineni, our producer on the story.
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rupa, the girlfriend, the former girlfriend that speaks out saying that clark, when she was with him, was manipulative, controlling, but how did the relationship start off? >> the relationship started out, according to jessica del rocco, very sweet. he was very charming, kind, sweet, took her out to dinner. but then it progressed over a period of three months where he became more and more controlling, nancy, and would tell her what to do, would tell her what to wear, how to act, when to speak, when not to speak. >> you know, to you, dr. caryn stark, psychologist, telling her what friends to have, what to wear. he said you talk too softly, you breathe too loudly. >> well, it's typical of somebody who's a control person, nancy, that he feels out of control inside, sew needs to control everything around him, including the person he's with. and somebody who's like that
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with a woman doesn't feel good about himself as a man. so he keeps trying to refine her and get her to be the way he thinks she should be. >> so how does that fit into this case, mike brooks? >> nancy, i think what they might be trying to show is a pattern of prior behavior. you know, if this is -- is this the way he was there? is this the way his controlling -- his controllingness was in the lab with all these ph.d. candidates, with the people that came across him? i think that's exactly what they're trying to do, is to show a pattern of behavior leading up to this alleged murder. >> but you know what, to thomas kaplan, the editor in chief of the "yale daily news," it's our understanding that behind bars raymond clark has clammed up. we're not going to learn a lot from him. he's not talking. not to anybody. >> that's true. he hasn't spoken, even before his arrest, when police initially talked to him, he failed a polygraph according to reports and clammed up at that point. and from what we've been told he has not spoken to the
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authorities since then. so that's why the motive here is such a mystery. >> back to jean casarez with in session, jean, now the possibility of steroid use is rearing its ugly head. >> this is interesting. the "national enquirer" actually -- >> wait a minute, take a look at those guns this guy's sporting in court. >> i saw them. >> complete with a tattoo around them to really show them off. >> i saw them. and what the "national enquirer" is reporting is that raymond clark was taking steroids possibly. and you remember the chris ben wau case, the wrestler that murdered his wife, baby, and himself. he had ten times the amount of testosterone. it was said at that point it was steroid overdose. you can have a situation where you can have anger management issues and impulsiveness. >> out to the lines, kathy, ws wisconsin. hi, kathy. >> caller: we love your show. i already have your book. i have a question. even though the murder occurred in the basement with animal smells and chemical smells, i find it strange that no one smelled a dead body in four or
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five days. >> i find that odd, too, dr. joshua perper. what do you make of that? the decomposition. how quickly would it take place? >> usually, the body starts to decompose immediately, but it becomes evident by smell within a day or a couple of day. and i understand here there were three days. the only explanation would be that the area in which the body was pushed in was somewhat closed, in other words, was not open to the remainder of the room and, again, the other smells in the room also masked the -- whatever odor could have come out of that particular location. >> everyone, we are taking your calls live. but quickly, to tonight's amber alert. the search for a missing 12-year-old texas girl believed to be in extreme danger. karla yriguyen-rivas last seen tuesday laredo, texas, kidnapped
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by suspect 28-year-old jose giovanni cruz. the 12-year-old victim five feet, 100 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, wearing a white suspect, 5'6", 200 pounds, bald, brown eyes. skull and madusa tattoos to the right arm and leg. please, help us find this girl. take a look. if you have info, call 596-795-2800. and a happy birthday for virginia gun. she never misses a show. loves watching with her dog, pumpkin, and four weenie dogs. rascal, pixie, oliver, and iz bill la. happy birthday beautiful v.t.
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i'm a.j. hammer. show biz tonight at the top of the hour, incest shocker. a former child star told oprah she had sex with her father and how mick jagger seduced her. and jon gosselin's bizarre sex appeal. out do the lines, peggy in florida. hi, peggy. >> hi, nancy, love you. >> thank you for watching from denver. thanks for calling in. what's your question. >> caller: i want to say i married somebody in the late '80s that was on steroids and he reacted the same way that his girlfriend has explained and
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even worse. my question is, will they try to use it as a defense? >> it's an excellent question. what about it, doug burns? >> it's an uphill battle. it throws us to some kind of mental deficiency as a result of the steroids. people rate that with alcohol and other drugs. that's a good question the caller poses. it will be up there. >> you're so right. >> yeah. >> because you have to convince the jury. first of all, voluntary intoxication or use of drugs is not a defense unless you're comato comatose. if you're comatose, you're not committing a murder. that's a catch-22 right there. so what jury is going to forgive you if your defense is, hey, it was roid rage -- sorry. >> it was no different than total loss of control like you guys were discussing earlier with an anger problem. the sad part of the case looks like a regular person that went absolutely nuts. so maybe a straight insanity play. but this is going to be a tough case for the defense. >> if he went insane, he
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certainly was fine in a couple of hours when he was doing the cleanup. let's stop and remember marine lance corporal christopher fultz air lifted to a hospital in germany, died. on the second tour, proud to be a marine like his grand father and uncle. global war on terrorism service medal, dreamed of college. leaves behind parts steven and donna. christopher faulk, american hero. thanks to my guests, special guests tonight from australia. today, sheryl and greg. aren't they beautiful and handsome? everyone, i'll see you tomorrow night. 8:00 sharp eastern. good night.
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i'm a.j. hammer in new york. this is a show biz tonight news break. this is what we'll cover on show biz tonight at the top of the hour. the shocker on oprah. the absolutely shocksing, totally strange claim that she had a long-time sexual relationship with her father, john phillips from the mamas and the pappas. jon gosselin's strange sex appeal. why is it so many women can't keep their hands off of this guy. the great mysteries of the universe. >> the big stars over 40 having babies. nicole, alley, this is a much-see special report. and the dramatic steps britney spears exkevin federline is taking to lose some weight.
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