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tv   Tonight From Washington  CSPAN  September 25, 2009 6:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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welcome back to "prime news." i'm jim moret filling in for úú mike galanos. a huge mix-up at a fertility clinic, implanting the wrong embryo into the woman's womb. it was carolyn's last chance to carry her own child. she never thought she would sud deply be a surrogate for complete strangers. well, the baby boy, just arrived. and he's going home with his biological parents. both of these families have been put through so much. what's next? here's what the biological mother told nbc's "today" show. >> we've talked about having
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e-mail contact and so forth. but we'll see how we all feel. we'll always keep in contact. we have no expectations of them. and they don't of us. the nice thing has been we've been able to work to the on this, and unfortunately this has been a terrible thing happened to two good families. we're doing the best we can for the health of this baby. >> and back with us, former prosecutor robin sax and psychologist cooper lawrence. cooper, wow. i can't even imagine. i know some people who have been through the surrogacy program, others who have adopted. this is a nightmare on anybody's language. how do you deal with this? >> well, there's a lot to deal with. because the normal milestones that you go through as a mother, the pregnancy, the apgar score, every as pest of it, has been robbed from these people. even though they're technically the biological parents, she didn't go through the process. so i think on an emotional level
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it's going to be difficult for her. a lot of times we find, there's been research that it's hard to bond with a child initially. it may take her a little more time to bond with this child of the technically she's the biological mother. she didn't go through the process of actually having the baby. but that's neither here nor there. a lot of times they do recover. women do recover from that. the bigger picture is, if they're going to keep both families in this child's life, i think that's much more confusing. >> what would you suggest, briefly? >> i just don't see the reason for it. i think, for a child, a lot of the research that we have now, the new empirical research on adoption is not good. not that adoption is not good, but we have found that children that are adopted that spend time with what we consider adoptive parents, or parents that are not their biological parents, have a harder time at school, have a harder time socially and have more psychological problems. why even open the door for that. >> robin, from a legal standpoint, this is a mess. and clearly, there's potential
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legal action here. what would you suggest, or in the spirit of healing, would you leave it alone? >> well, there's a lot of different potential legal issues here. first of all, you have a potential civil lawsuit by both families, that could sue the fertility clinic. and that's going to have, you know, potentially consequences on how fertility clinics do business in the future. that would be the place where both of those families should go, for financial reward. they're not likely to sue each  other because this was a mistake on behalf of the clinic. the other aspect is, does the family court become involved in this type of a case. is this a case where all of a sudden you're going to see, and this is probably the worst fear of the biological family right now, is the surrogate family is going to at some point end up trying to assert some sort of custody rights. >> it does seem, both families incidentally, have previous children. and it seems that the sur ro gat family considered this a gift, or a blessing.
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and were kind enough to step aside with no hassles. robin, you're suggesting they may have second thoughts down the road? or that's the fear of the biological family? >> yeah. i don't think -- i have no reason to believe that's necessarily going to happen in @ this particular case.úp but i'm sure that that is a fear from the biological standpoint. and when we look at a case like this, you start wondering if you're setting up a time to visit and create that relationship when it's not healthy and in the bestist of the child. and you've made a decision to make a gift. why else would you do it. >> cooper, i know that many people enlist and become surrogates. but these folks were unwitting surrogates. and you go through an entire pregnancy. and having had children, it's a wonderful time in your family's life. to experience that pregnancy, along with the mom-to-be. this family was really short-changed in a horrible way. >> they were. and they're going to go through some emotional turmoil as a result. they may not want to have children for a while.
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they may feel very angry and hurt. but the bottom line is, isn't this about this child and what's best for this child. so in a way, i mean, if anybody just had a surrogate unwittingly or not, the idea of a surrogate is somebody to carry the baby for you and they have no other connection than that. and the baby goes and lives with the family and the siblings and develops the way any other child would develop. so i think yes, it's very difficult on these people. and i recommend they go through therapy, because all those months of pregnancy and the expectations, i can't even imagine what that woman is going through at the moment. but the bottom line is, what's best for the child. what's best for the child is being with its biological family. >> cooper, we only have about 20 seconds. when you talked about the biological mom not yet having a bond, isn't it similar to an acongress situation where the adoptive parent doesn't have the bond you would experience during pregnancy but you form one later? >> some do, some don't. the recent study says that age is the factor. so the younger the mom, the less likely they're going to bond.
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it really matters the age of the mother. >> robin sax, former author, and cooper lawrence, psychologist, thank you both for joining us.úú >> thank you.@@ >> thank you. nasty words directed to president obama. some critics mouthing off right to his face. is it his policy or is this pú racism?pú everybody from jimmy carter to bill cosby has jumped in on this. a programming note for you. hln is excited to welcome joy behar to our primetime lineup next week, premieres tuesday, @@ 9:00 eastern. check her out right now, but wait until this show is over and check her out. boy: is that your new car? uh...yeah. boy: cool. thanks. i knew i wanted the new subaru legacy. i went back and forth on the hood scoop.
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but i'm glad i went for it. the all-new subaru legacy. feel the love.
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get 40% off this bonded leather sofa, just $299, with very cool styling and so affordable. at 40% off, just $299. from jennifer. is it about race, or policy? do some people really dislike
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the president because he's african-american? it is a huge national debate which really took off after former president jimmy carter made this statement. >> and i think people that are guilty of that kind of personal attack against obama have been influenced to a major degree by a belief that he should not be president because he happens to be african-american. it's a racist attitude. >> the president kind of tried to lighten things up. he joked about it with david letterman earlier this week. >> first of all, i think it's important to realize that i was actually black before the election. so -- >> really? >> this is true. >> that's pretty good.
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i've been black a long time myself, too. but all jokes aside, this debate has created a lot of tension across the country. joining me now, tim weiss, and joe hicks, from project 21. gentlemen, let's talk about this. let's first talk about what president carter said. joe, first, i want to know, do you agree with any of what former president jimmy carter said? >> it's good to see tim again. i don't agree with what jimmy carter said. he's trying to get inside of a lot of people's heads. it might be the kind of view he has of the world. you know, he may be reflected on some old segregation views he held before he became president. but it's not fair to try to get inside the heads of white people. >> did you just call jimmy carter a racist, joe? >> no, i didn't. what i said was, early in jimmy
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carter's life, he was linked to segregationist views. i do not claim he's a bigot or racist now. what i'm arguing is, that he is trying to get inside the heads of a lot of good white americans, and claim that they're viewing this president, and the situation in america through racist eyes. i think the president was right in defusing it by saying, listen, clearly the implication@ was, i was black before the election, a lot of white voters in fact voted for me. so what does that say? >> all right. tim, what's your take? >> let's talk about what president carter said. he didn't say all the opposition, or even most of it was about race. he was talking about some of the most vitriolic over the top rhetoric. at the 9-12 rally if you're carrying posters as many were as the president with a bone through his nose, that's racism. that's what carter was talking about. if you have a sign that says go back to kenya, that's racism. that's what he was talking about. those of us who have raised this issue have been pointing out
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that some of the rhetoric coming from the top of the conservative food chain, rush limbaugh, glenn beck, thompson calling the president a welfare thug and indonesian muslim. beck saying the health care bill is just reparations for black people. that's obviously nonsense, but it's a good way to provoke white racial anger. that doesn't mean every white person opposed to obama is responding to the racism that's@ being perpetrated.@@ but that rhetoric is out there, and that's what president carter was talking about. and he was right. >> tim, i hear what you're saying, and i hear what you're saying specifically about what president carter said. but the some way people took it, let me read a statement from michael steele. he said characterizing americans' disapproval of president obama's policies as being based on race is an outrage, and a troubling sign about the lengths democrats will go to disparage all who disagree with them. that democrats are willing to deal from the bottom of the deck.
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some people just see it, tim, as he just played the race card, period, and now no one can criticize president obama without being seen as a racist. plain and simple. >> the problem is, white folks also have, and black conservatives assist in this, have a race card of their own, it's the card of denial. i think they're deliberately misinterpreting the statements. i've been on several cnn shows and every time the first sentence out of my mouth is as follows, i realize not all the opposition to the president is about racism. and yet i will receive literally hundreds of e-mails from people who ignore that part and only want to assume that i called @@ them all racists or that president carter did. they're intentionally misrepresenting what they say. >> tim, joe -- joe, i want you to respond oh to that. >> tim, you're starting to irritate me a little bit and i like you. i was a leftist marxist marching in the streets for years in this
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country. i don't want anybody to tell me i'm naive about racism. looking at people in the street protesting about politics and trying to em bu them with racism is the height of the kind of excesses that leftists are going to try to lift up racism existing in white-hearted america. i guess a lot of people look at you and say you're an unconscious racist. >> i've got to wrap it there. tim, joe, great discussion. clearly we're going to have to give you two more time. i appreciate it. thank you. coming up, mackenzie phillips' sickening stories of incest. her shocking tell-all is so ugly, now her little sift is coming forward. what she says may floor you. @@@ú
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a legendary showbiz family torn apart. backlash over mackenzie phillips' re volting allegations of incest. saying she had consensual sex with her own father. today her sister came forward, saying her father would never be capable of doing such things. here's what started it all. phillips on oprah, to promote her tell-all book. >> i woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father. your father is supposed to protect you. your father is supposed to protect you. not -- you. >> oprah invited her back on her show today. she showed up with her supportive sister, china.@@ exclusively joining us, bill cleary, a life-long friend of rock legend john phillips, and
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jane velez-mitchell, host of "issues" and author of the book, "i want: my journey from addicti addiction." mine just came from amazon. mr. cleary, first to you. you knew john phillips well. >> extremely well. extremely well. since he was 3 years old. >> when you heard these allegations, made by mackenzie phillips on national television, what went through your mind? >> i was just totally shocked. this is just something crazy and insane. i don't know anybody that -- any junkie i've ever known has never told the truth. it kind of goes back to that thing mackenzie's probably been in rehab about ten times. it's the type of thing she never gets clean. she just goes in and learns a few quick phrases and comes back out. mr. cleary, did you ever see their interaction? did you know mackenzie well and see them together? >> i held her in my arms the day she was born. i've seen them together my whole life and her whole life, and john's whole life. her allegations went beyond
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the sexual molestation, or relationship, i guess she called it. she said that her father was the first person to inject her with drugs. do you believe that? >> she's been saying that for years. and i have to base that on that i could say that's correct or incorrect. i don't know. i know john used drugs and john was using heroin with one point in his life, when he was 32 or 33 when he went to new york to work on a broadway show. i don't know what went on between them as far as drug usa usage. >> jane velez-mitchell, when you come clean so to speak and you make the revelations, many people will say i don't believe you. what's your take on this. >> my take is if she's not actually clean and sober as the gentleman who was just on said it's very, very likely she could
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be lying because addicts lie. they make big lies and lie all the time. however, if she is clean and sober, she may be telling the truth. here's my problem with it. it was over a year ago she was arrested on pretty serious drug charges involving cocaine and heroin. if he is sober, she's newly sober. this is not the kind of thing you're supposed to be doing in early sobriety. not supposed to do anything that's high profile or dramatic or bring attention to yourself because you're supposed to be focused on staying sober. i question why this isn't being done in some kind of private behind closed doors, they were putic session. yes she's doing a tv show, there's a deeper motive. that is the anger and rage the child feels towards the alcoholic addict parent. >> jane, we'll get to this in a
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minute. ÷
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♪ welcome to comcast local edition. i am donna richardson and my guest this hour is colonel george f. johnson iv superintendent of the maryland natural resources police. colonel, thank you for joining me. >> great to be here with you. >> in addition to being with the maryland natural resources you are president of the maryland police chief association, and who in addition to chief are your members? and who is working with you? >> it is comprised mostly of chief of police from all over the state and state government and law enforcement chiefs and
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county and municipalities that exist in all of the state of maryland. >> i know as a group i know there are several initiatives taking place. there is a new one. checkpoint strike force. >> yes, it is a research based-multi-state situation where we pick and we go out there and we look for drivers that are impaired and work to get them off of the road and we do that through our sobriarity checkpoints and our saturation patrols. >> and so, which jerse - jurisdiction, one specific area or all of the jurisdictions now involved? >> all throughout maryland, the chiefs of police have signed on. every jurisdiction signed on in some way shape or form to participate in the checkpoint strike force. >> and so do you find that the checkpoints are helpful in
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hopefully lowering traffic fatalities? >> absolutely. fatalities have been reduced 20 percent in the areas where we are doing the checkpoints . it proves to be extremely beneficial to us in many different ways. >> and do you find that the residents are supporting the checkpoints and do you have partner necessary this effort? >> yes, we do. as you know, it is a powerful organization of mothers against drunk drivers. we work with them chosely in this endeavor and other organizations. their surveys indicate 85 to 90 percent of the people they talked to support the checkpoints. >> do you do these at specific times of year or are the checkpoints ongoing initiative. >> they are ongoing initiatives. they will be taking place every week and everywhere and where
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you think that it is the best possible opportunity to deploy the work force and effective use knowledge of our people in this endeavor. >> as you are having the checkpoints and i know initially you are looking for impaired drivers, but are you finding other things when you are pulling over the impaired drivers? >> oh, yes. people are very surprised what we run into on the checkpoints. the main focus is to get the impaired drivers that use alcohol off of the streets and identify them. but we are running into people who have warrants on them. their licenses are suspended, some people have drugs in the vehicle this we were able to detect and find. there is a whole gamut of things and seat belt usage. it helps us with the seat belt
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initiatives and child safety seat. we are able to make different observations and of course, we put a lot of emphasis on the seat belt usage and child safety seat as well >> i know some jurisdiction or most of the them, there is zero tolerance if you don't have your seat belt on, it is amazing that people are still driving without them. >> it is with the seat belt usage, if you are involved in an accident with the impaired drivers that use alcohol that gives you that much more of a chance to survive. >> how can citizens assist with the checkpoint strike force? >> we need them to be our eyes and ears out there. as with many thing necessary law enforcement and we ask citizens to do. if they see a person driving erratically or aggressively and feel they are under the influence of alcohol. pick up the cell phone and dial the number 911 or what ever it
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is that they feel comfortable in using. >> thank you, colonel for joining me. >> donna thank you for helping us. >> thank you for watching comcast local edition. i am donna richason.
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tonight, a family torn apart. mackenzie phillips back on oprah again with more head spinning claims about drug addiction and rape. this time she has ammo, she's bringing her sister, who's now backing up mackenzie's claim of incest with her dad. other members of mackenzie's extended clan are lining up against her charging, you lie! issues has exclusive information from the family of john phillips. a double dose of evil, blood soaked walls, beaten dogs and day care? a horrific dogfighting ring
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busted up at a child care center in illinois. ten children taken out during a police raid. the dogs were tortured. who were the sickos who thought dogfighting and day care were a good mix? >> jaycee dugard will take the stand against phillip garrido. this could force her to reveal every gut wrenching and sordid sexual detail all while she is trying to rebuild her life. does the criminal justice system victimize rape survivors twice? a superstar allegedly skipping out on his hotel bill. randy quaid and his wife accused of owing a hotel 10,000 bucks. check out these mug shots.
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quaid says the bill is paid and they are doing this for pub listcy. quts issues starts now. shocking and revolting accusations ignite a firestorm of a family feud. the whole world knows this. mackenzie phillips said she had sex with her father saying daddy brought her into a forbidden world of drugs and sex the she reveals her darkest secrets to who else, oprah. >> i woke up from a black out to find myself having sex with my own father. your father is supposed to protect you. your father is supposed to protect you, no [ bleep ] you. >> mackenzie's accusations are dividing her showbiz family. step mom michelle phillips says, you lie.
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take with a grain of salt anything that's said by somebody who had a needle in their arm for 35 years. mackenzie was back on oprah today but this time sister chynna came alone who backed her up. >> i'm proud of my sister. am i exceedingly joyful that my family's secret that i told maybe my therapist my husband and very best friend in the world know now? no. it's very upsetting. >> you've known for a while. >> i've known for a long time. >> mackenzie's other sister, bee ju phillips aspeaking out. she lived alone with her dad since she was 3. are these horrific claims true? will we ever now? mackenzie says she has a handful of people who know it happened. is trust worthy? we know addicts lie.
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is she sober now? straight out to my fabulous panel mark eiglarkh and curtis, founder of guardian angels. also, the widow of john phillips. thank you so much for joining us on the phone. i understand you did not want to be on camera but still felt you had to speak out to clear john's name. what was your reaction when you first heard these claims? do you believe them or not? >> under no circumstances i believe this. i always knew and mackenzie is not somebody considering the source, mackenzie phillips, admitted to oprah herself that she's a liar. and -- >> why do you think if you believe that she lied, let's face us known of us know what
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happens behind closed doors. he's dead and how can we verify one way or another what she's saying. if you believe that she is lying, why would she lie about something like this? >> well, she's going through a couple of years of hard time and tough life and just putting out the book after this. like you said that it might be the anger. i can add drugs and money to it. >> drugs and money? >> yes, because she is making money. listen to this. if you take a couple of pages out of the book that she refers to john and allegations she has against john, that book would have never been sold. >> of course. the reason it's a best seller, she's saying she had sex with her famous father and he shot her up and incested her.
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horrifying claims. >> and john cannot defend himself. that's why i'm on the phone with you. i want to defend him and speak for him. i know john was -- >> how long were you married to him? >> for six years and he was sober for like five and a half years out of it. and he was all together rkts loved his family, would do anything possible. >> was he a drug addict and alcoholic? >> when i was married to him, no. >> previous to that? what years were you married to him? >> 1995 up until 2001 when he passed. and he was -- >> so he finally got sober. did he ever say to you i have problems with mackenzie, boy, she's trouble or wow, something really awful happened. >> john was a very honest person, not like mackenzie said he was a liar.
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never a liar, even wrote a book about himself blaming himself for everything and half of it wasn't even him. if he did something like that, don't you think someone would put that in his book too to sell it. he never did that. >> thank you for coming on our show exclusively and talking about your belief that john phillips did not commit the incest that his daughter mackenzie is accusing him of. >> this is the last thing she can chew on and she is chewing on it. my problem is the headache she's causing the family. i have -- i'm very upset and bee ju is very upset. i think it's not right to have family divided. >> thank you. this that's divided the family.
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mackenzie's sister, bee ju phillip says mackenzie told her about tabuse then says you know what, it never happened. she says the man that raised me would never be capable of doing such thing. if he was, it is heartbreaking to think my family would leave me alone with him. that raises a very good question. lisa bloom. if this actually happened should mackenzie have made a motion to keep bijou away from john? >> absolutely, the problem mackenzie phillips has she is a lifelong drug addict, cocaine and heroin being shot in her arms on a dale by basis for many, many years. that doesn't mean her story is untrue. in my view it probably is true. i represented a woman very much
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like her. had a consensual adult relationship with her father. it's absolutely devastating but does happen. the way she has gone about this is all wrong. she's done it by trying to sell a book. that means everybody is suspicious of her motives. she could have come out for example, come out and be the national spokesperson for the rape survivor network. and also -- before your father died. this is suspicious in a lot of people's minds and rightly so. >> dale archer, it's so troubling because there's no way for us to verify and she waited until after her father died, even though he got sober before he died. this is destroying the family. mill shell phillips says all of nieces and nephews are not going to school. they are staying home and sobbing because she is essentially shamed the entire
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phillips family. is that something that she should have taken into consideration or not? >> no. i mean, she shamed the phillips family, maybe so. what about what she is be living with her entire life. never an easy way to come forward with this. i say braf vo. this is an epidemic in america. there are women that this happens -- >> incest is an epidemic. >> absolutely. it is huge and it is impossible. >> adult incest. >> only if you're in the field and you treat people as a psychiatrist or psychologist do you hear the stories time after time and the women are scared and they are ashamed. >> are people heroin addicts just gotten sober less than a year ago. >> and adult incest is a different form. >> it is so hard to come forward and this is always what happens. no one believes you.
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all the time a girl will come forward and tell the story and the mom will support the dad -- >> wouldn't it be a better idea to go in family therapy, this is what happened to me. apparently she's told people this in the past but then according to michelle and bijou she took it back. >> i think you're right. there is a good way to do it. any way to get this out, it's very important and not easy to do. >> got to take a break. >> if it took a book for her to do this, i say that's fine. if this sheds lights on this problem, this is a good thing. >> we're also taking your calls on this one. what do you think? dogfighting and day care under the same roof? we can't even show it to you it's so bad. we'll update you on the condition of unbelievableably
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tortured dozen. first more on mackenzie phillips, here she is talking about her father as her role model, pretty creepy stuff. >> we have to remember that we are our children's role models and certainly -- my role model was my father who had hair down his back and wearing a dress and said whatever turns you on. contains phytosterols, which may reduce the risk of heart disease... by lowering bad cholesterol. new heart health advantage from bayer. o lower your bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and triglycerides are still out of line? then you may not be seeing the whole picture. ask your doctor about trilipix.
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i went to my father and said, look, we need to talk about how you raped me. and my dad said, raped you? don't you mean when we made love. and in that moment i thought, wow, i'm really on my own here. >> mackenzie phillips on oprah, shocking claims from the former tv actress, she says she carried on an incest uous relationship for ten years, writes about it in her new book "high on arrival." phone lines lighting up on this one. don from washington. >> caller: hey, jane.
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i'm just calling to say i don't think any of this is true. i think she's trying to make money for her book. >> all right. i think you raise an interesting point. and i want to talk about why people do things, curtis. i know children of addicts and alcoholics are extremely mad at their addict parent. so there could be various levels of motivation, it could be she wants a book, has a tv show but she also could have a lot of deep seated anger. and i want to quote quickly for my book which is about growing up in an alcoholic household. children of alcoholics experience trauma when they grow up with someone who isn't present like a sober person is. rageful, weepy or detached children of alcoholics and addicts have a tendency to develop bitterness over the relationship with the alcoholic or addict parent.
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>> i would be crazy man against this guy. we just talked about the story of ryan o neil at the wake, beautiful blond comes up, kisses him, hello ryan and tries to put the squeeze on her, what are you doing after the wake? we got the urge to merge? it's me tatum your daughter. he admitted this. >> there's a big difference -- >> there's no difference. these guys believe in this live in let live. notice what she said, her father is had had said, you got to accept the fact this is the kind of lifestyle you live. are you crazy? >> jane, i got to get in here. >> let's see the panel. >> mark. >> thank you. jane, first of all, you've got dale archer saying bravo.
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the only thing we know for sure is none of us will ever know for sure whether this really happened. that's number one. number two, as i tell my jurors, there's a difference between believability and accuracy. even when you see this oprah interview she looks believable. it may be entirely different whether it's accurate, whether it did happen or whether it was imagined in order to sell books when she was in a drug induced state. >> she talks about growing up in a crazy drug filled world. says she was 10 when she was rolling joints for her dad and 13 when he was helping her shoot up at 13. she tells oprah her dad brought her to a party where she had sex with rocker mick jagger who hasn't responded to this when she was home 18. listen to this one. >> my dad walks out, mick turns
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around, locks the door and looks at me. i've been waiting for this since you were 10 years old. and my dad comes back and that's my daughter in there. let her out. and we didn't. we ignored him. >> lisa bloom. mick jagger hasn't responded but boy, he's probably fuming across the pond as it were. >> well at least she was 18 in that allegation, wasn't proposing anything illegal. it was disgusting if he knew her since she was a little girl. this is america, people are entitled to respond to allegations that smear their reputation for all of history. this man passed away in 2001. like i said, i tend to believe her but i'm really offended at the way she has gone about it. waiting many years after her father is gone to disclose it, the so-called witnesses who support her side are only people she told. they didn't see anything, hear anything, doesn't seem to be any evidence. she's a wealthy woman. komds from a wealthy family.
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why does she do this by way of selling a book. >> i don't know howe wealthy sh is. >> lisa did point out, by coming out with a book, you have bias, motive interest, all of things that should not be present if she had just come out with no interest at all. so what i say to all of the people out there, don't jump to conclusions because you just don't know. if it really did happen, if it did happen, dale. she does in fact deserve our compassion and sympathy. >> we have to wrap it up right there. i know we can talk about this forever. >> doesn't anybody listen to chynna. >> it's over. >> you know, seriously, my dad was an alcoholic. in my new recovery memoir i write about that. i talk about how my own father's alcoholism encouraged me to drink to excess and leftmy
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the woman who wrongfully accused five men of raping her at hofstra will not face criminal charges. 18-year-old was however ordered to get mental health treatment. do you think? and complete 250 hours of community service. if she fails to do that, she could be charged. she signed an agreement admitting she lied to police and engaged in consensual sex. these threaten to ruin the lives
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of the four men arrested. we talked to one on "issues". >> i was scared. i couldn't believe what is going through my mind. it was like a big nightmare, i thought i was going to do time for something i didn't do. >> joining me now, cnn legal analyst lisa bloom. is there a double standard here? what could and she should have been charged with? >> she could have been charged with making false statements to police. i applaud district attorney kathleen rice for coming to this outcome. our prisons are overcrowded. we're stretched beyond her budgets to pay for them. prison is not the solution to everything. prison is a place for violent offenders and pedophiles. she made a terrible mistake, did a horrible thing. let her be out paying her own way for her own housing and food and do 250 hours of community service. that's to our benefit as taxpayers and get mental health
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treatment which she would not get behind bars. >> sometimes the prison ares filled because of women like her making false accusations. >> i agree she did a terrible thing. a lot of people do terrible things but prison is not the answer. >> she hurt women as well as men. women who have been raped are going to be afraid to come forward because they will fear they won't be believed. the da said her job was not just to prosecute by find the trunth >> prosecutors almost immediately identified significant inconsistences as she told them her story. the turning point was when she was confronted with the fact that there may exist a video of some or all of the incident. the woman began to reveal the truth about what happened. >> so lisa, basically, as soon as the d.a. started questioning, she found the accuser's story
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full of holes. you have to wonder why the cops didn't make the same realization, instead they put the names and faces and put it all over the media. >> one of things she said in reaching this deal is, she doesn't want other people making false claims to be afraid to admit it because they are afraid they are going to go to jail. if you make a false claim, it's a terrible thing. but we can set things right. okay, we're not going to throw you in the slammer, but do community service. if she doesn't do it, she does immediately get charged with a crime. i think this is a smart plea deal. i think kathleen rice did the right thing. >> you convinced me. at first i thought it was a big double standard. although we fight against the war on women and i hate violence against women of the one thing i hate just as much is a phony claim that would ruin the lives of four young men. to this day, you're the sibling
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of the rapist. it's not fair. p i wish them the best. we'll be back with a horrific story next. well, the price went down, so you're all getting a check thanks. for the difference. except for you -- you didn't book with orbitz, so you're not getting a check. well, i think we've all learned a valuable lesson today. good day, gentlemen. thanks a lot. thank you. introducing hotel price assurance, where if another orbitz customer books the same hotel for less, we send you a check for the difference, automatically. we're shopping for car insurance, and our friends said we should start here. good friends -- we compare our progressive direct rates, apples to apples, against other top companies, to help you get the best price. how do you do that? with a touch of this button. can i try that? [ chuckles ] wow! good luck getting your remote back. it's all right -- i love this channel. shopping less and saving more. now, that's progressive.
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reliving a nightmare, jaycee dugard says she will take the stand against phillip garrido. she wants to testify against the monster accused of holding her captive for 18 long years. tonight's big issue, does the criminal justice system victimize rape survivors twice? plus, a celebrity superstar busted for allegedly skipping out on his hotel bill. randy quaid and his wife, accused of owing a hotel 10,000 bucks. that's a lot of trips to the mini bar. tonight, jaycee dugard's
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family plots their own version of revenge on her alleged rapist philly garrido. jaycee's step dad can't wait to write him taunting letters while locked up. i'll be telling him how our family is doing, we're at disney world or out having dinner and laughing and having a wonderful time. his life has been destroyed too. he witnessed the garridos snatching jaycee off the street in 1991. here he is just days later. >> saw the cargo up the hill. and i saw my daughter making the curve and then the car dart across the road and cut her off. i saw a door open. i heard a scream and pedaled and realized i couldn't catch him in time. i came back down and called 911. >> everybody wondered was he telling the truth at the time. this ruined this man's life.
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that's the alleged monster, convicting this guy could mean more pain and drama for jaycee. can she handle be face to face with garrido in court. her attorney says absolutely. here he is on the cbs "early show". >> she understands terrible things were done to her and the people who committed the crimes need to be held accountable. >> these pictures give you just an idea of what life was like for jaycee for 18 long years, this is filth is the tip of the iceberg. imagine her on the witness stand having to answer questions about what garrido did to her and giving birth to her children when she was a child. how is she going to get through that? that brings me to tonight's issue, are rape victims raped a second time by having to relive the nightmares on the stand giving graphic testimony about the humiliating violations? isn't it like being victimized all over again.
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back to my fantastic panel. curtis, can we imagine what it's going to be like if jaycee dugard has to take the stand and go face to face with that creep? >> jane, i've been cross-examinationed many times but it pails in comparison to what this woman will have to go through. i would think the defense attorney for the two monsters will say we refuse to ask any questions, we're not going to ask any questions, we rest with this witness and let her retire. i realize the prosecution may have to extract from her details that are going to prove very harmful to her psyche to have to relive it. but if the defense team they wouldn't even go there. they wouldn't even go there. just rest with that witness. >> i disagree that it is harmful, jane. i'll tell you why. i represented rape victims and child abuse survivors many years.
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most people think what you're saying. it's horrible to testify and damages you a second time. wrong, what my clients told me all scared beforehand. what they told me afterwards, is that it was empowering to testify. they already lived through the worst part. to get on the witness stand, to look the bad guy in the eye and tell the truth about what happened and ideally to get a conviction against that person is very empowering and walked out of the courtroom with the head held high and the voice would drop from a squeaky little girl voice they started out with because they were so scared. we have to dispel this notion. it is not. >> the bottom line is we are still -- we still have a court system in this country. and of course jaycee has to come to court and testify against her accuser. just because this is the worst of the worst and this really is the worst. it doesn't take away the fact that we still have to have a trial and he has to be proven guilty in court and the key
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witness in the case is clearly jaycee. she has to testify. >> this is happening to so many young women. when kind of agony do these rape victims have to endure when they testify against their attackers. elizabeth smart may be called to testify at the mental competency hearing. in 2003 when she was 14 years old so they could keep her as a plurl wife, ended in a miraculous rescue. this young girl now older obviously will have to testify. i don't understand, why can't they do this on videotape. why do they have to be in the courtroom and face the person that tortured them? >> i completely agree with lisa on this. this is very therapy. jaycee dugard is a survivor. she is going to do fine. for 18 years she was able to
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come through this with her life and with her two children's lives intact when this guy possibly could have been involved in murders or other abductions along the way. i think jaycee will be fine. i think that lisa is correct. this is a big, big -- >> what the hell are you talking about? what do you mean fine? have you ever been asked to testify in court? no, you ask the questions. >> we have to preserve the sanktity. >> you can't use the fine when it comes to this horrific situation. you can say maybe we hope it's a ka thar sis for her. >> turning to a gruesome secret uncovered at the chicago day care. are you sitting down? mutilated starving animals, bloody walls and floors, all part of a horrific dogfighting ring. and get this, it was steps from
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a child's swing set. ten children were removed from the home during the raid because it was a day care center. one of three suspects is married to the day care center operator after these men were arrested. police discovered something even sicker. suspect anderson's cell phone had a video of a dog being burned to death. you'll hear from him in a moment. police rescued five mangled dogs, four puppy covered in scars. >> this is completely to sum up given the carnage and what you see. you add this is going on within feet of the day care. there was a swing set and within less than ten feet was a log the dogs were chained to. very unsettling to put it lightly. >> this little white puppy had his eye ripped out. look at that. the helpless creature was tossed into the fight in the form of
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bait. there were at least two complaints about dogs at this home in 2006 and 2007. child welfare offices made unannounced visits, because the dogs were locked in a garage, nothing was done. that is unacceptable. straight to my expert panel. jane garrison. this is outrageous. isn't this a perfect example how animal cruelty goes hand in hand to cruelty to children. weren't they put in a dangerous and horrific situation? >> absolutely. these dogs could have gotten out of the garage and attached the kids and killed the kids. besides the dogs, i wouldn't want kids left in a home with those sadistic individuals. somebody who finds pleasure onseting a dog on fire and watching her burn would have no problem torturing a kid. these people should be put away for many years. not only for what they did to innocent dogs but endangering these kids. >> this case has so many sick details, the cell phone video of
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a dog being burned alive. about as bad as it gets. he hasn't commented but a whole lot to say about why the dogs were on death's door. >> it was a few dogs in good condition and like i said, for the exception of the little puppy, he got smashed in the door, that was purely a accident. the door fell on the puppy. >> lisa bloom, is that the most pathetic excuse you've ever heard? >> absolutely, jane. i'm the owner of a pit bull and rescue dog. what people fail to understand, these animals experience pain and fear and suffering as we do. we have to stand up against dogfighting. i'm celebrating 32 years as a vegetarian and i know you are too, jane. speak on behalf of the animals in cages and in terrible condition as farm animals, it is horrendous across the board. we've been so disconnect the
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from other living breathing animals. it's got to stop. >> absolutely. and the other thing people can do, in their own communities they should watch out for signs of dogfighting. everyone can be the eyes and ears for these dogs. you have to watch for dogs who are chained outside or unsocialized dogs. equipment such as treadmills or ropes or tires hanging from trees and watch for dogs who have a lot of scars on their face or people coming and going at odd hours into homes and report these people. >> curtis, children services went there and said, the dogs are in the garage, that's okay. that's out ranlous to me. >> we'll hear children services are overwhelmed, they have too many cases. open up your eyes, go out and check the entire area do your job. you know something, jane, did you see the smirk on his face when he said the door hit the puppy. you like ultimate fighting
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martez how about you and the pit bull and let the pit bull do you in in the jug you lar. >> we have to leave it there. horrific for animals and children. cruelty goes hand in hand. michael jackson's former friend reveals the pop star's dark secrets. did michael call hitler a genius? >> randy quaid speaking out.
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does actor randy quaid think he's above the law? why do police say he racked up a $10,000 bill and skip town? we're going to debate it. first, top of the block tonight.
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explosive and head spinning revelations about the king of pop. did michael jackson think hitler was a genius. according to a family friend, he not only felt that way, 100% convinced and jackson considered dating elizabeth taylor. sound kra kra zi? said madonna was in love with him and jealous of his success. sick secrets out of the blue? the rabbi has a book coming out. in it more than 300 hours of recorded conversation with his friend michael jackson. that's tonight's "top of the block." turning now from freaky fantasies to possibly fraud. this one takes the cake. actor randy quaid and his wife evy arrested for allegedly skipping out on a $10,000 bill
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they racked up in santa barbara. that is one swanky ranch, people. these photos from the resorts website. on monday the santa barbara sheriff's department issued a warrant for their arrest and captured by tmz, cops busted the couple. not without incident. evy was screaming and had to be wrestled to the ground of the the pair tossed in the slammer. look at that mug shot. what's with the beard and that expression. they posted bail hours later after a deputy drove them to get cash, $20,000 each. it gets weirder. tmz says randy quaid scrolled a letter that said, texas is a great place to be arrested. i would like to thank the sheriff and deputies for everything. it was a fabulous arrest. he seems to think it is all a
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big joke. quaid also sent a copy of a cashier's check made out to the ranch. you can see it right there. $5,546, that's what the quaids said they owed. wait a minute, a cashier's check for a hotel bill. does that make sense? it could be explained by a sworn statement. the quaids checked into the resort using bogus credit cards and the bill came to a whopping $10,500. meantime, randy claims it is all a p.r. stunt on the part of the inn. issues called them for comment but we haven't heard back. i want to know what you think about this scandal. give me a shout out to my panel. lisa bloom, david schwartz, criminal defense attorney and former new york prosecutor and
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dale archer clinical psychiatrist. we're going to be joined by mike walters with tmz. david schwartz, does randy quaid seem to be thumbing his nose at the law. isn't he making matters worse for himself? >> i don't know if he's making matters worse for himself. every criminal defendant shouldn't be speaking about the substance of the case. but jane, we have to remember that he has defenses. he's got the cashier's check and this has got to be settled in court. >> and he's got a beard. why does he got a beard of that size? >> i don't know. >> maybe it's a mistaken identity, a across between santa claus and keep on trucking guy. >> i mean the bottom line -- >> look at this expression. that's better. but the other expression, she's out of her mind.
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>> throwing his jacket over his arm. it's crazy. >> let's give him the benefit of the doubt and they've got defenses. the inn has their side of the story. yes, it's a bizarre situation but it's got to play out. >> it's a great mug shot though. >> yes, it is. >> joining us now, mike walters. tmz. i'm hearing things on a delay i'm hearing crazy voices if my ear. you got a hold of a deputy sworn statement that contains shockers. tell us about total hotel bill. >> this is what it explains in the documents, they went to the built more hotel in sab santa barbara used a credit card. when the manager came and said we can't get authorization on the card you have to go or give us something else. they left there knowing the card
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didn't work and went to the ranch and tried to use that card. but because it's randy quaid and his wife, been there before. they are celebrities, they let them go in with that card. the intent right there. they knew it didn't work. they went there, over eight days they racked up $10,000 in bills. every day make an excuse, there's a fedex package coming with the card. finally when they were like, that's it, we're done. went up to tell them they had to go out and they bolted. they gathered all of this information including $17,000 here in the bell air hotel in l.a. they had been doing this all along. that's why they were charged with the three felonies. >> you say there's a pattern here allegedly. >> right, that's the way it looks. i'm only telling you what the sworn statement says. but that's what it says is that they got all of this stuff. you know how they found out the two hotels. the collection agency, the santa
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barbara hotel went to alliance collections and said, that's funny we have the same couple in l.a. >> we'll be right back for more cook cue for cocoa puffs behavi behavior. ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free credit report dot com, baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about going but was too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat ♪ ♪ my legs are sticking to the vinyl ♪ ♪ and my posse's getting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free- credit report dot com, baby. ♪
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the benefit of american democracy and, i mean that's what this country is all about. >> oh, yes, american democracy, let us remind everyone that it's not cool to dine and ditch in the u smt of a. vickie? >> caller: i'm getting a laugh out of that story, full cousin eddie mode. the only thing missing had to be the dog from the vacation
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movies. >> yeah, you know, actually it's -- let's analyzed the mug shots for a second. she looks like in a couple of these pictures. by the way we invite, mr. and mrs. quaid to come on and tell your side of the story. they seem to be making a mockery out of all of this. that face is defy ant, i'm a prankster and this is a performance art piece. >> it is one more example of celebrities that think they are doing the hotel a favor by going there to stay. so why should they have to pay when their presence should be enough. >> i think the whole thing is a p.r. stunt. >> we're a nation of laws. if they went in and stole $17,000 from one hotel and $10,000 from another, i don't think it had anything to do with them having this priority in life. i think they blatantly stole the money and obviously they were
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arrested for it. >> on the other hand they have the defenses. who wants to talk? >> go ahead, lisa. >> i think it is a publicity stunt planned by them. can i do my whole interview in profile like his mug shot. this is ridiculous. they have planned the mug shots. outside putting up crazedy signs and brown paper on the truck. they are trying to get publicity and they got it. >> they could get a jail sentence. when successful actors like randy squad get in trouble over money matters. it doesn't add up. here he is in the classic "caddie shack". >> you made it clear how your legal system works, mr. young. i would like to explain about the peter blunt system. you see, i don't go in for
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lawsuits and motions or any of that legal stuff -- >> all right, on a serious note, quaid sued focus features for at least $10 million. he chlaimed they tricked him ino working cheaper. money is obviously an issue. >> maybe he once had money and now it is an issue. you know, it's a blatant theft. if he's guilty of what he's been accused of. the bottom line is it's a blatant theft. there may be psychological issues here as well. they need to be looked into. >> mike, i'll give you the last word on all of this. >> this guy was in caddie shack and national lampoon's vacation. let him keep the money. >> i think that a lot of the celebrities think, i should be paid for showing up somewhere.
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breaking news in the sudden disappearance of 5-year-old florida girl haleigh cummings. haleigh reportedly kidnapped from her own bed in the middle of the night. as we go to air tonight, police arrest misty croslin's mother. lisa croslin taken into custody in tennessee on a felony forgery charge. her bail set at $100,000. this as police release croslin's brother on a gun charge. the same brother who tells police croslin not at home the
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night haleigh goes missing. are police pressuring croslin's family, trying to get the truth about haleigh? and in another major development, surveillance video and a mystery letter surfaces. a letter set to crack this case wide open. an unidentified blond woman dressed in blue scrubs and hiding behind dark glasses drops off a letter containing a tip connected to haleigh's disappearance. we have that surveillance video. it has just been released. in the last hours police announce they have located the mystery woman on that videotape. who is she? and what does she know about haleigh's disappearance? this is all on the heels of another stunning letter claiming haleigh ingested the painkiller oxycontin at a party and died. cops calling that letter "a
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farce." as new stepmother misty croslin flunks another polygraph, where is haleigh? >> i want to let everyone know that i'm not hiding anything for anybody and if somebody has something to do with it let them fry. >> breaking news in the case of missing florida girl haleigh cummings p the mother of stepmom/babysitter misty croslin has been arrested. lisa croslin was taken into custody in tennessee. she was wanted for allegedly stealing and forging checks. >> we save jail beds for child molesters, murderers, rapists, arsonists, drug lords. a forgery? is this a police attempt to get the truth out of misty croslin's mother? >> pressure mounts as police hope new details from misty's brother tommy croslin will lead to the truth about what happened to haleigh. >> i didn't do anything with -- to that little girl. i would never hurt her.
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they love me. they -- i mean, they look at me like their mom. >> meanwhile, police are investigating a mysterious tip that was left by a woman at a local newspaper around 3:00 p.m. wednesday. >> it took just a few seconds for this blond woman in blue scrubs to drop off a letter with purported information about what happened to haleigh cummings. one paragraph long, typed, and has three letters at the bottom that resemble initials. >> the woman has since come forward to help clarify the information, telling cops she was dropping the envelope off for someone else. >> if the information is accurate, it's going to be pretty volatile. >> i believe haleigh is alive. i have faith in god to take care of my baby girl and find her. and i don't care who had something to do with it. those are the people who need to be put away. >> good evening. i'm jean casarez of the legal network in session, in for nancy grace tonight. as we go to air, police have
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arrested misty croslin's mother. >> 911. >> hi. i just woke up and our back door was wide open and we can't find our daughter. >> more details emerge in the case of missing florida girl haleigh cummings. misty's mom arrested. lisa croslin the mother of stepmom/babysitter misty croslin has been detained in tennessee for allegedly forging stolen checks. police believe lisa croslin stole checks from a neighbor, then cashed one of those checks at a local bank. >> this mother, remember, came out against misty and said that she believed that her son was telling the truth and that misty was not. maybe they want to put her in jail so they can ask tough questions about why she came to such a conclusion. >> reporter: lisa croslin told fox affiliate wofl -- >> deep down any heart yes, i think my daughter's holding something back. i think they both are holding something back. that's just in my heart. >> also today, police are
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looking into a tip left at a local newspaper wednesday. newly released surveillance video shows a woman in blue scrubs dropping off an envelope around 3:00 p.m. that day. >> the paper's name and address was on the envelope, sealed. they're looking at the letter and the envelope for fingerprints. >> the woman has since voluntarily come forward to clarify the information, saying she was actually dropping off the envelope for someone else. police are following up on the tip but refuse to comment on the details inside the envelope. >> miss neves, why are you so sure haleigh is still with us? >> because i stand on god's promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for. >> let's go straight out to marlaina schiavo, producer of nancy grace, who has been on this case from the very beginning. marlaina, what can you tell us about the arrest that just went down of misty croslin's mother, lisa? >> jean, misty croslin's mother is being held in tennessee. she was arrested for charges on
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forgery. she's being held in tennessee, jean, on $100,000 bond. they want to keep her in tennessee right now until putnam county can bring her back to florida. >> what is she doing in tennessee? because she lives -- did live in florida. >> she left about two weeks ago, she and her husband just up and moved to tennessee. this is right after her son tommy was arrested for stealing that gun. now, that same person that accused tommy of stealing the gun is accusing lisa croslin of stealing ten checks and writing one out to herself back on september 8th for $400 and cashing it. >> and plus you have the felony forgery situation. well, while she is being arrested in tennessee, at the very same time police are releasing a video down in florida of a mystery woman that went to the st. augustine newspaper. there she is right there. and handing them an envelope.
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let's go straight out to t.j. hart, program director wsky, 97.3 fm. what can you tell us about this? it just happened. >> well, this woman voluntarily walked into the putnam county police station. made contact with them. they spoke with her. they're not going to release her name. but they did say she has no "relationship" as she dropped this information off to the associate editor of the "st. augustine record" for a friend. that's all she's saying right now. they'll probably want to talk to her again. and according to the associate editor richard pryor the contents of the letter volatile. volatile. >> t.j. hart, let's start from the beginning. she drops a letter off anonymously. thank goodness the st. augustine newspaper had that surveillance video. it allowed the police to talk to her at least. it was an envelope. do we know what the letter contained? >> it contained some information and three letters at the bottom
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of the page, i am told. but after that not much more because they want to keep this under wraps. i do know that a search ensued out in the area earlier this week, about a day or two ago, probably -- i think it was yesterday now. right out where the trailer was where ron, misty, haleigh, and junior lived in permit's cove just outside of satsuma. >> so police get this letter. they then have a search done near the trailer. do we know if the trailer was typewritten or handwritten? >> can't tell you, ma'am, they're not releasing the contents. >> we don't know. do we know foote envelope was addressed to someone on the outside? >> yes. richard pryor, the associate editor for the "st. augustine record." it had his name and the paper's name right there on the envelope and the envelope was sealed. >> let's go straight out to the lawyers tonight. gloria allred, family law attorney out of los angeles. anne bremner out of seattle, defense attorney extraordinaire. alan ripka out of new york, defense attorney.
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to gloria allred, at first blush you see that misty's mother was arrested in tennessee. felony forgery charges. you say, well, that's separate and distinct from this. but is it really, gloria allred? is this separate and distinct or are they trying to find out information? because the last thing the woman said before she left florida was i think my daughter knows more than what she's saying. >> well, jean, i think that the first thing is that of course police would always deny that they're trying to pressure anyone in custody to give any other information about a crime for which they are not charged. but at the same time, of course, they'd be real happy if the person in custody would give them some other information or clarification about statements they made earlier. and in this case the mom, who was under arrest now, has indicated some doubts about misty's story. and so perhaps they'd like to hear more about that. >> questioning the veracity of her own daughter. to anne bremner, misty's mother is in tennessee. florida authorities are down in
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sat yoouma. we've got to have a legal proceeding right now, right? it's called extradition. >> it's called extradition, and she may fight it, and that may take some more time. and the fact is, like nancy has said -- and by the way, great to see you, jean. is that the jail cells are not filled with forgers. they're with killers and murderers et cetera. you don't see extraditions on a forgery very often. unless they need to get in there to talk to her as a witness. >> that's right. to reiterate what everybody knows, what police are saying is that when allegedly tommy croslin her, son, went to the neighbor's home and allegedly stole a gun, that's why he was brought up on grand theft charges, that she allegedly stole some checks out of the neighbor's home and one of those checks she allegedly wrote for $400 and cashed it, and thus you have the forgery charge right there. but the question remains just as anne bremner says, you have a lot of people, violent criminals that are in this area and in this country. alan ripka, what do you think about an arrest in tennessee on a forgery charge? >> well, i think it's going to really help them put a lot of pressure on her to talk further.
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but i also think the defense is going to love it. because in the beginning the prosecutors were hopeful that the mother's testimony against her own daughter would be helpful. but now she's arrested on forgery, which is a crime of credibility, and therefore if she loses credibility in her own statements about her daughter. >> to nancy in virginia. we're taking your calls live tonight. hi, nancy in virginia. what's your question? >> caller: i was wondering if anyone has heard or seen from misty croslin. >> that's a very good question. let's go out to art harris. art, misty croslin left town too. a lot of people are leaving town. where is she right now. >> i can tell you that she is not at home and she is on the road, not expected back anytime soon. as a result of a fight with ronald. she's with a friend, i'm told. and right now ronald does not want to talk to her. >> so misty is not back in town, she's with a friend. ronald is in town. what do you make of it, art harris? >> well, i think that there is not -- there is trouble in paradise.
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ronald and misty on the rocks. her family, revolving door at the putnam county jail. very distraught. i just talked to her father a little while ago. and this is a family in trouble that doesn't know what to think, jean. >> i pulled into the yard, and my girlfriend opened the front door, and i already knew something was wrong because she's not up at this time. and i said, what are you doing up at this time? and she said, "your back door's wide open, and your daughter's gone."
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i pulled into the yard. the front door was wide open. she was standing in it. i asked her what she was doing up. she told me that the back door was wide open and haleigh was gone. i turned the house upside down, told her to call 911. >> i'll show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. so -- and i'm also going to show you the lock, because the lock is about three feet from the floor, and we know that that's about as tall as haleigh stands. >> i did take a polygraph. >> and you passed it? >> i mean, my understanding is that i passed it. >> what is her story about what happened that night? >> the same thing that she's telling police or whoever, that she went to -- she put haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went
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to bed, and woke up to the door propped open. >> you said your back door was wide open? >> yeah, it was brick, like a brick on the floor. like when i went to sleep it was not like that. >> why are you so sure haleigh is still with us? >> because i stand on god's promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for. >> i'm jean casarez of the legal network in session, in for nancy grace tonight. i want to go out to pat brown, criminal profiler, author of "killing for sport" out of minneapolis tonight. pat, i want to ask you, if you were part of the fdle, federal department of law enforcement, or the sheriff's office, would you personally go to tennessee right now to start talking with misty croslin's mother, or would you wait for extradition? >> well, i think it all depends on the little plan they've got going there. they want to make her sweat, obviously. they want to make her think, oh, my god, i've got such a huge amount of money against me here.
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they're really leaning on me heavy. and i'm going to get stuck forever in jail. i'm going to get a huge sentence. depending on what they can get her to believe without her lawyer interfering. so i think -- i don't know that they know she knows that much, but they're going for everything they can right now, just any little bits and pieces that might direct them to the right place or get them some kinds of evidence that they can use to pressure misty or ron with so they can get the information from them. i think they're leaning heaviest on misty. i think they're just trying to zoom in on her from all angles to get her to open up and finally tell the truth. >> but the thing is, pat brown, somebody knows something. somebody does. and nobody's talking. and there's a $30,000 reward right now. somebody can get $30,000. that's a lot of money. why isn't anybody coming forward? >> well, it depends. if only a couple people know what happened, then those couple people aren't talking and my guess is those couple are misty and ron. then there's nobody else to talk but the two of them. and my question is this. if ron is so concerned about getting his daughter back, why is he hanging around with the girlfriend who's lying about everything and marrying the
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girl? there's something wrong with that whole picture. he should be joining the police against her if he thinks that she has something to do with his missing daughter. the police are saying wait a minute, that's biddar behavior. therefore, i think ron knows. i think misty knows something. and the weakest link there is actually going to be misty. so they're going to be pushing her because they think she's got the answer. >> and that's a good question, to dr. lisa weinstock, psychiatrist out of new york. everyone almost is now saying they believe that misty is holding something back. her mother said that right before she moved out of town. and now was arrested on felony forgery charges. her father said that before he moved out of town with their mother. and also, others are saying that. why is ron sticking by her side? >> well, he may be sticking by her side because he truly believes she has nothing to do with it. or it may be that deep down he does have an inkling that maybe she had something to do with it but to actually come to terms with that and admit that to himself and others sort of implies that indirectly he's somewhat responsible for the fact that his daughter is gone
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because he's the one who chose to leave his daughter with her. so that may be something that he's not even really willing to admit to himself, much less to anybody else. >> to lynn in pennsylvania. hi, lynn. the great state of pennsylvania. where are you from in pennsylvania? >> caller: hi. it's lynn in pennsylvania. >> great. what's your question? >> caller: i have a couple. first of all, right now there's a letter that was just dropped off and they're not looking for misty. nobody. they're after her mother but not misty. and my second question is where was junior when all this was supposed to have happened, that she was taken to a bar and -- or wherever, a party, and ingested the oxycontin. where was junior? >> okay. good questions. first of all, let's talk about that letter that you just mentioned. once again to marlaina schiavo, nancy grace producer. this is a letter that was just given to the "st. augustine record" newspaper. do we know anything about the contents of this letter? there's surveillance video of the woman dropping it off. police have now spoken with her.
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she said she dropped it off from someone else asking her to. but it's a tip that could burst this case wide open. what do we know? >> well, actually, jean, we do know that it was a typed letter. so that's one thing. and the other thing we do know is that this -- the contents of this letter had nothing to do with what happened that night but it had more to do with a location for where the putnam county police should search. >> when i laid down, i guess, you know, i was out. >> did she -- there's no way she could have wandered off? >> no. she is scared of the dark. she would not go anywhere by herself.
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we need to get her date of birth. >> what's her date of birth? >> we need to find her. >> i've been the one, the main focus. they just need to move on and look for the right person. >> i'm not hiding anything for anybody. and if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry. >> i believe haleigh is alive. i have faith in god to take care of my baby girl and find her. and i don't care who had something to do with it.
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those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home. >> i'm jean casarez of the legal network in session, in for nancy grace. once again, misty croslin's mother, lisa croslin, has been arrested in nashville, tennessee. it's on charges for check forgery. her bail tonight, $100,000. i want to go back to lynn from pennsylvania because one of her second questions was in regard to junior, that where he was the night allegedly that there was a party, here's what lynn is talking about. there was a letter, a handwritten letter that an inmate from a local jail in satsuma sent to her boyfriend. police are saying this is a forgery and a fake, but in this handwritten letter she says police came to her in jail with a sworn affidavit. that is something that somebody swears under penalty of perjury. they said that there was a party the night that haleigh went missing and that haleigh was
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there and that something terrible happened, that haleigh took an oxycontin pild and l an ingested it, even accidentally took it, and she died. and someone put her in a black bag, put her in this woman's car, and then took her to a lake. the question is junior isn't mentioned in this letter at all. out to art harris. what about it? where would junior have been the night that little hal yeeg went missing? >> well, jean, i have got that letter on and that is the big question. junior could have been asleep. the theory that police were investigating, and i'm told that letter is not considered totally bogus, it is something that declares this friend of misty was confronted and interviewed by detectives about this theory. and the theory was that she took the kids to this so-called party, possibly junior fell asleep, didn't need to be kept quiet, misty -- something happened supposedly to haleigh, and then her body had to be
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dumped. that is what the letter says. >> to marlaina schiavo, isn't it true that in this letter it talks about an area where allegedly the body was put. and isn't that the area that was searched last week by authorities? >> that's right. this letter talks about the mondex and the pond that was mentioned in this letter was the pond that they drained last friday. >> her and junior were sleeping in my queen size bed and that she was sleeping in the top bed beside her, three or four feet from her, whatever. (announcer) everything you need to take a breather on long trips. residence inn. boy: is that your new car? uh...yeah.
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what we need is for misty to come down here and tell us the truth. >> i'm trying to do everything to find her. you know, answer any questions i have to. because i know i didn't do anything with -- to that little girl. >> misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that, you know, we need to go down to the sheriff's office and really lay out in clear terms what i was doing from 8:00 p.m. till 3:00 a.m. >> do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, ronald? >> absolutely not.
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>> you stand very strongly behind misty croslin's story. what do you make of police saying that she has the answers? >> i have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement because, you know, if i go with every whim and every accusation then i'm going to be flipping back and forth in my life and, you know, what we stand -- you know, we just stand for haleigh here. we just want haleigh to come home. and i want them to find whoever this is, and i don't care who it is. but we want haleigh to come home. >> i'm jean casarez of the legal network in session in for nancy grace tonight. news out of tennessee. misty croslin's mother has been arrested in tennessee. let's go out to marlaina schiavo. where is she actually tonight, marlaina? >> she's behind bars, jean, and she will remain there until
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putnam county authorities come and extradite her back to florida. >> now, marlaina, she's actually got three felony charges here. we're looking at forgery. we've got uttering a forged instrument. and petty theft. and we found out the maximum is five years on each charge. so that's a maximum of 15 years right there. do we know at all when extradition may begin? >> she may not go back until next week. they're waiting on the authorities now. she was just arrested i believe it was last night. so it should be any day now. >> all right. to t.j. hart, program and news director wsky 97.3 fm. also could be extremely important information from the "st. augustine record" newspaper. it's not the newspaper itself, but it's somebody walking in the front door. explain that. >> well, this woman came in, and she had an envelope that was addressed to the associate editor, richard pryor, and it was an envelope. it was sealed.
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had his name on it, had the address on the envelope. and the contents, according to pryor, very volatile. now, he said he can't reveal what the letter says, but he said it's a paragraph long, it's typed, it has three letters at the bottom that resemble initials. and he says if the information's accurate it's going to be "pretty volatile." and that sparked off a search yesterday by law enforcement out there at her mitt's cove, where the trailer of ronald and misty, haleigh, and junior, where they lived at the time haleigh vanished. >> you know, one thing, when authorities say they're following every lead, they truly are in this case. to pat brown, criminal profiler, author of "killing for sport." pat, at first glance i say why would you take the letter to the newspaper, why wouldn't you take it to the police? but then i think of the btk serial killer in kansas. there were a lot of letters that were given to the news media, actually written by the killer himself in that, and a it helped solve the crime. >> right. there's a number of reasons, jean. unfortunately, you have to weigh
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is it this one or is it that one? one possibility is the person is just speak seeking atension. they know if they go straight to the police department it might go in with a bunch of tips, might get ignored but if they take it to the press that might get out there and they might get some attention. that's one possibility. another possibility is they're afraid of the police and don't want to have any contact with the police but they actually have real information. but the police get this all the time. so the problem is is this stuff -- is there any meaning behind it does it make any sense or do we have somebody who thinks they're a psychic and they've just envisioned haleigh is in a certain place and therefore they've written this down and taken it in and now police are going in digging up half the land and there's no body there. but they have to be careful. they have to cull it and make sure they don't overlook something just by saying that's probably just a nut case so, let me just throw it away. >> toshiba in illinois. hi, sheeba. what's your question? >> caller: hi, jean. my question is what if haleigh and junior were at this party and they stayed in the car and they were having trouble keeping
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haleigh in the car and somebody slipped them something to sleep and when they went back to check on her of course she had o.d.'ed, which meant she had had a seizure, she had vomited and soiled herself and wet herself, and they all got scared and they did wrap her up with something and throw her in a local lake? >> well, if -- >> caller: or is there a close old cemetery that is still used that has any fresh graves in it? >> well, you know what you're saying, sheeba, you're talking about parties to a crime, people that no one would talk about what happened because all were involved. you bring up an interesting issue, he tho, to gloria allred out of los angeles, family law attorney. do you think there should be a dual investigation right now, at least from child protective services, because of this handwritten letter from an inmate at the jail right now, somebody held in custody, talking about a type of a party?
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should they be investigating the household itself? >> well, if the police think there's nothing to that letter, then that's one thing. but on the other hand, of course, if there is an open door and then junior was in fact sleeping there at the time, then maybe there is a child -- a potential child endangerment to be looking at. definitely my sense of it is the child protective services would be on the alert. because of the little missing haleigh. >> gloria, it's interesting. police have said yes, we lend no credibility to this letter. yet, gloria, that lake area is where they searched last weekend, and number two, the car that belongs to the person in custody, they have recently searched that car forensically because that's the car the sworn affidavit said the body was taken in and then dumped to the lake. let's go out to melissa in ten. hi, melissa. your question. >> caller: hi, jean. first of all, i want to tell you thank you for covering for
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nancy. i'm such an avid watcher, and i love the show. >> well, good. thank you. nancy thanks you. >> caller: good. i have a couple questions. my first question is did misty have access to emergency vehicle? if she's keeping ronald's vehicle while he's at work, did she have access to an emergency vehicle should something happen with the kids when he's gone? and two, why weren't all the family members, friends, and acquaintances sequestered long before this, pushed into lie detector tests, and if there was a party going on at the house why weren't there fingerprints taken on the lights and the garba garbage? just as a citizen we think when there's something like, this a high-profile case and there's been a child missing for so long, we just assume authorities are doing every possible thing that they can, and it just seems like now new information's coming out that maybe could have come out sooner. >> yes. as in seven months ago in february. let's go to the expert on this, art harris, investigative journalist, art, first of all, misty was the
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scare gifr for those children, especially when ron was at work. did she have a vehicle in case there was an emergency? >> well, she actually did drive the kids sometime, and her family did have a blue van, jean, that misty did drive. and it was found in the driveway at her home. a scratch down the side. and i know authorities have processed that van, they brought it back the other day, i actually saw, it it was all dusty and white with fingerprint powder and they did not find anything, or at least they're not revealing if they did. >> let's go back to the beginning, what melissa just did from tennessee. was everybody questioned in the beginning? was everybody take nen and asked what they know? and why didn't they say these things then? >> you know, it's funny. the law enforcement has done so much more than they have let on. and that has been the big frustration. how much to release. how much not to release. they have interviews everybody in that family time and time again, and everybody around that family. they have done hundreds and hundreds of interviews.
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they have hours and hours of tape at the department, and they continue to go over old interviews they've done, jean, in comparing them with the information, the new information they're getting from these people again. >> and very quickly, what do you hear about florida authorities going to tennessee to question misty's mother further? >> well, if i read the court documents correctly, jean, she has a first appearance next wednesday, and anytime they can go and take her after that to florida and she'll be on a $10,000 bond there, i talked to her husband today, hank jr-j he's distraught. he's trying to figure out how he can get the bond to get his wife out -- >> all right, hart. thank you very much. that would be an extradition hearing next week. to tonight's safety tips. each year 200,000 children end up in the e.r. from accidents on the playground. some of them are fatal. here are safety tips to protect your children. the number one injury -- falls. make sure protective surfacing is underneath all playground equipment. this will lower the risk of serious head injuries. and look out for sharp objects
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like glass or rocks or broken equipment. children should be supervised at all times. teach your child to stay away from moving swings, remove their necklaces and strings on their clothing to avoid strangulation, report unsafe conditions to the playground operator. for more information go to the u.s. consumer product safety commission at we'll be right back. (pouring rain) i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds), get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door.
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what do you make of misty flunking a polygraph? >> i don't know anything about her flunking a polygraph. i know what's been said about it, but i'm not a polygrapher myself. so i didn't see any results. i didn't get to -- you know. i was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it's not judged in percentages. >> showed up there, they told me i was taking a polygraph. i was like, okay. >> did you at any point say i don't want to do? >> no. >> why? >> because i thought i was
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helping. i was trying to do everything i can to find haleigh. >> he's not as strong as home as he is on tv. but he has to be strong for junior. you know. so he does the best that he can. he keeps his crying to his self. at night. and just tries to make junior happy until haleigh comes home. junior thinks that haleigh is lost and is finding her way home. he actually drew her a map so she could find her way home. >> what do you tell him? >> that angels are watching haleigh and she'll be home soon. >> i'll jean casarez of the legal network in session in for nancy grace tonight. misty croslin's mother, lisa croslin, arrested. in a local jail now in nashville, tennessee. arrested on check forgery charges, held on $100,000 bail, at the very same time in florida
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someo someone took the time to type out an entire letter about the missing of haleigh cummings, where she might be, what might have happened to her. authorities have it. that letter was hand-delivered to the "st. augustine record." i want to go to dr. gwen o'keefe, m.d., founder and cref you know, doctor, hello yooeg went missing in february. it's now seven months later. she was five when she went missing. how much would she have grown in these seven months? >> she probably wouldn't have grown all that much. at this age kids' growth really slows down. plus with turner syndrome they have growth issues. so we would expect her growth really not to alter too much. >> to anne bremner, defense attorney out of seattle, washington. i want you to listen to something right now and observe it. this is misty croslin's mother right before she left toub out of florida.
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she had a comment for the news media. it was about her daughter. he let's listen. >> deep down in my heart i think my daughter's holding back. i think they're both holding something back. that's just in my heart. i'm going to tell her i love her and if you know anything at all please tell me. we can work it through. i'll be right there by your side, we'll get through it, just please tell me whatever you're holding back. >> and that's misty croslin's mother, lisa croslin, who said on wofl, fox 35, that she believes that misty may be hiding something. shortly after that she left florida. she moved out of florida with her husband. anne bremner, you saw that, you watched it. is she cred snibl. >> you have to wonder why is she talking to the media? and she's her mother. she should be supporting her. you have to wonder, why did she say that? then why did she leave? evidence of flight could be evidence of guilt, of course, jean. so it really makes you wonder about it. and then she is on crimes of dishonesty right now with forgery and attendant charges.
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so it's very interesting about her motives and what she has to say. or the defense would say is she talking about someone else that misty's covering up for and she's just being protective of her daughter in general? >> or to alan ripka. and you mentioned a problem with her credibility now that she's been charged with check forgery. but maybe she's not -- maybe her daughter won't talk to her. maybe she's not in communication with her daughter. was she trying to send a message to her that she actually loved her and was there to help her in any way? >> well, watching her, it would appear that she was trying to be true and she was trying to help the public and the police and sending a message to the public and her daughter indicating look, i know there's something else there and i'd like you to come forward. despite the fact she was arrested for forgery. i would think most jurors would think if you're threatening or claiming something about your own daughter you're probably legitimate. >> let's go to dr. lisa weinstock, the true expert, psychiatrist, in all of this. what do you make of that video?
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talking against your own daughter. >> well, it strikes me a little odd the stance that she took. i mean, she didn't say i know that she was involved. nor did she say i'm sure she's not involved. nor did she say i would support her no matter what, although she sort of said that at the end. she sort of made this vague comment that she pkts her daughter might know something. and that strikes me as somewhat odd because one would think if she knew her daughter knew something or if she knew something she would be more straightforward or forthcoming with that either to the media or to the police. so i'm not quite sure what to make of it. i do agree that she probably at some level was trying to communicate to her daughter that she's there to support her. but again, the precise wording of it strikes me as a bit odd. >> and the fact is all the attorneys know if anything ever gets in court and her daughter is even a witness in this case that statement could come back to haunt her because it was used -- it would be used by prosecutors if she would be a defense witness on cross-examination. we've got a caller standing by in florida tonight waiting patiently.
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rick, are you still there? >> oh, yeah, i'm still here, jean. thank you. >> sure, what's your question? >> caller: well, it's kind you have a question slash statement. ronald, you know, he's been saying all along how forthcoming he's been with all his information and he'll do whatever it takes to get haleigh home. and i kind of understand that. but my question is what was just released is his cell phone, wasn't it 20 calls to misty that night and couldn't get in touch with her and he wound up calling her brother? >> you're right. the fact is it has been reported 20 mimes he called tommy croslin because he couldn't find misty or reach her. and now, everybody, tonight's "cnn heroes." >> announcer: this is "cnn heroes." >> abuse cuts across religion, culture. i'm muslim, born and raised in pakistan. immigrated to new york in 1990. within the muslim community
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now a look back at the stories making headlines this week. >> misty croslin's brother behind bars on a gun charge. now confessing he was at the home the night haleigh goes missing. bangs on the door. nobody home. this means that misty croslin's story is false if the brother is to be believed. >> there's no way she wouldn't
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have heard that. nancy, that front door is all but ten feet from the bedroom where misty was sleeping with haleigh and junior that night. the plumber finds evidence in a murder case? what happened to the police? >> well, it sounds like they had to have a plumber go to that lab room. that's right, snanssy. the investigation continues in new haven. i want to report to you a story about a dedicated mother who heads off in the early morning hours to catch her carpool and is not only stabbed in a public parking lot, but then the assay lent gets back in his car and coming back to run her over. >> still critical tonight. it's unknown where her children are at this point. she did have custody of them and her ex-husband had visitation. it's unclear whether they're with them or not. >> miss nef ves, tell me how ronald is holding up. i mean, he comes on our show
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frequently and he's always so strong. how is he holding up? >> he's not as strong at home as he is on tv, but he has to be strong for junior, you know? so, he does the best that he can. he keeps his crying to his self at night and just tries to make junior happy until haleigh comes home. tonight, let us stop to remember army private first class justin casias, just 19 years old from done anythingen, california. he was from a long line of military veterans. he dreamed of enlisting since he was a young boy. awarded the bronze star and purple heart. he loved football, playing drums and daring stunts stunts. his favorite music, hip hop. leafs behind parents chuck and donna. justin casillas. an american hero.
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thank you so much for all of our guests. you being with us tonight. see you tomorrow night 8:00 eastern. until them, good night, everybody. coming up next on "issues" a giant family feud has erupted and it's all because of mckenzie phill phillips' shocking, shocking accusations she has incestuous sex with her father, pictured there, john phillips of the mamas and the papas. two of john phillips' ex-wives coming out saying, it didn't happen. you lie, mackenzie. then, again, chynna phillips coming out saying she believes mackenzie's story. who do we believe? why is she doing this? what is the motive? just to sell a book? could there be a deeper motive? we're going to tell you about a horrible story, a dogfighting wing busted and these animals were in horrific condition but it gets worse. there was a daycare center
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operates right next door. children were potentially exposed to tremendous danger. we're going to talk about it coming up on "issues."
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tonight, a family torn apart. mackenzie phillips back on oprah again with more head spinning claims about incestuous sex, drug addiction and rape. this time she has ammo, she's bringing her sister, who's now backing up mackenzie's claim of incest with her dad. other members of mackenzie's extended clan are lining up against her charging, you lie! "issues" has exclusive information from the family of john phillips. a double dose of evil, blood soaked walls, beaten dogs and day care? a horrific dogfighting ring busted up at of all places a
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childcare center in illinois. what? ten children taken out during a police raid. cops say these poor dogs were tortured and fighting to the death right next to a children's swing set. who were the sickos who thought dogfighting and day care were a good mix? also, reliving a long nightmare. jaycee dugard says she will take the stand against phillip garrido. she wants to testify against the monster accused of holding her captive for 18 long years. this could force her to reveal every gut wrenching and sordid sexual detail in front of the whole world. all while this poor womb is trying to rebuild her whole life. tonight's big issue, does the criminal justice system victim misz rape survivors twice? a celebrity superstar busted for allegedly skipping out on his hotel bill. randy quaid and his wife accused of owing a hotel 10,000 bucks. that's a lot of trips to the minibar. check out these mug shots.
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quaid claims the bill is paid and said the hotel is doing this all for publicity. who do you believe? "issues" starts now. shocking and revolting accusations ignite a firestorm of a family feud. the whole world knows this. by now. mackenzie phillips said she had sex with her own father rock legend john phillips. she paints a sickening picture claiming daddy pulled her into a frightening world of drugs and forbidden sex. she revealed what she calls her darkest secrets to who else? oprah. >> i woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father. your father is supposed to protect you. your father is supposed to protect you, not [ bleep ] you. >> mackenzie's horrifying allegations are dividing her show biz family especially since john is dead and cannot defend himself. step mom michelle phillips says, you lie. take with a grain of salt
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anything said by somebody who had a needle in their arm for 35 years. mackenzie was back on oprah today but this time sister chynna, came along who backed her up. >> i'm proud of my sister. am i exceedingly joyful that my family's secret that i told maybe my therapist, my husband, and my very best friend in the world? no, now, a platform for everybody to know is upsetting. >> you've known for a while. >> i've known for a long time. >> mackenzie's other sister, bijou phillips speaking out. she lived alone with her dad since she was 3. you will not believe what she has to say. are these horrific claims true? will we ever know? mackenzie says she has a handful of people who know it happened. is she trustworthy? just last year mackenzie got busted for heroin and cocaine. we know addicts lie.
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is she sober now? straight out to my fabulous panel. criminal defense attorney mark eiglarsh. cnn legal analyst, lisa bloom. psychiatrist dr. dale archer. curtis sliwa, founder of the guardian angels. also talking only to us tonight, the widow of john phillips, farnaz phillips. thank you so much for joining us on the phone. i understand you did not want to be on camera but still felt you had to speak out to clear john's name. what was your reaction when you first heard these claims? do you believe them or not? >> under no circumstances i believe this. i always knew john and i always knew mackenzie is not somebody, considering the source, mackenzie phillips, she already admitted to oprah, herself, the other day that she's a liar, and -- >> why do you think if you believe that she lied, let's
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face it, none of us knows what happens behind closed doors so nobody is really going to know because he's dead and how can we verify one way or another what she's saying? if you believe that she is lying, why would she lie about something like this? >> well, she's been going through a couple years of hard time, tough life, and she just putting out the book right after that. like you said, the jim moret show, that it might be the anger. i can add drugs and money into it, and -- >> drugs and money? >> yes, because she is making money. listen to this. if you take a couple of pages out of the book that she refers to john and allegations she has against john, that book would have never been sold. >> well, yeah, of course. the reason it's a best seller, she's saying she had sex with her famous father and he shot her up and he incested her. i mean, these are horrifying
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claims. >> and john cannot defend himself. that's why i'm on the phone with you. ajust want to defend him, speak for him. i know john was a -- >> how long were you married to him? >> i was married to john for six years and he was sober for, like, 5 1/2 years out of it, and he was all together. he loved his family. he would do anything possible. >> was he a drug addict and an alcoholic? ? >> when i was married to him, no. >> previous to that? what years were you married to him? >> i was married to him from 1995 up until 2001 when he passed. and he was -- >> so he finally got sober. he finally got sober which is wonderful news. did he ever say to you, i have problems with mamackenzie, boy, she's trouble or, wow, something really awful happened? >> john was a very honest person, not like mackenzie said he was a liar. he was never a liar.
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even wrote a book about himself a long time ago, blaming himself for everything that half of it wasn't even him. so if he did something like that, don't you think, honest someone would put that in his book to sell it? he never did that. >> thank you for coming on our show exclusively and talking about your belief that john phillips did not commit the incest that his daughter mackenzie is accusing him of. >> this is the last thing she can chew on and she is chewing on it. my problem is the headache she's causing the family. i have -- i'm very upset and bijou is very upset. i love bijou. i think it's not right to have family divided for money. >> thank you, fernaz.
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this has divided the family. mackenzie's sister, bijou phillip says mackenzie told her about the abuse then said, oh, it never really happened. bijou said the man who raced me would never be capable of doing such things. if he was, it is heartbreaking to think my family would leave me alone with him. that raises a very good question. lisa bloom, if this actually happened, should mackenzie have made a motion to keep bijou away from john? bijou said he was raised by a guy that was like mr. mom and was a loving and supportive father. >> absolutely. the problem mackenzie phillips has is she's a lifelong drug addict. a serious addict. we're talking about cocaine and heroin shot up in her arms on a daily basis for many, many years. that doesn't mean her story is untrue. in my view it probably is true. i represented a woman very much
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like mackenzie phillips when i represented sex isle abuse sir vooisters for many years who had a consensual adult relationship with her father. it's absolutely devastating but does happen. the way she has gone about this is all wrong. she's done it by trying to sell a book. that means everybody is suspicious of her motives. she could have come out for example, i would have advise the her come out and be the national spokesperson for the rape survivor network. and also, frankly, before your father died. this is very suspicious in a lot of people's minds and rightly so. >> dr. dale archer, it's so troubling because there's no way for us to verify and she waited until after her father died, even though he got sober before he died. this is destroying the family. michelle phillips says that all of the nieces and nephews in the phillips' family are not going to school now. they're staying home and sobbing because she has essentially
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shamed the entire phillips family. is that something she should have taken into consideration or not? >> no. i mean, she shamed the phillips family, maybe so. what about what she is be living with and dealing with over her entire life? never an easy way to come forward with this. i say bravo. any way you can get this message out, this is an epidemic in america. there are women that this happens -- >> incest is an epidemic? i didn't know. >> absolutely. it is huge and it is impossible. >> adult incest? >> only if you're in the field and you treat people as a psychiatrist or psychologist do you hear the stories time after time after time after -- again and the women are scared and they're ashamed. >> are the people you're hearing them from addicts, heroin addicts who have just gotten sober less than a year ago possibly? >> are they stories about adult incest? that's a different form. >> it is so hard to come forward and this is always what happens. no one believes you. all the time a girl will come
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forward and tell the story and the mom will support the dad -- >> wouldn't it have been a better idea to go into family therapy and tell your family, hey, this is what happened to me? apparently she's told people this in the past but then according to michelle and bijou she took it back. and she said it didn't happen. >> you know, jane, i think that you're right. yeah. there is a good way to do it but any way to get this out, it's very important and it's not easy to do. >> got to take a break. >> if it took a book for her to do this, i say that's fine. i say if this sheds a light on this problem then that is a good thing. >> more on mackenzie phillips in just a bit. we're also taking your calls on this one. give me a holler. 1-87 7-jvm says. dogfighting and daycare. under the same roof? we saent show it to you it's so bad. we'll update you on the condition of some unbelievably tortured dogs. first more on mackenzie
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phillips' alleged incestuous affair with her father. here she is back in 1996 talking about her father as her role model. pretty creepy stuff. >> we have to remember that we are our children's role models and certainly -- my role model s my father who had hair down his back and was wearing a dress and said whatever turns you on. gecko vo: you see, it's not just telling people geico
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could save 'em hundreds on car insurance. it's actually doing it. gecko vo: businessmen say "hard work equals success." well, you're looking at, arguably, the world's most successful businessgecko. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. this is humiliating. stand still so we can get an accurate reading. pounds and a smidge. a smidge? y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages under 70 pounds.
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i went to my father and said, look, we need to talk about how you raped me. and my dad said, raped you? don't you mean when we made love? and in that moment i thought, wow, i'm really on my own here. >> mackenzie phillips on oprah, shocking claims from the former tv actress, she says she carried on an incestuous relationship with her dad for ten years. she writes about it in her new book which is a bestseller "high on arrival." phone lines light up on this one. no surprise there. don, washington, your question
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or thought? >> caller: hi, jane. >> hi. >> caller: i'm calling to say i don't think any of this is really true. i think she's trying to make money for her book. >> all right. i think you raise an interesting point. and i want to talk about why people do things, curtis sliwa. i know children of addicts and alcoholics are extremely mad at their addict parent. so there could be various levels of motivation. it could be she wants a book. she has a tv show but she also could have a lot of deep-seated anger. and i want to quote quickly from my book which is about growing up in an alcoholic household. children of alcoholics experience trauma when they grow up with someone who isn't present like a sober person is. often these children have been traumatized by the drama in the household. rageful, weepy or detached children of alcoholics and addicts have a tendency to develop bitterness over the stilted relationship with the alcoholic or addict parent. curtis?
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>> i'd be crazy mad against this guy. this guy was a freaky deaky guy. we just talked about the story of ryan o o'neal at the wake. beautiful blond comes up, kisses him, hello ryan and tries to put the squeeze on her, what are you doing after the wake? we got the urge to merge? she says, ryan, it's me, ratem, your daughter. come on, wake up, america. he admitted this. >> there's a big difference between that story and this story. >> there's no difference. these guys believe in this live in let live. notice what she said, her father had said is that, oh, you've got to accept the fact that this is the kind of a lifestyle you -- are you crazy? >> jane, i got to get in here. >> okay. mark. let's see the panel. let's see the panel. mark eiglarsh. >> thank you, jane. aye yi yi. first of all you have dale archer saying bravo. sliwa convicting him already.
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let me say something. the only thing we know for sure is none of us will ever know for sure whether this really happened. that's number one. number two, as i tell my jurors, when i'm raising questions about someone's credibility, there's a difference between believability and accuracy. even when you see this oprah interview she looks believable, it may be entirely different whether she's accurate, whether this really did happen or whether it was imagined in order to sell books or when she was in a drug-induced state. >> i think drugs is at the heart of all of this. mackenzie talks about growing up in a crazy, drug-filled world. she said she was 10 when she was rolling joints for her dad. 13 when he was helping her shoot up at 13. she tells oprah her dad brought her to a party where she had sex with rocker mick jagger who hasn't responded to this. i'm waiting to hear from him. she was home 18. listen to this one. >> my dad walks out, mick turns
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around, locks the door and looks at me. he says, i've been waiting for this since you were 10 years old. and my dad comes back and that's my daughter in there. let her out. and we just didn't. we ignored him. >> lisa bloom. mick jagger hasn't responded but boy, he's probably fuming across the pond as it were. >> well at least she was 18 in that allegation, so he wasn't proposing anything that was illegal although it's disgusting if he knew her since she was a little girl. this is america, people are entitled to respond to allegations that smear their reputation for all of history. this man passed away in 2001. like i said, i tend to believe her, but i'm really offended at the way she has gone about this waiting many years after her father was gone to disclose it. the so-called witnesses who support her side are only people who she told. they didn't see anything, hear anything, doesn't seem to be any evidence. she's a wealthy woman. comes from a wealthy family. i assume she has a lot of money.
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she's been working -- why does she do this by way of selling a book? >> wait a second. i don't know how wealthy she is. maybe there's a jealousy factor here because the mama and papa's fortune hasn't descended on her. >> that does not excuse it. >> lisa did point out, by coming out with a book, you have bias, motive, interest, all those things that should not be present if she had just come out with no interest at all. so what i say to all of the people out there, don't jump to conclusions because you just don't know. if it really did happen, wait, if it did happen, dale, she does, in fact, deserve our compassion and sympathy. we just don't know. >> we have to wrap it up right there. i know we can talk about this forever. >> doesn't anybody listen to chynna? >> it's over. you know, seriously, my dad was an alcoholic. in my new recovery memoir i write about that. in "i want" i talk about how my own father's alcoholism encouraged me to drink to excess and it left me builder about my
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relationship with him until i got sober 14 years ago. there he is, there i am. look, we both have drinks in our hands. he passed away and i dedicated my book to him. you can order it. you can order it. it has the story of my recovery. we want to make sure that we provide responsible lending, and we want to make sure that we enable our customers to be successful homeowners. bank of america is lending. whether it's a purchase, a refinance, line of credit... we're here to assist our customers. so we try to make it as simple as possible especially for that first time home buyer. there's a lot of opportunity right now with what's happening in our economy, to really get out and educate. this is responsible lending., it's a lot more conservative than it once was. but in reality, it's a lot smarter., we, at bank of america, have simplified the process
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the woman who wrongfully accused five, count them, five men of raping her at hofstra will not face criminal charges. the 18-year-old was, however, ordered to get a mental health treatment. you think? and complete 250 hours of community service. if she fails to do that, she could be charged at a later date. she signed an agreement admitting she lied to police and engaged in consensual sex. these false accusations threaten to really ruin the lives of the four young men who are arrested.
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we talked to one of them on "issue "issues." >> i was really scared. i couldn't believe what was basically going through my mind. it was like a big nightmare and i thought i was going to do time for something i didn't do. i was going to be punished for something i did not do. >> joining me now, cnn legal analyst lisa bloom. lisa, is there a double standard here? what could and should she have been charged with? >> she could have been charged with making false statements to the police. that's a misdemeanor. i applaud district attorney kathleen rice for coming to this outcome. our prisons are overcrowded. we are stretched beyond our budgets to pay for them. prison is a place for violent offenders and pedophiles. this woman is neither of those things. she made a terrible mistake, did a horrible thing. let her be out paying her own way for her own housing and food and do 250 hours of community service. which benefits us. we don't have to pay for that. that's to our benefit as the taxpayers and get mental health
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treatment which she would not get if she was behind bars. i don't think this is the right outcome. >> sometimes the prisons are filled because of women like her making false accusations. >> i agree she did a terrible thing. a lot of people do terrible things but prison is not the answer. >> she hurt women as well as men. because now women who have been raped are going to be afraid to come forward because they're going to believe they won't be believed. the d.a. said her job was not just to prosecute but to find the truth. listen to this. >> prosecutors almost immediately identified significant inconsistences as she told them her story. the turning point was when she was confronted with the fact that there may exist a video of some or all of the incident. the woman began to reveal the truth about what happened. >> so lisa, basically, as soon as the d.a. started questioning, she found the accuser's story totally full of holes. you have to wonder why the cops
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didn't make the same realization when it was so apparent to the d.a. instead, they took these kids names and faces and put it all over the media. >> i applaud kathleen rice. i'm a big fan. one of the things she said in reaching this deal is she doesn't want other people making false claims to be afraid to admit it because they're afraid they're going to go to jail. if you make a false claim, it's a terrible thing. but we can set things right. okay, we're not going to throw you in the slammer, we're going to give you community service. if she doesn't do her community service she does immediately get charged with a crime under this plea deal. i think this is a very smart plea deal. it's got teeth. i think kathleen rice did the right thing here. >> you convinced me. at first i thought it was a big double standard. although we fight against the war on women and i hate violence against women, one thing i hate just as much is a phony claim that could ruin the lives of four young men. to this day people are calling their sisters, oh, you're the
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sibling of the rapist. it's not fair. i wish them the best. we'll be back with a horrific story, daycare and dogs next.
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reliving a nightmare, jaycee dugard says she will take the stand against phillip garrido. she wants to testify against the monster accused of holding her captive for 18 long years. tonight's big issue, does the criminal justice system victimize rape survivors twice? plus, a celebrity superstar busted for allegedly skipping out on his hotel bill. randy quaid and his wife, arrested in texas accused of owing a hotel 10,000 bucks. that's a lot of trips to the minibar.
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tonight, jaycee dugard's family plots their own version of revenge on her alleged rapist phillip garrido. jaycee's step dad carl probyn says he can't wait to write garrido taunting letters while locked up. i'll be telling him how our family is doing, we're at disney world or out having dinner and laughing and having a wonderful time. end quote. probyn's life has been destroyed, too. he witnessed the garridos snatching jaycee off the street in 1991. here he is just days later. >> watched the car go up the hill, and i saw my daughter making the curve up there. all of a sudden the car darted across the road, cut her off. i saw a door open. i jumped on my back. i heard a scream and pedaled and realized i couldn't catch him in time. i came back down and called 911. >> everybody wondered was he telling the truth at the time? this ruined that man's life. that's the alleged monster, right there, convicting this guy
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could mean more pain and trauma for jaycee. can she handle be face to face with garrido in court? her attorney says absolutely. here he is on the cbs "early show." >> she very clearly understands that some very bad and terrible things were done to her and the people that committed those crimes need to be held accountable. >> these pictures give you just an idea of what life was like for jaycee for 18 long years, this fillth is just the tip of the iceberg. imagine her on the witness stand having to answer questions about what garrido did to her and about giving birth to her children when she was, herself, a child. how is she going to get through that? that brings me to tonight's big issue, are rape victims raped a second time by having to relive their nightmares on the stand, giving graphic testimony about their humiliating violations? isn't it like being victimized all over again? back to my fantastic panel.
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curtis sliwa, can we even imagine what it's going to be like if jaycee dugard has to take the stand and go face to face with that creep? >> jane, i've been cross-examined many times but it pails in comparison to what this woman is going to have to go through. i would think the defense attorney for the two monsters garrido and his wife, when given the opportunity to cross examine her will say, we refuse to ask any questions -- we're not going to ask any questions. we rest with this witness and let her just retire. i realize the prosecution may have to extract from her some details that are going to prove very harmful to her psyche to have to relive it. but if the defense team would be stand up, they wouldn't go there. they wouldn't even go there. just rest with that witness. >> i disagree that it is harmful, jane. i'll tell you why. i represented rape victims and child abuse survivors many years. most people think what you're saying.
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it's psychologically damaging to testify. it's horrible. it damages you the second time. wrong. what my clients told me -- they were all scared beforehand. what they told me afterwards, 201, it was empowering to testify. they already lived through the worst part. to get on the witness stand, to look the bad guy in the eye and tell the truth about what happened and ideally to get a conviction against that person is very empowering and walked out of the courtroom with the head held high and the voice would drop from a squeaky little girl voice they started out with because they were so scared. i tell you, we have to dispel this notion it's a terrible thing to testify in a trial. it is not. >> jane, the bottom line is we are still -- we still have a court system in this country. of course, jaycee has to come to court and testify against her accuser. just because this is the worst of the worst and this really is the worst. it doesn't take away the fact that we still have to have a trial and he has to be proven guilty in court and the key witness in the case is clearly
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jaycee. she has to testify. >> this is happening to so many young women. when kind of agony do these rape victims have to endure when they testify against their attackers? remember elizabeth smart? she may be called to do exactly that soon at a mental competency hearing for one of her captors. a husband and wife accused of kidnapping smart in 2003 when she was just 14 years old so they could keep her as a plural wife. another story that ended in miraculous rescue. this young girl now older obviously will have to testify. i don't understand, dale archer, why can't twha do this on videotape? why do they have to be in the courtroom and face the person that tortured them? >> i completely agree with lisa on this. this is very therapy. this is one more step to getting back to a normal life. let's face it. jaycee dugard is a survivor. she is going to do fine. i have been so impressed with the fact that for 18 years she
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was able to come through this with her life and with her two children's live s intact when this guy possibly could have been involved in murders or other abductions along the way. i think jaycee is going to be fine. i think that lisa is correct. this is a big, big step. >> what the hell are you talking about? what do you mean fine? have you ever had to testify in court? you ask the questions. >> we have to preserve the sanctity of the court system. >> i agree with curtis. you can't use the word "fine" when it comes to this horrific situation but you can't say that maybe we hope it's a catharsis for her. we've got to move on to another gut wrenching horrific story. turning now to a gruesome secret uncovered at a chicago daycare. are you sitting down? mutilated starving animals, bloody walls and floors, filthy syringes, part of a horrific dogfighting ring. and get this, it was steps from
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a child's swing set. ten children were removed from the home during the raid because it was a day care center. one of three suspects is married to the day care center operator after these men were arrested police discovered something even sicker. suspect martez anderson's cell phone had a video of a dog being burned to death. this is outrageous. you'll hear from anderson in the moment. police rescued five mangled dogs, four of them puppies covered in scars. >> this is a difficult one to sum up given the carnage and what you see on you add this is going on within feet of the day care. the dogs. there was a swing set and within less than ten feet was a log the dogs were chained to. very unsettling to put it lightly. >> that little white puppy the sheriff was holding had his eye ripped out. look at that. the helpless creature was tossed into the fight in the form of bait.
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there were at least two complaints about dogs at this home in 2006 and 2007. child welfare officers made unannounced visits but because the dogs were locked in a garage, nothing was done. that is unacceptable. straight to my expert panel. animal welfare advocate, jane garrison. jane, this is outrageous. isn't this a perfect example how animal cruelty goes hand in hand to cruelty to children? weren't they put in a dangerous and horrific situation? >> absolutely, jane. these dogs could have gotten out of the gauge. they could have attacked these kids. they could have killed these kids. besides the dogs, i wouldn't want kids left in a home with those sadistic individuals. somebody who finds pleasure of setting a dog on fire and watching her burn would have no problem torturing a kid. these people should be put away for many, many years. not only for what they did to innocent dogs but endangering these kids. >> this case has so many sick details. the suspect's cell phone video
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of a dog being burned alive is as bad as it gets. the suspect, martez anderson, hasn't commented on the video. he had a whole lot to say about why the dogs were on death's door. listen to this. >> it was a few dogs in good condition and like i said, for the exception of the little puppy, he got smashed in the door and that was sheerly an accident. the door fell on the puppy. >> lisa bloom, is that the most pathetic excuse you've ever heard? >> absolutely, jane. i'm the owner of a pit bull and a rescue dog. i think what people fail to understand is these animals experience pain and fear and suffering just as we do. we all have to stand up against dogfighting. i'm celebrating 32 years as a vegetarian and i know you are too, jane. also, speak out on behalf of all of the animals who are in cages, who are in terrible conditions as farm animals. it is horrendous across the board. what have we become?
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we've become so disconnected to other living, breathing animals. it's got to stop. >> absolutely. and the other thing people can do, in their own communities they should watch out for signs of dogfighting. everyone can be the eyes and ears for these dogs. you have to watch for dogs who are chained outside or unsocialized dogs. equipment such as treadmills or ropes or tires hanging from trees and watch for dogs who have a lot of scars on their face or people coming and going at odd hours into homes and you need to report these people. >> kour this sliwa, children service went there and said, the dogs are in the garage. that's okay. that's outrageous to me. >> we're going to hear children services, they're overwhelmed, they have too many cases. hey, open up your eyes. go out. check the entire area. do your job. you know something, jane, did you see the smirk on martez's face when he said, oh, the door hit the puppy.
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you like ultimate fighting martez? how about you and the pit bull 101. let the pit bull do you in right there in your jugular. >> we have to leave it right there. horrific for animals and children. cruelty goes hand in hand. up next, michael jackson's former friend reveals some of the pop star's dark secrets. did michael really call hitler a genius? actor randy quaid arrested for allegedy speaking out. oh my god, you will not believe this. announcer: "it looks like nothing else on the road right now,"
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proclaims "gq" magazine. did you see that? the interior "positively oozes class," raves "car magazine." "slick and sensuous," boasts "the washington times." "the most striking vw in recent memory," declares-- okay, i get it already. i think we were in a car commercial. ♪ yeah ♪ yeah.
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does actor randy quaid think he's above the law? why do police say he racked up a $10,000 bill and skipped town? we're going to debate it. first, "top of the block" tonight. explosive and head spinning revelations about the king of
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pop. did michael jackson think hitler was a genius? according to jackson friend rabbi shmuley, jackson not only felt that way, he was 100% convinced. shmuley also said jackson considered dating best friend elizabeth taylor. sound crazy? what about this? jackson allegedly said madonna was in love with him and jealous of his success. why all these alleged, excuse me, these secrets are making me sick. sick secrets just out of the blue? the rabbi has a book coming out. in it more than 300 hours of recorded conversation with his former friend, michael jackson. that's tonight's "top of the block." turning now from freaky fantasies to possible fraud. this one takes the cake, people. actor randy quaid and his wife, evi arrested for -- take a look at those mug shots, allegedly skipping out on a $10,000 bill
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they racked up at a ranch in santa barbara. that is one swanky ranch, people. these photos from the resort's website. on monday the santa barbara sheriff's department issued a warrant for their arrest and captured on tmz, cops at a west texas town busted the people. not without incident. evi was screaming and had to be wrestled to the ground. the pair tossed in the slammer. look at that mug shot. what's with the beard? what's with that expression? they posted bail hours later after a deputy drove them to get cash, 20,000 bucks each. it gets weirder. tmz says randy quaid scrawled a letter, especially for the tmz website, quote, texas is a great place to be arrested. i would like to thank the sheriff and deputies for everything. it was a fabulous arrest. he seems to think it is all a big joke.
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quaid also sent tmz a copy of the cashier's check made out to the ranch. you can see it right there. $5,546 and change. that's what the quaids said they owed. wait a minute, a cashier's check for a hotel bill? does that make sense? it could be explained by a sworn statement. the quaids checked into the luxury resort using bogus credit cards. furthermore, police say the bill came to a whopping inping 10,50. meantime, randy claims it is all a p.r. stunt on the part of the inn. "issues" called them for comment but we haven't heard back. i want to know what you think cook coo for coca puffs celebrity scandal. give me a shout out to my panel. lisa bloom, cnn legal analyst. david schwartz, criminal defense attorney and former new york prosecutor dr. dale archer.
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clinical sipsychiatrist. just a moment, going to be joined by mike walters, assignment editor with tmz. first, david schwartz, does randy quaid seem to be thumbing his nose at the law, and if so, isn't he making matters worse for himself? >> i don't know if he's making matters worse for himself. every criminal defendant shouldn't be speaking about the substance of the case. but jane, we have to remember that he has defenses. he's got the cashier's check and this has got to be settled in court. >> and he's got a beard. why does he got a beard of that size? >> i have no idea. maybe lisa bloom can answer that question. i don't know why he has a -- >> maybe it's a mistaken identity. looks like a cross between santa claus and the keep on truckin' guy. >> oh, man. so, i mean, the bottom line -- >> look at this expression. oh, that's better. the other expression, she's out of her mind. >> he's throwing his jacket over his arm. i mean, it's crazy.
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>> we don't know that. come on. let's give them the benefit of the doubt like other criminal defenses. they've got defenses. the inn has their side of the story. it's a bizarre situation but it's got to play out. >> a great mug shot, though. >> joining us, mike walters, assignment editor from tmz. mike, i'm hearing things on a delay. if i don't make sense. i'm hearing crazy voices in my ear. you got a hold of a deputy sworn statement that contains shockers. tell us about total hotel bill. what tmz calls a sinister plot to flee ritzy hotels, end quote. >> this is what it explains in the documents, they went to the builtmoore hotel in santa barbara, used their credit card for the night. when the manager came and said we can't get authorization on the card you have to go or give us something else. they left there knowing the card didn't work and went to the ranch and tried to use that card. but because it's randy quaid and
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his wife, been there before. they are celebrities. i guess they let them go in with that card. the intent right there, that's the burglary. they knew it didn't work. they went over there. over eight days they racked up $10,000 in bills. every day make an excuse, there's a fedex package coming with the card. i'll get my checkbook. finally when they were like, that's it, we're done. went up to tell them they had to go out and they bolted. they gathered all of this information including when they were investigating $17,000 here in the bel-air hotel in l.a. they had been doing this all along. that's why they were charged with these three felonies. >> you're saying there's a pattern here allegedly? >> right, that's the way it looks when they investigated. i'm only telling you what the sworn statement says obviously allegedly. but that's what it says is that they got all of this stuff. you know how they found out the two hotels? this is great. the collection agency, the santa barbara hotel went to alliance collections and said, that's funny we have the same couple in
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l.a. >> hold it right there. we'll be right back with more cook coo for coca puffs behavior. look at that beard. we're going to analyze it when we come back. the offer letter. if you're going to college, or back to college, that's your bullseye. it is for devry university students. in fact, for more than 30 years, 90% of all graduates in the active job market... had careers in their fields within 6 months. 90%. and all those offer letters up there? that's just from last year. devry university. discover education working at
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if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin.
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the benefit of american democracy, and, i mean, that's what this country's all about, you know? >> oh, yes, american democracy, let us remind everyone that it's not cool to dine and ditch in the us of a. vicki, ontario, your question or thought, ma'am? >> caller: i'm getting such a laugh out of this story. he's in full cousin eddie mode. the only thing missing from the
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arrest had to be the dogs from the vacation movies. >> yeah, you know, actually -- let's analyze these mug shots for a second. she looks like in a couple of these pictures -- by the way, we invite you, the quaids, mr. and mrs. quaid to come on any time to tell your side of the story. they seem to be making a mockery out of all of this. look at that face. that face is very defiant like i'm a mary prankster and this is a performance arts piece. dr. dale archer, you want to try to analyze these two? >> it is one more example of celebrities that think they are doing the hotel a favor by going there to stay. so why should they have to pay when their presence should be enough? >> i think the whole thing is a p.r. stunt. >> jane, no, no, you know, we're a nation of laws. if they went into this hotel and stole $17,000 from one hotel and $10,000 from another, i don't think it had anything to do with them having this priority in life. i think they blatantly stole the money and obviously they were arrested for it. on the other hand they have
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defenses. >> let me see the panel. let me see the panel. okay. who wants to talk? let's see. eenie, meenie, miney, moe. okay. go ahead, lisa. >> i think this whole thing is a publicity stunt planned by them. they're having way too much fun. can i do all my interview in profile like randy quaid's mug shot? this is ridiculous. they have planned these mug shots. they're outside of the courthouse putting up crazy signs and brown paper on the truck. they are trying to get publicity and they got it. >> they could get a jail sentence. when successful actors like randy squad get in trouble over money matters it doesn't seem to add up. here he is in the 1988 classic, "caddie shack." >> you made it clear how your legal system works, mr. young. i would like to explain about the peter blunt system. you see, i don't go in for lawsuits and motions or any of that legal stuff -- >> all right, on a serious note,
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david swarth schwartz, quaid sued focus features for the makers of "brokeback mountain" for $10 million. he claimed they tricked him into working cheaply. money is obviously an issue. >> maybe he once had money and now it is an issue. you know, it's a blatant theft. if he's guilty of what he's been accused of the bottom line is it's a blatant theft. i'm not sure it's a publicity stunt. there may be psychological issues here as well. they need to be looked into. >> mike, i'll give you the last word on all of this. >> this guy was in "caddie shack," in "national lampoon's vacation," let him keep the money. classic clip. let him keep the money. >> at least he'll have to get a haircut if he goes to jail. >> i think that a lot of the celebrities think, i should be paid for showing up somewhere. and they have a sense of entitlement that makes you crazy.
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all right. that's it for us. thank you, fabulous panel. you're watching "issues can "on cnn. ppp
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breaking news in the sudden disappearance of 5-year-old florida girl haleigh cummings. haleigh reportedly kidnapped from her own bed in the middle of the night. as we go to air tonight, police arrest misty croslin's mother. lisa croslin taken into custody in tennessee on a felony forgery charge. her bail set at $100,000. this as police release croslin's brother on a gun charge. the same brother who tells police croslin not at home the night haleigh goes missing. are police pressuring croslin's
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family, trying to get the truth about haleigh? and in another major development, surveillance video and a mystery letter surfaces. a letter set to crack this case wide open. an unidentified blond woman dressed in blue scrubs and hiding behind dark glasses drops off a letter containing a tip connected to haleigh's disappearance. we have that surveillance video. it has just been released. in the last hours police announce they have located the mystery woman on that videotape. who is she? and what does she know about haleigh's disappearance? this is all on the heels of another stunning letter claiming haleigh ingested the painkiller oxycontin at a party and died. cops calling that letter, quote,
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a farce. as new stepmother misty croslin flunks another polygraph, where is haleigh? >> i want to let everyone know that i'm not hiding anything for anybody and if somebody has something to do with it let them fry. >> breaking news in the case of missing florida girl haleigh cummings. the mother of step mom/babysitter misty croslin has been arrested. lisa croslin was taken into custody in tennessee. she was wanted for allegedly stealing and forging checks. >> we save jail beds for child molesters, murderers, rapists, arsonists, drug lords. a forgery? is this a police attempt to get the truth out of misty croslin's mother? >> pressure mounts as cops hope new details from misty's brother, tommy croslin, will lead to the truth about what happened to haleigh. >> i didn't do anything with -- to that little girl. i would never hurt her. they love me. they -- i mean, they look at me like their mom.
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>> meanwhile, police are investigating a mysterious tip that was left by a woman at a local newspaper around 3:00 p.m. wednesday. >> it took just a few seconds for this blond woman in blue scrubs to drop off a letter with purported information about what happened to haleigh cummings. one paragraph long, typed, and has three letters at the bottom that resemble initials. >> the woman has since come forward to help clarify the information, telling cops she was dropping the envelope off for someone else. >> if the information is accurate, it's going to be pretty volatile. >> i believe haleigh is alive. i have faith in god to take care of my baby girl and find her. and i don't care who had something to do with it. those are the people who need to be put away. >> good evening. i'm jean casarez of the legal network "in session" in for nancy grace tonight. as we go to air, police have arrested misty croslin's mother.
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>> 911. what's your emergency? >> hi. i just woke up and our back door was wide open and we can't find our daughter. >> more details emerge in the case of missing florida girl haleigh cummings. misty's mom arrested. lisa croslin the mother of stepmom/babysitter misty croslin has been detained in tennessee for allegedly forging stolen checks. police believe lisa croslin stole checks from a neighbor, then cashed one of those checks at a local bank. >> this mother, remember, came out against misty and said that she believed that her son was telling the truth and that misty was not. maybe they want to put her in jail so they can ask tough questions about why she came to such a conclusion. >> lisa croslin told fox affiliate wofl -- >> deep down any heart yes, i think my daughter's holding something back. i think they both are holding something back. that's just in my heart. >> also today, police are looking into a tip left at a local newspaper wednesday.
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newly released surveillance video shows a woman in blue scrubs dropping off an envelope around 3:00 p.m. that day. >> the paper's name and address was on the envelope, sealed. they're looking at the letter and the envelope for fingerprints. >> the woman has since voluntarily come forward to clarify the information, saying she was actually dropping off the envelope for someone else. police are following up on the tip but refuse to comment on the details inside the envelope. >> miss neves, why are you so sure haleigh is still with us? >> because i stand on god's promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for. >> let's go straight out to marlaina schiavo, producer of "nancy grace" who has been on this case from marlaina, what can you tell us about the arrest that just went the very beginning. down of misty croslin's mother, lisa? >> jean, misty croslin's mother is being held in tennessee.
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she was arrested for charges on forgery. she's being held in tennessee, jean, on $100,000 bond. they want to keep her in tennessee right now until putnam county can bring her back to florida. >> what is she doing in tennessee? because she lives -- did live in florida. >> she left about two weeks ago, she and her husband just up and moved to tennessee. this is right after her son tommy was arrested for stealing that gun. now, that same person that accused tommy of stealing the gun is accusing lisa croslin of stealing ten checks and writing one out to herself back on september 8th for $400 and cashing it. >> and plus you have the felony forgery situation. well, while she is being arrested in tennessee, at the very same time police are releasing a video down in florida of a mystery woman that went to the st. augustine newspaper. there she is right there. and handing them an envelope. let's go straight out to t.j.
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hart, program director wsky, 97.3 fm. what can you tell us about this? it just happened. >> well, this woman voluntarily walked into the putnam county police station. made contact with them. they spoke with her. they're not going to release her name, but they did say she has no, quote, relationship as she dropped this information off to the associate editor of "the st. augustine record" for a friend. that's all she's saying right now. they'll probably want to talk to her again. and according to the associate editor richard pryor the contents of the letter volatile. volatile. >> t.j. hart, let's start from the beginning. she drops a letter off anonymously. thank goodness the st. augustine newspaper had that surveillance video. it allowed the police to talk to her at least. it was an envelope. do we know what the letter contained? >> it contained some information and three letters at the bottom of the page, i am told. but after that not much more
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because they want to keep this under wraps. i do know that a search ensued out in the area earlier this week, about a day or two ago, probably -- i think it was yesterday now. right out where the trailer was where ron, misty, haleigh, and junior lived in hermit's cove just outside of satsuma. >> so police get this letter. they then have a search done near the trailer. do we know if the letter was typewritten or handwritten? >> can't tell you, ma'am, they're not releasing the contents. >> we don't know. do we know if the envelope was addressed to someone on the outside? >> yes. richard pryor, the associate editor for the "st. augustine record." it had his name and the paper's name right there on the envelope and the envelope was sealed. >> let's go straight out to the lawyers tonight. gloria allred, family law attorney out of los angeles. anne bremner out of seattle, defense attorney extraordinaire. alan ripka out of new york, defense attorney. to gloria allred, at first blush you see that misty's mother was arrested in tennessee.
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felony forgery charges. you say, well, it's separate and distinct from this, but is it really, gloria allred? is this separate and distinct or are they trying to find out information? because the last thing the woman said before she left florida was "i think my daughter knows more than what she's saying." >> well, jean, i think that the first thing is that of course police would always deny that they're trying to pressure anyone in custody to give any other information about a crime for which they are not charged. but at the same time, of course, they'd be real happy if the person in custody would give them some other information or clarification about statements they made earlier. and in this case the mom, who was under arrest now, has indicated some doubts about misty's story. and so perhaps they'd like to hear more about that. >> questioning the veracity of her own daughter. to anne bremner, misty's mother is in tennessee. florida authorities are down in satsuma. we've got to have a legal proceeding right now, right?
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it's called extradition. >> it's called extradition, and she may fight it, and that may take some more time. and the fact is, like nancy has said -- and by the way, great to see you, jean. is that the jail cells are not filled with forgers. they're with killers and murderers et cetera. you don't see extraditions on a forgery very often. unless they need to get her in there to talk to her as a witness. >> that's right. to reiterate so everybody knows, what police are saying is that when allegedly, tommy croslin, her son, went to the neighbor's home and allegedly stole a gun, that's why he was brought up on grand theft charges, that she allegedly stole some checks out of the neighbor's home and one of those checks she wrote for $400 and cashed it. thus you have the forgery charge right there. but the question remains just as anne bremner says, you have a lot of people, violent criminals that are in this area and in this country. alan ripka, what do you think about an arrest in tennessee on a forgery charge? >> well, i think it's going to really help them put a lot of pressure on her to talk further.
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but i also think the defense is going to love it. because in the beginning the prosecutors were hopeful that the mother's testimony against her own daughter would be helpful. now she's arrested on forgery, which is a crime of credibility, and, therefore, she loses credibility in her statements about her own daughter. >> to nancy in virginia. we're taking your calls live tonight. hi, nancy in virginia. what's your question? >> caller: i was wondering if anyone has heard or seen from misty croslin. >> that's a very good question. let's go out to art harris. art, misty croslin left town too. a lot of people are leaving town. where is she right now? >> i can tell you that she is not at home and she is on the road, not expected back anytime soon. as a result of a fight with ronald. she's with a friend, i'm told. and right now ronald does not want to talk to her. >> so misty is not back in town, she's with a friend. ronald is in town. what do you make of it, art harris? >> well, i think that there is not -- there is trouble in paradise. ronald and misty on the rocks.
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her family, revolving door at the putnam county jail. very distraught. i just talked to her father a little while ago. and this is a family in trouble that doesn't know what to think, jean. >> i pulled into the yard, and my girlfriend opened the front door, and i already knew something was wrong because she's not up at this time. and i said, what are you doing up at this time? and she said, "your back door's wide open, and your daughter's gone." ever worn your clothes in the shower? if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin,
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i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds), get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system
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i pulled into the yard. the front door was wide open. she was standing in it. i asked her what she was doing up. she told me that the back door was wide open and haleigh was gone. i turned the house upside down, told her to call 911. >> i'll show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. so -- and i'm also going to show you the lock, because the lock is about three feet from the floor, and we know that that's about as tall as haleigh stands. >> i did take a polygraph. >> and you passed it? >> i mean, my understanding is that i passed it. >> what is her story about what happened that night? >> the same thing that she's telling police or whoever, that she went to bed -- she put haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed and woke up to the door propped open.
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>> you said your back door was wide open? >> yeah, it was brick, like a brick on the floor. like, when i went to sleep the door was not like that. >> why are you so sure haleigh is still with us? >> because i stand on god's promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for. >> i'm jean casarez of the legal network "in session" in for nancy grace tonight. i want to go tout to pat brown, criminal profiler, author of "killing for sport." out of minneapolis tonight. pat, i want to ask you, if you were part of the fdle, federal department of law enforcement, or the sheriff's office, would you personally go to tennessee right now to start talking with misty croslin's mother, or would you wait for extradition? >> well, i think it all depends on the little plan they've got going there. they want to make her sweat, obviously. they want to make her think, oh, my god, i've got such a huge amount of money against me here. they're really leaning on me heavy. and i'm going to get stuck forever in jail. i'm going to get a huge sentence. depending on what they can get her to believe without her
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lawyer interfering. so i think -- i don't know that they know she knows that much, but they're going for everything they can right now, just any little bits and pieces that might direct them to the right place or get them some kinds of evidence that they can use to pressure misty or ron with so they can get the information from them. i think they're leaning heaviest on misty. i think they're just trying to zoom in on her from all angles to get her to open up and finally tell the truth. >> but the thing is, pat brown, somebody knows something. somebody does. and nobody's talking. and there's a $30,000 reward right now. somebody can get $30,000. that's a lot of money. why isn't anybody coming forward? >> well, it depends. if only a couple people know what happened, then those couple people aren't talking and my guess is those couple are misty and ron. then there's nobody else to talk but the two of them. and my question is this. if ron is so concerned about getting his daughter back, why is he hanging around with the girlfriend who's lying about everything and marrying the girl? there's something wrong with that whole picture. he should be joining the police against her if he thinks that she has something to do with his missing daughter.
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the police are saying wait a minute, that's bizarre behavior, therefore, i think ron knows. i think misty knows something. the weakest link there is actually going to be misty. so they're going to be pushing her because they think she's got the answer. >> and that's a good question, to dr. lisa weinstock, psychiatrist out of new york. everyone almost is now saying they believe that misty is holding something back. her mother said that right before she moved out of town. and now was arrested on felony forgery charges. her father said that before he moved out of town with their mother. and also, others are saying that. why is ron sticking by her side? >> well, he may be sticking by her side because he truly believes she has nothing to do with it. or it may be that deep down he does have an inkling that maybe she had something to do with it but to actually come to terms with that and admit that to himself and others sort of implies that indirectly he's somewhat responsible for the fact that his daughter is gone because he's the one who chose to leave his daughter with her. so that may be something that he's not even really willing to
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admit to himself, much less to anybody else. >> to lynn in pennsylvania. hi, lynn. the great state of pennsylvania. where are you from in pennsylvania? >> caller: hi. it's in red hill, pennsylvania. >> great. what's your question? >> caller: well, i have a couple. first of all, right now there's a letter that was just dropped off and they're not looking for misty. nobody. they're after her mother but not misty. and my second question is where was junior when all this was supposed to have happened, that she was taken to a bar and -- or wherever, a party, and ingested the oxycontin. where was junior? >> okay. good questions. first of all, let's talk about that letter that you just mentioned. once again to marlaina schiavo, "nancy grace" producer. this is a letter that was just given to the "st. augustine record" newspaper. do we know anything about the contents of this letter? there's surveillance video of the woman dropping it off. police have now spoken with her. she said she dropped it off from someone else asking her to. but it's a tip that could burst
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this case wide open. what do we know? >> well, actually, jean, we do know that it was a typed letter. so that's one thing. and the other thing we do know is that this -- the contents of this letter had nothing to do with what happened that night but it had more to do with a location for where the putnam county police should search. >> when i laid down, i guess, you know, i just was out. >> did she -- there's no way she could have wandered off? >> no. she is scared of the dark. she would not go anywhere by herself. (announcer) everything you need to stretch out on long trips. residence inn.
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residence inn. we need to get her date of birth. >> what's her date of birth? >> we need to find her. >> they haven't let me alone for six months. i've been the one, the main focus. they just need to move on and look for the right person. >> i'm not hiding anything for anybody. and if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry. >> i believe haleigh is alive. i have faith in god to take care of my baby girl and find her. and i don't care who had something to do with it.
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those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home. >> i'm jean casarez of the legal network "in session," in for nancy grace. once again, misty croslin's mother, lisa croslin, has been arrested in nashville, tennessee. it's on charges for check forgery. her bail tonight, $100,000. i want to go back to lynn from pennsylvania because one of her second questions was in regard to junior, that where he was the night allegedly that there was a party, here's what lynn is talking about. there was a letter, a handwritten letter that an inmate from a local jail in satsuma sent to her boyfriend. police are saying this is a forgery and a fake, but in this handwritten letter she says police came to her in jail with a sworn affidavit. that is something that somebody swears under penalty of perjury. they said that there was a party the night that haleigh went missing and that haleigh was
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there and that something terrible happened, that haleigh took an oxycontin pill and ingested it, even accidentally took it, and she died. and someone put her in a black bag, put her in this woman's car, and then took her to a lake. the question is junior isn't mentioned in this letter at all. out to art harris. what about it? where would junior have been the night that little haleigh went missing? >> well, jean, i have got that letter on and that is the big question. junior could have been asleep. the theory that police were investigating, and i'm told that letter is not considered totally bogus, it is something that declares this friend of misty was confronted and interviewed by detectives about this theory. and the theory was that she took the kids to this so-called party, possibly junior fell asleep, didn't need to be kept quiet, misty -- something happened supposedly to haleigh, and then her body had to be dumped. that is what the letter says. >> to marlaina schiavo, isn't it
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true that in this letter it talks about an area where allegedly the body was put, and isn't that the area that was searched last weekend by authorities? >> that's right. this letter talks about the mondex and the pond that was mentioned in this letter was the pond that they drained last friday. >> her and junior were sleeping in my queen-size bed and she was sleeping in the top bed beside her, three or four feet from her, whatever. ] new anti-aging eye roller. reduces puffiness immediately -- and also helps with lines and wrinkles. not surgery. this is our way to do ur eyes. new regenerist anti-aging eye roller.
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what we need is for misty to come down here and tell us the truth. >> i'm trying to do everything to find her. you know, answer any questions i have to. because i know i didn't do anything with -- to that little girl. >> misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that, you know, we need to go down to the sheriff's office and really lay out in clear terms what i was doing from 8:00 p.m. till 3:00 a.m. >> do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, ronald? >> absolutely not. >> you stand very strongly behind misty croslin's story.
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what do you make of police saying that she has the answers? >> i have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement because, you know, if i go with every whim and every accusation then i'm going to be flipping back and forth in my life and, you know, what we stand -- you know, we just stand for haleigh here. we just want haleigh to come home. and i want them to find whoever this is, and i don't care who it is. but we want haleigh to come home. >> i'm jean casarez of the legal network "in session" in for nancy grace tonight. news out of tennessee. misty croslin's mother has been arrested in tennessee. let's go out to marlaina schiavo. where is she actually tonight, marlaina? >> she's behind bars, jean, and she will remain there until putnam county authorities come
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and extradite her back to florida. >> now, marlaina, she's actually got three felony charges here. we're looking at forgery. we've got uttering a forged instrument. and petty theft. and we found out the maximum is five years on each charge. so that's a maximum of 15 years right there. do we know at all when extradition may begin? >> she may not go back until next week. they're waiting on the authorities now. she was just arrested i believe it was last night. so it should be any day now. >> all right. to t.j. hart, program and news director wsky 97.3 fm. also could be extremely important information from the "st. augustine record" newspaper. it's not the newspaper itself, but it's somebody walking in the front door. explain that. >> well, this woman came in, and she had an envelope that was addressed to the associate editor, richard pryor, and it was an envelope. it was sealed. had his name on it, had the address on the envelope.
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and the contents, according to pryor, very volatile. now, he said he can't reveal what the letter says, but he said it's a paragraph long, it's typed, it has three letters at the bottom that resemble initials. and he says if the information's accurate it's going to be quote, pretty volatile. and that sparked off a search yesterday by law enforcement out there at hermit's cove where the trailer of ronald, misty, haleigh, and junior, where they lived at the time haleigh vanished. >> you know, one thing, when authorities say they're following every lead, they truly are in this case. to pat brown, criminal profiler, author of "killing for sport." you know, pat, at first glance i say to myself, why would you take the letter to the newspaper? why wouldn't you take it to the police? but then i think of the btk serial killer in kansas. there were a lot of letters that were given to the news media, actually written by the killer himself in that case and helped solve the crime. >> right. there's a number of reasons, jean. unfortunately, you have to weigh is it this one or is it that one? one possibility is the person is
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just seeking attention. they know if they go straight to the police department it might go in with a bunch of tips, might get ignored but if they take it to the press that might get out there and they're going to feel like they got some attention. that's one possibility. another possibility is they're afraid of the police and don't want to have any contact with the police but they actually have real information. but the police get this all the time. so the problem is is this stuff -- is there any meaning behind it? in other words, does it make any sense or do we have somebody who thinks they're a psychic and they've just envisioned haleigh is in a certain place and, therefore, they've written this down and taken it in and now police are going in digging up half the land and there's no body there. but they have to be careful. they have to cull it and make sure they don't overlook something just by saying that's probably just a nut case so, let me just throw it away. >> to sheeba in illinois. hi, sheeba. what's your question? >> caller: hi, jean. my question is what if haleigh and junior were at this party and they stayed in the car and they were having trouble keeping haleigh in the car and somebody slipped them something to sleep
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and when they went back to check on, of course, she had o.d.'d which meant she had had a seizure, which meant she had vomited and soiled herself and wet herself and they all got scared and they did wrap her up with something and throw her in a local lake -- >> well, if -- >> caller: or is there a close old cemetery that is still used that has any fresh graves in it? >> well, you know what you're saying, sheeba, you're talking about parties to a crime, people that no one would talk about what happened because all were involved. you bring up an interesting issue, though, to gloria allred out of los angeles, family law attorney. do you think there should be a dual investigation right now, at least from child protective services, because of this handwritten letter from an inmate at the jail right now, somebody held in custody, talking about a type of a party? should they be investigating the
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household, itself? >> well, if the police think there's nothing to that letter, then that's one thing. but on the other hand, of course, if there is an open door and then junior was in fact sleeping there at the time, then maybe there is a child -- a potential child endangerment to be looking at. definitely my sense of it is the child protective services would be on the alert. because of the little missing haleigh. >> gloria, it's interesting. police have said yes, we lend no credibility to this letter. yet, gloria, that lake area is where they searched last weekend, and number two, the car that belongs to the person in custody, they have recently searched that car forensically because that's the car the sworn affidavit said the body was taken in and then dumped to the lake. let's go out to melissa in ten. tennessee. hi, melissa, your question. >> caller: hi, jean. first of all, i want to tell you thank you for covering for nancy. i'm such an avid watcher, and i love the show.
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>> well, good. thank you. nancy thanks you. >> caller: good. i have a couple questions. my first question is did misty have access to emergency vehicle? if she's keeping ronald's kids while he's at work, did she have access to an emergency vehicle should something happen to the kids when he's gone? and two, why weren't all the family members, friends, and acquaintances sequestered long before this, pushed into lie detector tests, and if there was a party going on at the house why weren't there fingerprints taken all over the house and the garbage? i mean, just as a citizen we just think when there's something like this, a high-profile case and this child's been mising for so long, we just assume authorities are doing every possible thing they can. it just seems like now new information is coming out that could have come out sooner. >> yes. as in seven months ago in february. let's go to the expert on this, art harris, investigative journalist, art, first of all, misty was the caregiver for those children, especially when ron was at work.
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did she have a vehicle in case there was an emergency? >> well, she actually did drive the kids sometime, and her family had a blue van, jean, that misty did drive, and it was found, you know, in the driveway at her home. a scratch down the side. and i know authorities have processed that van, they brought it back the other day, i actually saw it. it was all dusty and white with finger print powder. they did not find anything or at least they're not revealing if they did. >> art, let's go back to the grinning, what melissa just did from tennessee. was everybody questioned in the beginning? was everybody taken in and asked what they know? and why didn't they say these things then? >> well, you know, it's funny. the law enforcement has done so much more than they have let on. and that has been the big frustration. how much to release. how much not to release. they have interviewed everybody in that family time and time again and everybody around that family. they have done hundreds and hundreds of interviews. they have hours and hours of tape at the department, and they
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continue to go over old interviews they've done, jean, then comparing them with the information, the new information they're getting from these people again. >> and very quickly, what do you hear about florida authorities going to tennessee to question misty's mother further? >> well, if i read the court documents correctly, jean, she has a first appearance next wednesday, and anytime they can go and take her after that to florida and she'll be on a $10,000 bond there. i talked to her husband today, hank jr. he's distraught. he's trying to figure out how he can get the bond to get his wife out -- >> all right, art. thank you very much. that would be an extradition hearing next week. to tonight's safety tips. each year 200,000 children end up in the e.r. from accidents on the playground. some of them are fatal. here are safety tips to protect your children. the number one injury -- falls. make sure protective surfacing is underneath all playground equipment. this will lower the risk of serious head injuries.
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and look out for sharp objects like glass or rocks or broken equipment. children should be supervised at all times. teach your child to stay away from moving swings, remove their necklaces and strings on their clothing to avoid strangulation, report unsafe conditions to the playground operator. for more information go to the u.s. consumer product safety commission at we'll be right back. (pouring rain) i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds), get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door. i'm sending help right now.
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from the very first dollar to the last dollar of the day. get in touch with your new cfo. pnc. leading the way. what do you make of misty flunking a polygraph? >> i don't know anything about her flunking a polygraph. i know what's been said about it, but i'm not a polygrapher myself. so i didn't see any results. i didn't get to -- you know. i was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it's not judged in percentages. >> showed up there, they told me i was taking a polygraph. i was like, okay. >> did you at any point say i don't want to do this? >> no. >> why? >> because i thought i was helping.
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i was trying to do everything i can to find haleigh. >> he's not as strong at home as he is on tv, but he has to be strong for junior, you know? so he does the best that he can. he keeps his crying to his self. at night. and just tries to make junior happy until haleigh comes home. junior thinks that haleigh is lost and she's finding her way home. he actually drew her a map so she could find her way home. >> what do you tell him? >> that angels are watching haleigh and she'll be home soon. >> i'll jean casarez of the legal network "in session" in for nancy grace tonight. misty croslin's mother, lisa croslin, arrested. now in a local jail in nashville, tennessee. arrested on check forgery charges, held tonight on $100,000 bail, at the very same time in florida someone took the
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time to type out an entire letter about the missing of haleigh cummings, where she might be, what might have happened to her. authorities have it. that letter was hand-delivered to the "st. augustine record." i want to go to dr. gwen o'keefe, md out of boston, founder and ceo of you know, doctor, haleigh went missing in february. it's now seven months later. she was 5 years old when she went missing. how much would she have grown in these seven months? >> she probably wouldn't have grown all that much. at this age kids' growth really slows down. plus with turner syndrome they have growth issues. so we would expect her growth really not to alter too much. >> to anne bremner, defense attorney out of seattle, washington. i want you to listen to something right now and observe it. this is misty croslin's mother right before she left town out of florida. she had a comment for the news media.
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it was about her daughter, let's listen. >> deep down in my heart i think my daughter's holding back. i think they both are holding something back. that's just in my heart. i'm going to tell her i love her and if you know anything at all please tell me. i mean, we can work it through. i'll be right there by your side, we'll get through it, just please tell me whatever you're holding back. >> and that's misty croslin's mother, lisa croslin, who said on wofl, fox 35, that she believes that misty may be hiding something. shortly after that she left florida. she moved out of florida with her husband. to anne bremner, you saw that, you watched it. >> yeah. >> is she credible? >> you have to wonder why is she talking to the media? and she's her mother. she should be supporting her. you have to wonder, why did she say that? then why did she leave? you know, evidence of flight can be evidence of guilt, of course, jean. so it really makes you wonder about it. and then she is on crimes of dishonesty right now with forgery and attendant charges.
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so it's very interesting about her motives and what she has to say. or the defense would say is she talking about someone else that misty's covering up for and she's just being protective of her daughter in general? >> or, to alan ripka. and you mentioned a problem with her credibility now that she's been charged with check forgery. but maybe she's not -- maybe her daughter won't talk to her. maybe she's not in communication with her daughter. was she trying to send a message to her that she actually loved her and was there to help her in any way? >> well, watching her, it would appear that she was trying to be true and she was trying to help the public and the police and sending a message to the public and her daughter indicating look, i know there's something else there and i'd like you to come forward. despite the fact she was arrested for forgery. i would think most jurors would think if you're threatening or claiming something about your own daughter you're probably legitimate. >> let's go to dr. lisa weinstock, the true expert, psychiatrist, in all of this. what do you make of that video? talking against your own
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daughter? >> well, it strikes me a little odd the stance that she took. i mean, she didn't say i know that she was involved. nor did she say i'm sure she's not involved. nor did she say i would support her no matter what, although she sort of said that a little bit at the end. she sort of made this vague comment that she suspects her daughter might know something. and that strikes me as somewhat odd because one would think if she knew her daughter knew something or if she knew something she would be more straightforward or forthcoming with that either to the media or to the police. so i'm not quite sure what to make of it. i do agree that she probably at some level was trying to communicate to her daughter that she's there to support her. but again, the precise wording of it strikes me as a bit odd. >> and the fact is all the attorneys know if anything ever gets in court and her daughter is even a witness in this case that statement could come back to haunt her because it was used -- it would be used by prosecutors if she would be a defense witness on cross-examination. we've got a caller standing by in florida tonight waiting patiently. rick, are you still there?
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>> caller: oh, yeah, i'm still here, jean. thank you. >> sure, what's your question? >> caller: well, it's kind you of a question/statement. ronald, you know, he's been saying all along how forthcoming he's been with all his information and he'll do whatever it takes to get haleigh home. and i kind of understand that. but my question is what was just released is his cell phone, wasn't it 20 calls to misty that night and couldn't get in touch with her and he wound up calling her brother? >> you're right. the fact is it has been reported 20 mimes he called tommy croslin because he couldn't find misty or reach her. and now, everybody, tonight's "cnn heroes." >> announcer: this is "cnn heroes." >> abuse cuts across race, religion, culture. i'm muslim, born and raised in pakistan. immigrated to new york in 1990. within the muslim community there's a lot of denial about
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now a look back at the stories making headlines this week. >> misty croslin's brother behind bars on a gun charge. now confessing he was at the home the night haleigh goes missing. bangs on the door. nobody home. this means that misty croslin's
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story is false if the brother is to be believed. >> there's no way she wouldn't have heard that. nancy, that front door is all but ten feet from the bedroom where misty was sleeping with haleigh and junior that night. the plumber finds evidence in a murder case? what happened to the police? >> well, it sounds like they had to have a plumber go to that lab room. that's right, nancy. the investigation continues in new haven. i want to report to you a story about a dedicated mother who heads off in the early morning hours to catch her carpool and is not only stabbed in a public parking lot, but then the assay -- assail ent comes back to the his car and coming back to run her over. >> still critical tonight. it's unknown where her children are at this point. she did have custody of them and her ex-husband had visitation. it's unclear whether they're with them or not. >> miss neves, tell me how ronald is holding up.
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i mean, he comes on our show frequently and he's always so strong. how is he holding up? >> he's not as strong at home as he is on tv, but he has to be strong for junior, you know? so, he does the best that he can. he keeps his crying to his self at night and just tries to make junior happy until haleigh comes home. tonight, let us stop to remember army private first class justin casillas, just 19 years old from dunnigan, california. he was from a long line of military veterans. he dreamed of enlisting since he was a young boy. awarded the bronze star and purple heart. he loved football, playing drums and daring stunts. his favorite music, hip hop. leaves behind parents chuck and donna.
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sisters victoria and ashley. justin casillas. an american hero. thank you so much to all of our guests and you being with us tonight. see you tomorrow night 8:00 eastern. until then, good night, everybody. -- captions by vitac -- some of what we will be covering for you coming up at the top of the hour. brand any mackenzie phillips shockers. why her half sister went on oprah, too, and what she revealed. plus the bomb shell that oprah dropped about whether the incest claims could be true. >> and the almost unbelievable jackson tapes how he says his father beat him. you will not blaef what we will play for you. where did the tapes come from? why diz michael slam madonna and his bizarre relationship with
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mannequins. and given jessica a hard time after her dog was snatched by a coyote.
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