tv C-SPAN Weekend CSPAN September 26, 2009 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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every since i can remember, i've been fascinated by money -- making it, saving it, studying it. by the time i was 31, i'd earned enough to retire. so i embarked on a new mission, helping you take care of your money so you can save more, spend less, and avoid getting ripped off. the recent flooding in the southeast was devastating. loss of lives, homes where the homes are just ruined. and you know what? most of the people who suffered flooding losses were uninsured for flood. they thought, why would i need this? i don't live in a flood plain.
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but do you know i according to federal statistics, one in four houses that end up getting flooded are not in flood plains. but here's some things you need to know. first, you are not covered for floods by your regular homeowners' insurance policy. you have to buy a separate flood insurance plan. second, they're really, really cheap if you're not in a flood plain. and, third, do you know if you're a renter or you own a condo, you can buy a flood policy that will cover the contents of what you have and those policies are dirt, dirt cheap. don't leave yourself exposed to complete financial ruin. at this house, every possession of this family is gone.@@ now, let's see what's on your @@ mind. how can i@@ help you with your wallet? what has happened to you? >> caller: okay, basically i received a -- i came home from
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work and received a real estate person's car on the front door. i thought it was a little strange. i called it. they told me to contact the local bank. in regards to when i would be moving out of the residency. i didn't know anything about what was going on. as it turns out, for the last year, i've been paying my rent on time or ahead of schedule and apparently it turns out that the people that owned my house hasn't paid the mortgage in the last ten months. so, in the process of not paying the mortgage in the last ten months, the house went in to foreclosure and now the bank has the -- the house that i live in and they're telling me they want me out by sunday. >> what? >> and this is thursday afternoon. and i said -- >> no, no -- there's a law to protect you that gives you 90 days if your lease was up. was your lease still under way? >> no. i had gone month-to-month. >> so if you were
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month-to-month, you are allowed to remain for a 90-day window. >> you continue to pay your rent. you say what address do i pay my rent to. you cite to the bank that the law is called "helping families save their homes act." but you have a right to remain and stay in that property as long as you do pay your rent each month. >> because i -- i actually -- was obviously upset and i contacted the bank and the bank told me, i have no rights or basically no -- >> you don't take that! you don't take that! >> i -- i called the court -- the local courthouse and stuff to find out any information i could in regards to it. so as it turned out, i came home from work the following day and the local sheriff's department had put a notification on my door. >> easy. >> i have seven days. >> that's easy. that's the tenant suffering. you have a right to a hearing
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before the judge. you file a hearing, you go before the magistrate, you present to the judge the statute and the judge will then find in your favor almost without question and you will have three months. what's going on in your life, james? >> caller: well, clark, first of all, i enjoy your show very much and unfortunately i wasn't listening to it enough or i wouldn't have gotten myself in to what i got into. >> wow, that was a mouthful. what did you get yourself into that now you wish you could get out of? >> caller: my wife lost her job about three months ago. and her 401(k) we decided to roll it over and we went down to my bank. he tried to lock me in to a variable note. i'm not a financially savvy person but i'm a hard worker and so was my wife. i'm not a compulsive person. but i just jumped into it. he wanted to walk me in for
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eight years. it was a reputable company. i took a four-year plan. my question to you is am i in a lot of trouble with this money? because they guaranteed me 7%. >> there's dozens of pages of contracts that come with that variable annuity. >> yes, we got them. >> who knows what it all says about that supposed guarantee and you can't lose and all that. your wife had 401(k) money that i guess is inside an i.r.a. now at the bank. and inside the i.r.a., they did a variable annuity. does that sound right? >> caller: what we did, we had the money transferred from the varietible -- i mean from the 401(k) to the bank and the bank evidently distributed it to the -- to the company. >> but the thing is, i need for you to go back and look at that statement. >> caller: looking at it right now and it says i.r.a. >> great. when the surrender period is up on the variable annuity, your
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wife is free to take that money and put it in to whatever would be the most appropriate form of i.r.a. at that time. what we should do is you and i make an appointment. and four years from now, that truly is when the surrender period ends on it, we'll talk it through about where would be the best place to go. and i can't stand variable annuities, especially with i.r.a. money. but it's done. and let's just do a reset once the period of time that you can move the money comes up. next on "clark howard". >> we should be saving a lot more than we are. because primarily, my whims, i guess you could say, and that's how i'll put it to you. i like to go on trips and on ebay and i like to do things like that. >> and he said, well, you are in a contract. i said, no, i've had my alarm since 2002. how could i be in a contract. >> how are you in a contract?
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ring ring. progresso. oh yes hi. can you put my grandma on the phone please? thanks. excuse me a sec. another person calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs., she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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you put in your user name and pass word. you think, ha, the joke is on you. they got what they want. the credit card number, checking account. bam, they're eating up all your money. >> catch that and a lot more this sunday at 4:00 p.m. on "clark howard." >> monica, how are you? >> caller: good, great, how are you? >> good, thank you. >> caller: i'm trying to find ways to save money. i thought, well, let's cut the alarm off. i called to inquire about that and they said we need to let somebody call you from that department. and this guy did. he said well, you're in a contract. i said, no, i had my alarm since
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2002, how can i be in a contract? >> aha. how are you in a contract? >> caller: he says, well, if you look at your contract, it will automatically renew in the same terms. >> what are the terms of your sleazy contract? >> caller: well, it's a three-year term that started in october of 2002 at $29.99 per month. >> $30 a month! $30 a month? $30 a month? >> something strange on the radar screen. >> caller: we live in a -- >> the money police are on the way to the house to take your wallet away from you. read to me what the contract says about how it automatically renews? does it say you have a five-day period every three years to notify them by certified mail that you're not renewing your contract? i've seen that before. >> caller: i have a 30 day. i thought that was -- i told them, you're taking advantage of people? >> of course they are.
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you can try to play hardball but you'll likely lose. >> caller: really. >> because you're in the contract that you agreed to the sleazy rollover clause. if you choose not to pay them anymore, they will, a, either sue you against the contract, or, b, they will try to ruin your credit with a collection agency. and neither are very appetizing things to do. so the way i would look at it is if you could somehow come up with the $25 a month, mark all over your calendar when the contract is up. give them a notice in the 30-day window by certified mail and be done with them. the greatest thing you've done is you've warned so many people listening right now what to look out for. you have a question for me? it's so easy to ask. all you do is go to
6:12 am and click on our video submission button. if you do so, i might be answering your question the next time you tune in. just as i'm doing with mike and tina. >> i'm mike. >> and i'm tina. >> and we need a money coach. we've been fortunate and very blessed. we made some good financial decisions. and therefore we paid off our home. i guess i learned a lot of my financial responsibility from my mother. she raised three children by herself and she had to be frugal with her money. and as an adult, i've always been frugal with mine. she's been saving a lot more than we are because primarily my whims, i guess you would say, and i think that's how i'll put it to you, because i like to go on trips and i like to go on ebay and i like to do things like that. there's a lot of money just kind of disappears. we don't track it. my question is, we bought an older home. we're going to do some home
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improvements. roof, system, etc. how should we budget for the upcoming needs. >> well, mike, first thing's first, how neat is it that the two of you own your house free and clear. you have tens of thousands of dollars in savings and cds, but there is a weak link here. you got almost no money saved for retirement. and you still have time to play catchup. all right. how do you do the retirement thing? how do you pay for the repairs that the house is going to need. you are going to have to find both at once. what you're going to have to do is put 15 cents of every dollar that both of you make in to savings. a dime of every dollar towards retirement, a nickel of every dollar in to a house maintenance fund or in to your rainy day stuff that you're doing with bank cds and savings. that way, you'll start to build up a stash of cash. i wish all 15% could go towards
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retirement, because you're starting a little later. but at least get that dime on a dollar done. as for you -- a dime on a dollar is a magic number. if you through your entire working lifetime will save a dime of every dollar you make, it means that by the time you retire, you should be able to retire with some level of comfort. if your investments do really well, it might be a little more comfortable even than some level. next on "clark howard." >> but we're still costing somewhere around $30,000 and high interest rates on all of it. >> wow, $30,000 in credit card debt? >> yes, sir.
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j.r., you have a question for me about dealing with some debt that's bugging you. tell me about that. >> caller: yes, sir, hey, clark, i've got some debt from when i was back in college, or actually out of college after september 11 trying to find a job. so, anyways, we got married and we've been able to pay off a little bit of the debt, but we're still costing somewhere around $30,000 and pretty high interest rate on all of it. >> wow. $30,000 in credit card debt. >> caller: yes, sir. >> what kind of family income do you have now? >> caller: well, if it's
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before -- obviously no bonus this year, so we're probably looking at $59,000. >> again, you're at that key trigger you may have heard me talk about in that your credit card debt is half of your income. >> caller: right. >> are you thinking of going to nfcc to negotiate for you? or what are you thinking of doing about this? >> caller: right, that's what i'm thinking of. you talked about the nonprofit service that could potentially help. so we're -- what we're thinking about doing is going to them, trying to get them to set out a plan for us so we can cut all of the interest rates that have an end to it. >> what interest rate does this debt carry generally? >> caller: anywhere from about -- somewhere between 15% up to 28%. >> there's no way. unless suddenly your income were to double, that you're going to be able with interest rate carrying like that, to do this.
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i think it does make perfect sense for you to go to a national foundation for credit counseling affiliate. >> caller: here's the question i have, though. our goal is to try to get in to a -- we own a condo and the idea that maybe in a couple of years we would be able to sell it. will that hinder us from looking at getting a new house? >> yes, during the time you still owe money, that will hurt your ability to buy a house. you can go to nfcc and see if they can come up with some budget that would work for you. that would not hurt you at all. and could be of help to you. but if you find that you need to go in to the debt management plan, yes, that would freeze you from buying a house while you're still in the payment plan. todd is with us. hello, todd. >> caller: hi, clark. >> how are you doing? >> caller: doing great, yourself? >> wonderful, thank you. what are you thinking of doing with your wallet?
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>> caller: well, years ago, i opened a traditional i.r.a. before i started listening to your program. so over the years, i accumulated some money and then i started listening to your program and you talk a lot about the roth i.r.a.s. >> yeah. >> caller: so i'm kind of wanting to move all that money in to the roth i.r.a. but the company i have my traditional i.r.a. says it will cost me a lot of money in penalties, fees, i would have to pay some taxes. >> there's no penalty at all for going from a regular i.r.a. to a roth. you have to meet an income threshold, which is you have to earn less than $100,000 a year. but in 2010, there is no income limit. >> caller: okay. >> so what you do have to pay, not penalty, but you pay taxes if you earned that money. in this year, you would pay the tax come april. if you wait until january, the
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tax is spread over 2011 and 2012 doing a conversion from a regular i.r.a. to a roth. are you sitting there with a lot of cash just going unloved in your life that you could use to pay the tax bill that would be due on converting a regular i.r.a. into a roth? >> no. not really. >> then don't even think about it. >> caller: i'm just working part time. i lost my fulltime job. so i'm not making a whole lot. >> whatever you can start putting in to a roth now moving forward each year rather than contributing to a regular i.r.a. would be to your advantage, at least all future i.r.a. contributions should be roth i.r.a. instead of regular. >> wow, clark, thank you so much. that's exactly what i needed to know. >> and i want to wish you the best in the job market. i'm sorry it's been tough out
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there going full time to part time. the economy is recovering, jobs recover later. but eventually, they do come back. do you know that karca kare companies being on the financial ropes have been in the best position of anybody in the travel business to do something about the company being in recession? they reduced the number of karentals they have in their fleets. you think about hotels, they don't shut all of the hotels. airlines? what do they do? they park a lot of planes in the desert. but they're expensive. the karental companies can simply say we're not going to buy as many new cars in the next cycle. reducing the number of cars they have on hand by large numbers -- meaning karental prices are going up, not down in the down economy. how should you beat it. shop multiple companies and try hotwire and priceline for big
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savings on car rentals. >> next on "clark howard". >> is it worth walking away from the pension despite the decreased cost of living, lower sales tax. >> you're asking me, pay me now, pay me later. ♪ the offer letter. if you're going to college, or back to college, that's your bullseye. it is for devry university students. in fact, for more than 30 years, 90% of all graduates in the active job market... had careers in their fields within 6 months. 90%. and all those offer letters up there? that's just from last year. devry university. discover education working at it's not the new lexus. 's not the new bmw. it'sbot the new audi. what it is... is impossible to resist.
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every since i can remember, i've been fascinated by money. making it, saving it, studying it. by the time i was 31, i had earned enough to retire. so i embarked on a new mission -- helping you take care of your money, so you can save more. spend less. and avoid getting ripped off. >> now from his radio studio, your money expert, clark howard. >> all right, i'm really excited. why? because i'm a travel nut. and if you are a travel nut too and you can afford to go somewhere and you have the time, this fall is your friend. because the travel business flat out doesn't have any customers.
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i saw a report recently from the website,, that the average hotel rate in the united states is down by 17% this year from a year ago. that is a huge drop in price. i've even gotten some rooms recently using priceline and hotwire that are in the 30s per night. these aren't flea bags. every sector of travel you look at is a real deal in the time period leading up to just before thanksgivinging. you want to fly somewhere -- the bargains are everywhere. and especially not just in the united states, but to the caribbean and to europe. how about cruises? the fall is always value time on cruises, but especially this year. one thing that's not a bargain right now -- car rentals. car rental rates are going up. but maybe you could walk once
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questions. henry is with us. henry? supposedly we're out of recession. and it doesn't feel like it to you today, does it? >> caller: no, sir. our company filed chapter 11 bankruptcy. what does that mean for the 401(k)? >> all right, 401(k) asks that it should be in the hands of a 401(k) administrator. and the money that you have in the account is your money and cannot be seized as part of your employ employer's chapter 11. i will tell you, though, that the last couple of payroll deductions for your 401(k) may not have ever made it to the 401(k) plan administrator. and that money may be lost in space. but your actual 401(k) account -- you get a statement from -- from an outside company, right? for the 401(k). >> yes -- yes, sir. >> that money stays with them and is at no risk from the
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employer filing bankruptcy. >> caller: the thing that concerns me with the 401(k) is we all quit contributing to our 401(k) in july and we do -- we cannot get any answers about how we can move our money to a -- to a vanguard or whatever. >> your money -- if you have stopped contributing back in the summer, then you don't have to worry about what i said about how some of the money may have been lost. the administrator for the plan continues to administer the plan just as they did before. so you cannot move your money from them as long as you stay employed with the employer. if the employer were to later not make it in bankruptcy and they shut down -- >> caller: yes, sir. >> then the 401(k) money becomes available to each of you and that's when you can move your money to wherever you want in an i.r.a.
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>> yes, sir, okay. >> that part is nothing to worry. that money is safe. and that money will be there for you with the bank and then ultimately for your retirement. ashlee is with us on the "clark howard show." ashlee, how are you? >> caller: i'm fine, clark. good to talk with you. >> good to have you along. i understand you have a mortgage dilemma you want to run by me. buying a property or refinancing one. >> caller: we are thinking of buying a new property. >> yue eou're the one person in america looking to buy a home. >> caller: we're going to sell our home first. that might be challenging. as soon as we can sell our home, we're on the market. the problem we're having is i've talked to several mortgage brokers and they have told me in the price range we're looking for, we're going to need to make a downpayment of 20% because it's in the jumbo loan range. and so it's -- it's frustrating
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because we feel like we can definitely afford the monthly payments and we've got enough for a downpayment that would be in excess of 10%. but getting to -- across the 20% mark would definitely be beyond what we could do immediately. i have had one broker suggest that we could do a piggyback loan where you have the first mortgage under the jumbo loan limit and you put a second mortgage on top of that. that would be an extremely high rate. that would probably be 9%. >> all right, i don't see that as an outsized risk on your part. i don't see that as a horrible thing. what other options are you looking at? >> i have one other suggestion. i think i know what your response to this suggestion would be. one of the workers i spoke to
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said i ought to borrow money from my 401(k) to try to get across the 20% mark. >> as long as the borrowing rate is reasonable on the 401(k), i hope that lightning doesn't strike me down right now -- i think that that would be an acceptable way for you to get to 20%. but i don't dismiss out of hand what you're thinking of doing. if you had called me up and said we have no downpayment money at all. we can come up with it borrowing from our 401(k), that would show me no discipline or habit of saving money on your part. i would say no way you should do that. because it helps you close a gap, i think it would be a reasonable way for you to get it done. next on "clark howard". >> i want to be financially secure. that would mean no mortgage, cash in the bank. where i would be able to live off of my investments. >> they said in seven years, they have never failed to return
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somebody less than -- how much money? >> $52,000 -- it's like -- >> you hear the manure coming a out of that cow, right? t a wholg an anti-aging breakthrough. introducing olay professional pro-x wrinkle protocol. as effective as the leading prescription wrinkle brand. challenge pro-x yourself, we guarantee the results. as the decades have past, the promise of medicare has always been there. and aarp has fought to guarantee none of the benefits you earned were ever taken away. today we're continuing that fight by protecting your freedom to choose the doctors and treatments you need.
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>> lisa is with us. how are you? >> caller: good, how are you? >> you're doing it in the right order. you want to run something by me to make sure it's not a scam. >> yes, i do. very much so. >> what is it that you had the offer of? >> caller: i got contacted by an agency that told me basically that if i give them $2,000 that
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they'll fill out the paperwork and do all of the work of finding grants for me and they're -- out of the seven years they've been working or what not, they never returned less than $53,000 worth of grants to somebody. and i already kind of gotten ripoffs by a grant-writing company, so i'm not very quick to jump at this. >> they said in seven years they have never failed to return somebody less than -- how much money? >> caller: $53,000. >> you hear the manure coming out of that cow, right? >> caller: yeah. >> bull manure. in fact if they've been scamming people for seven years, it's seven years too long.
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this is an old-timy scam with organizations saying they have the inside scoop on grants and you pay them the money and they're going to get that money for you many times over. and that has been around -- it's an oldie but baddy. they don't have your credit card number or checking account number? >> no, negative. definitely not. >> that just breathed a whole lot easier at that point. this is completely bogus. if the clown calls you back again, tell whoever it is that calls you -- tell that person that i said they were a crook, that they should be ashamed of themselves, spell my name and give that hoodlum my phone number and i'm happy to say right to that individual what a creep they are. i'm so glad you're staying out of harm's way. do you want me to be your money coach? well, here's what you've got to do. go to
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then you'll see our video submission button. you submit your question to me and, voila, you might be with me on the tv just like chris -- hi, my name is chris and i need a money coach. i hope to retire in nine years. i just need to know where to put my money. i've been saving money for the past several years. i have some money in an i.r.a. with vanguard and several other i.r.a.s. then i've managed to save some cash on the side. i don't have any debt. i want to be financially secure. that would mean no mortgage, cash in the bank where i would be able to live off of my investments. my question is, how do i protect what i have while being somewhat aggressive in planning for the future? >> chris, you are handling money so well. think about this. by the time you plan to retire, you will have no mortgage. you carry no credit card debt or any other personal debt. and, you've been saving money
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like clockwork, saving for the future. but did you ever make me nervous by saying, do i need to be more aggressive with my investments. all right, this is what i want you to think about. if you look at how many years you are away from retirement, you can't be too aggressive because you wouldn't have time to recover if the markets tanked. at your age, you should have somewhere around 40% to 50% of all your savings in stock-type choices. the other half needs to be more conservatively invested in bond-type choices, cds, savings account, so that you don't put yourself too much at risk. now, let's say you ear in your 20s or 30s. you're in a completely different position and situation. it's fine for you to overwhelmingly -- and you should, actually -- go into the stock-type choices available to you in a retirement plan at work, like a 401(k), or if you
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do a roth account, a form of retirement account that use after-tax dollars. and the most important thing if you're younger -- save like a maniac. you'll be amazed how much money you'll end up with by the time you do decide you don't want to work anymore. next on "clark howard." >> well, all that stuff is going to take seven years from not when you turned 18, but when you stopped paying on all of these things. it will be seven years before those things completely stop harming you. >> wow, that's not good. [ engine powers down ] gentlemen, you booked your hotels on orbitz. well, the price went down, so you're all getting a check thanks. for the difference. except for you -- you didn't book with orbitz, so you're not getting a check. well, i think we've all learned a valuable lesson today. good day, gentlemen. thanks a lot. thank you. introducing hotel price assurance, where if another orbitz customer
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with my grandfather as a co-s h co-signer. i let all of those things get away from me. i decided to get in to music and do the musician thing and i didn't pay for a lot of them. my credit is not in the best of shape. i need to figure out because i have no idea how to get it back on track with a good credit score. i haven't had any credit cards or anything like that. >> first, on the student loans, you know you have to bring the student loans current. >> caller: okay. >> of the things you mentioned, the student loans are the one things that will follow the rest of your life if you don't make amends on those. >> caller: okay. >> so, the first step to getting your credit on the right path. >> caller: mm-hmm. >> you need to go meet with a default counselor. i would get started with that. your grand dad co-signed the car loan? >> caller: yes, sir, the car got repossessed. >> it did. you're paying off the balance? >> caller: the balance. >> well, that's good.
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you're cleaning that up. all that stuff is going to take seven years from not when you turned 18, but when you stopped paying on all of these things. it will be seven years before those things completely stop harming you. that means you're not far away from the negative of these things disappearing from your report. although the items stay on your report for seven years, the good news for you is that once you pay them off, that instantly raises your score a lot. but i have no worry about you, jason. because you make no excuses. you took full responsibility. and now you're making good on the money. i think you're going to be fine with how you handle money the rest of your life. john, how are you doing? >> i'm doing well, how are you? >> good, thank you, john. you are a landlord like me. is that right? >> caller: i am a landlord just within the past two years.
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i have two three units, two triplexes which i have a lease option on. and i'm two years in to that. and the remaining units i have through seller financing. >> wait, wait -- you are such a good sales person that you have convinced all of these people to sell you places and finance the purchases for you? >> caller: yes. only two different individuals and the term is great. but the terms i've got 3% at -- on a 15-year. and i've got a five-year balloon. so my question is -- you know, well, one, i would like the seller to be able to report to a credit agency on my behalf. >> because you're trying to establish a track record so that you, then, can qualify for a loan when the balloon hits? >> right.
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>> right. i have a suggestion for you. because it's going to be hard for you to make that happen. you're trying to get a square peg to fit in a round hole. you need to get to a local community bank where you go and you meet with the president of that bank. >> caller: okay. >> you might want to go to two or three of them. and you go in and you sit down with the president of the bank and you lay out for him or her what it is you're doing. you have the financials for them, and you tell them what your needs are. >> caller: okay. >> and that is how you, as an entrepreneur, build up a long successful relationship with a bank. because you're never going to make that happen with one of the giant banks. and i think that really exciting that you've been able to be so persuasive to get people to owner finance. i think you'll be equally as successful persuading banks to be your partner.
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>> i hate to ever talk about a problem to which i can't offer you an easy remedy or solution. but there's something going on out there that i feel i just got to tell you. and there are precautions you should take to protect yourself. did you know, according to "the washington post," you can hire companies -- a strange term for it. you can hire hackers on the web for $30 or more to crack somebody else's e-mail pass word? so that you can go in to their account and snoop around? who's doing this the most often? well, it's the boyfriend or girlfriend who's worried that somebody's cheating. but it could also be used for any of a number of dishonest purposes, including corporate espionage or finding out information about your finances. so here's what you need to know -- the hackers are going to be able to break in if somebody's determined. but you need to be careful what you store in your e-mail they could gain access to.
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>> welcome to comcast local edition. my guest this hour is dr. faye williams, national chair of the national congress of black women. thank you so much for joining me. >> it's always great to be here. >> now, for those that may not know, what's the mission of the national congress of black women? >> well, we are an organization that works with the community, mainly with young people. we have a program for 9-12 years old where we teach them about the wonderful vocations there are in life. we bring in ambassadors,
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athletes, and we want them to know that they can be more than a singer, dancer, or football player. we have another program for which comcast is our media partner on young ambassadors. we try to teach young adults to navigate life. we teach conflict resolution, about vocations, and about going to school, the importance of time management, discipline, that kind of thing. >> thou, you have an anniversary awards luncheon coming up. you recognize numerous women for their wonderful accomplishments. when is the luncheon? >> sunday, september 27th. people remember it by the sunday morning following the congressional black caucus. it's at 11:00 this year, which is a change of time. >> where is it located? >> this year at the united states naval yard, sixth and m street southeast.
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we're looking forward to having a wonderful time. there's a beautiful view of the water there. >> and in celebrating your 25th anniversary, congratulations, by the way. >> thank youia who are some of our honorees? there's an extensive list. >> we always honor first our founding chairs and fathers. we want to salute them first. janet lange heart corn, we have several other women, we always honor the newly elected blank congresswomen. that will be marsha fudge this year. we have a judge from michigan, judge denise langhart mars, and
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i'm sure we have a couple of more, a general manager of a car dealer, ms. craft from the area, and of course, our wonderful chair, president of the northern verge urban league laverne chapman. regina kelly, the subject of the movie american violet. >> you have an extensive list of women that touch us in so many areas of our lives. >> we have a good mother award. this year it's being received by peter harvey. we are honoring him, because as an attorney general, he worked very hard on domestic violence. that's one of our projects. we honored him. last year we were honored that have kami brown.
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>> thank you for honoring him. >> we are probably the only organization in town that has a $75 fundraising ticket. that's the general admission. there are corporate tickets, member tickets, and general membership tickets, general public tickets. they are selling pretty fast this year. when they hear about the honorees, people want to bring their young children, especially young women to meet these people. they can meet the young lady that flew across the country. >> thank you for joining me. >> we hope to see you there this year. >> my pleasure, definitely. my guest has been dr. faye williams national chair of the national congress of black women. if you're interested in what comcast is doing in your area, go to on demand and click local.
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